DSED :: Volume #4

#379: Dungeon core

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Popular recommendation: Bang!” 热门推荐:“轰隆!” In the arm excavation machine thorough soil of machine armor, according to the Kane virtue feels to avoid the tree root, will put in order the group soil the tree root and fruit tree unearths completely. 机甲的手臂挖掘机器深入泥土之中,根据凯恩德感觉避开树根,将整团泥土连带着树根和果树全部挖掘出来。 After who hears here sound they looked at one, then continues to pick the fruit, only has fast running over, in the eye braves the star to look at machine armor of Kane control. 听到这边的动静的克蕾雅他们望了一眼后,便继续摘着果子,唯有芙娜快速的跑了过来,眼中冒着星星看着凯恩操控的机甲。 She stands has not disturbed the work of Kane, but is the structure of earnest observation taking off armor. 她站在旁边并没有打扰凯恩的工作,而是认真的观察起机甲的结构。 She sees the picture of Kane control machine armor after the magazine, has wanted experience, but not good opening the mouth to make Kane construct, but to satisfy her curiosity, sees now finally. 她从杂志上看见凯恩操控机甲的照片后,就一直想要见识一下,但是又不好开口让凯恩构造出来,只是为了满足她的好奇心,现在终于看见了。 The fruit tree that was dug, Li path path directly uses start/open Lingshu, then opened a giant rainbow transmission door, the usage stick controls the fruit tree to fly. 被挖出来的果树,莉路路直接使用启灵术,然后打开一扇巨大的彩虹传送门,用法杖控制着果树飞了进去。 Inside land has dug gulfs, is waiting for moving of fruit tree. 里面的土地早就挖好了一个又一个的深坑,等待着果树的入住。 These are completed by these personification animals of fairy tale world, now personification no longer is the animal, various strange things compose. 这些都是由童话世界的那些拟人动物完成的,现在拟人的不再是动物,还有各种各样奇奇怪怪东西组成。 Puts the realistic words to look that will find it very strange, but if will feel fair in the fairy tale world. 放到现实的话看着就会觉得很奇怪,但是如果是在童话世界又会觉得合情合理。 Puppet who the walk snowman, the pottery burial figurines of running, various types of candies or the syrup concentrate. 行走的雪人,奔跑的陶俑,还有各种糖果或是糖浆凝成的傀儡。 Even beer and drink element. 甚至还有啤酒和饮料元素。 After of not far away saw the rainbow color transmission gate, carefully observed a while then to put aside the vision, she was not the occupation of legal system, compared in the rainbow color transmission gate, Kane machine armor can arouse her interest. 不远处的芙娜看见了彩虹色的传送门后,仔细的观察了一会儿便移开了目光,她并不是法系的职业,相较于彩虹色的传送门,凯恩身上的机甲更能引起她的兴趣。 On such Kane and Li groups of woods edges that start along the fruit tree, are unearthing one after another, looked that stance as if not want to let off, wants to catch the whole lot in a dragnet this fruit trees. 就这样凯恩和莉路路开始沿着果树的树林边缘,一棵又一棵的挖掘着,看那架势似乎一颗都不想放过,想将这片果林一网打尽。 On some fruit trees also lives in various strange small creature, Li path path has not let off, knits the bandage completely one by one. 有些果树上还住着各种奇怪的小动物,莉路路一个都没有放过,全部挨个打包带着。 Assisted to move, belonged is. 协助搬家了,属于是。 Even such behavior, is still the ranks of permission in the dungeon range, when Kane they must enter the dungeon, the handbook on dungeon, writes clearly, many things of this dungeon can carry off directly. 即使是这样的行为,在地牢的范围内依然属于允许的行列,当凯恩他们要进入地牢时,地牢上的手册,写得非常的清楚,这地牢的许多东西都是能够直接带走的。 No matter plant or animal. 不管是植物还是动物。 So long as the plant you do not damage intentionally, but truly needs, issue that then has no. 植物只要你不故意损毁,而是确实需要,那么便没有任何的问题。 Inside various animals are also the same, if you slaughter to gain their food or are the material permit. 里面的各种动物也一样,如果你杀戮是为了获取它们身上的食材或者是材料都是允许的。 Even hunting and killing and excavation of wide scope, so long as is not the waste. 即便是大范围的猎杀和挖掘,只要不是浪费都可以。 But if only pure for words that to slaughter to slaughter, then, the consequence is proud. 但如果只是单纯的为了杀戮而杀戮的话,那么,后果自负。 After they pick the fruit that some liked, then sits the rest in side, is waiting for Kane and Li groups of completes their operations. 