DSED :: Volume #5

#448: Protects to teach the army

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Popular recommendation: At this time in association hall. 热门推荐:此时公会大厅中。 Kane sits by the furniture, in his hand also has 6 silver magic stone. 凯恩坐在桌椅旁,他的手中还有着六颗银色的魔石 However opens Book of Ventures On, in the middle of association column +, highlights again. 然而翻开的【冒险之书】上,公会栏目当中的+,再次高亮显示。 Was needless saying that definitely was because the Kane pair gain conducted a promotion, but the expansion column of new unlocking. 不用多说,肯定是因为凯恩对增益进行了一个升级,而新解锁的扩展栏目。 After the point opens, only has a new expansion column. 点开进去后只有一个新的扩展栏目。 Gain- fatal strikes 【增益-致命一击】 The unlocking new gain effect, only needs to spend Silver Magic Stone. 解锁新的增益效果,只需要花费一颗银色魔石 But the function is makes the members in association have 10 probability triggering to strike fatally, is the so-called violent strikes, causes 150 damage. 而作用便是让公会里的成员有十的几率触发致命一击,也就是所谓的暴击,造成150的伤害。 Also is a promotion, moreover this promotion them is also useful regarding Kane. 也算是一种提升,而且这提升对于凯恩他们来说也是有用的。 Silver Magic Stone words, are truly worth spending. 一颗银色魔石的话,确实值得花费。 Kane spends directly. 凯恩直接花费掉。 And saw this gain effect in the gain column, lightens him directly. 并在增益栏目中看见了这项增益效果,直接将他点亮。 The position of seal spread a heat flow slightly, but has not felt any obvious special place. 身上印章的位置又微微传出了一股热流,但是并没有感觉什么明显的特别之处。 This gain effect agrees to promote, but the next stage takes 3 Silver Magic Stone, the probability turns into 20. 这增益效果同意可以升级,不过下一阶段要三颗银色魔石,几率变成20。 Finally was only left over 5 magic stone. 最后只剩下五颗魔石了。 But many expansion columns, need the unlocking. 而还有许多的扩展栏目,需要解锁。 But words regarding present stage, majority not too big use. 但对于现阶段而言的话,大部分都没有太大的用处。 Four detail drawings that even most importantly, delivers about magic stone. 即便是最重要的,关于魔石产出的四大样。 What the present stage is most important enhances the strength of association member, is the strengths of these soldiers, this can make them have a bigger advantage in the dungeon. 现阶段最重要的是提升公会成员的实力,也就是那些士兵的实力,这样才能够让他们在地牢中占据更大的优势。 The crack in sky was getting bigger and bigger, more small-scale cavities are appearing in the sky. 天空中的裂缝越来越大了,更多的小型空洞正在出现在天空之中。 Every day can see the red luminous spot that in the crack and cavity flutter, this is strengthening on behalf of the strength of daily enemy. 每天都能够看见裂缝和空洞中飘出来的红色光点,这代表着每一天敌人的实力都在加强。 The reason that because the influence needs to expand step by step, Kane they do not have the good way, can only carefully comes. 但是由于势力需要一步一步扩大的原因,凯恩他们也没有太好的办法,只能一步一个脚印的来。 Therefore joins association the spirits of these freedoms truly also to need the rise of strength newly, is helping them well captures the dungeon is also better protection own life. 所以新加入公会的那些自由之灵确实也需要实力的提升,是帮助着他们更好的攻略地牢也是更好的保护自身的性命。 Now like this peculiar circumstance, dies may really die, cannot a little careless. 现在这样的特殊情况,死了可就是真死了,不能有一点的马虎。 Kane careful is screening in these expansion columns. 凯恩仔细的在这些扩展栏目当中甄别着。 Finally discovered that can rapidly increase the soldier strength under the present situation the possibility, only then Protects to teach the army. 最后发现能够在当前情况下快速增加士兵实力的可能只有【护教军】。 Because this column becomes the soldier of spirit of freedom to have custom-made according to these. 因为这栏目本身就是根据这些成为自由之灵的士兵而定制的。 If not come this dungeon to walk one, almost this column for a lifetime not too possible unlocking. 如果不来这地牢走一趟的话,几乎这栏目一辈子都不太可能解锁。 Moreover magic stone that spends also is just remaining 5 Silver Magic Stone. 而且花费的魔石也刚好是剩下的五颗银色魔石 Don't even go there, since decided that that is direct the unlocking. 没什么好说的,既然决定了,那就直接解锁。 