DSED :: Volume #5

#436: Brushes the screen Book of Ventures

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Popular recommendation: The camp that Kane they attack had become red and white matching colors completely, inside artisan also walked one after another, starts to patch the camp. 热门推荐:凯恩他们攻下来的营地已经全部变为了红白的配色,里面的工匠也陆陆续续走了出来,开始将营地进行修补。 Not a well-known red military officer also walked, and starts to recruit the soldier in the camp. 一位不知名的红方将领也走了出来,并开始在营地里招募起士兵。 The words that however carefully looks at will find that in the camp was short of Kane and form. 不过仔细看的话会发现营地中少了凯恩和克蕾雅的身影。 However their subordinate soldiers have much are still resting in the camp. 但是他们麾下的士兵却有不少还在营地里休息着。 The towards distant place looks, just can see Kane and form, behind what they follow is more than 200 bow rider. 朝远处看去,刚好能够看见凯恩和克蕾雅的身影,他们身后跟着的是200多名弓骑手。 At this time, Kane is pinching ruby on the collar to get the clip, they are talking over the telephone with Lombe. 此时,凯恩正捏着自己衣领上的红宝石领夹,和隆贝他们通着话。 „Did Lombe, you attack that side camp?” “隆贝,你们将那边的营地攻打下来了吗?” With the stop of a while, the lead(er) clamped to broadcast Lombe's voice. 随着一会儿的停顿,领夹上传来了隆贝的声音。 „, Is Kane, we just hit the camp, now the camp is transforming, said that these soldiers also really obtained strengthened, we lost many subordinates, if were not Medsker, possibly lost many, however......” “啊,是凯恩啊,我们才刚刚将营地打下来,现在营地正在转换呢,说起来这些士兵还真是获得了加强呢,我们损失了不少的部下,如果不是梅兹克的话,可能损失得更多,但是啊……” Kane has not said anything, Lombe starts in channel verbose grumbling. 凯恩还没说什么,隆贝就开始在频道里絮絮叨叨的发着牢骚。 Stops stops from time to time, these I know, I had other things to you tell.” “停停停,这些我都知道,我有其他的事情要跟你说。” Kane conducted interruption hastily, otherwise, Lombe will keep saying there. 凯恩连忙进行了打断,不然的话,隆贝又会在那里说个不停。 Was broken by Kane suddenly, after prosperous Beica one next, said: What's wrong? What matter?” 凯恩突然打断,隆贝卡了一下后说道:“怎么啦?什么事?” Under you had many soldiers to arrive at the bottleneck, must lead and us first goes to the altar to conduct the promotion together.” “你们麾下有不少士兵已经到达瓶颈了吧,要不要带着和我们一起先去祭坛内进行晋升。” Un?” “嗯?” „Can soldier also promote?” “士兵还能升级的?” Hears the ruby to lead Lombe's words that in the clip transmits, Kane to sigh reluctantly. 听到红宝石领夹里传来的隆贝的话语,凯恩无奈地叹了口气。 Li path path know to promote, Lombe does not know unexpectedly, really! Yes!! Stone! Head! Ha.” “莉路路都知道能够升级,隆贝居然不知道,真!是!个!石头!脑袋!哈哈哈。” The Li path path voice suddenly appears in the channel, later hangs up rapidly, does not give the opportunity that Lombe refuted. 莉路路的声音突然出现在频道内,随后又迅速挂断,不给隆贝反驳的机会。 Oh, doesn't Lombe, make you read these materials well?” “唉,隆贝,不是让你好好的看一看那些资料吗?” Aiya, the character were too many, cannot remember.” Even if promotes to become the silver, still has not let Lombe's head miraculous glow many. “哎呀,字太多了,根本记不住啊。”即使升级成为银色,也依然没有让隆贝的脑袋灵光多少。 Kane no longer intertwines this matter: Ok, did not say these, you bring quickly the long-distance soldier who arrived at the bottleneck period leaves the long-distance soldier your present position more than 40 kilometers away to promote the altar, there left us to be farther, when your camps transformed the action, we almost arrived together.” 凯恩不再纠结这事:“好了,不说这些了,你快带着到达瓶颈期的远程士兵去离你现在位置大约40多公里外的远程士兵晋升祭坛,那里离我们要远一些,等你们营地转换完毕行动,我们差不多一起到达。” „, Good, without issue, we later.” “哦哦哦,好的,没问题,我们随后就到。” Then, Lombe hung up. 说完,隆贝就挂断了。 Kane continues to lead, on the position toward map hurries. 凯恩则继续带着克蕾雅,向着地图上的位置赶去。 