The extractionskill, explored the dungeonChapter 431skyto split open
抽取技能,探索地牢第431章天空开裂了Thatloud sound in sky, just like the mirror surfacewas shiveredto be the same.
天空中的那声巨响,犹如镜面被敲碎一样。Stavesound, gratingclear.
破碎的响声,刺耳清脆。Kanelooks atthis timesky.凯恩看着此时的天空。
The originalskyis just likedburns downby the orange yellow the sameluster, the pitch-darkcloud cluster, is covering the sunlightonce for a while, reflects the strangelusterto come out.
原本的天空由橙黄色犹如火烧一样的色泽,黑漆漆的云团,时不时的遮挡着阳光,反射着奇怪的色泽出来。Howevernow, in the sky a regionpresented the hugefissure, stretches across the entirehorizon, butinKanethis timesky, presentedoneto just like the lensshattercavity.
然而现在,天空中一片区域出现了巨大的裂痕,横跨整个天际,而就在凯恩此时的上空,出现了一块犹如镜片破碎的空洞。Soitselfjust like the endto approach the commonsky, presentedoneinexplicablygreatlyempty, behindthatcavityis the thickwhitedense fog.
如此本身就犹如末日来临一般的天空,莫名出现了一块巨大空洞,那空洞后面是厚厚的白色迷雾。But the fragmentation that breaksfor the redraindrop, crashestowardunder.
而破碎下来的碎片化为了红色的雨点,朝着下方坠落。SuchsceneKanewas clear, before more than oneyearheexperienced the 2nddungeon, when was the singledungeon.
这样的景象凯恩再清楚不过了,就在一年多前他经历第二个地牢的时候,还是单人地牢之时。Onluckextremely not goodhas metsuchscene.
The local areais goingfirmlyby the dense fogcompletelycorrosiontime, finalthatwave of Adventurermightfacecounter-attack of dungeon.
当地牢将要被迷雾完全侵蚀的时候,最后的那一波探索者将有可能面对地牢的反扑。But the skyshatteris the bestprompt.
When bureau, allAdventurerenemieswill obtain all -aroundstrengthening.
局时,所有探索者的敌人都将获得全方位的强化。As the breakage in skyis getting more and more serious, is representing the dungeon, was soon corrodedby the dense fogcompletelyswallows.
When likelifefacingdeath, will havemanylives, canignore the safetyhystericresistance.
The popular namedrags the padback.
The dungeon is also the same.
地牢也一样。Staveoncestarts, as the breakageis getting more and more serious, Kanetheirenemieswill be getting stronger and stronger.
难办的呀。Whycango to the handto shake diceinexpensively?
The most intensemildewtransport capacityeruptslike this unluckyevent, before representative, shakes diceluckydefinitelyis the bursting.
最强烈的霉运能爆发出这样的倒霉事件,就代表着自己之前摇骰子的时候幸运肯定是爆棚的。Why will the luck of burstingbe swung4black molesbyoneself?
为什么爆棚的运气会让自己摇出四点黑子呢?Whomakes the angeldiceanynot be affected, includinglucky.
唉!Looks the ruby that on the collarnon-stopshiveringgets the clip, Kanedoes not needto wantalsoto know that definitelyisthey.
看着衣领上不停颤抖的红宝石领夹,凯恩不用想也知道肯定是克蕾雅他们。Theyshouldbe for the 1st time seesuchsituation.
接通。„Kane did yousee? Space.”
“凯恩你看见了吗?天上。”„Kane, Kane, the daysplit, Lipathpathfelt the aura of dense fog.”
“凯恩,凯恩,天裂开了,莉路路感觉到了迷雾的气息。”„Goodbrothers, the dayto break, whatsituation is the present?”
“好兄弟,天都破碎了,现在是个什么情况啊?”Kanejust a connection, severalpeople of soundspassed onsimultaneously, interwinesmutually, hecomfortsto sayimmediately: „Do not be flustered, should not be flustered.”凯恩刚一接通,几人的声音同时传了出来,互相交织在一起,他立刻安慰道:“不要慌张,不要慌张。”„Justwas the dungeonmustbe swallowedby the dense fogcompletely, before hadn't mothersaid? The dungeonenergymustconsume, thereforewecatch uphurriedly.”
The sigh with emotion words saying , waited for a smalllittle while, transmitsagaintheirvoice.
感慨的话语说完后等了一小会儿,才再次传来克蕾雅他们的声音。„Originally is thisscenedungeonfinalcounter-attack?”
“好厉害!”„Whygoodbrothers, youto knowis so clear?”
