DMWG :: Volume #27

#2689: The struggle of Yu Family

The spring breeze ten miles, the willow catkin blows, thousand sails completely, feather city before. 春风十里,柳絮拂面,千帆过尽,羽城在前。 In White Feather City, like spring all year round, everywhere pavilions, ancient customs ancient Se. 白羽城之中,四季如春,处处亭台楼阁,古风古色。 In Yu Residence, then occupied the White Feather City one-third territories, Yu Residence is the White Feather City biggest mansion, is the head of White Feather City. 羽府之中,便是占据了白羽城1的疆土,羽府乃是白羽城最大的府邸,也是白羽城之首。 Big White Feather City, is the flustered, many people are acts as lookout to sigh now, does not know that the White Feather City being tossed about by the wind and rain day, when can stop. 偌大的白羽城,如今可谓是人心惶惶,不少人都是望风而叹,不知道白羽城风雨飘摇的日子,何时才能够休止。 In the discussing official business hall, more than ten Yu Family's younger generations, sit in the terminal, four elders, sits respectfully, calm and composed, is the anxiety in discussing official business hall, is makes everyone hold the breath with rapt attention. 议事大厅之中,十余位羽家的晚辈,坐在末端,四位长老,也都是正襟危坐,气定神闲,可是议事大厅之中的紧张,却是让每个人都屏息凝神。 Side four elders, is the two people of head, wears the white clothing, the element brocade is the lining, the peacock is the flower, honored Bufan (extraordinary). Wears azure-clothed, body mark Azure Flower Giant Python, ice-cold like frost. Two people all are straight and impressive looking, radiating health and vigor, is bringing the air/Qi of ruling by force, just like the focal point that wants into to be a focus of public attention. 在四位长老身边,为首的两个人,一个身着白衣,素锦为衬,孔雀为花,尊贵不凡。一个身着青衣,身上纹着青花巨蟒,冰冷如霜。两个人全都是气宇轩昂,神采奕奕,带着霸道之气,俨然都想要成为万众瞩目的焦点。 This Old Third Old Fifth can bring Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart to come back with Jingxian, is really our Yu Clan great good fortune, old Patriarch this time, will escape this tribulation surely, turns danger into safety.” “这一次老三老五惊仙能够带着赤霞古藤心回来,实属是我们羽族的大幸啊,老族长这一次,必定会逃过这一劫,化险为夷的。” Is elder indifferently said of head, but the expression is actually the extraordinary tranquility, as if the recovery of Patriarch, cannot bring the too big fluctuation to him. 为首的长老淡淡说道,但是语气却是出奇的平静,似乎族长的复苏,并不能够给他带来太大的波动。 Skilled artist Saint Doctor Wang Lingzhi has said that so long as there is Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart, then Patriarch certainly can wake.” “妙手圣医王灵芝可是说过,只要有赤霞古藤心,那么族长就一定能够醒过来的。” Another elder expression dignified saying. 另一位长老神色凝重的说道。 Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart is very precious, for the time being hands over by me takes care, Brother everyone, all elders, under intent how?” 赤霞古藤心无比贵重,暂且交由我来保管,诸位弟弟,诸位长老,意下如何?” white-clothed youth indifferently said, grows to revere, now the father poured, then this , when Big Brother naturally naturally received the Yu Clan control power, moreover natural wanted into the Yu Clan first person. 白衣青年淡淡说道,长着为尊,如今父亲倒下去了,那么他这个当大哥的自然是理所应当接下羽族的掌控大权,而且更是理所应当的想要成为羽族的第一人。 Big Brother, you usually in so busy, how dare to be exhausted you? This senior official family all material requirements, may always be I act, why the Big Brother these does time exceed authority? This Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart, should take care by me. Words that all elders, I spoke, but also is in the principle? Since the custom, cannot go bad, let alone, this custom is the father decides.” “大哥,你平日里如此的繁忙,怎敢劳烦你呢?这长官家族一切的物资需求,可一向都是我出面的,大哥这一次因何越权呢?这赤霞古藤心,理应由我来保管。诸位长老,我说的话,还算是在理吧?