DSED :: Volume #5

#415: Lucky extraction

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Said goodbye to Horne. 告别了霍恩。 Kane left the command post in fort. 凯恩离开了要塞的指挥室。 On the ruby lead(er) through collar clamped with own teammate had the contact, and met with them, at this time they have been wanting Cery to stroll. 通过衣领上的红宝石领夹和自己的队友取得了联系,并和他们会合,这时候克蕾雅他们已经在要塞里闲逛起来。 But the soldier who they bring has also settled, Horne gave their soldier to divide a big region specially, but can also recruit more soldiers. 而他们带来的士兵也已经安顿好了,霍恩专门给他们的士兵划分了一大片的区域,还能够招募更多的士兵。 When Kane found them, discovered that they are looking at anything. 凯恩找到克蕾雅他们时,发现克蕾雅他们正在看着什么。 What are you looking at? Looks such earnestly?” Kane asked. “你们在看什么呢?看得这么认真?”凯恩问道。 Referred to the front. 克蕾雅指了指前方。 Kane looks in the direction that refers, seeing only there should be the recruiting places of various soldiers, recruits put on the brand-new armor to walk from inside. 凯恩朝着克蕾雅所指的方向看去,只见那里应该是各种士兵的招募场所,一个个新兵穿着崭新的铠甲从里面走出来。 Attractively what does military recruit have?” Kane strange asking. “招募士兵有什么好看的?”凯恩奇怪的问道。 „Do you also want to recruit the recruit again?” “你们也想再去招募一下新兵?” Nods, shakes the head: Just looked at a meritorious military service, truly can recruit some soldiers again, but we look is not these, you wait a while carefully to look.” 克蕾雅点点头,又摇摇头:“刚刚看了一下战功,确实可以再去招募些士兵,不过我们看的不是这些,你等一会儿仔细看。” Kane carefully looks, after a while latter from a recruiting tent of long-distance soldier, came out with the soldier of crossbow, compares these to take the crossbow soldier who the soldier as well as Kane of crossbow they recruit, the crossbow trigger mechanism on this soldier hand is much bigger. 凯恩仔细看去,过了一会儿后从一个远程士兵的招募营帐,出来了一个拿弩的士兵,相比那些拿弩的士兵以及凯恩他们所招募的弩兵,这个士兵手上的弩机要大得多。 Kane carefully looks, under of this crossbow has a style of ammunition box, the words that has not misread should be even/including Nu. 凯恩仔细看去,这弩的下方有着一个弹盒的样式,没有看错的话应该是连弩。 New branch of the services?” “新兵种?” Hears the Kane words, nods. 听到凯恩的话,克蕾雅点点头。 This felt strange, soldier who in the dungeon recruits, truly according to recruiting the region that the place different as well as seizes different presents the change. 这就奇怪了,地牢里招募的士兵,确实会根据招募的地方不同以及所占领的区域不同出现改变。 Even presents higher first-level branch of the services, but in the material has not written to seize the fort any strange branch of the services. 甚至出现更高一级的兵种,但是资料上并没有写占领要塞会多出什么奇怪的兵种。 However now truly comes out, this fort regarding each Adventurer earlier very important, such information must mark. 但是现在确实多出来了,这个要塞对于每个探索者前期来说都非常的重要,这样的信息不可能不标记出来。 Why then doesn't have? 那么为什么没有呢? Either was the dungeon presented the change, either was Kane they achieved some hidden condition. 要么是地牢出现了改变,要么就是凯恩他们达成了某种隐藏条件。 However these information have nothing to confirm that this dungeon must vanish in any case. 不过这些信息也没什么好证实的,反正这地牢也要消失了。 Walks, we go to have a look.” Kane they were saying to, later walks toward the tent of that military recruit. “走吧,我们进去看看。”凯恩对着克蕾雅他们说道,随后向着那个招募士兵的营帐走去。 After Kane they walk, discovered before this , went to the soldier recruits the tent to have no difference. 凯恩他们走进来后,发现这里面和之前去过的士兵招募营帐没有任何的区别。 