DSED :: Volume #4

#384: 6 magic stone

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The extraction skill, explores dungeon Chapter 384 six magic stone 抽取技能,探索地牢第384章六颗魔石 In room. 房间内。 They, somewhat looks at Bagrij vigilantly, their intuitions are telling them, this person is strong, is much stronger. 克蕾雅他们,有些警惕地看着鲍格里,他们的直觉在告诉他们,这人非常强,强得离谱。 After nearby Luke sees, immediately relaxes, they are answering. 旁边的鲁克奇看见后,立刻直起腰来,对着克蕾雅他们解释道。 This is President Bagrij, is the good food association president and good food the city lord.” “这位是鲍格里会长,是美食协会会长兼美食之都的城主。” After hearing Luke explanation, their expressions, gradually become shocking. 听到鲁克奇的解释后,克蕾雅他们的表情,逐渐变得震惊。 Is covering the mouth, is somewhat surprised: „The president of good food association, that is not......” 克蕾雅捂着嘴巴,有些惊讶:“美食协会的会长,那不是……” Kane has guessed correctly the status of this person actually, but he felt strange why will alarm such existence on these silver black fog Adventurer? 凯恩倒是早就猜到了这个人的身份,但他还是奇怪就这些银色的黑雾探索者为何会惊动这样的存在呢? Can see from just Luke performance, these people want to blow up this dungeon the behavior, looking like the clown is the same. 从刚刚鲁克奇的表现就能够看出,这些人想要炸毁这地牢的行为,就像是小丑一样。 But after Bagrij looked at the corpse of ground, sent grumbling. 而鲍格里看了看地上的尸体后,发了发牢骚。 Turns the head to look that they stares at oneself look, smiling is waving oneself hand, they greets with Kane: Hello.” 转过头来看着克蕾雅他们盯着自己的眼神,笑眯眯的摆了摆自己的手,跟凯恩他们打了个招呼:“你们好啊。” „Are you Kane?” He was saying to Kane suddenly. “你就是凯恩吧?”他突然对着凯恩说道。 This sudden issue makes Kane somewhat compel ignorant, but he nods to reply: Yes.” 这突如其来的问题让凯恩有些懵逼,但他还是点点头回答道:“是的。” All right, but before Gordon , has mentioned you with me.” “没事,只是高登之前有跟我说起过你。” Hears his words, in the Kane mind appears the dignified old man who will change the beard style every day, although Kane has thought his dignity installs. 听到他的话,凯恩的脑海中浮现起一个每天都会改变自己胡子样式的威严老者,虽然凯恩一直觉得他的威严是装出来的。 Right, almost forgot, I come here matter.” Bagrij right hand making a fist hammer on own palm. “对了,差点忘了,我来这里的事情。”鲍格里右手握拳锤在自己的手掌上。 He puts in void the hand, later pulled out a white bag, above mark has all kinds of zoology and botany, later lost to Kane. 他将手伸进虚空中,随后掏出了一个白色的袋子,上面纹有各种各样的动植物,随后丢向了凯恩 This thing gives your reward, although is only some cockroach of overreaching oneself, but the cleaning up cockroach is also terrible business, not.” Said that also blinks to Kane, a face genial smile. “这东西算是给你的奖励,虽然只是一些不自量力的蟑螂,但清理蟑螂也是一件麻烦事,不是吗。”说完还对凯恩眨了眨眼睛,一脸和善的笑容。 After Kane received, has not appraised immediately, but thinks anything said suddenly. 凯恩接过后,并没有立马鉴定,而是想到了什么突然说道。 Possibly also has black fog Adventurer, at that time they died said that the elder is catching up to here.” “可能还有黑雾的探索者,当时他们死的时候说有一个长老正在向这边赶来。” After hearing the Kane words, Bagrij selected the eyebrow: Also has the cockroach? This cannot make it pollute my kitchen.” 听到凯恩的话后,鲍格里挑了挑眉:“又有蟑螂吗?这可不能让它污染了我的厨房。” Said that Bagrij closed the eye, suddenly makes a fist to hit toward the air. 说完鲍格里闭上了眼睛,突然握拳朝着空气中打去。 After opening the eye, flung waving the arms about: Ok, the cockroach was stamped.” 