At this time suddenly spooky saying: You determined that Lombe knows place that you said? He possibly does not know that what the symbol of altar is? Perhaps has not brought the map that in the material supplements also to have the possibility.” 这时候克蕾雅突然幽幽的说道:“你确定隆贝知道你说的地方吗?他可能都不知道祭坛的标志是什么样的?说不定根本就没有带资料里附带的地图也有可能。” Hears words, Kane taps the head: Right, I forgot.” 听到克蕾雅的话,凯恩一拍脑袋:“对呀,我都忘了。” Kane is preparing to clamp the relation through the ruby lead(er), actually put down suddenly, smiles saying: All right.” 凯恩正准备通过红宝石领夹联系,却又突然放下了,笑了一笑说道:“没事的。” But after another side Lombe hangs up, thinks that do not know the soldier who Kane said promotes the altar is what damned place, his soldier can promote does not know, who would have guessed that this gadget. 而另一边隆贝挂断后才想起来自己根本不知道凯恩说的士兵晋升祭坛是什么鬼地方,他连士兵能够晋升都不知道,哪知道这玩意儿呀。 While he prepares to lead the clip relates Kane the time through the ruby, actually side the discovery handed over a map. 正当他准备通过红宝石领夹联系凯恩的时候,却发现旁边递过来了一张地图。 Received the map to look, the place of promotion altar by drawing a circle mark good, the position that they are even at now is also drawn a mark. 接过地图一看,晋升祭坛的地方已经被画圈标好,连他们现在所在的位置也画了个标记。 Even fears him unable to understand, above also marked these two places with the writing carefully, and also past route drawing. 甚至怕他看不懂,上面还精心用文字标明了这两个地方,并且还将过去的路线给画好。 Lombe turns the head to look, Medsker who gives his map has walked toward other wounded person. 隆贝转头看去,递给他地图的梅兹克已经朝着其他的伤员走去了。 He also got the clip to know through the ruby, words that Kane spoke. 他也通过红宝石领夹知道了,凯恩说的话。 Thanks! Good brothers.” Lombe shouted loudly. “谢啦!好兄弟。”隆贝大声喊到。 What received is Medsker the back that puts out a hand to lay out. 收到的是梅兹克伸出手摆摆的背影。 After several hours of long-range raid. 经过几个小时的奔袭。 Kane has arrived at the position that on the map has marked. 凯恩已经到了地图上标记的位置。 At this time what before him is a palatial thin high mountain peak, looks that just like a giant sword hilt the same as attack on the ground. 此时在他面前的是一座巍峨的细高山峰,看着就犹如一个巨大的剑柄一样直插在地上。 Entire mountain peak four sides almost vertical, above has the woods that the green and luxuriant plant and height vary. 整个山峰的四面几乎完全垂直,上面有着郁郁葱葱的植物以及高矮不一的树林。 This place looks that also very has the flavor. 这地方看着还挺有味道的。 Kane turns the head to say to: This foot is not spacious, where our two wrap is transferring one to have a look at the altar.” 凯恩转过头来对着克蕾雅说道:“这山脚并不宽敞,我们两个包着转一圈看看祭坛在什么地方。” Does not have the issue.” “没问题。” Two people belt/bring more than 100 soldiers run respectively toward the two sides. 两人各带100多名士兵向着两边分别跑去。 However when their two in another side meet, shakes the head respectively. 然而他们两个在另外一边碰头时,都各自摇摇头。 Kane is frowning, rubs an own chin saying: What's the matter? Why didn't have to find? Should be this position.” 凯恩皱着眉头,摩擦了一下自己的下巴说道:“怎么回事?为什么没找到呢?应该是这个位置呀。” Was saying turns the head to look Youyou that to own asked: „The Youyou determination is here, without belt/bring wrong road.” 说着转头看向自己脚下的悠悠问道:“悠悠确定是这里,没有带错路吧。” Without the place that the master, on the map marks is here.” Youyou shakes the head to say. “没有的主人,地图上标记的地方就是这里。”悠悠摇头说道。 This felt strange.” “这就奇怪了。” Said in side: Can be relations that because this dungeon stakes everything on a single throw of the dice, therefore destroyed these altars or hiding.” 克蕾雅在旁边说道:“会不会是因为这地牢孤注一掷的关系,所以将这些祭坛摧毁了或者给隐藏了起来。” Really has this possibility.” The Kane nod said. “确实有这个可能。”凯恩点头说道。 „It is not first anxious, first looks to look.” Was saying Kane opened Book of Ventures, Carried on to change to own skill. “不过先不急,先找找看。”说着凯恩打开了【冒险之书】,对自己的技能进行了一下改变。 