DSED :: Volume #5

#428: to endanger

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The extraction skill, explores the dungeon Chapter 428 danger 抽取技能,探索地牢第428章危 Simple and they told, oneself recruit the processes of these young girl branch of the services. 简单的和克蕾雅他们诉说了一遍,自己招募这些少女兵种的过程。 But just, by Kane their stone buildings has two spatial soldier tents. 而刚好,凯恩他们的石屋旁就有两座空的士兵营帐。 Callian, these two tents divided to you.” Kane was saying to dark waiter team leader Callian. “卡莲,这两座营帐就划分给你们了。”凯恩对着黑暗侍者的队长卡莲说道。 Hears the order of Kane, Callian nods, returned to one: Yes.” 听到凯恩的命令,卡莲点点头,回了一句:“是。” Also is really reticent. 还真是惜字如金。 Dark waiter they, although becomes the spirit of freedom, but must seem like by compared with these surrounding soldiers to the feeling of Kane the life that the dungeon duplicates. 黑暗侍者她们虽然成为了自由之灵,但给凯恩的感觉是比那些周围的士兵还要像是被地牢复制出来的生命。 No matter the behavior movement or the sound, just like do not have the empty shell of soul. 不管是行为动作还是声音,就犹如没有灵魂的空壳。 Perhaps, before this is, evil consequence that the transformation of taboo on the information said brings. 或许,这就是之前信息上面所说的禁忌的改造所带来的恶果。 20 dark waiters, because they are 5 people of one team, therefore two teams share a tent together. 20名黑暗侍者,由于她们是五人一队,所以有两队一起共用一个营帐。 When they enter the tent. 当他们进入营帐时。 The soldier tent had the change. 士兵营帐出现了变化。 The tent that the bright red and white match colors, turned into a house, the area expanded instantaneously. 亮红色和白色配色的帐篷,变成了一座房屋,占地面积瞬间就扩大了。 Matching colors of entire house turned into the dark department, the roof retained red matching colors, but was the dark-red that one type sank secretly, just like the blood of artery to be the same. 整个房屋的配色变成了暗色系,屋顶保留了红色的配色,只不过是一种暗沉的暗红色,犹如动脉的血液一样。 The black mist is surrounding above slightly. 黑色的雾气在上面微微环绕着。 The entrance place even presented one group of dark-red flamelets slowly is fluttering, looks like the entrance street light to be the same. 门口处甚至出现了一团暗红色的小火焰缓缓的飘动着,就像是门口的路灯一样。 However can see the fineness of house. 不过能够看出房屋的精致。 Although Kane knows that the tent will act according to enters the branch of the services differently to change to suit their temporary residences, but this change was also too exaggerating. 虽然凯恩知道营帐会根据进入兵种不同而变化为适合他们的临时住所,但这变化的也太夸张了。 Turns into the house from the tent directly, many a little excessively is whether odd, Kane complained in the heart silently. 直接从帐篷变成房屋,是否多少有点过分离谱,凯恩在心中默默吐槽。 If the light looks at the semblance, this house is finer than the stone building that Kane they live. 如果光看外表的话,这房屋比凯恩他们居住的石屋都还要精致。 , Kane by them were then many neighbor. 就这样,凯恩他们旁边多了邻居。 At this time Kane turned the head to look own behind spirit maid, behind however oneself followed was only left over Roshal. 这时候凯恩转过头来看着自己身后的幽灵女仆,然而自己身后跟着的就只剩下罗莎莉了。 Where other spirit maids did not know. 其他的幽灵女仆不知道去了哪里。 „Others?” Kane asked. “其他人呢?”凯恩问道。 Hears the Kane issue, Roshal showed the smile, reply slowly: As the maid, naturally was cleans up the house of master, we will be familiar with here environment as soon as possible.” 听到凯恩的问题,罗莎莉露出了笑容,缓缓的回答道:“身为女仆,当然是去收拾主人的房屋了,我们会尽快熟悉这里的环境。” But by Kane also was only left over, others are handling the respective matter. 凯恩旁边也只剩下了克蕾雅,其他人都去做着各自的事情。 Felt keenly these spirit maids are not as if same as other branch of the services some. 克蕾雅敏锐的感觉到这些幽灵女仆似乎和其他的兵种有些不大一样。 Asking quietly near the Kane ear: These maids what's the matter? How to feel them freely.” 凯恩耳边悄悄的问道:“这些女仆是怎么回事啊?怎么感觉她们更自由一点。” Kane they have not said with, these branch of the services that oneself recruit newly turned into the spirit of freedom. 