DSED :: Volume #5

#429: Before the world was shattered,

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Next day early morning. 次日的清晨。 Kane gazes after they to leave in the fort entrance. 凯恩在要塞门口目送克蕾雅她们离开。 He needs to guard these days in the fort, guards against unexpected situation occurrence. 他需要在这段时间驻守在要塞内,谨防意外情况的发生。 Has any unexpected situation to remember that clamps the pass on message through the ruby lead(er), I will catch up fast.” Kane is urging to front teammate. “有什么意外情况记得通过红宝石领夹传讯,我会快速赶过来的。”凯恩对着面前的队友叮嘱道。 Lombe impatient saying: Good, should not be womanishly fussy, you became my brother such person quickly, everyone was so long, has not believed us.” 隆贝不耐烦的说道:“好了好了,不要婆婆妈妈的,你都快成为我哥那样的人了,大家都这么久了,还不相信我们吗。” Said that Lombe leads oneself soldier to set out, Medsker is nodding to Kane also with. 说完隆贝就带着自己的士兵开拔,梅兹克对着凯恩点点头也跟了上去。 But another side, hugged to paste the cheeks with Kane: You remain also pays attention to the security, do not relax vigilantly.” 而另一边的克蕾雅,和凯恩抱了抱贴了贴脸颊:“你留守的时候也注意安全,不要放松警惕了。” After saying, before loosening the hug, but also kissed on the cheeks of Kane. 说完后,松开拥抱之前,还在凯恩的脸颊上亲了一下。 Leads own soldier, then progresses to dash about wildly to go toward another side. 带着自己的士兵,便朝着另一边策马狂奔而去。 Said goodbye Kane!” Distant also hears the Li path path voice. “再见了凯恩!”远远的还听见莉路路的声音。 Kane stands in the fort entrance like this, gazes after them to go far away. 凯恩就这样站在要塞门口,目送着他们远去。 Elder Brother Kane, when does mother want to come back?” A small form of green hair grabs the Kane trouser legs coverings to ask. 凯恩哥哥,妈妈要什么时候才会回来呢?”一个绿色头发的小身影抓着凯恩的裤腿问道。 Hears her words, Kane squats to hug her in the bosom, grabs the trouser legs coverings another side while convenient that small only also hugged. 听到她的话,凯恩蹲下来将她抱在怀里,顺便也将另外一边抓着自己裤腿的那一小只也抱了起来。 Of being all right, your mother could not take several days to come back.” Kane was saying to speech. “没事的米露,你妈妈要不了几天就回来了。”凯恩对着说话的米露说道。 Another side Minna closely pinches the clothes that is looking at with oneself small hand, she is among the twin younger sister, is quite shy that. 另一边的米娜只是用自己的小手紧紧的捏着看的衣服,她是双胞胎当中的妹妹,属于比较害羞的那一位。 Perhaps is because Kane is their mother's recruiting relations, these two little misses are quite familiar with Kane, is not too afraid him. 或许是因为凯恩是他们母亲的招募者的关系,这两个小姑娘对凯恩还比较熟悉,不太害怕他。 Because Nona needs to lead the Kane virtue soldiers to enter the war, therefore considers his two daughters' duties, naturally fell on Kane that remained behind in the fort. 由于波诺娜需要带领着凯恩德士兵去参战,所以照顾他两个女儿的任务,自然就落到了留守在要塞的凯恩身上。 After all Li path path also followed to pass. 毕竟莉路路也跟着过去了。 However has the spirit maid fortunately, as maid skill to the senior maid, bringing child matter to have words at fingertips and write with facility to them. 不过还好有着幽灵女仆在,身为女仆技能点到高级的女仆,带孩子这种事情对于她们来说信手拈来。 Hugged two little misses, Kane was returning to their camps, because all soldiers carried off, therefore now in entire camp empty. 抱着两个小姑娘,凯恩回到了他们的营地内,由于所有的士兵都被拉走了,所以现在整个营地内空荡荡的。 But in the journey that walks Lumina has depended in the Kane bosom fell asleep, because must deliver their mothers, therefore these two little misses this morning very early, now possibly was somewhat tired. 