A record officer is sitting on the chair at this time, after seeing Kane they to come, asked: „Do fellow senior officials need to recruit the recruit? This recruits the sign.” 一位记事官此时正坐在椅子上,看见凯恩他们进来后问道:“各位长官是需要招募新兵吗?这是招募牌。” Said that hands over a wooden sign, the meritorious military service that above writes his here to have the branch of the services as well as each branch of the services that needs to spend. 说完递过来一个木牌,上面写着他这里拥有的兵种以及每个兵种所需要花费的战功。 Similarly has the archer and crossbowman, but side came out new branch of the services. 同样有着弓箭手和弩手,但是旁边又多出来了一个新的兵种。 Including crossbowman 5 连弩手五 The branch of the services that comes out newly are really continually a crossbowman . Moreover the meritorious military service of recruiting unexpectedly with the heavy cavalry is a price, feels some owing slightly. 新出来的兵种果然是连弩手,而且招募的战功居然和重骑兵是一个价格,感觉有些略微的亏。 At this time Kane started examined his to have many meritorious military service. 这时候凯恩才开始查看其自己有着多少的战功。 Equips Jiang jade to take from the space, swept a chest front badge. 从空间装备里将玉牌拿出来,扫了一下胸前的徽章。 Kane 凯恩 Hundred husbands long + 百夫长+ Military: 195 / 200 兵力:195/200 Meritorious military service: 2355 战功:2355 Has not thought that also died five soldiers, but the meritorious military service are actually many. 没想到还死了五个士兵,不过战功倒是蛮多的。 Kane previous time almost consumed the meritorious military service, this time came out more than 2000, has saying that the Kane physical construction knowledge added the thermal weapon that his Original Skill manufactured, the lethality regarding these soldiers was too big. 凯恩上次几乎将战功消耗完了,这次又多出来了2000多,不得不说凯恩的机械构造知识加他的本源技能所制造出来的热武器,对于这些士兵来说杀伤力太大了。 But they most also no longer was, but followed Kane together in Li path path who another online battled. 而克蕾雅他们最多的也不再是克蕾雅了,而是跟着凯恩一起在另外一条线上作战的莉路路。 The soldier who they, in addition they lead, almost 4000 enemies another side annihilates cleanly. 他们两人,再加上他们所带领的士兵,几乎就将另外一边的4000敌军歼灭干净。 Are been extremely few by the enemy number that Horne subordinate soldier gets rid of, possibly is also less than 100. 被霍恩部下士兵所干掉的敌军数量极少,可能还不到100个。 But them must fight to kill the enemy the number with more than 4000 soldiers at that time, therefore compared with Kane they few is very normal. 而克蕾雅他们这边当时可是要跟4000多名士兵争抢杀敌数的,所以比凯恩他们少是非常正常的。 This Kane was conducting the click to own military rank again. 这一次凯恩再一次对着自己的军衔进行了点击。 The meritorious military service that this promotion needs to spend arrived at 700 points, has to say a little, compared with previous time directly 500 points. 这一次的提升所需要花费的战功来到了700点,不得不说有点多了,比上一次直接多了500点。 However Kane upgraded. 不过凯恩还是进行了升级。 Hundred husband's long military ranks still have not changed, but was turned into gold-edged by the original silver. 百夫长的军衔依然没有改变,只是由原本的银边变成了金边。 The military that can lead from 200 was also enhanced 500. 所能够带领的兵力也由200提升到了500。 But they also promoted near the silver hundred husband long military ranks in abundance. 而克蕾雅他们也纷纷提升到了银边的百夫长军衔。 „Do you want to recruit?” Kane turns the head to ask. “你们要招募吗?”凯恩转头问道。 Finally only then Medsker must recruit, his meritorious military service number is not many, the improvement military rank is continuing, recruited more than 100 continually crossbowmen, almost soon consumes. 