DSED :: Volume #4

#385: New skill

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The extraction skill, explores the dungeon Chapter 385 new skill 抽取技能,探索地牢第385章新技能 Looks in the hand remaining 4 Skill Rune, Kane is also continue appraise. 看着手中还剩下的四个技能石,凯恩继续进行鉴定。 Name: Evil touching 【名称:邪恶之触】 Category: Active Skill 【类别:主动技能 Luster: Silver 【色泽:银色】 Explained: Touches a life body with the limbs, the expenditure charm can attach the abnormal state for the life body, the abnormal state, can choose in the following three attributes. 【说明:用肢体触碰一个生命体,花费魔力能够为生命体附加异常状态,异常状态,可以在以下三个属性进行选择。 Is tender: The defense and system weaken, was injured easily. 易伤:防御和体制进行削弱,更容易受到伤害。 Weak: The strength and physique weaken, the ponder and ability to act were limited. 虚弱:力量和体质进行削弱,思考和行动能力受到限制。 Blinding: The sense and spirit weaken, the organs of visual as well as all foreign sensations were limited. 】 致盲:感官和精神进行削弱,视觉以及一切对外感知的器官受到限制。】 Introduced: The evil energy gathering same place, each touching can use the evil strength penetration to others on.】 【介绍:邪恶的能量汇聚一起,每一次触摸都能使用邪恶的力量贯入到别人身上。】 This skill was fierce. 这技能就厉害了呀。 Moreover was needless saying that customized for Medsker simply, making Medsker finally complete becomes an auxiliary player. 而且不用多说,简直就是为梅兹克量身定做的,让梅兹克终于完完全全的成为了一个辅助选手。 Can they add various gain effects to Kane and treats, but can also create intense weakening to the enemy. 能够给凯恩他们加各种增益效果并进行治疗,还能够对敌人造成强烈的削弱。 In addition Medsker that 4 can trigger the charm palm of this skill, can appear in the vision everywhere, virtually impossible to guard against. 再加上梅兹克那四个能够触发此技能的魔力手掌,能够在视线范围内随处出现,防不胜防。 Perfect. 完美。 The following 3 skills did not matter, even presents the trash toy skill, Kane will not have slight depressed. 接下来的三个技能无所谓了,即使出现垃圾玩具技能,凯恩都不会有丝毫的沮丧。 However said that said that this/should appraisal must continue to appraise. 不过说是这么说,该鉴定还是要继续鉴定的。 Name: Strength praise 【名称:力量礼赞】 Category: Consumption skill 【类别:消耗技能】 Luster: Silver 【色泽:银色】 Explained: After using the skill, enhancement current strength 30, the silver rank is effective.】 【说明:使用技能后,增强当前力量30,银色级别有效。】 Introduced: The praise of life, from intelligent life body there of toper square, obtained strength about life essence.】 【介绍:生命的礼赞,从更高位格的智慧生命体那里,得到的关于生命本质的力量。】 Also is a consumption skill, conducts permanent increase to own strength, such skill is better and better, all comes are welcome. 又是一个消耗型的技能,对自身的力量进行永久性的增加,这样的技能多多益善,来者不拒。 Skill square in chooses the use Skill Rune inserts in emptying directly. 直接将技能石插在空出来的技能格上选择使用。 Skill Rune is shatter in own within the body, vanishes does not see, the strength of Huawei spills into own whole body, this feeling obvious. 技能石再次在自己的体内破碎,消失不见,华为的力量涌进自己的全身,这次的感觉更加的明显。 Kane felt that own muscle is shivering, can see inside muscle to twitch from the arm, just like to cramp was the same. 凯恩感觉自己的肌肉都在颤抖,能够从手臂上看见里面的肌肉都在抽动,犹如抽筋了一样。 However such twitch cannot make Kane think that has how uncomfortably, with the exploration, his tolerance eventually was stronger and stronger. 