DMWG :: Volume #27

#2690: A small wolf

Yu Jingxian looks out into the distance, the thousand li (500 km) ten thousand miles, actually could not see the slight hope, in the family/home the clansman strive Datong, set at the father not to attend, Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart was the thing that everybody kept thinking about, everyone wants to appropriate to oneself, although has not said is utterly destitute, is present Yu Family, early disintegrated, but she in only woman as family/home, is actually not have any right to speak, the Big Brother Second Brother, that may be God King Realm expert, but this time she, just Heavenly God Realm. 羽惊仙极目远眺,千里万里,却看不到丝毫的希望,家中族兄力争大统,置父王于不顾,赤霞古藤心又是人人惦记的东西,谁都想据为己有,虽然还没有说是家徒四壁,可是如今的羽家,早已经是分崩离析,而她作为家中唯一的女人,却是无法有任何的话语权,大哥二哥,那可都是神王境强者,而此时的她,也只不过天神境而已。 Skilled artist Saint Doctor Wang Lingzhi it is said outside seeks breakthrough to have ten years, who knows when he will come back? Oh. You do not need extremely to rebuke oneself, I know that you have taken to heart to the Jiang Chen's matter, this matter indeed is we are done not right, however has reason, we have no recourse. In my heart forever will also read the Jiang Chen brother's obligation.” “妙手圣医王灵芝据说在外寻求突破已经有十余载有余,谁知道他什么时候会回来呢?唉。你也不用太过自责,我知道你一直对江尘的事情耿耿于怀,这件事情的确是我们做得不对,但是事出有因,我们也是迫不得已。我心中也是永念江尘兄的大恩。” The Yu Jingfan sinking sound said that in the eye reveals is wiping the sad color, regarding the whole story of this matter, they are not willing saying that particularly Yu Jingxian. 羽惊凡沉声说道,眼中流露着一抹悲伤之色,对于这件事情的原委,他们都不愿意多说,尤其是羽惊仙 I knew, Third Brother.” “我知道了,三哥。” Yu Jingxian is nipping the red lip tightly, turns around to depart, that desolate back, looks in the Yu Jingfan eye, full is heartache, this is always the sentimental younger sister, when has so sadly? If not for Tianqi Mountain Range one line, that lively open young girl, how so does become such heartrending? 羽惊仙紧咬着红唇,转身离去,那落寞的背影,看在羽惊凡的眼中,满是心疼,这个从来都是多愁善感的妹妹,何时有过如此忧伤?若不是天祁山脉一行,那个活泼开朗的少女,怎么会如此变得这样令人心碎呢? Oh, what is published the sentiment is, only called life loathsome appearance allow, but now, life and death the person of allow, early the thing is the person non-.” “唉,问世间情为何物,只叫人生死相许,可如今,生死相许之人,也早已经物是人非了。” Yu Jingfan shakes the head, thoughts hundred revolutions. 羽惊凡摇摇头,心思百转。 Dongshan City, Dongpo Family. 东山城,东坡家 In the city mountain stone forest stands, statue are innumerable, performs is the wolf shape tiger shade, powerful. In the city Yang, has the most conspicuous hundred zhang (333 m) statue, is a hand grasps the long fine beard man of long blade, glowers, looks disdainfully eight sides. This is Dongpo Family Old Ancestor, Dongpo Linjia. Hearsay Dongpo Linjia once was turning over to Yanshan to slaughter the endless crazy demon, was set up as the ten thousand th statue, was respected by the common people. 城内山石林立,雕像无数,尽皆是狼形虎影,威风凛凛。城中正央,有着一座最显眼的百丈雕像,乃是一个手握长刀的长髯男子,怒目而视,睥睨八方。这是东坡家老祖,东坡林佳。传闻东坡林佳曾在归雁山屠杀无尽狂魔,遂被立为万世雕像,受万民敬仰。 Brother Wang, these time completely must rely upon you.” 王兄,这一次就全部都要仰仗你了。” A Chinese dress old man cups one hand in the other across the chest to say with a laugh, in the eye full is plot flavor. 一个华服老者笑呵呵的拱手说道,眼中满是阴谋的味道 Haha, Brother Dongpo, between you and me, does not need this word, this matter wraps on me.” 哈哈,东坡兄,你我之间,无需此言,这件事情包在我身上。” The white beard old man waves saying that grinning with ear to ear that smiles. 白胡子老者挥手说道,笑的合不拢嘴。 Brother Lingzhi, this time our Dongpo Family was the sincerity was full, you must handle affairs surely carefully.” 