DSED :: Volume #5

#421: 5 th even/including breaks

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The extraction skill, explores dungeon Chapter 421 fifth even/including breaks 抽取技能,探索地牢第421章五连破 But morning time, who leaves the camp they leads the soldier to follow the direction of Youyou, is going forward slowly. 而早上的时候,离开营地的克蕾雅他们带领着士兵跟随着悠悠的指引,缓慢的前进着。 Their this actions in the situation of guarantee speed, but must maintain hiding. 他们此次的行动在保证速度的情况下,还要保持着隐蔽。 The cotton candy has also followed in their sky, has Medsker time to observe the surrounding situation. 棉花糖也一直跟在他们的上空,有梅兹克时刻观察着周围的情况。 He must report the large unit that he sees to Youyou, quite makes Youyou plan the soldier who the route to make them avoid the opposite party. 他必须将他看见的大部队报告给悠悠,好让悠悠重新规划路线以让他们躲避对方的士兵。 Outside the camp of safe and covert arrival enemy. 安全而又隐蔽的到达敌人的营地外。 Saw the enemy, in our left front about 4 kilometers, there are more than 2000 people.” “看见敌人了,在我们左前方大约四公里处,有2000多人。” Heard Medsker's report, Youyou stopped a while. 听到梅兹克的汇报,悠悠停顿了一会儿。 Afterward he then planned the route in this flash. 随后他便在这一瞬间重新规划好了路线。 Walks toward here.” “往这儿走。” Last night Youyou then under side circled. 昨晚悠悠便下旁边绕了一下。 They lead the soldier to follow, although the cavalry are many, but has controlled own horses to act in a soft voice, gradually leads the way. 克蕾雅他们带着士兵紧随其后,他们虽然骑兵多,但一直控制着自己的马匹轻声行动,缓步前行。 But in Medsker's direction, with the route plan of Youyou, they successfully avoided all enemies, close to afternoon time, successfully arrived at the most edge's camp. 而在梅兹克的指引,和悠悠的路线规划下,他们成功避开了所有的敌军,临近下午的时候,成功到达了最边缘的一处营地。 But at this time this camp half of many soldiers and their military officers have left in the morning. 而此时这座营地一半多的士兵和他们的将领在早上就已离开。 In gray clouds, a white clouds covert appearance in the sky of camp. 在一片灰色的云朵中,一朵白云隐蔽的出现在了营地的上空。 Under of clouds has a blue eyeball, the shape with in Ying the same child hole, looks around to this everywhere. 云朵的下方有着一颗蓝色的眼珠,形同于鹰一样的童孔,向这下方四处张望。 Medsker carefully is observing soldiers as well as their strength in camp. 梅兹克正在仔细观察着营地里的士兵人数以及它们的实力。 In camp also has about 2200 people, including 400 people of ranks that is the average person, 1800 people are the soldier, the strength in the copper color rank, silver does not have.” “营地里还有着2200人左右,其中有400人属于普通人的行列,1800人都是士兵,实力在铜色级别,一个银色的都没有。” They are leading the soldier to ambush 1 kilometer a place at this time outside the camp. 克蕾雅他们此时正带着士兵埋伏在营地外一公里的地方。 Soldier of one team of patrols is turning toward the direction that they are at to walk. 一队巡逻的士兵正向着他们所在的方向走来。 After listening to Medsker's report, nods, finally was saying to Li path path: Li path path that team of beat officers killing, do not alarm others.” 听完梅兹克的汇报后,克蕾雅点点头,最后对着莉路路说道:“莉路路将那队巡逻人员神不知鬼不觉的干掉,不要惊动其他人。” Hears words, Li path path nods, later a twinkle vanishes does not see. 听到克蕾雅的话,莉路路点点头,随后一个闪烁消失不见。 But the patrol soldier in not far away, was hit by several rainbow color light beams, starts to change reduces, wants to shout anything, actually discovered oneself cannot make any sound. 而不远处的巡逻士兵,被几道彩虹色的光束击中,开始变化缩小,想要呼喊什么,却发现自己发不出任何的声音。 