DSED :: Volume #5

#413: Attack fort

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The extraction skill, explores the dungeon Chapter 413 attack fort 抽取技能,探索地牢第413章进攻要塞 As ding the winter the sound. 随着叮冬的响声。 The camps by blue become the red-white white/in vain, even if this block were seized by the red and white strength officially completely. 营地由蓝白变为红白,这片区就算是正式被红白实力完全占领。 In the camps these various function tents, starts ordinary human that presents wears matches colors red and white. 营地里那些各种各样功能型的营帐内部,开始出现身穿红白配色的普通人类。 They cannot leave the respective respective tent, to the camp range beyond, is the inherent personnel of respective tent. 他们不能离开各自所属的营帐,去往营地范围之外,属于各自营账的固有人员。 Various soldiers recruit in the tent, starts to go out of the soldier. 各种士兵招募营帐内,开始走出士兵来。 Can command 500 people of military officers, appeared arrived in the big tent, he was also Horne's subordinate. 一位能够统领500人的将领,出现来到了大营帐内,他同样属于霍恩的手下。 But these keep from recruiting the tent goes out of the soldier who the soldier who is also same Horne. 而那些不停的从招募营帐内走出的士兵也一样霍恩的士兵。 Horne is similar to the most senior general of entire red and white influence, every time will seize a camp or the area according to the size automatic fill army of camp and area, but these armies will provide to Horne free, a necessary military officer. 霍恩就类似于整个红白势力的最高级将领,每占领一个营地或者地区都会根据营地和地区的大小自动填补军队,而这些军队都是免费提供给霍恩的,还有配套的一个将领。 These military officers and soldiers same are the degree of recruit, the soldier who no matter the strength can lead, is most foundation, the participation fight that needs to keep can escalate to lead more soldiers. 这些将领和士兵一样都属于新兵的程度,不管是实力还是能够带领的士兵,都属于最基础,需要不停的参加战斗才能升级带领更多的士兵。 When night, the soldiers start conducts to dine, after seizing the camp , the soldier who recruits has achieved more than 3000 people. 等到夜里,士兵们都开始进行用餐时,占领营地后重新招募进来的士兵已经达到了3000多人。 After these population are almost this camp was seized, given soldier limit. 这些人数已经差不多是这营地被占领后,给予的士兵极限了。 Kane clamps through the ruby lead(er) with conducts the communication that non-stop. 凯恩通过红宝石领夹和克蕾雅不停的进行通讯。 After they seize the camp, similarly had/left 3000 many military, although these military are the recruits, only then in copper color on rank strength. 他们占领营地后同样多出了3000多的兵力,虽然这些兵力都是新兵,只有铜色中上的等级实力。 In this case, Horne's soldier number hand/subordinate achieved more than 10,000 people. 这样的话,霍恩手下的士兵数量就达到了1万多人。 However these soldiers cannot be led to charge into the battlefield one time completely, looks like the enemy, will not gather the soldier of trim map in one time they are launching the attack to Kane together. 但是这些士兵并不能一次性被全部带领着冲向战场,就像是敌人,也不会一次性将整片地图的士兵集合在一起对凯恩他们进行着攻击。 Horne is the commander-in-chief of red and white influence, its leading troops quantity entirely depends on occupies the domain influence the size, his present limit military should be about 6000. 霍恩是红白势力的最高统帅,它的带兵数量完全取决于所占地盘势力的大小,他现在的极限兵力应该是6000左右。 But two subordinates who have add his original subordinate, the quantity that can lead troops adds is 1500 people. 而多出的两个部下加其原来的部下,能够带兵的数量加起来则是1500人。 Thus, the surplus soldiers need to remain in the camp. 这样,剩余的士兵则是需要留守在营地内。 