最后只有梅兹克要招募,他身上的战功数不是很多,提升军衔在继续,招募了100多名连弩手,几乎就快要消耗一空。 Kane thinks, recruited 200 continually crossbowmen, the remaining meritorious military service he prepares to recruit 100 many bow rider again. 凯恩想了想,招募了200名连弩手,剩下的战功他准备再招募100多的弓骑手。 Afterward they arrived in other recruiting tents, but these recruit the tent to have no new soldier branch of the services to recruit for them. 随后他们来到了其他的招募营帐内,而这些招募营帐就没有什么新的士兵兵种可供他们招募。 Supplemented 100 many heavy cavalries, Li groups of also supplemented 100 light cavalries, Lombe supplemented directly 150 blade shield soldiers( holds lance). 克蕾雅补充了100多的重骑兵,莉路路同样补充了100的轻骑兵,隆贝直接补充了150名的刀盾兵(持矛)。 Most many that because Lombe's blade shield soldier consumes, fought only to have more than 50 after these. 因为隆贝的刀盾兵消耗的最多,经过这些战斗下来只剩下50多名了。 No longer needs to go to manage as for remaining them, because they almost raised a team leader to oneself soldier, is responsible for managing the respective soldier by him. 至于剩下的他们就不再需要去管了,因为他们几乎都给自己的士兵提了一个队长,由他负责管理各自的士兵。 They returned to divide to their stretch of fort military compounds. 他们回到了划分给他们的那片要塞军营。 A spacious stone building of two story-high, is their temporary residences. 一座两层高的宽大石屋,便是他们的临时住所。 The surroundings are proliferating the soldier tent, the entrance several soldiers are also standing guard. 周围是遍布着的士兵营帐,门口还有几个士兵正在站岗。 Saw Kane they to come next a ritual. 看见凯恩他们来了后行了一礼。 Returned to the room. 回到了房间内。 The room in room still has no one to suit build. 房间内的房间依然没有哪一间是适合克蕾雅的体型的。 Finally becomes through the Li path path magic transformation suits. 最后还是通过莉路路的魔法改造才变得适合。 Sits in the living room, Kane starts to take inventory the harvests after this these fights. 坐在客厅上,凯恩开始清点这段这几场战斗后的收获。 Two lines add the final fort, bestowing coin that 200 altogether harvests over, a great sum of money. 两条线路加最后的要塞,总共收获的赐币200出头,一笔巨款。 The best quality goods of copper level equip certain, silver rank altogether also three good best quality goods equipment. 铜级的极品装备若干,银色等级的总共也有三件不错的极品装备。 Except that before Kane, outside that two weapons that obtain, one is the magic accessory, after the guard military officer death of fort exposes. 除了凯恩之前获得的那两件武器外,还有一个是魔法饰品,是由要塞的守卫将领死亡后曝出来的。 【The abstention of precise 【精密施法之戒】 Accessory 【饰品】 Luster: Silver 【色泽:银色】 Attribute: Medium improvement magic intensity 【属性:中等提升魔法强度】 Skill:】 【技能:】 Soul shock and awe( Each magic injury attack has certain probability to create magic shock and awe effect on enemy, causes its dizziness.) 【灵魂震慑】(每一次魔法伤害攻击都有一定的几率会对敌人造成魔法震慑效果,使其眩晕。) powerful( Each magic arts have certain probability to obtain 1.5 times of laws to impose.) 【强力施法】(每一道法术都有一定的几率获得1.5倍的法强加成。) Introduced: The fight rare powerful equipment, had this equipment, then can make you oppose the enemy goes smoothly everywhere.】 【介绍:战斗施法者不可多得的强力装备,有了这件装备,便能够让你在对敌中无往不利。】 This equipment attribute is good, but also supplements two passive skills, although is that skill that looks at the face, has certain probability to trigger. 这件装备属性不错,还附带两个被动技能,虽然都是属于那种看脸的技能,有着一定的几率触发。 However this equipment obviously gives Li path path, but Li groups of most do not lack is the luck. 但是这件装备明显是交给莉路路的,而莉路路最不缺的就是运气。 It can be said that suited. 