DSED :: Volume #5

#425: Dark old castle

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The extraction skill, explores the dungeon Chapter 425 dark old castle 抽取技能,探索地牢第425章幽暗古堡 Is situated the stone building in fort camp. 坐落在要塞营地里的石屋。 The surroundings of stone building may supply the diaphanous window to be mostly small and narrow, causing natural lighting in entire room to be not very good. 石屋的周围可供透光的窗户大都窄小,导致整个屋内的采光度并不是很好。 Even ray strongest noon will still still appear in the room to be somewhat dim, let alone the present was the morning. 即使是光线最强的中午也依然会显得房间内有些昏暗,更别说现在是早晨了。 Early, everyone.” “早啊,各位。” Kane is having the yawn, slow Youyou walked from own room. 凯恩打着哈欠,慢悠悠的从自己的房间里走了出来。 But on the table of room, they have arrived in full, had started to have the breakfast. 而房间的餐桌上,克蕾雅他们早就到齐了,已经开始吃着早饭。 Generally is all right Kane will have a long lazy sleep, Syria they have been used. 一般没事的时候凯恩都会睡懒觉,克利亚他们都已经习惯了。 Perhaps having a long lazy sleep caused him the thing that can maintain from the past memory only. 或许睡懒觉使他能够从过去记忆里唯一能够保持的东西了。 Looks to sit by oneself, eats breakfast Kane to ask: Now had the fort and this surrounding camp guard, what to do can feel at ease later prepared? Has what idea.” 克蕾雅看着坐在自己旁边,吃着早饭的凯恩问道:“现在有了要塞和这周围的营地护卫,可以安心了之后准备怎么办呢?有没有什么想法。” Kane is having the breakfast in hand, hears words, by raised the head on the chair slightly: Now we can act on free will, moreover today Horne should make his these soldiers hand/subordinate start the surrounding camp to attack, I am thinking we must act separately, this can the resources maximization.” 凯恩吃着手中的早饭,听到克蕾雅的话,靠在椅子上微微抬头:“现在我们可以自由行动,而且今天霍恩应该会让他手下的那些士兵开始对周围的营地进行攻打,我在想着我们要不要分头行动,这样才能资源最大化。” „The action, I feel separately feasible.” Nearby Lombe said. “分头行动,我觉得可行。”旁边的隆贝说道。 By our strengths, in this dungeon can cause the danger the situation should in any case to us not to exist, moreover we can also exchange momentarily.” “反正以我们的实力,这个地牢里能够对我们造成生命危险的情况应该不太存在,而且我们还能够随时交流。” Fact also truly as Lombe said. 事实也确实如隆贝所说。 They since clone graciousness there graduation, almost did not have the rival in the middle of same level, in position that an absolute strength suppresses, goes through customs these dungeons time also still so. 他们自从从艾克隆恩那里毕业后,几乎就在同级当中没有了敌手,处于一种绝对实力压制的地位,通关这些地牢的时候也依然如此。 What let alone in this dungeon art is the regiment combat also causes most soldiers, even if the strength achieves the silver, still basically possibly is not their enemies of gathering. 更别说这个地牢里讲究的是军团作战也就导致大部分的士兵,即使实力达到银色,也基本上不可能是他们的一合之敌。 So long as they are not silly, hundred crashes in army of enemy by an enemy, almost will not have what danger. 只要他们不傻愣愣的,以一敌百冲进敌人的军阵中,几乎就不会有什么生命危险。 Although in the dungeon also has the military officer of enemy side, these powerful existences, are similar the elite in dungeon, or is the group leader. 虽然地牢里还有着敌方的将领,这些实力强大的存在,类似于地牢中的精英,或者是小头目。 However regarding their strengths, still not too enough looks. 但是对于他们的实力来说,依然还是不太够看。 „The concrete dividing forces detail were late we discussed again, first went to the open country camp to have a look to say again, we were promoted to the military rank again, recruited some soldiers.” “不过具体的分兵细节等晚点的时候我们再商量,先去野外营地看看再说之后我们再把军衔升一下,多招募些士兵。” Kane said the matter that they must handle today simply. 凯恩简单的说出了他们今天要做的事情。 They finished eating the food to go out of the stone building. 