DSED :: Volume #5

#422: Consciousness of awakening

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The extraction skill, explores the consciousness that dungeon Chapter 422 awakens 抽取技能,探索地牢第422章觉醒的意识 The sky orange yellow sinks secretly, today as if constrains dimly. 天空橙黄暗沉,今日似乎更加昏暗压抑。 Although depressing, the heavenly body that but raises still illuminates the land. 虽然压抑,但升起的天体依然将大地照亮。 In camp that the red-white match colors. 红白配色的营地内。 A spacious red and white soldier tent. 一个宽大的红白士兵营帐。 By the tent is a necessary spacious horse stable, 10 warhorses in inside are resting. 营帐旁是一个配套的宽大马厩,十匹战马正在里面休息着。 Bang! Bang! Bang!” “砰!砰!砰!” The clear metallic sound that the iron plate sounds, spreads over the entire camp. 铁盆敲响的清脆金属声音,传遍整个营地。 With transmitting of sound, 随着声音的传来, In tent. 营帐内。 On a wing of the nose has the tiny scabs young men to open the eye together instantaneously. 一位鼻翼上有着一道细小伤疤的青年男子瞬间睁开了眼睛。 With the sound, he set out to jump down the bed rapidly. 伴随着声响,他迅速起身跳下了床铺。 Not only he, is occupied by other allies in this tent with him together also wakes up. 不只是他,和他一起居住在这营帐内的其他战友也同时醒来。 These allies and he is a squad. 这些战友和他是同属一个小队。 However their squad only has 9 people now. 不过他们小队现在只剩下九个人了。 Their teams leader in yesterday's surprise attack, hit a target the nape of the neck by a crossbow bolt, died at the scene. 他们的队长在昨天的突袭中,被一只弩箭射中了脖颈,当场死亡。 But the Medsker hundred husbands are long, without treats him with enough time, he died to change into the blue charm of float. 而梅兹克百夫长,也没来得及治疗他,他就死亡化为了漂浮的蓝色魔力。 Team leader must gather.” A nearby soldier said. “队长要集合了。”旁边的一位士兵说道。 Hears the words of others, the Mark then recovers, yes, he has become the new platoon leader now. 听到旁人的话,马克这才回过神来,是的,他现在已经成了新的的小队长。 Movement a bit faster , helping me put on the armor.” “动作快点,来帮我把铠甲穿上。” Said the entire squad, then Group 221, mutually dressing armor, because was short of one person, therefore there are three people to help each other. 说完整个小队,便221组,互相穿戴铠甲,由于少了一人,所以有个三人相互帮助。 Words of person dressing armor, the time of expenditure compare two people to dress mutually are long. 一个人穿戴铠甲的话,花费的时间比两个人互相穿戴还要久。 But they are familiar and easy regarding clothing armor matter, what in addition their bodies is light armor, how long without spending well-dressed has taken up the weapon on nearby arms rack then to walk. 而他们对于穿戴铠甲这件事情早已轻车熟路,再加上他们的身上的是轻甲,没花多长时间就已穿戴整齐拿起旁边武器架上的武器便走了出去。 The primary armaments in their hand are short bent/tune bow, this facilitates them, when fires at the enemy while the warhorse. 他们手中的主要武器便是一把短曲弓,这样才方便他们在乘战马的时候对敌人进行射击。 They rapidly go out of the tent, pulls own warhorse since the side door horse stable. 他们迅速走出营帐,从旁门的马厩上牵起自己的战马。 The Mark takes up a carrot from side conveniently, is pulling own warhorse, walks while feeds. 马克顺手从旁边拿起一根胡萝卜,牵着自己的战马,边走边喂给它。 white Er, must display today well.” “白耳,今天也要好好表现。” Looks that own warhorse finished eating, the Mark patted its neck to say. 看着自己的战马吃完,马克拍了拍它的脖子说道。 On the ear of this warhorse has the white fur/superficial knowledge, this is also the origin of its name. 这匹战马的一只耳朵上有着白色的皮毛,这也是它名字的由来。 