The extractionskill, exploresdungeonChapter 380to trigger the defense mechanism
After inspectinga while, Kanethenthrows the groundthisfeather.
Before the mindrecalls, has hadcasual acquaintance, thatwhitebird manAdventurer.
After the featherdiscards, Kanethenexaminesthatonlyto wear armor the wound of lion.
将羽毛丢掉后,凯恩便查看起那只披甲狮子的伤口。Canjudgefrom the wounddegree, thisliondeathalsonotovertwohours.
从伤口的程度可以判断,这只狮子死亡还不超过两个小时。Diedso manylifeform.
The mechanism in thisdungeon, shouldto startwas right.
这地牢里的机制,应该要启动了才对。„Justhadto hearthisdirectionto transmit the sound?”Kaneasked.
“刚刚有听见这个方向传来动静吗?”凯恩问道。„Has not heard.”
“没有听见。”„Wehad not just heardprobably.”
After hearingpeople'sreply, Kanenods, according todeathtime that the lifeform of thesedeathstransmitted, got rid oftheirAdventurer should not to leavetoo.
听见众人的回答后,凯恩点点头,按照这些死亡的生物传来的死亡时间来看,干掉他们的探索者应该还没有离得太远。If the defense mechanismstart of dense fog, should not have the sound, thismayexplain that very much the defense mechanism of thisdungeonhas not started.
如果迷雾的防御机制启动了的话,不应该没有动静,这很有可能说明这地牢的防御机制还没有启动。Ok, wants unable to thinkwhatkey point here.
算了,在这儿想也想不出来什么重点。Kaneonegroup of tidy up , to continue to set outtoward the destination.凯恩一行人收拾收拾,继续朝着目的地进发。„Dyingwere too many, whatissuethatcrowd of do Adventurerhave?”Looks the corpse that continuesto increaseall the way, is frowningto say.
“死的太多了,那群探索者有什么问题吗?”克蕾雅看着一路上继续增多的尸体,皱着眉头说道。Kanetheyare also silent, is onlymore vigilant, theycannot give the nicereply.凯恩他们同样沉默不语,只是更加警惕,他们给不出像样的回答。Besides the surroundingcorpseincreases, the bloodytasteis also getting more and more rich.
除了周围的尸体增多外,血腥味儿也越来越浓郁。Kanestoppedsuddenly.凯恩突然停了下来。Hissupernatural mightregards, keepingforewarnstohim.
他的神武视,在不停的给他预警。LooksKane that stopssuddenly, equipmentsplendid lightflashes, changes into the weapon in goldenlioncoverallhandalsoto turn into the flying wingto the blade.
看着突然停下来的凯恩,克蕾雅身上的装备华光一闪,换成了金色的雄狮套装手中的武器也变成了飞翼对刃。Not only, Lombe they are vigilantmutually.
After flashcompelsignorant, thenunderstoodinstantaneouslypresentsituation, after all was also experiencedsilverAdventurer.
芙娜在通过一瞬间的懵逼后,便瞬间理解了现在的情况,毕竟也算是身经百战的银色探索者了。Entered the condition of garrisonwithownteammate.
和自己的队友一起进入了警备的状态。Frontpath, the Kanesupernatural mightis regardingin the stabbing pain.
前方的道路,不停的在刺痛着凯恩的神武视。„Wefirstwithdraw fromthisregion.”Kaneexcessivelyhas not explainedanything, butleadsownteammateto turn toward the old routeto startto return.
“我们先退出这片区域。”凯恩没有过多解释什么,而是带着自己的队友就向着原路开始返回。But a severalkilometersplace, onecrowd of Adventurerare hunting and killing the surroundinglifewantonly, no mattertheywhetherhas the hostility.
A doubleblinker the noearrace of blackcotton materialwas sayingsuddenly: „It is not good, the dense fogsquadreturned.”
