DSED :: Volume #5

#419: The idea of annihilating

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The extraction skill, explores the idea of dungeon Chapter 419 annihilating 抽取技能,探索地牢第419章歼灭之计 The blazing heavenly body is hanging in the upper air. 炽热的天体悬挂于高空之中。 The gold/metal resplendent ray that the heavenly body sends out reflects in the pitch-black cloud layer, orange yellow one piece of entire sky photo. 天体散发出来的金灿光芒在乌黑的云层中反射,将整个天空照的橙黄一片。 gray cloud that the luster in sky, flutters in addition once for a while. 天空中的色泽,加上时不时飘动的灰色云彩。 A coming depressing atmosphere. 一股迎面而来的压抑氛围。 Illuminates the entire land just like the end to approach, seems like complaining the war that this piece of region that will never be standing still. 将整个大地都照得犹如末日般来临,似乎是在控诉着这片区域那永不停歇的战争。 But in the morning too raises firm, the sunlight can always show from some slits, projects at the most normal color and temperature. 但清晨太阳刚升起之时,阳光总是能够从一些缝隙中透出,以最正常的色彩和温度投射下来。 When this wisp of shining sunlight shines on that palatial tall wall. 当这缕金灿灿的阳光照射在那巍峨的高墙上。 The gray-black stone made/system giant stone brick builds on, composed one to reach as high as more than 20 meters city walls. 灰黑色石制的巨石砖块堆砌而上,组成了一面高达20多米的城墙。 The entire city wall depends on the two sides cliffs to construct. 整面城墙依托着两边的山崖而建。 This can the expenditure city wall minimize, but can also cause the area expansion of defense. 这样就能将城墙的花费降到最低,还能使得防御的面积扩大。 With breeze blow, the red white flag that in the city wall that sets up flap flap has fluttered. 随着一阵微风吹拂而过,城墙上那树立的红白色旗帜猎猎飘扬。 As the sunlight shines in the city wall on, goes on patrol in the city wall back and forth, and soldier of security, metal armor is also reflecting the ice-cold gloss. 随着阳光在城墙上照射而上,在城墙上来回巡逻,以及警戒的士兵,身上的金属护甲也反射着冰冷的光泽。 In the entire city wall can also see various types of defense instruments, small-scale trebuchet, giant bed crossbow. 整个城墙上还能看见各种守城器械,小型的投石机,巨大的床弩。 Middle-aged man who wears a sincerer high-quality red and white armor, serious standing above the tall wall of fort. 一位身穿更加厚重高级的红白铠甲的中年男人,严肃的站在要塞的高墙之上。 His vision has looked to the distant place, does not know that is looking at anything, or in earnest ponder. 他的目光一直望向远方,不知在看着什么,亦或是在认真的思考。 At this time the staircase to city wall transmitted the sound, the Kane form appears from the corner of staircase. 这时通往城墙的楼梯上传来响动,凯恩的身影从楼梯的转角处出现。 A transmitting orders officer who leads Kane to come, small running over stood in Horne's side, good a ritual. 一位带领着凯恩过来的传令官,小跑过来站在了霍恩的旁边,行了一礼。 Commander Horne, the Kane hundred husbands long bring.” “霍恩团长,凯恩百夫长带到。” Heard the words of transmitting orders officer, Horne looked then to receive to the vision of distant place, later has turned the head to look that to Kane that he walked. 听到传令官的话,霍恩望向远方的目光这才收了回来,随后转过头看着向他走过来的凯恩 Chief Kane, was sorry that looks for early you.” Commander Horne is nodding to say to Kane. 凯恩队长,抱歉这么早将你找过来。”霍恩团长对着凯恩点点头说道。 Kane walks, stood in Horne's side, put out a hand to lay out: Now, the enemy will not have a long lazy sleep early, will not wait for us to rest attacked full.” 