DSED :: Volume #5

#412: Dashes to the camp

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The extraction skill, explores dungeon Chapter 412 to dash to the camp 抽取技能,探索地牢第412章直扑营地 This campaign outnumbers. 这场战役以多打少。 Soldier not over 100 people that Kane them died, but wiped out more than 4000 people of enemy, can be completely wins heartily. 凯恩他们这边死亡的士兵不超过100人,而全歼了敌人的4000多人,完全算得上是酣畅大胜。 But these injured soldiers, do not need to look that helps treat because then hearty loud and automatic restoration. 而那些受伤的士兵,根本就不需要看去帮助治疗便因为酣畅大声而自动的恢复。 But in this fight, killing the enemy the number are many or the quite displays heroic these videos, the strength also obtained was increased. 而在这场战斗中,杀敌数较多或是表现得较为英勇的那些视频,实力也获得了而提升。 For example had two heavy cavalry teams leader to rise the silver rank. 比如克蕾雅有两个重骑兵队长已经升到了银色级别。 Naturally most soldiers on turned into the rank of copper color peak or bottleneck from the copper color. 当然大部分的士兵都只是从铜色中上变成了铜色巅峰或是瓶颈的级别。 Promotes the silver recruit, only sees these two, because they clash ominously. 升级成银色的新兵,就只看见这两个,还是因为他们冲得最凶。 At this time, the chin left leeway the robust man of close beard to ride the warhorse to arrive in front of Kane, he was a Kane bow rider team leader, entire fired from horseback the team by the Kane mandatory administration. 此时一位,下巴留有细密胡须的壮汉骑着战马来到了凯恩面前,他是凯恩手下的一个弓骑手队长,被凯恩委托管理整个骑射队。 Abbey you organize our manpower, goes to collect these spoils of war.” Kane was saying to him. “艾比你组织我们的人手,去将那些战利品收集起来。”凯恩对着他说道。 Yes, Senior official.” “是,长官。” These soldier routine were called the Kane hundred husbands to be long, but was corrected Chief to become by Kane, the Kane hundred husbands long were also too incoherent. 这些士兵习惯性叫凯恩百夫长,不过被凯恩纠正成长官,凯恩百夫长也太拗口了。 These by the soldier who Kane their Adventurer recruit, can definitely regard Adventurer in this dungeon, similarly can kill the enemy drop loot, can see the equipment that these were exploded similarly. 这些被凯恩他们这种探索者招募过来的士兵,完全可以在这地牢中当成一个探索者来看,同样能够杀敌爆装备,也同样能够看见这些被爆出来的装备。 Kane they collect the spoils of war time like mad, several people collect over a thousand people of spoils of war is not easy. 凯恩他们收集战利品的时候要死要活,几个人去收集上千人的战利品可不容易。 As for Li path path? She and her light cavalry mixed up. 至于莉路路嘛?她和她的轻骑兵混在一起了。 These light cavalries, a queen called Li road Lu Gaoxing. 这些轻骑兵,一口一个女王陛下叫得莉路路高兴不已。 Looks at Li groups of that cocky appearances, Kane helpless shaking the head. 看着莉路路那得瑟的样子,凯恩无奈的摇摇头。 Inputs a charm to flood into the ruby on collar to get the clip, connected channel. 输入一丝魔力涌入衣领上的红宝石领夹,连通了克蕾雅的频道。 Your that side how?” “克蕾雅你那边如何了?” Only was left over dozens enemies, is pursuing, had your side finished?” “只剩下几十个敌人了,正在追击,你们那边已经结束了吗?” Kane hears the sound that side broadcasts, but also has the war cry, then no longer disturbs, to wait for their side to solve. 凯恩听到克蕾雅那边传来的声音,还有着喊杀声,便不再打扰,等待着克蕾雅他们那边解决掉。 Youyou stands before the foot of Kane, conducts classification according to groups the spoils of war that these soldiers deliver. 悠悠立在凯恩的脚边,将那些士兵送过来的战利品进行分门别类的分类。 Similarly puts away according to the gold coin, equipment and magic material respectively. 同样是按照金币、装备以及魔法材料来分别放好。 Again separates the equipment and magic materials of different rank. 再将不同级别的装备及魔法材料分开。 The equipment and materials of different rank are easy to identify, is Adventurer can distinguish, the magic fluctuation difference that because they send out is enormous. 不同级别的装备和材料是非常容易辨认的,是个探索者就能辨别,因为他们散发的魔法波动差别极大。 The scanning of Youyou, can certainly the clear scanning the equipment and materials of different rank. 悠悠的扫描,当然能够清晰的扫描出不同级别的装备和材料。 But Kane sits in side starts to appraise these equipment materials. 凯恩则坐在旁边开始对这些装备材料进行鉴定。 Mainly has a look at the equipment of best quality goods and has the unusual attribute magic material. 