DSED :: Volume #5

#435: Promotes the altar

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Popular recommendation: The soldier who more than 2000 wear the blue armor, runs fast toward the front camp. 热门推荐:2000多名身穿蓝色的铠甲的士兵,向着前方的营地快速跑去。 Their bodies more or less have the scar, but at least these scars do not affect their battle efficiencies and abilities to act. 他们的身上或多或少都有着伤痕,不过至少这些伤痕并不影响他们的战斗力以及行动能力。 Is injured the influence excessive as for these, has poured in Kane that the halfway was pursued they gets rid of. 至于那些受伤影响过重的,早就倒在了半途被追上来的凯恩他们干掉。 On the blue camp wooden wall, a military officer is putting on the heavy/thick armor. 蓝色营地木墙上,一位将领正穿着厚重的铠甲。 After he sees these soldiers, immediately is shouting to under own soldier: Quickly, the door opens in a big hurry, lets that they come to be ready to meet the enemy.” 他看见那些士兵后,立刻对着下面自己的士兵喊道:“快快快,将门打开,让他们进来做好迎敌的准备。” Sees such scene not to need to want also to know, definitely was own allies ambushes the failure. 看见这样的场景不用多想也知道,肯定是自己的战友们埋伏失败了。 Moreover he has not seen. The form of that master military officer, it seems like also perished. 而且他还没有看见。那位法师将领的身影,看来也殒命了。 Idiot, told them, this time enemy very powerful, lets him and I together, this may defend the camp, really felt oneself are very fierce, died really got what one deserves.” “蠢货,都跟他们说了,这次的敌人非常的强大,让他和我一起,这样才有可能守住营地,真觉得自己很厉害,死了真是活该。” This military officer is also grumbling loudly. 这位将领还大声发着牢骚。 Although he they have not fought with truly, but in his front the strength of that several camp, he is very clear. 他虽然没有和克蕾雅他们真正交手过,但在他前方的那几座营地的实力,他可是非常清楚的。 In several days were pulled out three continually are what concept he are frightened at that time miserably, finally who knows that the one who supports is an arrogant idiot. 几天内被连拔三座是什么概念他可是当时被吓惨了,结果谁知道支援过来的是一个自大的蠢货。 Is some studied stupidly the idiots! 都是些学傻了的蠢货! Really unlucky. 真是倒霉透顶了。 However fortunately, does not know the soldier strength why this period of time as well as wield strengthened significantly. 不过还好,不知道为什么这段时间自己以及自己挥下的士兵实力大幅度加强了。 Gracious gift of ascending the sky. 上天的恩赐。 Hopes this can help him defend the camp. 希望这能帮他将营地守住。 , He sees the dust that the distant place raised from afar, and hears the hoofbeat that passed on, immediately turns the head to exclaim to below soldier loudly. 远远的,他看见了远处扬起的尘埃,并听见了传过来的马蹄声,立刻转头对着下方的士兵大声吼道。 Preparation, the enemy came, his mother gave me to assert with confidence the sword.” “准备,敌人来了,都他妈给我把剑拿稳了。” Kane they have not rushed to front of the camp directly, but stopped in several hundred meters position. 凯恩他们并没有直接冲到营地面前,而是停在了几百米的位置。 The front does not need to know that has the dense and numerous traps, because the footprint of under foot has betrayed. 前方不用想就知道有着密密麻麻的陷阱,因为脚下的脚印已经出卖了。 The footprint of soldiers these escape, very neat, in the front circled several. 那些逃回来的士兵们的脚印,非常整齐的在前方绕了几下。 Bang!” “砰!” Several shells flew, the ground plow before opposite camp. 几颗炮弹飞了出去,将对面营地前的地面犁了一遍。 When the mist and dust diverges, the trap of ground was almost destroyed, the pothole of ground also revealed. 当烟尘散去时,地面的陷阱几乎都被摧毁了,地上的坑洞也都显露了出来。 Kane looks at the enemy that guard strict camp, looks inside that is arranging densely and numerously charm response. 凯恩看着敌方那守卫严密的营地,看着里面那密密麻麻排列着的魔力反应。 To be honest, he really wants to come a pleasant surprise to fly now, smashes the entire camp directly. 说实话,他现在真想来一颗惊喜飞过去,将整个营地直接端掉。 However thinks or considers as finished, for such a young camp exposes is not inappropriate this move. 不过想想还是算了,为了这么一座小营地将这一招暴露出去不合适。 After all this attack sound very big, the enemy knows, certainly to this will recruit into line of guards, was inferior that the 1st effect was so good. 