DSED :: Volume #5

#434: Killing

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Popular recommendation: Several thousand soldiers are ambushing around a plain, the surroundings are the sparse trees, as well as does not know where from comes the mountain range crushed stone that. 热门推荐:几千名士兵在一处平原周围埋伏着,周围都是稀稀拉拉的树木,以及不知道从哪来的山峦碎石。 They reside in the two sides like this are separated by several hundred meters position, face-to-face standing. 他们就这样分布在两边相隔几百米的位置,面对面站着。 Meaning that completely nothing must hide. 完全没有任何要隐藏的意思。 On front path, but also has some hiding extremely deep traps. 面前的道路上,还有着一些隐蔽极深的陷阱。 A warhorse of cavalry, hit a loud nose slightly. 一位骑兵的战马,微微打了个响鼻。 The knights are comforting immediately, must wait for peacefully time. 骑士立刻进行着安抚,现在可是必须要安静等待的时候。 The ray came from the sky photo. 光芒从天空照来。 Looks from afar, can actually discover the entire Xiaoping original position has no soldier. 远远看去,却能够发现整个小平原处没有任何的士兵。 As if before the flash, ambushes the soldier here, suddenly vanishes to disappear. 似乎一瞬间之前还埋伏在这儿的士兵,忽然消失不见了。 Ordinary man who has the gray long hair, takes one and the others the high law stick, wears the quite fine light armor. 一位留着灰色长发的普通男子,拿着一根等人高的法杖,身着较为精致的轻型铠甲。 The gem on law stick is sending out the ray slightly. 法杖上的宝石微微散发着光芒。 These rays tow the surrounding charm to attach in the surface of many officers soldiers. 这些光芒牵引着周围的魔力附着在众多将士士兵们的表面。 Makes them fuse together with the environment of surroundings. 使得他们与周围的环境融为一体。 In addition at this time the ray in sky, shaking the person eyes somewhat is gray, causes, if not earnest careful examines the surrounding environment, could not discover any difference. 再加上此时天空中的光芒,晃得人眼睛有些花白,导致如果不认真仔细的去查看周围的环境的话,是发现不了任何的异样的。 The military officer of not this blue side, does not want to use a even higher magic, but such magic enough. 并不是这位蓝色方的将领,不想施展更高等的魔法,而是这样的魔法就够了。 Simple, most what is practical main is the confidentiality is extremely strong, can feel the fluctuation of charm difficultly, just at the time of gathering is used to ambush. 简单,实用最主要的是隐蔽性极强,很难能够感受到魔力的波动,正适合用来进行埋伏。 If not the dark waiters is transformed to be similar to half dead spirit same lifeform, has the keen living creature to detect, but also was really concealed the truth by them. 如果不是黑暗侍者们都是被改造成类似于半亡灵一样的生物,有着敏锐的活物察觉的话,还就真被他们瞒过去了。 Hears fierce hoofbeat that the distant place hears. 听见远处传来的剧烈马蹄声。 Came, prepares for action, the attention is covert.” “来了,准备作战,注意隐蔽。” With the voice of military officer slight and clear passes to the ear of each soldier, all soldiers get hold of the weapon in hand, the figure is motionless. 随着将领的声音轻微而清晰的传到每个士兵的耳中,所有的士兵都将手中的武器握紧,身形一动不动。 Waits for the enemy to fall into their traps. 等待着敌人落入他们的陷阱。 Surprisedly in surroundings sudden enemy, on enemy face surprised and panic-stricken as if has reappeared in their front. 惊讶于周围突然出现的敌人,敌人脸上的惊讶和惊恐彷佛已经浮现在他们的面前。 In team, to frontline and Kane. 队伍中,冲在最前方的克蕾雅和凯恩 But Kane results in the eyes, had turned like the eagle same child hole. 凯恩得双眼,早已变成了如鹰一样的童孔。 These depend on the soldier who the hiding magic hides from, looked like one to be deceived saying that took the invisible medicine to be the same in the child who in front of the Sir shook. 那些靠着隐蔽魔法而躲起来的士兵,就像是一个被骗说是吃了隐形药在大人面前晃悠的小孩一样。 Around the warhorse under Kane body starts to expand the gun tube to live from his within the body, the charm in Kane hand also starts to send out at the war, immediately starts to install more fires. 