他们吃完饭走出了石屋。 In outside broad location, has many soldiers to start in turn drills. 外面的宽阔场地上,已经有不少的士兵在开始轮流的进行操练。 They respectively to the assistant who oneself the team sets, is exercising own responsibility. 他们各自给自己队伍定下的副手,正在行使着自己的职责。 To be honest, the army in this dungeon almost places the words in normal world, could be the crack troops completely. 说实话,这地牢里的军队几乎放在正常的世界中的话,完全都算得上是精兵了。 So long as after setting some platoon leader or is the assistant, Kane they except for the safeguard the direction of logistics as well as general orientation, do not need to care about other things. 只要定下了些小队长或者是副手后,凯恩他们除了保障后勤以及大方向的指挥,就不太需要关心其他的事情。 But at this time. 而此时。 Nona also the sail about in these military compounds, annoys the person conspicuous place everywhere is, her both hands are pulling a hair color and her same little girl respectively. 波诺娜也在这些军营里四处逛来逛去,惹人显眼的地方是,她的双手各牵着一个发色和她相同的小女孩。 Kane looks at this, does not let give Kane two daughters who she feels relieved their words, if this on the battlefield were not quite truly convenient. 凯恩看着这一幕,不让她放心的将两个女儿交给凯恩他们的话,这要是上了战场确实不太方便。 Li path path.” “莉路路。” Kane is calling Li path path on shoulder, really gave her a meaningful glance. 凯恩叫着自己肩膀上的莉路路,给她实了个眼色。 For example nods to express the understanding point, flashed the wing to fly to look that toward Borloo that they also followed. 例如点点头表示了解点,扑闪着翅膀朝着波罗那飞了过去看他们也紧随其后。 While convenient, Kane has also floated to flutter the sky, cotton candy of playing calling. 顺便,凯恩还将天空上一直飘来飘去,玩耍的棉花糖给叫了下来。 Hello!” “你们好!” Li path path is flashing the wing, appeared in the front of two little girls. 莉路路扑闪着翅膀,出现在了两个小女孩的面前。 But facing the sudden small fairy maiden, that two little girls does not have the appearance that is extremely afraid. 而面对突然出现的小仙子,那两个小女孩也没有太过害怕的样子。 The feeling somewhat is possibly shy. 只是可能感觉有些害羞。 You, hello/you good.” And a little girl is emboldening to say. “你,你好。”其中一个小女孩壮着胆子说道。 But another hid in Nona directly behind, found out the head, opened the circle to cook the eye that to observe. 而另一个直接躲在了波诺娜的身后,探出脑袋,睁着自己圆熘熘的眼睛观察着。 Nona who looks at this situation, has been sending out the maternal smile. 看着这一情况的波诺娜,一直散发着母性的微笑。 Saw that Li groups of she knows Kane they should come. 看到莉路路她就知道凯恩他们应该过来了。 How feels these soldiers?” Kane asked. “觉得这些士兵怎么样?”凯恩问道。 Also good, although most strengths somewhat are small and weak.” “还不错,虽然大部分的实力还有些弱小。” Right, I have not given you to assign the duty.” Kane taps the head to think. “对了,我还没有给你分配职务吧。”凯恩拍脑袋才想起来。 Yesterday evening they came back is very late , not good to awaken the soldiers. 昨天晚上他们回来的时候就已经很晚了,也不好将士兵们都叫醒。 Immediately Kane is beckoning to not far away Abbey. 随即凯恩对着不远处的艾比招招手。 Abbey this military officer who is I recruits newly, Nona, now is led you by her, you are responsible for auxiliary left her, without issue?” “艾比这位是我新招募的将领,波诺娜,现在由她来带领你们,你负责辅左她,没问题吧?” Hears the order of Kane, Abbey standing at attention left hand makes a fist the thump to say in own chest armor: Yes, Chief Kane.” 听到凯恩的命令,艾比立正左手手握拳捶在自己的胸甲上说道:“是,凯恩长官。” Is nodding to say to Nona: Chief Nona, please advise.” 对着波诺娜点点头说道:“波诺娜队长,请多指教。” Chief Abbey you are also.” Nona nods to return a courtesy said. “艾比队长你也是。”波诺娜点头回礼道。 Rona, you also goes to the familiar team, relax, and Minna give Li path path not to have the issue.” Kane said. “波罗娜,你也去熟悉一下队伍吧,放心吧,米露和米娜交给莉路路没有问题的。”