DMWG :: Volume #26

#2535: The name of old ape, frightens western mountain

Everyone is the whole body shakes, the words of pig date, they similarly were also clear, if at this time made Divine Beast White Tiger kill them in one vigorous effort completely, then was also too aggrieved, similarly, they want to kill White Tiger, White Tiger also wants to drive them to commit suicide. 每个人都是浑身一震,猪日的话,他们也同样清楚,这个时候如果让神兽白虎将他们一鼓作气全部干掉,那么也太憋屈了,同样,他们想杀白虎,白虎也想置他们于死地。 Sure enough, Divine Beast White Tiger aura, unceasing weakening, suffers a disastrous decline, retreats in defeat again and again, although compelled to draw back the people, but actually no longer past the honor, seems returned to consciousness just before dying the general imposing manner, in instant that became the incomparable dispirited. 果不其然,神兽白虎气息,不断的变弱,一落千丈,节节败退,虽然逼退了众人,但是却已经不复昔日荣光,似乎是回光返照一般的气势,在霎那之间,变得无比萎靡。 Was the time should rest. Small White Tiger.” “是时候该歇一歇了。小白虎。” Old Ape one step treads, stretches across comes void, indifferently said, Divine Beast White Tiger, was protected by him resolutely in behind. 老猿猴一步踏出,横跨虚空而来,淡淡的说道,神兽白虎,毅然被他护在了身后 „Is old monkey, you?” “老猴子,是你?” Divine Beast White Tiger looks pleasantly surprised color. 神兽白虎面露惊喜之色。 Old monkey came late, small White Tiger, you will not blame me.” “老猴子来晚了,小白虎,你不会怪我吧。” Old Ape with a laugh looks to Divine Beast White Tiger. 老猿猴笑呵呵的看向神兽白虎 How can.” “怎么会。” Divine Beast White Tiger shakes the head, he also knows oneself were proud to have a low opinion of the enemy has also occupied a major part reason, otherwise, he will not defeat was so miserable. 神兽白虎摇摇头,他也知道自己自负轻敌也是占了一大部分原因,否则的话,他是不会败的这么惨的。 Old Ape, your this does old bastard, want to butt in unexpectedly horizontally?” 老猿猴,你这老东西,竟然也想横插一脚吗?” Flying Eagle cold voice said. 飞鹰冷声说道。 Already heard that in the Wu Dong Sunset Mountain peach blossom forest, lives in exceedingly high Old Ape, is it possible that is your excellency?” “早就听说,吴东落霞山的桃花林之中,住着一位通天的老猿猴,莫非便是阁下吗?” Crane Tyrant Dan said with a smile that as if early has hearing. 鹤霸淡笑着说道,似乎早有耳闻。 precisely old man.” 正是老朽。” Old Ape said with a smile. 老猿猴笑道。 Is well-known to might as well see, wants Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart, we did not oppose, but this Divine Beast White Tiger, we actually do not kill may not.” “闻名不如一见,想要赤霞古藤心,我们不反对,但是这神兽白虎,我们却是不杀不可。” The Yu Jingfan sinking sound said that Divine Beast White Tiger has almost killed Yu Huafan, if not Jiang Chen take action, now is a corpse, Hong Yan of red-clothed thirteen building, as if not want to let off this Divine Beast White Tiger in light of this, after all they were all injured, but in the final analysis, is this Divine Beast White Tiger bestows. 羽惊凡沉声说道,神兽白虎差点杀了羽化凡,如果不是江尘出手的话,现在已经是一具尸首了,红衣十三楼的红岩,似乎也不想就此放过这神兽白虎,毕竟他们全都是受了伤,而归根结底,全都是这神兽白虎所赐。 It is said enters the person of peach blossom forest, then again does not have one person to come out, for several thousand years, are so, but I actually heard that in some time ago, your peach blossom, was broken unexpectedly, all ran away by the person of being stranded, hehe, it seems like that this mysterious such as you, is mediocre?” “据说进入桃花林之人,便是再没有一人出来过,数万年来,都是如此,可我却听说,在不久前,你的桃花阵,竟然是被人破了,所有被困之人全都是逃了出来,呵呵,看来这神秘如你,也不过如此吧?” The pig date said with a laugh that has been full of the taunt and provocative flavor, now no one thinks that ignore Divine Beast White Tiger leaves, even if this Old Ape stands, does not help matters. 