凯恩身下的战马周围开始扩展炮管从他的体内生得出来,凯恩手中的魔力也开始散发在战,马上开始加装更多的炮火。 Then, the mechanical warhorse, rapidly expanded a motion firepower platform. 就这样,机械的战马,迅速扩展成了一个移动的火力平台。 Body also presented the blood red Lion King empty shadow, the halo of under foot started to proliferate toward the surroundings. 克蕾雅的身上也出现了血红色的狮王虚影,脚下的光环开始朝周围扩散。 On all soldiers presented the lion claw same mark. 所有的士兵身上都出现了狮爪一样的印记。 The wild strength gushes out from their bodies. 狂暴的力量从他们的身上涌出。 However still has not shouted that has the attack word of charm. 不过克蕾雅依然没有喊出,那带有魔力的进攻单词。 She is waiting for Kane. 她在等待着凯恩 Bang! Bang! Bang!” “砰!砰!砰!” The loud sound transmits from the side, that is the Kane firepower platform, starts to emit slaughtering. 巨响从身边传来,那是凯恩的火力平台,开始喷吐着杀戮。 Just likes is playing the klutz game same enemy, crack the shell was blown off to explode by the side suddenly but actually. 犹如在玩木头人游戏一样的敌军,被身边突然炸响的炮弹炸飞炸倒。 The enemy panic-stricken facial features have not waited, on their faces instead showed such expression. 敌人惊恐的面容没有等到,他们自己的脸上反而露出了那样的表情。 Discovered the military officer who such situation, takes back the supernatural power immediately, exclaimed loudly: Our ambushes were defeated, attack!” 发现这样情形的将领,立刻收回了法力,大声吼道:“我们的埋伏失败了,进攻!” Took up own law stick to make an effort toward the front to wield, the giant charm ripple proliferated to isolate the sky together, the following fire was intercepted like this. 拿起自己的法杖用力朝面前挥了过去,一道巨型的魔力波纹扩散出去将天空隔绝,随之而来的炮火就这样被拦截下来。 The flame and mist and dust of explosion, resound in the midair like this. 爆炸的火焰以及烟尘,就这样在半空中响起。 The ripple of charm also starts the fierce vibration. 魔力的波纹也开始剧烈的震动。 However even this still has not damaged, that military officer also keeping is swaying the charm, insisting. 然而即使这样依然没有损坏,那位将领还在不停的挥洒着魔力,坚持着。 But the 1st wave of that unexpected attack of Kane has not harvested too many achievements. 凯恩的第一波那出其不意的攻击也并没有收获太多的成果。 Besides to explosion very near soldier, the soldier by far point was exploded slightly, pours latter to crawl immediately, almost not by too big injury. 除了离爆炸非常近的士兵外,稍微挨着远一点的士兵被炸,倒后立刻就爬了起来,几乎没有受太大的伤害。 However such situation Kane early some expectations, because the present difficulty had been raised, all enemies obtained the strengthening. 不过这样的情形凯恩早有预料,因为现在的难度早就被拔高了,所有的敌人都获得了强化。 Cannot again like the front fight rapid, probably shears the fragrant-flowered garlic same extermination enemy. 不能再像前面的战斗那样迅速的,像是割韭菜一样的剿灭敌军。 Moreover does not need to think, these military officers definitely also obtained enhancement, otherwise was impossible really to protect so many shells with the charm. 而且不用想,这些将领肯定也获得了加强,不然不可能真的用魔力护住了这么多的炮弹。 Is fighting tooth and nail of dungeon strikes worthily. 不愧是地牢的搏命一击。 Is really highly regarded. 真是不可小觑啊。 Attack!” “进攻!” Also issued the order of attack, a final wave of strengthening attached on all soldiers. 克蕾雅也发出了进攻的命令,最后的一波强化附加到了所有的士兵身上。 It in them who the half step goes forward, drives own warhorse to charge instantaneously. 本身就在快步前进的他们,瞬间驾驶着自己的战马冲锋起来。 Turned into the white spirit shape, the flame blue flame spread from her body, 8 spirit maids as well as 30 spirit knights appeared from his side. 克蕾雅变成了白色的幽灵形状,火焰蓝色的火焰从她的身上蔓延开来,八个幽灵女仆以及30位幽灵骑士从他的身边出现。 The white spirit maid drills after body, similarly in supplementary that blue flame. 白色的幽灵女仆从克蕾雅的身上钻出来后,同样附带上了那蓝色的火焰。 