克蕾雅他们摘了一些自己喜好的果子后,便在旁边坐着休息,等待着凯恩和莉路路完成他们的操作。 Then, Kane and Li groups of dug the evening forcefully, eradicated this woods completely, was left over potholes. 就这样,凯恩和莉路路硬生生挖到了晚上,将这片树林全部连根拔起,剩下了一个又一个的坑洞。 The three people have built the camp in side, with together in manufacture dinner. 芙娜三人已经在旁边搭好了营地,和克蕾雅一起在制作晚餐了。 Kane is hugging already in Li path path who whistling rests greatly, arrived at the camp and constructs 1 thin high log cabin in side directly. 凯恩抱着已经在呼呼大睡的莉路路,来到了营地并直接在旁边构造起了一栋细高的木屋。 It seems like now they will camp out in the evening here. 看来今晚上他们会在这里露营了。 Will weave the Grandmaster to place in the Original Skill square, constructed a small bed in side, Li path Lufang. 将编织大师安放进本源技能格内,在旁边构造起了一个小床,将莉路路放了进去。 Sometimes looks Li path path who sleeps soundly, Kane is thinking, oneself raised a daughter to be the same young probably. 看着熟睡的莉路路,凯恩有时候在想,自己这么年轻就好像是养了个女儿一样。 However thinks carefully, oneself when the previous generation seem to have also achieved this/should bearing children. 不过仔细想想,自己在前世似乎也已经达到了该生儿育女的时候了。 A blue palm, took two bottles of tender green medicament to fly. 一只蓝色的手掌,拿着两瓶嫩绿色的药剂飞了过来。 After Kane received, is nodding to express gratitude to not far away Medsker. 凯恩接过后,对着不远处的梅兹克点点头道了声谢。 This tender green medicament is the blue charm medicament and yellow physical strength medicament mix matching, can recover the charm and energy simultaneously. 这种嫩绿色的药剂是蓝色的魔力药剂和黄色的体力药剂混合搭配而成的,能够同时恢复魔力和体力。 After that bottle of normal medicament drink the stomach, then takes up another bottle of microminiature medicament to feed to Li path path. 将那瓶正常的药剂喝进肚后,再拿起另外一瓶微小型的药剂喂给莉路路。 Has completed, was laborious you.” Carried two dishes to walk, after seeing Kane, spoke. “已经完成了吗,辛苦你了。”克蕾雅端着两盘菜走了出来,看见凯恩后说到。 Puts on the dish in hand a greatly big table that in front of Kane condenses, later sits to Kane side. 将手中的菜品放到凯恩面前凝聚出来的一张大大的餐桌上,随后坐到凯恩的旁边。 Just and auspicious asked the Li path path fairy tale world, can say?” Although before Li groups, directly use swaggering rainbow color transmission gate, but, asked Kane for safety's sake. “刚刚西和瑞问起莉路路的童话世界,可以说吗?”虽然莉路路之前直接大摇大摆的使用出来了彩虹色的传送门,但为了保险起见,克蕾雅还是来问了凯恩 Does not have the issue, can say.” “没问题的,可以说。” In a while, the people sit in a circle at the table, being cheerful and lively is tasting the good food. 没过多久,众人就围坐在餐桌旁,有说有笑的品尝着美食。 The elusive cry transmits from the nighttime sky together suddenly. 一道空灵的叫声突然从夜空中传来。 Hears the cry, dining Kane they cannot bear look up toward the nighttime sky. 听到叫声,正在用餐的凯恩他们忍不住抬头朝夜空中看去。 Is glittering together the undulating green light form, flew from the horizon, later fast passing over gently and swiftly Kane their top of the heads, threw down a star light. 一道闪烁着澹澹绿光的身影,从天边飞了过来,随后快速的掠过凯恩他们的头顶,投下了点点星光。 This is giant incomparable birds, is sending out the undulating green light feather, the whole body feather is lithe, especially the tail feathers tall and slender become strip seem like the peacock to be the same. 这是一只巨大无比的鸟类,散发着澹澹绿光的羽毛,浑身的羽毛轻盈,特别是尾羽细长成条状像是孔雀一样。 Powerful and beautiful life. 强大而美丽的生灵。 Although this form fast passed over gently and swiftly from Kane their top of the heads, but Kane they felt the strength of this lifeform, golden rank. 虽然这道身影快速的从凯恩他们的头顶掠过,但凯恩他们还是感觉到了这个生物的实力,黄金级别。 When birds fast has flown, after being far away from Kane their field of vision range, a point star light that throws fell slowly downward, falls they unearthed the position of woods on daytime Kane. 当鸟类快速的飞过,直到远离凯恩他们的视野范围后,那投下来的点点星光缓慢地向下掉落,落在了白天凯恩他们挖掘树林的位置。 The star light falls after the pothole of ground, the aura of luxuriant green heads on, has the intense fresh aura. 星光落在地面的坑洞后,绿意盎然的气息扑面而来,带着强烈的生的气息。 