DSED :: Volume #5

#432: What is a lucky fellow

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The extraction skill, what exploring dungeon Chapter 432 is a lucky fellow 抽取技能,探索地牢第432章什么叫幸运儿啊 The dusk golden split vision, sprinkled by the window on nearby log pattern desk table. 黄昏的金色余光,透过窗户洒在了旁边的原木花纹书桌桌上。 Taking advantage of the sunlight, cannot bear look up in book Kane. 借着阳光,在书的凯恩忍不住抬头看去。 The dusk sunlight somewhat is still dazzling, making Kane unable to bear narrows the eye slightly. 黄昏的阳光依旧有些刺眼,让凯恩忍不住微微眯眼。 In the sky that say/way stretches across the horizon the crack as well as that shatter cavity, absolutely does not have the advantage. 天空上那道横跨天际的裂纹以及那破碎的空洞,也不是完全没有好处。 At least when lets Sun passes through that surroundings, can send out the warm normal ray. 至少让太阳经过那周围时,能够散发出暖洋洋的正常光芒。 Rather than the orange yellow just like burns down the same evil light. 而不是橙黄色犹如火烧一样的邪光。 Side hears the hoofbeat that hears, Kane turns the head to look. 听到旁边传来的马蹄声,凯恩转头看去。 You awoke, no longer rests a meeting?” “克蕾雅你醒了,不再多睡一会吗?” Shakes the head slightly: Does not use, after all my present physique, rested this time enough.” 克蕾雅微微摇头:“不用了,毕竟我现在的体质,睡这点时间就够了。” What's wrong?” Looks that Kane has smiled to stare at own look, strange asking. “怎么了?”克蕾雅看着凯恩一直笑眯眯盯着自己的眼神,奇怪的问道。 Kane has not spoken, but looks at her like this, later was saying to behind Roshal. 凯恩没有说话,只是这样看着她,随后对着自己身后的罗莎莉说道。 Roshal yourself first goes busily.” “罗莎莉你自己先去忙吧。” Nod that Roshal understands clearly, changed into the white mist to flutter. 罗莎莉了然的点点头,化为白色的雾气飘走了。 Kane moved moving outward, later equips from the space puts out cushioning to place side of desk, is beckoning. 凯恩朝外挪了挪,随后从空间装备里拿出一张软垫放在书桌的旁边,对着克蕾雅招招手。 Walked gradually, sat in Kane side. 克蕾雅缓步走了过来,坐在了凯恩的旁边。 The dusk split vision sprinkled on face, along the slippery red long hair, is glittering the glow. 黄昏的余光洒在了克蕾雅的脸上,顺滑的红色长发,闪烁着辉光。 Is complementing that fine worth looking at face. 映衬着克蕾雅那精致耐看的脸庞。 Looks at Kane that blazing vision , was somewhat put aside the look finally slightly. 看着凯恩那炽热的目光,克蕾雅终于有些受不住了,微微的移开了眼神。 The dizzy of root of the ear section is red, rapid spread to cheeks. 耳根部的晕红,迅速的蔓延至脸颊。 Kane extends the left hand to grasp that tender white Xihua palm. 凯恩伸出左手握着克蕾雅那嫩白细滑的手掌。 Callus who palm that since childhood practices martial arts, and has no, just like the babyish skin to be the same, slides soft tenderly. 从小练武的克蕾雅手心,并没有任何的老茧,就犹如婴儿般的皮肤一样,柔软嫩滑。 Perhaps this can also be the strength rise the advantage. 这或许也算得上是实力提升的好处。 Kane grips the palm, the five fingers passes through from referring to seam, tight gripping. 凯恩握住手掌,五指从克蕾雅的指缝中穿过,紧紧的握住。 The five fingers slightly tune, is also gripping tightly Kane. 克蕾雅的五指微曲,同样紧握着凯恩 Careful looks, under gold/metal resplendent the ray leaned slightly the past face. 仔细的看着,金灿的光芒下克蕾雅微微侧过去的脸庞。 Kane searched the past the right hand, held gently. 凯恩将右手探过去,轻轻的扶了上去。 The tender white thin hand extends, according to the back of the hand of Kane, the fine tender face, depended toward the hand of Kane in slightly. 嫩白的细手伸上来,按在凯恩的手背上,精致柔嫩的脸庞,微微朝着凯恩的手上靠了靠。 Looks at the glowing red face, as well as her water sleek/moist wants the eye of drop. 看着克蕾雅红彤彤的脸庞,以及她那水润欲滴的眼睛。 Kane could not bear finally, the palm makes an effort slightly, comes face side. 凯恩终于忍不住了,手掌微微用力,将克蕾雅的脸庞侧过来。 Is staring at oneself look, seems like attracting his soul to be the same. 