Under of association presented a new column. 公会的下方出现了一个新的栏目。 The Kane direct point goes. 凯恩直接点进去。 Protects to teach army the style of page entire column, and other columns are not quite same. 护教军的页面整个栏目的风格,和其他栏目都不太一样。 The wind of inexplicable blood and iron. 给人莫名的铁血之风。 First protected to teach the name of army to be arranged directly, is called the inspection lamp knight group. 首先护教军的名称直接就被定好了,叫做提灯骑士团。 Listens to the name to know that has custom-made for their association specially. 听名字就知道是专门为他们公会定制的。 First is the position quantity in knight group, the qualifications and joining. 首先便是骑士团中的职位数量,以及加入的资格。 The joined qualifications are simple, so long as to the association or is association president one, stays loyal, and gives loyalty to the line. 加入的资格非常简单,只要对公会或者是会长其中一个,保持忠诚并且效忠就行。 However has a very severe stipulation, after joining the knight rolls, cannot withdraw from the association, only if died, or is willing to become the average person. 但是有着一种非常严苛的规定,加入进骑士团后,就不能退出公会了,除非死亡,或者愿意成为普通人。 Moreover when such information, joins will then prompt in the brain in subscriber, if the subscriber has to be forced or the non- voluntary behavior joins is then defeated. 而且这样的信息,加入时便会在加入者中的脑中进行提示,加入者如果有着被迫或者非自愿的行为加入便失败。 The quantity that this knight rolls does not limit, the association members who all join can obtain according to the equipment and skill that the occupation matches. 这骑士团的数量是不限的,所有加入进去的公会成员都能获得根据职业而搭配出来的装备以及技能。 The available matching coverall are many, cannot be regarded on is the good equipment, but matches certainly unusual is perfect. 可供选择的搭配套装非常多,都算不得上是多好的装备,但一定搭配的非常完善。 In the words, can be fair equipment of one set of Adventurer use. 在外界的话,算得上是一套探索者使用的中规中矩的装备。 These equipment, according to the characteristics, roughly can be divided into the close combat, long-distance and technique law. 这些装备,根据特色,大致能够分为近战,远程和术法。 For example the equipment of knight has various knight equipment of close combat, the law of long-distance knight equipment as well as use magic rides the equipment. 比如说骑士的装备有着近战的各种骑士装备,还有远程的骑士装备以及使用魔法的法骑装备。 According to joining the association members conduct the match of occupation, according to the match degree grants the skill that some knights roll. 还会根据加入进来的公会成员进行职业的匹配,根据匹配程度而赐予一些骑士团的技能。 Looking at it like this, comparing in saying was the special branch of armed services, was more like an occupation to transfer the duty. 这样看来,相比于说是特殊军种,更像是一种职业转职。 Is equivalent to these aptitude not good association members, provides certain strength rise channel. 相当于给那些资质不好的公会成员,提供一定的实力上升渠道。 Also is equivalent is willing to join to protect to teach the association member benefits of army, after all others were work oneself to death for the association. 也相当于给愿意加入护教军的公会成员一种福利,毕竟人家都算是为公会卖命了。 Kane directly all the spirits of soldier freedom joins the association all draw protect to teach in the army. 凯恩直接将所有加入进公会的士兵自由之灵全部拖进护教军中。 But is conducting the free spirit soldier of training and patrol outside, passed is printing the association seal to receive the information from association. 而正在外面进行着训练和巡逻的自由之灵士兵,都通过身上印着的公会印章接收到了来自公会的信息。 The information in brain, asked whether they are willing to join protecting of association to teach the army, and has all kinds of prompts and explanations. 脑中的信息,问他们是否愿意加入公会的护教军,并有着各种各样的提示和说明。 Their agreements without hesitation. 他们毫不犹豫的就同意了。 Kane also saw, protects to teach in the column of army, the flash flooded into a large quantities of information list. 凯恩这边也看见了,护教军的栏目中,一瞬间就涌入了一大批的信息名单。 The appeared condition continues this type, he in the association hall also presents the difference now. 