Branches rise straight from the ground from the pothole, later grew into the shapes of young trees, looks at the shape of young tree seedling to be the seedlings of thousand fruit trees. 一根根枝条从坑洞里拔地而起,随后长成了一棵棵小树的形状,看着小树幼苗的形状应该是千果树的幼苗。 Looks at such situation, Kane roughly understood, this is why this dungeon did not fear that they unearth the reason that and hunts and kills wantonly. 看着这样的情形,凯恩大致是理解了,这就是为什么这地牢不怕他们大肆挖掘和猎杀的原因。 „Did Youyou, scan just the specific information of that birds?” 悠悠,扫描到了刚刚那只鸟类的具体信息了吗?” Hears the Kane words, Youyou nods, later examined the information to project the table center a chart. 听到凯恩的话,悠悠点了点头,随后将一个图检信息投射到了餐桌中央。 This is a Big Dipper level lifeform in dungeon, the strength is the steady gold. 这是地牢里的一只七星级生物,实力是稳稳的黄金。 AXA Lees, this was just the name of that bird, according to the good food the archaism view is, this name represents the meaning that the myriad things are growing. 安盛利斯,这便是刚刚那只鸟的名字,根据美食之都的古语说法是,这个名字代表着万物生长的意思。 AXA Lees wanders in various places of dungeon, many Adventurer have seen his form, restores in the dungeon specially destroyed ecological environment. 安盛利斯游荡在地牢的各处,许多的探索者都有见过他的身影,专门恢复地牢里被破坏的生态环境。 He also understood finally, why this dungeon has so many 7 star lifeform, achieved the golden rank, properly speaking silver dungeon so many lifeform should not, now know. 他也终于理解了,为什么这地牢有着那么多的七星生物,还有很多都达到了黄金的级别,按理来说银色的地牢有这么多的生物不应该,现在知道了。 These have the Big Dipper level lifeform of golden rank, should be in this dungeon may not the important ecological cycle of defect. 这些有着黄金级别的七星级生物,应该就是这地牢里不可缺失的重要的生态循环。 According to other Big Dipper level lifeform that Kane understands. 根据凯恩了解到的其他的七星级生物。 The ecological environment and spontaneous change of this dungeon, almost depend entirely on these Big Dipper levels the lifeform to be completed, they are this dungeon core. 这个地牢的生态环境和自然变化,几乎全靠这些七星级的生物来完成,他们便是这座地牢的核心。 If this dungeon is a world, the lifeform of that these Big Dipper levels are equivalent to the natural god in this world, plays the four seasons circulation, the function of weather change. 如果这座地牢是一个世界的话,那这些七星级的生物就相当于这个世界的自然神,起到四季流转,天气变化的作用。 Since excessive excavation these plants will draw out secure Lees to restore. 既然过度的挖掘这些植物会引出安瑞利斯来修复。 If not limited meaningless slaughters the animal wantonly, whether will bring in chasing down of Big Dipper level lifeform similarly? 那如果不节制的毫无意义的大肆杀戮动物,是否同样会引来七星级生物的追杀呢? Kane more wants more to think that this possibility very big, this can explain why these Adventurer will consciously comply with the stipulation. 凯恩越想越觉得这种可能性非常之大,这样就能解释,为什么这些探索者会自觉遵守规定了。 After all wants these Adventurer, do not slaughter wantonly, depending entirely on voluntarily is unlikely. 毕竟想要这些探索者,不要大肆杀戮,全靠自觉根本不太可能。 Cuts off to fling in the brain these trains of thought that well is tasting the good food. 将这些思绪掐断甩出脑中,好好的品尝着美食。 The liquor sating the appetite foot, the rest, must continue to hurry along well tomorrow. 酒饱饭足,好好休息,明天还要继续赶路呢。 ...... …… Next day. 次日。 Very early in the morning Kane they start directly, continue to go forward in the direction of prairie. 一大早凯恩他们就直接启程,继续朝着草原的方向前进着。 Kane they hurry along are not leisurely and carefree walks, but is the idling speed is running. 凯恩他们赶路并非是悠闲的行走,而是慢速的奔跑着。 Regarding their silver physicals, running of idling speed, is the speed that the average person runs unable to keep up with full power. 对于他们的银色体质来说,慢速的奔跑,也是普通人全力奔跑赶不上的速度。 Almost afternoon time, they soon arrived at the prairie the position. 几乎下午的时候,他们就快要到达草原的位置了。 The region of prairie still has in this dungeon all regions to have the characteristics that where no matter, has various types of fragrance that initiate the appetite. 