DSED :: Volume #5

#411: Solution

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The extraction skill, explores dungeon Chapter 411 to be solved 抽取技能,探索地牢第411章解决 With the Kane command. 随着凯恩的号令。 All soldiers are vigilant, the weapon by them in the hand, the arrow had been lost also already suiting firmly on the bow and arrow. 所有的士兵都警惕起来,武器已经被他们拿在了手中,箭失也已经牢牢的切合在弓箭上。 But the soldier who around the Kane position has no, mainly to give Kane stays behind position that to control. 凯恩所处的位置周围没有任何的士兵,主要是为了给凯恩留下可操控的位置。 The charm starts to gush out from the hand of Kane, in the ground presented a steel plate of square formation, the above artilleries start to construct. 魔力开始从凯恩的手中涌出,地面上出现了一块方阵的钢板,上面一架架火炮开始构建出来。 The soldier killer firepower platform was constructed like this, these artilleries different almost covered each distance according to the length of gun tube. 士兵杀手火力平台就这样被构建出来,这些火炮根据炮管的长短不同几乎覆盖了各个距离。 The caliber of gun tube was demonstrating their might has how greatly, this without the means that that 4000 soldiers would have no average person, weakest is the copper level middle-grade recruits. 炮管的口径显示着它们的威力是有多么的巨大,这也是没办法,那4000名士兵就没有一个普通人,最弱的都是铜级中等的新兵。 The might not strong words of artillery, can only cause the damage to them, actually cannot get rid of them directly. 火炮的威力不强的话,只能对他们造成伤害,却不能直接干掉他们。 Otherwise explodes them is off their feet, looks that probably is very fierce, but they patted ash to crawl. 不然将他们炸得人仰马翻,看着好像很厉害,但是他们拍了拍身上的灰又爬起来。 Here all soldiers on the scene have not seen these things might, somewhat looked curiously. 这里在场的所有士兵都没有见过这些东西的威力,都有些好奇的看了一下。 Previous time on them battlefield the veterans with Kane that side Horne, here many recruits has heard. 上次跟着凯恩他们上战场的老兵都在霍恩那边,这边的许多新兵都只是听说过而已。 But the after enemy in distant place marches forward to certain distance, then stopped, the distance just beyond the ejection range that the arrow loses. 而远处的敌人行进到一定的距离后,便停了下来,所处的距离刚好在箭失的抛射范围之外。 Their also similarly clear Kane their positions. 他们也同样清楚凯恩他们的位置。 A military officer same character, is riding the warhorse in the path that since the soldier lets, they were exclaiming to Kane loudly. 一个将领一样的人物,骑着战马从士兵让出来的道路中走了出来,对着凯恩他们大声吼道。 You had been defeated, why death not well? Also must so struggle is living, is without a fight, I give you a happiness.” “你们已经失败了,为什么不好好的死亡呢?还要如此的挣扎着活着,束手就擒吧,我给你们一个痛快。” Kane looks at opposite military officer, has kept saying there. 凯恩看着对面的将领,一直在那里说个不停。 Transfers toward side, looked that side not far away a bow rider who is riding the warhorse. 头朝旁边转去,看一下自己身边不远处一个骑着战马的弓骑手。 Was the soldier who Kane recruited understood worthily instantaneously the meaning of Kane, lost to project directly arrow in the hand, inserted in not far away of opposite military officer. 不愧是凯恩招募出来的士兵瞬间就理解了凯恩的意思,直接将自己手中的箭失抛射出去,插在了对面将领的不远处。 Looks that inserts loses in the arrow of own not far away, that military officer is frowning: Really is stubborn does not work.” 看着插在自己不远处的箭失,那位将领皱着眉头:“真是顽固不灵。” Accelerates the array, gets up!” Fellow military officers took long sword in the hand to wield wielding, later their sky presented a blue thin film of square shape. “加速阵列,起!”各位将领拿着自己手中的长剑挥了挥,随后他们的上空出现了一块方形的蓝色薄膜。 Puts!” “放!” Arrows lose, as his sound, starts to project from own soldier camp. 一根根箭失随着他的声音,开始从自己的士兵阵营中射出。 These arrows lose accurate went through their above blue thin films, the high acceleration, they shoots toward Kane. 这些箭失精准的穿过了他们上方的蓝色薄膜,迅速加速,朝着凯恩他们射去。 