DSED :: Volume #5

#420: Attacking a city

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The extraction skill, explores dungeon Chapter 420 to attack a city 抽取技能,探索地牢第420章攻城 The military officer who wears the blue white armor, brings to be close to 2000 soldiers going through in the forest land behind. 一个身穿蓝白色铠甲的将领,带着身后接近2000名士兵正在林地上穿行着。 Their actions are at a moderate pace, but the speed is actually maintaining. 他们的行动不紧不慢,但速度却一直保持着。 , This military officer saw the distant place also to have soldier from afar was close to 2000 blue white matching colors armor. 远远的,这位将领看见了远处同样有着接近2000名蓝白配色铠甲的士兵。 Takes the lead, is one wears the military officer of same armor with him. 领头的,是一位和他身着同样铠甲的将领。 Carus, never expected that you are 1st arrive unexpectedly.” “卡勒斯特,没想到你居然是第一个到的吗。” This tie behind soldier and front are waiting for the soldier team convergence. 这位将领带着自己身后的士兵和前方等待着的士兵队伍汇合。 Burke, you come.” “波克,你来啦。” Un, it seems like I am 2nd.” “嗯,看来我是第二个到的。” No, you are 3rd, front some people bring oneself team first to go to investigate.” “不,你是第三个,有人已经带着自己的队伍先去前面侦查了。” Right, but also is very positive.” “是吗,还挺积极的。” After two people chatted several, then looks at each other speechless abreast in row is standing, the eye has looked to the distant place. 两人闲聊了几句后,便相顾无言并排的站立着,眼睛一直看向远方。 Burke said suddenly: That several people also are really the waste, unexpectedly bewildered made the red influence resurge, but also fort losing.” 波克突然说道:“那几人还真是废物啊,居然莫名其妙的就让红色势力死灰复燃了,还把要塞给丢了。” Who did not say that really cannot think through, Horne who only has several hundred remnants, how they are can be defeated in this case.” “谁说不是呢,实在想不通,只剩下几百个残兵败将的霍恩,他们到底是如何在这种情况下都能失败的。” Taking advantage of this topic, two people started to chat. 借着这个话题,两人又开始闲聊了起来。 In a while, two puts on the blue white armor the respective soldier was converging the tie. 没过多久,又有两位穿着蓝白色铠甲的将领带着各自的士兵汇合了过来。 From now on, attacks fort the military officer and respective soldier then set of that 5 camp completes. 自此,攻打要塞的那五名营地的将领以及各自的士兵便集合完成。 Afterward their 4 people then gather toward the front fort hurry, but the military officer has advanced one step to explore the way for them, has a look whether has the ambush. 随后他们四人便集合向着前方要塞赶去,而已经有一位将领先行一步为他们探路,看看是否有埋伏。 When close to dusk, they then saw to stand are wanting the area north of the Great Wall 2 kilometers ally. 临近黄昏之时,他们便看见了站在要塞外二公里处的战友。 Kane is opening Eagle-Eye, had seen beyond several kilometers that 5 military officer who puts on the blue white armor as well as they behind that more than 10,000 soldier. 凯恩睁着鹰眼,已经看见了几公里外那五名穿着蓝白色铠甲的将领以及他们身后那1万多名的士兵。 Among more than 10,000 soldiers has more than 3000 strengths to arrive at the silver soldier unexpectedly. 这1万多名士兵当中居然有着3000多名实力到达银色的士兵。 Also is really luxurious. 还真是奢侈呢。 But Horne, has started to direct the soldier in city wall to prepare to defend. 而身旁的霍恩,早就开始指挥着城墙上的士兵准备防守。 Looks that the surrounding soldier moved, Kane also starts to take action. 看着周围的士兵都动了起来,凯恩也开始行动。 The charm pours into the ground following his body from the under foot. 魔力顺着他的身体从脚下灌入地面。 Ground black square platform run-up slowly. 