DSED :: Volume #4

#388: Spatial island

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The extraction skill, explores the dungeon Chapter 388 spatial island 抽取技能,探索地牢第388章空岛 That day dungeon temperature of in the air hot sun sending out, compared with the past. 地牢那天空中的烈日散发的温度,比以往更甚。 It seems like the stretch of area that the good food is, entered the burning hot season, every day can feel that the temperature is rising. 似乎是美食之都所在的这片地区,进入了炎热的季节,每天都能感觉到温度在上升。 Before Kane they, when furnace fire fort, but can also feel that as if just went out of the winter, but here soon marched into the summer. 之前凯恩他们在炉火堡的时候,还能够感觉到似乎才刚刚走出冬季,而这边都快要步入夏季了。 Cannot master the weather situation in this world. 搞不懂这个世界的天气情况。 At this time on below plain. 此时下方的平原上。 Kane looks that the distant place toward the antelope that he to/clashes, yes, before is , after they eat, bread antelope that is full of praise. 凯恩看着远处朝他冲来的羚羊,是的,就是之前他们吃后赞不绝口的面包羚。 Because before their times must go to the spatial island to pass through the route that have them, to come the plain, finally just came to meet an antelope. 由于他们这次要去空岛所要经过的路线就有他们之前来过的平原,结果刚一来就又遇上了一只羚羊。 Without the ink marks, a white spider's silk shoots directly toward here antelope, tied up the antelope all round, towed. 没有墨迹,一根白色的蛛丝直接朝这里羚羊射过去,将羚羊团团捆住,拖了回来。 Looks that front is still struggling the antelope, Kane was squatting, later a fist knocked on the head of antelope. 看着面前还在挣扎着羚羊,凯恩蹲了下来,随后一拳敲在了羚羊的脑袋上。 The antelope fought with the fists instantaneously in the past the lethargic sleep by Kane. 羚羊瞬间就被凯恩一拳打得昏睡了过去。 They looks that the Kane movement somewhat compels ignorant. 克蕾雅他们看着凯恩的动作都有些懵逼。 „Do you prepare to do?” Lombe somewhat puzzled asking. “你准备干什么?”隆贝有些不解的问道。 Kane had not replied, but was in the hand condenses bubble, directly the antelope that turned toward the stupor pressed, the spider's silk that the antelope body twined also dissipated directly. 凯恩没有回答,而是手中凝聚出了一个泡泡,直接向着昏迷的羚羊摁了过去,羚羊身上缠绕的蛛丝也直接消散。 The instantaneous antelope was prohibited in the bubble. 瞬间羚羊就被封禁到了泡泡里面。 Kane is feeling the charm in within the body , the strength of this antelope compared with beforehand squirrel in many, the charm that but consumes was just half of squirrel. 凯恩感受着自己体内的魔力,果然,这只羚羊的实力要比之前的松鼠强上不少,但消耗的魔力才刚刚达到松鼠的一半。 This is also only by a Kane fist stun, lost the resistance ability and consciousness, if hits half again remnantly, the charm of consumption must be lower. 这还只是被凯恩一拳打昏,失去了反抗能力和意识,如果再打得半残的话,消耗的魔力还要更低。 Looks at front bubble, Kane said: You said that if we hold these quite delicious animal, then in the stun seal gets up, throws into the beforehand that golden space to equip.” 看着面前的泡泡,凯恩说道:“你说如果我们将那些比较好吃的动物抓住,然后打昏封印起来,丢进之前的那个黄金空间装备里。” „After , we had our dungeon to raise these animals again in inside, can......” “等以后我们有了自己的地牢再把这些动物养在里面,是不是就能够……” Right, after that cannot eat.” Lombe joins the Kane words to say immediately. “对呀,那以后不就能够一直吃到了吗。”隆贝立马接上凯恩的话说道。 Is unusual intent moves, in this is biggest to this all kinds of magic food demand on her, can very good makes her display own cook. 克蕾雅更是非常的意动,这里面就她对这种各种各样的魔法食材需求量最大,能够很好的让她发挥自己的厨艺。 To have a lot of magic food outside like this dungeon is not possible. 在外面想要像这个地牢这样有大量的魔法食材是不可能的。 Although the good food also undersells the magic food to outside through the good food association frequently, however such quantity placed in front of the entire world only to say that was futile attempt. 虽然美食之都也经常向外面通过美食协会抛售魔法食材,但是那样的数量放在全世界面前只能说是杯水车薪。 