一个双眼蒙着黑色布料的无耳种族突然说道:“不好,迷雾小队返回了。”„What's the matter?” A nearbyentireheight the scarfacerobust man of scale, after hearing, askedimmediately.
“怎么回事?”旁边的一个全身长着鳞片的疤脸壮汉,听到后立马问道。„Does not know that what's the matter, theyturned backsuddenly.”
“不知道怎么回事,他们就突然折返了。”Butnearbymuddyheight the bird man of whitefeather, is narrowing the eye, the sharpsharp clawsmanaged the feather.
而旁边一只浑身长着白色羽毛的鸟人,微眯着眼睛,尖锐的利爪理了理羽毛。„Reallycannotlook down onthem, possiblywasunderstandsin what way, weare ambushingheordetect the danger.”
“果然不能小瞧他们,可能是通过什么方式了解到了,我们正在埋伏他或是察觉到了危险。”„What to dothatpresentshould?”
“那现在该怎么办?”„Did incantationrecordto hit?”
“咒记都打好了吗?”„Thishas done well.”
After listening togood chap'sreply, the whitebird manwas sayingtoone sidetheseAdventurer that hunts and killsrapidly: „Ancestorguest, comesquickly.”
A form of wearblack robe, changed into the whitemistto appearin the front of whitebird man.
“有什么事吗?”„Delivers toaroundme the dense fogsquad.”
“把我送到迷雾小队周围。”„Does not have the issue.”
“没问题。”Finishes speaking, binds the person's shadow of black robethento change into the white fogto coerce the whitebird mantogether, fluttersrapidlyinKanetheirdirections, the words that on the way of that fluttersalsohears the whitebird manpassed on.
After hearingwords that transmits, in the robust manequippedfrom the spacepulled out a bright redobject, similarheartsameis still beatingslightly.
听到传来的话后,壮汉从空间装备里掏出了一颗鲜红的物体,类似一颗心脏一样还在微微的跳动着。Afterwardmakes an effortto pinch, the heart of beatchanges into a piece of flying ashinstantaneously.
随后用力一捏,跳动的心脏瞬间化为一片飞灰。Flees the life that theseAdventurerhunt and killinnumerably, the bodymore or lesshas the redmark, whenthatflash of heartdisruption, thesemarkeruptions.
无数逃离这些探索者猎杀的生灵,身上或多或少都有着红色的标记,当心脏碎裂的那一瞬间,这些标记爆发了。Among the treesis licking the cheetah that wipes the wound,
The nestin the wild boar that the thick patch of grasswhistlingrestsgreatly, on the prairievigilantall aroundis chewing the hare of green grass. Onhisthem the covertplacehas the redmark, thesemarksinvadetheirwhole bodiesrapidly, theseanimalsalsoimmerseinoneselfworld.
窝在草丛呼呼大睡的野猪,草原上警惕四周嘴嚼着青草的野兔。他它们身上的隐蔽的地方都有着红色的标记,这些标记迅速侵染它们全身,这些动物还沉浸在自己的世界中。Quiet, changed into the bleached bone.
A surroundingsbigregion, is havingsuchmatter.
The bloodysmellshoots up to the sky.
血腥的气味冲天而起。InKane that the old routereturns tothey, periphery smellssmell of blood that explodessuddenly, thesesmell of bloodveryfresh, just like the freshblood, justarrived at theirfeetto be the same.
The Kanesupernatural mightregardsto startto warncrazily, just like the air defense warningto soundin the brain of Kanetogether.凯恩的神武视开始疯狂的警告着,犹如一道防空警报在凯恩的脑中拉响。„Wū wū!”
A rock the earthwolfhowlingtransmitsfrom the distant place, the pressure of blotting out the skysweeps across.
一阵震天动地的狼嚎从远处传来,铺天盖地的威压席卷开来。AllAdventurerinthisrangejust likeenters the domain of someominousbeastto be only same, the chestwas stuffyis respirable.