They seem like the evil spirit in sky to be the same, starts to attack the enemy. 她们像是天空中的恶灵一样,开始侵袭着敌军。 In their hands presented the white fog shape body, flutters to the enemy that this under to/clashes. 她们手上出现了白色的雾状体,向这下方冲过来的敌军飘去。 But all soldiers who inhale these mist start to slow down the footsteps, the facial expression is also absent-minded, finally even the weapon falls on the ground. 而所有吸入这些雾气的士兵开始放慢脚步,神情也恍忽起来,最终连武器都掉落在地上。 Rests! You were very tired, rests quickly!” “睡吧!你很累了,快睡吧!” Had many soldiers to fall down finally, but I thought that their appearances did not seem to die, but had at least lost the battle efficiency. 有不少的士兵终于倒在了地上,不过我看他们的样子似乎并没有死亡,但至少已经失去了战斗力。 Greets their, is the first wave of arrow rain. 迎接他们的,是第一波箭雨。 Finally both sides engaged in hand-to-hand combat directly, rush ahead in one. 终于双方直接短兵相接,冲杀在了一起。 But Kane also direct stopped the footsteps same place, the warhorse proliferated directly greatly the firepower platform. 凯恩也直接原地停下了脚步,战马直接将火力平台扩散得更大。 Muzzle starts to keep is emitting the blue charm flame, the weapon that because needs to control are too much, Youyou also sat in the platform, start was Kane reduces the pressure. 身边的枪口开始不停的喷吐着蓝色的魔力火焰,由于需要操控的武器过多,悠悠也坐在了平台上,开始为凯恩减轻压力。 Kane side, 5 dark waiter guards in its side. 凯恩的身边,五位黑暗侍者护卫在其身旁。 Remaining crashed in the enemy completely. 剩下的全部冲进了敌军之中。 These belts the young girl of pure white mask, is just liking battlefield the lotus of death to be the same, various places are blooming. 这些带着纯白色的面具的少女,犹如战场的死亡之莲一样,各处绽放着。 They just like the elf of death to walk randomly in the battlefield equally, the place visited, the bloody piece, stayed behind all was the stump residual limb fragment, later changed into the ash completely. 她们犹如死亡的精灵一样在战场游走,所过之处,血腥一片,留下的全是残肢碎块,随后化为灰尽。 Have the accurate murder skill as assassin they in the battlefield. 身为刺客的他们在战场上有着精准的杀人技巧。 In addition their flexible physique. 再加上他们灵活的身姿。 True becomes the machine of murder. 真正的成为了杀人的机器。 The enemy who 15 dark waiters get rid of, almost soon catches up with 200-300 people of ordinary knight. 15位黑暗侍者干掉的敌人,几乎快要赶上普通骑士的200-300人呢。 What these 200-300 people said is that type has fought several successful battles to promote as the silver veteran. 要知道,这200-300人说的是那种已经打过几场胜仗升级为银色的老兵。 These dark waiters may be the copper levels. 这几位黑暗侍者可才是铜级。 Really if in the material said, meets the soldier who the open country camp recruits should not be parsimonious, must recruit. 果然如资料上所说,遇到野外营地招募的士兵不要吝啬,一定要招募下来。 Truly without making them is disappointed, this pressed their such efficiencies several times, difference returns this. 确实没有令他们失望,就这样就按他们这样的效率,差个几次就回本了。 Let alone the above spirit maid starts to batter in the enemy directly. 更别说上空的幽灵女仆直接就开始在敌军里横冲直撞。 The speed taking body is faster than for the spirit cavalry of template. 速度比以克蕾雅身体为模板的幽灵骑兵还要快。 Every one time went through the death radically incessantly, but were periphery several soldiers together. 每一次穿行死亡的根本就不止一个,而是周围连带着的好几名士兵一起。 Looks at such efficiency, Kane wants to make the guard's these 5 dark envoys around oneself also go to the free attack. 看着这样的效率,凯恩本想让护卫在自己周围的这五名黑暗使者也去自由攻击。 But is thinking they always do not want to listen facing the safe this matter oneself, gave up. 但想着她们面对自己安全这件事情一向不太想听自己的,也就放弃了。 Ok, is attack well. 算了,还是好好的攻击吧。 Kane is sitting in half open machine armor at this time, the two sides a total of 6 rotation muzzles are revolving, is emitting the bullet constitution death barrage. 