In the world table dungeon, even there are many silver Adventurer, specially is engaged in the capture and hunting and killing of dungeon lifeform. 世界餐桌这地牢里,甚至有不少的银色探索者,专门从事地牢生物的捕捉和猎杀。 These silver Adventurer are knows oneself promote hopelessly . Moreover the good food will also purchase according to the current price on market. 这些银色探索者都是知道自己晋升无望,而且美食之都也会按照市场价来收购。 However faces the demand of the world is still being futile attempt. 但是面对着全世界的需求依然是杯水车薪。 If can breed, that reduced too many too many troubles. 而如果能够自己养殖的话,那就减少了太多太多的麻烦。 As for whether can breed successfully, after that is, issue that considers, the means are always more than difficulty. 至于是否能够养殖成功,那是之后再考虑的问题,办法总比困难多。 Outside is not good to breed, but Kane they breed in the dungeon internal words could. 外面不好养殖,但凯恩他们养殖在地牢内部的话说不定可以。 It is not everyone can like Kane them, can have a dungeon, although Kane they have not had now. 不是所有人都能够像凯恩他们这样,能够拥有一座地牢,虽然凯恩他们现在还没有拥有。 The prerequisite goods that however needs have, found a suitable dungeon on the difference. 但是需要的前置物品都已经有了,就差找到一座适合的地牢了。 Now is not first anxious, but experiments, truly feasible good. When we make Stage 6 duty, again food and meat product that come to collect itself quite to like slowly.” “不过现在先不急,只是试验一下,确实可行就好。等我们把第六阶段的任务做掉,再来慢慢收集自己比较喜欢的食材和肉品。” After hearing the Kane words, the people nod, truly does not use eagerly for a while. 听到凯恩的话后,众人都点点头,确实不用急于一时。 Then, Kane put out all kinds of illustrated handbooks to apportion the people from own space equipment: Now you can look well.” 说完,凯恩从自己的空间装备里拿出了各种各样的图鉴分给众人:“不过现在你们可以好好的看一看了。” The people continue like this, depend on the examination illustrated handbook to kill the time. 众人就这样继续前行,靠着查看图鉴来打发时间。 If on the road meets the quite good animal and plant, may hit half remnant seal to get up these zoology and botany. 路上如果遇到比较不错的动物和植物,可能就会将这些动植物打得半残封印起来。 For example, found his dwelling following just bread antelope, 比如说,顺着刚刚的面包羚找到了他的住处, Also saw several small lambs, the direct complete seal admits in the space equipment. The young sons of these bread antelopes will slaughter mutually, Kane this also saved them. 还看见了几只小羊羔,直接全部封印起来放进空间装备里。这些面包羚的幼崽可是会相互厮杀的,凯恩这也算是救了他们。 Like this stopped from time to time to spend lots of time. 就这样走走停停花费了大量的时间。 ...... …… Next day, they arrived under of spatial island finally. 次日,他们终于来到了空岛的下方。 Kane is covering the sunlight, in the air looks upwards, truly can obviously see the shadow of spatial island in the sky, although some mold lakes are unclear. 凯恩掩着阳光,朝天空中看去,确实能够在天空中明显看见空岛的影子,虽然有些模湖不清。 Looks should under 2 kilometers highly above 1 kilometer, the cotton candy can definitely reach such altitude.” “看高度应该在一千米之上二千米之下,棉花糖完全能够达到那样的高度。” After Kane measured with the eye one next, said. 凯恩目测了一下后说道。 Afterward Kane is beckoning to the sky, the cotton candy fluttered, inflates to the maximum volume. 随后凯恩对着天空招招手,棉花糖飘了下来,膨胀到最大的体积。 After bringing the people ride, Kane patted the racket. 带众人乘坐上后,凯恩拍了拍。 Saw that island of space? The cotton candy, leads us.” “看见天上的那个小岛了吗?棉花糖,把我们带上去。” The cotton candy then direct raises upwardly. 说完棉花糖便直接向上拔高。 In a while Kane they saw the complete picture of spatial island, what sees is only his ground, assumes the cone, is some sand and crushed stone soils, does not know how completely he flutters. 没过多久凯恩他们就看见了空岛的全貌,不过看见的只是他的地基,呈圆锥形,都是些砂石泥土,完全不知道他到底是怎样飘起来的。 Wait, Kane you look there.” As if discovered anything, patted nearby Kane. “等等,凯恩你看那里。”