猪日笑呵呵道,充满了嘲讽与挑衅的味道,现在谁都不想放任神兽白虎离开,即便是这老猿猴站出来,也无济于事。 Old Ape looked at Jiang Chen one, had not said that Jiang Chen has not felt embarrassed his meaning, he does not need to involve Jiang Chen. 老猿猴看了江尘一眼,却并没有多说,江尘并没有为难他的意思,他也没必要将江尘牵扯进来。 This small White Tiger is my friend entrusts in me, if who wants to move him, he will be will not stand by absolutely.” “这小白虎是我一个朋友托付于我,如果谁想动他,他是绝对不会袖手旁观的。” The Old Ape sinking sound said that did not have the beforehand benign countenance, this war, again unavoidable, wants to rescue Divine Beast White Tiger to the lesson that they blood drip drenches. 老猿猴沉声说道,没有了之前的慈眉善目,这一战,再所难免,想要救下神兽白虎就必须要给他们一个血淋淋的教训。 „The name of old ape, frightens western mountain, spoke the sentence honest remark, Old Ape, I am not willing to fight you , before this is the Lord of our Eight Lineages Silver River just before leaving, to I have spoken words, if can avoid you, should better with you do not fight.” “老猿之名,震慑西山,说句实在话,老猿猴,我真的不愿意跟你动手,这是我们八脉银川之主临行前,跟我说过的话,如果能够避开你,最好还是不要跟你交手。” Flying Eagle sound extremely low and deep, he is very clear, can who the hosts of Eight Lineages Silver River so face, will not be the common people, but this Old Ape will not have God King Realm to be so fearful, therefore in the Flying Eagle eye, will not be invincible, after all he does not fight single-handedly now, the person who wanting this Divine Beast White Tiger dead, may continue he. 飞鹰的声音极其的低沉,他很清楚,能够让八脉银川之主都是如此正视的人,绝不会是泛泛之辈,但是这老猿猴却是并没有神王境那么可怕,所以在飞鹰眼中,也并非是不可战胜的,毕竟他现在可不是孤军奋战,想要这神兽白虎死的人,可不止他一人而已。 Unwarranted reputation, but if everyone insists to cut to kill White Tiger, then I also can only make action of the time hiding shortcomings. Who dares to injure the White Tiger slightest, my Old Ape with him, does not die continuous.” “虚名而已,但若是诸位硬要斩杀白虎的话,那么我也就只能做一次护短之举了。谁敢伤害白虎分毫,我老猿猴与他,不死不休。” Jiang Chen has not thought that Old Ape unexpectedly so famous, the Lord of Eight Lineages Silver River, that is the God King Realm person, makes every effort to keep secret to Old Ape, although seems Old Ape does not have any fierce place, but is so, exceed makes the person heart live to dread. 江尘没想到,老猿猴竟然如此的有名,八脉银川之主,那可是神王境的人,都对老猿猴讳莫如深,虽然看上去老猿猴并没什么厉害之处,可是越是如此,越让人心生忌惮。 God King Realm does not dare to belittle, their these Half Step God King Realm, naturally are carefully treats. 神王境都不敢小觑,他们这些半步神王境,自然更是得小心对待。 My this line, the book refusing stubbornly homeward journey, cannot before, fight with the ape brother at the point of death, pours quickly, quick. Hahaha.” “我这一行,本就是不死不归途,能够在临死之前,与猿兄一战,倒也快哉,快哉呀。哈哈哈。” The crane tyrant said with a smile that is everyone is clear, this old Immortal Crane, does not want dead, on the contrary he wants to drive everyone to commit suicide, is so, he regarding fresh rigid, seeking livehood desire also intense, Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart is his only expectation, can he give up? 鹤霸笑着说道,可是谁都清楚,这个老仙鹤,可不想死,相反他想要置每个人于死地,越是如此,他对于生的执着,求生欲念也就更加的强烈,赤霞古藤心是他唯一的期望,他又怎能放弃呢? Said uselessly, Old Ape, next year today, is your gala.” “多说无益,老猿猴,明年今日,就是你的祭日。” Hong Yan is reckless, breaks through enemy lines, because her four big Heavenly God Realm peak expert, perish completely in the hand of Divine Beast White Tiger, although they were also seriously injured, at this moment, jointly copes with Old Ape, is the imperative action. 