The extractionskill, explores the dungeonChapter 426young girlbranch of the services and fetterslink
抽取技能,探索地牢第426章少女兵种与羁绊链接Darkold castle.
打开的巨大门扉。Inthattoold castlecaninperson of a slit of passing.
通往古堡内的那条可以一人通过的缝隙中。Kanecanobviouslyseeinsidedarknessto experience the fluctuation.凯恩能够明显看见里面的黑暗出现了波动。
The sound of footstepspassed from the old castle.
A pair of tenderwhitethinlegtrodfrom the darkness.
嗯?Isn't the steward?
不是管家吗?Looks that the shyyoung girlstoodin the Kanefront.
一个看着青涩的少女站在了凯恩的面前。Thisyoung girlcannot see clearly the facial features, on the facewears a whitemask, on the maskassumes the trimto have no variety, even the weakness of five sensescarvesdoes not have.
A pitch-blackshort hair, what the bodyputs onisoneset of quitepersonalblackclothing, styleKane of thistype of clotheshas never seen, does not know how to describe.
一头乌黑的短发,身上穿着的是一套较为贴身的黑色服饰,这种衣服的风格凯恩从未见过,也不知道如何去形容。Butwhat the lower part of the bodyputs onis a smallshort skirtreveals the thinwhitethigh, the straightthighwears a pair of blackunderstandintowardbelow.
而下身则穿的是一个小短裙露出细白的大腿,笔直的大腿朝下穿着一双黑色的短靴。Is surrounding the blackmist.
身上环绕着黑色的雾气。Thisdresses updoes not have anyweapon, evennoarmor.
这一身装扮上没有任何的武器,甚至没有一丝的护甲。Howeverlooks likeinblackmistfrom the encirclement, perhapsis similarto the mastersamerole?
不过从环绕在身上的黑色雾气看来,或许是类似于法师一样的角色?„Are youmymaster?” The soundis clear, butactuallyappearsemptystereotypical.
“请问你就是我的主人吗?”声音清脆,但却显得空洞呆板。Kanesubconsciousdenial: „Not, if the meaning of masterisrecruiting, thatbut actuallytrulyisI.”凯恩下意识的否认:“不是的,不过如果主人的意思是招募者的话,那倒确实是我。”Looks atKaneto acknowledge,thisyoung girlthennods, standingsilentlyin the Kaneside.
看着凯恩承认,这位少女便点点头,默默的站在了凯恩的身旁。Looksnot to seem like the appearance of spirit, thereforeis the darkwaiter? Has not thought that is the girl.
看着不像是幽灵的样子,所以是黑暗侍者?没想到是女孩子吗。Kaneis just thinking, the writing that howeverflashes throughat present, drewhisattentioncompletely.凯恩正想着,然而眼前闪过的文字,将他的注意力完全拉了过去。【LinksfetterswithCallian】
The fetterslinkprompt, makingKanesomewhatcompelignorant, how longdidn't haveto seethisprompt?
怕是有一年的时间了。Whohowever is thisCallian? Kaneknowsoneselfdo not know anyone namedCallianabsolutely.
等一下。Kaneturns the head, lookscalmlystandsinownyoung girl.凯恩转过头来,看着静静站在自己身旁的少女。Can't?
不会吧?„Are youcalledCallian?”
“你叫做卡莲?”Hears the Kanesound, the young girlwill liftto look straight aheadKane, what Kaneseesis only a whitemask.
“是的。”Reallyisshe, iswhy? Is this life in dungeon? Whycanlink the fetterswith?
真的是她,可是为什么?这是地牢里的生命啊?为何会与自己链接羁绊?In the Kanebrainflashed through the innumerablequestions, howeversomepeoplewill not explaintohim.凯恩脑中闪过了无数的疑问,然而不会有人给他解答。Hesuppressesnot to call【Book of Ventures】Specificallyinformation that examinesCallian.
他强忍着没有唤出【冒险之书】去具体查看卡莲的信息。Heis waiting forotherbranch of the services that are recruitingto come out, this that nowneedsto make clearis a case, isall.
他在等待着自己招募的其他兵种出来,现在需要搞清楚的这是个例,还是所有。How longhas not madeKanewait , after Calliancomes out, is less thantwominutes, the darkold castleheard the sound of footstepsagain.