The charm gushes out from the hand, a silver compass was constructed. 魔力从手中涌出,一个银色的罗盘被构建了出来。 Like this skill, is really whole time has no need, but truly can play the vital role at crucial moment. 像这种技能,真的是大部分时间用不着,但在关键的时候确实能发挥重要的作用。 Kane thinks, in the appearance of altar material describing, and labelled is the long-distance upgrade uses. 凯恩想了想,将资料中祭坛的样子给描述了出来,并且标注了是远程升级所使用的。 Afterward sees only the indicator on compass to start to rotate, but the direction is not fixed, a while toward right a while toward left. 随后只见罗盘上的指针开始转动起来,但是方向并不固定,一会儿朝右一会儿朝左。 This indicated that the Kane goal has many places. 这说明凯恩的目标有着许多处。 Kane is frowning, the compass is rotating, explained that in the dungeon truly has the altar that the soldier promotes, looks at the frequency of rotation, explained that also incessantly, had not been destroyed. 凯恩皱着眉头,罗盘在转动,就说明地牢里确实有着士兵晋升的祭坛,看着转动的频率,说明还不止一处,并没有被摧毁。 That might be the position change, or was hidden. 那就有可能是位置发生了变动,或者说是被隐藏了起来。 Kane constructs again in the brain, and front the will also give to describe like the sword hilt alone bee. 凯恩再次在脑中构建起来,并且将面前的这座如剑柄般的独蜂也给描述了进去。 This indicator no longer moves heedlessly finally, aims at Kane straightly their front. 这次指针终于不再乱动,笔直指向凯恩他们的前方。 Walks us to pass.” “走我们过去。” Was saying Kane then following indicator the direction that refers to moved. 说着凯恩便跟着指针的所指的方向动了起来。 However they have not walked several hundred meters distance, the indicator suddenly. 然而他们并没有走几百米的距离,指针又忽然朝后。 „Under foot?” “就在脚下嘛?” That explained that the altar was truly hidden. 那就说明祭坛确实是被隐藏了起来。 Also knew this situation similarly, with Kane together in surroundings careful observation. 克蕾雅也同样知道了这情况,和凯恩一起在周围仔细的观察起来。 How to hide? Walks not in the under foot discovery difference, what do the surroundings have to feel strange the place? 到底怎么隐藏的呢?走过去并没有在脚下发现异样,周围有什么奇怪之处吗? The charm responded that does not have. 魔力反应也没有。 Kane cannot see in the surroundings, then starts to raise the head to look around. 凯恩在周围看不见,便开始抬头张望。 Un? 嗯? He suddenly discovered that looked toward the mountain peak from own direction can see the leaves and hagberries of several trees composes one to be similar to the round target same shape. 他突然发现从自己的这个方向朝山峰上看去能够看见几棵树木的树叶以及树果组成了一个类似于圆靶一样的形状。 Among is just a red apple. 正中间刚好是一颗红色的苹果。 When he discovers this situation. 当他发现这一情形时。 The under foot presented a circular small circle, position that just a person stands. 脚下出现了一个圆形的小圈,刚好一个人站立的位置。 How was this?” Looks at the Kane under foot sudden ring, asked. “这是怎么了?”克蕾雅看着凯恩脚下突然出现的圆环,问道。 Looks that the ring of under foot is looking the target that oneself look up that nature that composes. 看着脚下的圆环在看着自己抬头望去的那个自然组成的箭靶。 Understood. 懂了。 Kane turns the head to say to: All right, I discovered a small decipher.” 凯恩转头对着克蕾雅说道:“没事,我发现了一个小解密。” The hand to condense a long bow. 说着手上凝聚出了一把长弓。 Kane is looking at the long bow on hand, was really. 凯恩看着手上的长弓,真是久违了。 Afterward the left hand condensed an arrow to lose, with flooding into of charm, this arrow lost more and more congealing reality, finally really changed into. 随后左手凝聚出了一根箭失,随着魔力的涌入,这根箭失越来越凝实,最后化为了真实。 Kane builds the bow to aim at the red fruit of that gold. 凯恩搭弓瞄准着那箭靶中心的红果子。 Rests!” “休!” The arrow loses straight flew. 箭失直直的飞了过去。 Center the fruit, and shot it. 正中果实,并将它射了下来。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The under foot of Kane presented the vibration. 凯恩的脚下出现了震动。 Several fast jumps, Kane flashed toward side, others also draw back rapidly. 几个快速的跳跃,凯恩朝旁边闪了过去,其他人也迅速退开。 