红岩不顾一切,冲锋陷阵,因为她手下的四大天神境巅峰高手,全部殒命在神兽白虎的手中,尽管他们也都受了重伤,可是这一刻,共同对付老猿猴,也是势在必行之举。 Yu Jingfan also refuses to admit being inferior, several people collaborate once again, before Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart has not appeared, at least they can also complete same camp the action of imperial enemy, shares a common hatred, once Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart appears, perhaps their this vulnerable alliances, truly disintegrates. 羽惊凡也不甘示弱,几人再度联手,在赤霞古藤心没有出现之前,至少他们还能够完成同一阵营的御敌之举,同仇敌忾,一旦赤霞古藤心出现的话,或许他们这脆弱不堪的联盟,也就是真正土崩瓦解的时候了。 Old Ape I accompany.” 老猿猴我奉陪到底。” Old Ape cold voice said that step strange, the body of rickets, completely likely is stream of light is very ordinary, shuttles back and forth in several people of sides, no matter Hong Yan or Yu Jingfan, cannot hold him, only Flying Eagle and crane tyrant, can fight with him, above the speed, Old Ape is almost the crush people, no one has thought that this about to rotten wood Old Ape, unexpectedly grows perceptibly at the speed. 老猿猴冷声说道,步伐诡异的很,佝偻的身躯,完全像是一道流光一般,穿梭在几人的身旁,不管是红岩还是羽惊凡,都是抓不住他,唯独飞鹰与鹤霸,才能够与他交手,在速度之上,老猿猴几乎是碾压众人的,谁都没想到这行将朽木的老猿猴,竟然还是以速度见长的。 Old monkey, be careful.” “老猴子,小心啊。” Divine Beast White Tiger does not forget to remind, can look, he has a mind to be worried about this Old Ape, on the other hand, he worried that perhaps is also Old Ape, once pours, then he will also be facing the death. 神兽白虎不忘提醒道,看得出来,他还是有心些担心这老猿猴的,另外一方面,他担心的,或许也是老猿猴一旦倒下去的话,那么他也会面临着死亡的。 Coming out that Jiang Chen looks, this Divine Beast White Tiger does not have least bit the sense of gratitude of regarding Old Ape, that look deep place, only then wipes the blame, among two people relations, is makes the person ascertain airtight. 江尘看的出来,这神兽白虎对于老猿猴是没有半点的感激之情的,那眼神深处,只有一抹责怪,两人之间的关系,也是让人捉摸不透。 Old Ape worthily including the person who the hosts of Eight Lineages Silver River dread, the speed is quite fast, is written in water, accomplishes a task with ease, in several people of offenses and defenses, is strolls completely general. 老猿猴不愧是连八脉银川之主都忌惮的主儿,速度相当快,转瞬即逝,游刃有余,在几人的攻守之间,完全是闲庭信步一般。 „The name of old ape, frightens western mountain, really lives up to reputation, that makes me have a look, actually you why in front of River Lord, there is a such high appraisal.” “老猿之名,震慑西山,果然名不虚传,那就让我看看,你究竟为什么会在川主面前,有如此之高的评价。” Flying Eagle is not convinced, he then does not believe that this Old Ape, the strange its technique is really same. 飞鹰十分不服气,他便不信,这老猿猴,真的神乎其技一样。 Everyone is very curious to Old Ape, fills fighting intent, because there is he keeps off in Divine Beast White Tiger, nobody can be successful. 每个人都对老猿猴很好奇,也充满战意,因为有他挡在神兽白虎的跟前,没有人能够成功。 White Tiger, must kill it! 白虎,必杀之! Old fogy, meets my sword!” “老家伙,接我一剑!” Hong Yan is flying of dragons and dancing of phoenixes, killing intent, Old Ape retreats fighting step by step, stands firm the war, by an enemy six, does not have stage fright, six people about the strength, were pressed some hands tied feet tieds by Old Ape completely unexpectedly. 红岩龙飞凤舞,步步杀机,老猿猴且战且退,稳住战局,以一敌六,毫不怯场,六人合全部之力,竟然是被老猿猴压得有些束手束脚。 Old Ape is unarmed, powerful, who can think that should the half earth bury in Old Ape, really also has such big skill. 老猿猴赤手空拳,威风凛凛,谁能想到,本该半截土埋进地里的老猿猴,竟然还有这么大的本事。
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