DSED :: Volume #5

#427: Fuses the young girl

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The extraction skill, explores dungeon Chapter 427 to fuse the young girl 抽取技能,探索地牢第427章融合少女 The motorcycle that is reflecting the silver metallic luster, is galloping in the forest lands. 一辆反射着银色金属光泽的摩托车,在林地间驰骋着。 Rear is spraying tail flame that has the blue charm. 尾部喷射着带有蓝色魔力的尾焰。 Provides the strong power for the motorcycle. 为摩托车提供强劲的动力。 Youyou is controlling the motorcycle, hurries back in the direction of fort. 悠悠正在操控着摩托车,朝着要塞的方向赶回去。 On the hull, Kane is holding Book of Ventures. 车座上,凯恩正捧着【冒险之书】。 Is turning p. 4. 正翻到第4页。 The above column is the teammate column, just has 4 blank spaces, is they 4 head pictures. 上面的栏位是队友栏,刚好有着四个空格,正是克蕾雅他们四个的头像。 Clicks on their head pictures to examine the detailed information. 点击他们的头像就能查看详细的信息。 But under is the friendship column. 而下方则是友谊栏。 Before here only then they added on Burton, a total of 5 head pictures, alone standing here. 之前这里只有克蕾雅他们加上一个伯顿,总共五个头像,孤零零的立在这里。 However now, has 30 directly. 但是现在嘛,直接多出了30个。 Kane even needs to skid backward can examine completely. 凯恩甚至需要向后滑动才能够全部查看。 But the head pictures of Callian their these dark waiters are not they wear the appearance of mask, but is their real appearances. 而卡莲她们这些黑暗侍者的头像并非是她们戴着面具的样子,而是她们的真实样貌。 After seeing the real appearances on these head pictures, is truly different, everyone is much longer. 当看见这些头像上的真实样貌后,确实不一样,每个人都长得各不相同。 However the same attractiveness, can be called is completely the youth beautiful young girl. 不过都同样的漂亮,完全称得上是青春美少女。 The Kane point opens Callian's head picture, without Callian of belt/bring mask very attractive, has the little baby fertilizer. 凯恩点开卡莲的头像,没带面具的卡莲非常的漂亮,有着一点点的婴儿肥。 Callian 【卡莲】 Female 【女】 Human 【人类】 Looks that the simplicity of dark waiter said that the race unexpectedly is human? 看着黑暗侍者的简单介绍,种族居然是人类吗? This Kane has not thought actually completely. 这倒是凯恩完全没有想过的。 The specific information that however wants to examine Callian, needs to replace on the team column to be good her. 不过想要查看卡莲的具体信息,就需要将她替换上队伍栏才行。 However Kane only transfers to the head picture the above teammate column, has not gotten down Lombe their head image drifts. 但是凯恩只把头像移到上方的队友栏里面,还从来没有将隆贝他们的头像移下来过。 However Kane still remembers vaguely, once played the game time, after the team group is good wants to change needs magic stone. 但是凯恩依稀还记得,曾经玩游戏的时候,当队伍组好后想要变更是需要魔石的。 However now passes through, does not know whether has anything to change. 不过现在都穿越了,也不知道是否有着什么改变。 Kane thinks, gently palm according to the Lombe head picture of teammate column, gently moved downward slightly little. 凯恩想了想,轻轻的将手掌按在队友栏的隆贝头像上,轻轻的往下稍微移动了一点点。 Changes the teammate?】 【是否对队友进行变更?】 Is No 【是】【否】 Besides this information, Kane also saw side to have a small question mark of circle. 除了这道信息外,凯恩还看见了旁边有一个圆圈的小问号。 Direct in small question mark. 直接点在小问号上。 When the teammate column was filled up for the 1st time, conducts the change to need to spend magic stone again, the magic stone luster is like the teammate strength that needs to change.】 【当队友栏位第一次被填满时,再次进行变动需要花费一颗魔石,魔石的色泽与需要变动的队友实力相同。】 This above meaning in other words, to take down Lombe's head picture, needs to spend Silver Magic Stone. 这上面的意思也就是说,如果想要将隆贝的头像取下来,就需要花费一颗银色魔石 A little expensive/noble, to be honest, when sees magic stone that must spend is the silver, Kane did not want to examine. 