DSED :: Volume #4

#382: Happy revenge

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The extraction skill, explores the dungeon Chapter 382 happy revenge 抽取技能,探索地牢第382章甜蜜的复仇 Red great wolf steady standing is still in-situ. 红色的巨狼依旧稳稳的站在原地。 He has not departed, was expressing Kane has not marched into the death as before. 他没离去,则表示着凯恩依旧没有步入死亡。 Finally, the Kane life has broken some limit. 终于,凯恩的生命已经跌破某种极限。 Book of Ventures, appearance slowly above the chest of Kane. 冒险之书,缓缓的出现在凯恩的胸膛之上。 Turned Kane Skill Bank that page automatically. 自动翻到了凯恩技能仓库那一页。 Skill Rune in warehouse, is sending out the intense ray, these rays fall off to change into together the flowing light, drilled Book of Ventures, sneaked in the chest of Kane. 仓库中的一块技能石,散发着强烈的光芒,这些光芒脱落化为一道流光,钻出了冒险之书,钻进了凯恩的胸膛。 But that Skill Rune turned into an ordinary iron sheet, Book of Ventures also closed, dissipates does not see. 而那块技能石变成了一块普通的铁片,冒险之书也重新合上,消散不见。 Unexpectedly finds a way out Skill Rune, start. 【绝处逢生】技能石,启动。 In the Kane chest punctured heart healing, wanders about destitute in blood in all directions, returned the heart, the heart restored to beat. 凯恩胸膛里被刺破的心脏愈合,流落在四处的血液,重新回到了心脏内部,心脏重新恢复跳动。 The scar of chest also heals together. 胸口的伤痕也愈合在一起。 Eye courageous opening that Kane shuts tightly. 凯恩本身紧闭的眼睛勐的睁开。 Scene that the opened eye sees, body also big sharp claws straight standing on own forehead, but has not attacked, but such hovering. 睁开的眼睛看见的场景,比自己身体还大的利爪直直的立在自己的脑门上,但是并未攻击下来,而是就这样悬停着。 Kane forehead, even can feel sharp claws that sharp point. 凯恩的眉心,甚至能够感觉到利爪那尖锐的锋芒。 The wrist/skill presented the warm pruritus. 手腕出现了温热的瘙痒。 At this time that red mark is dissipating. 此时那红色标记正在消散。 Scattered? 驱散了? Appeared one to the rainbow color transmission gate in Kane side, later inside stretched out several Iridescent rattan, drew in the Kane winding the transmission gate. 一到彩虹色的传送门出现在了凯恩的旁边,随后里面伸出几根彩色的藤条,将凯恩缠绕拖进了传送门内。 This a series of behavior dholes look like this have not prevented, closes until the transmission gate. 这一系列的行为红狼就这样看着并未阻止,直到传送门重新关闭。 The dhole set out to shake own body, later the void steps, strolled to lead the way toward the sky. 红狼起身抖了抖自己的身体,随后虚空踏步,朝着天空中漫步前行。 At this time in fairy tale world. 此时童话世界内。 Kane enters the flash of fairy tale world, felt that the Saint light and red particle drill into own body. 凯恩进入童话世界的一瞬间,就感觉到圣光以及红色的微粒钻入自己的身体。 Turns the head to look to all around, will see only and Li groups of they will encircle, in the eye had been worried to fully occupy completely. 转头看向四周,只见克蕾雅和莉路路他们将自己围起来,眼中已经全部被担忧占满。 At this time they discovered that Kane had not died, Medsker who is preparing to use the resurrecting item, slowed down own action. 这时候他们才发现凯恩并没有死亡,正准备使用复活道具的梅兹克,也放缓了自己的行动。 All right, I have not died.” “没事,我还没有死。” Youyou has also projected the blue flying spot at this time, is resulting in the body to scan to Kane fast, the healthy chart also projects in the midair. 悠悠此时也已经射出蓝色的扫描射线,对着凯恩得身体快速的扫描着,健康图也投射在半空中。 