DSED :: Volume #5

#423: Exaggerating harvest

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The extraction skill, explores the dungeon Chapter 423 exaggerating harvest 抽取技能,探索地牢第423章夸张的收获 In front of fort, in that big stretch of battlefield, blue white glimmer large expanse of raises from the ground. 要塞面前,那一大片战场上,蓝白色的微光正成片成片的从地上升起。 These glimmer just like the microorganism of illumination to be the same, the colony flies toward the sky. 这些微光犹如发光的微生物一样,集群地朝着天空中飞去。 Looks toward the ground in following these glimmer. 顺着这些微光朝地面上看去。 Has these glimmer, these fall down wear the enemy of blue white armor. 产生这些微光的,正是那些倒在地上身穿蓝白色铠甲的敌人。 Was struck the enemy who kills by Horne soldier, will change into the bosom of blue white luminous spot return world. 被霍恩手下士兵所击杀的敌人,会化为蓝白色的光点回归世界的怀抱。 But by enemy who Kane as well as their soldier get rid of , can only sink on the ground, stays behind gray dust that represents them to have. 而被凯恩以及他们手下士兵所干掉的敌人,只能下沉在地上,留下代表着他们存在的灰色尘埃。 Perhaps, they will also leave the valuable wealth in the dust. 或许,他们还会在尘埃中留下自己宝贵的财富。 Kane looks that toward as well as Lombe who he walks they. 凯恩看着朝他走过来的克蕾雅以及隆贝他们。 Moving forward to meet somebody. 迎了上去。 Stretched out the arms held hugging with: Was laborious you, one won.” 张开双臂和克蕾雅抱了抱:“辛苦你们了,一场大胜。” Their subordinate soldiers, are collecting the spoils of war in various battlefield places. 他们麾下的士兵,在战场各处收集着战利品。 Right, the beforehand spoils of war, first appraised together.” “对了,之前的战利品,就一起先鉴定了吧。” Looks coming that these soldiers keep the hand collects the good spoils of war to place by them. 看着这些士兵不停的过来将手中收集好的战利品放在他们旁边。 Also captures the spoils of war of 5 camps their one night of this day from oneself space equipment continually, pulled out completely, piled in the Kane front. 克蕾雅也从自己的空间装备里将他们这一天一夜连攻下五座营地的战利品,全部掏了出来,堆在了凯恩的面前。 Kane looks front is piling up the magic equipment that the spoils of war as well as are still keeping sending, revealed the happy forced smile. 凯恩看着面前堆积着的战利品以及还在不停送来的魔法装备,露出了幸福的苦笑。 Does not know that last year, can think some day will appraise the equipment to appraise to spit. 不知道去年的自己,能否想到有一天自己会鉴定装备鉴定到吐。 However these discontents turn over to the discontent, this/should appraisal must appraise. 不过这些牢骚归牢骚,该鉴定还是要鉴定的。 Kane direct sits same place, starts to appraise front spoils of war. 凯恩直接原地而坐,开始将自己面前的战利品进行鉴定。 Trash.” Then, Kane threw a copper color shinguard to behind. “垃圾。”说完,凯恩将一件铜色的护腿丢向了身后。 Catches, lost this equipment, depositing wanted the centralized processing in the equipment space. 身后的克蕾雅接住,将这件装备丢到了,存放要集中处理的装备空间里。 Li path path keeping and Youyou receive the gold coin that the soldiers are collecting. 莉路路在不停的和悠悠接收着士兵们收集过来的金币。 Medsker is naturally carrying out oneself labor of duty, is treating these injured soldiers. 梅兹克自然是在进行着自己的本职工作,对着那些受伤的士兵进行治疗。 Lombe receives the equipment of these best quality goods in side. 隆贝则在旁边将那些极品的装备收好。 People division of labor and cooperation, forms a quick artificial assembly line, fast will pile up, but the equipment division reorganizes. 众人分工合作,形成一条快捷的人工流水线,快速的将堆积而起的装备分割整理好。 The time has continued Sun soon to drop the mountain top on this. 时间就这样一直持续到了太阳即将落下山头。 Originally the orange yellow sky, red yellow entire sky just like are burnt to be the same at this time. 本就橙黄的天空,此时红黄一片整个天空就犹如被燃起来了一样。 Kane they also collect finally all spoils of war. 凯恩他们也终于将所有的战利品收集好。 They struck to attack 5 camps one after another, the defense soldiers of these 5 camps added to have more than 10,000. 克蕾雅他们陆陆续续击攻打下来了五处营地,这五处营地的守备士兵加起来有1万多名。 