DSED :: Volume #5

#414: Capturing

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The extraction skill, explores dungeon Chapter 414 to capture 抽取技能,探索地牢第414章攻下 Gaia's fist! 盖亚之拳! The enemy that must insert, looks below that sudden huge mechanical iron fist, loses to project the arrow in hand. 要塞上的敌军,看着下方那突然出现的巨大机械铁拳,不停的将手中的箭失抛射下去。 However this huge mechanical iron fist is irresistible, numerous pounding on the front door of fort. 然而这巨大的机械铁拳势不可挡,重重的砸在了要塞的大门上。 Bang!” “砰!” The huge sound spreads over all around. 巨大的声响传遍四周。 Under this huge vibration, the soldier who must insert has much somewhat could not come to a stop, individual hapless fool from must insert directly falls. 在这巨大的震动下,要塞上的士兵有不少都有些站不稳了,个别倒霉蛋直接从要塞上掉了下来。 The giant mist and dust fills all around with the loud sound. 巨大的烟尘随着巨响弥漫四周。 When the mist and dust diverges, the huge mechanical iron fist and Kane form has disappeared does not see. 当烟尘散去时,巨大机械铁拳以及凯恩的身影已经消失不见。 Stays behind must insert that giant hole. 留下的则是要塞上那巨大的窟窿。 The fort was penetrated. 要塞被击穿了。 This clear was seen by Horne, his facial expression excited loud exclaiming. 这一幕清清楚楚的被霍恩看见,他神情激动大声的吼道。 Attack!” “进攻!” All soldiers hold up the shield and weapon, fast flushes away toward the fort under. 所有的士兵举起盾牌和武器,快速的向着要塞下冲去。 But the long-distance soldier advances to the soldier who must insert is conducting the ejection, to prevent the movement that they attack. 而远程士兵则先行对着要塞上的士兵进行着抛射,以阻挡他们攻击的动作。 Kane has appeared through the twinkle in the team at this time, the side built the firepower platform again. 凯恩此时早就通过闪烁出现在了队伍内,身旁再次架起了火力平台。 In the eye, the cross accurate heart had been conducting the aiming to fort above these soldiers. 眼中,十字准心早就对着要塞上方那些士兵进行了瞄准。 Fire thunders, escorts to these soldiers who shells the enemy must insert. 身旁的炮火轰鸣,将一颗颗炮弹送往了敌军要塞上的那些士兵。 They have followed the soldier to clash. 克蕾雅他们早就跟随着士兵冲了出去。 Lombe pushes to the front, body turned into 5 meters high limestone giant, lifts the shield to open the iron wall shield against in the frontline, all the arrow rain of coming kept off by him. 隆贝更是一马当先,身型变成了五米高的灰石巨人,举着盾牌张开铁壁盾防冲在最前方,所有迎面而来的箭雨都被他挡了下来。 Escorts for behind soldier. 为身后的士兵保驾护航。 At this time above soldier also keeping downward is projecting, tried to slow down the attack footsteps of red soldier. 这时候上方的士兵还在不停的向下抛射着,试图减缓红色士兵的进攻脚步。 Shells were delivered to their sides, the explosive sound resound in their surroundings and bridge approaches, let being off their feet that they explode, once for a while has the unlucky soldier to be exploded directly. 一颗颗炮弹被送到他们的身旁,爆炸声在他们的周围以及桥边响起,让他们炸的人仰马翻,时不时的就有倒霉的士兵直接被炸下来。 These shells are insufficient, the above also has the rainbow color five pointed star star, downward crash. 只是这些炮弹还不够,上方还有着彩虹色的五角星星,不停的向下坠落。 After these soldiers see, metropolis/can instinct avoids to the surroundings. 这些士兵看见后都会本能的向周围躲避。 But these city garrison instruments, the giant bed crossbow had conducted the key mark by Kane, even an arrow has not projected, was exploded the pulp. 而那些城防器械,巨大的床弩早就被凯恩进行了重点标记,甚至一箭都还没有射出,就被炸得稀巴烂。 Above fort these long-distance soldiers no one have gone to manage them again. 要塞上方的那些远程士兵已经没人再去管他们了。 Quickly, arrives in a big hurry!” “快快快,抵上去!” Just still in the rampant blue side military officer, kept shouting before that giant hole, directed the soldier to lift the shield to keep off by the hole stubbornly, prevents the forthcoming red side soldier to attack the fort. 刚刚还在嚣张的蓝色方将领,在那巨大的窟窿前不停地呼喊着,指挥着士兵举着盾牌死死地挡在窟窿旁,阻挡着即将到来的红色方士兵攻进要塞。 He must before the support arrives defends this fort, otherwise the red influence can depend on the fort to resurge. 他必须在支援到来之前守下这座要塞,不然红色的势力就能够依托要塞死灰复燃。 Their beforehand efforts were all in vain. 那他们之前的努力全都白费了。 