The result is the body of Kane has no scar. 结果是凯恩的身体没有任何的伤痕。 Nearby Medsker, are still getting the physical exam of Kane cautiously. 旁边的梅兹克和克蕾雅,依然小心翼翼的检查着凯恩的身体。 All right, I am really all right.” “没事的,我真没事。” Sits in, determined after Kane is truly all right, tight grasps Kane, the head buries on the shoulder of Kane. 坐在旁边的克蕾雅,确定凯恩确实没事后,紧紧的将凯恩抱住,脑袋埋在凯恩的肩膀上。 Kane caresses back both hands gently, the arm is whipping, comforts saying: All right, my does not have the matter.” 凯恩将双手抚上克蕾雅的背部,手臂轻轻的拍打着,安慰道:“没事的,我这不没有事吗。” Felt moistness on own shoulder, Kane closed the mouth. 感受到自己肩膀上的湿润,凯恩闭上了嘴巴。 Lombe and the others who look at this situation, although in the heart worried, but has turned the head to disperse, is processing on these small scars silently, no longer disturbs Kane they. 看着这一情形的隆贝等人,虽然心中担忧,但还是转过头去散开,默默的处理着自己身上的那些小伤痕,不再打扰凯恩他们。 In a while, feels own to cherish to calm down. 没过多久,感受到自己怀中的克蕾雅冷静下来。 Kane her helps up, to visit the glowing red eyes and two sides moist tear stains. 凯恩将她扶起,看着克蕾雅红彤彤的眼睛以及两边湿润的泪痕。 Puts out a hand gently is cleaning for her. 伸出手来轻轻的为她擦拭着。 The nose shrugged to receive the smell of blood of undulating to transmit from body slightly, looks down, saw only bends down to sit of ground, under the body flowed out a small beach bloodstain slowly. 鼻子微微耸动受到了澹澹的血腥味从克蕾雅的身上传来,低头看去,只见俯身坐在地上的克蕾雅,身下缓缓的流出了一小滩血迹。 „Were you injured?” Kane toward side helps up, making her lie crooked immediately. “你受伤了?”凯恩立刻将克蕾雅朝旁边扶起,让她斜躺下来。 The thigh that sees has a scar, the blood also keeping flows out from inside. 才看见克蕾雅的大腿部有一道伤痕,血液还在不停的从里面流出。 After inspecting a while carefully, discovered that this wound is not fatal, this breathes a sigh of relief, later equips from the space puts out the red medicament to smudge above. 仔细检查一会儿后,才发现这道伤口并不致命,这才舒了一口气,随后从空间装备里拿出红色的药剂涂抹在上面。 One bottled the medicament bottle of red particle was flying, Kane steady meeting in hand. 一瓶装着红色微粒的药剂瓶飞了过来,凯恩稳稳的接在了手中。 Opens the bottle mouth, red particle automatic on the wound toward leg wells up, before long the healing is then completed. 将瓶口打开,红色的微粒自动的朝着克蕾雅腿上的伤口涌去,不一会儿便愈合完成。 At this time Kane set out, held. 这时凯恩才起身,将克蕾雅扶了起来。 How do you get rid of the pursuit of that domestic animal?” At this time asked suddenly. “你怎么摆脱那只畜生的追击的?”这时候克蕾雅突然问道。 Kane thinks of anything suddenly, said: Is a long story, a while chatted with you again, now we should revenge.” 凯恩突然想到什么,说道:“说来话长,一会儿再跟你们聊,现在我们该去报仇了。” Finishing speaking of Kane, Medsker and Lombe they then encircled, three people also similarly with. 凯恩的话音刚落,梅兹克和隆贝他们便围了上来,芙娜三人也同样跟了过来。 „Can you find that crowd of cheap types?” Lombe's wicked asking. “你能找到那群贱种?”隆贝恶狠狠的问道。 Weapon that in hand presents directly: Now goes to kill them.” 克蕾雅的手中更是直接出现的武器:“现在就去把他们杀了。” Kane looks the expression of own teammate, the angry aura has started to gush out from their within the body outward. 凯恩看着自己队友的表情,愤怒的气息已经从他们的体内开始向外涌出。 Naturally, we first go out.” “当然,我们先出去。” Then, Li path path then opened a transmission gate in side, the people one after another. 