克蕾雅盯着自己的眼神,就像是在吸引着他的灵魂一样。 Kane courageous searched own head. 凯恩勐的将自己的脑袋探了过去。 The gold/metal resplendent ray that out of the window that dusk sends out, as if somewhat focuses, sprinkled in this time happiest place. 窗外那黄昏所散发的金灿光芒,似乎都有些聚焦过来,洒在了此时最美好的地方。 The assorted inspection lamp, stops each corner in room calmly. 各色的提灯,若无其事地停在房间内的各个角落。 Perhaps their something in common, are just to see in the hall by some direction the desk under that gold/metal resplendent sunlight. 她们的共同之处,或许就在于刚好能够透过某个方向看见大厅中那金灿阳光下的书桌吧。 At this time, near the drift angle of 2 building stairway. 此时,二楼楼梯口的斜角边。 Medsker correct use two hands, effort according to Lombe's mouth. 梅兹克正用着自己两只手,用力的按在隆贝的嘴上。 Another two hands do not have the free time, according to the face of some small fairy maiden. 另外两只手也没有空闲,按在了某个小仙子的脸上。 When gold/metal resplendent the sunlight no longer sprinkles on the desk. 当金灿的阳光不再洒在书桌上之时。 Makes on the seat, is licking Kane of lip, looks at face slightly red. 重新做回座位上,舔着嘴唇的凯恩,看着一脸微红的克蕾雅。 Goes back, I ask your parents to chat.” “回去的时候,我就去找你的父母聊聊吧。” Hears the Kane words, on face slightly red, lowers the head slightly. 听到凯恩的话,克蕾雅脸上更加微红,微微低头。 Transmits like the housefly sound thin. 细如蚊蝇般的声音传来。 Un.” “嗯。” Seemed like cannot bear this shy environment finally, one that passed stood. 似乎是终于受不了这害羞的环境了,克蕾雅通的一下就站了起来。 This strength seems to be big. 这一下的力量似乎不小。 Causes in the room the inspection lamps of various places to sway to make noise slightly, the stairway also transmitted the slight sound. 导致房间内各处的提灯都微微摇晃作响,楼梯口也传来了细微的响动。 However has been shy to who soon burns out the brain, cannot detect these changes completely. 不过已经害羞到快要烧坏脑子的克蕾雅,完全察觉不到这些异动。 Saying of stutter. 结结巴巴的说道。 I, I first go, do...... prepare food.” “我,我先去,做……做饭。” Then, 说完, Half step left the stone building, runs toward outside camp. Because in the stone building does not have the kitchen, wants to prepare food earnestly the words that can only go to the open-air cafeteria of outside camp. 快步的离开了石屋,朝着外面的营地跑去。因为石屋内并没有厨房,想要认真做饭的话,就只能去外面营地的露天食堂了。 At this time, three assorted inspection lamps following opening the gate flew. 这时候,有三盏各色的提灯顺着打开的门飞了出去。 Other assorted inspection lamps silently hidden went to the form across the surrounding wall, later the entire room lived it up suddenly. 其他各色的提灯默默的穿过周围的墙壁隐去了身影,随后整个房间忽然又热闹了起来。 Before the empty room had/left several spirit maids suddenly, fled maid, unemotional is cleaning the room. 之前空荡荡的房间突然多出了几位幽灵女仆,窜来窜去的女仆,面无表情的打扫着房间。 Kane being disinclined manages these now, he both hands straighten now lie on the desk, surface toward desk under. 凯恩现在才懒得管这些,他现在正双手伸直趴在书桌上,面朝着书桌下方。 Hehe!” “嘿嘿!” Intermittent laughing foolishly passed on. 阵阵的傻笑传了出来。 Also can see Kane to lie on the desk, slightly shaking. 还能看见凯恩趴在书桌上,微微摇动。 Li groups of flew from the staircase, flutters side Kane, looks at his silly movement. 莉路路从楼梯上方飞了下来,飘在凯恩身旁,看着他这傻乎乎的动作。 You how Kane?” “你怎么了凯恩?” Laughing foolishly Kane is banning the danger to sit instantaneously, a face peaceful replied surely: Thinks the issue.” 正在傻笑的凯恩瞬间正禁危坐,一脸的澹定回答道:“想问题呢。” Lombe and Medsker also strolled from above, but also a face had a drowsy look is having the yawn. 隆贝和梅兹克也从上面漫步走了下来,还一脸睡眼惺忪的打着哈欠。 The Kane look is slanting is looking at these two. 凯恩眼神斜着看着这两人。 What installs? 装什么呢? My supernatural might regards is still putting on skill Gerry. 我的神武视还在技能格里放着呢。 