而走过来的路途中米露米娜就已经靠在凯恩的怀里睡着了,由于要送她们的妈妈,所以这两个小姑娘今天早上起得很早,现在可能是有些累了。 But Kane also follows behind Roshal as well as a spirit maid who are responsible for taking care of two little misses. 凯恩身后还跟着罗莎莉以及一个负责照顾两个小姑娘的幽灵女仆。 After she sees two little misses fall asleep, directly comes two little misses to meet, returned to the house quickly. 她见两个小姑娘睡着后,直接过来将两个小姑娘接了过去,快步返回了房屋内。 Reason that because needs to promote, Kane now side, only then Roshal as well as just considered two spirit maid who takes care of the child. 由于需要升级的原因,凯恩现在身边只有着罗莎莉以及刚刚照顾两个照顾孩子的幽灵女仆。 Other 8, all followed to go on an expedition together, after all they also need to enhance the strength, if did not go to war, possibility that their strengths will not have promoted. 其他的八个,全部跟随着克蕾雅一起去征战了,毕竟她们也需要提升实力,如果不去打仗的话,那她们的实力将没有提升的可能性。 Why as for is, that is because has skill that can the incarnation spirit shape, moreover more walks in this aspect is farther, the spirit maid follows she definitely to obtain enhancement in strength, can take care in her while convenient. 至于为什么是克蕾雅,那是因为克蕾雅有着能够化身幽灵形态的技能,而且在这一方面越走越远,幽灵女仆跟着她肯定能够获得实力上的加强,顺便还能够服侍于她。 Walks Kane in the camp said suddenly: This camp suddenly is empty a piece, is so peaceful, but also some are not familiar with.” 走在营地里凯恩突然说道:“这营地突然空荡荡一片,这么安静,还有些不习惯。” Master cannot say, otherwise Callian they may be sad.” Roshal covers the mouth to say in behind secretly with a smile. “主人可不能这么说,不然卡莲她们可就会伤心了。”罗莎莉在后面捂着嘴巴偷偷笑着说道。 Right, Kane patted an own head, this thinks that 20 dark waiter has not followed they to go to battle. 啊对,凯恩拍了一下自己的脑袋,这才想起来那20名黑暗侍者并没有跟随克蕾雅他们出战。 It is not Kane does not make them go out to go to war intentionally, but is these 20 young girls does not know why is not willing to obey except for Kane anybody completely. 不是凯恩故意不让他们出去打仗,而是这20名少女不知为何完全不愿意听从除了凯恩的任何人。 Also does not know that is because they become the reason of spirit of freedom, although does not come out they to become the strength of freedom superficially, but essentially they truly are the spirits of freedom, has high a stronger independency. 也不知道是不是因为她们成为了自由之灵的原因,虽然表面上看不出来她们成为了自由之力,但是本质上他们确实是自由之灵,有着更高更强的自主性。 Thinks of here, Kane walks is asking to behind Roshal: „Do you know the essence of this world now?” 想到这里,凯恩边走边对着自己身后的罗莎莉问道:“你现在知道这个世界的本质吗?” Kane asked like this, 凯恩之所以这样问, Is because the free spirit that after Roshal should be yesterday was recruited, to become. Is because resulted in Book of Ventures to affect by Kane, becomes the spirit of freedom, therefore has not possibly adapted to own change. 是因为罗莎莉应该是昨天被招募出来后才成为的自由之灵。是因为被凯恩冒险之书影响了,才成为自由之灵的,所以可能还不适应自己的变化。 Hears the Kane sudden issue, after Roshal gawked a while, saying slowly: Does not know, I felt differently.” 听到凯恩突然的问题,罗莎莉愣了一会儿后,才慢慢的说道:“不知道,我只是感觉不一样了。” What kind of feeling?” When the Kane somewhat curious question and answer, he truly obtains the freedom feeling to be interested regarding the spirit of freedom. “怎样的感觉?”凯恩有些好奇的问答,他确实对于自由之灵获得自由时的感觉非常感兴趣。 Roshal starts to ponder, later said: „Before probably, was covered glass, although outside being able to see, but was actually prevented by the glass.” 