说完,莉路路便在旁边开启了一道传送门,众人鱼贯而出。 The flash of coming out, in the hand of Kane presented a silver compass. 出来的一瞬间,凯恩的手中就出现了一个银色的罗盘。 By dhole chase time he thinks this move, switch over the skill at that time, after waiting to resurrect, revenges. 被红狼追逐的时候他就想到了这招,当时就切换了技能,就等着自己复活后去报仇。 The result has not thought that unexpectedly found a way out this skill to start, after having really experienced this skill, Kane knows, skill introduction the meaning on rescue user was anything. 结果没想到绝处逢生这个技能发动了,真体验过这个技能后凯恩才知道,技能介绍上的救援使用者的意思是什么。 According to the origin of current danger conducts the flexible change. 根据当前危险的来源进行灵活的改变。 For example just the dangerous origin of Kane, was red mark on his hand, if Skill Rune energy enough, then directly his red mark dissipating. 比如刚刚凯恩的危险来源,便是他手上的红色标记,而如果技能石的能量够的话,便直接将他的红色标记给消散掉了。 Without red mark, then the Skill Rune energy then maximum may conduct the long-distance transmission Kane. 如果没有红色标记,那么可能技能石的能量便会最大限度的将凯恩进行远距离传送。 The meaning of rescue is if can solve the problem then to solve, if cannot solve then can deliver many Kane delivers far. 救援的意思就是如果能够解决问题便解决,如果不能解决便能将凯恩能送多远就送多远。 After having this time situation, on development level of this skill. 有了这次的情况后,这技能的重要程度更上一层。 Drags the silver compass on hand, in the brain of Kane to start to input the image of that white bird man. 拖着手上的银色罗盘,凯恩的脑中开始输入那头白色鸟人的形象。 Kane does not believe now that bird man died, is definitely also thinking afterward resurrects through the item. 凯恩现在是一点都不相信,那只鸟人死亡,肯定也想着事后通过道具进行复活。 Even without resurrecting, that can still act according to his corpse to seek for the past. 即便是没有复活,那也能根据他的尸体找寻过去。 The indicator that finally revolves crazily stopped, in Kane their left front directions. 终于疯狂旋转的指针停了下来,朝着凯恩他们左前方的方向。 Kane swiftly condenses a vehicle. 凯恩迅速凝聚出一架载具。 Does not need Kane to talk too much, they and three people then ascended voluntarily, Youyou also flew the platform on driving position directly, according to the indicator of silver compass starts to start the vehicles. 无需凯恩多言,克蕾雅他们和芙娜三人便自觉的登了上去,悠悠也直接飞到了驾驶位上的平台,根据银色罗盘的指针开始启动车辆。 «Goes against heaven's will Evil God» 《逆天邪神》 The horsepower of vehicles arrives in a big way, such as advantage arrow wind. 车辆的马力开到最大,如利箭般飙了出去。 Another side that crowd of black fog Adventurer, but also is waiting for the dhole to return. 另一边那群黑雾的探索者,还在等待着红狼返回。 Saw it, the dhole has appeared in the sky.” ignorant/veiled the black robe person's shadow of eyes was saying. “看见了,红狼已经出现在了天空。”蒙着双眼的黑袍人影说道。 After hearing his words, the smile on white bird man mouth comes recklessly, the sharp laughter sends out from his mouth: Hahahaha, Mist Warrior this?” 听到他的话后,白色鸟人嘴上的笑容肆意开来,尖锐的笑声从他的口中发出:“哈哈哈哈,迷雾勇士就这吗?” Hears his smile, Adventurer of nearby robust man and periphery wearing black robe smiled getting up trim jungle to hear the cheerful laughter recklessly. 听见他的笑容,旁边的壮汉和周围的身穿黑袍的探索者都肆意的笑了起来整片密林都传来欢快的笑声。 