The extractionskill, exploresdungeonChapter 424to recruit the military officer
抽取技能,探索地牢第424章招募将领Underjet blacknighttime sky.
漆黑的夜空下。Sinceredark clouds that becausein the skythatblocks the sky.
The spacecannot see the star of twinkle.
天上根本看不见闪烁的星星。Onlycanseeonce for a while, reveals the formfrom the cloudscrescent moon.
只能时不时看见,从云朵后面露出身影的弯月。At this timewantsvariousCeryplacesto ignite the oil lamp.
A spaciousstone building, is situatedbehind the fortentrancenot far away.
一处宽大的石屋,坐落在要塞后方大门口的不远处。Inthisstone building, broadcasts the noisysound.
这座石屋里,传来吵闹的声音。In the entranceis hanging a wooden sign that is drawing the wine glass.
门口上挂着一个画着酒杯的木牌。Does not needto think,hereis the tavern in fort.
不用多想,这里就是要塞的酒馆。„Washere? Wego inquickly”
“就是这里了吗?我们快进去”Lombehalf steprushed toside of stone building, was sayingtobehindshadow.
The followingshadowplace, Kanetheywalkgradually, appearedbody.
后面的阴影处,凯恩他们缓步走来,现出了身型。At this time a helplessness of Kaneface, although after justfinished eating the food, Kaneasked the issueabouttavern, butheis soliciting the suggestions of teammate, has not thoughtgoes to the tavernto recruitimmediately.
此时凯恩正一脸的无奈,虽然刚刚吃完饭后凯恩问起了关于酒馆的问题,但他只是在征求自己队友的意见,并没有想过立马就去酒馆里招募。Lombe who severaldayshas not drunkwherecan managethese, hearsto haveexistence of tavern, urgentwantsKanetheyto go to the taverntogether.
好几天没有喝酒的隆贝哪管得着这些呀,听见有酒馆的存在,就火急火燎的要凯恩他们一起去酒馆。Alsomustgo toonein any case, Kanetheyalsowith.
反正也要去一趟的,凯恩他们也就跟了过来。Justshoved open the wooden the wooden door, in the taverntransmitted the noisysound.
刚一推开木质的木门,酒馆内就传来了嘈杂的声响。Manywearmatch colorsin the tavernred and whiteare drinking.
许多穿着红白配色正在酒馆里喝着酒。Chattedmutually, the sound that sanginterwines, noisypiece.
相互聊天,歌唱的声音交织在一起,嘈杂一片。Like this atmosphere of tavernalsohadwelllongnot to feelsome time.
这样酒馆的氛围也有好长一段时间没有感受过了。Looks atLombe'sexpression, knowshimat this timeunusualenjoyment.
看隆贝的表情,就知道他此时非常的享受。Without delay, by the directbar, stands the wooden stoolto start a liquor.
The Kanekeendiscovery, in the tavernhasseveralforms, theirwearare notmatch colorsred and white.凯恩敏锐的发现,酒馆内有着好几个身影,他们身上的穿着并非是红白配色的。
The aura that lendsalsostrongercompared withthesesoldiersonmany, military officer who thesepeopleshouldbe ableto recruit.
The hero who thesemayrecruithas5.
这些可招募的英雄有五位。Wears the knightarmor, the hair and beardsomewhatgraymiddle and old ageknight.
一位身穿骑士铠甲,头发和胡须都有些花白的中老年骑士。Was somewhat old, canfeel that the lifestartsto go down hillagain.
年纪有些大了,能够感觉到生命再开始走下坡路。Thisis not good.
这个不行。Anothershouldbe a master, the bodywears a dark greencape, the headwears the hood.
另一个应该是一位法师,身上穿着一件墨绿色的斗篷,头上戴着兜帽。Mainlyisinhishandtakes a woodenstick, aboveis mounting an muddygem.
主要是他手上拿着一根木杖,上面镶嵌着一颗浑浊的宝石。Aurais somewhat evildifferent.
这个人可以。Kanearrives at the bardirectly: „Takesonecup, the loyalty.”凯恩直接来到吧台:“要一杯,忠义。”
After the bossadjusts the nice wine, Kanetakes the wine glass, thenwalkstowardthatmaster.
等老板调好酒后,凯恩拿着酒杯,便向着那位法师走去。According to the materialin said that to recruit a heroor the military officer, onlyneedsto givehimintaverninner pointonecup of loyalty, ifheaccepted, thenintendsto talkwithyou.
Under Kanecarried the wine glassto arrive at the position of thatmasterto be implicated.凯恩端着酒杯来到了那位法师的位置旁坐下。Thatmasternoticed that somepeoplesit down, raised the headto come to seeslightly.
