DSED :: Volume #4

#383: 5 color powerhouse

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The extraction skill, explores dungeon Chapter 383 five-colors powerhouses 抽取技能,探索地牢第383章五彩的强者 Gets rid of after Adventurer of black fog . 将黑雾的探索者干掉后。 Now what to do? Is goes back or achieves the request goal?” The bloodstain that wipes the face, asked. “现在怎么办?是回去还是完成委托目标?”克蕾雅擦了擦脸上的血迹,问道。 Came, naturally completes the request.” “来都来了,当然是把委托完成。” Since the teams leader spoke, Lombe they nods. 既然队长都发话了,隆贝他们都点点头。 Because they need to return to the ring-like restaurant now fast, therefore had not been going forward leisurely and carefree, but depends on the compass rapid pointing out mistakes goal. 由于他们现在需要快速回到环形餐厅,所以并没有在悠闲的前进了,而是靠着罗盘迅速指正目标。 Afterward the direction with compass pursues rapidly. 随后跟着罗盘的指引迅速追去。 The language class/flow of target demand, will look in a while they captured alive to throw into, in Li path path fairy tale world. 目标要求的语流,没过多久就会看他们活捉丢进了,莉路路的童话世界里。 Also helps on the way they, their task object rhinocero killing. 顺路还帮助芙娜他们,将他们的任务目标犀牛给干掉。 They must with Kane they together, the quick solution goal return similarly together. 他们也同样要跟凯恩他们一起,快速解决目标一起返回。 At this time. 此时。 They are sitting on the vehicle of return trip. 他们正坐在返程的载具上。 The saloon car same vehicles, have 6 giant wheels. 房车一样的车辆,有着六个巨大的车轮。 Sits Kane in post- box, was saying to the three people: Thank you to be willing with us to face the black fog.” 坐在后箱里的凯恩,对着芙娜三人说道:“感谢你们愿意和我们一起面对黑雾。” Doesn't need to beckon with the hand: Should, the black fog, everybody has the right to punish.” “不用不用”芙娜摆摆手:“应该的,黑雾,人人得而诛之。” Although said that but Kane they still have not retroceded to the three people, expresses gratitude with the behavior that they share hardships. 虽然芙娜这么说,但凯恩他们依然还是对芙娜三人没有后退,和他们共患难的行为表示感谢。 Especially when facing dhole. 特别是在面对红狼的时候。 The pressure of gold level still has not retreated in fear them, and at that time obviously came to Kane very much, but they are still willing they to help Kane with. 黄金级的威压依然没有将他们吓退,并且当时很明显是冲着凯恩来的,但是他们依然愿意和克蕾雅他们一起帮助凯恩 Medsker Kane turned the head to call Medsker suddenly. “梅兹克”凯恩突然转头叫了一下梅兹克。 Heard Kane shouting, Medsker turns the head, later understands clearly nods. 听到了凯恩的的呼喊,梅兹克转过头来,随后了然地点点头。 He stretches out three palms, three light groups start to condense in his hands. 他伸出三只手掌,三颗光团在他的手中开始凝聚。 „Is this is doing?” Is asking nearby on the quiet. “这是在干什么?”芙娜悄悄的问着旁边的克蕾雅。 Good deed, is to your small thanks.” “好事,算是对你们的小小感谢吧。” During the talks, three light groups condensed three capsule same energy bodies gradually. 谈话间,三颗光团渐渐凝聚成了三枚胶囊一样的能量体。 Medsker throws lightly, three capsules, gradually fluttered to the three people. 梅兹克轻抛,三枚胶囊,缓缓地飘向了芙娜三人。 They then, is looking at the energy body capsule in hand, a confusedness of face does not know how this thing must use. 芙娜他们接着,看着手中的能量体胶囊,一脸的迷茫不知这东西要如何使用。 At this time Kane made the understanding of say: This is the unique skill, after this capsule eats up, can permanent to body conducts the certain amount strengthening all-around, but can only eat one time.” 这时候凯恩做出了解说:“这算是特有的技能吧,这个胶囊吃下后能够永久的对身体的全方位进行一定量的强化,不过只能食用一次。” After hearing the explanation of Kane, the three people nod, has not shirked, takes up the capsule in hand then to swallow down. 听到凯恩的解释后,芙娜三人点点头,并没有推脱,拿起手中的胶囊便吞了下去。 The flash of into the belly, the capsule then changes into the faint trace energy flux to the whole body, conducted the strengthening to each spot, such effect is permanent. 