The Mark pulled own warhorse to arrive at outside the camp to gather, at this time has many soldiers to gather in this. 马克牵着自己的战马来到了营地外集合,此时已经有不少的士兵集合于此。 According to the difference of respective branch of the services, stands in the different square formations. 根据各自兵种的不同,站在不同的方阵里。 But the front of team, is a female centaur, her body is putting on the lion armor of military might, above has the golden color and red embellishes mutually. 而队伍的前方,正是一位女性半人马,她身上穿着着威武的雄狮铠甲,上面有金色与红色相互点缀。 In addition the imperial crown as well as behind cloak of her top of the head, the imposing manner is extraordinary. 再加上她头顶的皇冠以及身后的披风,气势非凡。 Their these soldier's first eyes see, thought that she is a winner. 他们这些士兵第一眼看见克蕾雅,就觉得她是一位常胜将军。 The races of half -and-a-half people of horses. 半人半马的种族。 The Mark saw each time, will find it strange, but thought that should not feel strange. 每次马克见到后都会觉得奇怪,但又觉得不应该奇怪。 Oh, this was really strange. 唉,这真是太奇怪了。 However, is not the Mark giving loyalty to object, the Mark giving loyalty to object is Chief Kane. 不过,克蕾雅并不是马克的效忠对象,马克的效忠对象是凯恩长官。 Displays the extremely bright eye and powerful senior official in the battlefield. 一位在战场上表现极其亮眼和强悍的长官。 The Mark sees the heroic bearing that have given loyalty to the object in the battlefield fortunately, especially that iron fist the scene that puts on the fort bang. 马克有幸在战场上见过自己效忠对象的英姿,特别是那一铁拳将要塞轰穿的场景。 Often becomes the capital that Mark boasted, after all in the present team has the recruit who many were behind supplements. 时常成为马克吹嘘的资本,毕竟现在的队伍里有不少都是后面补充的新兵。 Moreover as the Kane subordinate, they also often because of fierce of senior official, but shakes before other allies shows off. 而且身为凯恩的部下,他们也时常因为自己长官的厉害,而在其他战友面前晃悠炫耀。 The Mark looked around team, even/including crossbowman who one crowd is holding the giant crossbow trigger mechanism. 马克看了看旁边的队伍,正是一群抱着巨大弩机的连弩手。 The shown off object does not include them. 炫耀的对象并不包括他们。 Who called their giving loyalty to objects is the Medsker hundred husbands is long. 谁叫他们的效忠对象是梅兹克百夫长呢。 Although Mark has almost not seen the Medsker hundred husbands long to speak, but his treatment has experienced personally. 虽然马克自己几乎没有见过梅兹克百夫长说话,但他的治疗手段可是亲自体验过的。 Maintained life by him in the battlefield. 在战场上就靠他保命了。 Therefore direct line in Medsker hundred husband's long crossbowmen, is almost existence that among their these soldiers most cannot annoy. 所以直系于梅兹克百夫长的弩手们,几乎是他们这些士兵当中最不能惹的存在。 In thinking anything the Mark, in the battlefield cannot shake the god like, “在想什么呢马克,战场上可不能像这样晃神, Must know that you now are the team leader of your squad. ” A middle-aged robust man wears to walk with the Mark same armor, patted his shoulder to say. 要知道你现在可是你们小队的队长。”一位中年壮汉身穿和马克一样的铠甲走过来,拍了拍他的肩膀说道。 The Mark recovers immediately, looks that this middle-aged robust man said: Excuse me, Chief Abbey.” 马克立刻回过神来,看着这位中年壮汉说道:“不好意思,艾比队长。” Haha, the young fellow of being all right, spunks up to greet the next victory.” Abbey teased with a smile, later continued to examine the conditions of other soldiers. “哈哈,没事的小伙子,打起精神来迎接下一场胜利。”艾比笑着打趣到,随后继续查看其他士兵的状况。 This is the group commander who they bend the rider array, is Chief Kane the assistant of instruction, without other hundred husbands long is responsible for directing them. 