DSED :: Volume #5

#430: 4 sunspot might

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In somewhat dim stone building. 有些昏暗的石屋内。 Because the present time arrived at afternoon, the stone building not ideal natural lighting adds on the sky the thick dark clouds, causing in the entire stone building to look that probably entered the night to be the same. 由于现在的时间来到了下午,石屋并不理想的采光加上天空中厚厚的黑云,导致整个石屋内看着像是进入了夜晚一样。 Kane sits by the sofa, in the hand is taking books reading of related machinery to study. 凯恩坐沙发旁,手上正拿着一本有关机械的书籍阅读学习着。 ~ shouted ~ “呼~呼~” His nearby Minna is depending on his thigh, heavy falling asleep, Kane with idle hand gently pats her back to coax her to go to sleep. 他的旁边米娜正靠在他的大腿上,沉沉的睡着,凯恩用空闲的手轻轻的拍着她的后背哄她入睡。 But elder sister of this little fellow, is sitting on Kane front rug at this time, diligently is putting together puzzle in the hand. 而这个小家伙的姐姐米露,此时正在凯恩面前的地毯上坐着,努力的拼着自己手中的拼图。 Really regarding these little fellows, the puzzle is easiest to consume their spirit, lets way that they are peaceful, naturally the premise is their being interested. 果然对于这些小家伙来说,拼图就是最容易消耗他们精神,让他们安静下来的方式,当然前提是她们的感兴趣。 Regarding mischievous, the puzzle has not that attracted her. 对于调皮的米露来说,拼图并没有那么的吸引她。 She peaceful there puzzle , because. 她之所以会安安静静的在那里拼图,是因为。 Elder Brother Kane, look, I spelled.” Will put together the good puzzle to take, showed off was giving Kane. 凯恩哥哥,看,我拼好了。”米露将拼好的拼图拿起来,炫耀着递给了凯恩 Kane looked, determined after has not misspelled, from has stood in oneself behind Roshal hand received a plate of strawberry cake. 凯恩看了一下,确定米露没有拼错后,从一直站在自己身后的罗莎莉手中接过了一盘草莓蛋糕。 Spelled good, come, reward of reaching an agreement.” “拼的不错,来,说好的奖励。” „!” Is cheering. “耶!”米露欢呼着。 Yes, this is why she will be peaceful the puzzle the reason, kills between -meal snack to another of child greatly, is the system of reward. 是的,这就是为什么她会安安静静拼图的原因,对小孩子的又一个大杀器零食,还是奖励的制度。 But nearby Minna by oneself elder sister's cheers awakening, rubbed the eyes, crawled. 而旁边的米娜则被自己姐姐的欢呼声给惊醒了,揉了揉眼睛,爬了起来。 Minna, Minna, the elder sister spelled to be about to eat the cake.” incurs toward oneself younger sister. “米娜,米娜,姐姐拼完了快过来吃蛋糕。”米露朝着自己的妹妹招着手。 Finally spelled? The elder sister is really slow.” “终于拼完了吗?姐姐真慢。” Minna will lie down on the leg of Kane sleeps , because oneself elder sister spells was too slow, her early spelled, has been waiting for the elder sister to spell, this can eat the cake. 米娜之所以会躺在凯恩的腿上睡觉,就是因为自己的姐姐拼的太慢了,她早早的就拼好了,一直在等着自己姐姐拼完,这样才能吃上蛋糕。 Hears younger sister's words, is not instantaneously happy: What do you mean? You were said that your elder sister was stupid?” 听到自己妹妹的话,米露瞬间不高兴了:“什么意思?你是说自己的姐姐笨吗?” No, Minna may not have to say.” Minna shakes the head saying that but looked that her expression knows, she truly is dislikes the elder sister to be stupid. “没有哦,米娜可没有这么说。”米娜摇摇头说道,不过看她的表情就知道,她确实是嫌自己姐姐笨。 Then, two sisters forgot the cake that they have wanted to eat, created a disturbance mutually. 就这样,两姐妹忘记了她们一直想要吃的蛋糕,相互打闹了起来。 