罗莎莉开始思考起来,随后说道:“就好像以前被蒙上了一层玻璃,虽然看得见外面,但却被玻璃阻挡了。” Now the glass was broken, prevented air and breeze blow.” “现在玻璃被打破了,被阻挡的空气和微风吹拂了进来。” Hears Roshal's reply, Kane shakes the head, this reply mold lake, was too too ambiguous, could not excavate any useful information completely. 听到罗莎莉的回答,凯恩摇摇头,这回答太模湖了,太模棱两可了,完全发掘不了任何有用的信息。 „Do you have by me are recruited the beforehand memory?” “那你有被我招募之前的记忆吗?” The Kane words look like a lightning to be the same, Roshal, she suddenly in same place. 凯恩的话就像是一道闪电一样,噼中了罗莎莉,她突然就愣在了原地。 „Just before......, I am a maid, the maid......” she start the mumbling stutter, the words that as if looks at some mechanism/organization in her brain were the same according. “以前……以前,我是位女仆,女仆……”她开始念念有词结结巴巴,似乎看的话按中了她脑中的某个机关一样。 Regarding this situation, Kane does not know to should do, looks at her present appearance, can only wait for her in side, waits for her own to restore. 对于这种情况,凯恩也不知该如何是好,看着她现在的样子,只能在旁边等待着她,等待着她自己恢复过来。 Finally after a while, Roshal lifted the head: I do not have the beforehand memory, too the mold lake, I have been as if repeating the process of death, I look like am made baseless is the same.” 终于过了一会儿后,罗莎莉抬起了头:“我没有之前的记忆,太模湖了,似乎我一直在重复着死亡的过程,我就像是被凭空造出来的一样。” Looks at the Roshal somewhat disheartened appearance, Kane walks to want the racket her shoulder, however the hand passes through from her body directly, carried over white smog. 看着罗莎莉有些丧气的样子,凯恩走过来想要拍拍她的肩膀,然而手直接从她的身体中穿过,带出了一丝白色的烟雾。 Took back own hand silently, the back said in the back: Does not need extremely to care passing, now you were free, in the future will become your past.” 默默的收回了自己的手,背在背后说道:“不用太过在意过往,现在你自由了,未来就会成为你的过去。” Looks at the Kane movement, is listening to the Kane words, Roshal smiles, the nod said: Should helps obviously the result of master, was actually helped by the master on the contrary.” 看着凯恩的动作,听着凯恩的话语,罗莎莉笑了笑,点头说道:“明明应该是帮助主人的结果,却反倒被主人帮助了。” You were free, does not need to call my master, how called me Kane.” “你自由了,不用叫我主人也可以,叫我凯恩如何。” To be honest, Kane has been called the master, feels strangely. 说实话,凯恩一直被叫做主人,感觉怪怪的。 Regarding the Kane words, Roshal shakes the head actually, serious saying: Although I was free, but I the maid, the memory perhaps is still false, I am the maid actually real, the master is a master.” 对于凯恩的话,罗莎莉倒是摇摇头,严肃的说道:“虽然我自由了,但我依然还是女仆,记忆或许是假的,我是女仆却是真的,主人就是主人。” Ok, Roshal said like this, Kane was not good to say anything again. 行吧,罗莎莉都这样说了,凯恩也不好再说些什么。 Since Roshal also wants to understand, Kane starts to give her to introduce this world, the world in his cognition. 既然罗莎莉也想明白了,凯恩开始给她介绍起这个世界,他认知中的这个世界。 With narration of Kane, Roshal's eyes are getting more and more bright, as if gains more these knowledge, let her freedom. 随着凯恩的讲述,罗莎莉的眼睛越来越亮,似乎获取更多的这些知识,让她更加的自由了。 After Kane said that Roshal actually starts disheartenedly: After the master goes through customs, left, haven't we kept in the dungeon?” 凯恩说完后,罗莎莉却又开始丧气:“那当主人通关后,就离开了吗,那我们不就会一直留在地牢里?” Regarding this issue, Kane does not know that gives what reply, she cannot say that this world was soon swallowed by the dense fog, when the time comes when waits for the link of the world opens, they want the true freedom. 对于这个问题,凯恩也不知道作何回答,她总不能说这个世界快要被迷雾吞噬了,到时候等待世界之环开启时,她们就要真正的自由了。 Only can ambiguous saying: All right, how long us could not want also to say goodbye, your other sisters also handed over by you enlighten.” 