How many strong assassin squads otherwise the enemy sends to sneak attack the rear camp directly, the soldier this region struck to massacre completely does not seize? 不然敌军派几个实力强劲的刺客小队直接偷袭后方的营地,将这片区域的士兵全部击杀掉不就占领了吗? Even if leads troops to leave the camp, must have the soldier to remain. 所以就算带兵离开营地,也得有士兵留守。 After talked over the telephone, but also reached an agreement the time of tomorrow's set. 和克蕾雅通话后,还商量好了明天集合的时间。 It is not Kane they do not think to go the fort to take now. 并不是凯恩他们不想现在就去将要塞拿下。 They can, but their soldiers hand/subordinate are not good, these soldiers add on the rapid march after a day of fight, needing to rest one to be late good well, otherwise their battle efficiencies may drop greatly. 他们可以,但他们手下的士兵就不行了,那些士兵经过一天的战斗加上急行军,需要好好的休息一晚才行,不然他们的战斗力可就大大下降了。 ...... …… Next morning, all soldiers conducted the set outside the camp. 次日清晨,所有的士兵都在营地外进行了集合。 Except for Kane their 600 soldiers, 1000 people that Horne subordinate chooses is completely various close combats and long-distance infantries. 除了凯恩他们那600名士兵,霍恩部下所挑选的1000人全部是各种近战及远程的步兵。 After all today's subject attacks a city, the function of knight is small, therefore was kept the camp completely. 毕竟今天的主题是攻城,骑士的作用微小,所以被全部留在了营地内部。 After choosing, leads these 1600 soldiers to hurry to toward the fort rapidly. 挑选好后带着这1600名士兵迅速向着要塞赶去。 Other soldiers were assigned the good duty, starts to go on patrol around the camp. 其余的士兵则被分配好任务,开始在营地周围进行巡逻。 The leading troops number of military officer is insufficient, does not mean that these soldiers will rebel and flee, but cannot lead these soldiers to go to the combat. 将领的带兵数不够,并不意味着这些士兵会叛逃,只是不能带领着这些士兵去出作战。 But can actually defend, order patrol and so on absolutely does not have the issue. 但却能够进行防守,命令巡逻之类的完全没有问题。 This is also some mechanism of this world. 这也算是这个世界的某种机制吧。 Kane, we have arrived at the assembly place, you also how long?” 凯恩,我们已经到达集合地点了,你还有多久?” The ruby lead(er) clamps, broadcast voice. 红宝石领夹上,传来了克蕾雅的声音。 After hearing words, Kane returns immediately said: About 2 kilometers distance.” 听到克蕾雅的话后,凯恩立马回道:“还有大约二公里的路程。” Two camps, although separates in the two sides of fort, but their places must from the fort about. 两处营地,虽然分隔在要塞的两边,但克蕾雅他们那处要距离要塞更近一点。 Picked up a spot speed slightly, in a while Kane saw from afar they. 稍微加快了一点速度,没过多久凯恩就远远的看见了克蕾雅他们。 Compares in Kane, 相比于凯恩, Only led more than 1000 soldiers, they behind, to have more than 6000 fully. More than 6000 soldier minutes/shares are different occupations, are arranging neatly, look pleasant. 身后只带领了1000多名士兵,克蕾雅他们身后,整整有着6000多名。6000多名士兵分属于各种不同的职业,整整齐齐的排列着,看着就令人赏心悦目。 After the belt/bring to team convergence of both sides is completed, that two military officers directly arrived at Horne's side. 带到双方的队伍汇合完成后,那两名将领直接来到了霍恩的身旁。 At this time the place of set, leads to that main road in fort. 此时集合的地方,就是通往要塞的那条大道。 Every other surroundings can also see the sentry post standing guard tower that several hundred meters raise up, however in these sentry post standing guard towers does not have a soldier. 周围还能看见每隔几百米就竖起的哨站哨塔,然而这些哨站哨塔上没有一个士兵。 Looking at the trace can discover, has soon treated before also some people here. 看痕迹能够发现,就在不久之前还有人在这里待过。 It seems like two camp seized news had passed to the ear of fort military officer.” Horne looked surrounding not to have the trail of enemy soldier to say. “看来两处营地被占领的消息已经传到了要塞将领的耳中。”