DSED :: Volume #5

#418: Lucky and unfortunate

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The extraction skill, exploring dungeon Chapter 418 is lucky and unfortunate 抽取技能,探索地牢第418章幸运与不幸 Now in the hand is also left over final two Skill Rune, without appraisal. 现在手中还剩下最后两块技能石,没有鉴定。 Appraised two Skill Rune and have no unique element, as if ordinary could not miss many. 已经鉴定的两块技能石并没有什么特殊之处,似乎就跟平常的差不了多少。 Possibly Gracious gift praise Can be by the skill that improves to obtain luck. 可能就【恩赐礼赞】算得上是受到幸运的提升而获得的技能吧。 Not many idle talk, continue under the examination together Skill Rune. 不多废话,继续查看下一块技能石 Hopes powerful point Skill Rune. 希望来一个强力一点的技能石 Name: Dead air/Qi 【名称:死气】 Category: Passive skill 【类别:被动技能】 Luster: Silver 【色泽:银色】 Explained: When you equip this skill, you will be invaded by the death, if your physique could not withstand the invasion of death, you will obtain various to reduce the profit, including but not limited to , the physique weakened, the strength was weaken, the whole body was incapable, defends to reduce wait/etc. 【说明:当你装备此技能时,你将会被死亡侵染,如果你的体质承受不了死亡的侵染,你将获得各项减益,包括但不限于,体质减弱,力量减弱,浑身无力,防御降低等等。 Is if can withstand the death, then you will win the gift of death, the soul is in your eyes clearly discernible, the goalkeeper of death appeared in your side. 】 是如果能够承受死亡,那么你将获得死亡的赠礼,灵魂在你眼中清晰可见,死亡之门将在你的身边显现。】 Introduced: Withstood the death, facing the death, the feeling death, you will obtain the reward of death.】 【介绍:承受死亡,面对死亡,感受死亡,你将获得死亡的奖赏。】 ( Secret intelligence section: This skill follows aura to come, should not be cheated by the above information, you cannot withstand the death, the use will even be damaged rashly permanently. It only accepts.) (秘密情报部:此技能是跟随着克蕾雅的气息而来,不要被上面的信息所蒙骗,你不能承受死亡,贸然使用甚至将会被永久损伤。它只接受克蕾雅。) Extremely ambiguous skill, this is Kane from obtaining from can extract the skill to the present, seeing in the skill explanation most mold lake is unclear. 极度模棱两可的技能,这是凯恩从获得从能够抽取技能到现在,见过技能说明上最模湖不清的。 Although light/only looks at the explanation, can feel this skill the compelling standard. 虽然光看说明,就能够感受到这技能的逼格。 Let alone introduced and following information. 更别说介绍以及下面的情报了。 Follows aura to come, in other words, it was extracted, makes study. 跟随着克蕾雅的气息而来,也就是说,它之所以被抽取出来,就是让克蕾雅学习和使用的。 Above also has the security measure, if anything can withstand the death. 上面还有防盗措施,什么如果能够承受死亡的话。 If not below information, Kane tries absolutely. 如果不是下方的情报,凯恩绝对会亲身试一试的。 This skill looks that is very strong, moreover should be forms a complete set, does not know that is considered as on is the luck is good. 这技能看着就很强,而且应该是和克蕾雅配套的,也不知道算不算得上是运气好。 However now the skill in skill square just starts becomes peaceful, therefore cannot worry. 不过现在克蕾雅技能格中的技能才刚刚开始变澹,所以不能够着急。 First admits in it Skill Bank. 先将它放进技能仓库中。 The present was time examination finally together Skill Rune, hopes that can come one to make him feel oneself truly obtained the lucky promotion. 现在是时候查看最后一块技能石了,希望能够来一个让他觉得自己确确实实的获得了幸运的提升。 