“好兄弟,为什么你知道的这么清楚啊?”AfterLombe'svoiceaskedhad problems, the rubylead(er)clampsagainpeacefulgetting down.
当隆贝的声音问出问题后,红宝石领夹再次安静的下来。Iam so clear, naturallyis I have experienced, Kanethiswantsto say.
我这么清楚,当然是我经历过呀,凯恩这样想道。However, haven't oneselfsaid?
不过,自己没说过吗?„Haven't Isaid?”
“我没说过吗?”„Whathas said?”
“?”Hears the rubylead(er)to clamp that sideto transmit the question of people, thenit seems likeoneselfhave not truly chattedthismatterwiththem.
听见红宝石领夹那边传来众人的疑问,那么看来自己确实没有跟他们聊过这件事情。„Youcome backquickly, comes backIchattedwithyouagain.”
“那你们快回来吧,回来的时候我再和你们聊。”Kanesaid, thenhung up the telephone conversation.凯恩说完后便挂断了通话。Howeveratthis time, the front door of roomsuddenlywas opened.
然而就在这时候,房间的大门突然被打开。TwospiritmaidsledLuminato clash, looked that theirexpressions seemed to be flustered.
两个幽灵女仆带着米露米娜冲了进来,看他们的表情似乎非常慌张。Afterward was severalbiggroupblackmistflushed, congealingsolidto becomeKalianand the othersappearances, theyencircledin front ofKanelook right and left.
随后便是几大团黑色的雾气冲了进来,凝实成卡莲等人的模样,她们围在凯恩面前左看右看。Byrunning up toKane that Luminapassdirectlyentirely, pincheshistrouser legs coveringsto look athim.
米露米娜两人直接通通通的跑到凯恩旁边,捏着他的裤腿望着他。„Elder BrotherKaneoutsideskywas rotten.”
„ Blamed the elder sisterto lose the ballto losesmashes the skyto the space.
“是都怪姐姐丢球丢到天上把天空砸烂了。How ” „possiblyto blameme, Ilost the space the ball, howpossiblyto smash the sky, certainlywhowassmashes the sky, in any casewas notI.”
”“怎么可能怪我,我只是把球丢到了天上,怎么可能把天空砸烂,一定是谁把天空砸烂的,反正不是我。”Refutedoneselfyounger sisterloudly, laterwas sayingwas sayingsuddenlycriedloudly: „Waah, is notintentionally.”
米露大声反驳自己的妹妹,随后说着说着突然大声哭了出来:“哇啊啊啊,米露不是故意的。”Is listening totwosisters'speeches, the Kanebrowtightwrinkle, whytheirtwo can seesuchscene?
听着两姐妹的发言,凯恩眉头紧皱,为什么她们两个能够看见这样的景象?Kanechecked the material, the dungeonlifecould not have detected the skyshatterscene.凯恩曾经查过资料,地牢的生灵是察觉不到天空破碎的这一景象的。Heraised the head, looks that Roshalas well asencirclesinoneselfCallianthey.
他抬起头来,看着罗莎莉以及围在自己身旁的卡莲她们。„Can youalsosee?”
The maskyoung girlnods.
面具少女点头。Roshalwalks saying: „Yes, the masterwealsosaw the sky the fissure, what to do?”
罗莎莉则走过来说道:“是的,主人我们也看见天空的裂痕了,怎么办?”Therefore can the spirit of freedomsee?
所以自由之灵都能看见吗?And are Minnaalso the spirits of freedom? Ifthey, Nona?
米露和米娜也是自由之灵?如果她们俩也是的话,那波诺娜呢?It seems likeand otherNonacome back, trulymustchatwell.
看来等波诺娜回来的时候,确实要好好聊一聊了。Thinks that hereKanelooks upthem saying: „All right, does not needto care, the skysplitis the normal phenomenon.”
想到这里凯恩抬起头来看着她们说道:“没事的,不用在意,天空裂开了是正常现象。”„?”Hears the speech of Kane, the Roshaleyesturned into the beanbeaneyedirectly, a facecompelsignorant: „Skycrack...... split, is the normal phenomenon?”
“啊?”听到凯恩的发言,罗莎莉双眼直接变成了豆豆眼,一脸的懵逼:“天空裂……裂开了,是正常现象?”Kanelooks ather, seriousandgrandnod: „Yes, thisis the normal phenomenon, does not needto care.”凯恩看着她,严肃而隆重的点点头:“是的,这是正常现象,不用在意。”Hears the Kanewords, Roshalnods, sayinglooking pensive: „Originally the freelaterworld, issuch?”
