DSED :: Volume #4

#386: Experience

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The extraction skill, explores dungeon Chapter 386 to experience 抽取技能,探索地牢第386章体验 Li path path fairy tale world. 莉路路的童话世界。 At this time in the Li path path fairy tale world, the element of fairy tale were more than past, woods that are constituted by thousand fruit trees. 此时莉路路的童话世界中,童话的元素比以往更多了,还有一片由千果树构成的树林。 Kane they in the bleak region of fairy tale world, this region besides the soil of ground, without other constructions. 凯恩他们正在童话世界的一片荒凉区域,这片区域除了地上的泥土外,没有其他的建筑。 All buildings and animals were moved one side, is only left over the most primitive geological structure, the region was not too big nor too small, is used for the training and experimental skill almost just enough. 所有的建筑和动物都被挪到了一边,只剩下最原始的地质结构,区域不大不小,用来训练和实验技能差不多刚好够了。 I first give a try.” Lombe said that then stood, he impatient wants to try own new skill. “我先试试看。”隆贝说完便站了出来,他已经迫不及待的想试试自己的新技能了。 He first changes to a big way oneself both arms, with flooding into of charm, his both arms just like the balloon that gasifies, inflates rapidly. 他首先就将自己的双臂变化到最大,随着魔力的涌入,他的双臂犹如充了气的气球,迅速膨胀起来。 Until wants on big about two times compared with his original arm, stopped. 直到比他原本的胳膊要大上两倍左右,才停了下来。 First experiments the multiplying change with the smallest multiple. 先用最小的倍数来试验一下倍增的变化。 Lombe made a fist effort to hammer on the soil of ground, the ground was made the morass of fist mark by its strength instantaneously, the soil scatters together. 隆贝握拳用力锤到了地上的泥土上,地面瞬间被它的力量打出一道拳头印记的泥坑,泥土四溅而起。 Lombe takes back the fist, after pinching the palm to feel a while, said: Strength had not been strengthened to two times, approximately strove to excel on about 30 ~ 40 compared with the strength of former fist.” 隆贝收回拳头,捏了捏手掌感受了一会儿后说道:“力量并没有被增强到两倍,大约比以前拳头的力量要强上30~40左右。” Then, Lombe spends the charm again, the double fist inflates, old trick heavy, makes a fist again, the thump struck the ground, this strength compared with usually promoted almost one time. 说完,隆贝再次花费魔力,双拳更加膨胀,故伎重施,再次握拳,捶击到了地面,这次力量比平时提升了差不多一倍。 Each inflates one time upward, the strength of improvement will also increase. 每往上膨胀一倍,提升的力量也会增多。 4 times of multiplication strengths usually were more than two times, 5 times directly were more than more than three times usually the strength. 四倍的倍增力量就比平时多了两倍,五倍直接就比平时力量多了三倍多。 Finally makes Lombe take the equipment of hand enhancement strength, the final conclusion obtains the enhanced strength is only the physical body most essential strength, will not superimpose with the equipment mutually, not mutual influence. 最后又让隆贝带上手部增强力量的装备,最后的结论得出增强的力量只是肉体最本质的力量,并不会和装备相互叠加,也不会相互影响。 However the strength of Lombe was very strong, was obtaining the maximum three times of many strength increases, is powerful, the striking power insufficient weak area was made up directly. 不过隆贝本身的力量就很强了,在获得最高三倍多的力量提升,已经非常强大了,攻击力不足的短板直接就被补上。 Let alone this is only the experiment under normal state shape, when Lombe battles always conducts in the giant shape. 更别说这只是常态形态下的实验,隆贝作战时一向都是以巨人形态来进行的。 Experiments, after you use Original Skill, adds on this skill the effect able to obtain to strengthen.” “试验一下,你用本源技能后再加上这个技能的效果会不会获得加强。” After hearing the Kane words, Lombe nods, he is also having this intent, later he then directly used Original Skill, the skin becomes just like stone made/system grayish white, the body direct expansion turned into a 5 meters high young giant. 听见凯恩的话语后,隆贝点点头,他也正有此意,随后他便直接使用了本源技能,皮肤变得灰白犹如石制的一样,身型直接扩大变成了一个五米多高的小巨人。 After getting the body becomes the young giant, Lombe again extends oneself arm, after just use, Lombe had certain experience. 