DSED :: Volume #5

#416: Skill promotion

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The extraction skill, explores the dungeon Chapter 416 skill promotion 抽取技能,探索地牢第416章技能升级 Kane is looking at Skill Rune in hand, in looking at the above introduction. 凯恩看着手中的技能石,在看着上面的介绍。 The cooling time of this skill was too long. 这技能的冷却时间太长了。 Only then half of opportunities obtain the good luck. 而且只有一半的机会获得好运。 Throws the dice time, the luck not good words, have probably obtained the mildew to transport. 投掷骰子的时候,运气不好的话,很可能一直获得霉运。 Kane thinks Skill Rune of this copper level, places in own skill square. 凯恩想了想将这块铜级的技能石,安放进自己的技能格内。 As after Skill Rune places the skill standard, the knowledge and familiar feeling transmit. 随着技能石安放进技能格后,知识以及熟悉的感觉传来。 At this time, Kane can transfer the energy on Skill Rune, used this skill. 这时候,凯恩就能够调动技能石上的能量,使用出这技能了。 Is following the experience that on the knowledge and body in brain present inexplicably, the charm starts to reverse in the body, later gushes out. 跟随着脑中的知识以及身体上莫名出现的经验,魔力开始在身体中扭转,随后涌出。 The charm that these gush out starts to condense in the hand. 这些涌出的魔力在手中开始凝聚。 As if is absorbing anything from void, can know from the knowledge of head, the group of energies in hand from void, absorption is lucky and unfortunate. 似乎正在从虚空中吸取着什么,从脑袋的知识中可以知道,手中的这团能量正在从虚空中,吸取的正是幸运与不幸。 Felt that the fluctuation of energy, who and the others rested in the surroundings room casts the curious vision. 感觉到能量的波动,在周围房间内休息的克蕾雅等人都投过来了好奇的目光。 They knew Kane in the extraction skill. 他们都知道凯恩又在抽取技能了。 However now Kane extraction skill time, they will not come to surround generally again. Before possibly also curious, after the custom could not raise the too big interest in this matter. 不过现在凯恩抽取技能的时候,他们一般都不会再过来围观了。之前可能还好奇,但是当习惯后就对这种事情提不起太大的兴趣。 However Kane uses the new skill the words, they are very interested. 不过凯恩使用新技能的话,他们还是很有兴趣的。 In their vision, the high energy group in Kane hand condenses, and is pulling what even/including surrounding air to look that somewhat twists. 在他们的目光中,凯恩手中的高能量团凝聚,并在拉扯着什么连周围的空气看着都有些扭曲起来。 Finally the energy group in hand, obtained some entity to turn into one to have 6 cubes. 终于手中的能量团,获得了某种实体变成了一颗有着六面的正方体。 Kane is looking at dice careful flipping of hand, three are linked to each other, above has one to three points. 凯恩看着手中的骰子仔细的翻了翻,有三面连在一起的,上面有着一到三点。 This above comma is the red, is representing luck. 这上面的点号是红色的,代表着幸运。 With his opposite three, is representative the black misfortune. 与他相反的三面,则是代表着黑色的不幸。 Other places are the white, if not Kane condenses personally him, may not discover that he has what differences from other dices. 其余的地方都是白色的,如果不是凯恩亲自将他凝聚出来,都不一定能够发现他和其他的骰子有什么不同之处。 Li path path at this time in the positions of nearby two meters places float, looks at the lucky dice that Kane condenses with great interest. 莉路路此时就在旁边两米处的位置悬浮着,津津有味地看着凯恩凝聚出来的幸运骰子。 Looks at Li path path, Kane thinks suddenly anything said: Li groups of sit to my shoulder on, taking advantage of me how selects the luck?” 看着莉路路,凯恩突然想到了什么说道:“莉路路过来坐到我肩膀上,借我点运气怎么样?” Good! Good!” Regarding this matter, Li path path has almost nothing to reject, a twinkle appeared on the shoulder of Kane. “好啊!