听到凯恩的话,罗莎莉点点头,若有所思的说道:“原来自由之后的世界,是这样子的吗?”Callianwears the whitemaskto visittwo people, under the mask, hereyehad turned into the deadfisheye.
卡莲戴着白色的面具看着两人,面具下,她的眼睛已经变成了死鱼眼。No, thisis not completely normal.
…………Next day.
次日。In the orange yellowsky, the blazingbodyraisesas usual.
橙黄色的天空中,炽热的身体照常升起。Onlychange is in the skythatgiantgap, as well asspans the entirevault of heaven the fissure.
唯一改变的便是天空中那巨大的缺口,以及跨越整个天穹的裂痕。Every morning when thatstrangeappearance, looks likejustlooked in a mirror, discovered that on the mirrorwas hitto splitbywhomsuddenlyalsofalls down a fragmentto be the same.
那奇怪的样子,就像是每天早晨刚照镜子时,发现镜子上突然被谁打裂开还掉下了一块碎片一样。Howeverthisstilldoes not affectfluttering of cloud, does not affectraising of Sun, does not affectin the skythatstill the orange yellowluster.
不过这依然不影响云彩的飘动,不影响太阳的升起,不影响天空中那依然橙黄的色泽。Likewas hit the mirror of crack, if not shut out, can still be ableto use.
就像被打裂的镜子,如果不嫌弃的话,依然还是能够可以使用的。Kane in drunkdream, listens to the noisysound that outsideis transmitting, could not bearopen the eye.
醉梦中的凯恩,听着外面传来的嘈杂声响,忍不住睁开了眼睛。Opens the eyewhenKane, gets out of bedto do.
就在凯恩睁开眼睛,起床做起来时。Out of the doorbroadcastsRoshal'svoiceimmediately.
门外立刻传来了罗莎莉的声音。„Did masterawake? Needsmeto take care ofyouto wear the clothes?”
“主人醒了吗?需要我来服侍你穿衣服吗?”Hears the sound that out of the doorbroadcasts, the rejection of Kanefullheavy linesaid: „Does not use!”
听到门外传来的声音,凯恩满头黑线的拒绝道:“不用!”WhenKanewears the clotheswashesin the singlebaths of room, out of the dooragainbroadcastRoshal'svoice.
当凯恩穿上衣服在房间的单人浴间洗漱的时候,门外再次传来了罗莎莉的声音。„Does master, needmeto take care ofyouto wash?”
“噗用!”Kanestoppermouthfultoothpastefroth, loudsaying.凯恩塞着满嘴的牙膏沫,大声的说道。At this timecansee the gateexternal a whiteinspection lamp, butRoshal'svoiceconveyedfrominside.
After Kanerejects, cansee the whiteflame that inthatflickersto flash through a disconsolateexpression.
被凯恩拒绝后,能够看见那里面忽明忽暗的白色火焰闪过一丝惆怅的表情。Cannottake care of the masterto get out of bedto change clothes, is really the maiddisrespectful.
不能服侍主人起床更衣,真是女仆的失礼呢。Kanein the room, is rinsing mouthwith the clear waterreluctantly.凯恩在房间里,无奈地用清水漱着口。Roshalusuallygood.
罗莎莉平时都还好。AlwayswhenKanenottoocustomotherstake care, askedwords whether needsto take care.
总是在凯恩不太习惯别人服侍的时候,问出是否需要服侍的话。Ifthiswere heardby.
The redlionfictitiousshadow could brave.
红色的狮子虚影可能又要冒出来了。WhenKanegoes outwell-dressedshoves open the door.
The entranceinspection lampchanged intoRoshal'sappearance, followedinlooked atKanebehind.
门口的提灯化为了罗莎莉的样貌,跟在了看凯恩的身后。Kanedoes not needto turn head, knowsRoshalinownbehind.凯恩无需回头,也知道罗莎莉就在自己的身后。„Out of the dooris so noisy , because theydid come back?”
“门外这么吵,是因为克蕾雅她们回来了吗?”„Yes, master.”
“是的,主人。”Kanenods.凯恩点点头。WhenKanetheygo down the building, justseestheyto come.
当凯恩他们走下楼的时候,刚好看见克蕾雅他们进来。Nonalooks uptoKane.