一直以来的规矩,可不能坏了,更何况,这规矩是父王定下来的。” azure-clothed youth sinking sound said that does not let, with the white-clothed youth needle-tip to the wheat awn, the person of presence everyone can look, these two fellows, * the taste is full, aura at daggers drawn, in this discussing official business hall, was not one time two. 青衣青年沉声说道,丝毫不让,与白衣青年针尖对麦芒,在场之人谁都看得出来,这两个家伙,*味十足,剑拔弩张的气息,在这议事大厅之中,也不是一次两次了。 I am boss, should I take care, this Yu Clan, but also who can result in me greatly?” “我是老大,理应我来保管,难道这羽族,还有谁能大得过我?” white-clothed youth Yu Wangqing coldly said, the look becomes even more gloomy, does not give anybody's face. 白衣青年羽忘情冷冷说道,眼神变得越发阴沉,丝毫不给任何人的面子。 „Does father still above the sickbed, you want to hoodwink the public in Yu Family? In your eyes, has the father?” “父亲还在病榻之上,难道你就想在羽家一手遮天了吗?你眼中,到底还有没有父王?” The Yu Wangnian look is sharp, four eyes contact, does not give Yu Wangqing any opportunity. 羽忘年眼神犀利,四目相对,也是不给羽忘情任何的机会。 Good Old Second, you were really have had prospects more and more, was disobedient including the brothers.” “好啊老二,你真是越来越有出息了,连大哥都敢忤逆了。” Yu Wangqing continues to say. 羽忘情继续道。 I said is the truth, how many elders may look in the eye, said according to the Big Brother that can it be that I have made the mistake what? In addition the father above the sickbed, I do not have the thoughts to argue these with you, boss should have the boss appearance, not?” “我说的都是实情,几位长老可都是看在眼中,照大哥这么说,莫不是我做错了什么?父王尚且在病榻之上,我可没心思跟你争论这些,老大就该有老大的样子,不是吗?” Yu Wangnian curls the lip to speak , the Yu Wangqing complexion is quite cloudy, instead had been challenged actually armed forces by this Old Second, battles between two people have continued for hundred years, the Yu Clan being tossed about by the wind and rain condition, has continued for hundred years. 羽忘年撇撇嘴说到,羽忘情的脸色极为阴沉,倒是被这个老二给反将了一军,两个人之间的争斗已经是持续了百年,羽族风雨飘摇的状况,也是持续了百年。 enough, two elder brothers, now father, in addition lies down above the sickbed, the brothers naturally do not want to see two elder brothers because of the minor matters of these goose bumps, but lost the brothers several hundred over a thousand years of friendliness. Since Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart is Little Xian brings, is taken care by her.” 够了,两位哥哥,如今父王尚且躺在病榻之上,兄弟们自然也不想看到两位哥哥因为这些鸡毛蒜皮的小事,而失了兄弟数百上千年的和气。赤霞古藤心既然是小仙带回来的,那么就由她来保管吧。” The Yu Jingfan sinking sound said that expression is dignified, as Old Third, he always stands aloof from the world, does not struggle the position of Patriarch with two elder brothers, now Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart they spent completely the untold hardships to obtain, has not thought that was they early had been sick unexpectedly battle program, let in his heart is really disappointed. 羽惊凡沉声说道,神色凝重,作为老三,他一向都是与世无争,也不跟两个哥哥争家主之位,如今赤霞古藤心他们费尽千辛万苦得到了,没想到竟然又是一场他们早已经厌烦了的争斗戏码,让他心中甚是寒心。 Such being the case, Old Third said is also reasonable, I do not have the opinion.” “既然如此,老三说的也有道理,我没意见。” Old Second Yu Wangnian indifferently said. 老二羽忘年淡淡说道 Snort, the good people leave you to do.” “哼,好人都留给你们去做。” Yu Wangqing left in a huff, turns around to leave the discussing official business hall. 羽忘情拂袖而去,转身离开了议事大厅。 That this matter such settled, Little Xian, this Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart is you brings, for the time being hands over by you takes care, after skilled artist Saint Doctor Wang Lingzhi came, you then take, is the Patriarch treatment.” “那这件事情就这么说定了,小仙,这赤霞古藤心是你带回来的,暂且交由你来保管,等妙手圣医王灵芝来了之后,你便拿出来,为族长治疗。” Great Elder said in a low voice, people on the scene, does not have any opinion. 