Small bookstall 小书亭 But in frontal battlefield, because Horne's soldier number numerous Kane they add on the respective soldier together, altogether also eliminates is close to 4000 people. 而正面战场上,由于霍恩的士兵数量众多凯恩他们加上各自的士兵一起,总共也才消灭接近4000人。 This their harvest had been in the great quantity degree. 这次他们的收获已经到了巨量的程度。 The copper color equipment of best quality goods is disinclined to calculate, absolutely are in any case many enough, almost arrived at over a hundred. 极品的铜色装备懒得计算,反正绝对够多,差不多来到了上百件。 The silver best quality goods equipment has more than ten. 就连银色的极品装备都有着十几件。 However is some small best quality goods, no can replace they now equipment. 不过都是些小极品,没有一件能够替换掉克蕾雅他们现在身上的装备。 The copper color material is countless. 铜色材料不计其数。 Only saw the surrounding that pile of copper color materials to pile a big pile, above inserted completely blank magic stone, is extracting the energy. 只看见周围那堆铜色材料堆了一大堆,上面插满了空白的魔石,正在抽取着能量。 Next is the silver material. 其次便是银色材料。 Kane calculated simply, roughly can provide 6 Silver Magic Stone to him. 凯恩简单的计算了一下,大致能够给他提供六颗银色魔石 Yesterday just used up 5 Silver Magic Stone, today comes 6. 昨天才刚刚用掉五颗银色魔石,今天又来六颗。 Does not know that also what kind of skill missed. 都不知道还差些怎样的技能了。 Does not know this to be considered as on is the happy worry. 不知道这算不算得上是幸福的烦恼。 Finally is the dense fog bestows the coin, looks at the Li road happy swaying back and forth everywhere, knows the quantity considerably certainly. 最后便是迷雾赐币,看莉路路已经开心的满地打滚,就知道数量一定非常的可观。 Altogether obtained 400. 总共是获得了400枚。 Looks that such big pile of dense fog of bestow the coin, Kane cannot help but is also excited. 看着这么一大堆的迷雾赐币,凯恩心情也不由得激动起来。 Now is not the issue that the wallet does rouse, was the wallet is about to explode. 现在已经不是钱包鼓不鼓的问题了,是钱包都快炸了。 The harvest of this dungeon, the Kane imagination is much more exaggerating. 这地牢的收获,比凯恩想象的要夸张得多。 Finally took inventory these all harvests, 终于将这些所有收获都清点好了, Kane stands up to stretch oneself: Finally made, was quite tired.” Equipment must collect to spit.” Lombe cannot bear say. 凯恩站起身来伸了伸懒腰:“终于弄完了,好累呀。”“装备都要收集吐了。”隆贝忍不住说道。 However he has adds immediately: Spat is spitting on be used to it, this feeling was good, suggests to come again much, I want to take a look at my limit.” 不过他有立马补充道:“吐着吐着就习惯了,这种感觉还挺好,建议再多来点,我想看看自己的极限。” The people have not paid attention to Lombe, sets out then to walk toward the fort. 众人没有理会隆贝,起身便朝着要塞走去。 Can see surrounding to have many soldiers, starts to go on patrol in the surroundings by the squad system. 能够看见周围有不少的士兵,开始以小队制在周围巡逻。 Horne's that three military officers hand/subordinate at this time also the respective belt/bring 1000 people of teams, hurried to toward the seized that 5 camps. 霍恩手下的那三位将领此时也各自带了1000人的队伍,向着已经被占领的那五座营地赶去。 They need to recruit completely the soldier share of each camp, and arranges the military officer of each camp. 他们需要将各个营地的士兵份额全部招募出来,并且将各个营地的将领安排好。 As for Kane their soldiers, had been dismissed to rest. 至于凯恩他们的士兵,已经被解散去休息了。 Looks that Kane they complete oneself matter finally, waited there for some time Commander Horne to welcome in the fort entrance. 看着凯恩他们总算是将自己的事情做完,早在要塞门口等候多时的霍恩团长迎了上来。 Chief Kane, thank your payouts, although was insignificant, but this gift also asked you to accept.” Horne is saying, put out a small iron sheet to give Kane from the hand. 凯恩队长,感谢你们的付出,虽然微不足道,但这份礼物还请你们收下。”霍恩说着,从手中拿出了一枚小铁片递给了凯恩 „Is this thing?” Kane looks the iron sheet in own hand asked. “这东西是?”凯恩看着自己手中的铁片问道。 This iron sheet is a triangle not well-known metal makes, above is drawing a simple symbol. 