Before Kane , the position that occupies, the ground starts to appear shocks a giant circular stone platform, raising slowly. 凯恩之前所占的位置,地面开始出现震动一块巨大的圆形石台,缓缓的升起。 With raising of stone platform, the surrounding sandy soil also starts to gather toward the middle. 随着石台的升起,周围的沙土也开始朝中间汇聚。 In many, bends the bow the nocking, partly is kneeling the long-distance soldier models weakly, condenses in the center. 没过多时,一个弯弓搭箭,半跪着的远程士兵凋塑,凝聚在中央。 However these information have not written in the material, such important information is impossible to conceal intentionally, explained that this is the alone case that Kane they meet. 然而这些信息并没有写在资料上,这样重要的信息不可能故意隐瞒,说明这是凯恩他们遇见的独例。 Kane this matter in heart. 凯恩将这事记在心中。 Altar had also appeared, Lombe haven't they arrived?” Kane asked. “祭坛也已经出现了,隆贝他们还没到吗?”凯恩问道。 Shakes the head, said: Although the distance of they and altar is nearer than us, the soldiers but who we carry after all is a cavalry, but their long-distance soldiers are the infantries, the affirmative action speed wants to be slower.” 克蕾雅摇摇头,说道:“虽然他们和祭坛的距离比我们更近,但是毕竟我们携带的士兵都是骑兵,而他们的远程士兵又都是步兵,肯定行动速度要慢一些。” Hears words, Kane also nods, he forgot this actually. 听到克蕾雅的话,凯恩也点点头,他倒是忘了这茬儿。 Afterward then started to wait for patiently. 随后便开始耐心的等待了起来。 How long however has not made them wait, heard the distant place to broadcast Lombe's voice. 不过也并没有让他们等待多久,就听见远处传来了隆贝的声音。 Oh ~ good brothers, I to come.” “唉~好兄弟,我来了。” The person's shadow has not seen clearly, the sound first passed on. 人影还没看清楚,声音就先传了过来。 Distant place Lombe is leading the soldier and Medsker slightly runs over. 远处隆贝正带着士兵和梅兹克小跑过来。 The flash of walking, Lombe starts to look around around the altar. 走过来的一瞬间,隆贝就开始绕着祭坛看来看去。 The hand also touched, is asking to Kane: The altar that good brothers, this is did you say that soldier who promotes? Looks how the outward appearance broken.” 手还摸了摸,对着凯恩问道:“好兄弟,这个就是你说的那个士兵晋升的祭坛吗?看着外观怎么破兮兮的。” Kane ill-humored saying: How you manage his outward appearance, easy-to-use on line, moreover is not you uses.” 凯恩没好气的说道:“你管他外观怎么样,好用就行,而且又不是你用。” Hehe, said also right.” “嘿嘿,说的也对。” Lombe buckles saying that the back of the head is laughing foolishly. 隆贝扣着自己后脑勺傻笑的说道。 Afterward to behind these archers and crossbowmen, is beckoning saying: Comes, the brothers, are on this altar , to promote the promotion to you.” 随后对着自己身后的那些弓弩手,招招手说道:“来来来,兄弟们,登上这个祭坛,给你们升级升级。” Kane looks appearance that Lombe must first try, does not have to stop many. 凯恩看着隆贝要先试试的样子,也没有多加阻拦。 In any case before , after , is the same. 反正谁前谁后都一样。 Lombe leads behind the soldier, Kane looked at the range estimate to have 300, moreover is the ordinary crossbow soldier and even/including Nubing mixes up. 隆贝身后带着的士兵,凯恩了看了看目测有300名,而且是普通的弩兵和连弩兵混在一起的。 These soldiers under Lombe's greeting, stood the altar. 这些士兵在隆贝的招呼下,纷纷站上了祭坛。 They gather round middle withering to stand to outside likely layer by layer. 他们围着中间的凋像一层一层向外面站着。 The area of this altar is big, 300 soldiers very relaxed stands above. 这祭坛的面积还不小,300名士兵很轻松的就在上面站好。 Yeah, how to have the response? How can promote?” Lombe asked. “哎,怎么没反应呀?要怎么升级?”隆贝问道。 I come.” Nearby Medsker said. “我来。”旁边的梅兹克说道。 The military rank badge of his chest is flashing the light slightly. 他胸口的军衔徽章正在微微闪着光。 Saw only him to put out a hand to select selected own badge. 只见他伸出手点了点自己的徽章。 The altar together soared to the heavens ray covers completely, if this ray periphery has the enemy, definitely caught up. 祭坛被一道冲天的光芒给完全笼罩,这光芒要是周围有敌人的话,肯定就赶过来了。 