毕竟这种攻击动静非常的大,敌人知道后一定就会对这一招进行防范,就不如第一次的效果那么好了。 Let alone such attack possibly can also send out now one time, almost pressing out to do his charm one time. 更别说这样的攻击可能现在也只是能发出一次,一次几乎就会将他的魔力给榨干。 Because this move of essence is a charm concentrates, the skill of then exploding. 因为这一招的本质就是一个魔力浓缩,然后爆炸的技巧。 Because the Kane charm is extremely numerous, therefore appears the effect exaggeratingly extremely. 只是因为凯恩的魔力极多,所以显得效果极其的夸张。 However Kane has not wanted to use the shell. 不过凯恩也并没有想要使用炮弹。 Just that meeting engagement, has consumed his many charm, his present demon strength drinks the demon medicine also to recover some little time, therefore directly used the charm waterdrop that stored up. 刚刚的那场遭遇战,已经消耗了他不少的魔力,他现在的魔力量喝魔药也得恢复好一会儿,所以直接使用了储存起来的魔力泪滴。 What is main was his Eagle-Eye had seen on the wooden wall that quarter unusual covert charm rune/symbol writing. 最主要的是他的鹰眼已经看见了木墙上那刻的非常隐蔽的魔力符文。 Although may not completely understand these rune/symbol writing meanings, but looks to be the defense roughly, right that uses is the magic cover, after all the attack of Kane has used many were times, the information has spread over each camp of enemy. 虽然不一定能够完全理解这些符文的意思,但大致上看去应该是防御,所使用的搞不好又是魔法罩,毕竟凯恩的攻击已经使用了很多次了,信息早就传遍了敌人的各个营地。 Their previous time said that the long-distance arrow rain covered was not easy-to-use, had the charm cover of air defense each time. 克蕾雅他们上次就说远程箭雨覆盖不怎么好使了,每次都有防空的魔力罩子。 Sees here, Kane turns the head to say. 看到这里,凯恩转头对着克蕾雅说道。 Waits for, my starting armor destroyed his wooden wall directly in the past, you follow.” “等一下,我直接开机甲过去将他的木墙摧毁,你们紧随其后。” Hears the Kane words, nods. 听见凯恩的话,克蕾雅点点头。 racing wells up the charm gushes out fast, starts to construct the dense and numerous metal components in the surroundings, 奔涌的魔力快速涌出,在周围开始构建密密麻麻的金属器件, Wraps him, and more binds is thicker, delays bigger and bigger, less than one second of time, more than a 10 meters high mechanical giant appeared in the front of people. Attacks a city special-purpose- ruins manufacturer. 将他包裹起来,并且越裹越厚,延展得越来越高大,一秒不到的时间,一座十多米高的机械巨人就出现在了众人的面前。攻城专用-废墟制造者。 This machine The most conspicuous is his heavy/thick upper part, as well as his giant machinery both arms, the build of both arms adds to be huger than his body. 这台机甲最显眼的就是他那厚重的上半身,以及他那巨大的机械双臂,双臂的体型加起来比他的身体还要巨大。 But the lower part appears very tiny, what are more is a nozzle. 而下半身则显得非常的细小,更多的是喷口。 On!” “上了!” Finishing speaking of Kane, the lower part direct ejection, the nozzle blowout blue flame, bringing Kane to rush over toward opposite wooden wall directly. 凯恩的话音刚落,下半身直接弹射,喷口喷出蓝色的火焰,带着凯恩直接朝着对面的木墙冲了过去。 Attack!” “进攻!” Leads the soldier to follow. 克蕾雅带着士兵紧随其后。 The enemies are certainly impossible to sit waiting for death, the dense and numerous arrow rain shot toward them. 敌人当然不可能坐以待毙,密密麻麻的箭雨朝着他们射了过来。 These arrows lost shoot in the body of Kane machinery, sent out sound that bit the winter winter. 这些箭失射在了凯恩机械的身躯上,发出了叮叮冬冬的声音。 All cavalries held up the shield in hand, bends the waist hides the body under the shield with every effort. 身后所有的骑兵都举起了手中的盾牌,弯腰尽力将身体藏在盾牌下方。 However has Kane to prevent about half of arrows to lose for them in the front. 不过有着凯恩在前方为他们阻挡了将近一半的箭失。 Bang!” “砰!” Under the giant power, the ruins manufacturer hit directly on the wooden wall, a charm cover appeared in the midair, protected the entire camp in. 巨大的动力下,废墟制造者直接撞在了木墙上,一层魔力罩出现在了半空中,将整个营地保护在其内部。 On the ruins manufacturer both arms of Kane driving also highlighted the huge drill bit direct hit on the wooden wall, starts the crazy rotation. 凯恩驾驶的废墟制造者双臂上也突出了巨大的钻头直接撞击在了木墙上,开始疯狂的转动。 Rotation at the same time, turns the head also the emanation explosive sound of keeping. 