入肚的一瞬间,胶囊便化为丝丝能量流至全身,对每个部位都进行了强化,这样的效果是永久的。 Although this energy strengthens is not much strong, but at least can the obvious feeling. 虽然这能量强化并不是多强,但至少能够让人明显的感觉到。 Looks after their three people obtained the strengthening, Kane from own space equipment, on black fog Adventurer these strength, all falls to pile in the front. 看着芙娜他们三人都获得了强化后,凯恩从自己的空间装备里,将黑雾探索者身上的那些战力品,全部倾倒出来堆在面前。 In this, the equipment of no gold level is the silver rank. 这里面,没有一件黄金级的装备全都是银色的级别。 Physical appearance also good, after all digs up from the bodies of these Adventurer, can put on momentarily in equipment, naturally is they best. 品相都还不错,毕竟是从这些探索者的身上扒下来的,能够随时穿在身上的装备,当然都是他们最好的。 Besides these equipment, the front also put more than 20 spaces, the equipment had the ring shape, having the cloth wrapper was the same, necklace shape. 除了这些装备外,面前还放了20多个空间,装备有指环形状的,有布包一样的,还有项链形状的。 These space equipment have the blockade of magic, is not oneself words, is very difficult to open the space equipment. 这些空间装备都有着魔法的封锁,不是本人的话,很难打开空间装备。 If eradicates use violence, may create the loss to inside goods very much. 如果用暴力破除的话,很有可能对里面的物品造成损耗。 The issue of magic, must certainly seek help the magicians in team. 魔法的问题,当然得求助于队伍里的魔法师了。 Li path path, can look open these space equipment.” “莉路路,看看能不能将这些空间装备打开。” Hears shouting of Kane, Li path Lufei examines that on floor is the space equipment. 听到凯恩的呼喊,莉路路飞过来查看起地板上的那是空间装备。 After examining a while, shakes the head. 查看了一会儿后摇摇头。 Incorrect, the Li path path magic will cause the violence to destroy to them, these spaces equipped many to receive the exterior injury, now is unstable.” “不行的,莉路路的魔法会对他们造成暴力破坏,这些空间装备多少都受到了外部的伤害,现在不稳定。” Not only the space equipment, on these black fog Adventurer most spoils of war are actually the damage conditions. 不只是空间装备,这些黑雾探索者身上的大部分战利品其实都是损毁状态。 After all in Kane under the attack of their revenge violence, the weapon and defense equipment is very so difficult remains intact. 毕竟在凯恩他们那样复仇暴力的攻击下,武器和防御装备很难保持完整。 Now these space equipment are unstable, the Li path path decoding magic, may very much to the space equipment creates the damage. 现在这些空间装备不稳定,莉路路的破解魔法,很有可能对空间装备的造成损坏。 The goods of inner space may be damaged or drained very much similarly. 内部空间的物品很有可能都会同样被损毁或者流失。 In Kane they intertwine, one bottle of medicament flung. 正在凯恩他们纠结时,一瓶药剂甩了过来。 After Kane catches the medicament, looks to Medsker. 凯恩接住药剂后,看向梅兹克。 Stable medicament, can strengthen the robustness of these equipment.” “稳固药剂,能够加强这些装备的稳固性。” After hearing Medsker's explanation, Kane nods almost forgot, although Medsker is a pharmacist, but similarly is also one of the alchemy. 听到梅兹克的解释后,凯恩点点头差点都忘了,梅兹克虽然是药剂师,但同样也是炼金术师的一种。 With the help of this medicament, Li path path successfully uses the magic, equips all spaces unlocks completely. 在这款药剂的帮助下,莉路路成功用魔法,将所有的空间装备全部开锁。 First is big pile of dense fog of bestows the coin also to have the gold coin. 首先便是一大堆的迷雾赐币还有金币。 The minute/share to the hand of everyone , them can be a great sum of money to Kane. 分到每个人的手上,对凯恩他们来说都算得上是一笔巨款。 Especially Li path path, she pounded in all her deposits oneself world a while ago completely, now just returns to the blood to her. 特别是莉路路,她前段时间将自己的所有存款全部砸进了自己的世界中,现在刚好给她回了回血。 They still need to spend over two dungeons everyone gold coin Kane of these minutes/shares to even, can gain so many. 这些分到每个人身上的金币即使是凯恩他们也需要花费两个以上的地牢,才能获取到这么多。 