First to/clashes, is the heavy cavalry of halfway acceleration, before they soldier direct impacts toward these holes. 最先冲过来的,是半路加速的重骑兵,他们向着这些窟窿前的士兵直冲而来。 All blue soldiers squat down, steady is lifting shield in the hand, the tall and slender lance will build. 所有的蓝色士兵都蹲下,稳稳的举着自己手中的盾牌,将细长的长矛架起。 However these heavy armor cavalries absolutely truly do not have to/clashes, turns around in the halfway. 然而这些重甲骑兵根本就没有真正的冲过来,在半路就掉了个头。 In their behind, is 30 spirit cavalries who leads. 在他们的身后,是克蕾雅所带领的30名幽灵骑兵。 These spirit cavalries disregard the shield and long spear/gun, the direct incarnation is the spirit shape, passed through these soldiers to arrive at them behind. 这些幽灵骑兵无视盾牌和长枪,直接化身为幽灵形态,穿过了这些士兵来到了他们的身后。 The blue flame that these spirit as well as on ignites, following them on, adhered to stick cohere on these soldiers. 这些幽灵以及克蕾雅身上燃起的蓝色火焰,顺着他们身上,附着在了这些士兵上。 All soldiers by the ache that the flame ignites, the stimulation sways back and forth to shout on the ground, the weapon in hand under the ignition of flame is impossible to take steadily. 所有的士兵都被火焰燃起的疼痛,刺激的在地上打滚嘶吼,手中的武器在火焰的灼烧下根本就不可能拿得稳。 But these turn around the heavy cavalry who and to/clashes to make use to directly, with irresistible force, does not have any impediment. 而那些掉头又冲过来的重骑兵直接趁势冲进来,势如破竹,没有任何的阻挡。 But that the military officer of blue side is riding the warhorse, the brain prevents the enemy outside, takes up the long sword in hand to clash. 而那蓝色方的将领骑着战马,满脑子都是将敌人阻挡在外,拿起手中的长剑就对着克蕾雅冲来。 Faces military officer who is flushing, looks at his strength far weak in oneself, in hand takes the flying wing to the sword. 面对着冲过来的将领,看着他的实力远弱于自己,克蕾雅手中拿着飞翼对剑。 A sword prevents the sword blade that the blue military officer comes upwardly, the sword blade of right hand wields gently. 一剑向上阻挡下来蓝色将领噼过来的剑刃,右手的剑刃轻轻挥动。 The blue military officer only felt that own field of vision is dizzy, later enters the darkness. 蓝色将领只感觉自己的视野天旋地转,随后进入黑暗。 Looks at the pile of dust of under foot, turns the head to turn toward other soldiers to kill. 克蕾雅看着脚下的一堆尘埃,转头向着其他的士兵杀去。 But her behind the giant hole, Lombe as well as many soldiers had flushed, this fort complete falling into enemy hands. 而她那身后巨大的窟窿,隆贝以及许多士兵都已经冲了进来,这要塞已经完全的失守。 Taking is only the issue of time, naturally this time flies. 拿下只是时间的问题,当然这时间必须要快。 Kane through the link of body, told to flutter in the above cotton candy to wanting the area north of the Great Wall flutters. 凯恩通过身体的链接,告诉飘在上空的棉花糖向要塞外飘去。 Let it carry the eye of charm to monitor the situation of below support, must before the enemy side supports completely catches up takes the fort, and prepares defense. 让它携带魔力之眼去监视下方支援的情况,必须在敌方支援赶来之前完整的将要塞拿下,并做好防守准备。 Now everyone has stormed into the fort comprehensively. 现在所有人都已经全面攻入了要塞。 Everyone picks up the speed to strike to kill.” Ruby of Kane on through collar gets the clip, conducted the pass on message to all team members. “所有人加快速度进行击杀。”凯恩通过衣领上的红宝石领夹,给所有的队员进行了传讯。 They must do now, is with every effort struck to kill the effective strength of enemy side, in order to avoid being given to forestall by Horne's subordinate soldier, now was the robbing resources of racing against time. 他们现在要做的,就是尽力的去击杀敌方的有生力量,以免被霍恩的手下士兵给抢了先,现在属于是争分夺秒的抢夺资源了。 Good.” “好的。” Does not have the issue, good brothers.” “没问题,好兄弟。” Li path path, attacks!” “莉路路,出击!” Un.” “嗯。” The ruby lead(er) clamps to transmit the information that all teammates receive. 红宝石领夹上传来所有队友收到的信息。 At this time the enemy that wanted Cery to resist was still meeting with a disaster. 这时候还在要塞里抵抗的敌军便遭了殃。 Kane arrives in the city wall in fort directly, cleans up all soldiers with the rotation launcher. 凯恩直接来到要塞的城墙上,用轮转发射器将所有的士兵都清理掉。 Built a firepower battleline in the city wall directly, in the eye the crosshair covered entirely the entire field of vision, is conducting the point to kill to under all enemies. 