睁开眼睛后,甩了甩手:“好了,蟑螂被踩死了。” Then I first walked, you continue to chat.” Said Bagrij then double back of the hand in waist, slow Youyou went out of the door. “那么我先走了,你们继续聊。”说完鲍格里便双手背在腰间,慢悠悠的走出了房门。 A that back live image retired Sir. 那背影活像一位退休大爷。 But several hundred beyond kilometers good food, in bluish gray bird man of space flight. 而美食之都的几百公里外,一只正在天上飞行的青灰色鸟人。 He puts on the human the clothing, is sending out the imposing manner of gold level. 他穿着人类的着装,散发着黄金级的气势。 Suddenly the entire body explodes, changes into blood fog. 突然整个身体爆开,化为一阵血雾。 This person to dying does not know how oneself were killed, hopes that he does not know. 这人到死都不知道自己到底是如何被杀的,希望他不会知道。 If knows that is the section lower jaw is inexpensive, he possibly will also be irritated one time. 如果知道是自己部下嘴贱的话,他可能还会被气死一次。 However these they did not have too to relate with Kane greatly. 不过这些跟凯恩他们就没有太大的关系了。 In room. 房间内。 Kane they look at each other in blank dismay, looks that slow Youyou Bagrij who comes in slow Youyou to leave. 凯恩他们面面相觑,看着慢悠悠进来又慢悠悠离开的鲍格里。 This if the amount is counted twice, got rid of a powerhouse of gold level. 这一进一出,就干掉了一个黄金级的强者。 Possibly this is greatly old. 可能这就是大老吧。 Luke after Bagrij walks, exhaled the one breath to scratch the head sweating. 鲁克奇在鲍格里走后,才呼出一口气擦了擦自己头上的虚汗。 Then we also first left, in these two cards recorded your contribution, when the time comes you can go to each Home of Adventurers or Mist Council, the exchange reward.” “那么我们也先离开了,这两张卡上记录了你们的贡献,到时候你们能够去各个探索者之家或者迷雾议会,兑换奖励。” Then, in Luke equipped from the space puts out two silver cards to give Kane. 说完,鲁克奇从空间装备里拿出了两张银色的卡片递给了凯恩和芙娜。 Afterward arrives at side, takes in all corpses the space equipment. 随后来到旁边,将所有的尸体收进空间装备里。 Then we did not disturb everyone.” “那么我们就不打扰各位了。” Said that Luke then leads oneself assistant, they waved to leave the room toward Kane. 说完鲁克奇便带着自己的助手,朝凯恩他们挥挥手离开了房间。 Kane looked at the white bag in hand to prepare to say anything, the nearby three people then arrived at the entrance. 凯恩看着手中的白色袋子正准备说些什么,旁边的芙娜三人便来到门口。 Then we also first went back, returns sees.” “那么我们也先回去了,回见。” Said that then goes out of the door, and takes the door, does not give the opportunity that Kane they spoke. 说完便走出房门,并将房门带上,不给凯恩他们说话的机会。 Today also really sees extraordinarily character.” Lombe arrives on the sofa to sit down to say. “今天还真是见到了不得了的人物呢。”隆贝走到沙发上坐下说道。 Li groups of twinkles appeared on the shoulder of Kane, said: Kane has a look at him to give you quickly is anything.” 莉路路则一个闪烁出现在了凯恩的肩膀上,说道:“凯恩快看看他给你的是什么东西。” These words caused everyone's curiosity, they want to know five-colors rank the thing that always gives greatly is actually how. 这句话引起了所有人的好奇,他们都想知道五彩级别的大老给出的东西究竟是怎样的。 Kane not grumble, directly was conducting the appraisal to the hand in white cloth sack. 凯恩也没有磨叽,直接对着手上的白色布袋进行了鉴定。 Rear service bag 【后勤袋】 Vessel 【容器】 Luster: Gold 【色泽:黄金】 Attribute:】 【属性:】 Cannot destroy 【不可摧毁】 Skill: The time will be solid forever( The goods of all attires to bag, will be stopped making time.) 【技能:时间永固】(所有装到袋内的物品,都会被停止做时间。) Introduced: The time and space in light of the magic object that forging becomes, the interior no longer receives the corrosion of time.】 