DMWG :: Volume #30

#2945: Heaven Ascension Ranking, 500

What kind , can the spiritual energy rich degree in this Heavenly Dragon Prison, compared with Heavenly Dragon Tower in? However in Heavenly Dragon Prison is fiercest, is not this, but is Heavenly Fire regarding the compression of Divine Origin Energy, this is the entire Profound Connection Divine Palace exceptional superiority is. Common cultivator, does not understand stake, but in Profound Connection Divine Palace, this is only simplest one step. In Heavenly Dragon Prison big extremely, each about thousand practice seats, I lead you to find a good place.” “怎么样,这乾龙狱之中的灵气浓郁程度,要比乾龙塔之中强多了吧?不过乾龙狱之中最厉害的,还不是这个,而是这其中天火对于神元之气的压缩,这才是整个通玄神府得天独厚的优势所在。寻常修士,根本不懂其中的利害关系,而在通玄神府,这只是最简单的一步。乾龙狱之中极其之大,每一层都有近千个修炼席位,我带你去找一处好地方。” Gu Maolu said that goes to approach the second layer Earth Fire Purgatory peripheral zone with Jiang Chen together. Here sought a good position, here Heavenly Fire surging forward, hot tempered overbearing, regarding the exercise of Divine Origin Energy, even more pure. 顾茅庐说道,与江尘一同前往靠近第二层地火炼狱的边缘地带。在这里寻得了一处好位置,这里的天火更加的汹涌澎湃,更加的暴躁霸道,对于神元之气的锻炼,也是越发的精纯。 Here, is not you.” “这里,不属于你们。” When Gu Maolu and Jiang Chen prepare to sit in meditation the practice, the gloomy and cold sound, caused Gu Maolu and Jiang Chen's brow together extremely simultaneously wrinkled. 就在顾茅庐江尘准备入定修炼的时候,一道极其阴冷的声音,使得顾茅庐江尘的眉头同时皱了起来。 Liu Zhe! Your what meaning?” 刘哲!你什么意思?” The Gu Maolu sinking sound said that this fellow is not others, precisely Liu Yingfeng elder brother, is the character above Heaven Ascension Ranking. 顾茅庐沉声说道,这个家伙不是别人,正是刘英峰的哥哥,也是登天榜之上的人物。 My anything meaning, you should be clearer than me.” “我什么意思,你们应该比我更清楚。” Liu Zhe indifferently said, stature, although is not big, even somewhat terse and forceful flavor, but that pair of ice-cold pupil, actually extremely dense, gives the greatest oppression. 刘哲淡淡说道,身材虽然并不高大,甚至有些短小精悍的味道,但是那双冰冷的眸子,却极为的森然,给人以莫大的压迫。 Snatches the position matter to be small, he is finds fault. 抢位置事小,他就是来找茬儿的。 humph humph, I had already said that Jiang Chen, our matters, have not ended.” 哼哼,我早就说过,江尘,咱们俩的事情,没完。” Liu Yingfeng turns around, has stood from the Liu Zhe side, look hidden in the shade is staring at Jiang Chen. 刘英峰转身而出,从刘哲的身旁站了出来,眼神阴翳的盯着江尘 If not for Profound Connection Divine Palace has the stipulation, during the same side cultivates cannot sneak attack, now you died innumerable.” “若不是通玄神府有着规定,在同门修炼之中不可偷袭,现在你已经死了无数次了。” Liu Yingfeng face saying proudly. 刘英峰一脸傲然的说道。 Yo, hit was small, did the elder brother come out to support? Undeniably your strength is very indeed strong, but do you want to challenge the new student really? You did not fear that laughed aloud by senior student.” “呦呵,打了小的,哥哥出来撑腰了吗?不可否认你的实力的确很强,可是你真要挑战新生吗?你就不怕被老生笑掉大牙嘛。” Gu Maolu sinking sound track. 顾茅庐沉声道。 I only know that my younger brother was hit, my this becomes the elder brother, naturally wants take action to want justice for the younger brother, otherwise, will my Liu Zhe younger brother, be the person to humiliate in the future?” “我只知道,我弟弟被打了,我这个当哥哥的,自然要出手为弟弟讨回一个公道,否则的话,日后我刘哲的弟弟,岂不是任人欺凌了吗?” Liu Zhe indifferently said, Liu Yingfeng bullies the weak by relying on powerful connections, the put on a high and mighty act stance, making Jiang Chen close with a smile, this person, being doomed is impossible to walk is too far, is small-minded the caustic and mean generation, can result in proves Great Dao. 