主要是看看有没有极品的装备和带有奇特属性的魔法材料。 On light Kane them, almost all soldiers fall from the sky in cutting their hands, few enemies by that 500 soldiers who Horne subordinate leads killing. 就光凯恩他们这边,几乎所有的士兵都陨落在砍他们的手上,只有极少数的敌人是被霍恩部下所带领的那500个士兵给干掉的。 Therefore Kane them the acquisition rate/lead of spoils of war is very high, believes the spoils of war obtained should also Peak their side to want on many many, after all they kills quickly is also less than that 4000 soldiers again. 所以凯恩他们这边战利品的获得率很高,相信获得的战利品应该也要比克蕾雅他们那边要多上不少,毕竟克蕾雅他们杀得再快也不及那4000名士兵。 But if not fan out in two groups, Kane they almost gave up another side spoils of war on the default, this owes. 但是如果不兵分两路的话,凯恩他们几乎就默认放弃了另外一边的战利品,这样的话更亏。 But the area of this dungeon is extremely also broad, can foresee, they will fan out in two groups in future Kane surely frequently, even is several groups crusades against these enemies. 而这地牢的面积又极广,可以预见,在未来凯恩他们必定会经常兵分两路,甚至是几路去讨伐那些敌军。 This can cause their income maximizations. 这样才能使他们的收益最大化。 They come this dungeon for mines, for is the large amounts of resources, obtains more resources is their priority target. 他们来这个地牢为的就是挖矿,为的就是大量的资源,获得更多的资源便是他们的首要目标。 In a while, Kane approximately appraised all equipment and materials. 没过多久,凯恩就大致将所有的装备和材料鉴定了一遍。 The copper color best quality goods equipment compared the previous more than time much, the gold coin was instead short, only then 100 over, the silver equipment besides some trash, instead had/left two best quality goods or the weapons. 铜色的极品装备相比上一次多了不少,金币反而少了,只有100出头,银色的装备除了些垃圾外,反而出了两件极品还是武器。 A battle axe, a long sword, if these two equipment besides sharp attribute, 一把战斧,一柄长剑,如果这两件装备除了锋利的属性外, Also has the words of other interesting skills, Kane possibly gives them. However the places of these two weapon only best quality goods lie in their attributes are good, the characteristics that but has no, like the equipment, look now will not look at one. 还有着其他有意思的技能的话,凯恩可能就将他们给克蕾雅了。然而这两件武器唯一的极品之处就在于他们的属性不错,但并没有任何的特色,像这样的装备,克蕾雅现在是连看都不会看一眼的。 Magic material besides copper color rank, many silver ranks, but only just enough fills Silver Magic Stone to be little unexpectedly. 魔法材料除了铜色级别的,还有不少的银色级别,但是居然只刚好够充满一颗银色魔石多一点点。 Compared to want on previous time few many. 相比上一次要少上不少。 After Kane tidies up the spoils of war, the ruby lead(er) clamped also to broadcast voice. 凯恩收拾好战利品后,红宝石领夹上也传来了克蕾雅的声音。 Kane us the battle had ended, the spoils of war have also collected to complete, can start to take action.” 凯恩我们这边战斗已经结束,战利品也已经收集完成,可以开始行动了。” Good, here has also prepared.” “好的,这边也已经准备好了。” Talks over the telephone with. 和克蕾雅通完话。 Kane stands, looks that the side is saying in the soldier in same place rest: Army has, prepares to go forward.” 凯恩站起来,看着身边正在原地休息的士兵说道:“全军都有,准备前进。” After hearing the Kane words, these soldiers set out immediately, reorganize equipment back row good formation, before this direction that the enemy comes goes. 听到凯恩的话后,这些士兵立刻起身,整理好身上的装备后排好阵型,向这之前敌军过来的方向而去。 The Li path path 4 kitty sentry posts searched had observed for quite a while in the camps of enemy, waited for Kane they to come. 莉路路的四只猫咪哨探已经在敌军的营地中观察了大半天了,就等着凯恩他们过来。 Yes, yesterday Kane and Horne have reached an agreement, after the enemy annihilates, does not give opposite respite the opportunity, charges into their camps directly, seizes these two directions. 是的,昨天凯恩和霍恩就已经商量好,将敌军歼灭后,不给对面喘息的机会,直接冲向他们的营地,将这两个方向占领。 After they destroy the camps of enemy side respectively seizes, again from the left and right attacks to by the fort that the enemy side defends. 等他们各自将敌方的营地摧毁占领后,再从左右两边攻向被敌方守备的要塞。 Only then takes the fort between this mountain ranges, they have time that can pant for breath. 只有将这个山峦之间的要塞拿下,他们才有着能够喘息的时机。 