这枚铁片就是一枚三角形不知名金属制成的,上面画着一个简易的符号。 Facing the Kane issue, Horne had not explained that but continues saying: Now we also stand firm, can start the outward diffusion, Chief Kane, you can also lead the soldier to attack the camp on map now freely.” 面对凯恩的问题,霍恩并没有解释,而是继续说道:“现在我们也站稳了脚跟,可以开始向外扩散了,凯恩队长,你们现在也可以自由地带领着士兵去攻打地图上的营地。” Said, arrived at the ear of Kane quietly, said quietly: This thing was the direction faith token of open country camp, the input charm follows to be OK and ensure cannot disappoint you.” 说完后又悄悄来到了凯恩的耳边,悄声说道:“这东西是野外营地的指引信物,输入魔力跟着走就可以了,保证不会让你失望的。” Some of I also important things must process, first said goodbye.” “那我还有许多重要的事情要处理,就先告辞了。” Said that Horne then waves, leading two messengers to walk toward the headquarters of fort. 说完霍恩便挥挥手,带着身旁的两位传令兵向着要塞的指挥部走去。 Looks the back that Horne leaves, Kane takes careful looking the triangle iron sheet in hand. 看着霍恩离开的背影,凯恩将手中的三角铁片拿起来仔细的瞧了瞧。 Nearby Lombe, walks curious asking: What is this thing?” 旁边的隆贝,走过来好奇的问道:“这东西是什么呀?” Recruits the item.” “招募道具。” Recruits the item?” “招募道具?” Un.” “嗯。” Although Kane returned to his issue, but Lombe does not understand. 虽然凯恩回到了他的问题,但隆贝还是不懂。 Actually nearby thought of anything, asked: Open country camp?” 倒是旁边的克蕾雅想到了什么,问道:“野外营地的?” Yes.” “是的。” The open country camp is some hidden the recruiting camp in this stretch of dungeon, can recruit to be different from the common sense from these camps the branch of the services, these branch of the services are very either strong, either has the special function. 野外营地就是一些隐藏在这片地牢里的招募营地,能够从这些营地中招募一些有别于常理的兵种,这些兵种要么很强,要么就有着特殊的功能。 Can provide the help for Kane their wars in any case, will not have the fault. 反正能够为凯恩他们的战争提供帮助,不会有坏处。 „Will Commander Horne provide this type of item?” Asking that has doubts. “霍恩团长会提供这种道具吗?”克蕾雅疑惑的问道。 Also the material in dungeon repeated has looked. 克蕾雅自己也是将地牢里的资料反复的看过的。 Material that own mother provides very detailed. 自己母亲提供的资料非常的详细。 If comes to a stop with the foot can obtain to the faith token of open country camp, in the material must write. 如果站稳跟脚能够获得去往野外营地的信物的话,资料上不可能不写。 Let alone the open country camp is very rare. 更别说野外营地是非常稀有的。 The area of this dungeon occupying land area is enormous, without that Adventurer meets the brain to pull out, exploration step by step on the entire dungeon. 这座地牢占地的面积极大,没有那个探索者会脑抽,在整个地牢上一步一步的探索。 The open country camp every does not have the fixed place one time, is the random distribution. 野外营地每一次都没有固定的地点,是随机分布的。 Only knows that the open country camp military recruit not only wants the meritorious military service, but also needs the dense fog to bestow the coin. 只知道野外营地招募士兵不只要战功,还需要迷雾赐币。 However one cent one point of goods, in material clear writes, once runs into the open country camp do not let off, will recruit definitely not to suffer a loss. 不过一分钱一分货,资料上清楚的写着,一旦遇到野外营地不要放过,招募肯定不会吃亏的。 If Horne will provide in such item material to write, after all this is important. 而如果霍恩会提供这样的道具资料上就不可能不写,毕竟这非常重要。 Also so many Adventurer, the entry dungeon will not have met an open country camp. 也就不会有那么多的探索者,通关地牢了都没有遇见一处野外营地。 Does not know, perhaps achieved some condition.” Kane does not know that this issue, can only think like this. “不知道,或许是达成了某种条件吧。”凯恩也不知道这个问题,只能这样想了。 Ok, do not intertwine these, in any case is not the misdemeanor, being about to walk was about to walk, so tired.” Lombe reminded everyone in side loudly. “好了,别纠结这些了,反正又不是什么坏事,快走了快走了,累死了。”隆贝在旁边大声提醒大家。 