处在这个范围内的所有探索者都犹如进入了某只凶兽的领域一样,胸口闷得不能呼吸。Kanethey have tostop the footsteps, on the alertall around.凯恩他们也不得不停下脚步,警惕着四周。„The life of dyingwere too many, did the dungeondefense mechanismstartto start?”Said.
“死的生灵太多了,地牢的防御机制开始启动了吗?”克蕾雅说道。NearbyLombeasked: „Buttheselifeformare notwehunt and kill, will webe also affected?”
旁边的隆贝却问道:“可是这些生物并不是我们猎杀的,我们同样会遭受到波及吗?”„Thesethingsno oneknowsnow, ifa whilewebecome the target of thatgoldlevelwild animal, remembers that mustescape, do not meet the tough head-on with toughnesswithhim.”
“这些事情现在无人知道,等会儿如果我们成为了那只黄金级野兽的目标,记得一定要逃跑,不要和他硬碰硬。”Heard the teams leaderto speak, the peoplenodimmediately.
听到自己队长都发话了,众人立刻点点头。For safety's sake, Kaneturns the headto saytonearbyLipathpath: „Hits the markonme.”
After hearing the Kanewords, Lipathpathbrandishes the lawstickimmediately, a starmark of Iridescentappearedon the back of the hand of Kane.
听到凯恩的话后,莉路路立刻挥舞法杖,一颗彩色的星星标记出现在了凯恩的手背上。Nearbyseessuchsituation, askedimmediately: „Do youprepareto do?”
旁边的克蕾雅看见这样的情形,立马问道:“你准备干什么?”Kanehas not repliedhiswords, butis shoutingto the frontnot far away: „Has the person, be careful!”凯恩并没有回答他的话,而是对着前方不远处喊道:“有人,小心!”Finishes speaking, not far awaythenpresentedtwoperson's shadows, person who wears the black robe, with a bird man of whitefeather.
话音刚落,不远处便出现了两道人影,一个身披黑袍的人,和一只白色羽毛的鸟人。«InvinciblyfromOffering sacrificesFounderStart»
《无敌从献祭祖师爷开始》„ChiefKane, long time no see.”
“是你。”Reallyisthatwhitebird man, is seeinghisnearbythatsay/wayto wear the form of black robe.
果然是那个白色的鸟人,在看见他旁边那道身披黑袍的身影。Looks at the race of thatwhitebird managain.
再看那只白色鸟人的种族。„Are you people of blackfog?” The clue in Kanebrainconnectscompletely, asked.
The Kanesuddenwords, makinginthatwhitebird maneyessomewhatstunned.凯恩突然的话语,让那白色鸟人眼中有些错愕。„Really iskeen, ChiefKane.”
“真是敏锐呀,凯恩队长。”„But, dieshere.”
“不过,死在这里吧。”Then, thatbird manstraightis staring atKane, laterin the handpresents a daggerto insertownchestdirectly.
说完,那只鸟人直直的盯着凯恩,随后手中出现一把匕首直接插进自己的胸膛。What do you mean?
什么意思?On the alertKanetheylook atsuchscene, haspuzzled.
正在警惕着的凯恩他们看着这样的场景,心生不解。Does not act in a play, visiblethatwhitebird manaurais getting more and more weak, the bloodspews outfromhiswound.
并非是做戏,肉眼可见的那白色的鸟人气息越来越弱,血液从他的伤口中喷涌而出。Afterward, the whitebird man, the lifeauracuts offcompletely.
随后,白色的鸟人,生命气息完全断绝。Withdying of bird man, is running some hugelifeform of comingalsoto stop the footstepstowardhere.
After hearing the soundstops, Kanetheyunderstood, shouldbethiswhitebird manis slaughteringwantonly, hebecomes the target of dense fogcounterattackingmechanism.