According to normal distance these arrows loses not to attack Kane completely they, but after that matter thin film, the speed sped up the power to grow stronger continually, straight them flew toward Kane. 按照正常的距离这些箭失是完全攻击不到凯恩他们的,但是穿过那层薄膜后,速度加快连动力就变强了,直直的朝着凯恩他们这边飞来。 When Kane sees opposite military officer, after using some skill, had been lifted the shield by these soldiers of own side. 凯恩看见对面将领,使用出了某种技能后,就已经让自己身边的这些士兵举盾了。 The inequality of mother, why can the opposite use the magic? 妈的不公平,为什么对面能够用魔法? Looks has lost toward the arrow that they fly, the Kane also no longer ink marks, the charm gushed out artillery to start to exude the intermittent roaring filial piety sound from the hand. 看着已经朝他们飞过来的箭失,凯恩也不再墨迹,魔力从手中涌出身边的火炮开始发出了阵阵咆孝声。 Can see artillery clearly, is firing shells. 能够清楚的看见身边的火炮,正在不停的发射着一颗颗炮弹。 So many artillery simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform launch, the entire ground that the recoil force that produces, shakes is shivering slightly, raising that the surrounding grit dust non-stop. 这么多的火炮齐齐发射,所产生的后座力,震的整个地面都在微微颤动,周围的沙石灰尘不停的扬起。 Although opposite military officer has not seen Kane their arrow rain to fly, but actually saw anything to rumble toward them clearly, the speed was extremely fast. 对面的将领虽然没有看见凯恩他们的箭雨飞来,但却清楚地看见有什么东西朝着他们轰了过来,速度极快。 His hurried loudly is exclaiming to behind soldier: Has the shield, has the shield.” 他急忙的对着自己身后的士兵大吼道:“起盾,起盾。” All close combat soldiers lift the shield to oneself top of the head. 身后所有近战士兵都将盾牌抬到自己的头顶。 Not only these close combat soldiers, the end of team have dozens wear to be similar to the law robe same soldier, is brandishing the long stick in hand. 然而不只是这些近战士兵,队伍的尾部还有着几十个穿着类似于法袍一样的士兵,挥舞着手中的长杖。 The charm that they sway with joint forces formed a defense cover of semicircle, prevented in the sky. 他们合力挥洒出来的魔力形成了一个半圆形的保护罩,阻挡在了上空。 The shell that first arrives, directly in the might that the above explosion of magic cover produces creakying that the magic cover explodes. 最先到达的炮弹,直接在魔法罩的上空爆炸产生出来的威力将魔法罩炸的摇摇欲坠。 Under later shell bombing, 在随后的炮弹轰炸下, These magic covers start directly broken, enabling behind shell to fall in the array of enemy accurate. These shells have not gone toward the front soldier, to various soldier bombing of back row, back row soldier, although the physique is not weak, but armor is almost light armor or is skin armor. 这些魔法罩直接碎开,使得身后的炮弹能够精准地落在敌军的阵列中。这些炮弹根本就没有朝着前排的士兵而去,不停的在对着后排的各种士兵轰炸,后排的士兵虽然体质并不弱,但身上的护甲几乎都是轻甲或者是皮甲。 These shells had been strengthened by Kane specially, periphery each explosion can claim a life of large numbers of person of soldier. 这些炮弹又是被凯恩专门加强过的,每一颗爆炸都能带走周围一大批人士兵的生命。 Even if Kane has not examined his war meritorious deeds plaque now, still knows the above number definitely in the crazy upward beat. 即使凯恩现在并没有查看他的战功牌,也知道上面的数字肯定在疯狂的向上跳动。 These continuous explosions have made opposite soldier flustered, even is scared, all holds the head to avoid. 这些连绵不绝的爆炸已经让对面的士兵慌张,甚至吓破了胆,全都抱着脑袋躲避着。 However what Kane use is the coverage attack possibly hides? 然而凯恩使用的是覆盖型攻击怎么可能躲得掉呢? Entire team most precious these masters, all of a sudden on death is only left over one less than half. 整支队伍最宝贵的那些法师,一下子就死亡的只剩下一小半。 Under such attack, these masters spent many charms to make the charm shield, so long as these bombs they scratched to bump into, almost can only wait for the death. 在这样的攻击下,这些法师本身就花费了不少的魔力制造出魔力盾牌,这些炸弹只要他们擦碰到,几乎就只能等待着死亡。 Did not want to stay same place, forward charge, attack!” “不要在原地停留了,向前冲锋,进攻!” Front military officer urgent to behind soldier loud exclaiming, is being waved later the long sword, shell that shoots in in the air powder. 