These float to flutter, seems like in the maid of working is also. 还有这些飘来飘去,似乎是在做事的女仆也是。 Although your expressions are very proper, but gossipped both characters soon to carve on your faces. 虽然你们的表情很正经,可是八卦两个字都快要刻在你们的脸上了。 Kane in heart crazy is complaining. 凯恩在心中疯狂的吐槽着。 In a while, Kane they on the table on the food that made. 没过多久,凯恩他们在餐桌上就等来了克蕾雅做好的饭。 When walks, her side also has in three dense fog maid hands also to carry the meal. 克蕾雅走进来时,她身旁还有三位迷雾女仆手中也端着饭菜。 „The craftsmanship of madame is really good, although cannot eat the thing now, but can also feel this above fragrance.” “夫人的手艺真好呢,虽然现在吃不到东西,但是还能感觉到这上面的香味。” „, If there is a body to be good, such delicacy did not taste to be a pity!” “啊,要是有身体就好了,这样的美味尝不到好可惜呀!” We also need to study in a big hurry, as the maid cook does not have the mistress good words, was too disrespectful.” “我们还需要快快学习,身为女仆厨艺却没有女主人好的话,也太失礼了。” All right, you can learn quickly.” “没事的,你们很快就能学会的。” Kane listens to them to chat, it seems like that three maids as if in the appearance that the cook is interested in very much, is asking to study the cook. 凯恩听着她们聊天,看来那三位女仆似乎对厨艺很感兴趣的样子,正在找克蕾雅学习厨艺呢。 Perhaps later several female cooks, is uncertain. 或许以后会多出几个御用厨娘,也不一定。 After all they have the maid high-level technique, has the cook background. 毕竟她们本身就有着女仆高级的技艺,有着厨艺的底子。 With good of meal, the people also start to eat to the heart's content. 随着饭菜的上好,众人也开始大快朵颐起来。 Especially Lombe and Medsker, they, because does not have the golden space equipment that has carried, therefore several days have not tasted craftsmanship. 特别是隆贝和梅兹克,他们由于没有克蕾雅一直携带的黄金空间装备,所以有几天没有尝到克蕾雅的手艺了。 Eats is eating, Lombe asked: Good brothers, the in the air appearance was we proved on that day unlucky.” 吃着吃着,隆贝问道:“好兄弟,那天空中的样子就是我们倒霉的证明吧。” Yes.” Kane nods. “是的。”凯恩点点头。 In sky presents shatter and fissure, explained that after we now were this dungeon by the dense fog swallowed last batch of Adventurer.” “天空中出现破碎以及裂痕,就说明我们现在是这地牢被迷雾吞噬后的最后一批探索者了。” Listens to the Kane words, asked: What has this situation to have not good consequence?” 听完凯恩的话,克蕾雅问道:“出现这种情况会有什么不好的后果吗?” The dense fog can have all kinds of characteristics and events, is not everyone found that is also not everyone can understand, especially like this meeting dungeon, final counter-attack at risk of life. 迷雾会有各种各样的特性以及事件,不是每个人都了解的,也不是每个人都能了解完的,特别是像这种遇到一座地牢,最后的拼死反扑。 Generally some people will not feel oneself will have bad luck, becomes this last person. 一般不会有人会觉得自己会倒霉的,成为这最后一人。 Although, Kane met this for the 2nd time is. 虽然,凯恩遇到了这是第二次了。 However is the pots of angel dice, has no relations with my Kane luck. 不过都是天使骰子的锅,跟我凯恩的运气没有任何关系。 Even this should not indicate own Ou sovereign? 甚至这不更应表明自己欧皇吗? After all oneself is multiplied by 2.5 times of mildew to transport the eruption luck, gave the day directly opens split. 毕竟自己当时的幸运乘以2.5倍的霉运爆发,直接把天都给干裂开了。 Takes back the train of thought that Kane is answering issue: Must say that the words of what consequence, that is all and Adventurer hostile lifeform will probably obtain enhancement in strength, moreover can becomes more intelligent?” 收回思绪,凯恩回答着克蕾雅的问题:“要说有什么后果的话,那可能就是所有和探索者敌对的生物都会获得实力上的加强吧,而且还有可能变得更聪明?” Finally this Kane is not very definite, after all at that time experienced from now on that boss truly is becomes more intelligent. 最后这一句凯恩不是很确定,毕竟当时自己经历过后的那个boss是确实是变得更聪明了些。 However does not have the blunder carefully. 