出现的状况不止这一种,他现在所处的公会大厅中也出现了异样。 On a wall presented a leaf of spiral entry. 一面墙壁上出现了一扇螺旋的门洞。 The information of Kane rapid examination association hall, bewildered, the association hall were many a space. 凯恩迅速查看公会大厅的信息,莫名其妙的,公会大厅多了一片空间。 This space is called protects to teach the army the station. 这片空间被称为护教军驻地。 The link place is the association hall. 链接的地方就是公会大厅。 Saw such situation, Kane to ponder, therefore the association hall will also increase more regions according to the column of unlocking? 看见这样的情形,凯恩思考了一下,所以公会大厅还会根据解锁的栏目而增加更多的区域? Moreover completely what he has not thought that will protect to teach the army the space of station free to him. 而且他完全没有想到的是,护教军驻地的这种空间会免费给他。 According to the style of association system, the words that does not spend, this makes him use does not feel relieved very much. 按照公会系统的风格,不花钱的话,这让他使用的很不放心呀。 However Kane also saw, wants to enter this space to have the compulsory requirement. 不过凯恩也看见了,想要进入这片空间是有硬性要求的。 Must be the member who protects to teach the army can enter, but Kane enrolls automatically, in protecting to teach on the army. 必须得是护教军的成员才能够进入,而凯恩则是自动挂名在护教军上。 Kane, is this thing that you make newly?” Lombe they appear by the entry the question and answer. 凯恩,这是你新弄出来的东西吗?”隆贝他们出现在门洞旁问答。 Kane walks to nod, said: Is the stations of these soldiers, but you cannot go , can only these soldiers have me to go is the compulsory requirement of this space.” 凯恩走过去点点头,说道:“算是那些士兵的驻地吧,不过你们都不能进去,只能那些士兵还有我能进去算是这片空间的硬性要求吧。” These words trade, is sigh that Lombe they is a pity. 这段话换来的,是隆贝他们可惜的叹息声。 Kane the entry, double opened the wooden door to conduct the replace with one leaf. 凯恩将门洞,用一扇双开木门进行了替换。 However the boosting gate walked. 然后推门走了进去。 The region of this space wants on big dozens times compared with nearby association hall. 这片空间的区域比旁边的公会大厅要大上个几十倍。 And will also act according to protects to teach the number of army to expand, moreover these expansions do not need Kane to spend. 并且还会根据护教军的数量进行扩充,而且这些扩充并不需要凯恩进行花费。 This space is similar to a stretch of flat land, on the flat land has stone building one after another, the horse stable, the training ground. 这片空间类似于一片平地,平地上有着一座又一座的石屋,马厩,训练场。 Especially training ground area extremely broad, moreover inside facility also very comprehensive. 特别是训练场占地面积极其的广阔,而且里面的设施还非常的全面。 This space hardly needs Kane to conduct any expenditure, reached one's goal instantly directly. 这空间几乎不需要凯恩进行任何的花费,直接就一步到位了。 The most conspicuous position is one is then similar to the church same construction. 最显眼的位置便是一座类似于教堂一样的建筑。 All protecting teach the army to need to enter inside, according to the matching obtains the different skills. 所有的护教军都需要进入里面,根据匹配度而获得不同的技能。 But this space biggest construction is the equipment depositing storehouse. 而这空间最大的建筑便是装备的存放库。 Kane walked to observe everywhere, inside is depositing all kinds of equipment, helped protect to teach the army to conduct the choice use. 凯恩走进去四处观察了一下,里面存放着各种各样的装备,便于护教军进行选择使用。 Moreover thinks with Kane is the same, has the copper colors and silver two different lusters. 而且和凯恩想的一样啊,有着铜色和银色两种不同的色泽。 The attribute is almost in the middle of a current rank being suspended in midair degree, unusual doctrine of the mean. 属性几乎都是处在当前等级当中的一个不上不下的程度,非常的中庸。 However is some free. 不过都是些免费的。 Afterward is the trim space central place, an inspection lamp same weakness models. 随后便是整片空间的中央处,一个提灯一样的凋塑。 Models the middle flame the position still to send out the ray weakly outward. 凋塑中间火光的位置还在向外散发着光芒。 But this is the trim space core. 而这就是整片空间的核心。 But Kane needs to spend in the middle that magic stone invests models weakly, to maintain various consumptions of entire space. 