Kane has been thinking now, is he throws the dice time lucky was not high. 凯恩现在已经在想,是不是他丢骰子的时候幸运本来就不高。 After all the lucky this type of thing is not definitely fixed, has certain fluctuation. 毕竟幸运这种东西肯定不是固定的,是有着一定的波动。 Perhaps when he obtained to strengthen at that time, lucky was not high, even if were strengthened, is still naturally no higher. 或许他当时获得加强时,幸运本就不高,即使被加强了,自然也就高不到哪儿去。 Takes back the train of thought of dispersing, will shake the head, focuses on hand finally together on Skill Rune. 收回发散出去的思绪,摇摇头,将注意力集中在自己手中的最后一块技能石上。 Really lucky, looks that finally Skill Rune knew together. 是不是真的幸运,看着最后一块技能石就知道了。 Name: The god of affairs of state- index finger ( right ) 【名称:万机之神-食指(右)】 Category: Active Skill 【类别:主动技能 Luster: Silver 【色泽:银色】 Explained: Expenditure massive charms, summoned the right hand index finger of god of affairs of state from the different dimension space, caused massive damage to the assigned location, including but not limited to, physical injury, magic injury, soul injury and divine nature injury. 【说明:花费大量魔力,从异次元空间召唤出万机之神的右手食指,对指定地点造成大量伤害,包括但不限于物理伤害、魔法伤害、灵魂伤害、神性伤害。 Also can spend massive charms, enters deposits the seal space of god of right hand index finger affairs of state. 】 亦可以花费大量魔力,进入存放万机之神右手食指的封印空间。】 Introduced: The god of affairs of state, by innumerable intelligent life expenditure massive prices, the life, the man-made god who makes, because is the mechanical divine creative force then has no pity to the life since birth, finally was crushed the seal to get up one by one.】 【介绍:万机之神,由无数智慧生命花费大量代价,生命,制造出来的人造之神,由于是机械造物生来便对生命没有任何怜悯之心,最后被粉碎挨个封印起来。】 Does the limbs of summon god attack? 召唤神的一块肢体进行攻击? If Kane had not understood that wrong, the meaning that this skill represents should be this that think. 如果凯恩没有理解错的话,这个技能所代表的意思应该就是自己想的这样。 God of type of thing affairs of state, Kane has not heard, but looked that the introduction should be able to look is some mechanical gods, moreover man-made, does not know strongly. 万机之神这种东西,凯恩并没有听说过,不过看介绍应该就能看出来是某种机械的神明,而且还是人造出来的,不知道到底有多强。 No matter is not strong, he at least is together the limbs of gods, moreover physical construction. 但是不管强不强,他都至少是一块神明的肢体,而且还是机械构造出来的。 Even if cannot bring the attack, making Kane be used for the careful research, believes that can still make him benefit greatly. 就算不能拿来攻击,让凯恩用来仔细的研究,相信也能够让他受益匪浅。 Moreover can spend massive charms to enter deposits the seal space of this limbs, 而且可以花费大量的魔力进入存放这肢体的封印空间, Showing can study well. Depending on this point skill on value. 说明是可以好好研究的。就凭这一点这技能就值了。 Although has not presented that very obviously fierce skill, but these 4 skills add truly usually extract Skill Rune to be luckier. 虽然没有出现那种非常明显厉害的技能,但这四块技能加起来确实要比平常抽取技能石幸运不少。 Therefore in brief, that dice is useful. 所以简而言之,那块骰子是有用的。 That consumption skill that now will first obtain, the attribute strengthening of strength uses up. 现在先将获得的那块消耗技能,力量的属性强化给克蕾雅用掉。 At this time is reading the good food related books on nearby table standard earnestly. 此时克蕾雅正在旁边的桌子上认真的阅读着美食相关的书籍。 