Hahahaha......” “哈哈哈哈……” !” “噗!” The sharp blade enters the meat the sound to resound together. 一道利刃入肉的声音响起。 You very smile happily, bastard!” “你笑得挺开心的嘛,杂种!” The Kane form appeared in him behind, the crystal long spear/gun in hand had penetrated the chest of white bird man. 凯恩的身影出现在了他的身后,手中的水晶长枪已经穿透了白色鸟人的胸膛。 The white bird man turns the head to stare at Kane, the nyctalopia is staring perfectly round, the blood in mouth spews out: You, you......” 白色鸟人转过头来盯着凯恩,鸟眼瞪得滚圆,口中的鲜血喷涌而出:“你,你……” The mechanical giant arm pressed firmly between the fingers the bird head, makes an effort to pinch, the blood and meat froth reveal from the slit. 机械的巨型手臂捏住了鸟头,用力一捏,血液和肉沫从缝隙中流露出来。 Saying of Kane undulating: I may have no interest in listening to your last words.” 凯恩澹澹的说道:“我可没有兴趣听你的遗言。” Before led the white bird man to present that black robe forms before Kane their body, after seeing such situation, immediately wants to change into the white fog to flee. 之前带着白色鸟人出现在凯恩他们身前的那个黑袍身影,看见这样的情形后,立刻就想要化为白雾逃离。 However he has not acted with enough time, braves the red blood flame together the iron fist then from his chest penetration. 然而他还没有来得及行动,一道冒着红色血焰的铁拳便从他的胸膛穿透而出。 His behind space was shattered, Medsker whole body is burning the scarlet blood-color flame, drilled. 他身后的空间破碎,梅兹克浑身都燃烧着猩红的血色火焰,钻了出来。 Four blue palms make a fist, goes toward the surrounding Adventurer attack. 还有四道蓝色的手掌握拳,朝着周围的探索者攻击而去。 Led of dozens spirit forms also to clash, to black fog Adventurer slaughtering that wantonly wanted to flee outward. 带着几十道幽灵身影的克蕾雅也冲了过来,对着想要向外逃离的黑雾探索者大肆的杀戮。 Her blue flame exceptionally exuberant, in the flame seems to be also mixing with the black and white color. 她身上的蓝色火焰异常的旺盛,火焰中似乎还夹杂着黑白的颜色。 Depressing mood for a long time erupts in this flash, changed into the tyranny of terrifying. 压抑情绪许久的克蕾雅在这一瞬间爆发出来,化为了恐怖的暴虐。 The stump residual limb flesh lump mixes with the blood everywhere is being. 残肢肉块夹杂着血液满地都是。 The Iridescent light beam and Iridescent star, falls everywhere. 彩色的光束和彩色的星星,四处落下。 5 meters high limestone giant takes the weapon, in periphery swing wantonly. 五米多高的灰石巨人拿着武器,在周围大肆的挥舞。 But all escapes from Kane they to attack, Adventurer that escapes outward, waits for their is the sharp blade peace conference of Saint light hugs in the mechanical puppet who on their legs explodes. 而所有逃脱凯恩他们攻击,向外逃跑的探索者,等待它们的就是圣光的利刃和会抱在他们腿上爆炸的机械傀儡。 This is Kane acts according to technology and Original Skill, helping her design. 这是凯恩根据芙娜的技术和本源技能,帮她设计而成的。 All black fog Adventurer, in Kane under the attack of their violent anger, almost cannot pass through one round, is decapitated dead an untimely death at the scene. 所有的黑雾探索者,在凯恩他们暴怒的攻击下,几乎走不过一回合,便身首异处横死当场。 Luck good keeps an entire corpse, the luck not good, hopes that can spell. 运气好的留个全尸,运气不好的嘛,希望能拼起来。 That that finally on the field, only leaves behind, the muddy height has the bald robust man of scale. 最后场上,只留下的那个,浑身长有鳞片的光头壮汉。 His both hands cut off by the simultaneous/uniform root, the thigh broke off, kneels on the ground. 