The young girlandCallian of thiscoming out are almost exactly the same, becausewears the reason of samewhitemasknot to see clearlytheirconcretefacial features, no matter the heightor the build, are almost the same.
这次出来的少女和卡莲几乎一模一样,因为都戴着相同的白色面具的缘故看不清楚他们的具体面容,但是不管是身高还是体型,都相差无几。HoweverKanewaskeendetectionto the differentplaces.
The thigh of thisyoung girlas ifwantsCallianslightlythicklittle, has the sex appeal.
这位少女的大腿似乎要比卡莲的稍微粗一点点,更有肉感。Kanecanguaranteewith the experience of oneselfmanyyears of hunter.凯恩以自己多年猎人的经验可以保证。
After thisyoung girlcomes out the 1stmatteralsoto standin front ofKane, askedandCallian'ssameissue: „Are youmymaster?”
The soundandCallianare slightly different, butstillemptystereotypical.
声音和卡莲略微不同,但依然空洞呆板。„Eh......, Iam notyourrecruiting, Isuggested that youcalled the senior officialor the misterare quite good.”Kanestaticanswered.
“额……不是的,我是你的招募者,我建议你还是称呼长官或者先生比较好一点。”凯恩静静的解释道。Thisyoung girlnods, laterwalks, stoodinCallian'sside.
果然。Linked the information of fettersto appearin the Kanefrontagain, thiswas not a case.
链接羁绊的信息再次出现在了凯恩的面前,这并非是个例。Determines a matternotto the Kanesolutionquestion, butmade the question in hisbrainmore.
确定一件事情并没有给凯恩解决疑问,而是使他脑中的疑问更多了。Before long the young girlwalked the coming outclothesandCallian they are same.
不一会儿又有一位少女走了出来穿着打扮和卡莲她们相同。Stillis the similarissue.
依然是同样的问题。AfterKanereplied, linked the information of fettersto appearagain.
【与卡琳链接羁绊】Nextyoung girlalsostillso.
【与卡尹链接羁绊】Kanelooks the young girl who 5 of ownsidewear the whitemask, the sameattire, the similarheight, the similarhairstyle and hair color, the namealsoonly has the absence of one word.凯恩看着自己身旁的五位戴着白色面具的少女,同样的衣着,同样的身高,同样的发型和发色,就连名字也只有一字之差。Kanecandistinguishtheirmethodsonly, istheir respectivestatures.凯恩唯一能够分别她们的方法,就是她们各自的身材。Roughlycanthrough the bust, waist and legdistinguishesthemthick or thin.
大致能够通过胸围、腰围以及腿的粗细分辨她们。In the front doorwent out of a young girlagain.
The young girl who thistimepresents they are not same as Callian, has the significantdifference.
这次出现的少女就和卡莲她们不相同了,有着明显的差别。Firstwas the blackshort hairturns into the blacklong hair, the heightalsowantedCalliantheyto wanthigh.
首先是黑色的短发变成了黑色的长发,身高也要比卡莲她们要高一点。„Are youmymaster?”
“请问你就是我的主人吗?”Stillis the sametone, is still the samesentence.
依然是相同的语气,依然是相同的语句。Stated differently, Kanehas been disinclinedto explain, the directnodsaid: „Yes.”
【与艾娃链接羁绊】Good, the namewas also different.
好吧,名字也不一样了。Thisyoung girlarrived atKaneanother sidedirectly, they have not stoodwithCallianin the samerow.
……This, the Kanesidestoodone after another20young girls, theywere the darkwaiters.
就这样陆陆续续的,凯恩身边站好了20位少女,她们就是黑暗侍者了。Theseyoung girlsstood4rows, eachplatoon5people.
这些少女们站成了四排,每排五人。Kanelooks atthemto ask: „Youare5people of onegroup?”凯恩看着他们问道:“你们是五人一组的吗?”Facingsuchissue, Callian Station that comes out earliest comes outto reply: „Yes, master.”
面对这样的问题,最早出来的卡莲站出来回答道:“是的,主人。”Kanenods, as forwhomandwhoseonegroupis actually easyto identify.凯恩点点头,至于谁和谁一组倒是非常容易辨认。
The heightsamehairstyle is the same, the famousinitialcharacter is the same, thatisonegroup of people.
身高相同发型相同,名字首字相同的,那就是一组的人。Ifonegroup of peopledo not distinguishcarefully, thinks that theyare5afterbirthsameexistences.