After the ray raises, approximately crossed for 20-30 seconds then dissipates. 光芒升起后,大约过了20-30秒的时间便消散。 But the bow crossbow soldier in platform, traded an appearance completely. 而平台上的弓弩兵,也完全换了一种模样。 The soldier who because promotes has the ordinary crossbow soldier and even/including Nubing, therefore the above soldier has two different dressing up. 由于晋升的士兵有普通的弩兵和连弩兵,所以上方的士兵有着两种不同的装扮。 First puts on whole body glossy light armor, the hand is mid-level a giant crossbow trigger mechanism, the size of that bow crossbow had a soldier upper part is so high quickly. 首先是穿着全身油亮的轻甲,手中端着一个巨大的弩机,那弓弩的大小都快有士兵一个上半身那么高了。 Their back also no longer quivers, but one after another probably short lance same crossbow bolt. 他们的背后也不再是箭袋,而是一排一排像是短矛一样的弩箭。 Waist don't a tall and slender short-sword. 腰间别着一柄细长的短剑。 Another branch of the services, then has two arm long hand crossbows, the armor of whole body compares nearby wants to be sincerer. 另外一个兵种,则是有着两个手臂长的手弩,全身的铠甲相比旁边的要厚重一些。 On head helmet is also similar to the goggles same equipment. 头上的头盔上还有一个类似于护目镜一样的装备。 Carries on the back carries two to quiver alternately, the waist is also hanging two crossbow bolts to quiver. 背上交叉背着两个箭袋,腰间也悬挂着两个弩箭箭袋。 But in the hand take that two arm long hand crossbows also still have the magazine. 而手上拿着的那两个手臂长的手弩也依然有着弹匣。 Then does not need to think, this soldier definitely is even/including Nubing promotes. 那么不用多想,这士兵肯定就是连弩兵升级而成的。 „In a big hurry quick, making me take a good look.” Lombe's impatient saying. “快快快下来,让我好好看看。”隆贝迫不及待的说道。 Looks after these soldiers get down, Kane also ascended rapidly by own soldier. 看着这些士兵下来后,凯恩也迅速让自己的士兵登上去。 After he somewhat is also impatient wants to have a look at oneself soldier to promote, is how. 他也有些迫不及待想看看自己的士兵升级后是怎么样的。 After Mounted archery is leading a horse to step onto the altar completely, because their each one brings a horse, causing the entire altar to seem somewhat crowded. 弓骑兵全部牵着马走上了祭坛后,由于他们各自都带着一匹马,导致整个祭坛显得有些拥挤。 Looks the own chest shining badge, Kane selected above slightly. 看着自己胸口微微发亮的徽章,凯恩在上面点了点。 In the brain presented an information. 脑中出现了一道信息。 Promotion bow rider, each expenditure meritorious military service 4 points. 升级弓骑手,每名花费战功四点。 This was equivalent recruits the expense of bow rider, but Kane just fired off two, on body meritorious military service wealthy, direct selection use. 这相当于招募弓骑手的费用了,不过凯恩刚打完两场,身上身上的战功富裕的很,直接选择了使用。 The ray that soars to the heavens raises similarly. 冲天的光芒同样升起。 Waiting that Kane anticipates, the subordinate soldier promotion, this type feels the bewildered very anticipation. 凯恩期待的等待,自己麾下的士兵升级,这种感觉莫名其妙的非常期待。 As if was the dream of some childhood? 似乎又是某种儿时的梦想? In the anticipation of Kane, the light beam continued approximately to be close for one minute abated. 凯恩的期待中,光柱持续了大约接近一分钟的时间才消退。 Are the time of foundation expense stronger branch of the services expenditure much? 基础费用更强的兵种花费的时间更多吗? However these bow crossbow soldiers seem like mix up, has even/including Nu such five fees. 不过那些弓弩兵似乎是混在一起的,也有着连弩这样的五费。 However Kane has not examined these soldiers with enough time. 然而凯恩还没来得及查看那些士兵。 At present then quilt Book of Ventures Brushing screen. 眼前便被【冒险之书】给刷屏了。 Links fetters with Abbey 【与艾比链接羁绊】 And Mark link fetters 【与马克链接羁绊】 Links fetters with Carlo 【与克罗链接羁绊】 Links fetters with Rob 【与罗伯链接羁绊】 ...... …… Condition achieves, recent information looks pending 【条件达成,新的情报待查看】 The dense and numerous link fetters prompt, last has not seen prompt. 密密麻麻的链接羁绊提示,最后一个还是没有见过的提示。
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