他的双手被齐根砍断,腿部被折断,跪在地上。 What's the matter? How do you escape from the attack of that dhole?” Answering tuart that robust man this, still still wants this issue even. “怎么回事?你是怎么逃脱那头红狼的攻击的?”那个壮汉即使这样,也依然想要得到这个问题的答桉。 Kane squinted his eyes, the long spear/gun in hand penetrated his chest directly: Excuse me, having such question to go to hell.” 凯恩斜视了他一眼,手中的长枪直接穿透他的胸膛:“不好意思,带着这样的疑问下地狱吧。” The robust men fall down, in the mouth start to flow out the blood, off and on saying: Just wait, the elder...... elder assembly is, we, report......” 壮汉倒在地上,口中开始流出鲜血,断断续续的说道:“等着吧,长老……长老会为,我们,报……” Although the words of this robust man have not said that but Kane understood his meaning. 虽然这个壮汉的话没有说完,但凯恩还是理解了他的意思。 Had a fiercer role to come? 有更厉害的角色已经过来了是吗? It seems like the morning prepared to thank this person dead also delivered the information, was really professional. 看来得早做准备了感谢这人死了还送情报,真是敬业呀。 As for leaving behind a living person interrogated, this matter did not have the significance, if can interrogate, the black fog had been carried. 至于留下一个活人进行审问,这种事情没有意义,如果能审问的话,黑雾早就被端了。 Although this group of people are repugnant, but they had been truly brainwashed completely, thought wholeheartedly own enterprise is sacred, the death can also obtain the redemption. 这群人虽然讨厌,但他们确实已经被完全洗脑了,一心觉得自身的事业是神圣的,死亡也能获得救赎。 Therefore met the black fog to kill by all means finished up, remains the living witness not to matter, remains is also suffered finally until death. 所以遇到黑雾只管杀就完事儿了,留不留活口都无所谓,留了最后也是被折磨至死。 Kane looks at this place the corpse, put out foul air, the anger in heart finally gentle. 凯恩看着这一地的尸体,吐出了一口浊气,心中的怒气终于平缓了下来。 They stand in same place also similarly so. 克蕾雅他们站在原地也同样如此。 Really. 果然。 The revenge is the happiest fruit, is together the treating an illness effective prescription, can cure hot tempered all testy. 复仇是最甜蜜的果实,是一道治病良方,能够治愈一切暴躁易怒。 Lombe walked to ask at this time: How do these corpses process? Like this loses same place in?” 隆贝这时候走了过来问道:“这些尸体怎么处理呢?就这样丢在原地吗?” They also walked, looks at Kane. 克蕾雅他们也走了,过来看着凯恩 They know before Kane, goes home has met the person of black fog, has the related processing experience, therefore asks the matter of damage control. 他们都知道凯恩之前回家的时候遇见过黑雾的人,有着相关的处理经验,所以来问一问善后的事情。 Listens to the experience of Kane. 听取一下凯恩的经验。 How can waste? These corpse also quite complete wrapping securely, admits in the space equipment, after going back, can give Mist Council also to obtain some contributions these corpses.” “怎么能这么浪费呢?将那些尸体还较为完整的包好,放进空间装备里,回去后可以把这些尸体交给迷雾议会还能获得些贡献呢。” After hearing the Kane words, they nod. 听到凯恩的话后,他们点了点头。 Afterward starts to process the ground together the corpse, and dug up these space equipment and weapon armor, these things cannot discard at will, may be the spoils of war. 随后一起开始处理地上的尸体,并将那些空间装备和身上的武器护甲扒了下来,这些东西可不能随意丢弃,可都是战利品呢。 ps: At the end of the month asked the monthly ticket ps:月底求月票 + joins the bookmark + +加入书签+
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