Afterward is big pile of all kinds of medicament, appraises after Medsker. 随后便是一大堆各式各样的药剂,经过梅兹克鉴定后。 Determined that for is completely the trash, naturally, this is compared with Kane their medicament. 确定为全部都是垃圾,当然了,这是跟凯恩他们身上的药剂相比较。 But most equipment in space equipment have the copper to have the silver, but compares these that digs up from the body to lower on 1-2 scales. 而空间装备里的大部分装备有铜有银,但相比从身上扒下来的那些都低上1-2档次。 The most important thing is two crystalline lens that scale robust man attain from that bird man the space equipment of Adventurer and. 最重要的是从那只鸟人探索者和那个鳞片壮汉的空间装备里拿到的两颗水晶体。 This thing Kane has seen, when previous time meets the black fog organizes, this then at that time was the thing in evidence goods, heard that they blow up the dungeon with this thing. 这东西凯恩见过,上次碰见黑雾组织时,这便是当时属于证据物品里的东西,听说他们就是用这个东西来炸毁地牢的。 This gadget cannot appraise any information, except for can feel outside the high energy goods, had not discovered that any end doubts. 这玩意儿鉴定不出来任何信息,除了能够感觉到是个高能量物品外,没有发现任何端疑。 Puts after all also complete equipment together . 将所有还完好的装备放到一起后。 Kane was saying to the three people: You first elect, you felt useful takes.” 凯恩对着芙娜三人说道:“你们先选吧,将你们觉得用得上的都拿上。” These equipment them except for bringing to be putting regarding Kane, or beyond sell does not have any function. 这些装备对于凯恩他们来说除了拿来放着,或是出售外没有任何的作用。 Knows Kane their strength the three people, not polite, starts to choose respectively in these equipment. 知道凯恩他们实力的芙娜三人,也没有客气,各自开始在这些装备里挑选起来。 Kane also in side once for a while appraises for them. 凯恩还在旁边时不时的为他们鉴定。 The surplus complete spoils of war will assign. 将剩余的完好战利品进行分配。 Other was these by the weaponry that Kane they attacked to destroy. 余下的就是那些被凯恩他们攻击摧毁的武器装备了。 This lost was also very a pity. 这丢了还挺可惜的。 Kane thinks, inserts the golden crucible to own skill square. 凯恩想了想,将黄金坩埚插到自己的技能格上。 Afterward throws into the weaponry of these damages the golden crucible completely, refining up the raw material one after another. 随后将这些损毁的武器装备全部丢进黄金坩埚中,炼成一块又一块的原材料。 Discovered the good use of golden crucible bewilderedly. 莫名其妙发现了黄金坩埚的好用处。 Later not, when Adventurer, worked as a trash old to gain one greatly. 以后不当探索者了,当个垃圾老都能大赚一笔。 Kane they , in the compartment assigns the spoils of war. 凯恩他们在车厢上分配战利品的时候。 The vehicle vehicles had arrived at the security out-band. 载具车辆已经来到了安全带外。 Kane they get out to pass through the woods track, arrived at the reception institute, at this time time just in the afternoon. 凯恩他们下车穿过树林小道,来到了接待所,此时时间才刚刚下午。 Two teams first respective request goal delivery, receive the recent request list later. 两个队伍先将各自的委托目标交付,随后接取新的委托单。 Kane has not opened the parchment, but was saying to the reception clerk little elder sister. 凯恩并没有打开羊皮纸,而是对着接待员小姐姐说道。 We got rid of person of a number of black fog organizations in this dungeon, can help us inform the parliament?” “我们在这地牢里干掉了一批黑雾组织的人,能帮我们通知一下议会吗?” Attractive love story 好看的言情小说 The little elder sister who the Kane words, let the reception clerk somewhat compels ignorant. 凯恩的话语,让接待员的小姐姐有些懵逼。 Black, black fog?” “黑,黑雾?” Can determine? Mister, if to play tricks on me, the personnel of parliament came when the time comes, may sanction to you.” “能够确定吗?先生,如果只是为了戏弄我的话,到时候议会的人员来了,可能会对你们进行处罚的。” Relax, can determine, I the 1st time was not had to do with them.” “放心吧,能够确定,我也不是第一次和他们打交道了。” Hears the Kane words, the reception clerk nods: That also asked you first to return to own room to rest, I will inform upwardly, before long the people of parliament should look for you.” 