只能模棱两可的说道:“没事的,要不了多久我们还会再见的,你的其他姐妹也都交由你去开导了。” Un.” “嗯。” Looks at the Roshal beforehand appearance, Kane also wants to know the dark waiter they regarding the free later understanding. 看着罗莎莉之前的样子,凯恩也想知道黑暗侍者她们对于自由之后的理解。 Goes ahead, Kane turns toward the dark house to walk directly. 说动就动,凯恩直接向着黑暗房屋走去。 Mentioned from entered the house after the dark waiter, has not seen them to come out, asked the spirit maid to inform Callian to come out when except for Kane. 说起来自从黑暗侍者进入房屋后,就没有见她们出来过,除了凯恩叫幽灵女仆通知卡莲出来时。 However at that time Callian did not give completely their face, does not obey their orders completely. 不过当时卡莲完全不给克蕾雅他们面子,完全不听从他们的命令。 Finally is also forced to give up. 最后也只好作罢。 When arrives at the house front, Kane just wants to knock on a door, the entrance opens directly. 当来到房屋面前时,凯恩正想敲门,门口直接打开。 Callian changed into one group of black fog to appear in the Kane front. 卡莲化为一团黑雾出现在了凯恩的面前。 She has not spoken, wears the mask to look at Kane like this, Kane even can feel the look under her mask. 她没有说话,就这样戴着面具望着凯恩,凯恩甚至能够感觉到她面具之下的眼神。 Kane scratches the head, how this must speak with them: Eh...... Callian you felt whether now compares freely before, the freedom in mind and energetic aspect.” 凯恩挠挠头,这要怎么和她们说话呀:“额……卡莲你觉得现在是否比之前更自由的呢,心灵和精神方面的自由。” Said directly beyond the shadow considers as finished. 直接开门见山的说算了。 Yes, master.” “是的,主人。” „......” Kane somewhat is at once dumbfounded. “……”凯恩一时之间有些哑口无言。 Thinks and asks: „Do you know the essence of this world?” 想了想又问道:“那你知道这个世界的本质吗?” Knows that master.” “知道的,主人。” „, Knows that...... knows well.” Kane nods with a smile. “哦,知道啊……知道就好。”凯恩笑着点点头。 Waits. 等一下。 Kane looks at Callian to ask surprisedly: „Do you know the essence of this world?” 凯恩惊讶的看着卡莲问道:“你知道这个世界的本质?” Yes, master.” “是的,主人。” Determined after oneself have not misunderstood, Kane continues to closely examine: When knows?” 确定自己没有听错后,凯恩继续追问到:“什么时候知道的?” Acknowledged in the master, was that time of master.” “就在主人承认,是主人的那个时候。” Recruits. 招募的时候嘛。 Kane thinks to continue saying: „Can that chat with me, you know.” 凯恩想了想继续说道:“那能不能跟我聊聊,你知道的呢。” Callian nods: „ This world has destroyed, but the present world is only a fragment, before has not become the fragment, here once was the testing field of Marlowe technique secret meeting. 卡莲点点头:“这个世界已经毁灭了,而现在的世界只是一块碎片,在还没成为碎片之前,这里曾经是马洛奥术秘会的试验场地。 But we were created, was invested into this world location, whatever we are slaughtering, experiments the lifeform of reforgering is whether feasible, is whether perfect. ” 而我们则是被创造出来的,被投入到这个世界场地中,任由着我们厮杀,试验着新造出来的生物是否可行,是否完美。” Waits for, waits.” Kane stops immediately. “等一下,等一下。”凯恩立刻叫停。 His present brain is a little chaotic, Callian's the impulse of these words information may be too strong, information content also big oddness that contains. 他现在的脑子有点乱,卡莲的这段话信息的冲击力可太强了,所包含的信息量也大的离谱。 Although Kane knows that Callian is free, becomes the spirit of freedom, but this also free was too excessive. 虽然凯恩知道卡莲已经自由了,成为了自由之灵,可这也自由的太过头了。 Why she to so clear, but Roshal who own world knows is ignorant, anything does not know. 为何她对自己的世界知道的如此的清晰,而罗莎莉却懵懵懂懂,什么都不知道。 However since Callian knows so many, then directly asked that she was OK, why to make things difficult for itself. 