DSED :: Volume #4

#387: Clearly passes the military spirit the result

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The extraction skill, explores dungeon Chapter 387 clearly to pass the military spirit the result 抽取技能,探索地牢第387章灵明通武的成效 „Do you have the new skill?” Looks that Kane also has the example that the matter must set to ask. “你还有新技能?”克蕾雅看着凯恩还有事情要做的样子问道。 Hears words, Kane nods, later was saying to nearby Li path path: Li groups of can help me be called a small creature to come, making it accompany me to experiment the new skill, felt relieved that will not cause anything to injure.” 听到克蕾雅的话,凯恩点点头,随后对着旁边的莉路路说道:“莉路路能不能帮我叫一只小动物过来,让它陪我试验一下新的技能,放心不会造成什么伤害的。” Heard Kane saying that will not cause anything to injure, Li path path then nods, later these animals that waited and saw to here was wielding the magic wand to the distant place once for a while. 听到凯恩说不会造成什么伤害,莉路路便点点头,随后对着远处时不时向这里观望的那些动物挥了挥魔杖。 A small squirrel receives the signal to run over directly, this squirrel wears a leather jacket, on the head also brings an exploration hat. 一只小松鼠收到信号直接就跑了过来,这只松鼠穿着一身皮夹克,脑袋上还带着一个探险帽。 Arrives at around the Kane body, both hands bosom in chest front. 来到凯恩身前后,双手怀抱在胸前。 Afterward this squirrel is also kneeing down to Li path path, bent down the body, grand good a ritual. 随后这松鼠还对着莉路路单膝跪地,俯了俯身体,隆重的行了一礼。 Li groups of face spirited nods. 莉路路则一脸神气的点了点头。 Looks that this Kane and eyelid jumps. 看着这一幕的凯恩和克蕾雅眼皮直跳。 However, saluted should also be, Li path path probably gave them after all the wisdom, she even can be the creation world god in this microcosm 不过,行礼好像也是应该的,毕竟莉路路给了它们智慧,她甚至可以算得上是这个小世界的创世神了 Looks in front of oneself both hands surround, stare the eye that the circle is cooking to stare at oneself squirrel, Kane are putting out a hand. 看着自己面前双手环抱,瞪着圆熘熘的眼睛盯着自己的松鼠,凯恩伸出手来。 Seal bubble Has placed his skill Gerry. 【封印泡泡】已经安放进他的技能格里了。 Afterward in the hand presented one group of transparent air bubbles, pushed to the squirrel the air bubble slowly, looks to oneself more and more near bubble, that squirrel cannot bear close the eye to keep off with the hand before own body. 随后手中出现了一团透明的气泡,将气泡缓缓的推向了松鼠,看着离自己越来越近的泡泡,那松鼠忍不住闭上眼睛用手挡在自己的身前。 When the bubble contacts that moment of squirrel, this is Kane needs to spend the charm the time. 当泡泡接触到松鼠的那一刻,这才是凯恩需要花费魔力的时间。 The strength of squirrel approximately just entered the copper color, just became one of the demon beast. 松鼠的实力大约才刚刚进入铜色,算是刚刚成为魔兽的一员。 With the flash of bubble contact, the charm starts crazy flooding into, with flooding into of charm, the bubble is getting bigger and bigger, until entire packages the squirrel. 随着泡泡接触的一瞬间,魔力开始疯狂的涌入,随着魔力的涌入,泡泡越来越大,直到将松鼠整个包裹住。 After the squirrel entire was wrapped, the squirrel then just like was decided the body, no longer moves slightly. 当松鼠整个被包裹住后,松鼠便犹如被定身的一样,不再丝毫动弹。 In Kane their sensations, even front the sensation does not arrive at the life situation of this squirrel, just like it is a stone is the same. 凯恩他们的感知中,甚至感知不到面前这只松鼠的生命情况,就犹如它是一颗石头一样。 After completing all these, Kane is breathing heavily in gulps. 做完这一切后,凯恩大口大口地喘着粗气。 On a seal such squirrel, spent Kane massive charms. 就封印这样一只松鼠,就花费了凯恩大量的魔力。 By Kane now the charm in within the body, seal such squirrel are most also can only seal 4 drain him. 凯恩现在体内的魔力,封印这样的松鼠最多也就只能封印四只就会将他抽干。 Must know the charm of Kane within the body exaggeratingly, even Kane thought that Adventurer of silver rank on simple ratio demon strength, oneself can be first. 