有点贵了,说实话,当看见要花费的魔石是银色时,凯恩就不太想要查看了。 But if not examine now, when Callian they undergo several fights to promote, becomes the silver strength from the copper color strength the time, expenditure may be two Silver Magic Stone. 但是如果现在不查看,等卡莲她们经过几场战斗提升,从铜色的实力成为银色的实力的时候,花费的可就是两颗银色魔石了。 Moreover Kane now the question in heart was really many, his urgent need many information, no matter these information was whether useful. 而且凯恩现在心中的疑问实在是太多了,他迫切的需要更多的信息,不管这些信息是否有用。 Thinks in own space equips also has 6 Silver Magic Stone Kane to clench teeth, put out one to grasp from inside in the hand. 想到自己空间装备里还有着六颗银色魔石凯恩咬咬牙,从里面拿出了一颗握在手上。 Yes “是” Finishes speaking, Silver Magic Stone on hand then vanishes does not see. 话音刚落,手上的银色魔石便消失不见。 But on the 4 head pictures in teammate column also appeared highlit, expressed that now Kane can choose one to take down. 而队友栏里的四个头像上也出现了高亮显示,表示现在凯恩可以选择一个取下来。 Takes down Lombe's head picture. 将隆贝的头像取下来。 Afterward draws in Callian's head picture the teammate column. 随后又将卡莲的头像拖进队友栏里。 Clicks on the Callian head picture in teammate column again. 再次点击队友栏里的卡莲头像。 The detailed information then showed. 详细的信息便展现了出来。 Callian 【卡莲】 Dark waiter 【黑暗侍者】 Rank: Copper color 50 【等级:铜色50】 Feat of arms: Battlefield assassination, spirit dance step 【武技:战场刺杀,幽灵舞步】 Demon technique: Evil spirit black fog 【魔技:恶灵黑雾】 Technique: Killer technique( expert)】( Process is repeatedly tempered the skill of tempering, gives them time to investigate, they will aim at opponent to make perfect hunting and killing) 【技艺:杀手技艺(高手)】(经过千锤百炼锤炼出来的技巧,给他们一点时间调查,他们就会针对对手做出完美的猎杀) Bloodlines: The battle of evil spirit( Was human had like the bloodlines of dead spirit, this was the transformation of taboo. 【血脉:恶灵之役】(身为人类却拥有了如同亡灵的血脉,这是禁忌的改造。 In the fight the immunity 50 physics injuries, received all positive synergy injuries promote 20, 战斗中免疫50的物理伤害,受到的所有正能量伤害提升20, The automatic learned evil spirit magic, obtains the dead spirit to be compatible automatically.) Skill standard: Spatial( Has not obtained dense fog approval, in seal.) 自动学会恶灵魔法,自动获得亡灵亲和。)【技能格:空】(未获得迷雾认可,封印中。) Original Skill: Spatial( Has not obtained dense fog approval, in seal.) 本源技能:空】(未获得迷雾认可,封印中。) ( Secret intelligence section: You can with the dungeon life construction fetters, the premise be similarly they are the spirit of freedom. When they and you construct the fetters, they will become the spirit of freedom automatically.) (秘密情报部:您同样能够与地牢的生灵构建羁绊,前提是她们是自由之灵。当她们与你构建羁绊时,她们会自动成为自由之灵。) First is Callian this dark waiter, besides the strength, other martial skills, the demon technique and bloodlines light looked that the introduction can feel powerful. 首先是卡莲这种黑暗侍者,除了实力外,其他的武技,魔技及血脉光看介绍能够感觉到强大。 Belongs assassinates the branch of the services. 属于是暗杀兵种。 Moreover the strength can through the fight fast promotion. 而且实力能够通过战斗快速提升。 Skill standard and Original Skill standard in the performance of information column, by red frame blocking, the surroundings have the chains winding, the meaning is a seal. 技能格和本源技能格在信息栏的表现上,是被红色的边框给封锁住的,周围还有着锁链缠绕,意为封印。 But above also said that had not been approved by the dense fog, life that in other words they are counted as the dungeon now. 而上面也说了,并没有受到迷雾的认可,也就是说他们现在还是被算作为地牢的生灵。 Afterward is most important, is the information that the secret intelligence section institute supplies. 