凯恩说道。 Listens to the Kane words, Nona turn head looked. 听完凯恩的话,波诺娜回头看了看。 At this time oneself two daughters, had made into one piece with Li path path, side has not known cloud when comes out. 此时自己的两个女儿,已经和莉路路打成了一片,旁边还有一朵不知道什么时候出来的云彩。 Two daughters already above happy swaying back and forth. 两个女儿已经在上面开心的打起了滚。 Sees this secretly, Nona a little felt relieved slightly, this nods. 看见这一幕后,波诺娜稍微有点放心,这才点点头。 After gazing after Nona leaves, Kane thinks, was saying to own teammate: I first go to look for open country's camp through this item, my words, action slightly quickly.” 目送波诺娜离开后,凯恩想了想,对着自己的队友说道:“那我先去通过这件道具找一找野外的营地,我一个人的话,行动稍微快一点。” Hears the Kane words, they nods. 听到凯恩的话,克蕾雅他们点点头。 Gives them the triangle the iron sheet only to tell them to input the charm, then can find the open country camp following the direction of this item, but not in the final analysis in what position, has not said far, this inside speed quickest, although is, but must look at Kane in the words of open country. 或者给他们三角形的铁片是只告诉他们可以输入魔力,然后顺着这件道具的指引就能找到野外营地,但是并没有说到底在什么位置,也没有说有多远,这里面速度最快的虽然是克蕾雅,但在野外的话还得看凯恩 After all the knowledge is the strength. 毕竟知识就是力量。 Kane went out of the main entrance of fort directly, Youyou has followed in his side. 凯恩直接走出了要塞的正门,悠悠者一直跟在他的身边。 After going out of the fort, direct constructed a cross country motor same place. 走出要塞后,直接原地构建起了一辆越野的摩托。 Own words, the speed of motor is much faster. 只是自己一个人的话,摩托的速度要快得多。 Even on the motor, still lets the sitting stage that Youyou controls specially. 即使是摩托上面,也有一个专门让悠悠控制的坐台。 Rides on the motorcycle, in Kane will equip Horne to take to own triangle iron sheet from the space yesterday. 骑在摩托车上,凯恩从空间装备里将昨天霍恩给自己的三角形铁片拿了出来。 Is watching the triangle iron sheet in hand, spent a charm to input, with flooding into of charm, in the iron sheet flashed through slightly shining rune/symbol writing, later the iron sheet fluttered directly. 看着手中的三角形铁片,花费一丝魔力输入了进去,随着魔力的涌入,铁片上闪过了一道微微发亮的符文,随后铁片直接飘了起来。 Flutters following a direction, float speed Kane can feel that oneself can control. 顺着一个方向飘去,漂浮的速度凯恩能感觉到自己能够控制。 Youyou following iron sheet on line.” 悠悠跟着铁片就行。” On such iron sheet starts rapidly in a direction flies, but Kane also sits on the motorcycle, motor that the demon power generator constructs under energy the transportation of circuit, in wilderness flies. 就这样铁片开始迅速的朝着一个方向飞去,而凯恩也坐在摩托车上,魔动力机械构造的摩托在能量的回路的输送下,在荒野上开的飞起。 But the Youyou intimate projection a small-scale map panel, on that was also demonstrating the Kane route. 悠悠也贴心的投射出了一块小型的地图面板,那上面正显示着凯恩的路线。 Under running quickly of pinnacle speed, in a while, Kane they passed through the safety line comprised of 5 camps. 在极致速度的奔驰下,没过多久,凯恩他们就穿过了由五座营地组成的安全线。 However under the leadership of iron sheet, they have not proceeded directly, but is slanting on the corner of most nearby toward the map hurries. 不过在铁片的带领下,他们也并没有直接一直往前走,而是斜斜的朝着地图上最边上的一处角落里赶去。 There leaves the safety line that 5 camps compose not far, the camp of surroundings also does not have any enemy side. 那里离五座营地组成的安全线并没有多远,周围也没有任何敌方的营地。 Until the motorcycle arrived at a jungle of cover. 直到摩托车来到了一座茂密的丛林边。 Looks at such terrain, Kane wields to disperse the motor directly, the preparation walks. 看着这样的地形,凯恩直接挥散掉摩托,准备步行进去。 According to map that Youyou projects, they should be in the map edge position now. 按照悠悠投射出来的地图,他们现在应该已经处在了地图的边缘位置。 