Afterward glitter the rainbow color five pointed star star to hit on them. 随后一道道闪烁着彩虹色的五角星星撞在他们身上。 Then, this team of patrol soldiers have not made any sound, even the enemies had not discovered, then vanished does not see to change into dust everywhere. 就这样,这队巡逻兵没有发出任何的声响,甚至连敌人都没有发现,便消失不见化为了满地的尘埃。 But at this time, has let the crossbowman and close combat soldier disperses, will put in order around a camp to surround, do not let off anyone who escapes from the camp. 而此时,克蕾雅已经让弩手和近战士兵分散开来,将整座营地周围包围着,不要放过任何一个从营地里逃跑的人。 Afterward then sets out, the side presented 30 with she build exactly the same spirit centaur cavalry. 随后便起身,身旁出现了30名和她体型一模一样的幽灵半人马骑兵。 With her movement, the surplus cavalry stood. 随着她的动作,身后剩余的骑兵纷纷站了起来。 Extracts the flying wing directly to the sword about in the same place long sword, is exclaiming to the front camp: Attack.” 克蕾雅直接抽出飞翼对剑合在一起的长剑,对着前方的营地吼道:“进攻。” This is the order is also a command. 这即是命令也是一种号令。 All soldiers felt the enhancement of oneself physical quality, as well as speeding up of approaching speed. 所有的士兵都感觉到了自己身体素质的提高,以及行进速度的加快。 When the form that the knights charge, as well as they move the loud sound, alarmed the soldier in camp. 骑士们冲锋的身影,以及他们跑动时的巨响,惊动了营地内的士兵。 Enemy raids! The enemies raid!” “敌袭!敌袭!” Although the soldiers in camp have a flurry, but is fast building up. 营地内的士兵虽然有着一丝慌乱,但还是快速的集结好。 The front that they charges is a wooden wall as well as Cheval. 克蕾雅他们冲锋的前方是一座木墙以及拒马。 A 5 meters high limestone giant dropped from the clouds to pound on the wooden wall. 一个五米多高的灰石巨人从天而降砸在了木墙上。 Both hands just like the orangutan arm to be the same, with the body incompatible hugeness, brandishes in the hand to just like the toy same weapon, as well as prevents the wooden wall in their front horses resists totally to destroy. 双手犹如猩猩臂一样,和身型不相匹配的巨大,挥舞着手中犹如玩具一样的武器,将木墙以及阻挡在克蕾雅他们前方的马拒全部摧毁。 They also on the path that Lombe cleans up, the fast charge, crashed in the camp directly. 克蕾雅他们也在隆贝清理的道路上,快速的冲锋,直接冲进了营地内。 The heavy cavalries and light cavalries, are harvesting the life of surrounding soldier instantaneously, bow rider, shoots to intend the arrow to lose toward the enemy. 重骑兵以及轻骑兵,瞬间收割着周围士兵的生命,身后的弓骑手,不停的朝着敌人射出手中的箭失。 Leads her spirit soldier to batter in the entire military compound, no soldier can conduct the injury to them, can carry off to attack the fort to the soldier who they conduct the injury. 克蕾雅则带着她的幽灵士兵在整个军营里横冲直撞,没有一个士兵能够对他们进行着伤害,能够对他们进行伤害的士兵早就被带走去攻击要塞了。 Naturally also has several soldiers to escape from the camp, they prepare to rush to the front team to report the following camp attacked situation. 当然也有着几个士兵逃脱了营地,他们准备赶往前方的队伍汇报后面营地被袭击的情况。 However the entire camp had been encircled got up they just to escape from the camp, the crossbow bolt that was shot by the surroundings woods in claimed the life. 然而整个营地早就被围了起来他们刚刚逃出营地,就被周围树林里射出来的弩箭夺走了性命。 No soldier escapes. 没有一个士兵逃脱。 No one returns alive. 无人生还。 In the camps also starts to conduct the transformation at this time. 营地内此时也开始进行着转换。 