克蕾雅似乎发现了什么,拍了拍旁边的凯恩 Kane is opening Eagle-Eye, careful looks, saw only the sandy soil an corner/horn to reveal the interior, together obviously was the man-made stone, assumed the square shape surface very smoothly, the mark had the close trace. 凯恩睁着鹰眼,仔细的看去,只见沙土的一角露出了内部,一块明显是人造的石块,呈方形表面非常的光滑,纹有细密的纹路。 Interesting, waits for careful look from the island to have similar vestige.” “有意思,等一下从岛上仔细的看看有没有类似的遗迹。” As the cotton candy more rises to be higher, Kane they are finally orthogonal with the island. 随着棉花糖越升越高,凯恩他们终于和小岛平齐。 At this time they can see the island surface situation finally. 这时候他们终于能够看见岛面的情况。 The area of this spatial island is not very big, they sees on Kane, could not have looked at the situation in boundary, distant looks, except for the rear area of island, the left and right can see the boundary. 这座空岛的面积并不是很大,就凯恩他们看见来说,并没有望不到边际的情况,远远的看去,除了小岛的后方,左右两边都能够看见边界。 The above landform of island, can see to have in many trees forests, but is not the unusual cover, majority is some low plants. 小岛的地貌,能够看见上面有着不少的树木林间,不过都不是非常的茂密,大部分都是些低矮植物。 In the sky also has the innumerable birds to circle. 天空中还有无数的鸟类在盘旋着。 While Kane they still when the observation, the bird group their direct impact come toward Kane. 正当凯恩他们还在观察时,鸟群朝着凯恩他们直冲过来。 This crowd of birds volumes just like the adult size, the muddy height the black feather, the speed is extremely fast, just like the advantage arrow to clash, bird pecking very sharp, is flashing the cold glow. 这群鸟类体积犹如成年人大小,浑身长着黑色的羽毛,速度极快,犹如利箭般冲来,鸟啄非常的尖锐,闪着寒芒。 Saw such situation to be needless saying that the people pulled out the weapon to prepare to accept a challenge directly. 看见这样的情形不用多说,众人直接掏出了武器准备应战。 The Kane side presented two rotation artilleries directly, with the rotation of artillery, the dense and numerous fire bang goes. 凯恩的身边直接出现了两座轮转火炮,随着火炮的转动,密密麻麻的炮火轰去。 Side also presented 4 knights, the hand with the javelin, effort toward flying the birds shoot. 克蕾雅的身边也出现了四位骑士,手拿投枪,用力的朝着飞来的鸟类射去。 Star that following several are also towing the rainbow path. 随之而来的还有几道拖着彩虹轨迹的星星。 Under three people of attacks, these birds feathers were exploded four dispersions to get up, lower the head to underground to crash. 在三人的攻击下,这些鸟类身上的羽毛被炸得四散飞起,垂头向地下坠落。 The quantity of bird group are not many, but also without flying Kane in front of them was shot down completely. 鸟群的数量并不是很多,还没有飞到凯恩他们面前就全部被击落。 A spider's silk shoots, giant bird winding that crashes downward, towed. 一根蛛丝射去,将一只向下坠落的巨鸟缠绕,拖了过来。 This bird I know yeah.” Lombe looks at the complete picture of this giant bird, joyful saying. “这鸟我知道哎。”隆贝看着这巨鸟的全貌,欣喜的说道。 Over the two days they had free time on the examination all kinds of illustrated handbooks, chooses category that they liked, for later kidnapped and sold to plan to prepare. 这两天他们有空就查看各种各样的图鉴,选择他们喜欢的品类,为之后的拐卖计划做准备。 This causes their understanding about various lifeform increase of keeping. 这就导致他们对各种生物的认识在不停的增多。 Looks look that Kane they throw, Lombe dug out the forehead, embarrassed saying. 看着凯恩他们投过来的眼神,隆贝抠了抠脑门,不好意思的说道。 But, I forgot this workman anything name.” “不过,我忘了这鸟叫什么名字了。” Looks at Kane their speechless looks, Lombe recovers immediately said. 看着凯恩他们无语的眼神,隆贝立马补救道。 But I know why they attack us, this bird seems like the guard bird of spatial island, any will try to land the person to spatial island to come under their attacks from the outside world, temperament very hot tempered, will seem like the capture difficulty of three stars.” “但是我知道他们为什么攻击我们,这鸟似乎是空岛的护卫鸟,任何试图从外界登陆到空岛的人都会受到他们的攻击,脾气非常的暴躁,似乎是三星的捕捉难度。” Said, when had not said, what we care is delicious. 