不过既然卡莲知道这么多,那么直接问她就可以了,何必为难自己。 So many why you know?” Kane is asking to Callian directly. “你为什么知道的这么多?”凯恩直接对着卡莲问道。 Callian uses her cavity, without sentimental sound, static reply: „ Because the dark waiter will be created by secret, specifically is responsible for collecting each test piece condition in this world for them the role, our sentiment is weak, and only takes orders in the highest order. 卡莲用她那空洞,没有感情的声音,静静的回答道:“因为黑暗侍者就是被秘会创造出来,专门在这个世界里负责为他们收集各个试验品状况的角色,我们感情薄弱,且只听命于最高的命令。 Therefore compares in other lifeform, we know more also detailed. ” 所以相比于其他的生物,我们知道的更多也更加的详细。” Why do you take orders in me?” Some Kane doubts, they only take orders in the highest order words properly speaking, in free should continue to fulfill monitors various lifeform the responsibility. “那你们为什么听命于我?”凯恩有些疑惑,按理来说她们只听命于最高命令的话,在自由的时候应该会继续履行监视各种生物的职责。 Heard the Kane words crookedly, Callian the head: Un?” 听到凯恩的话,卡莲歪了歪脑袋:“嗯?” She seems like the question that some puzzled Kane asked. 她似乎有些不解凯恩问的问题。 Master is a master, we take orders in Lord.” “主人就是主人啊,我们听命于主的。” Therefore oneself present becomes the dark waiter's highest order, was similar was once the same as their creators. 所以自己现在成为了黑暗侍者的最高命令,类似于曾经她们的创造者一样。 Approximately understood after own position, Kane asked: What kind of organization can Marlowe technique secret be?” 大约理解了自己的地位后,凯恩问道:“马洛奥术秘会是怎样的组织?” Mathno technique secret can be a strong influence, controls many potential surfaces, most excels is all kinds of lifeform transformations and creations.” “马诺奥术秘会是一个强大的势力,控制多个位面,最擅长的便是各种各样的生物改造与创造。” After listening to Callian's all words, Kane rubbed an own chin, started to ponder, according to Callian said that this world was once being controlled by a strong influence. 听完了卡莲的所有的话后,凯恩摩擦了一下自己的下巴,开始思考起来,按照卡莲所说,曾经这个世界被一个强大的势力控制着。 These influences should capture various lifeform intelligent lifeform to transform in each world, then invests in this world to experiment these transformed lifeform is whether qualified. 这些势力应该在各个世界中抓取各种生物智慧生物进行改造,然后投入这个世界中试验这些被改造的生物是否合格。 Possibly will be used in the battlefield, may be used in other aspects, these are unknown. 可能会用于战场,可能会用于其他方面,这些就不得而知。 However existence of spirit maid very good to explain, definitely does not stop in being used in the battlefield. 但是幽灵女仆的存在就很好的说明了,肯定不止于用于战场。 Why this also explained this world strangely such. 这也为什么说明了这个世界这么的奇怪。 After all is in itself a testing field, let alone Kane they now the dungeon, was only once the fragment of the world. 毕竟本身就是一个试验场地,更别说凯恩他们现在所处的地牢,只是曾经世界的一个碎片。 Why looks like the game, then after being possible be this fragment the dense fog catches, according to once the certain thing and rule of behavior of constitution this region. 为什么这么像游戏,则有可能是这块碎片被迷雾捕捉后,根据曾经这片区域的某些事物和行为构成的规则。 Now understood the cause and effect of this world, but as if except for satisfying the curiosity, and has no too major role. 现在了解了这个世界的前因后果,但似乎除了满足一下好奇心,并没有什么太大的作用。 The goal is still the entry seizes, the complete domain has not changed. 目标依然是通关占领,全部地盘没有改变。 Click downloading home station APP, the magnanimous novel, read free smoothly! 点击下载本站APP,海量小说,免费畅读!
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