凯恩还没有和克蕾雅他们说过,自己新招募的这些兵种都变成了自由之灵。 „After they I recruit, does not know why turned into the spirit of freedom.” “她们被我招募出来后,不知道为什么就变成了自由之灵。” They?” Keen detection to: Meaning is to continue these maids, these young girls also?” “她们?”克蕾雅敏锐的察觉到了:“意思是不止这些女仆,那些少女也是哦?” Detected tone is not right, Kane stiff nod. 察觉到了克蕾雅语气的不对劲,凯恩僵硬的点点头。 However the Kane virtue response is much quick, he directly to a Roshal introduced: This is my teammate, you can also be called her mistress.” 不过凯恩德反应多快呀,他直接对着罗莎莉介绍道:“这位是我的队友,克蕾雅你们也可以叫她女主人。” Originally some of vitality/angry, opened the eye suddenly, on the root of the ear is catching rapidly wiped slightly red. 本来有些生气的克蕾雅,突然微张着眼睛,耳根上迅速染上了一抹微红。 Roshal as the maid is long, that is sensible, arrived in front of directly gradually, raised own skirt swayed, grand good a ritual. 罗莎莉身为女仆长,那多懂事啊,直接缓步来到了克蕾雅面前,提起自己的裙摆,隆重的行了一礼。 Disrespectful mistress, first meeting, later the daily life also hands over by us looks.” “失礼了女主人,初次见面,以后你的生活起居也交由我们来照顾吧。” „... Is.” Is done some stutter by the liner that this raids inexplicably, can only stiff nod. “…是。”克蕾雅被这莫名袭来的直球搞得有些结巴,只能僵硬的点点头。 Kane puts out a hand to grab hand, later grasps with her five fingers. 凯恩伸手抓住克蕾雅的手,随后和她五指相握。 The person who afterward probably is all right same continues to ask to Roshal: Then you also do need such a soldier tent?” 随后像是没事的人一样继续对着罗莎莉问道:“那么你们也需要一个这样的士兵营帐吗?” Hears words Ruosaari rapid shaking the head of Kane to answer.: „ As the maid must certainly prepare for helping master anytime and anywhere, we only needed to rest in an oil lamp are OK. 听到凯恩的话罗萨利迅速摇摇头解释道。:“身为女仆当然得随时随地做好帮助主人的准备,我们只需要休息在一盏油灯内就可以了。 Like this.” Finishes speaking, Roshal changed into a white ancient inspection lamp. ”“就像这样。”话音刚落,罗莎莉就化为了一盏白色的古老提灯。 The white inspection lamp is reflecting one plain metal sense of reality, above is carving a shield same chart tuart weakly. 白色提灯反射着一种古朴的金属质感,上面凋刻着一个盾牌一样的图桉。 The flame of inspection lamp class is a quiet white fire, is sending out the gentle white light, will not make people feel gloomy and cold. 提灯类的火焰是一种幽白色的火,散发着柔和的白光,并不会让人感觉阴冷。 White inspection lamp such float in in the air, Roshal's voice passed from inside. 白色提灯就这样悬浮在空中,罗莎莉的声音从里面传了出来。 After all we are the spirits, therefore this instead comfortable.” “毕竟我们是幽灵,所以这样反而更加的舒服。” Broadened the outlook. 大开眼界了。 Roshal said like this, Kane also no longer said anything, nods saying: That was laborious you.” 罗莎莉都这样说了,凯恩也就不再说些什么,点点头说道:“那就辛苦你们了。” Can serve for the master, is our being honored.” “能为主人服务,是我们的荣幸。” Kane held by hand the following white spirit maid to enter in the stone building. 凯恩拉着克蕾雅的手旁边跟着白色的幽灵女仆进入了石屋内。 The white spirit maid puts on the entire stone building internal breaks, in their hands presented what cleaning rag, the bucket and broom, careful is cleaning all in stone building. 白色的幽灵女仆在整个石屋内穿来穿去,她们手中出现了什么抹布,水桶以及扫帚,仔仔细细的打扫着石屋内的一切。 But Lombe and Medsker sit on the table, in the hand is raising a small teacup, static is drinking, enjoyment of face. 而隆贝和梅兹克坐在餐桌上,手中提着一个小茶杯,静静的喝着,一脸的享受。 Spirit maid static waiting of side is also raising the teapot in side. 旁边还有一位提着茶壶的幽灵女仆静静的等候在旁边。 Kane comes quickly, the tea that these maids make is very tasty.” After Lombe sees Kane they come , the teacup in hand puts down, is beckoning to them. 凯恩克蕾雅快过来呀,这些女仆泡的茶挺好喝的。”隆贝看见凯恩他们进来后,将手中的茶杯放下,对着他们招招手。 The Kane whole face heavy line walked. 凯恩满脸黑线走了过去。 He just prepared to sit down, nearby Roshal is rapid the seat helps him pull open. 他刚准备坐下,旁边的罗莎莉就迅速将座椅帮他拉开。 Eh...... thanks.” Kane also some are not familiar with, but also sat. “额……谢谢。”