这位就是他们弓骑手阵列的总队长,是凯恩长官指令的副手,在没有其他百夫长在的情况下负责指挥他们。 Similarly is also more responsible the usual trivial matters and transmission of Kane order. 同样也负责一些平时的琐事和凯恩命令的传达。 Suddenly the somewhat noisy environment is peaceful, the Mark looked all around at this time, discovered that all soldiers have gathered to finish. 突然有些嘈杂的环境安静下来,马克这时候环顾四周,才发现所有的士兵已经集合完毕。 But has turned away from their hundred husbands long also to turn around, at this time hundred husband's long side, several other hundred husbands long also in its side. 而一直背对着他们的克蕾雅百夫长也转过身来,此时克蕾雅百夫长的旁边,其他的几位百夫长也在其身旁。 In Chief Kane not , these senior officials can also issue the order to them. 凯恩队长不在的时候,这些长官也能够给他们下达命令。 Attacks!” “出击!” Heard the hundred husband's long orders, the Mark rides oneself white Er directly. 听到克蕾雅百夫长的命令,马克直接骑上了自己身旁的白耳。 Afterward was saying to behind teammate: Follows I, disperses toward side.” 随后对着自己身后的队友说道:“跟着我,朝旁边散开。” Said that then and remaining 8 teammates form a sentry squad, disperses toward periphery, other bow rider are also doing the same matter. 说完便和自己剩下的八个队友组成一个哨兵小队,向着周围散开,其余的弓骑手也干着同样的事情。 They when the entire army sets out, is responsible for dispersing observes the surrounding situation, reports the information to the regiment momentarily. 他们在整支军队开拔时,负责散开观察周围的情况,随时给军团汇报信息。 The Mark led own teammate to arrive at the entire team frontline position directly. 马克带着自己的队友直接来到了整个队伍最前方的位置。 Their squad always explores the way in the frontline. 他们小队一向是在最前方探路。 Is observing the surrounding situation at the same time, is feeling the ray that gets down from orange yellow dim sky CIC. 观察着周围的情况的同时,感受着从橙黄色昏暗天空中投下来的光芒。 Did the end sky, how long see? 末日般的天空,见了多久了? As if is always this. 似乎从来都是这样。 Said when is start to become a soldier is coming? 说起来自己是什么时候开始当兵的来着? Oh, the time was extremely remote, some mold lakes. 唉,时间太过久远了,有些模湖了。 As if oneself have been fighting. 似乎自己一直在战斗着。 The death, woke up , to continue to fight. 死亡,醒来,继续战斗。 Fought several days of former teams leader dead with yesterday. 与自己战斗好几天的前队长昨天死亡了。 Died in the soldier final home to return to. 死在了士兵最后的归宿。 However, is not sad, the Mark thinks. 不过,并不伤心,马克想到。 As if died to seem like the potluck to be the same, not only others, similarly is oneself. 似乎死亡像是家常便饭一样,不只是别人,也同样是自己。 These teammates seem familiar, obviously together several days. 身旁的这些队友似乎很熟悉,明明才一起几天的时间。 A as if oneself look, they can understand. 似乎自己的一个眼神,他们就能理解。 Said that Chief Abbey also very looks after to them probably, can understand in their hearts to think, can understand their some difficulties. 说起来艾比队长好像对他们也挺照顾的,能够懂得他们心中所想,能够理解他们一些难处。 As if also knows appearance that they like. 似乎还知道他们爱好的样子。 Own hobby? 自己的爱好吗? Probably, rides a horse. 好像是,骑马来着。 Warhorse that I ride, seems...... white Er? 我骑的战马,似乎一直是……白耳? Mark, you were distracted.” A sound appears from own ear, and patted own shoulder. “马克,你又走神了。”一个声音从自己的耳边出现,并拍了拍自己的肩膀。 When the Mark turns the head, Abbey has turned toward other places to hurry. 当马克转过头来时,艾比已经向着其他的地方赶去。 Was I recently? 我最近是怎么了? It seems like the team leader dead. 似乎是队长死的时候。 