听到凯恩的话,接待员点点头:“那还请你们先回到自己的房间里休息吧,我会向上通知,不一会儿议会的人应该就会来找你们。” Hears the words of reception clerk, Kane nods, later led they to return to the room. 听到接待员的话,凯恩点点头,随后带着克蕾雅他们回到了房间内。 When with they go separate ways, Kane asks them to tidy up to come, after all they face the black fog together, the merit must have their one. 和芙娜他们分道扬镳时,凯恩叫他们收拾好就过来,毕竟他们是一起面对黑雾的,功劳也得有他们一份儿。 Kane they return to the hotel room, just tidied up the body to take a bath, after they come, hears the knock outside house. 凯恩他们返回旅馆房间,刚刚收拾好身体洗了个澡,等到芙娜他们过来后,就听到房屋外的敲门声。 Is Mr. Kane, we are the personnel of parliament.” “请问是凯恩先生吗,我们是议会的人员。” Hears sound, Kane sets out to open the door. 听到门外的声音,凯恩起身将房门打开。 Out of the door is standing, a man and a woman two human, wear the Mist Council uniform/subdue. 门外站着,一男一女两个人类,穿着迷雾议会的制服。 Chief Kane has heard so much about you, I am Luke, this is my assistant.” 凯恩队长久仰大名,我是鲁克奇,这位是我的助手。” Hello, my name was Emma.” “你好,我叫艾玛。” Kane nods, after they shake hand, them directed. 凯恩点点头,和他们握手后,将他们引了进来。 After seeing them, the nod knew one by one. 看到克蕾雅他们后,挨个点头认识。 Chief Kane, heard that you also hold the corpse, can make us inspect.” 凯恩队长,听说你们还保有尸体,能否让我们检查一下。” After hearing his words, Kane nods, later equipped to drag out two corpses from own warehouse space, put on the floor. 听到他的话后,凯恩点点头,随后从自己的仓库性空间装备里将两具尸体拖了出来,放到了地板上。 At this time two corpses are also sending out the quite fresh smell of blood, does not have that unique putrefactive odor of corpse. 此时两具尸体还散发着较为新鲜的血腥味,并没有尸体的那种特有的腐臭味。 Because is Adventurer of silver rank, various attributes of body extremely tenacious, corpse decayed need long-time time. 由于都是银色级别的探索者,身体的各项属性都极为的坚韧,尸体腐臭需要长久的时间。 When Luke sees the flash of bird man, basically determined. 当鲁克奇看见鸟人的一瞬间,就基本上确定了。 „, Also is this group of bird men.” Emma cannot bear spit the mortise. “啊,又是这帮鸟人。”艾玛忍不住吐槽道。 What issue does this race have?” After hearing her words, Kane cannot bear ask. “这个种族有什么问题吗?”听到她的话后,凯恩忍不住问道。 Yes, the race of this group of bird men was called the tian gou, almost can be the backbone race of black fog organization, in the population the almost 2 / 3 people were the black fog organization, handing down them was one of the black fog founders.” “是的,这帮鸟人的种族叫天狗,几乎可以算得上是黑雾组织的中坚种族了,种群里几乎有2/3的人都属于黑雾组织,相传他们是黑雾创建者之一。” After hearing Luke explanation, Kane nods, no wonder meets the black fog twice, has this bird man. 听到鲁克奇的解释后,凯恩点点头,怪不得两次遇见黑雾,都有这种鸟人。 However although said that said that but Luke put out some type of equipment, starts the health examination to white bird man, including blood and feather. 不过虽然说是这么说,但鲁克奇还是拿出了某种设备,开始对白色鸟人的身体检查起来,包括血液和羽毛。 Said that these people arrive, Kane does not know that their names, probably meets each time is this. 说起来这几个人到死,凯恩都不知道他们的名字,好像每次碰见都是这样的。 Ok, the name of trash records useful. 算了,垃圾的名字记着有什么用。 After inspecting, the Luke singular point nod said: Truly is the person of black fog organization, has more corpses?” 检查完后,鲁克奇点点头说道:“确实是黑雾组织的人,请问还有更多的尸体吗?” After Luke these two corpses admit the space equipment, to Kane is asking. 鲁克奇将这两句尸体放进空间装备后对着凯恩问道。 Afterward, in Kane then equipped all corpses to make the space completely. 随后,凯恩便将自己空间装备里的所有尸体全部弄了出来。 Luke sees so many corpses unable to bear say: So many, really worthily are the dense fog squads.” 