凯恩此时正坐在一架半开放的机甲上,两边总共六个轮转枪口不停的旋转着,喷吐着子弹构成死亡弹幕。 Kane keen feeling, even has the assistance of heart certainly, these by the soldier who the bullet hits, depended the physique to be strengthened, but can also crawl to continue to fight again. 凯恩敏锐的感觉到,即使有着准心的辅助,那些被子弹击中的士兵,仗着体质被加强了,还能爬起来继续再战。 But their soldiers, in action one-on-one, are almost impartial with the enemy. 而他们的士兵,在单对单的行动中,几乎跟敌军持平。 Must know their subordinate soldiers after various just the strengthening of halo as well as attack command. 要知道他们麾下的士兵可是经过克蕾雅刚刚的各种光环以及进攻号令的强化。 If after crossing for dozen minutes, these strengthening vanished, their soldiers do not need to think, definitely by slaughter of leaning toward one side. 要是过了十几分钟后,这些强化消失了,那他们的士兵不用多想,肯定就会被一面倒的屠杀。 Before these soldiers compare, truly many almost naked eyes obvious. 这些士兵相比之前,确实强了不少几乎肉眼可见。 Kane looks at firepower platform these thermal weapons of above, it seems like truly studied the new-style weapon well. 凯恩看着火力平台的上面的这些热武器,看来确实得好好研究一下新式的武器了。 Otherwise the following fight will become difficulty. 否则后面的战斗将会变得更加的困难。 This weapon more upward, must make the high damage more difficult. 这武器越往上,要造成高伤害就越难。 This does not have the matter of means that after all this is the mechanical association is also pondering now issue how to break through, especially golden rank. 这也是没有办法的事情,毕竟这是机械协会现在也在思考着如何突破的问题,特别是黄金级别。 Almost Adventurer of gold level gave up the use demon power weapon, naturally, here is only restricted in the external construction demon power weapon that rather than the dense fog explodes. 几乎黄金级的探索者都放弃了使用魔动力武器,当然啦,这里仅限于外部构造的而非迷雾爆出来的魔动力武器。 Demon power weapon that the dense fog explodes, that is almost very easy-to-use, the corresponding price will also be raised many times. 迷雾爆出来的魔动力武器,那几乎都是非常好用的,不过相应的价格也会被抬高许多倍。 Although Kane is dispersing the thought that but he is controlling the firepower, meaning that the platform still has not stood still. 凯恩虽然在发散着思维,但他控制着火力,平台依然没有停歇的意思。 Two bullets cannot kill, that comes several rounds, an ammunition clip gets down makes into the powder to these soldiers directly. 一颗两颗子弹杀不死,那就多来几发,一梭子下来直接给这些士兵打成粉末。 Retreats! Falls back on the camp.” “撤退!退到营地里去。” Broadcast the voice of enemy military officer from afar. 远远的传来了敌方将领的声音。 The retreating sound that hears the military officer, these soldiers also give up the enemy in hand turning around to run without hesitation, even if suffered 12 blades, does not turn head. 听见自己将领的撤退声,那些士兵也毫不犹豫放弃手中的敌人转身就跑,即使挨了一两刀,也不回头。 Removes instantaneously like surging tides. 瞬间就如潮水般褪去。 The middle left behind one, 34 meters gap. 中间留下了一处,三四米的间隔。 This gap is enemy the place of life-saving, the ground sudden bulge, at the same time the giant clay wall kept off in Kane in front of them, prevented them the behavior that shortly wanted to pursue. 这处间隔就是敌人的救命之地,地面突然凸起,一面巨大的泥墙挡在了凯恩他们面前,短暂的阻止了他们想要追击的行为。 Positive dirt wall very frail, the soldiers with the attack that the weapon made an effort several, shivered them, knocks a large cave/hole. 正面土墙非常的脆弱,士兵们用武器用力的攻击了几下,就将它们敲碎,敲出了一面大洞来。 However the enemy has run several hundred meters far, carefully looked that can also discover their are twining the wind of green charm. 但是敌人早就已经跑出了几百米之远,仔细看去还能发现他们脚下缠绕着绿色的魔力之风。 „, The magic military officer also is really loathful!” Kane said. “啊,魔法将领还真是讨人厌啊!”凯恩说道。 However his words just fell to the ground, Nona jumped up directly 78 meters high clay wall. 