DSED :: Volume #5

#433: Ambush

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When solar hovering sky. 太阳悬停正上空之时。 At this time today's noon. 此时正是今日的中午。 Because noon Sun hovering above , just fell by the in the air that giant cavity. 由于中午太阳悬停在上空的正中间,刚好落在了空中那巨大的空洞旁边。 This causes the sunlight that the black cloud cluster and unusual look sky cannot prevent solar that gold/metal resplendent to fall. 这就导致黑色的云团以及异色的天空不能阻挡太阳那金灿的阳光落下。 Feeling hot sun that gold/metal resplendent ray. 久违的感受到了烈日那金灿的光芒。 Grateful warmth. 温暖宜人。 The sunlight sprinkles, shines above the fort. 阳光洒落下来,照射在要塞之上。 The entire fort glitters the metallic luster that everywhere the armor is reflecting. 整个要塞四处都闪烁着铠甲反射的金属光泽。 Resounding of in all directions sound in fort the armor collides, but also has the sound of carriage hoop, and roar of each military officer. 铠甲碰撞的声音在要塞的四处响起,还有着马车滚轮的声响,以及各个将领的吼声。 , Installs the carriage the commodity quickly quickly, sluggish, in the morning hasn't eaten meal?” “快一点,快一点,将物资装上马车,慢吞吞的,早上没吃饭吗?” A military officer, loud is exclaiming to own soldier. 一位将领,正大声的对着自己的士兵吼道。 Can see this time fort to bustle about a piece, many soldiers are lining up to walk toward the front door of fort, many horse-drawn vehicles are drawing the appliances of commodities as well as various types of build tents. 能看见此时的要塞正忙碌一片,许许多多的士兵排着队朝着要塞的大门走去,身后还有不少的马车正拉着物资以及各种搭建帐篷的器具。 Kane they lead oneself soldier to arrive at the fort surrounding, side is the military officer who Commander Horne as well as another two do not know. 凯恩他们已经带着自己的士兵来到了要塞外围,旁边是霍恩团长以及另外两位不认识的将领。 Just today shifts the big camp, is Chief Kane also today goes out to go on an expedition?” Horne rides on the warhorse, visual the front is asking. “刚好今天转移大营地,凯恩队长也是今天出去征战吗?”霍恩骑在战马上,目视着前方问道。 Nearby Kane nods saying: Yes, is I replaces my teammate today, what this time keeps the camp is Li path path, if there is any matter her to tell, she will inform my.” 旁边的凯恩点点头说道:“是的,今天就是我去替换我的队友,这次留在营地的是莉路路,如果有什么事情的话可以跟她说,她会通知我的。” Ha, good, without issue.” “哈哈哈,好的,没问题。” „The possible team leader you and your teammate also are really strong, leading least soldiers actually to overcome three camps, reviewed us, here has so many soldiers is so long, actually hit two also to lose many people few.” “说起来可能队长你和你的队友还真是强的,带着最少的士兵却打下了三座营地,反观我们,这边有着这么多的士兵这么久,却才打下来两座还损失了不少的人少。” Horne somewhat helpless saying. 霍恩有些无奈的说道。 Where words, if not the subordinate of Commander Horne, helping us involve so many enemies we so is not smooth.” Kane modest saying. “哪里的话,如果不是霍恩团长的部下,帮我们牵扯那么多的敌人的话我们也不会这么顺利。”凯恩谦虚的说道。 Oh.” Horne beckons with the hand. “唉。”霍恩摆摆手。 Does not need so to comfort me, who helps who involves more military, I know, I am only somewhat rejoiced, what luckily we in finally is Chief Kane you supports, otherwise, we were really defeated.” “不用如此安慰我,谁帮谁牵扯更多的兵力,我还是知道的,我只是有些庆幸,幸好我们在最后的时候来的是凯恩队长你们支援,不然啊,我们就真失败了。” Kane is smiling nod: Yes, we caught up fortunately.” 凯恩微笑着点点头:“是啊,还好我们赶上了。” This has been chatting, brings large unit slow Youyou rushed to them, beforehand decision good position. 就这样一直闲聊着,带着大部队慢悠悠的赶往了他们,事先就决定好的位置。 