好啊!”对于这种事情,莉路路几乎没什么好拒绝的,一个闪烁就出现在了凯恩的肩膀上。 The lucky this type of thing was unlikely to borrow, but could transmit is uncertain. 幸运这种东西本来就不太可能可以借出去,但或许可以传递也不一定。 Sits on the shoulder of Kane, when gave him a psychology to comfort. 坐在凯恩的肩膀上,就当给他个心理安慰好了。 Hears the Kane words, with the Kane behavior, they knows that this skill should be related with the luck. 听到凯恩的话,和凯恩的行为,克蕾雅他们知道这个技能应该是和运气有关。 Should have the skill of certain probability. 应该是具有着一定的概率的技能。 Kane slightly puts out foul air. 凯恩微微的吐出一口浊气。 Dice throwing in gently hand to in the air. 将手中的骰子轻轻的抛至空中。 When the dice from the sky rotates, in the room everyone's vision was attracted the past. 当骰子在空中转动,房间内所有人的目光都被吸引了过去。 Afterward the dice fell in the vision of people on the table. 随后骰子就在众人的目光中掉落在了桌子上。 The dice stands with an corner/horn, is rotating on the table. 骰子用一个角立起,在桌子上转动着。 Red! Red! Red! 红!红!红! Looks at the dice of rotation, Kane cannot help but starts to cry out in the heart. 看着转动的骰子,凯恩不由得在心中开始呐喊起来。 So long as is the red point on the line, even if a point is also indifferent, do not change to the sunspot, increases the mildew to transport to oneself. 只要是红点就行,哪怕一点也无所谓,千万不要转到黑点,给自己增加霉运。 However perhaps heard the idea in Kane heart. 然而或许是听到了凯恩心中的想法。 Naturally is thinks that anything does not come anything. 当然是想什么就不来什么。 Dice slightly stops, the black dot stood impressively in the eye of Kane. 骰子微微的停下来,黑色的小点赫然立在了凯恩的眼中。 Grass!” “艹!” Looks at this, Kane cannot bear blow out the swearing. 看着这一幕,凯恩忍不住爆出了粗口。 Is the luck so bad? Half of probabilities made him throw to increase the black that the mildew transported. 运气就这么差吗?一半的几率就让他投到了增加霉运的黑色。 Although is not 3 black, but actually arrived at 2 points. 虽然不是三点黑色,但却来到了二点。 As 2 sunspots were thrown, the dice started to change into black air/Qi, drilled into the body of Kane. 随着二点黑点被投掷出来,骰子开始化为了一片黑气,钻入了凯恩的身体中。 Looks to drill into the black air/Qi of body. 看着钻入身体的黑气。 What do 1.5 times of mildew transport/fortune are feel? 1.5倍的霉运到底是什么感觉呢? This issue Kane can know that immediately answered the tuart. 这个问题凯恩马上就能知道答桉了。 What thing just sneaked in of your body is?” Cannot help but anxious asking. “刚刚钻进你身体的那是什么东西?”克蕾雅不由得紧张的问道。 Nearby they, even if not know that black mist is representing anything, they can still feel that black mist is not the friendly thing. 旁边的克蕾雅他们即使不知道那黑色的雾气代表着什么,他们也能感觉到,那黑色雾气并不是什么友好的东西。 Therefore cannot help but is worried about Kane. 所以不由得担心地凯恩 Hears tone, Kane shakes the head saying: All right, don't worry, this is the core skill that I extract can increase the luck or is the mildew transports/fortunes, the luck was very not just good to pull out to the mildew transported, but the present is the unlucky condition.” 听到克蕾雅的语气,凯恩摇摇头说道:“没事的,不用担心,这是我抽取到的核心技能能够增加运气或者是霉运,刚刚运气不是很好抽到霉运了,而现在是倒霉的状态。” How long does that this condition continue?” Asking that does not feel relieved: Cannot be continually permanent, that was also too odd.” “那这种状态持续多久呢?”克蕾雅还是不放心的问道:“总不能持续永久吧,那也太离谱了。” Hears words, Kane shakes the head with a smile: Possibly to be how permanent, will only continue for 1 hour, all right.” 听到克蕾雅的话,凯恩笑着摇摇头:“怎么可能永久,只会持续一个小时的,没事。” To be honest, Kane also wants to experience the mildew to transport increases is anything felt, can very obvious appearance unlucky condition. 