霍恩看了看周围没有敌方士兵的踪迹说道。 These were used for the soldier who stood on guard and goes on patrol to be summoned.” “这些用来警戒和巡逻的士兵全都被召回去了。” Said simply after several, Horne pulls out the long sword of waist, is shouting to behind soldier: Advance!” 简单的说了几句后,霍恩抽出腰间的长剑,对着身后的士兵喊道:“前进!” The entire team is maintaining the neat formation, starts forward running slowly, the front of team is Kane they. 整个队伍保持着整齐的队列,开始慢慢的向前行进,队伍的前方则是凯恩他们。 Horne looks that Kane and the others could not bear ask: You really had confidence that captures the fort? Must know that we have no project instrument now.” 霍恩看着身旁的凯恩等人忍不住问道:“你们真的有把握攻陷要塞吗?要知道我们现在没有任何的工程器械。” He is some did not feel relieved, if after all does not have any project instrument attacks the fort, fights a hopeless battle completely. 他还是有些不太放心,毕竟如果没有任何工程器械就去进攻要塞的话,完全就是以卵击石。 Hears Horne's worry, Kane smiles the comfort saying: Relax, Commander Horne, we had certainly the confidence saying that we will not crack a joke with the life of soldier.” 听到霍恩的担忧,凯恩笑了笑安慰道:“放心吧,霍恩团长,我们当然是有信心才这么说的,我们也不会拿士兵的生命来开玩笑。” Hears the Kane words, Horne then nods. 听到凯恩的话,霍恩这才点点头。 Looks at this all the way, is various patrol soldiers and outposts stands guard the evacuation trace of soldier. 看着这一路上,全都是各种巡逻士兵和哨站警戒士兵的撤离痕迹。 „ The military officer in fort has known that we must come, definitely knows that we resurge. “要塞的将领已经知道我们要来了,肯定知道我们又死灰复燃。 He should send out the soldier to go to each place now to request reinforcements, we must capture the fort as soon as possible, otherwise after waiting for their support to supplement, we can only wait for death. ” 他现在应该已经派出士兵去各个地方求援了,我们必须尽快攻下要塞,不然的话等他们的支援补充进来后,那我们就只能等死了。” Hears Horne's words, Kane nods to agree. 听到霍恩的话,凯恩点点头表示认同。 The dungeon material that Kane they attain, basically is the dungeon that is provided by mother very detailed invitation report. 凯恩他们拿到的地牢资料可是由克蕾雅的母亲所提供的,基本上是地牢里非常详细的请报了。 Above expressly wrote, no matter after Adventurer, how must act, earlier the primary duty takes certainly this fort in the shortest time, otherwise is defeated surely. 上面明确写了,不管探索者之后要如何行动,前期首要的任务一定是将这座要塞在最短的时间内拿下,不然必定失败。 Must not respond in the enemy, before supporting the personnel have not arrived, after will put in order a fort takes, depends on the fort to conduct the defensive war, and nibbles outward. 必须在敌军没有反应过来,支援人员没有到达之前,将整座要塞拿下后依托着要塞来进行防御战,并且向外蚕食。 Fort with, that Kane they, even if took the surrounding camp, still just like the dead pigeon, the personnel who were kept supporting nibble slowly. 要塞拿不下来,那凯恩他们即使拿下了周围的营地,也犹如瓮中之鳖,被不停支援过来的人员慢慢蚕食。 Even if Kane they can arrive at thousand still does not have any significances, the enemy will gather to get rid of them all silver rank soldiers together. 即使凯恩他们能够以一抵千也没有任何的意义,敌军会将所有的银色级别士兵聚集到一起来干掉他们。 The silver soldier of trim influence, pulls out over ten thousand, absolutely does not have the issue. 整片势力的银色士兵,拉出个上万名,完全没有问题。 Naturally these soldiers belong to the camp in each place, was impossible saying that casual got together in together, that also played anything, the direct surrender considered as finished. 当然这些士兵分属在各个地方的营地内,不可能说随随便便都聚合在一起,那还玩什么呀,直接投降算了。 