At this time Roshal as if felt that anything fluttered to out of the door, later before long opened the door, walked from the main entrance, in the hand is taking one to fold the good map. 这时候罗莎莉似乎感觉到了什么飘向了门外,随后不一会儿又打开了房门,从正门走了进来,手中正拿着一幅叠好的地图。 Gave Kane the map. 将地图递给了凯恩 Kane opened the shop the map on the tea table the careful examination, at this time on the map revolves the fort 5 camps, has started to expand outward much. 凯恩将地图打开铺在了茶几上仔细的查看起来,此时地图上本来围绕着要塞得五个营地,早就开始向外扩充了不少。 Especially and Lombe's that 2 roads. 特别是克蕾雅和隆贝的那二条路。 In they went out to attack in three days of altogether to seize three camps. 在他们出去进攻三天的时间内总共占领了三座营地。 Do not dislike three camps to be few, that is because after 5 camps, the distance between camps has not looked like wants the area north of the Great Wall is so short. 不要嫌三座营地少,那是因为在五座营地之后,营地之间的距离并没有像要塞外那么短了。 Moreover the red side resurged the information should spread over all camps of entire blue side. 而且红色方死灰复燃了的信息应该已经传遍了整个蓝色方的所有营地。 All camps strengthened the military, and starts to send out the army to encircle they. 所有的营地都加强了兵力,并且开始派出大军围剿克蕾雅他们。 Naturally, Horne they were also encircled, but also sets the ambush around the camp. 当然了,霍恩他们也同样被围剿,还在营地周围设埋伏。 Heard that Horne their, the military officer the soldier was being ambushed to get rid of together, the loss is serious. 听说霍恩他们那里,有一位将领连带着士兵一起被埋伏干掉了,损失惨重。 Causes Horne their side to fight the seesaw battle, properly speaking took the military of blue side to annihilate 5 camps, encircled is wanting the area north of the Great Wall. 导致霍恩他们那边一直在打着拉锯战,按理来说以蓝色方的兵力早就可以为歼灭五座营地,围在要塞外了。 However front said that the entire blue side majority is listens to move does not listen to proclaim, symbolic after giving a military, appearance that pretends unable to see. 但是前面说了,整个蓝色方大部分都是听调不听宣的,象征性的给了一点兵力后,就装作看不见的样子。 However is this in addition military, many a little makes a mickle, still makes Horne be unable to take a single step forward, if not because after their pulls out several camps, continually attracted most military to limit them in the past, possibly even defended becomes somewhat difficult, but heard that yesterday they succeeded expanded a camp outward. 不过就是这加起来的兵力,积少成多,依然让霍恩寸步难行,如果不是因为克蕾雅他们那里连拔几座营地后吸引了大部分的兵力过去限制她们,可能连防守都变得有些困难,不过听说昨天他们成功向外扩展了一处营地。 Kane is reading the map, and is planning the present tactical situation, at this time the ruby lead(er) clamped to broadcast Lombe's voice. 凯恩正看着地图,并拟着现在的战况,这时候红宝石领夹上传来了隆贝的声音。 Good brothers, us almost to come back, many soldiers were exhausted.” “好兄弟,我们这边差不多要回来了,许多士兵都非常疲惫了。” Kane answered immediately: Does not have the issue, you come back to rest.” 凯恩立马回话到:“没问题,你们回来休息吧。” Because is the public channel, everyone can hear, at this time voice also passed on: Our also return trip, lost many soldiers, needs to come back to conduct to supplement.” 由于是公共频道,所有人都能听得见,这时候克蕾雅的声音也传了出来:“那我们也返程了,损失了不少的士兵了,需要回来进行一下补充。” Does not have the issue, comes back pays attention to the security.” “没问题,回来的时候注意安全。” After Lombe they talks over the telephone, Kane looks camp range that own front map as well as they seize. 和隆贝他们通完话后,凯恩看着自己面前的地图以及他们占领的营地范围。 