Returns to the unit, returns to the unit.” “归队,归队。” The knight who wears light armor, arrived at periphery and great shout. 一位身着轻甲的骑士,来到了周围并大声呼喊着。 Hears the words that the knight transmits, the Mark awakens instantaneously. 听到骑士传来的话,马克瞬间惊醒。 Was saying to own teammate: Walks, we go back.” 对着自己的队友说道:“走,我们回去。” Then, then harnessed to lead own teammate to return to the large unit. 说完,便驾马带着自己的队友返回了大部队之中。 Everyone rapid march, our straight insertion battlefield.” The hundred husband's long voices convey. “所有人急行军,我们直接插入战场。”克蕾雅百夫长的声音传来。 Afterward the entire army starts slightly to run. 随后整个军队开始小跑起来。 The Mark also patted white Er under body, making his half step run. 马克也拍了拍自己身下的白耳,让他小步快跑。 Slightly ran to lead the way not long, then heard the war cry by far. 小跑前行了没有多久,便远远的听见了喊杀声。 Put out a hand to obstruct the sunlight of space, looked toward the distant place. 伸出手来遮了遮天上的阳光,朝远处看去。 Has been able to see by the fort and fort mountain peak from afar. 已经能够远远的看见要塞和要塞两边的山峰了。 As is getting more and more near to the battlefield, the sound that the war cry and fire thunder passed on. 随着离战场越来越近,喊杀声以及炮火轰鸣的声响传了过来。 The sound Mark of fire knows, this is the object who they give loyalty , the attack method of Chief Kane. 炮火的声音马克知道,这是他们效忠的对象,凯恩长官的攻击方式。 Attack!” “进攻!” The hundred husband's long voices convey. 克蕾雅百夫长的声音传来。 Following also a halo that spreads from her. 随之而来的还有一圈圈从她脚下扩散开来的光环。 A blood red lion form, reveals on hundred husband lengths. 一只血红色的雄狮身影,在百夫长身上显露出来。 As initiation as well as hold in the halo and empty shadow in addition command, the Mark felt own strength increases, even invincible feelings. 随着号令的发起以及在光环和虚影的加持下,马克觉得自己实力大增,甚至有一种无敌的感觉。 He feels own present, if killing one second, is completely effortless. 他觉得自己现在要是干掉上一秒的自己,完全不费吹灰之力。 Walks, with my fire at will.” “走,跟着我自由射击。” The Mark exclaimed loudly, leading own teammate to flush away toward the battlefield in quickly. 马克大声吼道,带着自己的队友快步朝着战场上冲去。 He can feel that white Er under own, the speed of running was much faster than the past. 他能够感觉到自己身下的白耳,奔跑的速度比以往都要快得多。 The wind pressure front surface sways on his face. 风压迎面吹拂在他的脸上。 A carefree feeling arises spontaneously. 一种畅快感油然而生。 What kind of feeling is this? 这是怎样的感觉呢? Perhaps...... is free? 或许……是自由? The Mark has not thought much. 马克没有多想。 Because he had seen the enemy, the soldier who wears the blue white armor innumerably is turning away from them. 因为他已经看见了敌人,无数身穿蓝白铠甲的士兵背对着他们。 Back sneak attack, interesting. 背后偷袭,有意思。 The Mark the hand has built the good bow and arrow to shoot directly, does not need to aim, he then knows oneself can hit a target. 马克直接将自己手上早已搭好的弓箭射出去,根本不需要瞄准,他便知道自己能够射中。 As his arrow loses departs, on the nape of the neck that puts on the blue white soldier armor inserted an arrow to lose falls down. 随着他的箭失飞出,一位穿着蓝白士兵铠甲的脖颈上插入了一根箭失倒在了地上。 His behind teammate also starts to fire crazily. 他身后的队友也开始疯狂射击。 However they also stop the footsteps that oneself charged, they had arrived at the battlefield edge. 不过他们也停下了自己冲锋的脚步,他们已经来到了战场边缘。 Only needs to start in the battlefield edge to walk randomly, attacks all enemies within their field of vision range then. 只需要开始在战场的边缘游走,攻击他们视野范围内的所有敌人即可。 Bang!” “砰!” A loud sound blasts out in Mark not far away. 