要知道凯恩体内的魔力可是非常的夸张的,甚至凯恩觉得银色级别的探索者就单比魔力量,自己能够达到第一。 However this squirrel, almost covered skill all not good conditions. 不过这松鼠,几乎涵盖了技能所有的不好条件。 For example the psychology definitely does not want, by any injury, the life symptom is not been good, has the movement of resistance. 比如心理肯定不愿意,没有受任何的伤害,生命体征良好,有着反抗的动作。 If projects on half this squirrel remnant and knocks the dusk it, that wants certainly simple many. 如果将这只松鼠打到半残并将它敲昏,那肯定是要简单的多。 Outside small creature is good, in this, is ok. 外面的小动物还行,这里面的嘛,还是算了。 Kane front will wrap the bubble of squirrel to take, the sense of reality on hand no longer is that thin film same feeling, but just like a cover of glass. 凯恩将面前包裹住松鼠的泡泡拿起来,手上的质感不再是那种薄膜一样的感觉,而是犹如一个玻璃的罩子。 No matter Kane what kind of rocking, revolving, inside squirrel just like is coagulated were the same, did not have the slight sound, steady float in the middle of bubble, motionless. 不管凯恩如何的晃动,旋转,里面的松鼠就犹如被凝固了一样,没有丝毫的动静,稳稳的悬浮在泡泡的中间,一动不动。 Nearby Li path path anxious asking: Doesn't have the issue? Kane this small squirrel has not been injured.” 旁边的莉路路紧张的问道:“没问题吗?凯恩这只小松鼠没有受伤吧。” Relax, without injuring it, this is a magic of seal will not cause anything to injure to it, but gets up its seal.” “放心吧,没有伤害它,这是一种封印的魔法并不会对它造成什么伤害,只是将它封印起来。” Heard Kane saying that Li path Lucai relaxes, later the attention was shifted to the bubble of seal squirrel instantaneously, received from the hand of Kane the bubble, in all directions read. 听到凯恩这么说莉路路才松了一口气,随后注意力瞬间被转移到封印松鼠的泡泡,将泡泡从凯恩的手中接过,四处的翻看起来。 Quite fierce, Li groups of can feel, inside time static, moreover even the aura of life was blocked.” “好厉害,莉路路能够感觉到,里面的时间是静止的,而且连生命的气息都被阻断了。” Mainly is the contour of this seal also very artistic. 主要是这封印的外形还非常的美观。 Is the life after by seal also the living creature, Kane is rubbing the chin, looks at the bubble in Li path path hand, cannot bear ponder. 被封印后的生命还算不算活物呢,凯恩摩擦着下巴,看着莉路路手中的泡泡,忍不住思考到。 „, Turned on yesterday's that gold bag, looked that can install this bubble. “克蕾雅,把昨天那个黄金袋子打开,看能不能将这个泡泡装进去。 Kane decides to experiment. The life body cannot admit in the space equipment, only if the life turned into the corpse. 凯恩决定试验一下。生命体是不能放进空间装备里的,除非生命变成了尸体。 After hearing the Kane words, takes the bag, later opens the bag mouth, Kane took up the bubble then to put, does not have any blocking feeling, smooth admitted in the bubble the warehouse. 听到凯恩的话后,克蕾雅将袋子拿出来,随后将袋口打开,凯恩拿起泡泡便放了进去,没有任何的阻塞感,顺利的将泡泡放进了仓库里。 Unexpectedly feasible, after can put the life by seal, cannot be the life. 居然可行,能够放进去被封印后的生命,并不能算是生命了。 In if in the space equips, how relieves the seal can? 那要是在空间装备里,将封印解除会怎样呢? However although Kane thinks of such issue, but has not put in the action, after all this squirrel by Li path Luqi spirit. 不过凯恩虽然想到这样的问题,但并没有付出行动,毕竟这松鼠被莉路路启灵过。 Moreover Kane had said that will not cause the damage to it, when later went out then looks for animal experiment. 而且凯恩说过不会对它造成伤害,等之后出去了再找个动物试验一下。 Equips to take again from the space in the bubble, later relieved the seal, is wrapping the bubble of squirrel, just like is punctured breaks open equally directly, after inside squirrel falls to the ground, restored the original design. 将泡泡又重新从空间装备里拿出来,随后解除了封印,包裹着松鼠的泡泡,就犹如被人戳破一样直接破开,里面的松鼠落地后又恢复成了原样。 However is still maintaining the condition of shutting tightly the eye, as if in its cognition, it also lived in just. 不过依然保持着紧闭眼睛的状态,似乎在它的认知中,它还活在刚刚的时候。 Shot a squirrel head, equipped from the space puts out dry fruit to give it, later expelled it. 