Comes, here has the new skill to give you.” Kane was saying. “克蕾雅过来一下,这里有新技能交给你。”凯恩对着克蕾雅说道。 Raised the head, looks at saying of Kane doubts: But, haven't I learned your previous time to teach my skill now?” 克蕾雅抬起头来,看着凯恩疑惑的说道:“可是,我现在并没有学会你上次教给我的技能啊?” Hearing Kane must grant the new skill, others put down the matter in respective hand, casts the curious vision. 听到凯恩要赐予新技能,其他人都放下了各自手中的事情,投过来好奇的目光。 „It is not that skill before resembles, but promotes your strength attribute.” Kane answered. “并不是像之前的那种技能,而是提升你的力量属性。”凯恩解释道。 This skill yourself should also be able to use, you first used up were OK, did not need to care about us.” “这种技能你自己应该也能用吧,那你先自己用掉就可以了,不用一直顾及我们。” Since can promote the attribute to others, that naturally can also give itself to promote. 既然能给别人提升属性,那自然也能给自己提升。 Kane has been keeping giving them to provide various powerful the skills. 凯恩已经在不停地给他们提供各种强力的技能了。 If even the attribute promotion must provide, they too do not make sense. 如果连属性的提升都还要提供的话,那他们也太不像话了。 Hears words, Kane said with a smile: All right, the increase of strength I had arrived at the bottleneck of race promotion, gives the words that I use to sell at a discount again greatly, that owed.” 听到克蕾雅的话,凯恩笑着说道:“没事的,力量的提升我已经到达了种族提升的瓶颈了,再给我使用的话将会大打折扣,那就太亏了。” Hears the explanation of Kane, then nods: Ok, how do I want to do am same as before?” 听到凯恩的解释,克蕾雅这才点点头:“行吧,那我要怎么做还是和之前一样吗?” Right.” Kane from own space equipment, took the crystal hour glass that the ceremony must use: As for will have any new experience, I cannot reach an agreement, after all this also the 1st time is I gave others the attribute promotion.” “对。”凯恩从自己的空间装备里,将仪式要用的水晶沙漏拿了出来:“至于会有什么新的体验,我也说不好,毕竟这也是我第一次将属性提升给予别人。” Listens also to nod, no longer said that anything arrived in front of Kane to stand. 克蕾雅听完也点点头,不再多说什么来到了凯恩面前站好。 Kane grasps Skill Rune in the hand, later starts to conduct recitation of praying word. 凯恩技能石握在手中,随后开始进行祷词的吟唱。 Crystal hour glass float in two people middle, starts to reverse slowly. 水晶沙漏悬浮在两人的中间,开始缓缓倒转。 With ceremony conducts, when the skill in triumphant hand, starts to turn toward to flutter. 随着仪式的进行,凯手中的技能时,也开始向着克蕾雅飘去。 Slowly submerged her body. 慢慢的没入了她的身体。 Before such flow, grants them Skill Rune to have no difference. 这样的流程和之前赐予他们技能石没有任何的区别。 However submerges the flash of body in Skill Rune, the ceremony ended instantaneously. 但是在技能石没入身体的一瞬间,仪式瞬间结束。 Skill Rune changes into the energy and information in within the body dissipation instills into. 技能石在克蕾雅的体内消散化为能量与信息灌输进去。 The top of the head presented wisp of red ribbon aura to swamp into her body in void. 头顶在虚空中出现了一缕红色的丝带气息涌入了她的身体。 An increase of strength appears on body. 一股力量的提升在克蕾雅的身上出现。 Can very obvious feeling oneself strength obtain the enormous promotion. 克蕾雅可以非常明显的感觉到自己的力量获得了极大的提升。 The strength of through the consumption skill promoting what comes is so smooth, was grasped instantaneously, does not have the tiny bit strangeness, the blocking feeling of also having no. 通过消耗技能所提升的力量来的是如此的顺畅,瞬间就被掌握了,没有一丝一毫的陌生感,也没有任何的阻塞感。 