然而他的话才刚刚落地,波诺娜就直接跳上了七八米高的泥墙。 Afterward jumps toward the sky again, her both feet presented the green wind system charm, causes her, as soon as jumped bumps into were close to 20 meters high position. 随后再次往天空一跳,她的双脚出现了绿色的风系魔力,使她一蹦就碰到了接近20米高的位置。 The long bow in hand also becomes magnificent one suddenly, the arrow that the charm makes punishes too lightly now on his bow, later projects. 手中的长弓也突然变得华丽起来一根,魔力制成的箭失出现在他的弓上,随后射出。 Rests!” “休!” The charm arrow loses just like flickers to move to be the same, vanished in the air instantaneously, the pulled out sound was exceptionally grating. 魔力箭失犹如瞬移一样,瞬间消失在了空气中,拉出的声响异常刺耳。 In the military officer several hundred meters away, had detected suddenly wants to turn the head to use the magics, however compares in his behavior that loses obviously fast toward the arrows that he attacks to come. 已经在几百米外的将领,突然察觉到想要转头施展魔法,然而相比于他的行为显然那朝他攻击而来的箭失更加的快速。 The arrow of magic loses directly his chest penetration, the tremendous strength leads him to more than ten meters beyond, and his nail ruthlessly on the ground. 魔法的箭失直接将他的胸膛穿透,巨大的力量将他带至十几米外,并将他狠狠的钉在了地上。 Runs!...... Quick...... camp. His is still running over to rescue his soldier toward him to these even to shout. “跑!……快……营地。他即使这样也在对着那些朝他跑过来想要营救他的士兵喊道。 The soldier who had stopped sped up the footsteps again, runs toward the distant place. 原本已经停下来的士兵再次加快了脚步,向着远处跑去。 When Kane they catch up only discovered inserts the charm arrow in dust loses. 凯恩他们赶过来时只发现了一根插在尘埃中的魔力箭失。 In the dust pile also has the sparkling spoils of war. 尘埃堆中还有着闪闪发光的战利品。 Kane walked to dig up to draw dust, took inside gold coin and spoils of war. 凯恩走过去扒拉了一下尘埃,将里面的金币和战利品拿了起来。 Examined simply. 简单的查看了一下。 Yo! Unexpectedly is the charm accessory, the attribute also a little small best quality goods. 哟!居然还是件魔力饰品,属性还有点小极品。 Does not need to know, this definitely was that magic military officer. 不用多想就知道,这肯定就是那位魔法将领了。 Kane turns the head to look that Nona said: Fierce Nona, never expected that you have such ability.” 凯恩转过头来看着波诺娜说道:“厉害呀波诺娜,没想到你还有这样的本领。” To be honest, just Nona that arrow in bystander opinion very fierce, will cause the person of bow and arrow at Kane this, it seems like also same fierce. 说实话,刚刚波诺娜那一箭在外人看来非常的厉害,在凯恩这个会使弓箭的人,看来也同样的厉害。 At least he cannot shoot such an arrow, after all his archery skillful as well as necessary skill also stays in the copper color rank. 至少他是射不出那样一箭的,毕竟他的箭术技巧以及配套的技能还停留在铜色级别。 Hears the praise of Kane, Nona said with a smile: Thanks the praise, but this could not have been regarded is the strong ability, later will make you experience.” 听到凯恩的赞美,波诺娜笑着说道:“谢谢夸奖,不过这还算不得上是多强的本领,以后会让你见识到的。” Hahahaha, I wait.” “哈哈哈哈,那我就拭目以待。” The rapid battlefield cleanup, after the spoils of war collect, Kane they pour the treatment particle that several bottles of Medsker mixed, is treating these injured soldiers. 迅速的打扫战场,将战利品收集好后,凯恩他们倒出了几瓶梅兹克调配的治疗微粒,治疗着那些受伤的士兵。 Was injured the soldier of too heavy or direct death as for these, they were also helpless, can only look that their bodies changed into the blue charm glimmer, fluttered toward the sky. 至于那些受伤太重或是直接死亡的士兵,他们也无能为力,只能看着他们的身体化为蓝色的魔力微光,向着天空飘去。 To treat such injury, must have Medsker to follow in the side to be good. 想要治疗这样的伤势,得有梅兹克跟在身边才行。 Ok, continued to pursue, till attacked the front camp.” “好了,继续追击,直到将前方的营地攻下来为止。”
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