随后便是重中之重,也就是秘密情报部所提供的信息。 He can similarly with the dungeon life construction fetters, but the object must be the spirit of freedom. 他同样能够与地牢的生灵构建羁绊,只不过对象必须是自由之灵。 The free spirit that Kane met is few, let alone obtains their approvals to deal with the relations with them, and fetters are certain degree. 凯恩本来遇见的自由之灵就很少,更别说获得他们的认同与他们处理好关系,并且羁绊达到一定的程度。 The latter half a word meaning is, Callian is not the spirit of freedom, because she gave loyalty to Kane, the fetters value is the boundary of just linking, therefore becomes the spirit of freedom. 后半句意思是,卡莲原本并非是自由之灵,因为她效忠了凯恩,羁绊值达到了刚好链接的界限,所以才成为了自由之灵。 Because she becomes the spirit of freedom, therefore successfully connected the fetters with Kane. 因为她成为了自由之灵,所以与凯恩成功连接了羁绊。 Although is listening somewhat incoherently, but that is it. 虽然听着有些拗口,但就是这个意思。 However currently also has the issue, these recruited soldier why not with Kane link fetters? 但是现在又有问题了,那些被招募的士兵为什么没有和凯恩链接羁绊? This is the place that cannot think through triumphantly, according to the secret intelligence section institute said, these soldiers should also be able to link the fetters to be right. 这是凯想不通的地方,按照秘密情报部所说,那些士兵应该也能链接羁绊才对。 However ok, cannot think through does not think that this is the Kane consistent behavior. 不过算了,想不通就不想了,这是凯恩的一贯行为。 The beforehand question was also solved, similarly also examined Callian's information, other dark waiters should be the same with Callian. 之前的疑问也得到了解决,同样也查看了卡莲的信息,其他的黑暗侍者应该和卡莲一样。 «I Have One Volume of Ghosts and gods Records» 《我有一卷鬼神图录》 Kane the hand according to Callian's head picture, drags to entrain her. 凯恩将手按在卡莲的头像上,将她拖拽下来。 Changes the teammate?】 【是否对队友进行变更?】 Is No 【是】【否】 This Kane will not think that has the slight heart pain, because Callian's strength is the copper color. 这次凯恩不会觉得有丝毫的心痛,因为卡莲的实力是铜色的。 Carried on the change expenditure her magic stone is only copper color magic stone, in the space equipment of Kane copper color magic stone has also piled a big pile, did not lack. 将她进行变更花费的魔石也只是一颗铜色的魔石,凯恩的空间装备里铜色的魔石已经堆了一大堆,根本不缺。 Puts out one to grasp directly in the hand. 直接拿出一颗握在手中。 Yes “是” As magic stone in hand vanishes, Kane her head picture pulling down. 随着手中的魔石消失,凯恩将她的头像给拉了下来。 Kane selected under the point, in friendship column Roshal's head picture. 凯恩又点了点下方,友谊栏中罗莎莉的头像。 Roshal 【罗莎莉】 Female 【女】 Dead spirit- spirit 【亡灵-幽灵】 Roshal and Kane think is the same, the race is a spirit of dead spirit clan. 罗莎莉和凯恩想的一样,种族是亡灵一族的幽灵。 Also gave drawing Roshal's head picture from under. 又从下方将罗莎莉的头像给拉了上去。 While present Roshal these spirit maids also similarly is the copper color strength, first examined their information to say again. 趁着现在罗莎莉这些幽灵女仆也同样是铜色的实力,先查看她们的信息再说。 Otherwise they promoted the silver, Kane did not hate to examine. 不然等她们升级到了银色,凯恩就舍不得查看了。 Roshal 【罗莎莉】 Spirit maid 【幽灵女仆】 Rank: Copper color 50 【等级:铜色50】 Feat of arms: The skill of guard( For martial arts skill that to protect others creates.) 【武技:护卫之艺】(为了守护他人而创造出来的武艺。) Demon technique: Spirit magic 【魔技:幽灵魔法】 Technique: Maids( high-level)】 【技艺:女仆(高级)】 Bloodlines: Does not have 【血脉:无】 Skill standard: Spatial( Has not obtained dense fog approval, in seal) 【技能格:空】(未获得迷雾认可,封印中) Original Skill: Spatial( Has not obtained dense fog approval, in seal) 本源技能:空】(未获得迷雾认可,封印中) Only looks at information column the words in performance, can feel like the spirit maid to compare in the dark waiter wants on weakly many. 