Moreover is quick, otherwise the military of enemy must supplement. 而且必须要快,不然敌人的兵力就要补充上来了。 Horne's plan seized the two sides camps, after waiting for the time completes the project weapon, attacks the fort. 原本霍恩的计划只是将两边的营地占领,等待时机做好工程武器后再去进攻要塞。 Not but their military do not have in the situation of attacking a city weapon again, attacks the fort to be no different fights a hopeless battle. 不然以他们的兵力再没有攻城武器的情况下,去进攻要塞无异于以卵击石。 However under the guarantee of Kane, agreed takes the camp rapidly, two bread clamp the fort. 但是在凯恩的保证下,还是同意了迅速拿下营地,两面包夹要塞。 After all Kane the performance in battlefield, gave Horne to believe their foundations. 毕竟凯恩他们在战场上的表现,给了霍恩相信他们的基础。 Regarding Kane, attacks the fort to want what project instrument, oneself are the project instrument, the explosion of walk is old. 对于凯恩来说,攻打要塞要什么工程器械,自己就是工程器械,行走的爆炸老。 Fort that the trivial stone makes, only if adds various law to conduct the strengthened protection with the magic metal, otherwise regarding Kane that is the thing that the large size toy building block builds. 区区石头做的要塞,除非用魔法金属加各种法阵进行强化防护,不然对于凯恩来说那就是大号玩具积木搭建的东西罢了。 Kane rides on own mechanical warhorse. 凯恩骑在自己的机械战马上。 She has not been loaf to sit as for Li path path on the shoulder of Kane, naturally you cannot count on that she flashes the wing to fly. 至于莉路路嘛她并没有偷懒坐在凯恩的肩膀上,当然你也不能指望她自己扑闪着翅膀飞。 She is riding one now with machinery Pegasus of her build appropriate match, flies round around Kane. 她现在正骑着一只跟她体型相配的机械飞马,绕着凯恩飞来飞去。 Comes as for this machinery Pegasus? That is Kane constructs certainly, naturally also only suited such build, if transforms Kane machinery Pegasus such in a big way build, that cannot fly. 至于这机械飞马是怎么来的吗?那当然是凯恩构造出来的,当然了也只适合这样的体型,要是将机械飞马改造成凯恩这么大的体型的话,那就飞不起来了。 Kane to large-scale floats the spatial law and research of flight magic arts also stays in some slight small installments, if must make that type to be able the manned large-scale flight vehicle, but also a need more thorough research is good. 凯恩对大型的浮空法阵以及飞行法术的研究还停留在一些细微小的装置上,如果要制造出那种能够载人的大型飞行器的话,还需要更深入的研究才行。 However at least had the clue. 不过至少是有了头绪。 On world restaurant that big floats the spatial island to float, but the technology that above utilizes records completely in the information, Kane needs a thorough understanding of this technology now completely. 世界餐厅上那么大的浮空岛都能浮起来,而上面所运用的技术是完全记载在信息上的,凯恩现在只是需要将这技术完全吃透。 Then he can make large-scale floats the spatial installment. 那么他就能够制造出大型的浮空装置。 The spatial island, Castle in the Sky is the future can foresee. 空岛,天空之城都是未来可以预见的。 At this moment, Li path path side presented a rainbow transmission gate of slight thumb size, when the paper must fall, was then delivered to the hand of Kane by a steel ingot of float. 就在这时,莉路路的旁边又出现了一道细微的拇指大小的彩虹传送门,当纸条要落下时,则被一个漂浮的钢块接着送到了凯恩的手上。 This paper compares the beforehand transmission the information to want on thick many, Kane opens to examine. 这纸条相比之前传递的信息要厚上不少,凯恩打开查看起来。 Above records in the camp that Kane they must go to now in detail the surplus military information and distributions. 上面详细记载了凯恩他们现在要去往的营地内剩余的兵力信息以及分布情况。 Quite few, ordinary human auxiliary soldier who only then 2000 do not arrive, as well as soldiers of several hundred patrols. 好少,只有2000不到的普通人类辅兵,以及几百个巡逻的士兵。 From now on the entire camp cannot resist Kane their strength. 自此整个营地就没有能够抵抗凯恩他们的力量。 Looked, Kane extinguishes the paper stamp, the bow rider not far away called: Abbey you lead all our cavalries hand/subordinate to rush to the camp in advance, now the effective strength in enemy camp was few.” 看完后凯恩将纸条戳灭,将不远处的弓骑手叫了过来:“艾比你带着我们手下的所有骑兵先行赶往营地,现在敌方营地内的有生力量很少。” Said, turns the head to say to Li path path who plays: Li groups of made you lead troops to go to war.” 