刘哲冷漠的说道,刘英峰狐假虎威,趾高气昂的姿态,让江尘一笑置之,这种人,注定是不可能走太远的,小肚鸡肠尖酸刻薄之辈,焉能得证大道 That first passed my this pass/test. Snort.” “那就先过了我这一关。哼。” The Gu Maolu horizontal blade stood before the Jiang Chen's body immediately, Liu Yingfeng Jiang Chen can defeat, but Liu Zhe, Jiang Chen absolutely was not a match, in senior student, this fellow was also the extremely hard to deal with goods. 顾茅庐横刀立马站在了江尘的身前,刘英峰江尘能够击败,但是刘哲,江尘绝对不是对手,在老生之中,这家伙也是极为难缠的货色。 You are not my match, why asks for trouble? Gu Maolu, if you in do not make way, do not blame me not being impolite to you.” “你不是我的对手,何必自讨苦吃呢?顾茅庐,如果你在不让开的话,别怪我对你不客气。” Liu Zhe look one cold. 刘哲眼神一寒。 Above Heaven Ascension Ranking, I rank 400 nine 12, you are 468, the trivial more than 20 ranks, how many can you my? The genuine war, how you have not known that I am not your match.” 登天榜之上,我排名400九十二,你是468,区区20多个排位,你又能强我多少?没有真正一战,你如何知道,我就不是你的对手呢。” Gu Maolu also extremely proud, after all Jiang Chen is his friend, in his eyes, Jiang Chen may be called in the new student startled certainly the colorful generation, but contrasts senior student, he absolutely does not have any superiority to say, if not practice a 20,000 year, how possibly to grip in Profound Connection Divine Palace with? 顾茅庐也是极其的骄傲,毕竟江尘是他的朋友,在他眼中,江尘在新生之中堪称惊才绝艳之辈,可是对比老生,他完全没有任何的优势可言,若不修炼个一两万年,怎么可能在通玄神府之中扎下跟来呢? expert in Profound Connection Divine Palace, although strength also similarly is God King Realm late stage, but with outside God King Realm late stage, is no comparison between them certainly, the practice in Heavenly Dragon Prison, making them compress unceasingly exercises Divine Origin Energy, the strength strives unceasingly, even if unable breakthrough Venerable Realm, is the outstanding person in same rank. 通玄神府之中的强者,虽然实力也同样是神王境后期,但是跟外面的神王境后期,绝不可同日而语,在乾龙狱之中的修炼,使得他们不断的压缩锻炼神元之气,实力不断精进,即便是无法突破尊者之境,也已经是同等级之中的佼佼者。 Makes me come, I also want to take a look at expert above this Heaven Ascension Ranking, is actually the real genuine.” “让我来吧,我也想看看这登天榜之上的高手,究竟是不是真的货真价实。” Jiang Chen said with a smile, he knew a Gu Maolu good intention, but Liu Zhe was not the lamp of province oil, although was the battle, but Jiang Chen could feel, the strength of this fellow certainly compared with Gu Maolu even better. 江尘笑道,他知道顾茅庐一片好心,可是刘哲不是省油的灯,虽为交战,但江尘感觉得到,这家伙的实力肯定要比顾茅庐更胜一筹。 Jiang Chen, you do not want self to harm, you are not his match, our Profound Connection Divine Palace does not forbid the life and death to prey, the loser, can only be eliminated by the historical event. A your new student, if refuses battle, he will not insist on a war.” 江尘,你可不要自误,你不是他的对手,咱们通玄神府可不禁止生死搏杀的,失败者,只能是被历史风云所淘汰。你一个新生,如果避战的话,他不会执意一战的。” Gu Maolu sound transmission Jiang Chen said. 顾茅庐传音江尘道。 „A fellow in trivial Heaven Ascension Ranking lowliest place, I have not paid attention to.” “一个区区登天榜末位的家伙,我还真没放在眼里。” Jiang Chen earnest said to Gu Maolu. 江尘认真的对顾茅庐说道。 The Liu Zhe complexion excitedly changes, hasn't this fellow paid attention to him unexpectedly? He thinks that who oneself is? However is a new student, why so conceited? Thinks really won 1-2 senior student, can regardless of the law and of natural morality, unscrupulous? 刘哲的脸色勃然而变,这家伙竟然没把他放在眼里?他以为自己是谁?不过是一个新生而已,凭什么如此的狂妄自大?