不过这样的抽动并不能让凯恩觉得有多么的难受,随着探索,他的耐受性终究是越来越强了。 Such effect maintained a while then to vanish does not see, Kane pinched own palm, can feel the obvious enhancement of own strength. 这样的效果只是维持了一会儿便消失不见,凯恩捏了捏自己的手掌,能够感觉到自己力量的明显增强。 Hopes silver skill that later extracts, is such consumption Skill Rune. 希望之后抽取到的银色技能,都是这样的消耗技能石 After such delusion flings the brain, Kane examines following surplus Skill Rune. 将这样的妄想甩到脑后,凯恩查看接下来剩余的技能石 Name: Seal bubble 【名称:封印泡泡】 Category: Active Skill 【类别:主动技能 Luster: Silver 【色泽:银色】 Explained: The expenditure charm creates bubble of seal, can arrive at the life body seal fixedly, all of life body will fix by the flash of seal. By the characteristics of seal life body in bubble was responded vanishes completely. 【说明:花费魔力创造出一个封印的泡泡,能够将生命体封印固定到其中,生命体的一切都会固定在被封印的一瞬间。被封印在泡泡中的生命体的特征反应全部消失。 The when strength, potential , the conscious state, the motion appearance and current symptom life body, will decide your seal charm that must spend. 生命体的实力、潜力、意识状态、情绪状态、当前体征,都会决定你封印时所要花费的魔力。 Presently the skill luster, the maximum seal time is 3 years. 】 当前技能色泽,最大封印时间为三年。】 Introduced: Without the bubble of time spatial concept, immature bubble, all beginning.】 【介绍:没有时间空间概念的泡泡,稚嫩的泡泡,一切之初。】 Also is one looks at the skill effect very odd skill, this is greatly segment Daduan the introduction, how actually cannot make Kane understand this skill specifically. 又是一个看技能效果非常离谱的技能,这个是大段大段的介绍,却不能够让凯恩具体了解这技能到底怎样。 The introduction of skill, can only make Kane have an approximate understanding of this skill. 技能的介绍,只能让凯恩对这个技能有一个大致的了解。 How the concrete skill effect, must result in through the experiment can know. 具体技能效果如何,必须得通过试验才能够得知。 However looked that the skill introduction and showing know, definitely is not what trash skill. 不过看技能介绍和说明就知道,肯定不会是什么垃圾技能。 Perhaps is a god level, Kane thinks like this. 说不定又是一个神级,凯恩这样想到。 The steady mood, in the hand also has finally together Skill Rune, the skill will first appraise finally together, then well experiment. 平稳一下心情,手中还有最后一块技能石,先将最后一块技能是鉴定了,再好好实验。 This Skill Rune looked from the semblance, is not quite the same as other Skill Rune, 这块技能石从外表看,就跟其他的技能石不太一样, Among other Skill Rune has all kinds of rune/symbol writing. These rune/symbol writing represent the strength that they have. 其他的技能石中间都有着各式各样的符文。这些符文都代表着他们所拥有的力量。 However on this Skill Rune does not have rune/symbol writing, looks like an ordinary iron sheet to be the same. 然而这块技能石上没有符文,就像是一个普通的铁片一样。 If not the sense of reality, as well as Kane determined that this is Skill Rune that he just extracted, he really thinks that this gadget made a fraudulent switch. 如果不是质感,以及凯恩确定这就是他刚刚抽取到的技能石的话,他真会以为这玩意儿被掉了包。 Delivers a letter 下书吧 Name: Duplication stone 【名称:复制石】 Category: Active Skill 【类别:主动技能 Luster: Silver 【色泽:银色】 Explained: Places on the Skill Rune pack Skill Rune that wants to duplicate, later meditates the duplication at heart, and spends the little charm, this Skill Rune then recovers the skill that makes to want.】 【说明:将技能石叠放在想要复制的技能石上,随后心里默念复制,并花费一点点魔力,这技能石便会复制成想要的技能。】 