【介绍:时间与空间结合锻造而成的魔法物品,内部不再受时间的侵蚀。】 Simple attribute and skill, brought is actually the odd effect. 简单的属性和技能,带来的却是离谱的效果。 However such goods will not provide any help to Kane their strengths. 不过这样的物品对凯恩他们的实力不会提供任何的帮助。 Looked that the name of this equipment can know, this equipment should be used to do? 看这装备的名字就能知道,这装备应该用来干什么? Kane opens to look at toward inside the bag mouth. 凯恩将袋口打开朝里面看去。 Inside space, is a 100 meters 100 meters 100 meters square space. 里面的空间,是一个100米100米100米的正方形的空间。 Such space, them was completely sufficient regarding Kane, because can admit this space, equips inside thing is not definitely many. 这样的空间,对于凯恩他们来说完全够用了,因为能放进这个空间,装备里面的东西肯定不会太多。 However the application method is not the normal space equipment, but is similar to the application method of warehouse space equipment. 但是使用方法并非是正常的空间装备,而是类似于仓库型空间装备的使用方法。 Needs to open the bag mouth, puts in the bag with the hand, can take the object. 需要将袋口打开,用手伸进袋子里面,才能将物体拿出来。 Is a time fixed space, what things having good? 时间固定的一片空间,装些什么东西好呢? Puts meal that makes, with some easy over time thing of damage outside, really cannot think that this thing is now useful. 放做好的饭菜,和一些容易随着时间流逝而损坏的东西外,实在想不出来这东西现在有什么用处。 Is present stage equipment possible, can be the freezing space equipment of high-level version? 现阶段这装备可能,算得上是高级版的冷冻型空间装备? After they hears the equipment that Kane and they said that also really cannot find out now to be useful, only one side can first place, waited for the need time took again with. 克蕾雅他们听到凯恩和他们介绍的这装备后,也实在想不出来到底现在有什么用处,只能先放在一边,等需要的时候再拿出来用了。 Thinks, Kane gave this equipment, the present stage gave her to be more practical. 想了想,凯恩将这个装备交给了克蕾雅,现阶段交给她可能更实用一些。 After all the food of squad deposits there, when studies the cook can also admit the equipment to store up her practice dish. 毕竟小队的食材都存放在克蕾雅那里,克蕾雅去学习厨艺时还能够将她的练习菜品放进装备储存起来。 Thus, can practice the cook not to waste anytime and anywhere. 这样,克蕾雅就能随时随地练习厨艺还不会浪费。 Although felt that lets look like this compels the standard the goods to make these, some waste. 虽然感觉让这样看着有逼格的物品做这些,有些浪费。 After completing all these, Kane lies crooked in the sofa general sheepskin scroll opens, examines the task objects of their next stage. 做完这一切后,凯恩斜躺在沙发上将羊皮卷轴打开,查看他们下一阶段的任务目标。 Capture duty. 捕捉任务。 The image of parchment middle picture is an ear wonderfully greatly incomparable, can regard the kitty that the wing uses. 羊皮纸中间画的图像是一个耳朵奇大无比,能够当成翅膀来用的猫咪。 Flying wing hunter. 飞翼猎手。 Then is the name of this kitty. 便是这个猫咪的名字。 Kane looked at the habitat of this kitty immediately. 凯恩随即看了看这猫咪的栖息地。 Unexpectedly on spatial island, but Kane they can come up by the cotton candy, therefore is not the luck is too bad. 居然是在空岛上,不过凯恩他们能够靠棉花糖上去,所以也算不上运气太差。 Kane magic stone puts out to come to see on the neck is hanging, at this time magic stone has filled completely. 凯恩将自己脖子上挂着的魔石拿出来看了看,此时魔石已经完全充满。 Adventurer of more than ten silver ranks, the strength had has the weakness, the surplus energies of energy after death before adding on Kane, filled 6 magic stone directly. 