不过小心无大错。 Listens to the Kane words, is poking oneself chin, looks at the ceiling to ponder said. 听完凯恩的话,克蕾雅杵着自己的下巴,望着天花板思考着说道。 „Our time comes back no wonder that soldier team is so strong, I also think oneself ran into one team elite.” “怪不得我们这次回来的时候遇到的那只士兵队伍那么强,我还以为自己遇到了一队精锐了呢。” „After you met the sky was stave the enemy, what kind of? Has what matter.” Asking that Kane cares about. “你们遇见天空破碎后的敌人了,怎么样?有没有什么事情。”凯恩关心的问道。 „” Has not shaken the head: Is only when contact did not lose two soldiers carefully.” “没有”克蕾雅摇摇头:“只是因为接触时不小心损失了两名士兵。” That is good.” “那就好。” Enemies grown stronger change intelligent, that means the material that they exploded will also be better?” Lombe asked. “敌人都变强变聪明了,那是不是意味着他们爆出来的材料也会更好?”隆贝问道。 This issue truly to them is the quite essential issue, after all the enemy of this dungeon is extremely numerous. 这个问题确实对于他们来说是比较关键的问题,毕竟这地牢的敌人极多。 Improvement drop rate, means that their harvests will promote a big truncation. 提升爆率,也就意味着它们的收获将会提升一大截。 Kane ponders, oneself 1st time the time of encountering this situation. 凯恩思考起来,自己第一次遇到这种情况的时候。 Should improve, but will blow out a very precious gem actually absolutely, very attractive.” “应该会变好吧,不过倒是绝对会爆出一种非常珍贵的宝石,很漂亮的哦。” Listens to the Kane words, Lombe has obtained to visit him to ask: How you said is so detailed? It seems you to experience is the same.” 听完凯恩的话,隆贝已获得看着他问道:“你怎么说的这么详细啊?就好像你经历过一样。” Kane extends the index finger silently, dug out own cheeks saying: Eh, has truly experienced one time.” 凯恩默默地伸出食指,抠了抠自己的脸颊说道:“额,确实是经历过一次。” Kane these words make they somewhat surprised and doubts. 凯恩的这句话让克蕾雅他们都有些惊讶和疑惑。 „Aren't you probably before I form a team have only experienced a dungeon?” Asked. “你不是好像在跟我组队之前只经历过一座地牢吗?”克蕾雅问道。 Has experienced two, is only the 2nd dungeon single . Moreover the flow is very short, for one day and one night was less than goes through customs.” “经历过两座,只是第二座地牢是单人的,而且流程很短,一天一夜不到就通关了。” Listens to the Kane words, Lombe held keenly said with emphasis: This situation I suddenly thought that seemed like called one of the two big lucky fellows, another was by the inducer who the dungeon first appeared.” 听完凯恩的话,隆贝敏锐的抓住了重点说道:“这种情况我突然想起来了,似乎是被称为两大幸运儿之一,另外一个就是地牢初次出现的被引诱者。” Then, your consecutively two dungeons, are various lucky fellow treatments.” “这么说来,你连续两座地牢,都是各不相同的幸运儿待遇。” Lombe's words saying, they cast the vision that a faint trace pitied toward Kane. 隆贝的话说完,克蕾雅他们都朝凯恩投过来了一丝丝怜悯的目光。 In the Adventurer words, the lucky fellow was used saying that generally was hapless fool, although truly has certain advantage. 探索者的话语中,幸运儿一般都是用来说是倒霉蛋的,虽然确实会有着一定的好处。 However generally thinks what are more is unlucky. 但是普遍认为更多的是倒霉。 What look is your? This is the treatment of lucky fellow, you cannot understand , because experienced such two dungeons, forms a team with you I am so strong.” “你们这是什么眼神呀?这可是幸运儿的待遇,你们懂不懂啊,就是因为经历了这样的两座地牢,和你们组队的时候我才那么强。” Kane pounds on bang bang the sound the table, tries to emphasize own lucky key. 凯恩把桌子拍得砰砰响,试图强调自己幸运的关键。 However change that the vision that they pities, still has no. 然而克蕾雅他们怜悯的目光,依然没有任何的改变。 Snort, ok, you do not understand in any case.” “哼,算了,反正你们也不懂。” Kane can only continue to have own food panting in indignation. 凯恩只能气呼呼的继续吃着自己的饭。 What understanding is Ou Huanga! 懂不懂什么叫欧皇啊! + joins the bookmark + +加入书签+
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