The extractionskill, exploreddungeonChapter 381 dead
The person's shadow that onecrowdwears the black robesits together, theircenteris a body of whitefeatherbird man.
一群身穿黑袍的人影围坐在一起,他们的中央是一具白色羽毛鸟人的尸体。Nearbyrobust manputs out not a well-knownitemfromownspaceequipment, was then conducting the useto the corpse.
The itemsends out the shiningray, lateris shattered, changes into the littlestars, worms one's way intotoward the corpse of ground.
道具散发出金灿灿的光芒,随后破灭开来,化为一点点星辰,向着地上的尸体钻了进去。Withentry of starsglimmer, bird manchestthatsay/wayfatalscarhealingslowly, cannotseeuntil a tracefinally.
A slightsound, on the bird manbodybursts out the goldenray, after theseraysburst out, drillshisbodyimmediately.
一声轻微的响动,鸟人尸体身上迸发出金色的光芒,这些光芒迸发出来后,又立刻钻回了他的身体。Immediately the corpsethenconvergedtranquilly, as if beforehandanddoes not have anydifferencebesides the scar of chest.
随即尸体便归为了平静,似乎除了胸口的伤痕外和之前并没有任何的区别。„! Whistling!”
The whitebird manresurrectssuddenly, set outto coverjust the scabs on chest, breathing heavily.
白色的鸟人突然复活,直起身来捂着自己刚刚胸口上的伤疤,不停的喘着粗气。Nearbyrobust mansees that extendedto sayownarm.
旁边的壮汉见状,将自己的手臂伸了过去说道。„Welcomecame backmygoodbrothers, how the feeling of death.”
The bird menreceived the arm that the robust manextends, stood.
鸟人接过壮汉伸来的手臂,站了起来。Looksoneselfalreadycompletelywound of healing, spirit is willingsaying of season: „Thatdoes not feel better, this whole lifedoes not wantto face the death.”
看着自己已经完全愈合的伤口,心有余季的说道:“那可一点都不好受,这辈子都不想面对死亡了。”„Jet blackboundlessdarkness, reallymadeonefeel the fear.”
“漆黑无垠的黑暗,真是令人感觉恐惧。”Puts outonebottle of redmedicamentto drinkfromownspaceequipment.
从自己的空间装备里拿出一瓶红色药剂喝下。Alsoputs outonebottle of water, pours into ownmouthin gulps, completes this series ofbehaviors, hesubsidesoneselfbreath, seemed separatedfinallyfrom the shadow of death.
又拿出一瓶水,大口大口的灌入自己的口中,做完这一系列的行为,他才重新平息自己的呼吸,似乎才终于从死亡的阴影中脱离出来。„Mustthankyoureallyto resurrectme.”
“不过还是得感谢你真的将我复活了。”„Looked at your saying saying that wehave the commonambitioncompanion, not?”
“瞧你这话说的,我们是有着共同志向的同伴,不是吗?”„Ha, naturally.”
“哈哈哈,当然。”Hefinds outthisplantime, isrisk that tookreally to die, afteroneselfdiedwill be reactivated?
他想出这个计划的时候,是冒着真的会死亡的风险,当自己死亡后会被复活吗?No onecanguarantee, person who eventrustsagain.
没人能够保证,即使是再信任的人。Whatis true, plenary powersgaveothersownlife and deathpower.
真正的是,将自己的生死大权全权都交给了别人。Howeverfortunately, owncompanion, has not disappointedowntrust.
The bird menwieldeddispersed the thought in oneselfbrain.
鸟人挥散了自己脑中的念头。Afterwardtosideis covering the person of eyesto askwith the black cloth: „What's wrong? Was myplaneffective?”
随后对着旁边用黑布蒙上双眼的人问道:“如何?我的计划奏效了吗?”„Thatdholeis chasing down the dense fogsquad.”Person's shadownod of blinkerblack clothreplied.
“那匹红狼正在追杀迷雾小队。”眼蒙黑布的人影点点头回答道。„Thatis good, has not at least died in vain.”
“那就好,至少没白死。”Hopeless situation.