凯恩还有些不习惯,但也坐了下来。 Side, does not know when also presented a maid, in her hand is taking cushioning to place the ground. 克蕾雅的旁边,不知何时也出现了一位女仆,她的手中正拿着一个软垫放在了地上。 They just sat down, a teacup filled to the brim the tea of undulating to place in front of them. 他们刚一坐下,一个茶杯倒满了澹澹的茶水放在了他们面前。 Suddenly was being taken care, some are not familiar with somewhat. 突然被人这么服侍着,多多少少有些不习惯。 Roshal has fluttered on this in Kane behind, seems like preparing to take care of Kane at any time. 罗莎莉就这样一直飘在凯恩的后面,似乎是在随时准备服侍凯恩 Not only Kane, behind also has a spirit maid. 不只是凯恩,克蕾雅的身后也同样有着一位幽灵女仆。 Only because of her now or mistress. 只因为她现在还是女主人了。 Kane turns the head to say to behind Roshal: Can help me go Nona to call one?” 凯恩转过头来对着身后的罗莎莉说道:“能帮我去将波诺娜叫过来一下吗?” Hears the instruction of Kane, Roshal nods immediately, later waves. 听到凯恩的吩咐,罗莎莉立马点点头,随后挥了挥手。 A spirit maid put from the wall directly. 一个幽灵女仆就直接从墙穿了出去。 In a while, Nona walked from the door, Li path path also follows in her side. 没过多久,波诺娜就从房门走了进来,莉路路也跟在她的旁边。 She arrives in front of Kane to nod, later asked: „Does Chief Kane, you look for me?” 她来到凯恩面前点点头,随后问道:“凯恩长官,你找我?” Kane nods, later gave a please sit down hand signal. 凯恩点点头,随后做了个请坐的手势。 Roshal waves, nearby seat automatic pull. 身后的罗莎莉挥挥手,旁边的一个座椅自动的拉开。 Then, since coming back, has not seen her two daughters, she should treasure her daughter be very right, properly speaking except for going to the battlefield brings momentarily. 说起来,自从回来后就没有看见她的两个女儿,她应该很宝贝她的女儿才对,按理来说除了上战场会随时带着。 Kane asked directly: Your daughter, should not meet what not convenient matter here.” 凯恩直接问道:“你女儿呢,在这里应该没有遇见什么不方便的事情吧。” No, Miss Li path path and my daughter are together is very good, how can I say, was recruited by you luck.” Nona said with a smile. “没有,莉路路小姐和我的女儿相处的很好,怎么说呢,非常幸运被你招募。”波诺娜笑着说道。 She their here is evidently satisfied with Kane, it seems like that the Li road strips child's ability is very truly strong. 看样子她对凯恩他们这里非常满意,看来莉路路带孩子的能力确实很强。 Nearby Li path path waved at this time, opens a transmission door, the cotton candy carried the Nona's two daughters to fly. 旁边的莉路路这时候挥了挥手,打开了一道传送门,棉花糖载着波诺娜的两个女儿飞了出来。 Wū wū, flew!” “呜呜,飞起来了!” And Minna on the body of cotton candy very happy, but also racket. 米露和米娜在棉花糖的身上非常的开心,还不停的拍着手。 After seeing own mother, jumps directly, throws to her bosom. 看见自己的母亲后,直接跳下去,扑到她的怀里。 The matter that considering that a while must discuss, Kane turns the head to look at Roshal: How does maid have child's ability?” 考虑到一会儿要谈的事情,凯恩转头看着罗莎莉:“女仆带孩子的能力怎么样?” Relax, master.” As Roshal's waving hints. A spirit maid arrived at Nona's side. “放心吧,主人。”随着罗莎莉的挥手示意。一位幽灵女仆来到了波诺娜的旁边。 The body becomes the congealing reality, looks looks like an honorable person, the fog shape lower part also presented both legs. 身体变得凝实,看着更像一位真人,云雾状的下半身也出现了一只双腿。 If carefully does not look, could not discover that she was a spirit. 如果不仔细去看的话,根本发现不了她是一位幽灵。 She squatted in Minoan and Minna's side, carried over the room two children under Nona's agreement. 她蹲在了米诺和米娜的旁边,在波诺娜的同意下将两个小孩带出了房间。 Kane knocked the table, attracted everyone's attention. 凯恩敲了敲桌子,吸引了所有人的注意力。 Now we pondered how a next tomorrow to start to attack outward, how by -pass, as well as various roads lead the number of soldier.” “现在我们来思考一下明天如何开始对外进行进攻,如何分路,以及各路带领士兵的数量。” After saying, hints opinion that they said each one to give. 说完后,示意克蕾雅他们说出各自能给的意见。 Said: If must divide forces, I suggested that best to keep a person momentarily in the fort or is in the main camp, so that the mutual exchange, preventing the unexpected situation to happen.” 