地面一个黑色的正方形平台缓缓的抬高。 As raises is above the platform non-stop in the mechanism of construction, these mechanism interconnections delay, mutual embedment. 随着抬高的是平台上方不停在构建的机械结构,这些机械结构相互连接延展,互相嵌合。 Before long time, a two meters long rotation gun tube then constructs, the rotation gun tube just like an artillery to be equally thick, but carefully looked that actually discovered above has 16 eyelets. 不一会的时间,一根两米多长的轮转炮管便构建出来,轮转炮管犹如一门火炮一样粗,但仔细看去却发现上面有着16个小孔。 Under of gun tube, connects the ball mouth of feeding, the punmetals mounting rear area has the trigger of launch and connecting with a seat. 炮管的下方,连接着送弹的弹口,炮架后方有着发射的扳机并和一个座椅连接着。 The under of entire punmetals mounting and seat is one can 360 degrees revolving, and has the high and low 40 degrees motion ram bolster. 整个炮架和座椅的下方是一个能够360度旋转,并有着上下40度移动的活动平台。 However although Kane constructs the weapon this, is prepares itself to sit to go and come controls the weapon to defend personally. 不过凯恩虽然将这把武器构建出来,就是准备自己坐上去来亲自操控武器进行防守。 But he does not prepare immediately on use this weapon. 但他不准备立刻就使用这把武器。 In its skill square has a brand-new Skill Rune just calm to place above at this time, has not conducted any use. 它的技能格内此时有着一枚崭新的技能石正安放在上面,没有进行过任何一次的使用。 The attacks of these blue sides, are just is suitable for the skill the time. 这些蓝色方的进攻,刚好是适用技能的时候。 But this Skill Rune Kane extracted yesterday 【The god of affairs of state- index finger ( right ), He is really curious, like this has skill that compels the standard, if launches the attack, what kind of one condition is. 而这枚技能石正是凯恩昨天抽取到的【万机之神-食指(右)】,他实在是好奇,这样有逼格的技能,如果进行攻击的话,到底是怎样的一种状况。 Finally the attack influence of that blue side seemed like prepares, started to turn toward Kane their fort to move. 终于那蓝色方的进攻势力似乎是准备好了,开始向着凯恩他们的要塞处移动。 However they have not left near, stayed in the place of 1 kilometer range directly. 不过他们并没有离得多近,直接就停留在了一公里范围的地方。 Can clear seeing, their soldiers conduct the back many project instruments to conduct the installment at the scene. 身后能够清晰的看见,他们的士兵驮着不少的工程器械正在现场进行着安装。 Sling mechanisms and some Kane cannot clearly know that the function the project instrument was installed. 一架架抛石机和一些凯恩不太能够清楚知道作用的工程器械被安装起来。 At this time in which in that 5 military officer harnessed the warhorse to arrive close to the place of fort, was saying to above Horne loudly. 这个时候那五位将领中的其中一位驾着战马来到了临近要塞的地方,对着上方的霍恩大声说道。 Horne, never expected that you can also resurge with your several soldiers.” “霍恩,没想到你还能凭着你那几个士兵死灰复燃。” Horne also answered in the city wall: Carus, leading your allies to leave, you should clearly know that this fort is not easy to attack.” 霍恩也在城墙上回话:“卡勒斯特,带着你的战友们离开吧,你应该清楚的知道这座要塞不是那么容易攻下来的。” However evidently Horne's words, and no one appreciated kindness rendered. 不过看样子霍恩的话,并没有人领情。 Burke walked to come from Carus rear area to taunt loudly: Horne, you were short there put on airs, your has not been defeated previous time completely time, this fort can be attacked by us, how long you can this appearance also defend now?” 波克从卡勒斯特的后方走了过来大声嘲讽道:“霍恩,你少在那里装模作样了,你上一次还没有完全失败的时候,这座要塞都能被我们攻打下来,你现在这副样子还能守住多久呢?” The words of this military officer, as if very accurate on stamp in Horne's sore spot. 