前方的将领急迫的对着自己身后的士兵大声的吼道,随后挥着手中的长剑,将一枚射过来的炮弹在空中噼散。 Soldier under his shouting, as if awakening from a dream, immediately lifts the weapon to flush away toward Kane their places fast. 身后的士兵在他的呼喊下,如梦初醒,立刻举着武器向着凯恩他们所处的地方快速冲去。 Kane is controlling firepower platform under the body with single-hearted devotion, but the responsibility of command soldiers, naturally handed over Horne's section to start. 凯恩正在专心的操控着自己身下的火力平台,而指挥士兵的职责,自然就交到了霍恩的部下手中。 Archer, preparation!” “弓箭手,准备!” Puts!” “放!” The soldier who these clash has one less than half not to have the shield to prevent, was shot the hedgehog to pour by the arrow rain of coming directly on the ground. 那些冲来的士兵有一小半都没有盾牌阻挡,被迎面而来的箭雨直接射成了刺猬倒在了地上。 In the sky also non-stop has the rainbow color giant five pointed star, crashes toward under. 天空中还不停的有着彩虹色的巨大五角星,朝着下方坠落。 The crash speeds of these giant five pointed stars are extremely fast, is not these soldiers can evade . Moreover the shields in their hand under the hits of these five pointed stars exist in name only. 这些巨大五角星的坠落速度极快,根本就不是这些士兵能够躲过的,而且他们手中的盾牌在这些五角星的撞击下形同虚设。 Once were pounded by these five pointed stars, just like the color pot the same as explode directly, exploded colored ribbons, changed into the flying ash. 一旦被这些五角星砸中,直接就犹如彩罐一样爆开,炸成了一条条彩带,化为了飞灰。 They except for the big star that the avoidance arrow rain and crashes, but must dodge the small star that comes. 他们除了躲避箭雨和坠落下来的大星星,还要闪避迎面而来的小星星。 These drag the rainbow contrail small star to be smaller, the speed is faster, just like the arrow to lose the equally direct penetration. 这些拖着彩虹尾迹的小星星更小,速度更快,就犹如箭失一样直接穿透而过。 Armor pierces directly. 身上的护甲直接洞穿。 Naturally, after all Kane their here archer numbers are not many, more enemies welcomed the arrow rain to rush to under the pitch. 当然了,毕竟凯恩他们这边的弓箭手数量并不是很多,更多的敌人是迎着箭雨冲到了斜坡下方。 But greets their is the charge of heavy cavalry and light cavalry. 而迎接他们的是重骑兵和轻骑兵的冲锋。 The soldier who these clash rarely has the long-distance attack capability, was recruited the bow rider who comes to use the bow and arrow slowly to reduce the quantity by Kane. 这些冲过来的士兵很少是有着远程攻击能力,被凯恩招募而来的弓骑手用着弓箭慢慢的削减着数量。 Without the long-distance method, these soldiers do not have idea with these bow rider, can only look they keep is reducing own quantity. 由于没有远程手段,这些士兵根本拿这些弓骑手没辙,只能看着他们不停的在消减自己的数量。 Kane is still controlling the artillery, the soldier who to/clashes is bombing to these. 凯恩还在操控着火炮,对那些正在冲过来的士兵进行轰炸。 Kane felt the charm in within the body to reduce, almost half of many times abolished the attack of artillery. 凯恩感受着自己体内的魔力减少了,差不多有一半多的时候撤销了火炮的攻击。 Because these soldiers are away from Kane their distance truly are not very near, in Kane bombing, almost all long-distance soldiers has not survived. 由于这些士兵距离凯恩他们的距离确实不是很近,在凯恩一波波的轰炸中,几乎所有的远程士兵都没有存活下来。 After Kane fills to oneself returned to the demon medicament, again gushes out the artillery platform under charm body to start to change, a rotation machine gun was revealing the pitch-dark muzzle was constructed. 凯恩给自己灌了一口回魔药剂后,再次涌出魔力身下的火炮平台开始改变,一柄柄轮转机枪显露着黑洞洞的炮口被构建出来。 These firearms start the fast rotation preheating, but in the eye of Kane, all enemies by the red accurate heart to the aiming, had been waiting for harvesting of Kane. 这些枪械开始快速的转动预热,而凯恩的眼中,所有的敌人都已经被红色的准心给瞄准,等待着凯恩的收割。 Clip clop dá dá ! 哒哒哒哒哒! The storm that the bullet composes sweeps across directly forward. 子弹组成的风暴直接向前席卷。 Wears the blue soldier, takes up long sword in the hand prepares after oneself front turns away from own red soldier to strike off. 身穿蓝色的士兵,拿起自己手中的长剑就准备向着自己面前后背对着自己的红色士兵砍去。 