听见动静停下后,凯恩他们理解了,应该就是这只白色的鸟人在大肆杀戮,他成为了迷雾反制机制的目标。Althoughdoes not know that suchsituationwhat's the matter, the dangerousforeknowledge of Kane still has not stopped, thereforeis preparingto leadownteammateto leaveimmediately.
虽然不知道这样的情形是怎么回事,凯恩的危险预知依然没有停下来,所以正准备带着自己的队友立刻离开。In the wrist/skillhas the prickingagain, looks down, sees only a blood redtraceto appearin the wrist/skill.
手腕上再次出现刺痛感,低头看去,只见一圈血红色的纹路出现在手腕上。But the frontwears the form of black robe, dragging out the body of bird manto leavesame place, vanisheddoes not see.
而前方身披黑袍的身影,拖着鸟人的尸体离开了原地,消失不见。But the hugelifeform of stopping, againtoward the directionlong-range raid of Kane.
而原本停下来的巨大生物,再次朝着凯恩的方向奔袭而来。„Was bad, Ibecame the target.”
“糟了,我成目标了。”Soundraidsandin the wrist/skill the suddenred mark, Kaneknows that hewas suspendedone.
动静的袭来和手腕上突然出现的红色标记,凯恩知道他被摆了一道。Althoughcannotunderstand the completeinformation, butjustsituationhad toldKane, thatwhitebird mantreated as the priceto counterattack the mechanism the goalto graft the body of Kanewithownlifeinsomeform.
“来了。”梅兹克突然喊道。Kanegrasps the crystallong spear/gun , without the timeto intertwineagain.凯恩抓起水晶长枪,没有时间再纠结了。
The overlappingsteelarmoriron slab, startsto delayfromhisbody, incantationdragonJijiawas unifiedagainbyhim.
层层叠叠的钢甲铁块,从他的身上开始延展起来,咒龙机甲再次被他凝聚出来。Lombealsochanges5metershighlimestonegiantimmediately, the shield in handdelays.
隆贝也立刻变化成五米高的灰石巨人,手中的盾牌延展开来。Treadonsradiance, all kinds ofgainsdisseminate, coversin whicheveryone.
The threepeoplelook the bigpile of gaineffects on oneselfbewilderedlyincreasing, clearfeelingoneselfstrengthturnstime.
The angelemptyshadowappearsin the top of the head of peopletogether, the aura that as the angelmovesdownward, the gains of allpeopleobtainedenhancementagain.
一道天使的虚影出现在众人的头顶,随着天使向下吹动的气息,所有人身上的增益再次获得了加强。„Is this?”
“这是?”And the Swisstwoangelsister and brother, obviouslyfeltfamiliar of thisability, in the eyewas disclosing the shock.
希和瑞两个天使姐弟,明显感觉到了这个能力的熟悉,眼中透露着震惊。Howeverpresentsituation, does not have the timeto makethemconsiderthese.
不过现在的情况,也没有时间让他们考虑这些。Thatsay/wayspreads the form of giantsound, finallyrevealedbody.
那道传出巨大动静的身影,终于显露出来了身型。Thatis a bodygiantblood-colordhole, heopens the goldenvirginholeto stare atKanestubbornly.
那是一只身体巨大的血色红狼,他睁着金黄色的童孔死死地盯着凯恩。Afterward a four limbstreadchanges intojust like the bloodfluidtogether, hitinstantaneouslyon the body of Kane, the rapidness of speed, no onecanrespond.
随后四肢一蹬化为一道犹如血液般的流体,瞬间就撞在了凯恩的身上,速度之快,没有一个人能够反应得过来。Kanemachinearmorwas cracked-updirectly, the spot that all aroundhad not been hit, disrupts.凯恩身上的机甲被直接撞碎,四周并没有被撞击到的部位,同样碎裂开来。Withthishit, Kaneflewfrom the interior of machinearmordirectly, in the groundtumblingbackward, stoppedon a giant stoneuntil the hit.
“凯恩!”Sidepresents the knightformone after another, transformedwithspirit that is burning the blueflame.