那位法师看到身旁有人坐下,微微抬起头来看了看。JustseesKaneto givehim the wine glass in hand.
The hood of thismaster seems to have used the magic, at this timecannotsee clearly the face under hishoodthrough the ray.
这位法师的兜帽似乎施展过魔法,此时并不能通过光线看清楚他兜帽下的脸庞。Helooks at the liquor that Kanehands over, laterraised the headto observeKane.
他看着凯恩递过来的酒,随后又抬起头来观察着凯恩。Finallyshaking the head of gently.
最后轻轻的摇了摇头。Was rejected.
被拒绝了。Kanetakes back the wine glass, looksinownhandlimpidliquid.凯恩将酒杯收回,看着自己手中清澈的液体。Withoutthinkingto be frustrated, failed for the 1st time.
没想到出师不利,第一次就失败了。Was rejected, explained that thismilitary officerfeltoneselfdo not suitin the Kanesubordinateworks.
被拒绝了,说明这位将领觉得自己并不适合在凯恩的手下做事。Lombeat this timebigmouthonbaris drinking the beer, is chattingwithsoldier.
But Lipathpath, in the entranceposition, are looking at the Kanebehaviorat this time.
而克蕾雅和莉路路,此时正在门口的位置,看着凯恩的行为。Theyare notdo not wantto recruit, butafterwaiting forKaneis successfully recruiting, said the experiencetothem, makingthemfirstobserve and emulateobserving and emulating, is familiar with the flow.
她们不是不想招募,而是在等待着凯恩成功招募好后,给她们说说经验,让她们先观摩观摩,熟悉熟悉流程。Medskerhas not comewiththem, butis developing the medicamentin the room.
梅兹克并没有跟他们来,而是在房间内研制着药剂。Does not wantto recruit, recruitedto be defeated, then is also left overthreepeoplenow.
一个不想招募,一个招募失败了,那么现在还剩下三人。Kaneturns the headto look.凯恩转头看去。Robust man who wears the halfwaychestanimal skin,
The bodydense and numerousscabs, look at the muscle of hisballooningagain, understood at a glance that will beonecourageous. At this timeheis chattinganythingwithoneselfsoldierloudly, in gulpsis drinkingliquor in the hand.
身上密密麻麻的伤疤,再看他鼓胀的肌肉,一看就知道是一员勐将。此时他正跟自己身旁的士兵大声的聊着什么,大口大口的喝着自己手中的酒。Kanelooks atthisperson of first, feelsthisperson of nottoosuitableownteam.凯恩看着这人的第一眼,就觉得这人不太适合自己的队伍。Continueslookstoanother.
继续向另一位看去。Another, another does...... disappear?
另一位,另一位……不见了?At this timein the tavern, is only left over the military officer who 4mayrecruit.
此时酒馆内,只剩下四名可招募的将领。HoweverKanehad not just seensomepeopleto leave the tavern, the military officer who can therefore recruitisemerges out of thin airdisappearsbaseless?
然而刚刚凯恩并没有看见有人离开酒馆,所以能够招募的将领是凭空出现又凭空消失的吗?Ok, thesemechanismdo not understand.
算了,这些机制也不太懂。Finallyremainingthatmayrecruiton the military officerto throw over the capesimilarly.
最后剩下的那一位可招募将领身上同样披着斗篷。Howevercapeis the emerald-green and brownmix, will not have boundsolid, the revealedlower part and abdomenareinpart of lightJiajia of convenientflexibleskinarmor.
The waistis assemblingtwoshort-swords, although the backcapeis covering, but can also seeto seem like a style of bow and arrow.
腰间装配着两柄短剑,背后斗篷虽然覆盖着,但还能够看见似乎是一柄弓箭的样式。Thispersonshouldbe a long-distanceshooter, or a bandits and thieveshunterkind of occupation.
这人应该是一位远程射手,或是盗贼猎人一类的职业。Shouldwithown the natureis good.
应该和自己的相性不错。Bypassedseveralpeopleto walk, position that thisperson of institutewas in the corner of tavern.
绕过几人走了过去,这人所在的位置是在酒馆的角落里。Kanesitsinthisman radicalposition, thenhanded overthatglass of liquor in hand.凯恩坐在这人旁边的位置上,便将手中的那杯酒递了过去。Lookswine glassperson that hands over, raised the headslightly.
看着递过来的酒杯这人,才微微抬起头来。Kanethenseesthisperson of realappearance, unexpectedlyis a female.凯恩这才看见这人的真实样貌,居然是一位女性。Thiswomanpickedheadhood, reveals a emerald greenhair color, weaves a thickbraid, lets fallfrom the shoulder.