凯恩走过来,站在了霍恩的旁边,伸手摆了摆:“现在可不早了,敌人可不会睡懒觉,也不会等着我们睡饱了才进攻。” Ha.” Hears the Kane words, Horne's heroic smiling of: Right that Chief Kane said that the enemy will not think of us.” “哈哈哈。”听到凯恩的话,霍恩豪迈的笑了笑:“凯恩队长说的对,敌人可不会这么为我们着想。” Commander Horne, asks me to come early, what important matter definitely has.” “霍恩团长,这么早找我过来,肯定是有着什么样的重要事情吧。” Hears the Kane words, Horne nods: „ My sentry has spread the news, that 5 camps near fort had received the message of fort downcast last night. 听到凯恩的话,霍恩点点头:“我的哨兵已经传来了消息,要塞附近的那五处营地已经在昨夜收到了要塞陷落的消息。 They have prepared the soldier at the same night, this period of time that now we speak, they possibly already. ” 他们已经连夜准备士兵,现在我们说话的这段时间,他们可能已经出发了。” Come very quick. 来的挺快的嘛。 What time will they approximately in arrive at the fort front?” Kane narrowed the eye, is pondering asking. “那他们大约在什么时间段会到达要塞前方呢?”凯恩眯了眯眼睛,思考着问道。 By the distance computation, is about when will arrive at around the fort close to the dusk.” “根据路程计算,大约是在临近黄昏的时候会到达要塞周围。” Such short time can they prepare the project instrument?” “这么短的时间他们能够准备好工程器械吗?” The Kane issue is not groundless, after all before they wanted to attack and occupy this dungeon, Horne prepares first to produce the project instrument, then comes the attack. 凯恩的问题不无道理,毕竟之前他们想要攻占这座地牢时,霍恩就准备先将工程器械造好,再过来进攻。 Hears the Kane issue, Horne explained: These 5 camps before soon on carrying/sustaining the duty that attacks this fort, they prepared large number of engineering machinery at that time, moreover now also remains mostly much, cultivates can continue to use, therefore they affirmed that brings many project instruments to come.” 听见凯恩的问题,霍恩解释道:“这五处营地在不久之前就承载着进攻这座要塞的任务,当时他们就准备了大量的工程机械,而且现在多半还剩了不少,许多修一修就能继续使用,所以他们肯定已经带着不少的工程器械过来了。” After saying, Horne thinks, supplements: Possibly shortly afterward, my sentry will spread the news again, when the time comes knows they carried many project instrument.” 说完后,霍恩想了想,又补充到:“可能再过不久,我的哨兵就会再次传来消息,到时候就知道他们到底携带了多少的工程器械了。” Listens to Horne's words, Kane to nod, he continues to ask: Then the most important issue, how many military they did prepare to attack this fort?” 听完霍恩的话,凯恩点点头,他继续问道:“那么最重要的问题,他们到底准备了多少的兵力来攻打这座要塞?” 10,000.” Hornby finger: „ 10,000 soldiers, they are at least unlikely to draw all soldiers in camp, but the larger part should not have the issue. “1万名。”霍恩比了根手指:“至少就有1万名士兵,他们不太可能将自己营地里的所有士兵都拉出来,但是一大半应该是没有问题的。 Even if according to leading half of soldiers calculates, 5 camps add 10,000 soldiers absolutely not to have the issue. ” 即使按照带领了一半的士兵来算,五个营地加起来1万名士兵也是完全没有问题的。” So many?” Kane is frowning. “这么多吗?”凯恩皱着眉头。 These soldier some were many, moreover at least 10,000, showing much are only many. 这些士兵有些过于多了,而且只是至少1万名,说明只多不少。 But now in fort soldier, in addition Kane their, approximately about 6000. 而现在要塞里面的士兵,加上凯恩他们的,大约在6000名左右。 Because Horne has some soldiers, needs to disperse to the camp that before seized. 因为霍恩有一部分士兵,需要分散到之前占领的营地中。 Otherwise the blue side sends out one team of elite squads to surmount two mountains to clash when the time comes, seizes that two camps covertly, that may on the gain does not equal the loss. 