灵芝兄,这一次我们东坡家可谓是诚意满满了,您千万要小心行事啊。” Another black-clothed middle age, greets with a smile was saying. 另外一个黑衣中年,也是陪笑着说道。 Relax, I do not have means to cure him, didn't I have the means to put to death him? Present Yu Family, is being tossed about by the wind and rain, creakies, the wall people push but actually, so long as I push gently, then entire Yu Clan, surely was our it'ses in the bag.” “放心吧,我没办法治好他,我还没办法治死他吗?如今的羽家,已经是风雨飘摇,摇摇欲坠,墙倒众人推,我只要轻轻一推,那么整个羽族,必定就是我们的囊中之物了。” Appearance that Wang Lingzhi understands clearly in chest/heart, expression cold Han, meticulous. 王灵芝一副了然于胸的样子,神色冷珺,一丝不苟。 Big of dragon veins, why his Yu Family monopolizes 40%, my Dongpo Family with Feng Family, actually only then 30%, Yu Family no longer was early magnificent now in the past, why to occupy the latrine pit not to defecate?” 龙脉之大,凭什么他羽家独占四成,我东坡家风家,却只有三成,如今羽家早已经不复当年辉煌,凭什么占着茅坑不拉屎?” Dongpo Tianlan looked at Patriarch one, clan Chang Xiao did not speak. 东坡天蓝看了族长一眼,族长笑而不语。 Dongpo Family for these years, bore patiently throughout does not send, pours has also put in great inconvenience Brother Tianchi, these time was of great success, in the future area the entire northern Liaoning, surely was our world.” 东坡家族这么多年来,始终都是隐忍不发,倒也是委屈了天驰兄,这一次大功告成,日后整个辽北一带,必定是我们的天下了。” Wang Lingzhi nods the head silently, calm and composed. 王灵芝默默颔首,气定神闲 Dongpo Tianchi expression is dignified, grasps with Wang Lingzhi both hands, applauds for the oath. 东坡天驰神色凝重,与王灵芝双手一握,击掌为誓。 Good, news that Brother Wang, I and others you triumphal returned, so long as Yu Huagan one but actually, I first have the person to rush to White Feather City surely, when the time comes, the boundary of northern Liaoning, your I am extremely easy to obtain, Hahaha.” “好,王兄,我等你凯旋的消息,只要羽化乾一倒,我必定第一时间带人冲上白羽城,到时候,辽北之境,你我唾手可得,哈哈哈。” Wang Lingzhi turns around to depart, Dongpo Tianchi look, is gloomy and cold even more, had been oppressed for several thousand years by Yu Family, has waited till the date of raising one's head finally, so long as this time Wang Lingzhi can determine that Yu Huagan died, then Yu Family does not have the person of control aspect again, is they go to enter the best opportunity, when the time comes Yu Family's 40% dragon veins, is their it'ses in the bag. 王灵芝转身离去,东坡天驰的眼神,也是越发的阴冷,被羽家压迫了数万年,总算是等到了出头之日,这一次只要王灵芝能够确定羽化乾已死,那么羽家再无掌控局面之人,就是他们趁虚而入最好的时机,到时候羽家的四成龙脉,也是他们的囊中之物。 Wang Lingzhi is honored as skilled artist Saint Doctor, it seems like also is just the person of first-order broker.” 王灵芝被誉为妙手圣医,看来也只不过是一阶市侩之人而已。” Dongpo Tianlan sneers was saying that as if not spare a glance to Wang Lingzhi. 东坡天蓝冷笑着说道,似乎对王灵芝不屑一顾。 Greedy is the person biggest weakness, anybody is no exception, in the face of the absolute benefit, anybody is impossible maintains the conscience, let alone Wang Lingzhi? Although is only 20% dragon veins, however wealth big, it goes without saying, Wang Lingzhi is also a smart person, he naturally knows how to weigh the advantages and disadvantages. Yu Family debates unceasingly, decadent is sooner or later matter, we just comply with the Will of Heaven. All, then wait for Wang Lingzhi.” “贪婪是人最大的弱点,任何人也不例外,在绝对的利益面前,任何人都不可能保持本心,更何况一个王灵芝了?虽然只是两成龙脉,但是其中的财富有多大,不言而喻,王灵芝也是个聪明人,他自然知道如何权衡利弊。羽家内部争论不休,颓败已经是迟早的事情,我们只不过是顺应天意而已。一切,便等王灵芝的了。” Dongpo Tianchi is hands tied and vertical, the smiling face is unflustered, in expression completely is joyful, this, he waited for over a thousand years. 东坡天驰束手而立,笑容从容不迫,神色之中尽是欣喜,这一幕,他已经等了上千年了。 