直接在城墙上架起了一道火力阵线,眼中十字准星布满了整个视野,对着下方所有的敌军进行着点杀。 dá dá!” “哒哒哒!” With the fast rotation of launcher, bullet storm one after another. The downward incline was many enemies is penetrated the head to fall down by the bullet that this came bewilderedly, changed into piles of dust. 随着发射器的快速轮转,一轮又一轮的子弹风暴。向下倾斜是许多的敌军都被这莫名其妙而来的子弹击穿了头颅倒在地上,化为了一堆堆尘埃。 to subdue|grams leads own spirit soldier in entire to want Cery to batter elegantly, passes through various obstacles directly. 克来雅带着自己的幽灵士兵在整个要塞里横冲直撞,直接穿过各种障碍物。 The master in fort, had taken away to attack them before, now wanted Cery not to have the master, even cannot use the soldier who the magic attacked, therefore these soldier not slight threats regarding. 要塞中的法师,之前就已经被抽掉过去进攻他们,现在要塞里已经没有了法师,甚至没有能够使用魔法攻击的士兵,所以对于克蕾雅来说这些士兵没有丝毫的威胁。 The Li path path twinkle star, fast and accurate hit these want the soldier who escapes or resists. 莉路路的闪烁星星,快速又精准的命中那些想要逃跑或者抵抗的士兵。 Lombe has killed the four directions in soldier most places greatly. 隆贝一直在士兵最多的地方大杀四方。 Even Medsker, will still find time to use the charm palm to the surrounding enemy in the treatments is striking to kill. 即使是梅兹克,也会在治疗之间抽空使用魔力手掌对着周围的敌军进行着击杀。 With Kane their efforts, all enemy numbers fast reduction. 凯恩他们的努力下,所有的敌军数量都在快速的减少。 In a while, the enemy died. 没过多久,敌军就全部死亡。 But in the fort, on these flagpoles is fluttering blue white flag also in fast is conducting the transformation, goes toward the red and white color. 而要塞中,那些旗杆上飘扬着的蓝白色旗帜也在快速的进行着转换,向着红白的颜色而去。 Archer mounts the front city wall, the attention stands guard, other soldiers find the respective rest the place.” “弓箭手登上前方的城墙,注意警戒,其余士兵找好各自休息的地方。” After Horne said that was saying to side that three military officers: Some organization good soldiers to start to go on patrol in periphery, spreads our scouts, I must know the situation that the enemy supports, all the rotation of patrol must organize.” 霍恩说完后,便对着自己身旁那三位将领说道:“组织好一些士兵开始在周围进行巡逻,把我们的探子散布出去,我要知道敌军支援过来的情况,还有所有巡逻的轮换要组织好。” With Horne's orders, three military officers start to go into action respectively, entire fort fast start revolution. 随着霍恩的一道道命令,三位将领各自开始行动起来,整个要塞快速的开始运转。 With seizure of fort, the place of artisan camp presented many artisans. 随着要塞的占领,工匠营的地方出现了不少的工匠。 More artisans start to construct various types of city garrison instruments in side, walks randomly in the city wall in fort. 更多的工匠在旁边开始修建起各种城防器械,游走在要塞的城墙上。 These artisans start in the fort, as well as in each city wall the destroyed area is conducting patching. 这些工匠开始在要塞,以及各个城墙上被摧毁的地区进行着修补。 The empty shadow directly reveals in these defects and holes, later fills up, these artisans then start with the hand in iron hammer or are being the mallet rap, these empty shadow also gradually congealing realities. 虚影直接在这些缺失和窟窿上显露出来,随后填满,这些工匠便开始拿着手中的铁锤或者是木锤敲击起来,这些虚影也渐渐凝实。 In Kane of nearby appraisal equipment, is looking at this, cannot help but sighed these artisans easily-to-use. 正在旁边鉴定装备的凯恩,看着这一幕,不由得感叹这些工匠是真的好用。 If can bring, that easily-to-use. 要是能带出去的话,那得多好用。 At this time Horne walked to hold Kane that made an effort: Thank your Kane, your words, we wanted to take this fort, does not know that must spend the big price.” 这时候霍恩走过来用力的抱了抱凯恩:“感谢你凯恩,要不是你的话,我们想要拿下这座要塞,不知道要花费多大的代价。” Where, you overpraised, mainly by the soldier who you wield.” “哪里,你过奖了,主要还是靠你挥下的士兵。” Ha, Kane like this modest, ok, then first did not chat these, came with me quickly, we discussed the following tactical situation.” “哈哈哈,凯恩还是这样的谦虚,好了,那么就先不聊这些了,快跟我来吧,我们商量一下后面的战况。” Then, Horne then brings Kane the command post toward fort to walk. 说完,霍恩便带着凯恩两人向着要塞的指挥室走去。 At this time by the command post has also set up the red white flag, inside hangs a map of demonstration dungeon terrain, the center also has a giant sand table, in that sand table compared with camp must understand clearly. 