不然蓝色方到时候派出一队精英小队翻越两座高山冲进来,偷偷摸摸将那两座营地占领,那可就得不偿失了。 Therefore each camp, at least the necessary 1000 soldiers must. 所以每个营地,至少必备1000名士兵是必须的。 Because such quantity can insist that other camps receive the news, can have the opportunity to dare to come to support. 因为这样的数量能够坚持到其他的营地获得消息,才能有着机会敢来进行支援。 Moreover they seize the fort not to obtain too many soldier rewards, has about about 1000, because the fort position is the superposition place of two sides camp, therefore can only be a vital ground. 而且他们占领要塞并没有获得太多的士兵奖励,大约只有1000名左右,因为要塞所处的位置是两边营地的重合处,所以只能算是一处重要地形。 This type has in various entire dungeon places, these strategic point and surrounding camp area are the superpositions, therefore after seizure, same will not obtain massive soldier supplements with the camp. 这种在整个地牢各处都有,这些战略要地和周围的营地地区是重合的,所以占领后不会和营地一样获得大量的士兵补充。 But obtains the certain amount soldier rewards is the affirmation, what is more important is these important places brings a bigger advantage to the war. 但获得一定量的士兵奖励是肯定的,更重要的是这些要地给战争带来更大的优势。 After Kane is frowning to ponder a while, asked: „The distance that these 5 camps are distanced is not near, moreover they to attack us, at least each camp will put out in the camp half of military, right?” 凯恩皱着眉头思考了一会儿后问道:“这五处营地相距的距离并不近,而且他们为了攻打我们,至少每个营地会拿出自己营地里一半的兵力,没错吧?” Although does not know that Kane is pondering anything, but facing his issue, Horne nods to express the confirmation. 虽然不知道凯恩在思考些什么,但是面对他的问题,霍恩还是点点头表示确认。 Attacks us, they oneself camp the soldiers of all silver strengths first will definitely take, but remains behind these copper color strength recruits in the camp, this is the consistent measure of almost every camp, is right?” “来攻打我们,他们肯定会将自己营地里的所有银色实力的士兵先带上,而将那些铜色实力新兵留守在营地里,这是几乎每个营地的一贯措施,对不对?” Yes.” “是的。” Not only blue side, even Horne they still guards the recruits of some copper color ranks in the camp. 不只是蓝色方,即使是霍恩他们也是将一些铜色级别的新兵驻守在营地里。 Because these people, although the strength is only the copper color rank, said is a recruit. 因为这些人虽然实力只是铜色级别,被称说是新兵。 They who however place this dungeon, but in the strength is a recruit, operational as well as in operational consciousness with veteran not too big difference. 但是身处这座地牢的他们,只是在实力上算是新兵,作战以及作战意识上跟老兵没有太大的差别。 Listens to Horne's reply, Kane to start in the brain to construct the plan. 听完霍恩的回答,凯恩开始在脑中构建起计划。 Oneself camp at least half of military will carry off, is representing that 5 camps of enemy side, among each camp surplus military, absolutely not over 2000 people. 将自己营地至少一半的兵力带走,就代表着敌方的那五座营地,每座营地当中剩余的兵力,绝对不会超过2000人。 Approximately in 2000 people to 1000 people. 大约在2000人至1000人之间。 Moreover should be the soldier of copper color rank. 而且应该都是铜色级别的士兵。 In addition acted according to demonstration on the topographic diagram yesterday, the distance of among these 5 camps being separated is not near, in a moderate range. 再加上昨天根据地形图上的显示,这五座营地之间相隔的距离不远不近,处于一种适中的范围。 Plan according to obtaining the information, starts a faint trace in the brain of Kane was constructed. 