How does feel how?” Kane looks that appearance asked. “怎么样克蕾雅感觉如何?”凯恩看着克蕾雅的样子问道。 Lombe they also encircled, looks, is waiting for his experience. 隆贝他们也围了过来,看着克蕾雅,等待着他的体验感受。 After IELTS tested a while, said: „The increase of strength very obvious, and has no ill feeling, the strength of improvement was grasped instantaneously, even does not need to train again.” 克蕾雅思考了一会儿后说道:“力量的提升非常的明显,而且没有任何不适的感觉,提升的力量瞬间就被掌握了,甚至都不需要再去训练。” Can feel attribute promotion to this skill, unusual satisfaction. 话里话外都能感受到克蕾雅对这技能的属性提升,非常的满意。 Hears words, Kane then nods. 听到克蕾雅的话,凯恩这才点点头。 He thinks Dead air/Qi Skill Rune took. 他想了想又将【死气】技能石拿了出来。 He takes naturally not to give now, but has a look to place front, this can Skill Rune have anything to respond. 他拿出来当然不是要现在就给克蕾雅,而是看看放在克蕾雅的面前,这技能石会不会有什么反应。 After all introduced that above said that where he comes to Syria. 毕竟介绍上面就说了,他是冲着克利亚哪儿来的。 To give promotes by the goal that Kane extracts. 凯恩抽取出来的目的就是为了给克蕾雅提升。 Flash when Skill Rune comes out, he then fluttered directly. 技能石出来的一瞬间,他便直接飘向了克蕾雅。 Is experiencing who the body changes, looks up instantaneously to Skill Rune that is floating in towards oneself, imitates the benevolence to have a feeling. 正在体验身体变化的克蕾雅,也瞬间抬头看向了正在朝自己飘来的技能石,彷佛心有所感。 This Skill Rune......” does not know how should describe now own feeling. “这块技能石……”克蕾雅不知道该如何去形容现在自己的感受。 Feeling this Skill Rune as if should be studied by oneself, looks like picks out from oneself is the same. 就感觉这块技能石似乎就应该被自己学习,就像是从自己身上剔出去的一样。 Longs for having, longs for that studies. 渴望去拥有,渴望去学习。 Kane followed words, said: This Skill Rune comes to you.” 凯恩接过了克蕾雅的话,说道:“这块技能石就是冲着你来的。” Comes to me?” In voice is doubtful, but she put out a hand to catch Skill Rune. “冲着我来的?”克蕾雅的声音中充满疑惑,但是她还是伸手接住了技能石 Skill Rune also fluttered gently in her palm stopped. 技能石也轻轻地飘在了她的手心中停下。 When Skill Rune real stopping in her hand, that strange feeling vanished. 技能石真正的停在她手上时,那种奇怪的感觉消失了。 After feeling a while, took up Skill Rune to give Kane. 感受了一会儿后,克蕾雅拿起技能石重新递给了凯恩 Looked at just Skill Rune and connection, can see that this Skill Rune truly such as the intelligence department said that with came. 看刚刚的技能石和克蕾雅的连接,就能够看出这块技能石确实如情报部所说,是随着克蕾雅而来的。 Kane returned on the sofa to sit down. 凯恩重新回到了沙发上坐下。 Li path path inexplicable twinkle to the shoulder of Kane on. 莉路路又莫名的闪烁到凯恩的肩膀上。 Does?” Kane looks that Li path path asked. “干什么?”凯恩看着莉路路问道。 Such bewildered coming definitely has the reason, moreover certainly does not have the good deed. 这样莫名其妙的过来肯定是有原因的,而且一定没好事。 Li path Luchui the whistling, is swinging the both feet, on the face was piling up with the smile. 莉路路吹着口哨,摇着双脚,脸上堆满了笑容。 Hee hee, can Kane swing that to increase the lucky dice again?” “嘻嘻,凯恩能不能再摇一下那个可以增加幸运的骰子呢?” Why?” Kane strange asking. “为什么?”凯恩奇怪的问道。 Because Li path path likes that dice very much, wants to study, looks for the inspiration of new magic arts, demonstrated to be OK again.” Li path path holds their palms together, the hope said. “因为莉路路很喜欢那个骰子,想要学习一下,找一找新法术的灵感,再演示一下就可以了。”