How in the material behind to act specifically, without concretely explained that but takes fort these paragraphs of writing only, its importance of clear mark obviously in material. 资料上后面具体如何行动,没有具体说明,但就唯独拿下要塞这几段文字,清晰的标记在资料上可见其重要性。 After all cannot take, that entry failure. 毕竟拿不下,那就通关失败。 , Kane they have been able to see the fort by far. 远远的,凯恩他们已经能够看见要塞了。 When sees the flash of fort, Kane knew finally, why can this fort fast taking? 当看见要塞的一瞬间,凯恩总算是知道了,为什么要将这要塞快速的拿下? The high range estimate of this fort is close to 20 meters, the two sides are the cliffs of standing tall and erect, just like the giant doorframe the same as stand erect in the two sides. 这要塞的高度目测接近20米,两边是高耸的山崖,犹如巨型的门框一样竖立在两边。 But this palatial fort plays the role of door. 而这座巍峨的要塞就起到了门扉的作用。 Must insert all kinds of city garrison instruments to put up, above is standing the dense and numerous soldiers, it seems like they had prepared for some time. 要塞上各种各样的城防器械已经架好,上面站着密密麻麻的士兵,看来他们早就准备多时。 After going forward again a distance . 再次前进一段距离后。 Horne lifts the hand, the soldier stops the footsteps immediately. 霍恩抬起手来,身后的士兵立马停下脚步。 This position, beyond range that in the enemy can attack. 这个位置,就在敌军能够攻击到的范围之外了。 Horne to must insert said loudly: Mas, opened the city gate to greet the death, do not do senselessly struggled, you could not defend this fort under our attacks.” 霍恩对着要塞上大声说道:“马斯,打开城门迎接死亡吧,不要做无谓的挣扎了,在我们的进攻下你们守不下这座要塞的。” «Azure bottle-gourd Sword Immortal» 《青葫剑仙》 Must insert broadcast a sound from afar. 要塞上就远远的传来了一道声音。 Horne has not thought that you also live have not been dying, unexpectedly also made you counter-attack successfully, the unusual that idiot, you surplus that several hundred remnants could not even take finally.” “霍恩没想到你还活着没死,居然还让你反扑成功了,奇特那个蠢货,连你们最后剩余的那几百个残兵败将都拿不下。” Your present military want to take the door fort, looked down upon this fort, such short time, you were impossible to build many project instruments, but I supported the soldier who came to arrive behind immediately, returned to the camp in a big hurry, enjoyed your final time.” “不过你们现在的兵力想要拿下门扉要塞,也太看不起这座要塞了,这么短的时间,你们根本不可能打造多少工程器械,而我身后支援而来的士兵马上就要到了,还是快快回营地,享受你们最后的时光吧。” The military officers of enemy side are still taunting Horne. 敌方的将领还在不停的嘲讽着霍恩。 Meaning that Commander Horne, it seems like he has not wanted to surrender completely.” Kane said with a smile. “霍恩团长,看来他完全没有想要投降的意思呢。”凯恩笑着说道。 Hears the Kane words, Horne laughs saying: Ha, he was certainly impossible really to surrender, but went to war before each time , must always first scold several, otherwise the feeling lacked anything.” 听到凯恩的话,霍恩大笑道:“哈哈哈,他当然不可能真的投降了,只是每次打仗前总是要先骂上几句的,不然就感觉缺了点什么。” Said , is staring at Kane, grand and serious saying: Now looks your, hopes that you have not deceived us.” 说完后便盯着凯恩,隆重而严肃的说道:“现在就看你的了,希望你没有欺骗我们。” Relax.” “放心吧。” Kane said, the charm then gushes out from the hand, since construction a thick long gun tube, to front distant place fort. 凯恩说完,魔力便从手中涌出,在身边构建起了一根粗长的炮管,对着前方远处的要塞。 Expenditure charm. 花费魔力。 Shell fast pounding approached in the city wall in fort. 一颗炮弹快速的砸向了要塞的城墙上。 Bang!” “砰!” A loud sound in city wall crack, the enemy military officers but who are also keeping railing had a scare by this loud sound, the sound was broken instantaneously. 