After arriving at that camp, many soldiers and artisans advance, and takes the surrounding commodity to start the wooden wall of camp surrounding to demolish, needs to expand internal space to is bigger. 到达那处营地后,许多的士兵和工匠都先行进去,并拿着周围的物资开始对营地外围的木墙进行拆除,需要将内部的空间扩到更大。 Kane at this time, stands outside the camp. 凯恩此时,站在营地外边。 He did not prepare to enter the camp, the direct farewell left. 他就不准备进入营地了,直接告别离开。 And the Minna two sisters in Nona's arms, are saying goodbye with her. 米露和米娜两姐妹正在波诺娜的怀里,和她告别。 They in the certain circumstances are very sensible, has not made a tearful scene by own mother is worried. 她们在某些情况还是非常懂事的,并没有哭闹让自己的母亲操心。 Loud was saying to Nona: Mother must pay attention to the security, remembers that earlier comes back.” 只是大声的对着波诺娜说道:“妈妈要注意安全哟,记得早点回来。” Mother meeting.” Then, the Nona's person on the two daughter faces of oneself bosom kissed. “妈妈会的。”说完,波诺娜在自己怀里的两个女儿脸上一人亲了一下。 Afterward gives nearby was floating the spirit maid: Later asked you.” 随后递给了旁边漂浮着的幽灵女仆:“之后就拜托你了。” Felt relieved gives me.” The spirit maid nods said with a smile. “放心的交给我吧。”幽灵女仆点头笑着说道。 But Kane in ignites itself in front of the finger the Li path path head. 凯恩在用手指点着自己面前莉路路的脑袋。 Li path path pays attention to the safety of that two little miss, do not play the heart too greatly in the camp do not give others to put to trouble, do not disturb everywhere, has any unexpected situation, must remember that gets the clip to inform us through the ruby.” “莉路路注意好那两个小姑娘的安全,还有不要玩心太大也不要在营地里给别人添麻烦,更不要到处去捣乱,出现什么意外情况,要记得通过红宝石领夹通知我们。” «Treads Star» 《踏星》 Li path path pats Kane to select the finger of head with the hand, both hands fork waist, hovering panting in indignation saying in front of Kane. 莉路路用手拍掉凯恩一直点自己脑袋的手指,双手叉腰,悬停在凯恩面前气呼呼的说道。 Li path path knew, Li path path is not a child, is really wordy.” “莉路路知道了,莉路路又不是小孩子,真是啰嗦。” Said that flutters to and Mila, suddenly turns the head: Kane really looks like a female servant, slightly!” 说完就向米露和米拉飘去,突然又转过头来:“凯恩真像个老妈子,略!” After completing the ugly face, the Li reveal direct twinkle appeared and Mila's middle. 做完鬼脸后,莉露露直接一个闪烁出现在了米露和米拉的中间。 Looks at the Kane helpless expression, 看着凯恩无奈的表情, Covers mouth titter in side. Kane turns the head to look at smile, suddenly said: Later educates my child well, making him with Li path Luwan, otherwise failed to study.” 克蕾雅在旁边捂嘴偷笑到。凯恩转过头来看着克蕾雅的笑容,突然说道:“以后得好好教育我的孩子,让他不要跟莉路路玩,不然学坏了。” „?” “啊?” Hears the Kane bewildered words, on face suddenly slightly red, shy does not know that should give what reply. 听到凯恩莫名其妙的话,克蕾雅脸上突然微红,害羞的不知道该作何回答。 Was sideways to bring the team to run off toward the front. 侧身就带着队伍朝前方跑开了。 But Lombe and Medsker had left toward they planned good path, now can only see the tail of team from afar. 而隆贝和梅兹克早就朝着他们既定好的路线离开了,现在只能远远的看见队伍的尾巴。 Do not run is so quick, waits for me.” Said that Kane puts up the horse, pursues fast toward the team. “克蕾雅别跑那么快呀,等等我。”说完凯恩就架马,快速朝着队伍追上去。 When Kane catches up with, has adjusted the mentality, on the face also returned to normal. 凯恩追上克蕾雅的时候,克蕾雅已经调好了心态,脸上也恢复了平静。 Kane looks that such situation knows, if are sexually harassing several times like this, to this situation immunity. 