这位将领的话,似乎非常精准的就戳中了霍恩的痛处。 Stands in Kane of not far away, sees the expression on Horne face, the naked eye to start clearly obviously. 站在不远处的凯恩,清楚的看见霍恩脸上的表情,肉眼可见得开始垮下来。 It seems like this is the past events that cannot mention, Kane thinks. 哦,看来这是一段不能提及的往事呢,凯恩想。 Since you thought that can capture the fort again, that tries.” “既然你们觉得能够再次攻下要塞,那就来试试吧。” Then, Horne then no longer replied. 说完,霍恩便不再回答。 Below that two military officers as if also enjoyed fully the mouth addiction, put up the horses to return to own team. 下方的那两位将领似乎也过足了嘴瘾,架马返回了自己的队伍中。 But rear sling mechanism also success was installed. 而后方的抛石机也成功的被安装好。 However Kane may not have to really to make them throw nicely the stone. 不过凯恩可没有善良到真的让他们将石头抛过来。 Sits on weapon that directly, in just constructed, 16 rotation barrels fuse together, turned into a pitch-dark gun tube. 直接坐在了刚刚构建出来的武器上,16管的轮转枪管融合到一起,变成了一个黑洞洞的炮管。 In the field of vision range the cross accurate heart appears again, these fore or front sight aiming one by one were installed the good pierre-perdue in these on the airplane. 视野范围内十字准心再次出现,这些准星挨个的瞄准在了那些被安装好的抛石机上。 By the sling mechanism these not well-known project instrument, was all including in the Kane crosshair. 连带着抛石机旁边的那些不知名的工程器械,一律列入了凯恩的十字准星内。 Kane waiting is they these project instrument installments, makes him destroy well one time completely cleanly. 凯恩等待的就是他们将这些工程器械安装,好好让他一次性全部销毁干净。 Is controlling the artillery in hand, deducts the trigger. 控制着手中的火炮,扣下扳机。 Bang!” “砰!” A shell was delivered. 一颗炮弹被送了出去。 Straight hit is installing the egg the pierre-perdue on the airplane, the explosive sound resounds, explodes the sling mechanism directly rottenly. 直直的击中在了其中一个正在装蛋的抛石机上,爆炸声响起,直接将抛石机炸烂。 However the might of shell is not very big, although the sling mechanism was blown up, but not exploded pulp, but becomes breaks. 不过炮弹的威力并不是很大,抛石机虽然被炸毁,但并没有被炸的稀巴烂,只是变得散架。 If makes the artisan cultivate/repair can also continue to use, but the service requires the time. 如果让工匠修一修的话还能继续用,只不过维修需要时间。 Kane old trick heavy, blew up the larger part the project instrument, but intentionally surplus. 凯恩故伎重施,将工程器械炸毁了一大半,而故意剩余了一些。 This can leave behind a ray of hope to the person who these attack a city. 这样才能够给那些攻城的人留下一丝希望。 Otherwise they because when the time comes the project instrument ruins completely, but suddenly words that wants to regroup after a defeat, who that is attacking their camps they not on danger? 不然他们到时候因为工程器械全部毁掉,而突然想要回去重整旗鼓的话,那正在进攻她们营地的克蕾雅他们不就危险了吗? That Kane prepared the good plan also to malinger. 凯恩准备好的计划也就泡汤了。 Can see these soldier military officers, although is breathless, but has not ordered to retreat, but makes the artisan start the large machine to service. 能够看见那些士兵将领虽然气急败坏,但并没有下令撤退,而是让工匠开始对大型机械进行维修。 In the perfect project instrument still has two sling mechanisms. 完好无损的工程器械中依然有着两架抛石机。 With the operation of sling mechanism, two marbles were delivered, however in the midair by the Kane shell to wrecking, was turned into the crushed stone to fall. 随着抛石机的运作,两枚石弹被投送了过来,然而在半空中就被凯恩的炮弹给击毁,变成了碎石掉落下来。 