这个女人将自己头上的兜帽摘了下来,露出一头翠绿的发色,编织成一条粗大的辫子,从肩膀上垂落下来。Herfacelooksverymaturely, anddoes not seem like the little miss, is more like a marriedwoman.
她的脸庞看着非常的成熟,并不像是小姑娘,更像是一位已经结婚的妇人。Howeverdoes not meanherto be ugly, thisfemaleveryattractive, haswipes the matureflavor.
不过并不是说她难看,这位女性非常的漂亮,有着一抹成熟的韵味。Shereceived the wine glass that Kanehands overto drinkone: „Was rejectedbyothers, finallyhasn't resulted inelectsto chooseme?”
她接过凯恩递过来的酒杯喝了一口:“被别人拒绝了,最后没得选才选择了我吗?”She seems to have observedKane, a few wordsis makingKanesomewhatawkwardly.
她似乎一直观察着凯恩,一句话就将凯恩弄得有些尴尬。„The most preciousthing, must always be the last, not?”Kanesaidwith a smile.
“最珍贵的东西,总是要留在最后,不是吗?”凯恩笑着说道。„Haha, saidright, respectsyouronecup.”Then, thiswomanthentosses down the liquor in hand.
“哈哈,说的没错,敬你一杯。”说完,这女人便将手中的酒一饮而尽。„Youwantto recruitme, whenyoursubordinate?”
“你想要招募我当你的部下?”Kanenods: „Yes.”凯恩点点头:“是的。”„To recruitme, you must meetmyrequestto be good.”Shesaid.
“说说。”„Ido not needyouto giveme the wealth, orotherwhatthings. Howeveryoumustknow,Ihavetwochildren, Imust the time zonethey, whenIhelpyoufightas well askill the enemy, youmustprotecttheirsecurities. Canaccept?”
?Kanesomewhatshockingasking: „Is yourmeaningyoumustleadonyourtwochildren the battlefield?”凯恩有些震惊的问道:“你的意思是你要带着你的两个孩子上战场?”„Notnecessarilyison the battlefield, so long ascanguarantee that theirsecuritieswere good, Imustlook afterthem.”Thiswomansomewhathelplesssaying.
“不一定是上战场,只要能保证她们的安全就行了,我必须照看着她们。”这女人有些无奈的说道。„Were theybig?”
“他们多大了?”„5 years old.”
“五岁。”„Is so small? Letmethink.”
“这么小?让我想想。”Kanehad not asked why shedoes not place the safeplacethischildorgives others.凯恩并没有问她为什么不将这孩子放在安全的地方或是交给其他人。Unexpectedlyis willingto leadon the 5-year-oldchild the battlefield, thatdefinitelyhas the hard thing to bring up, Kanethis pointunderstands.
居然都愿意带自己5岁的孩子上战场了,那肯定是有着难言之隐,凯恩这一点还是懂的。To be honest, leadstwochildren. Perhapsunusualdifficultyregardingothers, butregardingKanethem, onnot can be regardediswhatdifficulty, after allintheirteamshasLipathpath.
说实话,带两个孩子。对于别人来说或许非常的困难,但对于凯恩他们来说,算不得上是什么难处,毕竟他们的队伍里可是有着莉路路。WhatLipath is path? Is the spirit of fairy tale, is the protector of child, leading the childto carve the thingsinLigroups of instinct.
莉路路是什么?是童话之灵,是孩童的守护者,带孩子是刻在莉路路本能里的东西。Moreoverstrengthunusual of thiswoman, wasKanecomesinthisdungeonto see the strongestdungeonlife.
The strengthwas the silverbottleneckperiod.
After ponderinga while, Kanenods: „Ok.”
思考了一会儿后凯恩点点头:“可以。”HearsKaneto agree that thiswomanshowed the smile, laterputs out a hand: „Thenintroduced oneself, myname wasNona, Nona. Hercog, is skilled in the bow and arrow and close combatsword dance, canleadvarioustypes of long-distancearmy corps.”
听到凯恩同意这女人露出了笑容,随后伸出手来:“那么自我介绍一下,我叫波诺娜,波诺娜.赫尔科格,精通弓箭与近战剑舞,能够领导各种远程兵团。”Kaneput out a handto graspwithher: „Kane.”凯恩伸手和她握了一下:“凯恩。”„ThenKane, Iwill give loyalty to younow, becomes the swordblade in yourhand, puts down the frontthornforyou, is unable to keep the promisetillyou.”
“那么凯恩,现在我将效忠于你,成为你手中的剑刃,为你扫平前方的荆棘,直到你无法履行诺言为止。”AlthoughNonain the mouthis saying, buthas not conducted anymovement, is onlysimpletoKanegood a ritual.
波诺娜虽然口中这么说着,但并没有进行任何的动作,只是简单的对着凯恩行了一礼。Shehas not approvedKane.