真以为打赢了一两个老生,就能够无法无天,肆无忌惮了吗? The Gu Maolu heart say/way has gone bad, you think Heaven Ascension Ranking is so easy to mount? That may be true expert, is the outstanding person, from God King Realm middle stage, to God Venerate Realm, spanning of tight Third Brother realm, but division of the 500 people of many strongs and weaks, fully showed that this Heaven Ascension Ranking had terrifying how, Profound Connection Divine Palace several thousand expert, can mount the Heaven Ascension Ranking person, was actually few. 顾茅庐心道坏了,你以为登天榜那么容易登上的吗?那可都是真正的强者,无一不是佼佼者,从神王境中期,到神尊境,紧紧三哥境界的跨越,但是却有500人之多的强弱之分,足以说明这登天榜有多么的恐怖了,通玄神府数千强者,能够登上登天榜的人,却是屈指可数。 As long as is the person of being on the list, has own method mostly, possibly is not the common people. 但凡是上榜之人,多半都是有着自己的手段,绝不可能是泛泛之辈。 Hehe, is well good, your is evidently talented, then I have nothing to take into consideration, avoid others said that I bully the new student, my Liu Zhe may unable to receive. The boys, next year today, are your gala.” “呵呵,好好好,看样子,你的实力不俗,那么我也就没什么可顾及的了,省得别人说我欺负新生,那我刘哲可受不起。小子,明年今日,就是你的祭日。” My Big Brother wants to teach you, since you are impenetrably thickheaded, that can only deliver you to go to hell.” “原本我大哥只是想教训一下你而已,既然你冥顽不灵的话,那就只能送你下地狱了。” In the Liu Yingfeng heart already happily blossomed, the Big Brother does not think under pain assassin, after all is senior student, is expert above Heaven Ascension Ranking, if under assassin to a new student, will meet the manner to scoff inevitably, but this fellow actually ten seek dead end, that did not have any reason to let off him. 刘英峰心中早就乐开了花,原本大哥是不想痛下杀手的,毕竟身为老生,又是登天榜之上的高手,如果对一个新生下杀手,势必会为人耻笑的,但是这家伙却十自寻死路,那就没什么理由放过他了。 Jiang Chen Jiang Chen, you you, you were really too rash.” 江尘江尘,你啊你,你实在是太莽撞了。” Gu Maolu smiles bitterly, at this time, Jiang Chen offended Liu Zhe, the war of this life and death, inevitable. 顾茅庐苦笑一声,这时候,江尘已经是得罪了刘哲,这场生死之战,不可避免。 Some surroundings also senior student looked, although Liu Zhe is not Profound Connection Divine Palace top expert, but actually is also cannot be underestimated, in genius that above Heaven Ascension Ranking can stand firmly, how can be the coward? A conceited fellow, lets expert take action above Heaven Ascension Ranking unexpectedly, then this new student, must die without doubt. 周围也有一些老生看了过来,刘哲虽然算不上通玄神府的顶尖强者,但是却也是不容小觑的,在登天榜之上能够站得住脚的天才,怎么会是懦夫呢?一个狂妄自大的家伙,竟然让登天榜之上的高手出手,那么这新生,必死无疑。 Jiang Chen smiled, said to Gu Maolu: 江尘笑了笑,对顾茅庐说道: In my Jiang Chen's life, only then died in battle or defeated, not refuses battle.” “在我江尘的生命中,只有战死或战胜,从无避战。” take action, I am also catching up with the practice.” 出手吧,我还赶着修炼呢。” Jiang Chen and Liu Zhe four eyes contact, Liu Zhe is the anger instead smiles extremely, expression that unceasing shaking the head, the whole face preached: 江尘刘哲四目相对,刘哲更是怒极反笑,不断的摇头,满脸说教的表情: Always somewhat thinks oneself infallible fellow who acts recklessly, then just changed/easy Zhe, but you, exactly so.” “总有些自以为是不知死活的家伙,过刚则易折,而你,恰恰如此。” Boisterous, you have made me lose the patience.” “聒噪,你已经让我失去了耐心。” The Jiang Chen's look, becomes gloomy and cold gets down, Liu Zhe sneers, is relentless, only the hand raises together golden light, the instant, approaches Jiang Chen to go! 江尘的眼神,变得阴冷下来,刘哲冷笑一声,毫不留情,只手扬起一道金光,霎那间,逼近江尘而去! Heaven Ascension Ranking, 500 strong genius expert, do not allow anybody to provoke! 登天榜,500强的天才强者,不允许任何人挑衅!
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