克蕾雅说道:“如果要分兵的话,我建议最好是随时留一个人在要塞或者是主要的营地内,以便互相交流,防止意外的情况发生。” The enemy is not a fool, in the material that the dungeon gives, has much goes on an expedition outside, but the family/home was stolen tuart case. 敌人并不是傻瓜,地牢给的资料上,有着不少在外征战而家被偷了的桉例。 Regarding opinion, Kane nods saying: Our in turn everyone, rest in fort some time.” 对于克蕾雅的意见,凯恩点点头说道:“那我们轮流每人,在要塞内休息一段时间。” Finally is the issue that considers to divide forces, wanting the resources maximization to divide forces. 最后便是考虑分兵的问题,想要资源最大化就必须分兵。 This map was too broad, attack that outward in addition Horne they can also keep to seize the camp, but must always pay attention to counter-attack of enemy. 这地图太广了,再加上霍恩他们也会不停的向外进攻以占领营地,还要随时注意敌人的反扑。 They must helps Horne they prevent to counter-attack at the same time, seizes more domains. 他们要帮助霍恩他们防止反扑的同时,去占领更多的地盘。 In addition their strength reasons, dividing forces is the best method. 再加上他们的实力原因,分兵是最好的方法。 Discussed situation roughly, this/should basis respective situation composition, good dividing forces route. 商量出来了大体的情况,就该根据各自的情况组成,较好的分兵路线。 Finally under the respective opinion, comprised of a division and Li path path, Lombe and Medsker form a division. 最后在各自的意见下,由克蕾雅与莉路路组成一个分队,隆贝和梅兹克组成一个分队。 Correia's mobility is very strong, if they forms a team with dragon back as well as Medsker, is very difficult to display the advantage, therefore forms the team with Li path path is easiest, is most effective. 科雷亚的机动性很强,如果和龙背以及梅兹克他们组队的话,很难发挥出优势,所以与莉路路组成队伍是最容易的,也是最有效果的。 Especially according to their these fights experiences, the meritorious military service that recruiting and soldier fight the words, can win together are more . Moreover the morale and striking power of soldiers are also stronger. 特别是根据他们这几次的战斗经历下来,招募者和士兵共同战斗的话,能够收获的战功更多,而且士兵们的士气以及攻击力也更强。 But with the other person together words, does not have such effect. 而跟其他的人一起的话,就没有这样的效果。 Because the Li road and recruits is the cavalries, the group is also better because of one team, the mobility is also stronger. 由于莉路路和克蕾雅招募的都是骑兵,组在一队也更好,机动性也更强。 Because has their these strong strengths, the soldiers do not need good branch of the services coordination. 由于有着克蕾雅他们这些强大战力,士兵们也就不太需要较好的兵种配合。 As for Lombe and Medsker, a milk defensive war, combines anyone to think over like this, in addition their teams, all have far and near, therefore unusual suiting. 至于隆贝和梅兹克,一个奶一个防御战,这样的组合谁都得掂量一下,加上他们的队伍,远近皆有,所以非常的适合。 But the Kane soldier is the dispersion gives the two sides. 凯恩的士兵则是分散给两边。 Because there is a Nona's leadership, here manifested the function of military officer, these heroes arrived can substitute function of Adventurer in army. 因为有波诺娜的带领,这里就体现出了将领的作用,这些英雄降临是能够替代探索者在军队里的作用。 Moreover the strength also non- door leaf, after especially Nona comes, Kane can obviously see the bow rider who oneself wield to become in the ability of archery stronger. 而且实力还不扉,特别是波诺娜进来后,凯恩能够明显看见自己挥下的弓骑手在射箭的能力上变得更强了。 But the line of attack was divided under Nona's opinion. 而进攻的线路则在波诺娜的意见下被划分进出来。 Because she has been familiar with oneself status today, starts in Commander Horne that gains the course of action of their entire influence. 因为她今天已熟悉了自己的身份,开始在霍恩团长那,获取他们整个势力的行动路线。 Course of action that he plans, for a short time was not in the attack scopes of Horne long hand/subordinate these military officers. 他规划出来的行动路线,一时半会儿还不在霍恩长手下那些将领的进攻范围内。 Let alone she is the battlefield specialized household, but Kane they like the squad or battle alone. 更别说她才是战场的专业户,而凯恩他们更喜欢小队或是独自作战。 Therefore this/should opinion of hearing, should listen. 所以该听取的意见,还是应该听取。 + joins the bookmark + +加入书签+
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