Now the idle person starts to collect the spoils of war immediately, after the spoils of war collect, same place rest, when the camp transforms, we rush to the next hostile camp immediately.” “现在空闲的人立刻开始收集战利品,将战利品收集好后原地休息,等营地转换完毕,我们就立刻赶往下一处敌营。” Hears order, all soldiers moved. 听到克蕾雅的命令,所有的士兵都动了起来。 Lombe and Li path path also starts to collect the spoils of war. 隆贝和莉路路也开始收集着战利品。 Medsker must treat these injured soldiers. 梅兹克则要对那些受伤的士兵进行治疗。 Everyone is doing the respective matter, all methodical is conducting. 所有人都干着各自的事情,一切都有条不紊的进行着。 In order to save time, makes Lombe first lead the infantry, hurries to toward the next camp. 为了节约时间,克蕾雅让隆贝先带着步兵,向着下一处营地赶去。 After they seize the camp completely, they can lead the cavalry to follow fast. 等克蕾雅他们将营地完全占领后,他们会带着骑兵快速跟上。 The camp when first was attacked transforms into completely matches colors red and white, altogether the time of expenditure is also less than two hours. 当第一座被攻下来的营地完全转换为红白配色的时候,总共花费的时间还不到两个小时。 When present time also in the afternoon since dusk. 现在的时间也才下午正在进入黄昏之时。 At this time attacked the team of fort, possibly just the set finished. 这个时候攻击要塞的队伍,可能才刚刚集合完毕。 They do not know own behind camps lost one. 他们不知道自己身后的营地都丢失了一座。 Also does not know that is which hapless fool. 也不知道是哪个倒霉蛋的。 Leads the remaining cavalries, rapid follows Lombe's trace to overtake. 克蕾雅带着剩下的骑兵,迅速的跟随着隆贝的痕迹赶过去。 When dusk, they had arrived by the 2nd camp. 当黄昏之时,克蕾雅他们已经来到了第二处营地旁。 Their old trick heavy, is repeating on a repertoire that attacks the camp. 他们故伎重施,重复着上一个攻打营地的套路。 Facts showed, regarding these similar camps, such repertoire can definitely duplicate. 事实证明,对于这几座差不多的营地,这样的套路是完全可以复制的。 This time under the sudden attack, is still the lopsided slaughter. 这次在突然的袭击下,依然是一面倒的屠杀。 After the entire camp was seized next not to make Lombe continue to advance rashly the advance, but rests same place, and equips the commodity to distribute the space. 当整个营地被占领下后后克蕾雅并没有贸然的让隆贝继续先行前进,而是原地休息起来,并将空间装备里的物资分发下去。 First eats meal and recovers the energy, then continues to conduct the next fight. 先吃饭和恢复体力,再继续进行下一场战斗。 But followed their 600 soldiers to enter the silver rank earliest completely. 而最早跟随克蕾雅他们那600名士兵已经完全进入了银色的级别。 But the soldier who recruits newly also obtained certain promotion. 而新招募的士兵也获得了一定的提升。 When the entire camp transforms to match colors red and white, in a while, they also annihilates the food in hand, the physical strength that as soldier also restored much. 当整座营地转换成红白配色,没过多久,克蕾雅他们也将手中的食物消灭掉,作为士兵的体力也恢复了不少。 Dresses ranks the vanguard , to continue the attack next camp.” “整队前行,继续进攻下一座营地。” As order team starts again. 随着克蕾雅的命令队伍再次启程。 On the road will not have the soldier to stop again, they also no longer need covertly to lead the way, becomes the straight line to turn toward the next camp to rush directly swaggering fast. 路上已经不会再有士兵进行阻拦,他们也不再需要偷摸地前行,直接大摇大摆地成直线向着下一座营地快速奔去。 But at this time attacks Kane their blue team should also in the manufacturing engineering instrument. 而此时攻打凯恩他们的蓝色队伍应该还在制造工程器械。 Again before the use, twice repertoires, captured the camp fast. 再次使用前两次的套路,快速的攻下了营地。 The soldier in this camp, has more than 2000 unexpectedly, but also has the soldiers of 100 silver ranks. 这座营地内的士兵,居然有着2000多名,还有着100名银色级别的士兵。 