变身成小巨人后,隆贝再次伸出自己的手臂,经过刚刚的使用,隆贝有了一定的经验。 Actually does not need to multiply the entire arm, only needs the multiplication fist to obtain the increase of strength. 其实不用将整个手臂倍增,只需要倍增拳头就能够获得力量的提升。 Therefore this time Lombe multiplied directly oneself fist. 所以这次隆贝直接倍增了自己的拳头。 This time from 2 times has not started to expand again upwardly, but is the direct expenditure charm multiplies the fist to 5 times, the giant fist became some excessively to be giant directly. 这次没有再从二倍开始向上扩张,而是直接花费魔力将拳头倍增至五倍,本就巨大的拳头直接变得有些过分巨大。 On a size of fist, caught up with the build of Lombe quickly. 就一个拳头的大小,都快赶上隆贝自己的体型了。 After all the body structure and human of dwarf are not quite same, the four limbs are quite thick. 毕竟矮人的身体构造和人类是不太相同的,四肢都较为粗大。 Holds up itself and body equally big fist pounds to the ground, sees such situation, Kane several people that side watches retrocede immediately several steps. 举起自己和身体一样大的拳头就向地面砸去,看见这样的情形,旁边观看的凯恩几人立马后退几步。 Retreat time, Kane took advantage of opportunity to proceed to wipe, constructs a transparent steel wall. 后退的时候,凯恩顺势往前一抹,构造出了一面透明的钢墙。 At this time Lombe's fist just falls on the ground, can obviously feel the vibration of ground, the animals of not far away received frightening, sets up the body to come to look at Kane vigilantly their direction. 此时隆贝的拳头刚好落在地面,能够明显感觉到地面的震动,不远处的动物们都受到了惊吓,立起身子来警惕地看着凯恩他们的方向。 Following, the silt of blotting out the sky, good Kane had the foreknowledge to make a transparent steel wall early, the silt that these splashed stroked on the steel wall fell the ground. 随之而来的,还有铺天盖地的泥沙,还好凯恩早有先见之明造了一面透明的钢墙,这些飞溅过来的泥沙都击打在了钢墙上滑落地面。 How Lombe?” Kane is shouting of Lombe who ponders. “怎么样隆贝?”凯恩对着正在思考的隆贝呼喊到。 Heard shouting of Kane, Lombe turns the head to think, explained: Also good, what enhancement after is I uses Original Skill to increase the strength, is not the strength of normal state.” 听到了凯恩的呼喊,隆贝转过头来想了想,解释道:“还不错,增强的是我用本源技能变大后的力量,并不是常态的力量。” After hearing Lombe's words, Kane nods, this that was better too. 听到隆贝的话后,凯恩点点头,这样的话那就要好太多了。 Kane just saw the equipment unable after Lombe's the skill multiplies to have the influence, the fear has such situation. 凯恩刚刚看见装备并不能对隆贝的技能倍增造成影响后,就害怕出现这样的情形。 After Lombe incarnation becomes the young giant , the strength will be promoted. 隆贝化身成小巨人后力量本身就会获得提升。 If after incarnation giant, the foundation value of multiplication is to become the strength after giant, that was better too, otherwise, the function of this skill did not have Kane to think was so good. 如果化身巨人后,倍增的基础值为变为巨人后的力量,那就要好太多了,不然的话,这个技能的作用就没有凯恩想的那样好了。 Immediately Lombe was multiplied by oneself two arms, after multiplying , the entire arm looks like the orangutan arm to be the same, the in addition of arm and fist must be greatly more than entire body. 随即隆贝让自己的两个手臂都进行倍增,倍增后整个手臂就像是猩猩臂一样,手臂和拳头的加起来比整个身体都还要大不少。 Both hands dig, will just splash to arrive at the surrounding soil, filled in into the pit about the same place and patted the racket. 双手刨动,将刚刚飞溅到周围的泥土,合到一起填进坑里并拍了拍。 Sees Lombe's movement, Li path path then satisfied nod. 看见隆贝的动作,莉路路这才满意的点点头。 Afterward was Medsker's skill uses. 随后便是梅兹克的技能使用了。 Kane thinks, was saying to Medsker: Uses evil touching for me, experiences the concrete function of each negative effect.” 凯恩想了想,对着梅兹克说道:“对我使用邪恶之触吧,体验一下每个负面效果的具体功能。” After hearing the Kane words, Medsker nods, later under their gazes, stretches out a palm to put on the shoulder of Kane. 听到凯恩的话后,梅兹克点点头,随后在克蕾雅他们的注视下,伸出一个手掌放到凯恩的肩膀上。 With the expenditure of charm, can obviously see a luster of quiet green jet black, appears in Medsker's hand, drilled into Kane within the body instantaneously. 随着魔力的花费,能够明显看见一股幽绿墨黑的色泽,出现在梅兹克的手上,瞬间就钻入了凯恩的体内。 