Kane they returned to oneself residence, the surrounding soldier has arranged the respective patrol as well as standing guard, does not need them to worry. 凯恩他们回到了自己的住所,周围的士兵已经安排好了各自的巡逻以及站岗,不太需要他们去操心。 Kane sits by the table, looks out from nearby window, seeing only the entire fort is brilliantly illuminated, compares today to live it up last night a lot. 凯恩坐在桌子旁边,从旁边的窗户向外看去,只见整个要塞灯火通明,相比昨晚今天要热闹得多。 The place that because in this room has not prepared food, Kane they do not want to go to the soldier cafeteria to have the mess. 由于这房间内并没有做饭的地方,凯恩他们也不想去士兵食堂里吃大锅饭。 Therefore from the golden pocket, has been storing up the prepared food took directly. 所以克蕾雅直接从黄金口袋中,将一直储存着的熟食拿了出来。 The convenience is quick, moreover does not have any delicious outflow. 方便快捷,而且没有任何美味的流失。 After finishing eating the food . 吃完饭后。 Kane sits on the chair asks: Should the camp number that we seize now enough? The tavern should also open.” 凯恩坐在椅子上问道:“我们现在占领的营地数量应该够了吧?酒馆应该也开启了吧。” It seems like that was asking everyone on the scene, is asking actually. 看似在问在场的所有人,实则只是在问克蕾雅而已。 Only then their two earnest looks to remember in the brain all materials of dungeon. 只有他们两个会认认真真的将地牢的所有资料都看完记住脑中。 Also is not right, Medsker will also look earnestly, remembers in the brain, but looked that with Medsker's personality will not make many comments. 也不对,梅兹克也会认真看完,记住脑中,不过以梅兹克的性格看不看完也不会提过多的意见。 Lombe, always only looked that half or only look at the key point. 隆贝嘛,一向是只看一半或者只看重点。 As for Li path path, that do not count on. 至于莉路路,那就不要去指望了。 The Xu Li path group has looked and in the brain, so long as she does not think, she cannot record. 或许莉路路看过并记在了脑中,但是只要她不想,那她就记不起来。 Like this said that probably only then a Lombe person did not remember. 这样说起来,好像就只有隆贝一个人没记住。 Ok, the stone head, this aspect cannot have the too high request to him. 算了,石头脑袋,这方面不能对他有太高的要求。 Facing the Kane issue, nods. 面对凯恩的问题,克蕾雅点点头。 According to the domain size that the present seizes, the tavern should construct.” “按照现在占领的地盘大小,酒馆应该已经建好了。” Hears words, originally somewhat drowsy Lombe opens the eye to ask instantaneously: Tavern? Where has the tavern?” 听到克蕾雅的话,本来有些昏昏欲睡的隆贝瞬间睁开眼睛问道:“酒馆?哪有酒馆?” In reads his appearance, Kane shakes the head equips from the space directly the dungeon material loses to him: Oneself looked, making you look at the information earnestly, is always loaf.” 看着他的样子,凯恩摇摇头直接从空间装备里将地牢的资料丢给他:“自己看,让你们认真看情报,总是偷懒。” The so-called tavern the game is like Kane had played, is used to recruit the senior military officer or is the hero, can help them manage the soldier. 所谓酒馆就和凯恩曾经玩过的游戏一样,是用来招募高级的将领或者是英雄的,能够帮他们管理士兵。 After all is not every Adventurer will lead the soldier, most Adventurer can manage well oneself squad to be good, even can manage well is in itself a magnificent feat. 毕竟不是每一个探索者都会带领士兵,大部分的探索者能管好自己的小队就不错了,甚至能管好自己就已经是一项壮举了。 These roles will appear in each tavern in camp as well as agglomeration, they can spend the meritorious military service as well as bestow the coin to recruit them. 这些角色会出现在各个营地以及聚集地的酒馆中,他们则可以花费战功以及赐币将他们招募。 These military officers and heroes besides can lead the soldier, but also has the good strength. 这些将领和英雄除了能够带领士兵外,还有着不错的实力。 „Do we want to recruit some subordinates?” Kane somewhat is also in doubt. “我们要去招募些部下吗?”凯恩也有些拿不准。 Recruits, behind our armies will be definitely getting more and more, was not when the time comes good to direct.” “招募吧,后面我们的部队肯定会越来越多,到时候就不好指挥了。” Hears words, Kane nods, the matter that after all leads troops is done by. 听到克蕾雅的话,凯恩点点头,毕竟带兵的事情都是由克蕾雅来干。 + joins the bookmark + +加入书签+
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