The military officer of it seems like that this camp, has not pulled out the spatial strength. 看来这座营地的将领,并没有掏空实力嘛。 Perhaps has a low opinion of the enemy, naturally may also be does not give up. 或许是轻敌,当然也有可能是舍不得。 However even were many soldiers of 100-200 soldiers and 100 silver ranks, still cannot change the fact that they are defeated. 不过即使多了100-200名士兵和100名银色级别的士兵,依然不能改变他们失败的事实。 However made their time slow little, this little time regarding the entire game of campaign harmless. 不过只是让克蕾雅他们时间拖慢了一点点罢了,这一点点的时间对于整局战役来说无伤大雅。 However experienced three fights, even has their strength addition, still has the soldier injured. 不过经历了三场战斗,即使有着克蕾雅他们的实力加成,依然有着士兵受伤。 Most soldiers also fell into inevitably exhaustedly. 大部分的士兵也不可避免地陷入了疲惫。 Has to spend more time to conduct the recuperation. 克蕾雅不得不花费更多的时间来进行休整。 The entire sky gets dark, but the camp has also turned into the red-white for a long time. 整个天空都黑了下来,而营地也已经变成红白许久。 Detected that was similar, stood, was saying to behind soldier: Officers, the final two hostile camps, we can gain the victory, the glory are waiting for us.” 察觉到差不多了,克蕾雅站了起来,对着身后的士兵说道:“将士们,还有最后的两处敌营,我们就能取得胜利,荣耀在等着我们。” Slightly inflates to behind soldier, later then leads the soldiers to regroup after a defeat, kills fast toward the other two camps, this they have not taken a rest time, connects two camps. 微微的给身后的士兵打气,随后克蕾雅便带着士兵们重整旗鼓,快速向着剩余的两座营地杀去,这一次他们并没有多做休息,连通两处营地。 When the last camp also becomes the red-white, the rear 5 camps then fell into Kane their hands completely. 当最后一座营地也变为红白时,后方的五座营地便全部落入了凯恩他们手中。 But in the camp, their soldiers are resting. 而营地内,克蕾雅他们的士兵正在休息着。 They are indifferent as, this fight intensity also being insufficient makes them tired. 至于克蕾雅他们则无所谓,这点战斗强度还不至于让他们过于劳累。 In the sky also starts to shine slightly. 天空中也开始微微亮起。 Starts on the ruby lead(er) through collar to clamp to Kane passes on a message: Kane, our duties have been accomplished, 5 hostile camps had been taken by us completely.” 克蕾雅开始通过衣领上的红宝石领夹给凯恩传讯:“凯恩,我们的任务已经完成,五座敌营已经全部被我们拿下。” At this time Kane their side is still hearing the heavenshaking war cry, once for a while can also hear the explosion sound. 此时凯恩他们那边还在传来震天的喊杀声,时不时还能听见爆炸声响。 This is because the blue side organized one to attack a city again. 这是因为蓝色方再一次组织了一场攻城。 This they want to pile one pile with the life of soldier time, looks to clash. 这一次他们想用士兵的生命来堆一堆,看能不能冲上来。 Does attractively, us also does not have any too major problem, you can first rest a while, after time, catches up fast, around us the converging attack, the surplus enemies will annihilate completely.” “干得漂亮,我们这边也没有什么太大的问题,你们可以先休息一会儿,等时机到后再快速赶过来,我们前后夹击,将剩余的敌人全部消灭掉。” Kane discussed, then hangs up , to continue to control firepower platform, is inclining the bullet toward under. 凯恩商量完后便挂断,继续操控着自己身旁的火力平台,朝下方倾斜着子弹。 Soldier who these want to clash, under the suppression of Kane bullet storm, was being reduced. 那些想要冲上来的士兵,在凯恩子弹风暴的压制下,不停的被削减着。 Looks that the soldiers died crazily, the retreating bugle was sounded again. 看着己方士兵疯狂的死亡,撤退的号角再次被吹响。 However Kane to soldier not slight pitying that these retreat , to continue to spend the charm. 然而凯恩对这些撤退的士兵没有丝毫的怜悯,继续花费魔力。 