They had expanded not the far distance outward, if must centered on fort, that supply each time back and forth, the route somewhat was long. 他们已经向外扩展了不远的距离,如果还要以要塞为中心的话,那每次来回补给,路线就有些漫长了。 Was the time moves toward front the big camp of set, moreover yesterday Horne also asked him to chat this matter. 是时候将集合的大营地朝前面挪挪了,而且昨天霍恩也找他聊了这件事情。 Kane arrives by the window, watched outside weather. 凯恩来到窗户旁,看了看外面的天色。 At this time the time was close quickly dusk, at their present distances, the words that they will hurry back almost is also the tomorrow's matter, today should not come back. 此时时间都快接近黄昏了,以克蕾雅他们现在的距离,他们赶回来的话差不多也是明天的事情了,今天应该是回来不到了。 It seems like truly the matter of quick roll-call big camp determines, otherwise the footsteps will be slowed. 看来确实得快一点将大营地的事情确定下来,不然脚步都会被拖慢了。 Going ahead. 说动就动。 Kane turns the head, was saying to behind Roshal: I go out, these two little fellows gave you two.” 凯恩转过头来,对着自己身后的罗莎莉说道:“我出去一趟,这两个小家伙就交给你们两了。” After looking Roshal nods, Kane to that two little fellows looks. 看着罗莎莉点点头后,凯恩又向那两个小家伙看去。 At this time, two little misses already the cream of whole face, eats while creates a disturbance. 此时,两个小姑娘已经满脸的奶油,边吃边打闹。 Nearby spirit maid is taking the handkerchief to chase them, wants to clean the cream on their face. 旁边的幽灵女仆在拿着手帕追赶着她们,想要擦拭她们脸上的奶油。 They regarded a game this behavior, the room runs all over the place. 她们把这一行为当成了一场游戏,满屋子乱跑。 Lumina I go out, should not be mischievous, your mothers should come back tomorrow.” “米露米娜我出去一趟,你们不要调皮,你们妈妈明天应该就回来了。” Hears the Kane words, two little fellows stopped the footsteps instantaneously, pleasantly surprised asking: Real?” 听到凯恩的话,两个小家伙瞬间停下来了脚步,惊喜的问道:“真的吗?” Just has the spirit maid also to hold them, takes up the cleaning rag to scratch the cream on their face. 刚好有幽灵女仆也将她们抓住,拿起抹布擦着她们脸上的奶油。 Really.” “真的。” Kane said, then left the house, walks toward the command headquarters that Horne is. 凯恩说完后便离开了房屋,向着霍恩所在的指挥所走去。 Just left the camp, five groups of black air/Qi from caught up behind, hit on the back of the hand of Kane. 刚离开营地,五团黑气就从身后赶来,撞进了凯恩的手背上。 Oh.” “唉。” Kane stops the footsteps, looks 5 white mask chart tuarts that on own right hand back of the hand presents, helpless sighing. 凯恩停下脚步,看着自己右手手背上出现的五张白色面具图桉,无奈的叹了一口气。 Because the dark waiters become the spirit of freedom, their subjective initiative start to display. 由于黑暗侍者都成为了自由之灵,她们的主观能动性就开始发挥出来。 Kane does not know that what kind of training they once had, only knows that they do not know when will no longer have closed in the room. 凯恩也不知道她们曾经受过怎样的训练,只知道她们不知道什么时候不再一直将自己关在房间里了。 But disperses in each hiding corner of camp, is monitoring the camp surrounding situation. 而是分散于营地的各个隐蔽角落,监视着营地周围的情况。 Moreover their covert skills, in addition their transformed dead spirit physicals, cause to be discovered very much difficultly. 而且她们的隐蔽技巧,再加上她们被改造的亡灵体质,导致很难被发现。 Once Kane leaves the camp to have a squad, is attached to his back of the hand. 一旦凯恩离开营地就会有一只小队,附在他的手背上。 They want to protect the Kane security, even if Kane had said does not use, but they in certain aspects actually exceptionally stubborn. 