光看信息栏中的表现的话,能够感觉似乎幽灵女仆相较于黑暗侍者要弱上不少。 That is because the spirit maid has the awarded marks of race, for example the spirit definitely is the percentage hundred physics immunities. 那是因为幽灵女仆有着种族的加分,比如幽灵肯定是百分百物理免疫的。 But these martial arts skill and demon techniques, must look at the concrete performance, the light looked that the information column could not obtain what information. 而那些武艺和魔技,也得看具体的表现,光看信息栏是获得不了什么信息的。 After the information that examines the spirit maid, Kane spent Bronze Magic Stone to take down her head picture again. 查看完幽灵女仆的信息后,凯恩再次花费了一颗铜色魔石将她的头像取了下来。 Drew in Lombe's head picture the team column again. 重新将隆贝的头像拖进了队伍栏里。 Put in great inconvenience to you, good brothers. 委屈你了,好兄弟。 But at this time Youyou had also been controlling the motorcycle, soon arrived at the fort. 而这时悠悠也已经操控着摩托车,快要到达要塞了。 Stops after the entrance of fort, Kane wielded to disperse the motorcycle to walk. 停在要塞的大门口后,凯恩挥散掉了摩托车走了进去。 Returned to Horne to divide to their regions. 回到了霍恩划分给他们的那片区域。 However has not seen in the training ground their form, sees Nona's form on the contrary. 不过并没有在训练场上看见克蕾雅他们的身影,反倒是看见波诺娜的身影。 She seems to be training the archery skill of Kane soldier, looks with being together also good appearance of soldier. 她似乎正在训练凯恩士兵的射箭技巧,看着与士兵的相处还不错的样子。 After seeing Kane to come back, she said anything to nearby soldier, then walked. 看见凯恩回来后她才对旁边的士兵说了些什么,然后走了过来。 It seems like you and they are together also good.” Kane said. “看来你和他们相处的还不错。”凯恩笑着说的。 If even these soldiers could not surrender, how I was also the military officer.” “如果连这些士兵都降服不了的话,那我还怎么当将领呢。” Hears her words Kane to nod, later asked: They?” 听到她的话凯恩点点头,随后问道:“克蕾雅她们呢?” Kane just also went to the room to look, has not seen their forms. 凯恩刚刚也去房间里找过,并没有看见他们的身影。 Nona shakes the head saying: They just went out, where I did not know.” 波诺娜摇摇头说道:“他们刚刚出去了,我也不知道去了哪里。” Ok, you go busily.” “行吧,那你去忙吧。” Afterward, Kane instilled into the ruby on oneself collar to get the clip the charm, the channel of connection team. 随后,凯恩将魔力灌输进了自己衣领上的红宝石领夹,连通地队伍的频道。 „, Now where are you at? I have come back.” “克蕾雅,你们现在在哪呢?我已经回来了。” After a while , the ruby got the clip to broadcast voice: We are recruiting the place, the promotion military rank and military recruit, can you come?” 过了一会儿后,红宝石领夹传来了克蕾雅的声音:“我们正在招募地点,升级军衔和招募士兵呢,你要过来吗?” Kane the surplus meritorious military service only have more than 300 points now, anything did not do: „, My meritorious military service was consumed.” 凯恩现在剩余的战功只剩下300多点了,什么也做不了:“不了,我的战功被消耗完了。” Right? That our a while, we came back immediately.” “是吗?那等我们一会儿,我们马上就回来了。” Really in a while, saw they to walk. 果然没过多久,就看见克蕾雅他们走了过来。 How does the situation of open country camp, have any big harvest.” At the same time that walks is still looking around everywhere. “野外营地的情况怎么样,有没有什么大收获。”克蕾雅走过来的同时还在四处张望着。 Lombe they are also the same. 隆贝他们也一样。 Soldier who good brothers, you not to have recruited the open country camp?” Lombe's strange asking. “好兄弟,你没有招募野外营地的士兵吗?”隆贝奇怪的问道。 They have not seen the military compound to be many any new branch of the services, but just also truly heard, Kane said that his meritorious military service consumed, therefore was somewhat strange. 他们没有看见军营这边多出什么新的兵种,但是刚刚也确实听见了,凯恩说他的战功消耗掉了,所以有些奇怪。 