克蕾雅身边出现一道又一道的骑士身影,和克蕾雅一起变换成了燃烧着蓝色火焰的幽灵。Just likes the potential of mighty force, hitstoward the blood-colordhole that transforms the original design.
犹如千军万马之势,向着重新变换成原样的血色红狼撞去。Lombealsokept offin the Kanefront, Medskercontrolled the redparticleto drill into the body of Kane.
A bluecharmpalmappearedin the side of blood-colordhole, coveredonhisbody, the flash of howevertouching, the bluepalmwas then disillusioneddirectly.
一只蓝色的魔力手掌出现在了血色红狼的身边,覆盖在他的身上,然而只是触碰的一瞬间,蓝色的手掌便直接破灭。Was discovered.
被发现了。auspiciousis controlling the goldenSaintlight, if a silk threadsneaked in the body of Kaneto treatto hopeforhim, then the whole body the transparentSaintlightarmor, is brandishing a sharp swordto flytoward the blood-colordhole.
瑞控制着金色的圣光,如道道丝线钻进了凯恩的身体为他进行着治疗希则全身着透明的圣光铠甲,挥舞着一把利剑向着血色红狼飞去。Just liked the scrap ironto constructin the togethermechanicalpuppetto drillfromsideinnumerablytattered, ranto gotoward the blood-colordhole.
无数破破烂烂犹如废铁构造在一起的机械傀儡从芙娜的身边钻了出来,向着血色红狼奔跑而去。Facingraidingmeaning that severalpeople, the blood-colordholehas not paid attention tocompletely, changed intoonegroup of redfluids, vanished in same place.
面对袭来的几人,血色红狼完全没有理会的意思,化为了一团红色的流体,消失在了原地。Hisgoalonly hasone, thatisKane.
The blood-colorfluidappearsin the Kanebackagain.
血色的流体再次出现在凯恩的背后。In the flash that the fluidpresents, a Kanethentwinklevanishes in same place.
在流体出现的一瞬间,凯恩便一个闪烁消失在了原地。Cannotwait for the dholeto launch the attack, hisspeedwas too fast, onceattacks, the opportunity that Kaneavoidswill not have.
不能等红狼发起攻击,他的速度太快了,一旦攻击,凯恩连躲避的机会都不会有。Now the onlygoodnewsis the goal of thisdhole, only thenKane, theirallbehaviorswere disregarded, andcould not haveanyinjury and influence on thisdhole.
现在唯一的好消息就是这头红狼的目标只有凯恩一个,克蕾雅他们所有的行为都被无视掉了,并且对这头红狼造成不了任何的伤害和影响。Theirattacksevencannot trace the fur/superficial knowledge of dhole.
他们的攻击甚至连红狼的皮毛都摸不到。This is the goldenrank, tosilverabsolutesuppression.
这便是黄金级别,对银色的绝对压制。Appearsinanother sideKane, filledonebottle of medicamentdirectly, wasMedsker'sclassicalworkheroiccrown.
出现在另一边的凯恩,直接灌下了一瓶药剂,正是梅兹克的经典之作英勇之冠。ButLombeappearedin the Kanefrontagain, preventedbeforehisbody, appearedinKanebehind.
而隆贝再次出现在了凯恩的面前,阻挡在他的身前,克蕾雅则出现在了凯恩的身后。Howeveris only the flash, the emptyshadow that Lombe'sironwallshieldagainstchanges intowas direct, liftsLombe of shieldto be embeddirectly the groundbythishit, even the shape of giantcould not maintain.
The dholenotdoes not attackLombetheyto disdaininattackingthem, ifinsiststo preventin front ofKane, hewill not hesitateorshow mercy.
红狼并非不攻击隆贝他们只是不屑于攻击他们,如果硬要阻挡在凯恩面前的话,他也不会迟疑或者手下留情。+joins the bookmark+
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