凯恩看着这样的情况就知道如果自己这样在调戏几次的话,克蕾雅就会对这种情况免疫了。 Was same as before, perhaps will also sexually harass itself in turn. 就和之前一样,说不定还会反过来调戏调戏自己。 Kane looks own behind soldier, is close to 500 bow rider besides own that more than 1000 heavy cavalries, as well as Li groups of apportion their 500 light cavalries. 凯恩看着自己身后的士兵,除了自己的那接近500位弓骑手外,还有1000多名的重骑兵,以及莉路路分给他们的500名轻骑兵。 Looks at such soldier number, Kane turns the head to ask to: „Do your military ranks enough lead 1000 soldiers?” 看着这样的士兵数量,凯恩转过头来对着克蕾雅问道:“你们的军衔已经够带1000名士兵了?” Hears the Kane issue, nods to reply: Is, yesterday and Lombe the recruiting office will promote thousand, can lead 1000 soldiers, the military of while convenient also idle coming out supplementing fully.” 听见凯恩的问题,克蕾雅点点头回答道:“是的啊,昨天和隆贝他们去招募处升级成了千将,能够带1000名士兵,顺便也将空闲出来的兵力给补充满。” This.” “这样啊。” It seems like previous time they went to battle to win many meritorious military service. 看来上次克蕾雅他们出征获得了不少的战功嘛。 Promoted thousand to represent the name of military rank also to conduct a gradual promotion, the meritorious military service of expenditure was definitely not infrequent. 升级成千将代表着军衔的名字也进行了一个阶段性的升级,肯定花费的战功不在少数。 Let alone they also the military compensating, compensated the amount of beforehand time of military expenditure to be big one time. 更别说他们还将兵力给补满了,一次性补满之前一倍的兵力花费的数额可不小。 Said after they come back , the spoils of war obtained, Kane subscribed some little time. 说起来克蕾雅他们回来后所获得的战利品,凯恩都均订了好一会儿。 Altogether only broke through three camps, the harvest that but these three camps obtain actually must strong in that 5 camps. 总共只攻破了三座营地,但这三座营地获得的收获却要强于那五座营地。 However does not know that is the quality of enemy enhanced slightly reason, the silver magic material tailed off, but the small best quality goods in silver equipment and silver equipment were actually many came out much. 不过不知道是不是敌人的质量稍微提高了的原因,银色的魔法材料变少了但是银色的装备以及银色装备中的小极品倒是多了不少出来。 The silver material that finally obtains can only imitate can two, in addition on Kane remaining that 5, arrived at 7 quantities. 最后获得的银色材料只能够充能两颗,再加上凯恩身上剩下的那五颗,又来到了七颗的数量。 The Kane preparation will shake dice next time swings to the good luck the time again extracts. 凯恩准备下次自己摇骰子摇到好运的时候再去抽取。 As for expenditure massive charms go to be able sufficiently the words, Kane feels to consider as finished, felt that such luck of acquisition is not very authentic. 至于花费大量的魔力去充能的话,凯恩还是觉得算了,感觉那样获得的运气不够正宗。 Moreover not eagerly this for a while, half little while. 而且也不急于这一时,半会儿。 Mainly after is can sufficiently, what swings is the mildew transports/fortunes, the next mildew is also transporting time, making Kane have the trauma. 主要是充能后,摇出来的是霉运,连带着下一次也还是霉运,让凯恩都有心理阴影了。 Definitely is because such reason causes the dice to swing is the mildew transports/fortunes twice. 肯定是因为这样的原因才导致骰子摇出来两次都是霉运。 Moreover is 3 points and 4 points. 而且还是三点和四点。 Definitely is not my luck issue. 肯定不是我运气的问题。 Kane still takes to heart about matter of that day. 凯恩依然对那天的事情耿耿于怀。 The time arrived at afternoon slowly. 时间慢悠慢悠的来到了下午。 Kane they are still maintaining initial army. 凯恩他们依然保持着初始的军阵。 But the bow rider team has not dispersed, stands guard the surrounding. 而身后的弓骑手队伍也并没有分散出去,对外围进行警戒。 