她们想要保护凯恩的安全,即使凯恩说过不用,但她们在某些方面却异常的固执。 Before they were two squads are attached to the back of the hand of Kane, under the Kane virtue persuasion, now slightly is good one squad. 之前她们是两个小队附在凯恩的手背上,在凯恩德劝说下,现在稍微好了点只有一只小队。 Kane arrives at the direction place, just sees Horne is chatting anything on the sand tables and other military officers. 凯恩来到指挥处,刚好看见霍恩正在沙盘上和其他的将领聊着什么。 After Horne sees Kane, asked: What matter has? Chief Kane.” 霍恩看见凯恩后问道:“有什么事吗?凯恩队长。” Discussed a Xiadaying place position.” Kane said. “来商量一下大营地的位置。”凯恩说道。 „, Chief Kane had the idea, came, I still am just chatting to need the camp to proceed with them to move.” “哦,凯恩队长有想法了吗,来来来,刚好我还在和他们聊着需要将营地往前挪挪呢。” Kane walked, looked at front sand table, later referred to the front 5 camps, slanting right that. 凯恩走了过去,看了看面前的沙盘,随后指了指前方五座营地中的,斜右方的那一座。 „The topography of this camp is high, moreover leaves very nearly with the overlapping positions of several other paths, transportation unusual convenient of military, passed through from here from the fort class/flow past water source.” “这座营地的地势较高,而且和其他几条道路的交叉位置离得很近,兵力的运输非常的方便,还有一条从要塞流过去的水源从这里经过。” Although this camp the position is not very good, but compares several other truly to be better on many. 这座营地虽然位置不是非常好,但相比其他的几座确实要好上的不少。 Before Kane had chatted this place with Horne, but truly needs to determine now. 之前凯恩就已经和霍恩聊过这个地方了,只是现在确实需要确定下来。 Without the issue, that this camp extension is the big camp.” “没问题,那就将这处营地扩建为大营地吧。” Afterward two people then start to discuss that some details, finally decided that moves comprehensively two days later. 随后两人便开始商量起来一些细节,最后决定在两天后全面搬过去。 After Horne reaches an agreement, Kane says goodbye, returned to the camp. 和霍恩商量好后,凯恩就告辞,返回了营地内。 Entered the camp, the 5 mask chart tuarts on Kane changed into the black air/Qi, vanished does not see. 一进入营地,凯恩手上的五个面具图桉就化为了黑气,消失不见。 Entered in the house just to sit down, Kane opened the eye suddenly. 进入房屋内刚坐下,凯恩突然睁开了眼睛。 The cooling time of angel dice. 天使骰子的冷却时间过了。 Kane opens directly Book of Ventures, Angel dice Skill Rune in Skill Rune warehouse, in imposition skill own skill square. 凯恩直接翻开【冒险之书】,将技能石仓库中的天使骰子技能石,安放技能自己的技能格内。 The charm gushes out from the hand, in a while, the familiar dice appeared in own hand again, with angel empty shadow stroking, entered may the running condition. 魔力从手中涌出,没过多久,熟悉的骰子再次出现在了自己的手中,随着天使虚影的抚摸,进入了可使用状态。 Kane looks at the dice in hand to prepare to use, but suppressed to stop. 凯恩看着手中的骰子正准备使用,不过又强忍着停了下来。 Looked at not far away to play the noisy two little fellows. 看了看不远处正在玩闹的两个小家伙。 Roshal, you lead Lumina to go out to play a while, at least after one hour, comes back.” “罗莎莉,你带着米露米娜出去玩一会儿,至少一个小时后再回来。” Although Roshal does not know that Kane makes what intention suddenly, but nods, later led Lumina to go out of the door with another dense fog maid. 罗莎莉虽然不知道凯恩突然这么做有什么用意,但还是点点头,随后和另外一位迷雾女仆带着米露米娜走出了房门。 The luck is excessively bad, but periphery will affect. 运气过差,可是会影响周围的。 Periphery after determination no, Kane looks the angel dice in own hand, threw gently in the air. 确定周围没什么后,凯恩才看着自己手中的天使骰子,轻轻的抛到了空中。 