十几个银色级别的探索者,实力有强有弱,死亡后的能量在加上凯恩之前剩余的能量,直接充满了六颗魔石 bi Di pavilion 哔嘀阁 Such energy supplement efficiency, if not Kane insists the bottom line, but also really does not know that what kind of consequence will cause. 这样的能量补充效率,如果不是凯恩坚持底线的话,还真不知道会造成怎样的后果。 Grasped 6 magic stone completely. 将六颗魔石全部抓了出来。 Looked that the present skill standard and skill have matched the unusual improvement, therefore these 6 magic stone, Kane only hopes that can leave suits Medsker and Lombe's skill. 看现在的技能格和技能已经搭配非常的完善,所以这六颗魔石,凯恩只希望能出适合梅兹克和隆贝的技能。 The skill in their two skill square had been digested by them for a long time, had been learned. 他们俩的技能格内的技能已经被他们消化了好久,早就被学会了。 At this time their skill standard is completely empty. 此时他们技能格空空如也。 Moreover now looked that also does not have any virgin color skill needs to conduct to promote, therefore these 6 magic stone are used to extract the new skill completely. 而且现在看也没有什么童色技能需要进行升级了,所以这六颗魔石全部用来抽取新的技能。 Grasps five magic stone completely in the hand, another hand opens Book of Ventures, palm according to extraction law. 将五颗魔石全部握在手中,另一只手翻开冒险之书,将手掌按在抽取法阵上。 Extraction skill 【抽取技能】 Whether consumes Silver Magic Stone extraction skill 【是否消耗银色魔石抽取技能】 Is No 【是】【否】 Yes “是” In skill extraction 【技能抽取中・・・・・・】 Law on book starts to rotate, the intermittent glimmer starts to send out, but Silver Magic Stone in hand also vanishes does not see, what also appears is 6 tinsel that has the illumination pattern. 书上的法阵开始转动,阵阵微光开始散发出来,而手中的银色魔石也消失不见,随之出现的是六块有着发光花纹的金属片。 Looks that in these 6 Skill Rune Kane hearts does not have the too big mighty waves, he enters the mentality of Buddha department now, possibly next time can enable only to be the skill of golden rank he is excited extracts. 看着这六块技能石凯恩心中也没有太大的波澜,他现在又进入了佛系的心态,可能下次能让他激动起来的只能是黄金级别的技能抽取了。 Takes up Skill Rune to appraise one by one. 拿起技能石挨个进行鉴定。 Name: Charm praise 【名称:魔力礼赞】 Category: Consumption skill 【类别:消耗技能】 Luster: Silver 【色泽:银色】 Explained: After using the skill, enhancement current charm 30, the silver rank is effective.】 【说明:使用技能后,增强当前魔力30,银色级别有效。】 Introduced: The praise of life, from intelligent life body there of toper square, obtained strength about life essence.】 【介绍:生命的礼赞,从更高位格的智慧生命体那里,得到的关于生命本质的力量。】 Really, when own Skill Rune was certain degree, then can extract these directly to conduct the consumption skill that the permanent strengthens from the skill storehouse to various body attributes. 果然,当自己的技能石达到了一定的程度,便能够从技能库中抽取这些直接对身体各项属性进行永久性加强的消耗技能。 Looks at Skill Rune in hand, Kane is inserting in own skill square, direct selection use. 看着手中的技能石,凯恩插进自己的技能格内,直接选择了使用。 Has not experienced the enhancement effect of silver consumption skill. 从来没有体验过银色消耗技能的增强效果。 With the use of skill, in skill square vacated one directly, places the above charm praise to vanish directly. 随着技能的使用,技能格上直接空出了一位,放在上面的魔力礼赞直接消失。 These Skill Rune seem like that is places on Book of Ventures on, actually exists in Kane within the body. 这些技能石看似是放在冒险之书上上的,其实存在于凯恩的体内。 Therefore Skill Rune vanished in Kane within the body directly shatter, changed into the blue star light, dispersed in various feeling grateful within the body places. 