Introduced: Sees Skill Rune that wants, always suffers, only then intertwines, now does not need to intertwine.】 【介绍:看见想要的技能石,总是苦于只有一个而纠结,现在不用纠结了。】 Hahahaha looked after this skill introduced that Kane, cannot bear smile to make noise directly. “哈哈哈哈”看在这技能介绍后的凯恩,直接忍不住笑出了声。 Took up Skill Rune to kiss ruthlessly two, later also took down the dense fog medal of chest, kissed ruthlessly two, to express own excitement. 拿起技能石狠狠的亲了两下,随后还将自己胸口的迷雾勋章取下来,也狠狠的亲了两下,以表达自己的激动心情。 Later did not say that your lucky addition was useless, Kane grand in the dense fog medal to own hand apologied. 以后再也不说你的幸运加成没用了,凯恩隆重的对自己手中的迷雾勋章进行了道歉。 Nearby they looks at the Kane behavior, knows that he definitely obtained very good skill. 旁边的克蕾雅他们看着凯恩的行为,知道他肯定是获得了非常不错的技能。 Kane just extracted directly Four limbs multiply Took from Skill Bank, later Duplication stone Folded placed above. 凯恩直接将自己刚刚抽取到的【四肢倍增】从技能仓库中拿了出来,随后将【复制石】叠放在了上面。 In the heart meditates the duplication, and consumed a charm to well up from the hand. 心中默念复制,并从手中消耗一点魔力涌了上去。 With the flooding into duplication stone of charm, starts to send out the ray slowly, later under the Skill Rune same place with body, turned into one group unable to see clearly internal light group. 随着魔力的涌入复制石,开始慢慢发出光芒,随后和身下的技能石一起,变成了一团看不清内部的光团。 After ray dissipation, two exactly the same Skill Rune then appeared in Kane at present. 当光芒消散后,两枚一模一样的技能石便出现在了凯恩的眼前。 Skill Rune that this duplicates, Kane although now will not use, but its place Skill Bank well. 这复制出来的技能石,凯恩现在虽然不会使用,但会将它好好的放在技能仓库中。 Settled on is not his present, but will be his future, this will be to the future investment. 看中的不是他的现在而是他的未来,这是对未来的投资。 After the skill appraises completely, Kane sets out to pat the smile of clapping a face. 将技能全部鉴定完后,凯恩起身拍了拍手一脸的笑容。 Immediately shouts to Lombe and Medsker: Quick came, to have the new skill quickly.” 随即对着隆贝和梅兹克喊道:“快来快来,有新技能了。” Hears shouting of Kane, Lombe puts down matter in the hand to run over immediately. 听到凯恩的呼喊,隆贝立刻放下自己手中的事情跑了过来。 They also put the attention. 克蕾雅她们也把注意力放了过来。 Looks has run up to Lombe who the side comes, Kane said: Then you first come, prepares, this time also with previous time they same is silver Skill Rune, pays attention to obtain the impact after skill.” 看着已经跑到自己身边来的隆贝,凯恩说道:“那么就你先来,准备好,这次也和上次克蕾雅她们一样是银色的技能石,注意获得技能后的冲击。” Hears the Kane words, Lombe nods: Come comes, I have prepared.” 听到凯恩的话,隆贝点点头:“来吧来吧,我已经准备好了。” Looks at Lombe's appearance, Kane also no longer said, took the crystal hour glass from own space equipment. 看着隆贝的样子,凯恩也不再多说,从自己的空间装备里将水晶沙漏拿了出来。 As before is the ashamed praying word, but Kane has no expression change. 依旧是羞耻的祷词,不过凯恩没有任何的表情变化。 He has been used to it, and did not think that these praying words have what ashamed place. 他已经习惯了,并且不觉得这些祷词有什么令人羞耻的地方。 With reversing of crystal hour glass, in Kane hand Four limbs multiply Skill Rune, submerged Lombe's chest. 随着水晶沙漏的倒转,凯恩手中的【四肢倍增】技能石,没入了隆贝的胸膛。 