一组的人如果不仔细分辨的话,就会以为她们是五胞胎一样的存在。Kanestaresis opening the slitfront doorslightly, is waiting for the appearance of spiritmaid, hewantsto know whether the spiritmaid can also connect the fetterswithhim, the darkwaiterswill havethiscondition.凯恩盯着微微打开缝隙的大门,等待着幽灵女仆的出现,他想知道幽灵女仆是否也会和他连接羁绊,还是只有黑暗侍者们才会出现这种状况。How longwithoutlettinghimwaits , the young girl of whitesoulshapeconstitutionfluttered.
The body of thisyoung girlisconstitutesby the whitemist, canclearseesherfive senses, the bodyis a femaleclothing comprised of the whitemist, the lower part of the bodyskirtputs the downwardpositionnot to have the thigh, butisonegroup of fogshapeswhitemist.
这少女的身体是由白色的雾气构成,能够清晰的看见她的五官,身上是一件由白色雾气组成的女服装,下身裙摆向下的位置则没有腿部,而是一团雾状的白色雾气。Shesuchstaticflutteringin the Kanefront.
她就这样静静的飘在凯恩的面前。Is just the sameas the name, is the maid of spirit.
The soundelusiveindistinctrichemotion, has very big difference from the darkwaiters.
声音空灵飘渺富有情感,和黑暗侍者们有很大的不同。Kanenods saying: „Yes.”凯恩点点头说道:“是的。”HearsKaneto acknowledge,spiritmaidboth handspress firmly between the fingersoneselfskirtswayed, nextsquattedslightlygood a ritual: „Thenlaterwas consideredyourdaily lifebyme, master.”
听到凯恩承认,幽灵女仆双手捏住自己的裙摆,微微下蹲行了一礼:“那么以后就由我来照顾你的起居了,主人。”„Eh...... considers as finished.”Kanewantsto correcthername, butthinksandgives up.
Does the spiritmaid have?
幽灵女仆也有吗?Whycanin the lifelinkfetterswiththesedungeons?
为什么会和这些地牢里的生灵链接羁绊呢?Kanecannot think through.凯恩还是想不通。Looks at an appearance of Kaneponder, Roshalfluttersto askwith the gentletone: „Whathas to helpyour?”
看着凯恩一副思考的样子,罗莎莉飘过来用轻柔的语气问道:“有什么能够帮助你的吗?”„, All right, Iinponderissue.”
“哦,没事,我只是在思考问题。”Hears the Kanewords, Roshalnods, laterstoppedin the Kaneside, fell behind a bodyslightly.
听到凯恩的话,罗莎莉点点头,随后停在了凯恩的身边,微微落后了一个身位。Thenisanother9spiritmaidsappearandone by oneone by one and Kanelinkfetters, comparesin the darkwaiter, the spiritmaidsdifference of is easyto identify.
接下来就是另外九位幽灵女仆出现并挨个挨个的和凯恩链接羁绊,相比于黑暗侍者,幽灵女仆个个的差别就非常容易辨认。Besides the wear, they are almost various.
除了穿着外,她们几乎各不相同。ButRoshal who presents earliest istheirteams leader, butshesaid that is the maidis long.
而最早出现的罗莎莉就是她们的队长,不过她自称是女仆长。Looks the owntwo sidesa total of30young girls, representall the soldiers of recruiting to come out, does not know that shouldcallthemfor the soldier.
The start of frontold castlealsoundulatingbecomesillusory, untilcompletelyvanishesdoes not see.
面前的古堡也澹澹的开始变得虚幻起来,直到完全消失不见。Has the expectationregardingthisKaneearly.
对于这一幕凯恩早有预料。In the materialhas also written, eachopen countrycamp, the branch of the servicesquantity that afteritscanrecruitwas recruitedcompletelywill vanishdoes not see.
资料上也写过,每个野外营地,当其能够招募的兵种数量被全部招募后就会消失不见。At this timeKaneturned the head, looks that fronttwodifferentyoung girlasked: „Do youhave the method that whathurries alongfast?”
If no, Kane can only leadthemto walkslowly.
如果没有的话,凯恩只能带着她们慢慢走回去了。Callianwalks saying: „Wedo not have the method of fasthurrying along, butcantake possessionon the body of master.”