所以技能石直接在凯恩的体内破碎消失,化为了蓝色的星光,分散在感恩体内各处。 Kane can obviously feel the growth of own charm, 30 are not a small number, with the most basic charm growth, the strengthening effect that other equipment strengthening and skills created obtained enhancement instantaneously. 凯恩能够明显感觉到自己魔力的增长,30可不是一个小数目,随着最基本的魔力增长,其他的装备强化和技能造成的强化效果瞬间获得了加强。 Because the 30 strengthening of this skill are the most essential demon strengths, therefore the effects of other strengthened demon strengths naturally also obtained enhancement. 因为这技能的30强化是最本质的魔力量,所以其他的强化魔力量的效果自然也同样获得了加强。 After satisfying Kane experiences the demon strength the strengthening effect, unusual satisfaction. 满意凯恩体验到魔力量的强化效果后,非常的满意。 This type can strengthen the physical quality to strengthen the Kane strength, has not needed to occupy the skill standard the skill, Kane looks forward to come some. Especially demand of Kane silver skill to the present stage that gradually reduces. 这种能够强化身体素质增强凯恩的实力,还不用占技能格的技能,凯恩巴不得多来些。特别是凯恩对银色技能的需求逐渐减少的现阶段。 Tidies up the mood , to continue appraisal next. 收拾收拾心情,继续鉴定下一枚。 Name: The four limbs multiply 【名称:四肢倍增】 Category: Active Skill 【类别:主动技能 Luster: Silver 【色泽:银色】 Explained: The expenditure charm, making own four limbs obtain huge, can also change, can make part change. The range of change in 2 ~ 5 times, with huge of limbs, various species of strength as well as limbs will obtain the enhancement.】 【说明:花费魔力,使自己的四肢获得巨大化,能够同时变化,也能够使其中一部分进行变化。变化的范围在2~5倍之内,随着肢体的巨大化,力量以及肢体的各种属性都会获得增强。】 Introduced: Skill that the masculine intelligent life most loves, because the user does not need him to do the correct matter frequently, conducted the change and weakening by the creator, can only conduct huge to the four limbs, has saying that this can be a regret.】 【介绍:男性智慧生命最爱的技能,不过由于使用者经常不用他来干正确的事情,被创造者进行了改变和削弱,只能对四肢进行巨大化,不得不说这算得上是一种遗憾。】 The epic level weakens, directly to this skill main function cutting waste. 史诗级削弱,直接给这个技能最主要的功能给砍废了。 This is Kane sees this skill to introduce that after the 1st response, this was really a pity! 这是凯恩看见这技能介绍后的第一反应,这实在是太可惜了呀! Who will dislike himself to be bigger? 谁会嫌自己更大呢? However this skill truly suits Lombe after Lombe turns into 5 meters high great person, is using huge of four limbs, the scene is too beautiful does not dare to imagine. 不过这技能确实非常的适合隆贝当隆贝变成五米多高的巨人身型后,在使用四肢的巨大化,场面太美不敢想象。 Kane thinks of this skill, if were learned by Lombe completely, will completely vanish, cannot help but feels being a pity. 凯恩想到这技能如果被隆贝完全学会的话,就会完全消失,不由得感到一阵的可惜。 If leaves behind this skill , to promote the gold, when the time comes can perhaps not turn into the weakened condition. 要是将这技能留下,升级成黄金的话,到时候说不定就能变成没有被削弱的状态。 In the heart of Kane filled intertwining, after intense ideological struggle, the decision gives Lombe him, after all the battle efficiency is most important. 凯恩的心中充满了纠结,经过强烈的思想斗争后,还是决定将他交给隆贝,毕竟战斗力才是最重要的。 Moreover this skill also truly suits Lombe. 而且这技能也确实非常的适合隆贝。 However the sob in heart who can understand. 不过心中的哭泣谁能懂呢。 + joins the bookmark + +加入书签+
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