Must say why words, that naturally is because had other branch of the services to replace their work. 要说为什么的话,那当然是因为有其他的兵种接替了他们的这份工作。 Said Cao Cao Cao Cao. 说曹操曹操到。 Several black fog, flew toward the team from the distant place rapidly. 几道黑雾,从远处朝着队伍急速的飞了过来。 Yes, replaces when march the branch of the services that stands sentry in the surrounding is the dark waiter, because is one's turn Kane to come out to go on an expedition, these dark waiters naturally also with came together. 是的,接替在行进时在外围放哨的兵种就是黑暗侍者,由于轮到凯恩出来进行征战,这些黑暗侍者自然也就跟着一起来了。 Their outstanding abilities to act, as well as hide and extremely strong detection consciousness extremely, causes them is very powerful sentry. 她们优秀的行动能力,以及极度隐蔽和极强的侦查意识,导致她们是非常非常强大的哨兵。 Looks that the black fog flies, raised oneself left hand to stop the footsteps. 看着黑雾飞过来,克蕾雅举起了自己的左手停下了脚步。 The soldiers good command forbade to stop the footsteps neatly, standing on the spot. 身后的士兵们行令禁止整齐地停下了脚步,立在原地。 That several black fog flew the Kane front, changed into wear a look of the young girl of white mask, partly kneels in front of his horses. 那几道黑雾飞到了凯恩的面前,化为了面带白色面具的少女,半跪在他的马匹面前。 What condition discovered?” Kane looks that below that several long hair young girls asked. “发现什么状况了吗?”凯恩看着下方的那几个长发少女问道。 What is responsible for conducting the security is Eva their squad, black long straight and maximum height, is their characteristics. 负责出来进行警戒的是艾娃她们的小队,黑长直和最高的身高,便是她们的特征。 Under partly is kneeling Eva nods: Master discovered in front 1 kilometer has many soldiers to ambush, the surroundings have the trap.” 下方半跪着的艾娃点点头:“主人在前方一公里处发现了有很多士兵在埋伏,周围还有着陷阱。” Hears Eva's report, is narrowing the eye, was pondering later said: Hasn't thought on the road which must be taken conducts the ambush? The seems like beforehand several fights, making them detect route that we attacked.” 听到艾娃的汇报,克蕾雅微眯着眼睛,思考着随后说道:“没想到在必经之路上进行埋伏吗?看来之前的几场战斗,让他们发觉了我们进攻的路线了呢。” Perhaps is his influence also perhaps.” Adding, referred to the space. “或许是他的影响也说不定呢。”还说着,指了指天上。 At this time in that giant cavity of day vacancy still and was the same couple days ago is fluttering the thick white dense fog. 此时天空处的那块巨大空洞依然和前几天一样里面飘着厚厚的白色迷雾。 Stated differently that stretches across the horizon the fissure, as if compared with the former crack opened a point. 不同的是那横跨天际的裂痕,似乎比之前裂的更开了一点。 Looks at the sky. 克蕾雅看着天空。 Really also has the possibility.” “确实也有可能。” Kane in meets the sky to split open for the 1st time, the situation that after the dungeon counter-attacks, has gone through the material earnestly. 凯恩在第一次遇见天空开裂,地牢反扑的情况后,就认真的查阅过资料。 Must know that every time when makes the dungeon was swallowed to present majority to have this situation, the Adventurer team that does not only earn a living are quite few. 要知道每做地牢在被吞噬时都会出现大部分都会出现这种情况,只不过活下来的探索者队伍比较少罢了。 However still many Adventurer lived got down and gave Mist Council the information that they knew. 但是依然有不少探索者活了下来并将他们知道的情报交给了迷雾议会 Before had also said the to split open, not only limited to the sky, the land and sea will present as if the space to split the shatter condition. 以前也说过开裂并不只局限于天空,大地以及海洋都会出现彷佛空间裂开破碎的状况。 