With entry of Skill Rune, Lombe kneels down at the scene on the ground, both hands holds down stubbornly oneself head, the close beads of sweat drop from his forehead downward. 随着技能石的进入,隆贝当场就跪倒在地上,双手死死地按住自己的脑袋,细密的汗珠从他的额头向下滴落。 Really regarding Lombe such stone head, such knowledge impact will truly let his uncomfortable. 果然对于隆贝这样的石头脑袋来说,这样的知识冲击确实会让他难受一场。 However nearby Kane they do not have worry extremely, these knowledge will not cause anything to injure, is only this process is somewhat uncomfortable. 不过旁边的凯恩他们也没有太过的担心,这些知识并不会造成什么伤害,只是这过程有些难受罢了。 Kane they cannot provide any help for Lombe, this can only depend on he himself. 凯恩他们也不能为隆贝提供任何的帮助,这只能靠他自己。 Originally is so uncomfortable!” Li path path looks at the Lombe uncomfortable appearance in side, saying of ponder. “原来这么难受吗!”莉路路在旁边看着隆贝难受的样子,沉思的说道。 Nearby looks at her appearance, could not bear putting out a hand shoot her forehead. 旁边的克蕾雅看着她的样子,忍不住伸手弹了一下她的脑门。 Oh!” Li path Luwu own forehead is looking at: Why must hit Li path path with no reason at all, really?” “哎哟!”莉路路捂着自己的脑门看着克蕾雅:“克蕾雅为什么要无缘无故的打莉路路,果然吗?” Li path path looks , an understanding clearly facial expression. 莉路路看着克蕾雅,一副了然的神情。 Really was Kane closed up, in short did such time turn into the Kane person? Now wants to bully Li path path with Kane together jointly?” “克蕾雅果然是和凯恩靠拢了,这么短的时间内就变成了凯恩的人了吗?现在想要和凯恩一起联手欺负莉路路是吗?” Li path path is flashing the wing, both hands bosom in the chest front, I already the appearance that you completely understand. 莉路路扑闪着翅膀,双手怀抱在胸前,一幅我已经把你看透的样子。 After hears the Li path path words, complexion slightly red, looks that the Li path path appearance finds it ridiculous. 克蕾雅听见莉路路的话后,面色微红,看着莉路路的样子又觉得好笑。 Puts out a hand to get down Li path Luzhua, creates a disturbance. 伸手将莉路路抓下来,打闹起来。 Finally, flooding into of knowledge starts to slow down, Lombe crawls, is rubbing the head on the sofa. 终于,知识的涌入开始减缓,隆贝爬起来,靠在沙发上揉着脑袋。 Kane looked, then turns the head to say to Medsker: Comes Medsker, next this/should you.” 凯恩看了看,便转过头来对着梅兹克说道:“来梅兹克,下一个该你了。” Hears the Kane words, Medsker stood directly, regarding Medsker, Kane did not have excessively to remind again. 听到凯恩的话,梅兹克直接站了过来,对于梅兹克,凯恩就没有再过多提醒了。 He and Li path path is like being the occupation of legal system, is extremely strong regarding this knowledge flow flooding into resistance, almost does not have the too big feeling. 他和莉路路一样同属于法系的职业,对于这种知识流的涌入抵抗性极强,几乎没有太大的感觉。 Like Lombe, Kane their team possibly his, even Kane and is still only some head painfully swollens. 像隆贝那样子,凯恩他们的队伍可能就他一个,即使是凯恩自己和克蕾雅也只是脑袋有些胀痛罢了。 Continues the kick-off, with reversing of crystal hour glass, remaining that Skill Rune flies, entered Medsker's chest. 继续开始仪式,随着水晶沙漏的倒转,剩下的那枚技能石飞起来,进入了梅兹克的胸膛。 With entry of Skill Rune, Medsker is only brow wrinkle slightly, after a while then relaxes. 随着技能石的进入,梅兹克只是眉头微微的皱起,过了一会儿便舒缓开来。 The knowledge impact that it seems like that this Skill Rune brings, regarding Medsker, also has not created what too big worry. 看来这技能石所带来的知识冲击,对于梅兹克来说,同样没有造成什么太大的烦恼。 This time Lombe, is still rubbing oneself head on the sofa. 此时的隆贝,依然在沙发上揉着自己的脑袋。 