转动的同时,转头还在不停的发出爆炸声。 These explosions gather top the drill bit, with revolving of drill bit, energy also flooding into of keeping. 这些爆炸汇聚在钻头顶部,随着钻头的旋转,能量还在不停的涌入。 The entire defense cover has not experienced the fluctuation, the place that but Kane faces presented many fissures. 整个防护罩并没有出现波动,但凯恩面对的地方出现了不少的裂痕。 Card observes!” “卡察!” Just likes the glass destroyed sound resounds, following is the fierce explosive sound and wooden wall by the sound of scrap. 犹如玻璃被打碎的声音响起,随之而来的便是剧烈的爆炸声以及木墙被炸碎的声音。 Overall magic cover still also very complete, presented a shatter gap in Kane front position magic cover. 整体的魔法罩依然还非常的完好,就只是在凯恩面前的位置魔法罩出现了一道破碎的缺口。 The following wooden wall is collapsing. 连带着后面的木墙都倒塌了。 Why! Why the magic cover will only break a place, this is not correct, you did anything!” “为什么!为什么魔法罩只会破碎一个地方,这不正确,你干了什么!” On wooden wall military officer, panic loud shouting. 木墙上得将领,惊慌失措大声的喊道。 He is incomprehensible, why will the magic cover only present a spot the crack? 他不能理解,魔法罩为什么只会出现一个部位的破口? This is the cover of charm constitution, is not the genuine coverglass. 这是魔力构成的罩子,又不是真正的玻璃罩。 Do not despise this period of time me in magic with the effort that in rune/symbol Wen's knowledge makes! Kane shouts in the heart greatly. 不要小看这段时间我在魔法阵与符文的知识上所作出的努力啊!凯恩在心中大喊道。 As Kane flushed, the soldier also files. 随着凯恩冲了进去,身后的士兵也鱼贯而入。 The present is catching a turtle in a jar time. 现在是瓮中捉鳖的时候了。 ...... …… Kane has wielded to disperse machine armor, sat in camp middle Zhihuiying , the entire camps started to transform to the red-white from blue white matching colors. 凯恩已经挥散掉了机甲,坐在了营地中间的指挥营中,整个营地都开始从蓝白的配色向红白转变。 This time soldier loses is a much less.” Looks combat report that oneself hand over, sigh with emotion saying. “这次的士兵损失的有点多啊。”克蕾雅看着自己手下递过来的战报,感慨的说道。 Soldier total that they lead in 2000. 他们所带领的士兵总数在2千名。 However and one attacked a city after a meeting engagement post-war, unexpectedly had the losses of more than 500 soldiers. 然而经过一场遭遇战和一场攻城战后,居然有了500多名士兵的损失。 This before was not able imagine, even if did not have Medsker's assuming personal command, should not so many losses. 这在之前是不可想象的,就算没有梅兹克的坐镇,也不应该有这么多的损失。 However does not have the means that the strength of enemy truly obtained very big enhancement. 但是没有办法,敌军的实力确实获得了很大的加强。 Although regarding Kane, but cuts a blade and cuts the differences of two blades, but regarding these soldiers, that is fatal. 虽然对于凯恩和克蕾雅来说,不过是砍一刀和砍两刀的区别,但对于那些士兵来说,那就是致命的。 The enemy most strengths of above them . Moreover the quantity is also their several times. 敌军大部分的实力本身就在他们之上,而且数量还远是他们的几倍之多。 Even if has gain enhancement to enable their short time to be locked in a stalemate with the strength of enemy, because of the number of enemy, and made Kane they intercept majority, still wanted them many. 即使有着克蕾雅的增益加强使他们短时间能够和敌人的实力相持,但是因为敌人的数量,及使凯恩他们拦截了大部分,依然要多过他们。 Therefore such loss, actually it can be said that one win heartily. 所以这样的损失,其实可以说是一场酣畅大胜的。 But these soldiers also truly obtained won some experiences heartily, as well as body restoration. 而这些士兵也确实获得了酣畅大胜有的经验,以及身体恢复。 This does not have the matter of means that after all the dungeon staked everything on a single throw of the dice.” Kane is saying also appraises the spoils of war that is collecting. “这也是没有办法的事情呀,毕竟地牢都孤注一掷了。”凯恩边说着还边鉴定着收集起来的战利品。 Looks at outside soldier, Kane said suddenly: As if follows earliest our that group of soldiers, but also living, has been arriving at the bottleneck of strength.” 看着外面的士兵,凯恩忽然说道:“似乎最早跟着我们的那批士兵,还活着的,都已经到达实力的瓶颈了呢。” Hears the Kane words, nods: We went back before has many soldiers to arrive at the bottleneck, this time were more.” 