此时指挥室旁边也已经立起了红白色的旗帜,里面挂着一张展示地牢地形的地图,中央同样有着一个巨大的沙盘,比营地之中的那个沙盘还要更加的清晰明了。 Horne arrives by the sand table directly. 霍恩直接来到沙盘旁边。 On the sand table, the red sphere of influence expands again, what arrives in the front is a fort shape red fortress, after being slanting , the two sides are two camps. 沙盘上,红方的势力范围再次扩大,抵在前方的是一座要塞形状的红色堡垒,斜后两边是两座营地。 Here present was our forts, but the front of our fort was various camps and the sphere of influence enemy.” “这里现在就是我们的要塞了,而我们要塞的前方就是敌军的各种营地和势力范围了。” Horne referred to these blue people in fort front occasionally. 霍恩指了指要塞前方的那些蓝色人偶。 These people are representing a camp of blue side occasionally. 这些一个人偶就代表着一个蓝色方的营地。 But has 5 camps in the front of fort fully, behind the surroundings also has the dense and numerous distributions on the entire map. 而就在要塞的前方整整有着五个营地,周围后方还有着更多密密麻麻的分布在整个张地图上。 Now they can depend on the fort to conduct the defense, had a better initiative, can dispatch troops slowly nibbles the front camp. 现在他们能够依托要塞进行着防守,有了更好的主动权,可以派兵慢慢的对前方的营地进行蚕食。 Properly speaking the blue side has such big influence, so long as gathers the military, direct the red side that comes Kane they to be , the strength without hit back. 按理来说蓝色方有着这么大的势力,只要将兵力聚集起来,直接a过来凯恩他们所在的红色方,根本就没有还手的力量。 These do not need to go excessively to intertwine in the dungeon material that because Kane they obtain has conducted the explanation. 这些都不需要去过多纠结因为凯恩他们所获得的地牢资料上已经进行了解答。 Front has said that this dungeon should distribute the every large or small more than ten influences, but that Adventurer should act according to joins the influence the difference, after the entry, is rewarded is not same. 前面说过,这个地牢原本应该分布着大大小小十几个势力,而探索者本应该根据加入势力的不同,通关后获得的奖励也不相同。 Because of meddling of dungeon will, turned into two influences on oppose the enemy in some time mutually. 但是因为地牢意志的插手,在某个时间段变成了两个势力相互对敌。 Moreover Adventurer can only choose that area, is only left over finally 5 small and weak influences. 而且探索者只能选择那个占地面积,只剩下最后五的弱小势力。 After the discovery of Adventurer, the blue side because of meddling of dungeon will, these other influences gathered completely in the same place turns. 后来经过探索者的发现,蓝色方因为地牢意志的插手,那些其他势力全部合在一起变成的。 Although these people become the same influence, but many person unusual disaffection, are the degree of being listens to adjust does not listen to proclaim. 虽然这些人成为了同一个势力,但有许多人都非常的不满,属于是听调不听宣的程度。 Only if said that the red side crawled completely, or was their original domains is attacked, otherwise they will only be a drag on entire influence, moreover towed mutually. 除非说红色方完全爬起来了,或者是他们原本的地盘被攻打了,不然他们只会拖整个势力的后腿,而且是相互拖。 But this is Adventurer, can have the reason that the opportunity goes through customs, hope that otherwise has not basically gone through customs. 而这就是探索者,能够有机会通关的原因,不然的话基本上没有通关的希望。 For example the fort that Kane they seize now, around that several camps with fort, once was the same influence, therefore they can come the support attack. 比如凯恩他们现在所占领的这个要塞,和要塞周围的那几个营地,曾经属于同一个势力,所以他们才会过来支援进攻。 But farther these camps and areas, the fundamental principle will not pay attention to here. 而更远的那些营地和地区,根本理都不会理会这边。 At this time Horne said: These camps should form allied armies to attack the fort in these days, we must defend the fort, what good idea does Chief Kane have?” 这时候霍恩说道:“这几个营地应该会在这几天组成一支联军来进攻要塞,我们必须将要塞防守住,凯恩队长有没有什么好的想法?” Has the dungeon information scratch coat, Kane looked how regarding to defend the fort, and nibbles this surrounding camp to have the clear mentality. 有着地牢的信息打底,凯恩看对于如何防守要塞,并蚕食掉这周围的营地有着清晰的思路。 Then discusses with Horne. 便和霍恩探讨起来。 + joins the bookmark + +加入书签+
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