一声巨响在城墙上炸响,还在不停谩骂的敌方将领被这一声巨响吓了一跳,声音瞬间被打断。 Afterward he looks rapidly toward the place that the explosive sound resounds, sees only in the city wall a region to be exploded pitch-black, some pebble fall off slightly. 随后他迅速朝着爆炸声响起的地方看去,只见城墙上一片区域被炸得乌黑,一些石子微微脱落。 Looks at such situation, that military officer cannot help but is long stretch/leisurely one breath, caressed own chest, later continues to ridicule them. 看着这样的情形,那位将领不由得长舒一口气,抚了抚自己的胸口,随后继续嘲笑他们。 This? Is this you have the confidence to attack the method of fort? Hahahaha, almost the skin ash of fort exploding, was scary. Haha......” “就这?这就是你们有信心来攻打要塞的手段吗?哈哈哈哈,差点就将要塞的皮灰给炸下来了,吓死人了。哈哈……” Is listening to railing of enemy military officer, Horne turned the head, looked at Kane. 听着敌方将领的谩骂,霍恩转过头来,看了看凯恩 Do not worry, I am experimenting the degree of hardness of their city wall, otherwise has made an effort when the time comes the courageous words, cultivating to be possible somewhat to be troublesome. Saying of Kane undulating, the sound is tranquil. “不要着急,我在试验他们城墙的硬度,不然到时候用力过勐的话,修起来可就有些麻烦。凯恩澹澹的说道,声音平静。 Hears the Kane words, Horne nods no longer intertwines. 听到凯恩的话,霍恩点点头不再纠结。 They is a tranquility of face, they entirely believe that Kane can penetrate this fort. 克蕾雅他们则是一脸的平静,他们完全相信凯恩能够将这要塞击穿。 After all they have seen Kane the methods of certain enormous powers, let alone punctured the fort, moves to the entire fort evenly also possibly has. 毕竟他们可是见过凯恩的某些巨大威力的手段的,别说将要塞打穿了,就是将整个要塞移平也不是没有可能。 Afterward Kane continues to adjust the might of caliber as well as shell of gun tube. 随后凯恩继续调整着炮管的口径以及炮弹的威力。 The shell non-stop in enemy must insert crack. 炮弹不停的在敌军的要塞上炸响。 But sound that enemy military officer that railed, gradually from turned with the explosive sound rampantly flustered. 而敌方将领那谩骂的声音,也渐渐随着爆炸声从嚣张变成了慌张。 Bang!” “砰!” Also is a loud sound, transmits in the fort. 又是一声巨响,在要塞上传来。 Hey! You did anything, must hit to hit, have not used the magic arts there.” Flustered naked eye in sound obvious. “喂!你们干了什么,要打就打过来,别在那里一直使用法术。”声音中的慌张肉眼可见。 This loud sound, exploded a hole in the city wall in fort directly. 这一声巨响,直接在要塞的城墙上炸了个窟窿。 Looks at such situation, Horne also all smiles. 看着这样的情形,霍恩也满面笑容。 Looks the achievement that this round of shell takes down, Kane satisfied nod, wields to disperse artillery. 看着这发炮弹取下的成果,凯恩满意的点了点头,挥散掉身旁的火炮。 He has almost understood now the degree of hardness of this fort, can under the guarantee strike the fort penetrates. 他现在已经差不多了解了这要塞的硬度,能够保证下一击将要塞击穿。 However he does not prepare to use the artillery. 不过他并不准备使用火炮。 The head presented dragon corner/horn, the nape of the neck place presented dragon scale the characteristics, the golden brilliance spread on his body, the back presented a light wheel. 头上出现了龙角,脖颈处出现了龙鳞的特征,金色的光辉在其身上蔓延,背部出现了一圈光轮。 Entered the strongest condition. 久违的进入了最强的状态。 The spread that in the hand starts to keep the mechanism, these mechanism get bigger and bigger mutually overlapped. 手中开始不停的蔓延起机械结构,这些机械结构互相重叠越变越大。 A twinkle, Kane appears before wanted the cock. 一个闪烁,凯恩出现在了要塞门前。 The giant machinery in hand, turns toward fort the gate of giant stone to pound directly. 手中的巨大机械,直接向着要塞的巨石之门砸去。 + joins the bookmark + +加入书签+
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