绝境。At this timeKanetheirhere, fell into nearly desperatecondition.
此时凯恩他们这里,陷入了近乎绝望的境地。Kanetheyhave no person to receive an attack.凯恩他们没有任何一个人能够接下一次攻击。
The speed and striking power of dhole, no one can.
红狼的速度和攻击力,无人能及。Theyevencannot achieve the defense and avoidance.
他们甚至连防御和躲避都做不到。Kaneonlyhasbefore the dholelaunches the attackthendepends onownskillto avoid, the supernatural mightregardsarrived at the maximumpower.凯恩唯有在红狼发动攻击之前便靠着自身的技能进行躲避,神武视的被开到最大的功率。Onlyhasthis, canenableKanereluctantlyto avoid1-2attacks.
The shadow of deathcoveredin the Kaneheart.
A powerless feelingappearedoneveryone'sbody, onMedskerand that are catching up withare twining the redtrace, instantaneousfell downsoftly.
隆贝克蕾雅他们同样如此。Kanelay downon the groundis welcoming the arrival of death.凯恩躺在地上迎接着死亡的到来。„A whileremembers that with the resurrectingitem, resurrectedme.”Ruby of Kaneonthroughcollargets the clip, passes to the peopleownwords.
“等会儿记得用复活道具,把我复活了。”凯恩通过衣领上的红宝石领夹,将自己的话传给众人。JustwithstoodKane that attacked, the clearfeeling the attack of thisdhole, very pureinjury, had not had the impact on the soul.
The absolutesuppression that in the strengthbrings, enablingKanetheyalmostnot to have the strength to hit back.
实力上带来的绝对压制,使得凯恩他们几乎毫无还手之力。Lipathpathhas not received the redrune/symbolwritingwinding, a twinkleappearedinKaneside, the sidepresented a rainbowcolortransmissiongate.
莉路路并未受到红色符文的缠绕,一个闪烁出现在了凯恩的旁边,身旁出现了一道彩虹色的传送门。Picks upKane to himfling.
托起凯恩就要将他甩进去。However the transmissiongatejustappeared, thendissipatesimmediately, the blood redsilk threadstrokedtogether above, enablingitto be shattered.
然而传送门才刚刚出现,便立刻消散,一道血红色的丝线击打在了上面,使得它破灭开来。OnKaneadhered to stick cohereoneset of machinearmor,凯恩身上附着上了一套机甲,
The backpresentstogether the goldenroundwheel, the endis spraying the bluecharmflame, deliversKaneto the sky. Hecannotremainagainsame place, whoknows that thisdholecango crazysuddenlytheygets rid ofcompletely, the bestsituationisdirectsit, evendiedstillhas the item of resurrectingto take the card in a hand.
The blood-colordholehas not really paid attention totheyto turn intoonegroup of blood redfluidsto charge into the skyimmediately, pursuesKane.
血色的红狼果然并未理会克蕾雅他们立刻化成一团血红色的流体冲向天空,直追凯恩。Withdeparture of dhole, is incapable offalling on groundtheirredrune/symbolwritingweaklysoftlyvanishesimmediately, stands up.
随着红狼的离开,虚弱无力软倒在地上的克蕾雅他们身上的红色符文立刻消失,站起身来。Medskercontrols the redparticleto enterLombe'sbodyimmediately, is repairingonhim the hugescar.
梅兹克立刻控制着红色的微粒进入隆贝的身体,修复着他身上巨大的伤痕。„auspicious , helping!”Hearsauspicious that shoutsto flyimmediately, controls the goldenSaintlight energyto treatLombe.
“瑞,帮帮忙!”听到呼喊的瑞立刻飞了过去,控制着金色的圣光能量治疗着隆贝。ButMedskerstretches out the wingimmediately, wantsto pursuein the direction that Kanedeparts.
, Pressesimmediatelycompletelytheir two people.
克蕾雅立刻一手一个,将他们两人全部摁住。„Calms down, wecannot pursue, even ifpursuednot to have the slightmeans.”