说实话,凯恩还想体验一下霉运增加到底是什么感觉,会不会非常明显的出现倒霉的状况。 Kane stands, starts to take a walk in the living room. 凯恩站起来,开始在客厅里走动。 Lombe they have also been staring at Kane, what kind of condition wants to have a look to have. 隆贝他们也一直盯着凯恩,想要看看到底会出现怎样的状况。 Kane on this swaggering walks back and forth in the living room, does not seem to have any accidental/surprised condition. 凯恩就这样大摇大摆的在客厅里走来走去,似乎并没有出现什么意外状况。 After looking for two minutes, Li path path felt finally bored. 看了两分钟后,莉路路终于觉得无聊了。 The decision no longer paid attention, opened the rainbow color transmission door, wanted to draw to play a while her rainbow butterfly mount. 决定不再理会,打开了彩虹色的传送门,想要将她的彩虹蝴蝶坐骑拉出来玩一会儿。 Perhaps is she opens the time of rainbow gate to be not quite correct, when the transmission gate opens. 或许是她开彩虹门的时机不太正确,当传送门打开时。 One to the rainbow color form, from transmitting the gate flew at the extremely quick speed, hits toward Kane. 一到彩虹色的身影,以极快的速度从传送门里飞了出来,直直地朝着凯恩撞去。 However because Kane is experimenting itself unlucky, therefore the entire journey has opened the supernatural might to regard, lowered the head slightly evaded dashing of butterfly directly. 不过因为凯恩在试验自己到底有多倒霉,所以一直全程开着神武视,微微低头直接就躲过了蝴蝶的冲撞。 This, is this unlucky way? Can deal with fortunately completely. 就这,这就是倒霉的方式吗?还好能够完全应付。 Looks at this, Kane somewhat cannot help but relaxed. 看着这一幕,凯恩不由得有些轻松。 However. 然而。 The butterfly hit directly in nearby drinking glass, drinking glass good skillful unfortunately flew toward Kane under dashing. 蝴蝶直接撞在了旁边的水杯上,水杯好巧不巧的就在冲撞下朝着凯恩飞来。 However the speed extremely quick butterfly evaded, the drinking glass is also certainly a cinch. 不过速度极快的蝴蝶都躲过了,水杯当然也不在话下。 Was sideways to dodge slightly, but the water in drinking glass just arrived at this time, drenched on the Kane trouser legs coverings. 微微侧身就闪避了过去,但是水杯中的水刚好就在这时候到下,淋在凯恩的裤腿上。 Kane retrocedes continually just steps on aquatic that pours, the under foot is not steady almost throws down, his quick of eye and hand brace on nearby chair, stood firm the body fortunately. 凯恩持续后退刚好踩在倒出来的水上,脚下不稳差点摔倒,还好他眼疾手快撑在了旁边的椅子上,才稳住身体。 Perhaps is reason in disrepair after many years, the chair falls directly broken, Kane fell down finally. 或许是年久失修的原因,椅子直接碎掉,凯恩终于倒在了地上。 Kane falls down like this, looks at the stone system ceiling on top of the head. 凯恩就这样倒在地上,看着头顶上的石制天花板。 Was underestimates this mildew to transport, I apologize. 是自己小看这霉运了,我道歉。 These Kane can actually understand, what he most incomprehensible is why that ordinary water can be so slippery, their floors are the frosting quality of material. 这些凯恩其实都能理解,他最不能理解的是那普通的水为什么能够这么滑,他们脚下的地板本来就是磨砂质地。 After Kane just evaded that flash of drinking glass, he relaxed, when the water drops down he retreat of instinct one step, therefore throws down. 凯恩刚刚躲过水杯的那一瞬间后,他放松了,当水倒下时他又本能的后退了一步,所以才摔倒。 General idea/Careless. 大意了。 Nearby Li road Luke they are shocked looks at this. 旁边的莉路路克蕾雅他们震惊的看着这一幕。 Whole set movement passing clouds and flowing water that Kane throws down, no movement is unnecessary. 凯恩摔倒的整套动作行云流水,没有一个动作是多余的。 They also realized similarly the mildew that Kane that skill brought transports/fortunes, how odd. 