But the sky shatter is the most common situation, majority also starts shatter from the sky. 只不过天空破碎是最常见的情况罢了,大部分也都是从天空开始破碎的。 With the lapse of time, the shatter place will be getting more and more. 随着时间的推移,破碎的地方会越来越多。 When the time came from the sky will break to the land spreads to the sea. 到时候会从天空破碎到大地蔓延至大海。 As the shatter place increases, the strength that these fragments change into will also cause the dungeon the lifeform strength to be stronger. 随着破碎的地方增多,这些碎片所化为的力量也就会导致地牢的生物实力更强。 However Kane they do not have the good way, what after all this dungeon is principal is a big team army showdown. 但是凯恩他们也没有太好的办法,毕竟这座地牢主打的是大团队军阵对决。 If wants to rely on individual strength to have own influence draw to push the entire dungeon, is completely dream of a fool, even Kane they are not good. 如果想要凭借个人的实力带着自己的势力平推整个地牢,完全是痴人说梦,即使是凯恩他们也不行。 The ant bites to death the alike truth they to understand. 蚁多咬死象的道理他们还是懂的。 Must follow oneself red side, nibbling outward step by step. 必须跟着自己所处的红色方,一步一步的向外蚕食。 Wants quickly quickly. 想快都快不起来。 This also causes them to meet the land to crack all dungeon lifeform strength large scale rises finally surely the condition. 这也就导致他们最后必定会遇见大地开裂所有地牢生物实力大幅度提升的状况。 However fortunately. 不过还好。 In the material that now obtains is demonstrating, even if the land, the sky, the sea had the shatter situation, in the dungeon the monster strength will not strengthen extremely exaggerating. 现在获得的资料中显示着,即使大地,天空,海洋都出现了破碎的情况,地牢里怪物的实力也不会加强的太过夸张。 Situation that especially Kane their types have lots of enemies. 特别是凯恩他们这种有着大量敌人的情况。 Possibly met for the 1st time when the sky was stave only has pass/test bottom boss, the energy that therefore all red strengthened flooded into within the body of leader. 可能第一次遇见天空破碎时只剩下一位关底boss了,所以所有的红色加强的能量都涌入了首领的体内。 Material that no matter obtains, Kane their these days sees, indicates in the sky these to strengthen the energy to sprinkle to all dungeons. 但是不管是获得的资料,还是凯恩他们这几天的所见,都表明着天空中那些加强能量是向所有的地牢洒下的。 It can be said that the rain and dew moistens. 可以说是雨露均沾。 These red energies once for a while sprinkles from the sky, throws sprinkles to various places. 这些红色的能量时不时的从天空中洒下来,扑洒到各处。 Although this is not the good deed, but will at least not make the situation bad. 虽然这算不上是好事,但至少不会让情况过于糟糕。 Will not at least present that all energies strongly on the bodies of 1-2 enemies, stretches them to the situation that Kane they cannot even win directly. 至少不会出现那种所有能量都集中在1-2敌人的身上,将他们直接拉伸到连凯恩他们都打不赢的情况。 For example turns into the gold. 比如说变成黄金。 Takes back the train of thought Kane, looks. 收回思绪的凯恩,看着克蕾雅。 Will also look up the day head to lower at this time saying: Unexpectedly ambushed we to be known by us, that lesson their, overran to see that well directly the time first bombed their one wave, first made their to be caught off guard.” 克蕾雅此时也将抬头望天的脑袋低了下来说道:“居然埋伏我们被我们知道了,那就好好的教训他们一顿吧,直接冲过去看到时候先轰炸他们一波,先弄他们个措手不及。” Hears words, Kane nods. 听到克蕾雅的话,凯恩点点头。 Two people lead behind soldier, toward front flushes away fast. 两人带着身后的士兵,向着前方快速冲去。 Click downloading home station APP, the magnanimous novel, read free smoothly! 点击下载本站APP,海量小说,免费畅读!
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