The sword blade in his hands is going to wield that flash of cutting, a bullet penetrated his helmet, straight shot in his brain. 就在他手中的剑刃将要挥砍下去的那一瞬间,一颗子弹穿透了他的头盔,直直的射进了他的脑中。 «I Have One Volume of Ghosts and gods Records» 《我有一卷鬼神图录》 His train of thought also stays in slaughtering of bloodthirsty, this, changed into gray dust but actually slowly. 他的思绪还停留在嗜血的杀戮中,就这样倒了下来,慢慢的化为了一片灰色的尘埃。 Such scene appears in the battlefield everywhere. 这样的场景在战场上四处出现。 The innumerable soldiers drop down. 无数的士兵倒下。 The soldier who these drop down if carefully looked that can discover can always discover a pitch-dark muzzle on their heads. 这些倒下的士兵如果仔细去看就能发现在他们的脑袋上总能发现一个黑洞洞的枪口。 Karen Li path path also disappears does not see. 凯伦身边的莉路路也消失不见。 The military officers of enemy side are brandishing long sword in the hand, to is striking off to the red soldier who oneself kill, on the long sword blade is reflecting the cold glow, above is wrapping a peaceful blue glimmer. 敌方的将领正在挥舞着自己手中的长剑,对着正向自己杀来的红色士兵砍去,长长的剑刃上反射着寒芒,上面包裹着一层澹蓝色的微光。 Just liking the hot blade cuts the butter to be the same, the flash cuts off the red soldier incline. 犹如热刀切黄油一样,一瞬间就将红色士兵斜面斩断。 All around the blood sprays drops on his face. 血液喷洒四周滴落在他的脸上。 Now his in heart anger extremely, the explosion that these black objects send out, almost eliminates cleanly his long-distance soldier. 现在他的心中极其的愤怒,那些黑色的物体所发出的爆炸,将他的远程士兵几乎消灭干净。 Make him now so passive. 让他现在如此的被动。 While he when the ponder, rainbow color light beam hit a target he. 正当他在思考时,一道彩虹色的光束射中了他。 Feels own body uncontrolled is changing is small, the strength starts to be weaken, drops from the horses directly. 感受着自己的身体不受控制的变小,力量开始减弱,直接从马匹上跌落。 When his true falling discovered on the ground, originally should be ridden the warhorse under body by oneself, at this time big is the same like a giant. 当他真正的掉落在地上时才发现,本来应该被自己骑在身下的战马,此时高大的就如同一只巨人一样。 If he has the leisure to observe his own body, can discover that he had turned into a white small rabbit. 如果他有闲情观察一下他自己的身体的话,就能够发现他已经变成了一只白色的小兔子。 His back revealed the Li path path form. 他的背后显露出来了莉路路的身影。 The rainbow color gold female celestial stick, brandished again. 彩虹色的黄金仙女棒,再次挥舞了一下。 A rainbow color five pointed star fell fast, pounds on the body of small rabbit. 一道彩虹色的五角星快速落下,砸在了小兔子的身上。 Bang! 砰! This rabbit no longer seems like a lifeform, but is a rabbit color pot, blasted out to burst same. 这只兔子不再像是一只生物,而是一个兔子型的彩罐,被炸开一样破裂开来。 The colored ribbon in within the body sprays to the surroundings, had atmosphere of one dislocation day bewilderedly. 体内的彩带向周围喷洒,莫名其妙有了一股节日的氛围。 The careful gray dust falls gently downward, piles up together. 细细的灰色尘埃向下飘落,堆积在一起。 Li path path who gets rid of the opposite party military officer as if saw anything, the eyeful pleasant surprises, a twinkle vanished in later same place. 干掉对方将领的莉路路似乎看见了什么,满眼的惊喜,随后一个闪烁消失在了原地。 Kane Kane, I saw extraordinarily matter.” Li path path appeared in the flash on the shoulder of Kane, was saying to the ear of Kane loudly. 凯恩凯恩,我看见了不得了的事情。”莉路路在闪光中出现在了凯恩的肩膀上,对着凯恩的耳朵大声说道。 Kane looks at the remaining soldiers, almost few, then stopped the attack, wipes one bottle of blue medicament to fill in the entrance from the waistband. 凯恩看着剩下的士兵,几乎没有几个,便停下了攻击,从腰带中抹出一瓶蓝色的药剂灌入口中。 Turns the head to ask: What serious matter, is so excited?” 转头问道:“什么不得了的事情,这么激动?” Li path path stares greatly the eye, a shock of face said: I just saw, after the cavalry who recruits the enemy gets rid of, the enemy turned into the grey dust.” 