Firepower platform also keeping is launching the attack. 身边的火力平台还在不停的进行着攻击。 Land! Raises!” “大地呀!升起吧!” With recitation of enemy military officer. 随着敌方一位将领的吟唱。 The ground sticks out directly a stone wall, the altitude of this stone wall has about more than 10 meters high. 地面直接隆起一道石墙,这道石墙的高度大约有着十多米高。 Successfully blocked the Kane bullet and fire, retreated the soldier who to win a lot of time for under. 成功挡住了凯恩的子弹和炮火,为下方撤退的士兵争取了不少的时间。 Under the Kane virtue fire, as well as has more than 4000 soldiers to protect, the blue side was successfully defeated. 凯恩德火力压制下,以及有着4000多名士兵守护,蓝色方成功的失败了。 However this time, Kane has not won enemy too many effective strengths. 不过这一次,凯恩并没有夺走敌军太多的有生力量。 The magic of that say/way raising stone wall, truly made the Kane then harvesting ability weaken. 那道升起石墙的魔法,确实让凯恩当时的收割能力变弱了。 Looks that the enemy withdrew in the military compound completely, the soldiers who in the city wall have been launching the attack, relax finally, even some sat the ground directly. 看着敌军全部撤回到了军营中,城墙上一直在进行攻击的士兵们,终于是松了一口气,甚至有一些直接坐到了地上。 Kane also sits down same place, equips to pull out the demon medicament from the space. 凯恩也原地坐下,从空间装备里掏出回魔药剂。 Two waves of attacks add on the beforehand fire to destroy the project instrument of enemy, spent Kane too many charms. 两波进攻加上之前炮火摧毁敌军的工程器械,花费了凯恩太多的魔力。 Because the enemy as if there is being bewitched master in the set shield, in addition the magic of that military officer. 由于敌军似乎有着魔法师在套盾,再加上那位将领的魔法。 Although Kane reduced the enemy many effective strengths, but in the data with ideal must miss on many. 虽然凯恩削减了敌人不少的有生力量,但和理想中的数据还是要差上不少的。 After resting a while, Kane was saying to nearby Horne: Commander Horne, my teammates have seized behind the enemy 5 camps completely.” 休息了一会儿后,凯恩对着旁边的霍恩说道:“霍恩团长,我的队友们已经将敌军后方的五座营地全部占领了。” Such quickly!” Horne's voice is somewhat pleasantly surprised, he thinks that they must defend again one day and one night, can hear the good news that they spread. “这么快!”霍恩的声音有些惊喜,他以为他们还要再防御个一天一夜,才能听见克蕾雅他们传来的喜讯呢。 Has not thought such quickly. 没想到这么快。 Partner of Chief Kane also strong odd.” 凯恩队长的伙伴也强的离谱呢。” Kane nods, this time not modest , to continue saying: I had reached an agreement with them, when they rest well, we then run out of around the fort the converging attack, annihilates all enemies in this.” 凯恩点点头,这次没有谦虚,继续说道:“我已经和他们商量好了,等他们休息好,我们便冲出要塞前后夹击,将所有敌人歼灭于此。” Without the issue, my will order to issue, making them be ready.” They have reached an agreement regarding this side tuart, does not have any issue. “没问题,我这就将命令下发下去,让他们做好准备。”对于这方桉他们早就商量好了,没有任何的问题。 Horne and Kane discussed, then walks toward this own that several subordinates immediately. 霍恩和凯恩商量完后便立刻向这自己的那几位部下走去。 The blue side military compound of not far away is still recovering the energy, their artisans are still constructing more project instruments, is preparing the next offensive. 不远处的蓝色方军营还在恢复着体力,他们的工匠还在修建更多的工程器械,准备着下一场的攻势。 They do not know, already not next attacking a city opportunity. 他们不知道,已经没有下一场攻城的机会了。 Even the escape route did not have. 甚至连退路都没有了。 + joins the bookmark + +加入书签+
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