鲁克奇看见这么多尸体忍不住说道:“这么多,果然不愧是迷雾小队吗。” No, not only our squad, they and we together.” Kane said that referred to nearby they. “不,不只是我们一个小队,还有他们和我们一起。”凯恩说完指了指旁边的芙娜她们。 After Luke listens nods, writes down. 鲁克奇听完后点点头,记了下来。 That, Chief Kane facilitated and us says that you from meeting to the entire process that they did meet?” “那,凯恩队长方便和我们说一说你们从遇见到将他们见面的全过程吗?” Does not have the issue.” “没问题。” Afterward Kane sits on the sofa, mentioned itself and the others to meet to annihilate the black fog Adventurer entire process with them. 随后凯恩坐在沙发上,跟他们说起了自己等人遇见到歼灭黑雾探索者的全过程。 Finally, Kane also gave Luke that two crystals. 最后,凯恩还将那两枚晶体递给了鲁克奇。 Luke after the crystal that Kane hands over, looked saying: Is this type of thing, does not want to blast this dungeon, this was also too stupid, is effective to other dungeons, to this dungeon......” 鲁克奇经过凯恩递过来的晶体后,看了看说道:“又是这种东西,不会是想炸掉这座地牢吧,这也太蠢了,对其他的地牢还有效,对这地牢……” Said that he also speechless shaking the head, as if snorts contemptuously regarding the idea of black fog Adventurer, probably is looking at the joke to be the same. 说完他还无语的摇了摇头,似乎对于黑雾探索者的想法嗤之以鼻,像是在看笑话一样。 Winter winter winter!” “冬冬冬!” The entrance hears the knock suddenly. 门口突然传来敲门声。 Kane routine opens own Eagle-Eye to examine. 凯恩习惯性的睁开自己的鹰眼去查看。 Lying grass. 卧艹。 The charm of human form responded, is sending out five-colors rays, soon flashes the eye of blind Kane. 门外一个人形的魔力反应,散发着五彩的光芒,快要闪瞎凯恩的眼睛。 Five-Colors! 五彩! This is Kane sees with Eagle-Eye, strength strongest role. 这是凯恩鹰眼看到的,实力最强的角色了。 Now five-colors add on the dungeon that places again, Kane almost can determine that who out of the door was. 五彩再加上现在身处的这个地牢,凯恩几乎能够确定门外是谁了。 The expected words, definitely are this dungeon master. 不出所料的话,肯定是这座地牢的主人。 Kane set out to put in order the body, the coming up door opened quickly. 凯恩起身整了整身体,快步上去将门打开。 After the door opens . 房门打开后。 A middle-aged uncle of human reveals the form. 一位人类的中年大叔露出身影。 The thin white skin color, and body of plump, has very obvious wholesale market, wear is also a white chef dresses up. 细白的肤色,以及圆滚滚的身体,有着非常明显的啤酒肚,身上的穿着也是一身白色的厨师打扮。 On the face reveals the genial smile to look at Kane. 脸上露着和善的笑容看着凯恩 Young fellow, forgives me to be unsolicited.” “小伙子,原谅我不请自来。” Where where, come in quickly!” Kane stands one side to say immediately. “哪里哪里,您快请进!”凯恩立刻站到一旁说道。 In the room is looking to entrance Luke, the eye stares perfectly round, a shock of face, sets out later immediately. 房间内正望向门口的鲁克奇,眼睛瞪得滚圆,一脸的震惊,随后立刻起身。 Arrives at this person of side, immediately 90 degrees bend the waist saying: Sir Bagrij, how you came.” 来到这人的旁边,立刻90度弯腰说道:“鲍格里大人,您怎么来了。” Bagrij is supporting the wholesale market, still smiles, a genialness of face, patted Luke shoulder: Does not use such anxiously, does not need to call the Sir, called my association president, I quite liked this name.” 鲍格里挺着啤酒肚,依然笑眯眯的,一脸的和善,拍了拍鲁克奇的肩膀:“不用这么紧张,不用叫大人,叫我会长,我比较喜欢这个称呼。” He also said toward the person explanation of nearby Kane: I proudest matter founded the good food association, you understand.” 他还朝着旁边的凯恩的人解释说道:“我最自豪的事情就是创建了美食公会,你懂的。” Looks at this uncle's genial performance, cannot relates the powerhouse of him and five-colors level together. 看这大叔和善的表现,根本不能把他和五彩级的强者联系到一起。 He strolls to arrive at that pile of corpses side, takes a look. 他漫步来到那一堆尸体的旁边,瞅了瞅。 These fellows are really repugnant , like the cockroach, how to kill unable to kill.” “这些家伙真讨厌,就跟蟑螂一样,怎么杀都杀不完。” + joins the bookmark + +加入书签+
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