Yellow sand everywhere, a desert thousand li (500 km), arid land Feilong, direct impact blue sky. 黄沙漫天,一漠千里,旱地飞龙,直冲青天 Jiang Chen has passed through the boundless desert, from red-clothed thirteen building there, knew Yu Family's in it place, is the boundary of Vast Link Boundary border region northern Liaoning, it may be said that is distant surely. 江尘走过了茫茫大漠,从红衣十三楼那里,才知晓了羽家的所在之地,乃是祁连界边陲辽北之境,可谓是遥遥千万里。 Good wild evil spirit? Feared that had God King Realm middle stage.” “好狂暴的妖物?怕是有神王境中期了。” Jiang Chen gaze looks out into the distance, in a small town, God King Realm middle stage Monster Beast wreaks havoc, that is no different is world Purgatory is ordinary, does not know that many people were killed in this, extremely tragic. 江尘目光远眺,在一座小城之中,一个神王境中期妖兽肆虐,那无异于是人间炼狱一般,不知道多少人丧命于此,惨绝人寰。 The flame soars to the heavens, ear-splitting, Jiang Chen rushes to the clouds, displays Great Void Technique, among several glittering, then arrived city garrison above, countless people have assigned the mourning sea of fire, in this small town, fiercest City Lord , is just Half Step God King Realm, but Jiang Chen after all was coming late one step, in the city half people, had wreaked havoc by Monster Beast. Wolf shape Monster Beast, the height hundred zhang (333 m), in the wreaking havoc city, looks at the person to be fearful and apprehensive. 火光冲天,震耳欲聋,江尘冲上云霄,施展大虚空术,几个闪烁之间,便是来到了城防之上,无数人已经命丧火海,这座小城之中,最为厉害的城主,也只不过是半步神王境而已,但是江尘终归是来晚了一步,城中半数之人,都已经是被妖兽肆虐。狼形妖兽,身长百丈,肆虐城中,看得人心惊胆颤。 Sees only wears the fiery red armor, the plain white cloth cover Tou beautiful young married woman, holds a sword, * fights together with that monster, loses steadily, fights on despite repeated setbacks, is seriously injured, but still did not have any fear, in eye firm incomparable, pledges to fight to the death must protect the city. 只见一身披火红铠甲,白布蒙头的美艳少妇,仗剑而起,与那妖*战在一起,屡战屡败,屡败屡战,已经是身受重伤,但却仍旧没有任何的畏惧,眼中坚定无比,誓死也要守护城池。 Dies, I will not make you cruelly harm the innocent civilians absolutely.” “就算是死,我也绝对不会让你残害无辜百姓的。” Wears the beautiful young married woman of armor, the face darken, shouted to clear the way fierce, in the eye completely renounced, is unafraid of death, knew perfectly well not to beat, was brave a war. 身披铠甲的美艳少妇,脸色阴沉,厉声喝道,眼中尽是决绝,视死如归,明知不敌,却还是勇敢一战。 Really is the woman's head covering is competent.” “果真是巾帼不让须眉。” The Jiang Chen secret sigh, in the heart somewhat is unavoidably admiring, this has nothing to do with the strength strong and weak, is true have a strong sense of righteousness, is unafraid of death is not certainly is silly, may be the life and death symbol of one destiny. 江尘暗暗感叹,心中不免有些钦佩,这与实力强弱无关,乃是真正的大义凛然,视死如归并不是一定是傻,更有可能是一种命运的生死象征。 Fire Qilin, this monster * gave you.” 火麒麟,这妖*给你了。” Jiang Chen said. 江尘说道。 Good, a small wolf, look at me, as soon as stuttered it.” “好嘞,一头小狼而已,看我一口吃了它。” Fire Qilin smiles, Monster Beast of same level rank, Fire Qilin solely sends out the prestige of Divine Beast, sufficiently made this wolf shape Monster Beast kneel begs for mercy. Fire Qilin flies instantaneously void, several feet body, and wolf shape Monster Beast of hundred zhang (333 m) size is unable to be mentioned in the same breath, but among instant that wolf shape Monster Beast is felt that an incomparable terrifying pressure, that pressure has almost made him not gasp for breath. 火麒麟嘿嘿一笑,同等级别的妖兽,火麒麟单单是散发出神兽之威,就足以让这狼形妖兽跪地求饶了。火麒麟瞬间飞上虚空,数丈的身躯,跟百丈大小的狼形妖兽根本无法同日而语,但是霎那之间,狼形妖兽便是感觉到了一股无比恐怖的威压,那威压几乎让他喘不过气来。
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