计划根据获得的情报,开始在凯恩的脑中一丝丝的被构建起来。 After looking Kane pondered a while, Horne said: It seems like Chief Kane as if had the plan.” 看着凯恩思考了一会儿后,霍恩说道:“看来凯恩队长似乎有了计划。” Un.” “嗯。” Kane nods, starts to recount own plan: According to camp, Commander Horne extant soldier, in addition my words of help, can definitely defend the fort.” 凯恩点点头,开始将自己的计划述说出来:“依照营地里,霍恩团长现存的士兵,再加上我的帮助的话,完全能够将要塞守下来。” Moreover the present is a rare opportunity, threatens in a big way to us to our recent that 5 camps, but now just the back is also void.” “而且现在是个不可多得的机会,离我们最近的那五座营地对我们威胁最大,而现在又刚好后背空虚。” If makes my squad surplus members take their soldiers to attack and occupy one by one, by their strengths, can for one day and one night absolutely easily takes all camps completely.” “如果让我的小队剩余成员带上他们的士兵去挨个攻占的话,以他们的实力,一天一夜绝对能够轻易的将所有营地全部拿下。” Goes ahead Kane to prepare the good topographic diagram to pull from own space equipment directly at any time, placed on the wall surface. 说做就做凯恩直接从自己的空间装备里将随时准备好的地形图扯出来,放在了墙面上。 Starts to discuss with Horne. 开始和霍恩讨论起来。 Before the discussion, has not forgotten to let Youyou, according to his mentality plans together the road map. 讨论之前还不忘让身旁的悠悠,按照他的思路规划出一道路线图。 Youyou computation load very big, according to enemy number as well as approximate future action that Horne provides, what kind of route he can definitely possibly through arrive at perfect of fort computation the enemy. 悠悠的计算量非常的大,根据霍恩提供的敌军数量以及大致的行动方向,他完全可以将敌军可能通过怎样的路线到达要塞计算的八九不离十。 Afterward through these routes, a split-second selection safe route makes the plan of Kane be able to succeed. 随后再通过这些路线,快速选择一条安全的路线让凯恩的计划得以成功。 Now my teammate takes the soldier of our team, from this line past words, can definitely avoid all soldiers who they lead to circle to their behind camps. “现在我的队友带上我们团队的士兵,从这条线过去的话,完全可以避开他们带过来的所有士兵绕到他们身后的营地内。 When they attack our times, the camps of their back had been seized by wiping out one by one, when the conditions are ripe, sometimes we at the converging attack, from wanting Cery clash to wipe out them. ” 等他们进攻我们的时候,他们后背的营地早就被挨个的拔除占领,待时机成熟,时我们在前后夹击,从要塞里冲出去将他们全歼。” Horne entire journey concentrates on after listening to the order of Kane to listen, he was only pondered simply. 霍恩全程全神贯注的听着凯恩的命令听完后他只是简单的思考了一下。 This plan is completely feasible, he thinks. 这个计划完全可行,他想。 Then nods assent immediately the plan of Kane. 便立刻点头同意了凯恩的计划。 This plan has no issue, I have no reason not to comply, manages like this.” “这个计划没有任何问题,我没有任何理由不答应,就这样办。” Hears Horne's reply, Kane nods, later immediately gets the clip to inform own teammate through the ruby. 听到霍恩的回答,凯恩点点头,随后立刻通过红宝石领夹通知自己的队友。 You lead Lombe now, they are adding on our complete soldiers, attacks behind enemy that 5 camps, must wipe out to seize them within the given time completely.” “克蕾雅你现在带着隆贝,他们在加上我们全部的士兵,去进攻敌军后方的那五座营地,务必在规定的时间内将他们全部拔除占领。” With the Kane words, gets the clip to pass to ear through the ruby. 随着凯恩的话,通过红宝石领夹传到克蕾雅的耳中。 After waiting for a while, the ruby gets on the clip then to transmit reply: What kind of without the issue however concrete plan is?” 