Such situation still has not deterred them, they also keeping throws marbles. 这样的情形依然没有将他们震慑住,他们还在不停的将一颗颗石弹投过来。 However by Kane accurate shooting down. 但是都被凯恩精准的击落。 Finally the Kane even being disinclined own control, stood near the city wall each directly the stone that delivered completed the mark, making the shell hit automatically, was disinclined one by one oneself one by one aimed. 最后凯恩甚至懒得自己控制,直接站在了城墙边将每颗头送过来的石头都做好标记,让炮弹自动撞上去,懒得自己挨个挨个的去瞄准。 Finally, they know that wants to hit the collapsing city wall with the marbles to be as if unlikely. 终于,他们知道想要用石弹撞塌城墙似乎不太可能。 They gave up continue attack a city, but felled the trees in the surroundings, as if wanted to make some quite simple engineer equipment. 他们放弃了继续进行攻城,而是在周围砍伐起树木,似乎想要制造一些比较简易的工程装备。 But a labor attacking a city car(riage) was also pushed, machine shop truck above has one back plate that the wood/blockhead is made, is preventing from the above, but below arrow rain, before inside person will advance the city gate the machine shop truck, 而一辆工攻城车也被推了出来,工程车上面有着一个用木头制成的挡板,阻挡着从上方而下的箭雨,里面的人会将工程车推到城门前, Afterward makes an effort the city gate to dash to the rammer that wields in the attacking a city car(riage) to transfer results in together. 随后一起用力挥动着攻城车里面调动得的冲撞锤将城门撞破。 But these felled trees, were turned into scaling ladders by these artisans with the simple branch winding bundle. 而那些被砍伐的树木,则被这些工匠用简单的枝条缠绕捆绑变成了一架架云梯。 This can make their soldiers mount the city wall conveniently. 这样才能更方便让他们的士兵登上城墙。 High and low with can take the fort together. 上下齐用才能将要塞拿下。 However wants to prepare these, at least must wait till tomorrow morning. 不过想要将这些准备好,至少也得等到明天早上啊。 Entire night, Kane they are maintaining certain vigilance, but blue influence that attacks a city, then built the military compound same place, making the soldier rest, and let the artisan and soldier is in shifts to start to make these project instruments. 整个夜里,凯恩他们都保持着一定的警惕,而攻城的蓝色势力,则原地搭建起了军营,让士兵进行休息,并让工匠和士兵轮班开始建造这些工程器械。 In the morning, the dawn was just begining to break. 等到早晨,天还未亮时。 The enemies launched the attack. 敌人发起了进攻。 Security, the security, the enemy started to attack.” “警戒,警戒,敌人开始进攻了。” The toots as well as various types shout, resounds all soldiers to spunk up to control the crossbow car(riage) and bow and arrow in the city wall, starts to attack toward the soldier who they clash to this. 号角声以及各种呼喊,在城墙上响起所有的士兵都打起精神来操控着弩车以及弓箭,开始向这下方朝他们冲来的士兵攻去。 Many close combat soldiers hold up the shield to keep off in oneself head arrange to prevent the above arrow rain one by one, they aid by the attacking a city vehicles, but attacking a city car(riage) also under the strength of people fast runs in the city gate direction. 不少的近战士兵举起盾牌挡在自己头上挨个排好阻挡着上方的箭雨,他们护佑在攻城车辆旁,而攻城车也在众人的力量下快速的朝着城门的方向跑去。 Scaling ladders also start to turn toward in the city wall. 一架架云梯也开始向着城墙上而来。 After the scaling ladders, has many archers, quietly using the back plate of wooden to start to pat shoots arrows toward the city walls. 云梯后有着不少的弓箭手,用着木质的挡板开始悄摸摸的往城墙上射箭。 Kane has not launched the attack, he is waiting, waits for these soldiers to arrive in front of him certain range. 