Tender Medsker to be saying his negative effect of this use. “易伤”梅兹克说着他这次使用的负面效果。 The tender feeling is not very obvious, after Kane experienced a while, draws such conclusion. 易伤的感觉并不是非常的明显,凯恩体验了一会儿后得出这样的结论。 Properly speaking weakening of physique should have the obvious feeling to be right, but, as if tender reducing profit effect has not had certain confidentiality. 按理来说体质的削弱应该有着明显的感觉才对,但是并没有,似乎易伤的减益效果带有一定的隐蔽性。 After all the Kane sensation can be now strongly in the team, skill Gerry thinks of the supernatural might to regard momentarily. 毕竟凯恩的感知在队伍里现在算得上是最强的,随时技能格里都装着神武视。 He to tender feeling so slight, others are almost very difficult to feel that oneself were exerted reduced the profit effect. 他对易伤的感觉都如此的细微,其他人几乎很难能够感觉到自己被施加了减益效果。 Thinks, Kane lifted own arm under the gaze of people, in the hand condenses a knife, cut on own skin gently. 想了想,凯恩在众人的注视下抬起自己的手臂,手中凝聚出了一把小刀,轻轻地在自己的皮肤上划开。 On the skin presented careful white mark, but the broken skin has not caused the damage. 皮肤上出现了一道细细的白纹,但并没有破皮造成伤害。 Afterward makes an effort again, the slight wound appears on the arm together. 随后再次用力,一道细微的伤口出现在手臂上。 The blood flows out from the wound, properly speaking such slight wound would hardly have the blood, moreover such effort is also unlikely to cause the damage to the arm of Kane, that this definitely was the tender effect. 血液从伤口中流出,按理来说这样细微的伤口几乎不会有鲜血,而且这样的力度也不太可能对凯恩的手臂造成伤害,那这肯定就是易伤的效果了。 A wisp of red particle flooded into the Kane wound place from Medsker's hand, should restore instantaneously like the slight wound, but can obviously see the effect of restoring to slow down. 一缕红色的微粒从梅兹克的手中涌入了凯恩的伤口处,像这样细微的伤口应该瞬间就恢复掉,但能够明显看见恢复的效果减缓了。 Kane own cure effect should be able in a short time to restore such wound, but has not seen. 凯恩自身的治愈效果就应该能够在极短的时间内恢复这样的伤口,但是并没有看见。 The reducing profit that the easy wound to create thinks Kane is more obvious than 易伤造成的减益比凯恩想的还要明显 Finally Kane drew the conclusion: Effect unusual hiding that easy wound to create, defensive power obvious weakened, the physique reduces, but also caused the wound to restore the difficulty, the similar scar must be more serious of under the easy wound being harmed.” 最后凯恩得出了结论:“易伤造成的效果非常的隐蔽,防御力明显的减弱了,体质减少,还造成了伤口恢复困难,同样的伤痕在易伤下受到的伤害要更严重。” Said, Kane raised the head to nod to Medsker, hints him to use next to reduce the profit effect. 说完后凯恩抬头对着梅兹克点点头,示意他用出下一项减益效果。 Spends the charm again, the dark green luster appeared in Medsker's hand again, rinsed Kane within the body. 再一次花费魔力,墨绿色的色泽再次出现在了梅兹克的手上,灌进了凯恩的体内。 Weak.” This is the reducing profit effect of this use. “虚弱。”这是这次使用的减益效果。 This experience very obvious, compared with the experience that the easy wound to bring probably straightforward, can feel own weak instantaneously. 这一次的体验就非常的明显,要比易伤所带来的体验要更加的直白,瞬间就能感受到自身的虚弱。 Does not need to experiment, Kane can feel where he was weakened. 不用去试验,凯恩都能感觉到自身哪里受到了削弱。 Made an effort to grasp making a fist, can obviously feel own strength received certain weakening. 用力握了握拳,能够明显感觉到自己的力量受到了一定的削弱。 Naturally such strength weakens not very powerful, approximately about 10 ~ 20, this should be because Kane equipment has much has to reduce the anti- effect. 当然这样的力量削弱并没有非常的强大,大约在10~20左右,这应该是因为凯恩身上的装备有不少都带有减抗效果。 If such reducing profit effect on Lombe's body, may be less, is almost very difficult to have an effect on counter- demon armor. 如果这样的减益效果在隆贝的身上,可能会更少,在克蕾雅的反魔铠甲上几乎很难能够起作用。 The reduction of strength is not a key point, the key point is slow-acting and response is slow. 力量的减少并不是重点,重点是行动迟缓和反应迟钝。 This effect manifests in Kane can feel that own body, just like put on a thick iron armor, any action felt heavily several points. 