等待了一会儿后,红宝石领夹上面便传来克蕾雅的回答:“没有问题但是具体的计划是怎样的呢?” I have made Youyou come back, he can the entire journey and you explains and leads you through the camp that the safe route arrives at the enemy.” “我已经让悠悠回来了,他会全程和你们解释并带领你们通过安全的路线到达敌人的营地。” Good, that did not have the issue.” “好,那没问题了。” Now acts, the time is urgent.” “现在就行动吧,时间紧急。” Ended and telephone conversation of Kane, later immediately sets out. 克蕾雅结束了和凯恩的通话,随后立刻起身。 Nearby Lombe, they also sets out one after another. 旁边的隆贝,他们也相继起身。 They continuously in the living room, and Kane telephone conversation their entire journey can hear. 他们一直就在客厅里,克蕾雅和凯恩的通话她们全程都能够听见。 Let alone these dialogues, originally public channel in everyone. 更别说这些对话,本就发生在大家的公用频道内。 Turns the head they to say to Lombe: You also heard the words that Kane spoke, now we go out to finish all soldier sets immediately, after waiting for Youyou to come, started to take action.” 克蕾雅转头对着隆贝他们说道:“你们也听见凯恩说的话了吧,现在我们立刻出去将所有士兵集合完毕,等待悠悠过来后就开始行动。” Once the Kane teammates action goal were set, action very rapid. 凯恩的队友们行动目标一旦确定,行动就会非常的迅速。 Outside and Lombe arrive directly start the set soldier. 克蕾雅和隆贝直接来到外面开始集合士兵。 But Medsker and Li groups of rushed to the logistics official place in fort fast, purchased several days of logistical materials with her. 而梅兹克和莉路路则快速赶往了要塞内的后勤官员处,和她购买了几天的后勤物资。 Naturally, the logistical materials that these are used to go to battle with are not free, needs to exchange with the meritorious military service, in various camps and occupied areas dine meets is free. 当然了,这些用来出征的后勤物资并非是免费的,需要用战功兑换,只有当在各处营地以及占领地区用餐时才会是免费的。 After they purchase the commodity, they had also finished the soldier set, is waiting for sending out momentarily, at this time Youyou had also hurried back. 当他们将物资购买回来后,克蕾雅他们也已经将士兵集合完毕,随时等待着出动,这时候悠悠也已经赶了回来。 Visits Youyou, hugs directly from the ground it. 看着悠悠,克蕾雅直接将它从地上抱起来。 Youyou said directly: Master makes me follow you, and leads you to arrive at behind the enemy position through the safe route.” 悠悠直接说道:“主人让我来跟着你们,并带你们通过安全的路线到达敌阵地后方。” That asked Youyou.” Said with a smile. “那就拜托悠悠了。”克蕾雅笑着说道。 Hee hee, gives Youyou.” “嘻嘻,交给悠悠吧。” Was saying to behind soldier: „.” 克蕾雅对着身后的士兵说道:“出发。” They want to act, naturally must the front door position leave from Kane now. 他们想要行动,当然得从凯恩现在所处的大门位置离开。 Kane in the city wall, is waiting for at this time their arrival. 凯恩此时就在城墙上,等待着克蕾雅他们的到来。 , He sees they to lead over a thousand soldiers from afar, walked from the fort. 远远的,他就看见克蕾雅他们带着上千名士兵,从要塞内走了过来。 Looks at they, Kane waves saying: Attention security, momentarily contact.” 看着克蕾雅他们,凯恩挥了挥手说道:“注意安全,随时联络。” Relax, gives us.” Said that gave back to Kane to set upright giving the thumbs-up. “放心吧,交给我们。”说完克蕾雅还给凯恩竖了竖大拇指。 Gazes after they to vanish in the field of vision gradually. 目送着克蕾雅他们渐渐消失在视野之中。 Chief Kane believes very much the strength of own subordinate.” 凯恩队长很相信自己部下的实力嘛。” „It is not the subordinate, is the partner of living and dying together.” “不是部下,是同生共死的伙伴。” „, Sorry.” “哦,抱歉。” + joins the bookmark 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