莉路路双手合十,祈求道。 Looks at Li path path this, Kane agreed reluctantly: Ok, ok.” 看着莉路路这样,凯恩无奈的同意了:“行吧,行吧。” Hee hee, Kane was best.” “嘻嘻,凯恩最好了。” Kane also want to try, must spend many charms, can make 5 days of cooling time reduce immediately. 凯恩自己也想试一试,要花费多少魔力,才能够让五天的冷却时间立刻缩短。 The charm starts to consume. 魔力开始消耗。 But the cooling time on Skill Rune, keeping reduction. 技能石上的冷却时间,则在不停的减少。 The charm with the reduction of time, starts crazy gushing out. 魔力随着时间的减少,开始疯狂的涌出。 Until the charm of Kane within the body consumed about 80, finally makes the cooling time on Skill Rune enull completely. 直到凯恩体内的魔力消耗了80左右,才终于使得技能石上的冷却时间完全归零。 «Wrestling of Wave Big Time Rebirth» 《重生之搏浪大时代》 !” “呼!” Kane spat to exhale, scratched the head sweating, consumed so many charms one time, but also a little consumption physical strength. 凯恩吐出了一口气,擦了擦自己头上的虚汗,一次性消耗这么多的魔力,还有点耗费体力。 At this time the remaining charms can definitely use the angel dice, after all condenses the dice not to need to spend many charms. 此时剩下的魔力完全能够使用天使骰子,毕竟凝聚骰子并不需要花费多少魔力。 The high energy group of charm appears in the hand again, the surrounding air becomes twists again. 魔力的高能量团再次在手中出现,周围的空气再次变得扭曲起来。 Over time in a while, the octahedron dice appears in the hand of Kane again, but Li groups of this time continuously in the observation of short distance condensation of dice. 随着时间的流逝没过多久,八面体的色子再次出现在凯恩的手中,而莉路路这次一直在近距离的观察着骰子的凝聚。 Also is observing the dice, absorbs void is representing the lucky and unfortunate aura. 也是在观察骰子,吸取虚空中代表着幸运和不幸的气息。 The angel empty shadow appears again. 天使的虚影再次出现。 Li path path observes earnestly was more careful. 莉路路观察的更认真仔细了。 With the angel movement, the lucky aura on dice became more powerful. 随着天使的动作,骰子上的幸运气息变得更强盛了。 Looks at earnest Li path path, Kane reminds: Li groups of I must start to swing.” 看着认真的莉路路,凯恩提醒道:“莉路路我要开始摇了。” Un.” Li path path nods, the eye had not left the angel the dice. “嗯。”莉路路点点头,眼睛一直没有离开天使的骰子。 Kane throws the dice to directly in the air. 凯恩直接将骰子抛至空中。 The dice is revolving on the desktop fast. 骰子在桌面上快速的旋转着。 Finally the dice stopped. 最终骰子停了下来。 The black aura erupted. 黑色的气息爆发了。 That side in towards, above is demonstrating three sunspots impressively. 朝上的那一面,上面赫然显示着三颗黑点。 The dice fragmentation for strong black aura, drilled into the body of Kane. 色子破碎化为了一股浓厚的黑色气息,钻入了凯恩的身体内。 A scene peace. 场面一片安静。 Kane and Li path path look at each other in blank dismay. 凯恩和莉路路面面相觑。 Afterward Kane turns the head to stare at Lombe they. 随后凯恩又转过头来盯着隆贝他们。 Slowly, the smile on Kane face dissolute. 慢慢的,凯恩脸上的笑容越加的放肆。 Runs!” “跑!” Lombe bellows. 隆贝大吼一声。 Afterward the people like birds dispersing, moves separatedly as far as possible far away from Kane. 随后众人如鸟兽般散开,分开跑动尽量的远离凯恩 Kane has not made the ponder, turns toward Li path Luzhui to go directly. 凯恩没做思考,直接就向着莉路路追去。 Looks Kane that towards oneself pursues, in the Li path path eyes filled panic-stricken. 看着朝自己追来的凯恩,莉路路的眼中充满了惊恐。 Do not come!” “你不要过来啊!” + joins the bookmark + +加入书签+
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