说完后转头对着正在玩耍的莉路路说道:“莉路路让你带兵打仗了。” Finishing speaking of Kane, Li groups of direct twinkles appeared in the Kane front: Real? Really makes path path lead an army to attack?” 凯恩的话音刚落,莉路路直接一个闪烁出现在了凯恩的面前:“真的吗?真的让莉路路带领一支部队去进攻吗?” In the Li path path tone filled excitedly. 莉路路的语气中充满了兴奋。 Kane nods: You and Abbey together, leading all our cavalries to go to annihilate the soldiers in enemy camp completely, we later, without issue.” 凯恩点点头:“你和艾比一起,带着我们所有的骑兵去将敌人营地里的士兵全部消灭掉,我们随后就到,没问题吧。” Does not have the issue, without issue.” The Li road rumor ended a twinkle to appear in the team of front light cavalry. “没问题,没问题。”莉路路说完一个闪烁就出现在了前方轻骑兵的队伍里。 Looks at this, Kane nods to Abbey. 看着这一幕,凯恩对艾比点点头。 Afterward then saw 400 all kinds of cavalry and Li path path picks up the speed to run to go toward the hostile camp together. 随后便看见400名各种各样的骑兵和莉路路一起加快了速度朝着敌营奔跑而去。 In the Kane hand presented a flagpole, on the flag that on the pole flutters is a symbol of inspection lamp style. 凯恩手中出现了一柄旗杆,杆上飘动的旗帜上是一个提灯样式的符号。 Lifted to brandish two, said loudly: Army has, forward rapid march.” 举起来挥舞了两下,大声说道:“全军都有,向前急行军。” Heard Kane order all soldiers to pick up the speed, the infantries slightly ran. 听到凯恩的命令所有的士兵都加快了速度,步兵们都小跑起来。 When Kane they rush to the camps of enemy side. 凯恩他们赶到敌方的营地时。 The camps of enemy side in slow from blue matches colors toward the red and white transformation white/in vain. 敌方的营地正在缓慢的从蓝白配色向着红白转变。 This indicated that in the entire camp and region do not have the effective strength of enemy to be seized by the red influence comprehensively, but the style that this is transforming is to seize symbol. 这说明整个营地和区域中已经没有了敌人的有生力量被红色势力全面占领,而这正在转变的样式就是占领的标志。 It seems like Li groups of they have annihilated the enemies in camp completely. 看来莉路路他们已经将营地里的敌人全部消灭掉了。 Everyone goes to the camp to rest, digs a pit in the ground and cooks.” “各位去营地内休息吧,埋锅造饭。” Hears the Kane words, the soldiers who these rapid march come cheered several, directly enters in the camp to rest. 听到凯恩的话,这些急行军而来的士兵们欢呼了几下,直接进入营地内休息。 But in the camp, Abbey also walked, is riding a horse to arrive at the Kane side directly. 而营地里,艾比也走了出来,直接骑着马来到了凯恩的身边。 Senior official, the enemy has wiped out.” “长官,敌军已全部歼灭。” Our here casualties?” “我们这边的伤亡呢?” Under female...... the Chief Li path path leadership, we do not have the casualties.” “在女……莉路路长官的带领下,我们并没有伤亡。” Kane nods. 凯恩点点头。 Follows Abbey, arrived by the big tent of camp. 跟着艾比,来到了营地的大营帐旁。 First saw Li path path, sits on the small seat the money-mad appearances of several gold coins. 一来就看见了莉路路,坐在小座椅上数着金币的财迷样子。 Kane shakes the head has not managed her, collects the spoils of war that the side soldier appraises one by one. 凯恩摇摇头没有理她,将旁边士兵收集的战利品进行挨个鉴定。 This time more than ten dense fog bestow the coins and more than 10 trash equipment add the magic material. 这次只有十几枚迷雾赐币和十多件垃圾装备加魔法材料。 Waits for the entire camp after blue to turn into the red-white completely white/in vain. 等待着整个营地完全从蓝白变成红白后。 You go busily.” Kane is saying to nearby Abbey. “你去忙吧。”凯恩对着旁边的艾比说的。 Li path Lulin who afterward will still be counting the gold coin gets up, turns toward in the tent to walk. 随后将还在数金币的莉路路拎起来,就向着营帐内走去。 Sits on the seat in tent, then starts on the ruby through collar to get the clip, passed on a message. 坐在营帐内的座椅上,便开始通过衣领上的红宝石领夹,给克蕾雅进行传讯。 Another side they and Kane chose the similar tactic, was carried the three people from in the air to fall into the camps of enemy to kill the four directions by the cotton candy directly greatly. 另一边的克蕾雅他们和凯恩选择了同样的战术,由棉花糖载着克蕾雅三人直接从空中掉进了敌军的营地内大杀四方。 When Horne brings the subordinate rapid march is coming, process that the camp has been starting to transform. 霍恩带着部下急行军过来时,营地已经在开始转换的过程了。 + joins the bookmark + +加入书签+
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