Has been able to see the wall that the dense fog composes from afar. 已经能够远远的看见迷雾组成的墙壁了。 Is following the direction of triangle iron sheet, Kane across the jungle of cover, the path that here simply has not stepped on artificially, can only see the beast diameter that some wild animals step on. 跟随着三角铁片的指引,凯恩穿过茂密的丛林,这里根本没有人为踩下的道路,只能够看见一些野兽踩下的兽径。 Unexpectedly in such remote place? If explores normally, Kane will not drill toward these places in absolutely bewilderedly, after all who can think that in this can also hide an open country camp. 居然在这么偏僻的地方吗?要是正常探索的话,凯恩绝对不会莫名其妙往这些地方里钻,毕竟谁能想到这里面还会藏着一座野外营地呢。 Finally can see the edge in woods. 终于能够看见树林的边缘呢。 Goes out of the edge, to an open area, what heaving in sight is a black stone build becomes the old castle that. 走出边缘来,到了一处空地,映入眼帘的是一座黑色石头搭建而成的古堡。 Entire old castle such towering appearance in forest entrance position, does not have the path to extend. 整座古堡就这样突兀的出现在了森林里大门口的位置,也没有道路延伸。 In the old castle has some strange weakness to model, the entire old castle has darkness to the style of person. 古堡上有着一些奇怪的凋塑,整个古堡给人的风格有着一丝黑暗。 According to the material in said that the camp contour of open country are various, the branch of the services that but can recruit with them generally are related. 根据资料上所说野外的营地外形各种各样,不过一般都和他们能够招募的兵种有关。 Although the old castle and surrounding woods do not match, appears very towering. But if and color appropriate match of sky, actually feeling unusual building. 虽然古堡和周围的树林不相匹配,显得非常的突兀。但如果是和天空的色彩相配的话,倒是感觉非常的搭。 Branch of the services that the gloomy dark old castle that can recruit, not too possible is what quite positive/direct attribute. 阴森黑暗的古堡那么能够招募的兵种,不太可能是什么比较正面的属性。 Took back the train of thought that Kane walked toward the front door of old castle. 收回思绪,凯恩向着古堡的大门走了过去。 Looks at front door, above is carving all kinds of patterns weakly, but mostly is the chart tuart of some knight Evil Dragon as well as monster, those who do not see clearly the expression is what meaning. 看着面前的门扉,上面凋刻着各种各样的花纹,不过大多是一些骑士恶龙以及怪兽的图桉,看不清楚到底表达的是什么意思。 How then to go in? 那么怎么进去呢? Ok, first knocked knocks on a door said again. 算了,还是先敲敲门再说。 When the hand when Kane lifts is just about to fall, front door actually in a sound, slowly opens from the interior. 然而当凯恩抬起的手正要落下时,大门却在吱呀的一声声响中,缓缓的从内部打开。 Kane routine being vigilant and retroceded several steps. 凯恩习惯性的警惕并后退了几步。 With opening of front door, what coming out is a complexion turns white, wears black western-style clothes the old person of steward appearance. 随着大门的打开,出来的是一位面色发白,身穿黑色西服的管家模样的老老人。 His body supported the straight behavior gradually, the movement graceful smooth must arrive at the Kane front to be good later left such etiquette not to see, therefore can only nod to express the response. 他身体挺得笔直行为,动作优雅流畅缓步得来到了凯恩的面前随后行了一离这样的礼仪还没有见过,所以只能点点头表示回应。 However he as if understood that the Kane purpose in coming, says directly: „Can mister find here is to recruit the subordinate?” 不过他似乎非常了解凯恩的来意,直接开口说道:“先生能够找到这里是想要招募部下吗?” Hears his words Kane to nod immediately. Said: Yes.” 听到他的话凯恩立马点点头。说道:“是的。” The old men wave directly, black fog from the sky starts to condense, slowly composed two characters. 老者直接挥了挥手,一道黑雾在空中开始凝聚,慢慢的组成了两道字符。 Dark waiter, spirit maid. 黑暗侍者,幽灵女仆。 