可以说是非常的适合了。 Therefore don't even go there, this equipment gave Li path path directly. 所以没什么好说的,这件装备直接就交给了莉路路。 Other equipment can only can be the trash, after needing the entry dungeon, takes to process. 其余的装备都只能算得上是垃圾,需要通关地牢后拿出去处理掉。 Besides the magic material of copper level, the silver material that several fight, altogether can fill three Silver Magic Stone. 除了铜级的魔法材料外,几场战斗下来的银色材料,总共可以充满三颗银色魔石 In addition they two Silver Magic Stone that comes the 1st fight after dungeon to obtain, in such brief time, they obtained 5 Silver Magic Stone. 再加上他们来地牢后的第一场战斗所获得的两颗银色魔石,就这么简短的时间内,他们就获得了五颗银色魔石 Currently just has the time to conduct the extraction of skill. 现在刚好有时间来进行技能的抽取。 Although Kane has no skill of wish now, does not lack what skill, but Skill Rune in their skill square had not been learned by them. 虽然凯恩现在没有什么想要的技能,也不缺什么技能,而克蕾雅他们的技能格内的技能石还没有被他们学会。 Therefore Kane has no too big demand to Skill Rune now, but leaves behind also does not have any use these silver skill magic stone, might as well bring to pull out the skill to consider as finished. 所以凯恩现在对技能石没有什么太大的需求,但是将这些银色技能魔石留下也没有什么用处,不如拿来抽技能算了。 Should also be able to extract increases attribute consumption Skill Rune, can obtain the rise of strength, why not. 应该也能抽取一些增加属性的消耗型技能石,也能获得实力的提升,何乐而不为呢。 Let alone on his present has a very interesting magic material. 更别说他现在手上有着一件非常有意思的魔法材料。 This magic material has the attribute. 这件魔法材料带有属性。 This is they explodes by, and was chosen by Medsker. 这是由克蕾雅他们爆出来的,并且被梅兹克挑选出来。 Medsker as the alchemy master, although has not appraised the skill of equipment, the energy of but to these materials and equipment in sending out very sensitive. 梅兹克身为炼金术师,虽然没有鉴定装备的技能,但是对这些材料和装备上散发出来的能量非常的敏感。 His keen detection to this material on, energy some that sends out was not right, therefore then chooses alone, with Kane meeting time gave him. 他敏锐的察觉到了这件材料上,所散发出来的能量有些不对劲,所以便单独挑选出来,和凯恩会合的时候交给了他。 However only what makes one be a pity, this material is not the silver material, but is the copper color, can only extract the copper color skill use. 不过唯一让人可惜的是,这材料并不是银色的材料,而是铜色的,只能抽取铜色的技能使用。 However Kane does not lack Bronze Magic Stone, the skill that if extracts is truly good, is worth promoting, Kane will not be parsimonious. 不过凯恩并不缺铜色魔石,如果抽取出来的技能确实不错,值得升级的话,凯恩也不会吝啬。 Four-leaf clover 【四叶草】 Magic material 【魔法材料】 Luster: Copper color 【色泽:铜色】 Rule: Lucky( When extraction skill, can treat as in introduction investment law supplementary rule attribute material, making Skill Rune that it extracts favor rule.) 【规则:幸运】(在抽取技能的时候,可以将附带规则属性的材料当做引子投入法阵中,使其抽取到的技能石倾向于规则。) Attribute: Micro promotes the magic stone energy 【属性:微量提升魔石能量】 Introduced: In the legend, the four-leaf clover can bring the lucky plant, countless person's beliefs, condensed to represent the lucky rule for it.】 【介绍:传说之中,四叶草是能够带来幸运的植物,无数人的信仰,为它凝聚出了代表幸运的规则。】 Rule that on this material supplements, is very mysterious as well as fire imagination luck. 这材料上附带的规则,还是非常神秘以及让人神往的幸运。 Don't even go there, Kane rubbed rubbing hands, impatient wants to extract. 没什么好说的,凯恩搓了搓手,迫不及待的就想要抽取。 Calls directly Book of Ventures. 直接唤出【冒险之书】。 Turns to an extraction law that page, equips from the space again puts out copper color magic stone to pinch in the hand. 