她还没有认同凯恩。„Thenalsoaskedyouto wait a bitmya while, Imustmeetmy child.”
“那么还请你稍等我一会儿,我要去接我的孩子。”Said that Bolonathendisappearsdoes not see.
说完波洛娜便消失不见。AndLipathpathlookNonaafterKanegood a ritualvanishesdoes not see, does not know that Kaneresult, walked.
克蕾雅和莉路路看着波诺娜对着凯恩行了一礼后消失不见,不知道凯恩成功与否,走了过来。„Did yourecruither?”
“你招募到她了?”Facingissue, Kanenods: „Irecruitedher, herrequestdid not need the dense fogto bestowcoinanything, butwantedusto helphimlead the child.”
面对克蕾雅的问题,凯恩点点头:“我招募到她了,不过她的要求并不是需要迷雾赐币什么的,而是要我们帮他带孩子。”„?”Hears the Kanewords, thinksfor a short timeoneselfmisunderstood: „Leads the child?”
“啊?”听到凯恩的话,克蕾雅一时半会儿还以为自己听错了:“带孩子?”„Un, leads the child.”
“嗯,带孩子。”„Leads the child? Lipathpathmostliked the child, the Li road musthelp, giveLipathpath.”
“带孩子?莉路路最喜欢小孩子了,莉路路要帮忙,交给莉路路吧。”Hears the Kanewords, Lipathpatharrives in front ofKaneto yelldirectly.
听到凯恩的话,莉路路直接来到凯恩面前大叫道。„Okaygood, givesyou, thismatternaturallymustgiveyou.”
“好好好,交给你,这种事情当然要交给你了。”Did not needyou saying that Iwill also giveyou.
不用你说,我也会交给你呀。HearsKaneto agree, Lipathpaththensatisfiednod.
听到凯恩同意,莉路路这才满意的点点头。Nearby, but alsosomeincomprehensibledropgu: „Unexpectedly the belt/bringchildsuchstrangerequest do youwantto recruitthat3people?”Kaneasked.
旁边的克蕾雅,还有些不能理解的滴咕着:“居然还有带孩子这样奇怪的要求吗你们要不要招募那三人?”凯恩问道。Hears the Kanewords, shakes the head: „Thatthreepeoplewere not suitable, go toothercampsto sayagain.”
听到凯恩的话,克蕾雅摇摇头:“那三人并不适合,去其他营地再说吧。”ButLipathpathabsolutelydoes not have the idea in thisaspect, Lombeisdrinksradically.
After waiting fora while, same place.
原地等待了一会儿后。Nonaappearedin the Kanefrontagain, but her handwas holdingoneat this time, the bosomhastwolittle girls by the shoulder, restedjustsoundly.
These twochildheadhair colorandBolona are exactly the same, is the emerald-green.
这两个小孩子头上的发色和波洛娜一模一样,也是翠绿色的。Originallyincessantly a child? Looks at the heightlooks of thesetwolittle girls, shouldbe the twin.
原来不止一个孩子吗?看这两个小女孩的身高相貌,应该是双胞胎。„Is this your daughter?”
“这就是你的女儿?”Hears the Kanewords, Bolonarepliedwith a smile: „Yes, thesetwoaremytwin daughters, andMinna.”
听到凯恩的话,波洛娜笑着回答道:“是的,这两个就是我的双胞胎女儿,米露和米娜。”Kanenods, laterintroducedownteammatetoher, makingthemknow each other.凯恩点点头,随后将自己的队友介绍给她,让她们相互认识。„Thencanleadmeto go to the dwellingnow? Tavernnottoosuitablechild.”
“当然。”Kanewas sayingthenarrives at the bar, raisesLombeto turn towardoutside the barto walk.凯恩说着便来到吧台,提着隆贝就向着酒吧外走去。AfterwardalsoLombeintroduced that knewtoNona.
随后又将隆贝介绍给波诺娜认识。Ligroups have been flashing the wing, is observingRonabosom, Minna.
莉路路则一直扑闪着翅膀,观察着波罗娜怀里的米露,米娜。„Theyare really lovable.”
“她们真可爱。”HearsLipathpathto praiseowndaughter, on the Bolonafacealsorevealed the maternalbrilliance, saidwith a smile: „Thanks, you are also.”
听到莉路路夸奖自己的女儿,波洛娜脸上也露出了母性的光辉,笑着说道:“谢谢,你也是。”LeadsNonato return totheirbarracks, thengaveRonato prepare a singlehut, andmadenearbysoldierskeepquiet.
带着波诺娜回到他们的兵营,便重新给波罗娜准备了一个单人的小屋,并让旁边的士兵们保持安静。+joins the bookmark+
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