草原的这片区域依然有着这地牢里所有区域都会有的特征,不管是在什么地方,都有着各种引发食欲的香气。 However after this smell enters the nose, Kane actually cannot bear the knitting the brows head. 不过这次气味入鼻后,凯恩却忍不住皱了皱眉头。 „Did you smell? In the air as if there is smell of blood of undulating.” “克蕾雅你闻到了吗?空气中似乎有澹澹的血腥味。” Hears the Kane words, nods, later heard carefully. 听到凯恩的话,克蕾雅点点头,随后更加仔细的闻了起来。 Although there is a smell of blood, but is not the intelligent lifeform, was hearing seems like various animals, should have Adventurer just to come to this region to hunt and kill to create.” “虽然有血腥味,但并不是智慧生物的,闻着像是各种动物的,应该是有探索者刚刚来过这片区域猎杀造成的吧。” Hears words, Kane nods, he thought that is also such situation. 听到克蕾雅的话,凯恩点点头,他觉得也是这样的情况。 Although entire dungeon area extremely broad, but also has many Adventurer teams, this period of time Kane they in open country, once for a while distant seeing will have Adventurer and they intersects. 整个地牢虽然面积极其的宽广,但也是有着不少的探索者队伍的,这段时间凯恩他们在野外,也会时不时的远远的看见有探索者和他们相交而过。 So long as everyone's goal is not same, happening together that has almost does not have any, even is the same, will not have what too big conflict, after all the goal also does not have one. 只要大家的目标不相同,几乎没有任何的交集,即使相同,也不会发生什么太大的冲突,毕竟目标又不是只有一个。 If truly only then, that heaven made you fight one, that also worried anything. 如果确实只有一个,那老天都让你们打一架了,那还顾虑什么呢。 However although said that but Kane they enhance vigilance slightly. 不过虽然这么说,但凯恩他们还是稍微提高了警惕。 In a while, sees was slaughtered being similar under a prairie pitch in the wolf same lifeform. 没过多久,就在草原边上的一个斜坡下看见了一头被屠宰了的类似于狼一样的生物。 Kane walked to squat down to look. 凯恩走过去蹲下看了看。 Cut off the throat by a blade, is killed violently at the scene, only has half of napes of the neck also to connect on the body. 被一刀砍断了喉咙,当场毙命,只有一半的脖颈还连接在身体上。 Should be yesterday evening is killed.” “应该是昨天晚上被杀的。” Why didn't these people give the dismemberment this wolf? But loses directly here.” Li groups of somewhat strange asking. “那些人为什么不把这头狼给肢解了呢?而是直接丢在这里。”莉路路有些奇怪的问道。 Hears her issue, nearby hope said: Possibly was this animal provoked other Adventurer, therefore fell the homicide, but did not gather the spoils of war.” 听见她的问题,旁边的希说道:“可能是这只动物去招惹了别的探索者吧,所以才把他杀掉,但是又不收取战利品。” This situation is very normal, the dungeon of such big piece has many lifeform, is offensive. 这种情况是非常正常的,这么大片的地牢有非常多的生物,都极具攻击性。 Adventurer that the attack passed was normal. 袭击路过的探索者再正常不过了。 Looked at Kane they to continue to go forward. 看了一下凯恩他们继续前进。 More walks toward the prairie deep place, Kane their brows more are wrinkle tightly. 越是往草原深处走,凯恩他们的眉头越是紧皱起来。 This just like just the situation of that wolf same lifeform all the way, everywhere was, the smell of blood even covered each region the unique fragrance. 这一路上犹如刚刚那匹狼一样的生物的情形,到处都是,血腥味甚至掩盖了每片区域所特有的香味。 All kinds of animals, had not been collected any spoils of war, but was killed to discard in the one side. 各种各样的动物,没有被收集任何的战利品,只是被干掉丢弃在一旁。 These animals were slaughtered for no reason, two fortunately, Kane they saw many small creature, even was many herbivorous animals is killed, here definitely had major part animals not to have the aggressivity. 这些动物都是被无端的杀戮了,一只两只还好,凯恩他们看见了许多的小动物,甚至是许多的食草性动物都被干掉了,这里肯定有一大部分的动物是不具备攻击性的。 Had the Adventurer team not to fear death, violated the stipulation in dungeon, in slaughter wantonly. 探索者队伍不怕死,违反了地牢里的规定,在大肆的屠杀。 Why does that? 为什么这么做呢? Cannot provide lodging own behavior, doesn't understand the rule in this dungeon? 是管不住自己的行为,还是不了解这座地牢里的规则? Kane squats suddenly. 凯恩忽然蹲下来。 From a wearing armor lion's mouth, drew out a white feather. 从一只披甲的狮子嘴上,拔出了一根白色的羽毛。 Looks at the feather in hand, Kane is being lost in thought. 看着手中的羽毛,凯恩陷入了沉思。
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