波诺娜抬头望向凯恩。Kaneknows certainly that Nonalooks athimiswhatmeaning, said: „Luminashouldsleepin the aboveroom, makingLarisaleadyouto go.”凯恩当然知道波诺娜看他是什么意思,说道:“米露米娜应该在上面的房间里睡觉,让拉丽莎带你去吧。”
That talkedsaidin the staircaseto float a azureinspection lamp, laterchanged into a spiritmaid, thisspiritmaidofficiallyLarisa, was responsible for the belt/bringtaking care ofLuminabyher.
谈的话说完楼梯上就飘来了一盏青色的提灯,随后化为了一个幽灵女仆,这个幽灵女仆正式拉丽莎,也是由她来负责带照顾米露米娜的。Kanelooks that theysomewhatexhaustedappearanceasked: „What's wrong? Youmustfirstgo to the roomresta while, rushed abouttiredsuchfor a long time.”凯恩看着克蕾雅他们有些疲惫的样子问道:“怎么了?你们要不要先去房间里休息一会儿,奔波这么久还是劳累了吧。”Hears the Kanewords, referred to the sky of out of the window: „Butinskythatfissure......”
听到凯恩的话,克蕾雅指了指窗外的天空:“可是天空上那道裂痕……”„All right, restsquickly, whenyouhad a good sleepchattedagain, nownoteagerlythisfor a while.”
“没事的,快去休息吧,等你们睡好了再聊,现在也不急于这一时。”Kanewas sayingside that arrived, stretched out the noseto smellsmellingonherbody.凯恩说着来到了克蕾雅的旁边,伸出鼻子在她的身上嗅了嗅。„Un, un, althoughis very fragrant, butis so long, rushing aboutdefinitelyisa little flavor.”
“嗯,嗯,虽然克蕾雅很香,但是这么久,奔波肯定还是有点味道的。”Hears the Kanewords, root of the earwas instantaneously red: „Thatisbecause, thatisbecausedoes not have the cleanwater source......”
听到凯恩的话,克蕾雅的耳根瞬间红了:“那是因为,那是因为没有干净的水源……”Kaneshakeshandto saywith a smile: „Iknow that must therefore take a bathwell, rests, not?”凯恩握着克蕾雅的手笑着说道:“我知道的,所以才要好好洗个澡,休息一下,不是吗?”Two peopleflirt with one another, nearbyLombetheirdeparturessilently, returning to the respectiveroomto rest.
两人打情骂俏的时候,旁边的隆贝他们默默的离开,回到各自的房间去休息了。After allno onewantsto work as the dog.
毕竟谁也不想当狗。„Ok, wentquickly.”
“好了,快去吧。”Kanewas saying the hand that loosened, pattedherhorse buttockswhile convenient.凯恩说着松开了克蕾雅的手,顺便拍了拍她的马屁。„! Un.”
“啊!嗯。”ByKanethissuddenmovement, had a scare, cannot bearcall out in alarm.
克蕾雅被凯恩这突然的动作,吓了一跳,忍不住惊呼出来。Afterwardis blushingun, the half stepwalkstowardownroom.
The dooropensworms one's way into, laterbyfastclosing.
房门打开钻了进去,随后被快速的关上。Kanethishas smiledlooks,laterlooked atownhand.凯恩就这样一直满脸笑容的看着,随后又看了看自己的手。Perhapsseveraldayshave not seen.
或许是有好几天没有看见克蕾雅了。Alsobecause of the reason of expedition, Kanehas not needed the rubylead(er)to clamp the relationwithheroutside.
并且因为克蕾雅在外征战的缘故,凯恩也没有和她用红宝石领夹联系。Today after seeing, the inexplicabletumult of mood.
今天看见克蕾雅后,心情的莫名骚动。Otherwise the ordinarywords, hecannot do the matter that flatters.
不然平常的话,他可是干不出来拍马屁的事情。Kaneis just thinking, door, suddenlywas opened a slit.凯恩正想着,克蕾雅的房门,又突然被打开一道缝隙。
The oil lamps of 8variouscolorandpattern, lined upto flutterfrom the crack in a doorplace.
八盏各种颜色和花纹的油灯,从门缝处排队飘了出来。Isthat8spiritmaids who followto go to war.
也融进了她的身体吗?Kaneopens the demonto goshortly, the charmresponse that on the oil lamptransmitshad arrived at the silver.凯恩睁开魔眼看去,油灯上传来的魔力反应已经到达了银色。Roshalas ifalsofelt the strengths of thesemaids.
身后的罗莎莉似乎也感觉到了那些女仆的实力。„Aiya, it seems likeImust the followingmastertry hard, butotherwisecould not maintain the maidlongtitle.”
“哎呀,看来我得跟着主人努力了,不然可就保不住女仆长的称号了。”+joins the bookmark+
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