一声巨响在马克的不远处炸开。 The soldiers of 35 blue armor, disappeared in like this. at present Mark 三五名蓝色铠甲的士兵,就这样消失在了马克的眼前。 Only left behind a crater of Shenao same place, the soil of scattering flew on his face. 原地只留下了一个深凹的弹坑,四溅的泥土都飞到了他的脸上。 The Mark looks toward the battlefield center, he already under many soldiers prevented found oneself senior official. 马克朝着战场中央看去,他已经在众多的士兵阻挡下找到了自己的长官。 Kane in the battlefield center, is controlling firepower platform to fall in torrents the firepower toward the surroundings at this time. 凯恩此时正在战场的中央,控制着自己身边的火力平台朝着周围倾泻着火力。 Chief Kane is great strength as always. 啊,凯恩长官还是一如既往的强大。 Team leader, we stared.” The words that teammate transmits attracted the side. “队长,我们被盯上了。”身旁队友传来的话语吸引了。 The Mark looks rapidly toward the surroundings, sees only slantingly in them rear area, light cavalry who is riding the warhorse. 马克迅速朝周围看去,只见在他们斜后方,有一只骑着战马的轻骑兵。 These light cavalries wear the blue armor, is sending out the powerful imposing manner, flushed toward them. 这些轻骑兵身穿蓝色的铠甲,散发着强大的气势,朝着他们冲了过来。 Flies a kite, our warhorses were held by hundred husband's long in addition, wants quickly compared with them many.” “放风筝,我们的战马受过百夫长的加持,比他们要快不少。” The Mark responded rapidly, was saying to own teammate, later built itself to give birth white and ran off rapidly. 马克迅速反应过来,对着自己的队友说道,随后架起自己生下的白而迅速跑开。 While running off, they have not forgotten to lose toward themselves behind that team of light cavalries to shoot arrow in the hand. 在跑开的同时,他们还不忘将自己手中的箭失朝着自己后方的那队轻骑兵射出去。 The Mark arrow loses departs, was prevented to wield with the long sword by the cavalry senior officials of enemy side. 马克的箭失飞出,被敌方的骑兵长官用长剑阻挡挥断。 Bumped into the hard nail, the Mark thought. 碰到硬钉子了,马克心想。 The Mark also followed earliest the Kane veteran, the strength had arrived at the silver rank yesterday. 马克也是最早跟着凯恩的老兵了,实力就在昨天已经来到了银色的级别。 Holds in various hundred husband's long strength in addition, the projected arrow loses is so been unexpectedly easy to break off by the teams leader of enemy side. 在克蕾雅百夫长的各种力量加持下,射出的箭失居然被敌方的队长这么容易折断。 Attention maintains is away from, they are very strong.” The Mark is reminding to teammate. “注意保持好距离,他们很强。”马克对着自己身旁的队友提醒道。 Draws the arrow again loses projects. 再次拉弓将箭失射出。 However what this time flies is two arrows. 不过这次飞出去的是两支箭。 Shortly after this skill he also grasps, when Chief Kane searched the camp before, gives them. 这个技巧他也是才掌握不久,还是之前凯恩长官过来探营时,交给他们的。 The team leader who however although the 2nd arrow lets the enemy is somewhat flurried, but still has not become the injury to other party. 不过第二支箭虽然让敌军的队长有些慌乱,但依然没有对他造成伤害。 Then, two ride the warhorse the team to start around the battlefield to pursue mutually. 就这样,两只身骑战马的队伍绕着战场开始相互追逐起来。 The Mark they know that oneself cannot do to behind light cavalry, then projects bow and arrow in the hand toward the surrounding enemy once for a while. 马克他们知道自己奈何不了身后的轻骑兵,便时不时便朝着周围的敌军射出自己手中的弓箭。 Depends the warhorse to be held by in addition, the speed must strong in the enemy side, has been maintaining the safe distance with them. 仗着自己战马被加持过,速度要强于敌方,一直和他们保持着安全的距离。 