The dice in revolving of airborne rapid, fell on the tea table later, depended on an corner/horn to revolve. 骰子在空中快速的旋转,随后落到了茶几上,靠着一角旋转着。 If the normal dice, Kane can definitely by own skill, want to throw several points to throw several points, but completely does not have any function regarding this dice. 如果是正常的骰子的话,凯恩完全能够靠自己的技巧,想投几点就投几点,不过对于这个骰子来说完全没有任何作用。 No matter any skill cannot affect him. 不管任何的技能都不能影响到他。 Kane looks at that side that is going to reveal is the black, in the heart the secretly thought/passage is not good. 凯恩看着将要露出的那一面是黑色的,心中暗道不好。 The swayed dice stopped finally. 摇摇晃晃的骰子终于停了下来。 Looks at the above digit black, Kane two one. 看着上面的数字,凯恩两眼一黑。 That side in towards impressively is 4 sunspots, the ultimate mildew transports/fortunes. 朝上的那一面赫然是四个黑点,终极霉运。 The mildew transports/fortunes the direct eruption. 霉运直接爆发。 The Kane body somewhat was stiff, he was pondering what kind of misfortune will present. 凯恩身体都有些僵硬了,他在思考着到底会出现怎样的厄运。 That is 4 sunspots, this mildew transports/fortunes, once came, keeps off cannot block. 那可是四个黑点呀,这霉运一旦来了,挡都挡不住。 Sits on the sofa motionless, is waiting for oncoming of unlucky matter. 坐在沙发上一动不动,等待着倒霉事情的来临。 One minute. 一分钟。 Two minutes. 两分钟。 Five minutes. 五分钟。 A half hour. 半小时。 Waited for a half hour of Kane, has not waited till what strange event. 等了半个小时的凯恩,还是没有等到什么奇怪事件的发生。 What's the matter, Kane somewhat does not make clear the present condition. 怎么回事,凯恩有些搞不清楚现在的状况。 Is that flash that because shake dice, lucky is low? 是因为自己摇骰子的那一瞬间,身上的幸运非常非常低吗? The mildew transported according to at that time luck and erupted doubled and re-doubled, lucky also similarly according to at that time luck and gave doubled and re-doubled. 霉运是根据当时身上的幸运而成倍爆发的,幸运也同样是根据当时身上的幸运而成倍给予的。 If Kane throws that flash of dice lucky rarely, even if doubles again many still such. 如果凯恩投骰子的那一瞬间身上的幸运很少的话,即使加倍再多也就那样。 Perhaps now is this situation. 或许现在就是这种情况。 At once, Kane does not know that is this/should happy or this/should sad. 一时之间,凯恩不知道是该高兴还是该伤心。 Cannot try our luck. 不能心存侥幸。 Kane is honest sitting on the sofa, waits for one hour to pass completely. 凯恩还是老老实实的坐在沙发上,等待着一个小时完全过去。 Finally one hour only had final time, on the face of Kane showed the smile. 终于一个小时就只剩下最后的一点时间了,凯恩的脸上露出了笑容。 Hi, oneself the lucky value was fortunately low at that time enough. 嗨呀,还好自己当时幸运值够低。 During this is one type is also unfortunate was lucky. 这也算是一种不幸之中的万幸了。 Card!” “啪卡!” When Kane is happy, the deafening sound conveys from outside. 正当凯恩高兴时,震耳欲聋的声音从外面传来。 Heard this sound, Kane stares in a big way the eye, immediately arrives at the window, outward looked. 听到这声响,凯恩瞪大了眼睛,立刻来到窗边,朝外看去。 Notch! 哦豁! The ruby lead(er) on Kane collar clamps is also vibrating crazily. 凯恩衣领上的红宝石领夹也在疯狂的震动着。 They is keeping toward the Kane pass on message. 克蕾雅他们正在不停的向着凯恩传讯。 Were finished! 完蛋! Happy too, underestimated 4 sunspots might early. 高兴的太早了,小看了四个黑点的威力了。 Click downloading home station APP, the magnanimous novel, read free smoothly! 点击下载本站APP,海量小说,免费畅读!
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