“冷静下来,我们根本追不上去,即使追上去了也没有丝毫的办法。”Medskerdid not say a word, butsaying that Lipathpathhad tears streaming down the face: „Nowwhat to do?”
The arm that forcesunder the suppressionto shiver, laterin the handpresentstogether the shortdagger, grippedonownthigh, worry in herheartsoonbroke throughsanely, butshehas tocalm down.
克蕾雅强制压制下自己颤抖的手臂,随后手中出现一道短小的匕首,扎在了自己的大腿上,她心中的担忧快要冲破理智了,但她不得不冷静下来。Seesmovement, Medskermustcontrol the redparticleto treathersubconsciously.
看见克蕾雅的动作,梅兹克下意识就要控制着红色微粒对她进行治疗。„Does not needto treat, now the achecanmakemekeepcalm.”
“不用治疗,现在疼痛能够让我保持冷静。”Said, immediatelyis sayingtoLipathpath: „Ligroups of youpay attention to the Kanetrendthrough the marktime, ifKaneclose to the death, hewill certainly clampthrough the rubylead(er)uspasses on a message, when the time comesyouopen the transmissiongateimmediately, drawsyourworldhim.”
After listening towords, Lipathpathmakes an effortto nod, latercloses the eye, is paying attention to the Kanemarktrendwith the completeenergytime.
听完克蕾雅的话后莉路路用力点点头,随后闭上眼睛,用全部的精力时刻注意着凯恩的标记动向。Hersidepresented a rainbowcolortransmissiongate.
她的旁边出现了一道彩虹色的传送门。„Medskerprepares, rescuesKanemomentarily, mustby the standard that hepossiblycannotresurrect, prepares, the resurrectingitem in spaceequipmentcomesto usebyyou.”
“梅兹克准备好,随时救援凯恩,要以他可能不能复活的标准,来进行准备,空间装备里的复活道具由你来进行使用。”Medskerdeep breathone breath, nods, enteredin the rainbowcolortransmissiongatedirectly, hemustprepareininside, the flash that Kanepresents, thentreatsto inspecthimimmediately, Youyoualsofollowed.
梅兹克深呼吸一口气,点点头,直接走进了彩虹色的传送门里,他必须在里面准备着,凯恩出现的一瞬间,便立刻对他进行治疗检查,悠悠也跟着走了进去。hopethrows the wingto standin the sky, all around, the people of policeagainsttheseblackfogare sneak attacking.
希扑着翅膀立在天空,警惕着四周,警防那些黑雾的人进行偷袭。Similarlykeepingpulls out the mechanicalpuppetoutward, in the handchanges into the remnantshadowalsokeepingis conducting the manufacture, thesepuppetsencircled the peopleall round.
芙娜同样在不停的往外掏着机械傀儡,手中化为残影还在不停的进行着制作,这些傀儡将众人团团围了起来。Another side.
另一边。„The team leader of dense fogsquad, bringingthatdholeto fly away.”
After hearingplays blindman's buff the malewords, the robust manimmediatelyto the bird manis asking: „Wemustpassnow, is not beating the dense fogsquadwhileKanecompletely.”
After hearinghiswords, the bird man of whitefeatherturns the headwithlooking at the look of foollooks athim.
„ Nowteammateaffirmation of Kaneallinfit of temper, we, if the presentprovokes, facedwill betheiranger.
“现在凯恩的队友肯定全在气头上,我们如果现在去招惹的话,面对的将是他们的怒火。Moreover haven't youread the newspaper? Ourstrengthsare how possible, canbe a worthy opponentwiththem, insituation that eventheirteams leaderare not. ”
而且你没看报纸吗?我们的实力怎么可能,能够与他们匹敌,即使是他们队长不在的情况下。”Said , the bird manlooks up the sky.
说完后鸟人抬起头来看着天空。„Nowweshoulddo after iswaits for the dholeKanegets rid ofto return, thenwewithdraw from the dungeonimmediately, do not haveanycontactwith the Kaneteammate.”
“那我们的任务?”„Whendutycando, killingKanewearegreat meritone, the dutycould not completealsodoes not have anyissue.”