弹了一下松鼠脑袋,从空间装备里拿出了一块干果递给它,随后将它赶走。 Kane looks at Li path path, suddenly said: Li road must experiment this seal.” 凯恩看着莉路路,突然说道:“莉路路要不要来试验一下这个封印。” After hearing the Kane words, Li path path intertwines, she is afraid that feeling at the same time, on the one hand very curious. 听到凯恩的话后,莉路路纠结起来,她一方面又害怕那种感觉,一方面又非常的好奇。 All right, that squirrel was not just obvious, will not have any feeling, moreover is unlikely to be able by my charm your seal, but wants to feel the seal and strength suitable life body, roughly needs to spend many charms.” “没事的,刚刚那只松鼠不就明摆着嘛,并不会有任何的感觉,而且以我的魔力不太可能能够将你封印,只是想要感觉一下封印和自己实力相当的生命体,大致需要花费多少魔力。” Good.” Hears the Kane words, no longer intertwined to nod with Li path path, flutters the Kane front. “好吧。”听到凯恩的话,和莉路路不再纠结点点头,飘到了凯恩的面前。 Kane wait/etc. the charms in within the body restore completely well, condensed bubble, went to this Li path Ludi. 凯恩等自己体内的魔力恢复完全好,又重新凝聚出了一个泡泡,向这莉路路递去。 Looks nearly in the bubble of late ruler, Li path path head slightly backward supine, the body became somewhat stiff. 看着近在迟尺的泡泡,莉路路脑袋微微向后仰了仰,身体都变得有些僵硬了。 With touching of bubble, the Kane charm starts to flood into, when charm consumption larger part, Kane then shut off the output of charm, the bubble in hand also broke open. 随着泡泡的触碰,凯恩的魔力开始涌入,当魔力消耗一大半的时候,凯恩便切断了魔力的输出,手中的泡泡也随之破开。 Sees the bubble shatter, Li path path to be a pity, is rejoiced that caressed own chest, spits to exhale. 看见泡泡的破碎,莉路路又是可惜,又是庆幸地抚了抚自己的胸膛,吐出了一口气。 Nearby asked: How Kane, no?” 旁边的克蕾雅问道:“怎么样凯恩,不行吗?” Kane shakes the head, is breathing heavily saying: „It is not good, my charm is insufficient Li groups of seals.” 凯恩摇了摇头,喘着粗气说道:“不行,我的魔力根本不足以将莉路路封印。” Kane can feel oneself just seal progress possibly about 30, the charm that but spends is the larger part of his total quantity. 凯恩能够感觉到自己刚刚的封印进度可能才30左右,但花费的魔力已经是他总量的一大半了。 Life that really the seal these hit half dead stupor, cannot revolt against possibly easy. 果然还是得封印那些被打的半死昏迷过去,不能反抗的生命才可能更加的容易。 However here does not have, only after can wait, hunts time experimented again. 不过这里没有,只能等之后去狩猎的时候再试验一下了。 ...... …… Next day noon. 次日的中午。 Kane sits cross-legged to sit in own room. 凯恩在自己的房间内盘膝而坐。 He had not slept to the present from last night, he is at spirit clearly passes the military in now the condition. 他从昨晚到现在一直没有睡觉,他现在正处在灵明通武的状态中。 Youyou is standing on a pedestal at this time, what seems controlling? 悠悠此时正在一个台座上立着,似乎正在操控着什么? Around Kane has the innumerable tiny spheroid, in toward Kane that under the control of Youyou non-stop hits, but Kane must by the posture of sitting cross-legged, move aside by the body, to guard itself to be hit. 凯恩周围有数不清的细小球体,在悠悠的操控下不停的向着凯恩撞去,而凯恩必须以盘坐的姿势,靠身体进行躲闪,以防自己被击中。 Reason that this , because Kane felt that own supernatural might regarded the skill as if soon to learn. 之所以这样,是因为凯恩感觉到自己的神武视技能似乎快要学会了。 Was spending for two months the prerequisite skill that in addition the supernatural might regards, Kane has also learned, causes this skill is the skill of Kane present stage easiest learned. 在花费了两个月的时间,再加上神武视的前置技能,凯恩也早就学会了,导致这技能是凯恩现阶段最容易学会的技能。 In addition this skill is the Kane standing-by skill, was almost rarely taken down the skill standard the position. 再加上这技能是凯恩的常备技能,几乎很少被取下技能格的位置。 Once for a while will conduct such training. 时不时的就会进行这样的训练。 In that month of beforehand rest, is the perception capability that very intensive training supernatural might regards. 在之前休息的那一个月里,更是高强度的训练神武视的感知能力。 