说了当没说,我们在意的是好不好吃。 Ok, we first register.” Kane said that patted the cotton candy under body. “算了,我们先登录吧。”凯恩说完拍了拍身下的棉花糖。 The cotton candy turned toward the spatial island to flutter directly, later stopped. 棉花糖直接向着空岛飘了过去,随后停了下来。 Kane they jumped down the cotton candy, stood in the ground in spatial island. 凯恩他们跳下了棉花糖,站在了空岛的地面上。 Lombe also makes an effort stamped the ground: In no difference from ground.” 隆贝还用力的跺了跺地面:“跟地面上没什么区别。” Kane looked periphery saying: „The area of this islands is not very big, we first stroll, really could not find the words of goal to use the compass again.” 凯恩看了看周围说道:“这岛屿的面积并不是很大,我们先逛一逛,实在找不到目标的话再用罗盘。” In the information of flying wing chaser, explained that this lifeform action rapid and unusual is good at hiding own form, the quantity is not many. 飞翼狩猎者的信息上,说明这种生物行动迅速而且非常的善于隐藏自己的身影,数量也不是很多。 Therefore Kane they might unable to find this lifeform. 所以凯恩他们有可能找不到这种生物。 However does not use eagerly for a while, the key point is to explore here environment, has a look to have what quite delicious or interesting lifeform, the plant, this is the key point. 不过不用急于一时,重点在于探索这里的环境,看看有没有什么比较好吃或者有意思的生物,植物,这才是重点。 The goal of request is only the goal, the harvest in process is important. 委托的目标只是目标,过程中的收获才是重要的。 The Kane words just said that hears the Li path path big cry. 凯恩的话刚说完就听见莉路路的大叫声。 Looked quickly, you look there quickly, having egg that can fly.” A pleasant surprise of Li path path face, points at grove of front not far away they to say to Kane loudly. “快看,你们快看那里,有会飞的蛋。”莉路路一脸的惊喜,指着前方不远处的小树林里对着凯恩他们大声说道。 Following the Li path Luzhi direction, Kane they look. 顺着莉路路指的方向,凯恩他们看去。 Sees only approximately grove 200 meters away, can see two white eggs, the body is having a small wing, in slow Youyou flies toward the woods. 只见大约在200米外的一个小树林里,能够看见有两只白色的蛋,身上长着一对小翅膀,正在慢悠悠的朝着树林里面飞去。 On the egg does not have any pattern or is five senses, is an egg of oval-shape. 蛋上面没有任何的花纹或者是五官,就是一颗椭圆形的蛋。 Lombe was also evoked the curiosity, said rapidly: Quickly, we also look at that in a big hurry are what things.” 隆贝也被勾起了好奇心,迅速说道:“快快快,我们也去看一看那是什么东西。” Several people run instantaneously toward the place of grove, for fear that with throwing that two eggs. 几人瞬间朝着小树林的地方跑去,生怕跟丢了那两颗蛋。 That two eggs seem like felt that Kane their arrival, was extending the wing diligently, on flies upwards. 那两颗蛋似乎是感觉到了凯恩他们的到来,正在努力的伸着翅膀,朝天上飞去。 Flash that Kane catches up with, the side projected two spider's silks, directly two toward the egg that the sky escapes binding, towed. 凯恩赶过来的一瞬间,身边就射出了两根蛛丝,直接将两颗正朝着天空逃跑的蛋给裹住,拖了下来。 Weaving Grandmaster skill in this dungeon was most skills that Kane used, this skill captured alive regarding the hunting, the help was truly big. 编织大师这技能在这个地牢里是凯恩用的最多的技能了,这技能对于狩猎活捉来说,确实帮助挺大的。 Kane is looking in the hand the spider's silk by the egg that binds, wields to disperse the spider's silk, later grasps the egg in the hand. 凯恩看着手中被蛛丝裹起来的蛋,将蛛丝挥散掉,随后将蛋握在手中。 No matter touches seems like, without tiny bit crack, truly like ordinary egg, the small wing that but that is making an effort to fan is also telling Kane, this is not the ordinary egg. 不管是摸上去还是看上去,都没有一丝一毫的裂缝,确实就像普通的蛋一样,不过那正在用力扇动的小翅膀又在告诉凯恩,这并不是普通的蛋。 They also encircled, Kane also gives them another egg. 克蕾雅他们也围了过来,凯恩将另一蛋也递给她们。 Since this lifeform has been Kane they until now, has seen the lifeform of counter- common sense. 这生物算是凯恩他们至今以来,见过最反常理的生物了。 + joins the bookmark + +加入书签+
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