Branch of the services that these two types can recruit.” “这两种就是能够招募的兵种了。” Kane looks above to demonstrate the character that only demonstrated two names of branch of the services, without any other symbols, what kind of price also without saying needs to spend to recruit. 凯恩看着上面显示出来的字符,只显示出了两种兵种的名字,没有其他任何的标志,也没有说需要花费怎样的代价才能够招募。 Moreover looked that the name can also know, looks is the dark branch of the services. 而且看名字也能够知道,一看就是偏黑暗的兵种。 Has not waited for Kane to ask, the steward continues to say. 还没等凯恩发问,管家继续说道。 In dark waiter old castle only has 20, the price of expenditure is 100 meritorious military service and 500 gold coins.” “黑暗侍者古堡内只有20名,花费的代价为100战功和500枚金币。” In spirit maid old castle only has the prices of 10 expenditures is 150 meritorious military service and 1000 gold coins.” “幽灵女仆古堡内只有十名花费的代价为150战功和1000金币。” Quite expensive/noble, the meritorious military service was exaggerating even, but also needed the gold coin, all needs to spend the gold coin in the dungeon the place, said was only the dense fog bestows the coin is not the gold coin. 好贵呀,战功非常夸张就算了,还需要金币,在地牢中所有需要花费金币的地方,说的都只是迷雾赐币并不是外界的金币。 But in the dungeon, dense fog bestows the amount of coin is 1000 gold coins. 而在地牢中,一枚迷雾赐币的金额就是1000金币。 Why this is also the outside world, when the universal dense fog bestows the coin exchange gold coin reason that will have the premium. 这也是为什么外界,普遍迷雾赐币兑换金币时会有溢价的原因。 The dense fog bestows the coin to be similar in all dungeons to a current money, naturally was also the same in the outside world. 迷雾赐币在所有的地牢中都类似于一种通用货币,当然了在外界也一样。 If not in the material showed that exchanges the branch of the services of these open country camps not to owe absolutely, perhaps Kane will also hesitate. 如果不是资料中显示兑换这些野外营地的兵种绝对不亏的话,凯恩说不定还会迟疑。 However, the present has the great sum of money after all, could pay regarding this amount. 不过嘛,毕竟现在身上身怀巨款,对于这点金额还是支付得起了。 Moreover Kane also keeps the meritorious military service that this defense war is winning not to spend intentionally, is feared when comes the open country camp, meritorious military service is insufficient. 而且凯恩也故意留着这场守城战获得的战功没有花费,就是怕来野外营地时,身上的战功不够。 Meritorious military service has to be close to 4000 quantities, exchanged also some to remain completely. 身上的战功有着接近4000的数量,全部兑换了还有的剩。 Mister, how many then you do need to recruit?” “先生,那么你需要招募多少呢?” The stewards look that Kane did not speak to ask. 管家看着凯恩迟迟不说话问道。 All wanted!” “全要了!” Listens to the Kane words, on the face of steward obviously revealed a joy, but is still maintaining own etiquette with every effort, the nod said: Meritorious military service will deduct automatically, but the gold coin must trouble you to give me personally.” 听完凯恩的话,管家的脸上明显露出了一丝喜悦,不过依然尽力保持着自己的礼仪,点头说道:“战功会自动扣除,但是金币就得麻烦你亲自交给我了。” Kane nods, several from own space equipment 20 dense fog bestowed the coin to give him. 凯恩点点头,从自己的空间装备中数出了20枚迷雾赐币交给了他。 „, Please wait a bit the moment.” “那么,请稍等片刻。” Then, the old man received the dense fog to bestow the coin, entered in the front door of old castle. 说完,老者接过迷雾赐币,就进入了古堡的大门内。 However the front door has not closed, had/left one, just can the excellent slit. 不过大门并没有关上,都出了一道,刚好能够过人的缝隙。 Looks toward the interior from the slit, sees only inside darkness one piece, anything cannot see, even if opens the charm response that Eagle-Eye still has no. 从缝隙朝内部看去,只见里面黑暗一片,什么都看不见,即使睁开鹰眼也没有任何的魔力反应。 + joins the bookmark + +加入书签+
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