翻到抽取法阵的那一页,再从空间装备里拿出一颗铜色的魔石捏在手中。 Afterward palm according to extraction law. 随后将手掌按在抽取法阵上。 Extraction skill 【抽取技能】 Whether consumes Bronze Magic Stone extraction skill 【是否消耗铜色魔石抽取技能】 Is No 【是】【否】 Yes “是” Examines to have regular attribute magic material 【检测到带有规则属性的魔法材料】 If must use, please throw into magic material law in advance 【如需使用,请将魔法材料先行丢进法阵中】 Moves away from law the hand, again side Four-leaf clover The material took up to place in law. 将手从法阵上拿开,再将旁边的【四叶草】材料拿起放在了法阵上。 As law rotation material sends out the ray of undulating, changed into the particle that is sending out the undulating green light, spilled into law. 随着法阵的转动材料散发出澹澹的光芒,化为了散发着澹澹绿光的微粒,涌进了法阵之中。 With a law rotation, Bronze Magic Stone in Kane hand also vanishes does not see, what is following was in the hand presented a flake. 随着法阵的转动,凯恩手中的铜色魔石也消失不见,随之而来的是手上出现了一枚石片。 rune/symbol writing on flake the 1st time is a style of four-leaf clover, Kane saw rune/symbol writing on Skill Rune is such chart tuart. 石片上的符文是一枚四叶草的样式,凯恩还是第一次看见技能石上的符文是如此的图桉。 Impatient examination attribute. 迫不及待的查看起属性。 Name: Lucky dice 【名称:幸运骰子】 Category: Active Skill 【类别:主动技能 Luster: Copper color 【色泽:铜色】 Explained: The expenditure charm condenses one in the hand, has the six dices of lucky magic, has three represent luck 123 respectively, with three represents 123 that the mildew transports/fortunes. 【说明:花费魔力在手中凝聚出一枚,有着幸运魔法的六面骰子,分别有着三面代表幸运的123,和三面代表霉运的123。 Afterward you can throw the dice to in the air, when the dice falls to a flat body toward on that side, represents the addition that you will obtain. 随后你可以将骰子抛至空中,当骰子落到一个平面物体是朝上的那一面,则代表你将获得的加成。 The red points represent luck, 1 luck remains unchanged, 2 points obtain 1.5 to become 3 points to obtain two luck more luck more become. 红色的点数代表幸运,一点幸运保持不变,二点幸运获得1.5倍加成三点幸运获得两倍加成。 The black points transport/fortune on behalf of the mildew, 1 point obtains with current the mildew of isometric transports/fortunes luck, 2 points obtain the current lucky 1.5 times of mildew to transport, 3 points obtain the current lucky two times of mildew to transport. 黑色的点数代表霉运,一点获得与当前幸运相等量的霉运,二点获得当前幸运的1.5倍霉运,三点获得当前幸运的两倍霉运。 The effect of throwing maintains for one hour, needs to cool 7 days to be able next time to conduct to throw. 】 投出来的效果维持一个小时,需要冷却七天的时间才能进行下一次投掷。】 Introduced: Wants even white obtains luck is not possible, but you can while giving the price obtains luck, this does not have the issue. Remembers the world not free lunch.】 【介绍:想要平白的获得幸运是不可能的,但是你能在给予代价的同时获得幸运,这是没有问题的。记住天下没有免费的午餐。】 Is looking in the hand the introduction of skill. 看着手中技能的介绍。 How can I say, truly regarding the present very useful, moreover is worth promoting absolutely the silver skill it. 怎么说呢,确实对于现在来说非常的有用,而且绝对值得将它升级成银色技能。 However according to the skill explained, the acquired negative effect must be bigger than the positive/direct effect. 不过根据技能说明,获得的负面效果要大于正面效果。 However is in addition is lucky, this does not have the matter of means. 不过毕竟是加幸运,这也是没办法的事情。 Click downloading home station APP, the magnanimous novel, read free smoothly! 点击下载本站APP,海量小说,免费畅读!
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