莉路路瞪大着眼睛,一脸的震惊说道:“我刚刚看见了,一个克蕾雅招募的骑兵把敌人干掉后,那敌人变成了灰色的尘埃。” Generally speaking, got rid of the dungeon lifeform in the dungeon changes into the dust, in the situation that only then Adventurer acts will appear. 一般来说,在地牢中被干掉的地牢生物化为尘埃,只有探索者出手的情况下才会出现。 The dungeon lifeform and dungeon lifeform slaughter mutually, after being killed, stays behind can only be the corpse, according to the difference of each dungeon, these corpses will exist either, either meets disappearance of undulating, but will actually not leave behind the grey dust. 地牢生物和地牢生物相互厮杀,被干掉后留下的只会是尸体,根据每个地牢的不同,这些尸体要么会存在,要么会澹澹的消失,但却不会留下灰色的尘埃。 Leaves behind the performance of dust to be killed by Adventurer, in the dust will be burying the magic object of energy change. 留下尘埃的表现为被探索者所杀,尘埃中会埋藏着能量化为的魔法物品。 The dungeon lifeform slaughters the stayed behind corpse mutually vanishes, no matter vanishes or has the had energy should be recycled by the dungeon. 地牢生物互相厮杀所留下的尸体消失,不管是消失还是存在所拥有的能量都应该是被地牢所回收。 Li groups of surprised are because the dungeon lifeform and dungeon lifeform slaughter, stays behind unexpectedly is the ash completely. 莉路路惊奇就是因为地牢生物和地牢生物厮杀,留下的居然是灰尽。 The enemy who yesterday but these soldiers got rid of, has not changed into the ash completely, but turned into the blue luminous spot to vanish in the air. Must say that these soldiers have any different words , because these soldiers are they recruit. 可是昨天那些士兵所干掉的敌人,并没有化为灰尽,只是变成了蓝色的光点消失在空气之中。要说这些士兵有什么不同的话,就是因为这些士兵是他们招募来的。 Looks at Li groups of surprised performance, Kane said: You do not have well reads the dungeon material, don't I make you probably carefully watch? Also is loaf.” 看着莉路路惊奇的表现,凯恩说道:“你是不是没有好好的看地牢的资料,我不是让你要仔细观看吗?又偷懒。” Hehe.” Hears the Kane words, Li path Lukou dug out the back of the head, laughing foolishly of face. “嘿嘿。”听到凯恩的话,莉路路抠了抠后脑勺,一脸的傻笑。 Was finished, originally this news wrote in the material, no wonder Kane has not found it strange. 完蛋了,原来这消息是写在资料上的呀,怪不得凯恩没有觉得奇怪。 Looks that Li path path is laughing foolishly, Kane has not actually prepared to let off her: Had told you how many times, dungeon some information words must look well, in brain, if words that because when the dungeon mechanism we have to separate, what to do?” 看着莉路路在傻笑,凯恩却没准备要放过她:“跟你说过多少次了,地牢的情报有的话一定要好好看,记在脑中,万一什么时候因为地牢的机制我们不得不分开的话,怎么办?” Was saying also non-stop uses own finger to select the Li path path head. 说着还不停的用自己的手指去点莉路路的脑袋。 Knows Li path path who oneself are in the wrong, is holding the head to the Kane crazy click. 知道自己理亏的莉路路,抱着脑袋任由着凯恩疯狂的点击。 Otherwise wait a minute, Kane will definitely keep saying. 不然等一会儿,凯恩肯定又会唠叨个没完。 After teaching Li groups of slightly, Kane suddenly helpless sighing: Oh, said you will not listen.” 稍微教训了一下莉路路后,凯恩突然又无奈的叹了口气:“唉,说了你也不会听。” Afterward starts to give Li path path to explain: These were recruited the soldier who comes by us, so long as calculates under our strengths, the got rid of enemy with is the same, similarly can blow out the magic object that we get rid of, otherwise we recruit these soldiers to do, doesn't that snatch the resources with oneself?” 随后开始给莉路路解答起来:“这些被我们招募而来的士兵只要是算在我们的战力下,干掉的敌人就和我们干掉的一样,同样可以爆出魔法物品,不然的话我们招募这些士兵干什么,那不是跟自己抢资源吗?” After hearing the Kane words, Li path path nods , indicating oneself understood. 听到凯恩的话后,莉路路点点头,表示自己了解了。 Teaches Li path path, Kane is turning the head to look at the battlefield. 教训完莉路路,凯恩在转过头来看着战场。 At this time does not have the enemy, the fragmentary several surplus enemies already the bent rider pursues. 此时已经没有敌人了,零星的几个剩余敌人已经被弓骑手追击。 + joins the bookmark + +加入书签+
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