“任务什么时候都能做,干掉凯恩我们就已经是大功一件了,任务完成不了也没有任何的问题。”„Saidagain, after wecanwait for the Kaneteammate to leave, returns.”
“再说了,我们可以等凯恩的队友全部离开后再返回。”„Ok.” The robust mentouchoneselfhead, nods.
“行吧。”壮汉摸了摸自己的脑袋,点点头。Kanein the sky, does not record the consumption is completely swayingowncharm, the usecharmpicks upmachine the speed of armor, causesowncanfleequickly.凯恩在天空中,完全不记消耗的挥洒着自己的魔力,不停的使用魔力加快机甲的速度,使自己的能够更快逃离。But the redfluidis in hot pursuit.
而身后的红色流体穷追不舍。In the sky the blood-colordholein the fluid velocity that changes intodoes not havein the ground is so quick, butstillneeds the Kanespeeding upspeedwhole-heartedly, canmaintaincertaindistancewithhim.
在天空中血色红狼化为的流体速度就没有地面上那么快了,但是依然需要凯恩全力以赴的加快速度,才能够和他保持一定的距离。This wayis not the means.
这样下去不是办法。Kanenon-stopis pondering the countermeasurein the brain.凯恩不停的在脑中思考着对策。Insteadkillsabsolutelydoes not have the possibility, according to the speed of dholeescapesis also impossible, even the skill of spacetransmissionwill still be detectedbyhim.
反杀完全没有可能性,按照红狼的速度逃跑亦不可能,即使是空间传送的技能也会被他察觉到。Nowonly thentwomeanscanget rid of the dhole, onecommits suicide, suchdholewill then stop , like the approach of thatbird man.
The suicideat least can also guarantee the integrity that ownbodyandwill not be hurtby the soul and ensure the resurrectingitemcanoperateperfectly.
自杀至少还能保证自己尸体的完整性并且不会受到灵魂伤害,保证复活道具能够完美运行。Anotheristo try to find the solutionscattersto switch handsonredmark, the means that butKanehas been ableto useused, meaning that thismarkslightlydo not retreat.
另一个就是想办法驱散掉手上的红色印记,但是凯恩已经将能用的办法都用了,这印记丝毫没有要退去的意思。BeforeKanealsofeltLigroups of themtoward the skill that ononeselfflung, shouldalsobewantsto scatterto switch handssimilarlyonmark, the effect of buthaving no.
之前凯恩也感受到了莉路路他们往自己身上甩的技能,应该也同样是想要驱散掉手上的印记,但是都没有任何的效果。Onlycancommit suicide?
只能自杀了吗?Detected after distancealmostKane, crashesto goto the groundimmediately.
察觉到距离差不多后的凯恩,立刻向地面坠落而去。„Imustdie, prepares.”
“我要死亡了,准备好。”Crashon the way, Kanegets the clipthrough the ruby, the information that oneselfmustdietransmitstothey.
坠落的途中,凯恩通过红宝石领夹,将自己要死亡的信息传递给克蕾雅他们。Voiceclampedto pass from the rubylead(er)fast: „Herehas prepared.”
克蕾雅的声音从红宝石领夹快速的传了过来:“这边已经准备好了。”In the Kanehandcondenses a transparentsteelblade, laterlets loose the defense of body, the deep breath, toownheart, was puncturingdirectly.凯恩手中凝聚出一柄透明的钢刃,随后放开身体的防御,深呼吸,对着自己的心脏,直接刺了进去。Just the bodyalsopasses through the woods, fellin the ground.
The blood, emitting that outwardnon-stopfrom the wound and Kanemouth.
The dholechanges into the shape of wolfstoppedcloselyinside, the lookis staring atKane, has not launched the attack, butis waiting forhisdeath.
The gloomy and coldaura and weakweakfeelingstartto proliferate the whole body.
阴冷的气息以及无力的虚弱感开始遍布全身。Ache? As if no to feel.
The strengthrapidoutflow, with the outflow of strength, inserts the transparentshortbladeonchestalsodissipates, the bloodstartsuncontrolledsprayingoutward.
The deathapproached.
死亡来临了。+joins the bookmark+
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