大长老低声说道,在场众人,也都是没有任何的意见。 Yes, I knew, Great Elder.” “是,我知道了,大长老。” Yu Jingxian nods, in the foreheads brings to wipe to worry about the color, now has counted to carry, but skilled artist Saint Doctor Wang Lingzhi exits Xianyou, has not come back, she also extremely worried that father's condition aggravates day by day, nobody knows that actually skilled artist Saint Doctor how cures the father, is this final hope, they will not give in any event up. 羽惊仙点点头,眉宇之间带着一抹担忧之色,如今已经数载有余,可是妙手圣医王灵芝出去仙游,还未回来,她也是极为担忧,父亲的病情一日比一日加重,没有人知道妙手圣医究竟如何治好父亲,可是这最后的一丝希望,他们无论如何都不会放弃。 Now in the family, in a turmoil, the Big Brother Second Brother competes for the position of Patriarch to get stronger and stronger, Yu Family is the internal disorder and foreign invasion, already not once like that harmonious, now Yu Jingxian only hopes that Wang Lingzhi can soon return, helping her father melt the stubborn illness, but also their Yu Family peace is prosperous, once the brothers respected the scene that loves mutually, now actually again could not see, several brothers divide the faction faction, respectively becomes a series, already the thing was the person non-. 如今家族之中,乌烟瘴气,大哥二哥争夺族长之位愈演愈烈,羽家又是内忧外患,早就不似曾经那般和睦,如今羽惊仙只盼王灵芝能够早日归来,帮她父亲化解顽疾,还他们羽家一个太平繁荣,曾经兄弟相敬互爱的场景,如今却再也看不到了,几位兄弟都是分帮别派,各成一统,早就物是人非了。 The person's shadow diverges, in garden, only remaining Yu Huafan, Yu Jingfan as well as Yu Jingxian three brother and sister. 人影散去,花园之中,也只剩下羽化凡,羽惊凡以及羽惊仙三兄妹了。 Now family drastic change, it seems like that the Big Brother Second Brother they, early have prepared all, once the father has an accident, feared that is the Yu Family internal disorder and foreign invasion, will thoroughly erupt.” “如今家族剧变,看来大哥二哥他们,早已经做好了一切的准备,父王一旦有个三长两短,怕是羽家内忧外患,就会彻底爆发了。” Yu Huafan sighed, the bitterness and astringency of whole face. 羽化凡叹息一声,满脸的苦涩。 Hundred years crossed, although here was once Yu Clan, but early no longer in the past prospered, Feng Family eyed covetously, Dongpo Family might attack anytime, robs our dragon veins, now the family had such big matter, was lets in the person heart anxious myriad, if continued, will only make my Yu Clan get sucked into the place of consigned to eternal damnation.” “百年已过,这里虽然还是曾经的羽族,但是早已经不复当年繁荣,风家虎视眈眈,东坡家更是随时都有可能出击,抢夺我们的龙脉,现在家族又是出了如此之大的事情,更是让人心中忧虑万千,如果继续下去的话,只会让我羽族深陷万劫不复之地。” Yu Jingfan shakes the head saying that in this family/home Old Third, naturally is unable to contend with boss Old Second, what is most important, now the aspect of family is worrying, the issue also emerges one after another incessantly, even Yu Wangqing with Yu Wangnian, does not hope the father to wake, in that case, Yu Family's Patriarch this has also reelected, when the time comes will produce in them surely. 羽惊凡摇头说道,他这个家中老三,自然是无法跟老大老二相争的,最重要的是,现在家族的局面堪忧,问题还层出不穷,甚至羽忘情羽忘年,都不希望父王醒过来,那样的话,羽家的族长也就该重新选举了,到时候必定会在他们两个人之中产生。 Now has a plan for the present, is hopes that skilled artist Saint Doctor Wang Lingzhi will soon return, in that case, the father could also be saved.” “现在为今之计,便是希望妙手圣医王灵芝早日归来,那样的话,父亲也就有救了。” Yu Jingxian bites the red lip lightly, said in a low voice that is this Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart, seizes from the Jiang Chen hand, moreover with his life, in the Yu Jingxian heart forever has such mark of not being able to cancel, that confession, keeping her entire life from being tranquil. 羽惊仙轻咬红唇,低声说道,可是这赤霞古藤心,是从江尘手中夺来的,而且是用他的性命,羽惊仙心中永远都有那样一个抹不去的印记,那种忏悔,让她一生一世都无法平静。
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