Ok, can feel your skill now carefully.” “好了,现在可以仔细的感受一下你的技能了。” Lombe also finally was the impact of knowledge, rubbed the head to stand, started the careful recollection Kane to him the usage of skill. 隆贝也终于是挺过了知识的冲击,揉着脑袋站了起来,开始仔细的回想起凯恩给他技能的用法。 This time looks that outside has gotten dark completely, then entered in the kitchen to start is Kane they make the dinner. 此时的克蕾雅看着外面已经完全黑了下来,便走进了厨房内开始为凯恩他们制作晚餐。 This skill was also too fierce!” Lombe all crossed the knowledge in brain finally, later opens the eye to say loudly. “这技能也太厉害了吧!”隆贝终于将脑中的知识全部过了一遍,随后睁开眼睛大声说道。 Lombe thought that this skill simply is tailor for oneself, can definitely his weak area holding evenly. 隆贝觉得这技能简直就是为自己量身打造的,完全可以将他的短板给扶平。 This skill can let his striking power big promotion, but can also let his resistivity also similar promotion big truncation to an attack. Looks that his appearance Kane smiles. 这技能能够让他的攻击力大大的提升,还能让他对攻击的抵抗力也同样的提升一大截。看着他的样子凯恩笑了笑。 It seems like he to own skill unusual satisfaction. 看来他对自己的技能非常的满意。 Another side Medsker has also opened the eye, often on ice-cold face, also had smile slightly. 另一边梅兹克也已经睁开了眼睛,时常冰冷的脸上,也同样出现了微微的笑容。 It seems like he to own skill also unusual satisfaction. 看来他对自己的技能也非常的满意。 Lombelombe, how makes path path have a look at your new skill quickly is.” Side that Li groups of fly Lombe, to is immersing Lombe in own world shouts greatly. “隆贝隆贝,快让莉路路看看你的新技能是怎么样的。”莉路路飞到隆贝的旁边,对着沉浸在自己世界里的隆贝大喊道。 „?” Lombe then recovers: Does not have the issue.” “啊?”隆贝这才回过神来:“没问题。” Said that then stretched out own palm, shook shaking in the Li path path front, later the palm increases immediately, becomes Lombe's face to be big a section. 说完便伸出了自己的手掌,在莉路路的面前晃了晃,随后手掌立刻变大,变得比隆贝的脸还要大出一截。 The palm that Lombe will increase places the top of the head, wraps up his own head completely. 隆贝将自己变大的手掌放在头顶,将他自己的脑袋全部包住。 What kind of? Has the meaning.” Lombe said with a smile. “怎么样?有没有意思。”隆贝笑着说道。 Nod that Li path path makes an effort: Was too interesting, plays again.” 莉路路使劲的点点头:“太有意思了,再玩玩。” Looks at two people appearances, Kane said: Stops, first ate meal, eats found a place to experiment the new skill again, the words of silver skill well experiment, were not good to control.” 看着两人的样子,凯恩说道:“停下来吧,先吃饭,吃了再找个地方试验一下新技能,银色的技能不好好试验的话,可不好掌控。” After the people finished eating the food . 待众人吃完饭后。 Li path path opened the rainbow color transmission door, Kane they all walked. 莉路路打开了彩虹色的传送门,凯恩他们全部走了进去。 They prepare to experiment the new skill in the Li path path fairy tale world, if after all the big evening's running up to complete out-band, is also insufficient. 他们准备在莉路路的童话世界里试验一下新的技能,毕竟如果大晚上的跑到完全带外的话,也不至于。 Just the Li path path fairy tale world, has a big region to be used to conduct the experiment of skill. 刚好莉路路的童话世界,有着不小的区域能够用来进行技能的实验。 Moreover does not need to be worried that causes the destruction to the surroundings, after all the whole world during the Li path path control. 而且也不用担心对周围造成破坏,毕竟整个世界都在莉路路的掌控之中。 + joins the bookmark + +加入书签+
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