凯恩需要花费魔石投入凋塑的中间中,以维持整个空间的各种消耗。 Including protecting to teach the army granting of skill, the restore and foundation of equipment. 包括护教军技能的赐予,装备的修复与创建。 Naturally spends not is extremely exaggerating, can replace with various color magic stone. 当然花费的都不算太过夸张,能够用各种颜色的魔石代替。 This was a point that Kane most liked. 这就是凯恩最喜欢的一点了。 Puts out 50 Bronze Magic Stone first to throw directly, these magic stone can the Kane use very be enough long. 直接拿出50颗铜色魔石先投进去,这些魔石能够够凯恩使用很久了。 Kane arrived by a nearby bronze bell to knock knocking. 凯恩来到旁边的一个青铜钟旁边敲了敲。 The clear sound starts to appear in this space, later disseminates to go to the space. 清脆的响声开始出现在这片空间内,随后向空间外传播而去。 Person's shadows appeared in the knight station. 一道道人影出现在了骑士驻地。 Before long Kane hauls in protects to teach among the army spirits of all freedoms, all appeared in the knight station. 不一会儿凯恩拉进护教军当中的所有自由之灵,全部出现在了骑士驻地内。 This bronze bell is similar to a command of set, all protecting teach the army the member, no matter can hear in what space. 这口青铜钟类似于一种集合的号令,所有的护教军成员,不管在什么空间内都能听到。 Looks at slightly the somewhat helpless soldier. 看着稍微有些不知所措的士兵。 Abbey, the Mark comes. Kane first leaders of these soldiers calling. “艾比,马克过来一下。凯恩先将这些士兵的领头人给叫过来。 Senior official!” “长官!” Two people arrive in front of Kane, immediately stands at attention, good a ritual. 两人来到凯恩面前,立刻立正,行了一礼。 Kane nods, later then hauled in two people positions protected to teach in the army that only regimental commander and assistant regimental commander. 凯恩点点头,随后便将两人的职位拉进了护教军中那唯一的团长和副团长。 This is the present stage, protects to teach among the army only two positions. 这是现阶段,护教军当中唯二的职位。 More position need more subscribers will appear, does not have any special attribute addition, only then regarding the right of knight station. 更多的职位需要更多的加入者才会出现,没有什么特别的属性加成,只有一些对于骑士驻地的权利。 Is equivalent helps Kane to protecting to teach the army to manage. 相当于帮助凯恩对护教军进行管理。 Especially the position of regimental commander, in protecting to teach in the army, is equivalent to the vice-chairman of association. 特别是团长的职位,在护教军中,相当于公会的副会长。 It is not the analogy, because besides the association president, other association members does not have the right to protecting to teach the army to meddle. 并不是类比,而是因为除了会长外,其他的公会成员没有权利对护教军进行插手。 This limit Kane, cannot change its right even. 这项限制即使是凯恩,也不能对其权利进行更改。 What he can change is only in the knight group each powers of these positions, is equivalent reforms in. 他能够更改的只是骑士团中这些职位的各个权力,相当于在内部进行改革。 Abbey and Mark after the position that promotes to the regimental commander and assistant regimental commander, in their brains also presented knight station these each uses and functions of constructions. 将艾比和马克提升到团长和副团长的职位后,他们的脑中也出现了骑士驻地这些各个建筑的使用和功能。 Kane patted two people shoulders, said: „The following matter gave you, do not disappoint me.” 凯恩拍了拍两人的肩膀,说道:“后面的事情就交给你们了,不要让我失望。” After obtaining the two people affirmative answer, Kane shoves open the wooden door of not far away, returned to the association hall. 得到两人肯定的答复后,凯恩推开不远处的木门,返回了公会大厅。 Had protected to teach the strength strengthening of army, these spirit of soldiers who freedom oneself wielded, finally had the ability of self-preservation. 有了护教军的实力强化,自己挥下的这些自由之灵士兵,总算是有了自保的能力。 Also settled worry in his heart. 也算是了结了他心中的担忧。 After not far away Li road and Lombe see Kane returns, immediately collects, is asking about the matter of knight station. 不远处莉路路和隆贝看见凯恩返回后,立刻凑了过来,询问着骑士驻地的事情。 Because they cannot go, therefore to that side space curious, but is not good. 由于他们不能进去,所以对那边空间好奇的而不行。 Unknown is most interesting. 未知的才是最有意思的。
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