More is the use, Kane more can feel that spirit clearly passes military skill the powerful effect, in the heart cannot help but has own teacher grateful. 越是使用,凯恩越是能够感觉到灵明通武这技能的强力效果,心中更不由得感激起自己的老师。 Speeds up again.” “再加快一点。” Kane felt that oneself regarded only the bad shooting to the learned supernatural might, feeling that type was away from the paper window extremely intense, making in the heart of Kane just like the cat to grasp equally uncomfortably. 凯恩感觉到自己离学会神武视只差临门一脚了,那种隔着纸窗户的感觉极其的强烈,让凯恩的心中犹如猫在抓一样难受。 Heard the order of Kane, Youyou opens fully the horsepower, in the air innumerable tiny transparent spheroid action fast, can hear in the entire room is the howling sounds of that object fast action. 听到凯恩的命令,悠悠开足了马力,空中无数细小的透明球体行动更加的快速,能够听见整个房间里都是那种物体快速行动的呼啸声。 But the Kane body also non-stop is avoiding, is quick the remnant shadow. 凯恩身体也不停的在躲避着,已经快出了残影。 He all energy place now condensed the sensation, conducts to avoid. 他现在所有的精力都放在了凝聚感知,来进行躲避上。 With such avoidance, the Kane physical strength is draining fast. 随着这样的躲避,凯恩的体力正在快速的流失。 A rope collapse broken voice appears in the brain of Kane. 一种绳索崩断的声音在凯恩的脑中出现。 That matter Mongolia's giant window paper in front of Kane, was burnt by the flaming raging fire. Kane instantaneous setting out both hands wave, the spheroid grips all in the air puts on completely, pinching that does not remain in hand. 那层蒙在凯恩面前的巨大窗户纸,被熊熊的烈火燃烧了。凯恩瞬间起身双手舞动,将所有空中穿来穿去的球体全部握住,一个不剩的捏在了手中。 Spheroid also dissipation in gradually hand. 手中的球体也渐渐的消散。 ~ “呼~” Kane deep expiration, sits cross-legged. 凯恩深深的吐了一口气,又重新盘坐下来。 Calls Book of Ventures, Turns to that page of own skill standard, skill Gerry Supernatural might regards Took. 唤出【冒险之书】,翻到自己技能格的那一页,将技能格里的【神武视】取了出来。 Even if this Skill Rune were taken, Kane can still feel that own sensation has not dropped, takes down Skill Rune to have no difference. 即使这技能石被取了出来,凯恩依然能够感觉到自己的感知并没有下降,取下技能石没有任何的不同。 Has a look at own information column, in the skill of meeting to present the inscription that the supernatural might regarded again, but similarly Esteeming martial arts intuition Also vanished. 再看看自己的信息栏,会的技能里出现了神武视的字样,但同样的【尚武直觉】也消失了。 After all the supernatural might regards is the esteeming martial arts intuition about one step, vanishing was also fair. 毕竟神武视是尚武直觉的更近一步,消失了也合情合理。 Finally after such long learn/study, learned the 1st silver skill, often must occupy takes a skill of sites. 终于经过这么久的学习,学会了第一个银色的技能,还是时常要占取一个格位的技能。 Such skill standard can empty one finally, making the Kane battle efficiency obtain a bigger promotion. 这样技能格终于又能空出来一位,让凯恩的战斗力获得更大的提升。 Is looking in the hand Supernatural might regards Skill Rune, after this Skill Rune, can give them. 看着手中的【神武视】技能石,这个技能石之后就可以交给克蕾雅他们了。 Must say that whose words this Skill Rune suits, that obviously was, the close combat player of powerful, in addition will just like will regard the same sensation in the future. 要说这技能石到底适合谁的话,那明显就是克蕾雅了,强力的近战选手,再加上犹如未来视一样的感知。 Close combat that certainly can let, powerful. 一定能够让克蕾雅的近战,更加的强力。 The point operates information column, examines the Skill Rune condition in her skill square. 点开克蕾雅的信息栏,查看她技能格上的技能石状态。 At this time Skill Rune on information column already very illusory, can only roughly see the outline. 此时克蕾雅信息栏上的技能石已经非常的虚幻,只能够大致看见轮廓。 It seems like has given the skill of side homologous series, truly can pick up her learning speed. 看来一直给克蕾雅方同系列的技能,确实能够加快她的学习速度。 + joins the bookmark + +加入书签+
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