他们也同样认识到了凯恩那技能带来的霉运,是多么的离谱。 Completely one type reasonable, but unreasonable feeling. 完全给人一种合理但又不合理的感觉。 Li path path will hit to receive in table nearby rainbow butterfly, was far away from the Kane surroundings silently. 莉路路的将撞在桌子旁边的彩虹蝴蝶收回去,默默的远离了凯恩的周围。 Kane shook the head to set out, later looked to Lombe they. 凯恩晃了晃脑袋起身,随后看向了隆贝他们。 Even if were staring by Kane, Lombe they still simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform cannot help but retroceded one step. 即使被凯恩盯着,隆贝他们也不由自主的齐齐后退了一步。 The small movement injury is so big. 小小的动作伤害却那么大。 They seemed to think that this mildew games infect are the same. 他们似乎觉得这种霉运会传染一样。 Looks that Kane also wants to walk, Lombe stops immediately: Good brothers, there how to might as well sit a while, 1 hour, all of a sudden.” 看着凯恩还想走过来,隆贝立马制止:“好兄弟,不如就在那里坐一会儿怎么样,一个小时而已,一下子就过了。” Looks that own teammate so ignored the appearance of sentiment of teammate, Kane helpless standing in same place. 看着自己的队友如此不顾队友之情的样子,凯恩无奈的站在了原地。 Although his side has the seat, but he does not dare to sit. 虽然他的旁边有着座椅,但他不太敢去坐。 He feared that the chair breaks suddenly, making oneself fall down. 他怕椅子突然散架,让自己倒在地上。 Therefore now before the mildew transports/fortunes the retrogression, honest same place is standing, do not handle the unnecessary matter. 所以现在在霉运消退之前,还是老老实实的原地站着吧,不要去做多余的事情。 Over time, as if having bad luck had just transported to consume the mildew. 随着时间的流逝,似乎刚刚倒霉事件已经将霉运消耗掉了。 Following more than 50 minutes of Kane stands in same place, does not have any unlucky matter. 接下来的50多分钟凯恩站在原地,没有任何倒霉的事情。 Nearby Lombe they also looks at Kane with total concentration, once for a while periphery examines, having a look at Kane to stand in same place can also meet any unlucky matter. 旁边隆贝他们也聚精会神的看着凯恩,时不时查看周围,看看凯恩站在原地还会不会遇见什么倒霉的事情。 One hour arrives, black air/Qi braved from the Kane body, later dissipates in the air. 一小时一到,一丝黑气就从凯恩身体中冒了出来,随后消散在空气之中。 Looks at this, Li path path wields immediately is dispersing front air, for fear that mildew transported dyes on oneself. 看着这一幕,莉路路立刻挥散着面前的空气,生怕那霉运染在了自己身上。 Has bad luck this matter no one to be willing to withstand. 倒霉这种事情没有一个人愿意承受。 Kane returned on the sofa to sit down. 凯恩重新回到了沙发上坐下。 The advantage of this skill has not experienced, incisiveness that the fault manifests actually. 这技能的好处没体验到,坏处倒是体现的淋漓尽致。 However the fault is so obvious, that advantage will not be certainly bad. 不过坏处都这么明显,那好处当然也不会太差。 However the cooling time has one week of time, some were too long. 不过冷却时间有着一周的时间,有些太长了。 However Kane prepares this skill now is to promote the silver, turned into a higher first-level skill, the cooling time naturally also renovates. 不过凯恩现在准备将这技能是升级成银色的,变成更高一级的技能,冷却时间自然也就刷新了。 Calls Book of Ventures. 重新唤出【冒险之书】。 In oneself skill square Lucky dice The skill takes down, equips from the space again puts out copper color magic stone, takes that 5 Silver Magic Stone again. 将自己技能格上的【幸运骰子】技能取下来,再从空间装备里拿出一颗铜色的魔石,再将那五颗银色魔石拿出来一颗。 Admitted in three goods extraction law together. 将三件物品一起放进了抽取法阵内。 Promotes this skill copper silver?】 【是否升级此技能铜银?】 Is No 【是】【否】 Yes Law is revolving, please wait a minute......】 