Although the light cavalry is strong, but quality not Taihang of their warhorse, could not catch up, they do not have very good long-distance method, can only pursue like this. 身后的轻骑兵虽然强,但他们战马的素质不太行,一直追不上,他们也没有很好的远程手段,只能这样一直追着。 Can see under their joining, in the entire battlefield the number of enemy starts quickly to reduce, 能够看见在克蕾雅他们的加入下,整个战场上敌军的数量开始迅速减少, At this time in the battlefield on the military of list by the words that calculates, Kane they do not compare these to attack their soldiers few many. 此时战场上就单以兵力来算的话,凯恩他们并不比这些来攻打他们的士兵人数少多少。 In addition Kane their strengths. 再加上凯恩他们的实力。 The battlefield starts lopsided. 战场开始一面倒。 Looks at such situation, the Mark the cavalry of chase has been taunting to behind: Do not pursue, you cannot catch up, having a look at periphery you to be soon defeated.” 看着这样的情形,马克对着自己身后一直追逐的骑兵嘲讽:“别追了,你们追不上的,看看周围你们就快要失败了。” However that group of soldiers cannot hear their words to be the same probably , to continue to pursue tenaciously. 然而那群士兵像是听不见他们的话一样,继续固执的追逐着。 At this time their remaining warhorse speeds suddenly slow, may also feel before oneself body, obtained the strength to start to vanish. 此时他们剩下的战马速度突然慢了下来,可也感觉到自己身上之前获得了力量开始消失。 in addition held the effect duration to finish. 克蕾雅的加持效果持续时间结束了。 Ended. 完了。 The Mark thought. 马克心想。 Really the cavalry felt the goal action speed of front continuously chase keenly slowly, immediately increases speed to rush over. 果然身后的骑兵敏锐的感受到了前方自己们一直追逐的目标行动速度慢了下来,立刻提速冲了过去。 The Mark bends the bow to shoot rapidly. 马克迅速弯弓射出去。 However and useless, the arrow loses has not arrived by the long spear/gun of enemy team leader opening out. 然而并没有用,箭失还没到达就被敌军队长的长枪给拨开。 A teammate, directly by the long spear/gun of another cavalry through. 身旁的一个队友,直接被另一个骑兵的长枪穿心而过。 Faces long spear/gun that towards oneself is raiding, the Mark pulled out a long sword to cut from own waist. 面对着朝自己袭来的长枪,马克从自己的腰间抽出一把长剑砍了上去。 The strength on the long spear/gun transmitting is extremely strong, is only of effort, then the long sword on Mark hand will dial. 长枪上传来的力量极强,只是用力的一下,便将马克手上的长剑拨掉。 Looks long spear/gun that towards oneself chest raids. 看着朝自己胸口袭来的长枪。 Also is dying? 又要死了吗? dá dá!” “哒哒哒!” The ache as well as dark has not raided, on the shoulder was instead patted the racket. 疼痛以及黑暗并没有袭来,肩膀上反而被人拍了拍。 Soldier, the strength is insufficient, must promote to be good well.” “士兵,实力还是不够啊,要好好的提升才行。” Rotation launcher of Kane in oneself hand annihilates to the cavalry this completely. 凯恩用自己手中的轮转发射器将这对骑兵全部消灭掉。 This team of cavalries are in the battlefield few, but also is riding the enemy of warhorse 这队骑兵是战场上为数不多的,还骑着战马的敌人了 Afterward, Kane then continues to kill in other directions. 随后,凯恩便继续朝着其他的方向杀去。 Many enemies are conducting the senseless resistance in the surroundings. 还有不少的敌军在周围进行着无谓的抵抗。 Left behind one face exciting Mark same place. 原地留下了一脸激动的马克。 Several red ribbons, fluttered from the sky, melted itself and in the body of teammate. 几道红色的丝带,从天空中飘了过来,融进了自己和队友的身体内。 Just fought the scar that left behind, is healing fast. 刚刚战斗留下的伤痕,正在快速的愈合。 The Mark also recovers. 马克也回过神来。 Without dying, that continues to fight. 既然没死,那就继续战斗吧。 + joins the bookmark + +加入书签+
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