这种效果就体现在凯恩能够感觉到自己的身上,犹如披上了一层厚厚的铁甲,任何行动都感觉沉重了几分。 Every shakes the fist to walk one time, even is blinks to feel that compared with before strenuous, in each skin tight fitting an iron slab was the same. 每一次挥拳行走,甚至是眨眼都能感觉到比以前更加的吃力,每一层皮肤都紧紧的贴合上了一层铁块一样。 As for so-called elaborative faculty, also received weakening, this point Kane feeling is not very obvious, possibly is because his skill Gerry is equipping the intelligent learn/study now. 至于所谓的思考能力,也同样受到了减弱,这一点凯恩感受并不是非常的明显,可能是因为他的技能格里现在装备着聪慧学习吧。 The weak effect compared the easy wound as if not to have powerful that but was still a good control skill. 虚弱的效果相比易伤似乎就没有那么强力了,不过依然不失为一项不错的控制技能。 Has a look at last.” “看看最后一个。” After hearing the Kane words, Medsker builds the hand again on his shoulder, the dark green energy flooded into Kane within the body again. 听到凯恩的话后,梅兹克再次将手搭在他的肩膀上,墨绿色的能量再次涌入了凯恩的体内。 Blinding.” Medsker said his last quarantine effect. “致盲。”梅兹克说出了他的最后一项检疫效果。 This time the obvious degree of reducing the profit effect is more exaggerating, Kane that comes weakly felt directly at present one black, the entire field of vision becomes the unusual mold lake. 这次减益效果的明显程度比虚弱来的还要夸张,凯恩直接就感觉眼前一黑,整个视野就变得非常的模湖。 Obviously in fairy tale world luminous is sufficient, but the feeling line of sight is dark, the mold lake is unclear, even nearby sees not very clearly, effect extremely obvious. 明明童话世界里的光亮非常充足,但还是感觉视线黑暗,模湖不清,甚至就连旁边的克蕾雅看得都不是非常的清楚,效果极其的明显。 Moreover Kane can also very obvious feeling own sensation receive the enormous limit. 而且凯恩还能非常明显的感觉到自己的感知受到了极大的限制。 Hits my. Kane was saying to nearby. “打我一下。凯恩对着旁边的克蕾雅说道。 Does not doubt him, shakes the fist directly. 克蕾雅不疑有他,直接就挥拳过来。 This fist has not hit to be hidden by him on the body of Kane, the scope of however dodging is very big, if again on quick 1 points, uses oneself full power, Kane definitely cannot hide, this before was not possible. 这一拳并没有打在凯恩的身上被他躲了过去,但是躲闪的幅度很大,并且如果再快上一点,克蕾雅用出自己的全力的话,凯恩肯定躲不过去,这在之前是不可能的。 The response changed slow . Moreover the effect of reducing extremely obvious. 反应变迟钝了,而且减少的效果极其的明显。 Blinding effect very intense, should be three types reduces in the profit effect, is biggest to the biotic influence, next is tender.” After experiencing all effects, Kane was saying to Medsker. “致盲的效果非常的强烈,应该是三种减益效果中,对生物影响最大的,其次就是易伤。”体验完所有的效果后,凯恩对着梅兹克说道。 After listening to the user experience of Kane, Medsker nods, now he at least after own skill had a simple understanding, he for himself will also use, personally experiences. 听完凯恩的用户体验后,梅兹克点点头,现在他至少对自身的技能有了一个简单的认识之后,他还会对自己使用,来亲身体验一下。 Right, had a look to use this skill with the words of hand of charm again.” “对了,再看看用魔力之手的话能不能使用出这个技能。” Although above introduced said, all with the skill that the hand skill can use, can play the role, but did not have the blunder carefully. 虽然介绍上面说,所有用手部技能能够使用出来的技能,都能够发挥作用,但小心无大错。 The blue charm palm touched Kane again, with the use of skill, this entire blue palm turned into the dark green, body that also the energy flooded into Kane. 蓝色的魔力手掌再次触碰到了凯恩,随着技能的使用,这次整个蓝色的手掌都变成了墨绿色,随之能量涌入凯恩的身体。 After feeling the body was weakened, Kane nods. 感受到身体受到削弱后,凯恩点点头。 Ok, can use.” “可以,能够使用。” Hence, two people new skills approximately experiment. 至此,两人的新技能大约试验完毕。 Lombe and on the side of the Medsker respective trend, starts itself proficiently to use. 隆贝和梅兹克各自走向一边,开始自身熟练使用。 Especially Lombe, he summoned the small shadow that and he trained alone to train directly again. 特别是隆贝,他直接再次召唤出了和他独自训练的小黑影对练起来。 Shakes the sound frequent appearance of place, causing the surrounding small creature to run off. 震地的响声频繁的出现,导致周围的小动物都跑开了。 + joins the bookmark + +加入书签+
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