凯恩没有发动攻击,他在等待,等待着这些士兵到达了他面前的一定范围。 His new skill uses is not an infinite distance, but has certain range, but this range follows his strength to decide, he can deliver to 500 meters the attack now. 他的新技能使用出来并不是无限距离的,而是有着一定的范围,而这个范围是跟随着他的实力来定的,他现在能够将攻击送到500米内。 Finally the attacking a city car(riage) as well as his surrounding soldier entered the Kane attack range. 终于攻城车以及他周围的士兵进入了凯恩的攻击范围。 oneself used the skill without hesitation. 本人毫不犹豫使用起了技能。 The charm in within the body starts crazy gushing out. 体内的魔力开始疯狂的涌出。 These charms condensed in the above of attacking a city car(riage), opened a jet black transmission gate. 这些魔力在攻城车的上方凝聚,开启了一道漆黑的传送门。 In the transmission gate a giant columnar body crashes carefully to look toward below the words that will find this columnar body seems like an index finger to be the same. 传送门中一根巨大的柱状体朝下坠落仔细看去的话会发现这根柱状体像是一根食指一样。 However only if knows, otherwise no one will associate toward here. 不过除非知道,不然没人会往这边联想。 The entire columnar body is by various precise metal and mechanism union, but can also on clear seeing have the golden color to send out the ray gear to rotate. 整个柱状体都是由各种精密的金属和机械结构结合而成,还能够清晰的看见上面有着金色散发着光芒的齿轮在转动。 Surface reflection various metallic lusters. 表面反射着各种金属光泽。 Distant looks at this columnar body, as if can feel that to come from the suppression of life position. 远远的看着这根柱状体,似乎都能感受到那来自生命位置的压制。 Columnar body fast falling hit on attacking a city vehicle. 柱状体快速的落下撞击在了攻城车上。 Worthily is some limbs of god, even if only ordinary falling, created might still extremely considerable. 不愧是神的一部分肢体,即使只是普通的落下,造成的威力也极其的可观。 The attacking a city car(riage) and surrounding soldier changed into the ash completely completely. 攻城车以及周围的士兵完全化为了灰尽。 But in the ground has not stayed behind, even if a trace of attack. 而地面上没有留下哪怕一丝攻击的痕迹。 The columnar body falls, but the enemy based on this died to change into the ash instantaneously completely. 柱状体落下,而在一定范围内的敌人瞬间死亡化为灰尽。 Entire process passing clouds and flowing water, even the loud sound does not have. 整个过程行云流水,甚至连巨响都没有。 When the columnar body vanishes, everyone on the scene has not responded. 当柱状体消失时,在场的所有人还没有反应过来。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 砰!砰!砰! The bangs of explosions, pulled back the reality everyone. 一声声爆炸的巨响,将所有人拉回了现实。 Kane has been controlling the weapon, escorted to shells that scaling ladder, explodes these scaling ladders crushes, the above soldier wails is crashing toward the ground. 凯恩已经操控着武器,将一颗颗炮弹送往了那一架架云梯上,将这些云梯炸得粉碎,上面的士兵哀嚎着朝地面坠落。 As the explosive sound resounds, the fight starts again. 随着爆炸声响起,战斗再一次开始。 Without after a while, then hears the sound that in the blue side team broadcasts retreats. 没过一会儿,便听见蓝色方队伍里传来撤退的声音。 With the sound of sound, all the soldiers of attack retreat like surging tides, just before leaving before had not forgotten to drag away some injured allies. 随着声音的响动,所有进攻的士兵如潮水般退却,临走之前还不忘将自己一些受伤的战友拖走。 They returned in camp 1 km away, as if prepared to make the plan again. 他们退回到了1公里外的营地内,似乎准备再做打算。 + joins the bookmark + +加入书签+
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