【法阵正在运转,请稍候……】 Promotion is completed 【升级完成】 With a law circulation, after a radiance. 随着法阵的流转,一阵光华过后。 A brand-new silver tinsel, appeared in the hand of Kane. 一枚崭新的银色金属片,出现在了凯恩的手中。 This was promotion rune/symbol writing after of externally new skill also presented the slight change, still has the four-leaf clover graph of complete chart tuart. 这就是升级后的新技能的外观上的符文也出现了细微的改变,依然是有着完整图桉的四叶草图形。 However in the graph the green ray was more conspicuous. 不过图形上绿色的光芒更加的显眼了。 What is main first examines his skill introduction, this is most important, wants to obtain point enhancement. 主要的还是先查看一下他的技能介绍吧,这才是重中之重,希望获得好一点的加强。 Name: Angel dice 【名称:天使骰子】 Category: Active Skill 【类别:主动技能 Luster: Silver 【色泽:银色】 Explained: The expenditure charm condenses one in the hand, has the eight dices of lucky magic, four sides has the representative respectively lucky 1234, 1234 that transports/fortunes with four sides representative mildew. 【说明:花费魔力在手中凝聚出一枚,有着幸运魔法的八面骰子,分别有着四面代表幸运的1234,和四面代表霉运的1234。 Afterward you can throw the dice to in the air, when the dice falls to a flat body toward on that side, represents the addition that you will obtain. 随后你可以将骰子抛至空中,当骰子落到一个平面物体是朝上的那一面,则代表你将获得的加成。 The red points represent luck, 1 luck remains unchanged, 2 points obtain 1.5 luck more become, 3 points obtain two luck more become, 4 points obtain three luck more become. 红色的点数代表幸运,一点幸运保持不变,二点幸运获得1.5倍加成,三点幸运获得两倍加成,四点幸运获得三倍加成。 The black points transport/fortune on behalf of the mildew, 1 mildew transports/fortunes remains unchanged, 2 points obtain the current lucky 1.5 times of mildew to transport, 3 points obtain the current lucky two times of mildew to transport, the pilot obtains the current lucky 2.5 times of mildew to transport. 黑色的点数代表霉运,一点霉运保持不变,二点获得当前幸运的1.5倍霉运,三点获得当前幸运的两倍霉运,试点获得当前幸运的2.5倍霉运。 The effect of throwing maintains for one hour, needs to cool 5 days to be able next time to conduct to throw, if willing to spend the charm, this time can obtain to be ahead of time 投出来的效果维持一个小时,需要冷却五天的时间才能进行下一次投掷,如果愿意花费魔力,这一时间能够获得提前】 Introduced: Wants even white obtains luck is not possible, but you can while giving the price obtains luck, this does not have the issue. Remembers the world not free lunch.】 【介绍:想要平白的获得幸运是不可能的,但是你能在给予代价的同时获得幸运,这是没有问题的。记住天下没有免费的午餐。】 «various Shida» 《诸世大罗》 First compared the copper color rank, the name obtained the change, next from 6 turned 8. 首先相比铜色级别,名字获得了改变,其次从六面变成了八面。 The lucky effect remains unchanged, but the mildew transported the effect on compare the lucky effect on weaken much. 幸运效果保持不变,但霉运效果相比幸运效果减弱了不少。 What is main was the cooling time became for 5 days from 7 days, moreover can come the quick recovery through the charm. 最主要的是冷却时间从七天变为了五天,而且还可以通过魔力来快速恢复。 This skill can use basically is the ordinary Kane extraction skill time, at this time Kane most did not lack was the charm. 这技能能够用到的基本上就是平常凯恩抽取技能的时候,这种时候凯恩最不缺的就是魔力了。 Therefore such promotion modification, compared with keeping in line with the Kane wish. 所以这样的升级改动,比较符合凯恩的心意。 Let alone the luck obtained enhancement, the mildew transported also obtained weakening. 更别说运气获得了加强,霉运还获得了减弱。 + joins the bookmark + +加入书签+
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