卡莲走出来说道:“我们没有快速赶路的手段,但是能够附身在主人的身上。”Heardherwords, Kanecomes the interest in say: „Gives a try.”
听到她的话,凯恩来了兴趣说道:“试试看。”Calliannods, becameonegroup of mistto bang intoon the back of the hand of Kanedirectly.
卡莲点点头,直接变为了一团雾气撞入了凯恩的手背上。Buton the back of the hand of Kanepresented a whitemaskcharttuart of fingernailsize.
而凯恩的手背上则出现了一个指甲盖大小的白色面具图桉。Kanelooks atownarm, shookshakingslightly, on the abovemaskcharttuartCalliantheirfaceshas that hecanfeel that onownarmis lodgingonegroup of lives, thisfeelingverystrange.凯恩看着自己的手臂,微微的晃了晃,上面的面具图桉正是卡莲她们脸上带着的那种,他能够感觉到自己的手臂上寄宿着一团生命,这种感觉非常的奇怪。Afterwardhelooks up the midsummerdarkwaiter: „Youalsocometogether.”
随后他抬起头来看着盛夏的黑暗侍者:“你们也一起来吧。”Finishes speaking, allyoung girlallincarnationsbecamebunch of blackmist, hitstoward the back of the hand of Kaneon.
话音刚落,所有的少女全都化身成了一团团黑色的雾气,朝着凯恩的手背上撞去。When the mistdiverges, the charttuart that on the back of the handis arranging the maskdensely and numerouslyhas the five fingerson.
The entireback of the handis a mask.
A darkwaiter was very strange, 20completelyinownhand, Kanehad an ownhandto become the feeling of othersfamily/home.
一个黑暗侍者就很奇怪了,20个全部在自己的手上,凯恩的有一种自己的手成了别人家的感觉。With every effortdo not goto feelbyoneselfcarefully.
尽力的让自己不要去仔细感受。Kaneturns the headto lookownRoshalthey: „You?”凯恩转过头来看着自己身旁的罗莎莉她们:“你们呢?”Roshalsaidwith a smile: „Althoughourspeedsare quick, but can also take possessionsimilarlyonyourbody, thiscanprovide the attendanceforyouwhen necessary.”
Am I a baby? Kanestrangethought.
我是婴儿吗?凯恩奇怪的想到。„Good, youalsotake possession.”
“好吧,那你们也附身上来吧。”Hears the Kanewords, Roshalbanged into the body of Kanewith a smiledirectly.
听到凯恩的话,罗莎莉笑着直接撞入了凯恩的身体。Kanefelt that oneselfcanhearRoshal'svoice.凯恩感觉到自己能够听见罗莎莉的声音。„Master, Icame.”
“主人,我进来了。”„Changes a view, this saying to be listeningstrangely.”
“换个说法,这话听着怪怪的。”„Did master, Ilive?”
“主人,我住进来了?”„Ok, youuse the beforehandwords.”
The taking possessionway of spiritmaidis similarto the soultemporaryforces inKanewithin the body. Will not causeanydamagetoKane, cannothaveany influence on Kane, can only speakinhisear.
Did ownbodybecomeothers'family/home?
自己的身体成了别人的家吗?Worthilyis the darkbranch of the services, was too evil.
不愧是偏黑暗的兵种,太邪恶了。„Youralsosame place.”Cansayto the remainingmaids.
“你们也一起吧。”能对着剩下的女仆说道。But the remainingspiritmaidsexuded the euphoniouslaughter, lines upimpatientcollisionhisbody.
而剩下的幽灵女仆发出了银铃般的笑声,排好队迫不及待的撞进了他的身体。„Is thisinside of master?”
“这就是主人的里面吗?”„Hereis quite warm.”
The body of Kanestartsat oncebecomesnoisy, the voices of allmaidsreverberateinhisear.
一时之间凯恩的身体开始变得吵闹起来,所有女仆的声音都在他的耳边回响。At this timeRoshal'svoiceconveyed: „Silence, hereis the body of master, maintainspeaceful and etiquette, do not disturb the master.”
“是”九Body of Kaneall of a suddenpeaceful.凯恩的身体一下子就安静了下来。Bewilderedrelaxing.
莫名其妙的松了一口气。Thereforecurrentlyonmehas30young girls, Kanethinkslike this.
太奇怪了。+joins the bookmark+
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