Kane replied: That open country camp is a gloomy old castle, I recruit the soldiers who they can recruit cleanly.” 凯恩回答道:“那野外营地是一座阴森的古堡,我将他们能够招募的士兵都招募干净了。” How that has not seen, is to wait for them to come?” “那怎么没有看见呀,是要等他们自己过来吗?” Facing Lombe's issue, the Kane expression is somewhat strange, does not know that should give what reply. 面对隆贝的问题,凯恩的表情有些古怪,不知道该作何回答。 Keen detection to Kane is not right, asks: What's wrong? Kane, what happened? Your expression somewhat is how strange.” 克蕾雅敏锐的察觉到了凯恩的不对劲,问道:“怎么了吗?凯恩,发生了什么事情吗?你的表情怎么有些怪怪的。” All right, but also truly had some matter, how can I say, ok, you look.” Kane wants to explain how actually did not know saying that finally shut up simply. “没什么事,不过也确实发生了些事情,怎么说呢,算了,你们自己看吧。”凯恩想解释,却又不知道怎么说,最后干脆闭嘴。 You can come out now.” “你们现在可以出来了。” Hears the Kane words, they observes all around immediately earnestly. 听见凯恩的话,克蕾雅他们立刻认真的观察起四周。 They think soldier who Kane recruits, is some type can invisible or is similar to the invisible unit. 他们认为凯恩招募的士兵,是某种能够隐形或者类似于隐形的单位。 However the scene that they present at present is, in the body of Kane starts on the back of the hand of spirit maid right hand drills the white mist to compose, starts to emit black fog one after another. 然而他们眼前出现的景象是,凯恩的身体里开始钻出一个又一个白色雾气组成的幽灵女仆右手的手背上,开始冒出一团又一团的黑雾。 In the military compound of nearby not far away, all soldiers look around toward here. 旁边不远处的军营内,所有的士兵都朝着这边张望。 When the mist diverges, the Kane side had presented 30 young girls. 当雾气散去时,凯恩的身边已经出现了30名少女。 Looks at this of entire journey they, the look stares rolls in a big way, expression shock. 看着这一幕全程发生的克蕾雅他们,眼神瞪得滚大,表情震惊。 Even incredible rubbing the eyes, determined oneself have not presented the illusion. 甚至不可置信的揉了揉眼睛,确定自己没有出现幻觉。 In the body of Kane drilled 30 young girls. 凯恩的身体里钻出了30名少女。 Lombe opens the mouth to walk, pinched the arm of Kane. 隆贝张着嘴巴走过来,捏了捏凯恩的手臂。 Looks at the Lombe strange behavior, Kane asks: Does?” 看着隆贝奇怪的行为,凯恩问道:“干嘛?” All right, I am only am somewhat shocked in the good brothers, your body is really spacious.” “没事,我只是有些震惊于好兄弟,你的身体还真宽敞呢。” Hears Lombe's words, the Kane full heavy line. 听到隆贝的话,凯恩满头黑线。 „Are these soldiers who that open country camp recruits?” Asked. “这些就是那座野外营地招募的士兵?”克蕾雅问道。 Kane nods, starts to introduce the two sides different branch of the services. 凯恩点点头,开始介绍起两边不同的兵种。 „The branch of the services of here these young girls are called the dark waiter, is assassin who meets the magic ability.” “这边的这些少女的兵种叫做黑暗侍者,是会魔法能力的暗杀者。” „The branch of the services of here these young girl spirits are called the spirit maid, is bodyguard who meets the magic ability.” “这边的这些少女幽灵的兵种叫做幽灵女仆,是会魔法能力的保镖吧。” The Kane words just a saying ended, Roshal walked, comes out to investigate the correct path: Master, we are the spirit maids, is maid who meets the magic ability, considers your daily life at the same time will also protect your security.” 凯恩的话刚一说完,罗莎莉就走了,出来纠正道:“主人,我们是幽灵女仆,是会魔法能力的女仆哟,照顾你的生活起居的同时还会保护你的安全。” Hears Roshal's words, Kane to turn the head to look at they: Like this that she said.” 听见罗莎莉的话,凯恩转过头来看着克蕾雅他们:“就像她说的这样。” Too strange. 太奇怪了。 At once, they do not know how should express now their in the spoken language thinks to think. 一时之间,克蕾雅他们也不知道该如何用言语表达他们现在的所思所想。 + joins the bookmark + +加入书签+
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