听到凯恩的话,克蕾雅点点头:“我们之前回去的时候就已经有不少的士兵到达瓶颈了,这次就更多了。” The soldiers can absorb to experience through victories, obtain the rise in strength, however such promotion limited, generally will arrive at the bottleneck to the silver close to the silver middle-grade rank, bogs down. 士兵们可以通过一场场胜利而吸取经验,获得实力上的提升,但是这样的提升是有限度的,一般到了银色靠近银色中等的级别就会到达瓶颈,停滞不前。 Wants again their strength more further rises, according to material that mother gives. 想要再将他们的实力更进一步的提升,根据克蕾雅母亲所给予的资料上来看。 Needs them to the altar that a soldier promotes, spends some meritorious military service to promote their soldiers for the higher level army. 需要他们去往一处士兵晋升的祭坛,花费些许的战功将他们的士兵提升为更高级的部队。 This can raise one section the limits of these armies, but can also obtain some simple army skills, to promote their battle efficiencies. 这样就能将这些部队的极限拔高一截,还能获得一些简单的军阵技能,以提升他们的战斗力。 Or was they had the construction power of special army, can without expenditure meritorious military service, turned into the special branch of the services their subordinate soldiers. 或者说是他们拥有了特殊部队的构建权,也能够在不花费战功的情况下,将他们麾下的士兵变成特殊兵种。 Like this their limits were naturally also raised, but this situation somewhat was rare. 这样他们的极限自然也被拔高了,不过这种情况就有些稀有了。 It is said generally must meet some not to belong to the free spirits of two sides can obtain. 据说一般都得遇到一些不归属于两方的自由之灵才能够获得。 Similar to meeting NPC of hidden completes their tasks, obtaining the duty reward is the same. 类似于遇见隐藏的NPC完成他们的任务,获得任务奖励一样。 However this situation, in has not become in the dungeon world, lets Callian words develops the possibility of more life body. 不过这种情况,在还未成为地牢的世界中,让卡莲来说的话就是发展更多生命体的可能性。 Has a look at some waste life bodies to can also be saved. 看看一些废物生命体还有没有救。 Naturally, Kane these two young girl branch of the services that recruits in the open country camp, similarly is the maximum limit, they can rise to the silver bottleneck period. 当然啦,凯恩在野外营地招募的这两个少女兵种,也同样是最高的极限,她们能够一路升到银色瓶颈期。 It is not they cannot rise to the golden rank, is only this dungeon limit this, or after that world was shattered the fragment limit this. 并非他们不能升到黄金级别,只是这座地牢的极限就这样,或者说,那世界破碎后的这块碎片的极限就这样。 Kane from own space equipment, the map shop in material on front table. 凯恩从自己的空间装备里,将资料中的地图铺在了面前的桌子上。 I remember the altar that the soldier promotes, probably in the position of not far away, where making me have a look.” “我记得士兵晋升的祭坛,有一座好像就在不远处的位置,让我看看在哪儿。” „, Found.” “哦,找到了。” Kane is pointing at to their more than 60 kilometers mountain, was saying. 凯恩指着离他们60多公里处的一处高山脚下,对着克蕾雅说道。 What meaning but is this altar flying blade symbol?” Points at a mark on map to ask. “可是这祭坛旁边的飞刃标志是什么意思?”克蕾雅指着地图上的一个标记问道。 Kane raises one's head to look, sees only by the dungeon also to have a trigonometric form flying blade icon. 凯恩伸头看去,只见地牢旁边还有一个三角型的飞刃图标。 Searches the space to equip to turn in the hand again to look: I find the material, I remember that I have looked at this mark in the material.” 重新将手探进空间装备里翻找起来:“等我找找资料,我记得我在资料上看过这标记。” Kane turns out to come to see the material, finally found the meaning of this mark. 凯恩把资料翻出来看了看,最后找到了这标记的意思。 „The meaning of this icon is called the long-distance promotion altar, can only promote the long-distance branch of the services, moreover must be the low level branch of the services, the mark of square is the close combat branch of the services.” “这图标的意思是叫做远程晋升祭坛,只能晋升远程的兵种,而且必须是低级兵种,正方形的标记则是近战兵种。” Saying, Kane still looks on the map, discovered that in their 200 km away, has a square promotion altar. 说着,凯恩还在地图上找了找,发现在他们200公里外,有着一座正方形的晋升祭坛。 However wanted the past words, must a camp their front attack to be good again. 不过想要过去的话,得再将他们前方的一座营地攻下来才行。
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