DMWG :: Volume #26

#2534: Heaven White Tiger

Divine Beast White Tiger retreat, the body already was step by step scarred, the bright red blood, complements above the snow white busy hair, is especially dazzling, after letting the person looked, alarmed, Old Ape is the dignified color of whole face, at this moment he was impossible to continue to sit quietly Diaoyutai, coming out that Jiang Chen looks, Old Ape was really anxious, if this Divine Beast White Tiger is the Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart last barrier, then they may obtain Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart anytime, therefore he so anxious. 神兽白虎步步后退,身上已然是伤痕累累,鲜红的血液,映衬在雪白无暇的毛发之上,尤为刺眼,让人看了之后,触目惊心,老猿猴更是满脸的凝重之色,这一刻他已经不可能继续稳坐钓鱼台了,江尘看的出来,老猿猴是真的急了,如果说这神兽白虎赤霞古藤心的最后一道屏障的话,那么他们随时都有可能得到赤霞古藤心,所以他才会如此的紧张。 From initial calm, to dignified, arrives at a nowadays flustered color again, in the Old Ape innermost feelings, surges up, he as if has not expected Divine Beast White Tiger unexpectedly such unable to withstand a single blow, said that has a low opinion of the enemy also well, the experience is quite shallow, after all gave a pretext, now Divine Beast White Tiger fortifies at every step, soon words, he will pour. 从最初的淡定,到凝重,再到现如今的一丝慌张之色,老猿猴的内心之中,波澜起伏,他似乎也是没有料到神兽白虎竟然如此的不堪一击,说是轻敌也好,经验颇浅也罢,终归都是借口,现在神兽白虎步步为营,用不了太久的话,他就会倒下去的。 Flying Eagle and Xiong Zhan push to the front, suppresses Divine Beast White Tiger completely, even if Divine Beast White Tiger divine might is unparalleled, but was still powerless. 飞鹰熊战一马当先,将神兽白虎完全压制,神兽白虎即便神威盖世,但是仍旧是无力回天。 Has good that a proverb said that the good tiger unable to support one flock of wolves, Divine Beast White Tiger under impact of one group of greedy people, becomes so distressed. 有句老话说的好,好虎架不住一群狼,神兽白虎就是在一群饿狼的冲击之下,才变得如此的狼狈。 „Do your this group of fellows, who dare independent combat with me?” “你们这群家伙,谁敢与我单打独斗?” Divine Beast White Tiger roars was saying that Jiang Chen's corner of the mouth is also reveals wipes the smiling face, this Divine Beast White Tiger is really naive enough, actually wants the person independent combat with him, this is the war of life and death, is not the martial arts contest lives with the bride's family, independent combat, how can also? Their goals are to cut to kill White Tiger. 神兽白虎怒吼着说道,就连江尘的嘴角也是露出一抹笑容,这个神兽白虎还真是够天真的,竟然想要人跟他单打独斗,这是生死之战,又不是比武招亲,单打独斗,又能如何?他们的目的就是斩杀白虎 Really is an innocent kid. Hahaha, Divine Beast White Tiger, mediocre.” “真是个天真烂漫的小家伙。哈哈哈,神兽白虎,不过如此。” The pig date laughed was saying. 猪日大笑着说道。 Does not have the tiger of tooth, can seethe the big spray? Independent combat, you were really are extremely self-confident.” “一只没有牙齿的老虎,又能翻腾起多大的浪花?单打独斗,你真是太过于自信了。” The crane dominates becomes silent to laugh in spite of trying not, this fellow, but also is really is much sillier, this Divine Beast White Tiger, spiritual wisdom should be good, although can only be grown Divine Beast White Tiger just, but actually such is unwise, before not having breakthrough God King Realm, Divine Beast White Tiger is no doubt fierce, but is impossible to have the too big eruption, let alone Flying Eagle Xiong Zhan, the pig date crane tyrant, which was the lamp of province oil? 鹤霸哑然失笑,这个家伙,还真是傻得可爱,这神兽白虎,灵智应该不俗,虽然只能算是刚刚成年的神兽白虎,但是却如此的不明智,在没有突破神王境之前,神兽白虎固然勇猛,但是却不可能有太大的爆发,更何况飞鹰熊战,猪日鹤霸,哪一个是省油的灯呢? The Flying Eagle imposing manner is most ominous, incurs a move of fatality, eagle claw unceasing grasping on the body of Divine Beast White Tiger, is scarred, bloodstained. 飞鹰气势最凶,招招致命,鹰爪不断的抓在神兽白虎的身上,伤痕累累,血迹斑斑。 I am not willingly, I am not willingly!” “我不甘心,我不甘心!” The Divine Beast White Tiger unceasing anger exclaimed, but also can only make a futile effort, after all during he fell into completely was passive, wanted to reverse the aspect, was not that easy. 神兽白虎不断的怒吼道,可是也只能是徒劳无功的,毕竟他已经完全陷入了被动之中,想要逆转局面,可不是那么容易的。 I thought how long you can also insist!” “我看你还能坚持多久!” Hong Yan sneers, corner of the mouth exceptionally dense, the cold front is sharp, leaves no ground. 红岩冷笑一声,嘴角异常的森然,冷锋犀利,不留余地。 White Tiger throws the wind, heaven and earth silent!” 白虎扑风,天地无声!” Divine Beast White Tiger suddenly becomes dignified, tiger pupil glittering, extremely fearful, heaven White Tiger, indistinctly, presents from void above, a White Tiger jump is spatial, with the shade of that heaven White Tiger, the overlapped flash, the imposing manner increases suddenly. 神兽白虎陡然间变得凝重起来,虎眸闪烁,极其的可怕,一头苍天白虎,影影绰绰,自虚空之上呈现而出,白虎一跃升空,与那苍天白虎之影,重叠的一瞬间,气势陡然间攀升起来。 „It is not good, this is Divine Beast White Tiger the technique of burning soul, is next to his strength of inheritance.” “不好,这是神兽白虎的燃魂之技,仅次于他的传承之力。” A crane tyrant look point, has held breath a cold air/Qi, the person of presence, his life essence is longest, is experienced, first has then recognized this Divine Beast White Tiger the technique of burning soul, quite fearful, dēng dēng dēng rapid moving sideways goes, in the eye full is shocking. 鹤霸眼神一尖,倒吸了一口冷气,在场之人,他寿元最长,也最是见多识广,第一时间便是认出了这神兽白虎的燃魂之技,相当的可怕,蹬蹬蹬迅速的闪身而去,眼中满是震惊。 This Divine Beast White Tiger, really also has the strength of again war, is not simple, is really not simple.” “这神兽白虎,竟然还有再战之力,不简单,着实是不简单啊。” Jiang Chen said pale with a smile that the look narrows the eyes, Old Ape somewhat could not repress constraining of oneself innermost feelings, but saw that White Tiger rises once more, is startled slightly, obviously he has not expected, Divine Beast White Tiger also has such backhand leeway. 江尘淡笑着说道,眼神微眯,老猿猴已经有些按耐不住自己内心的压抑,但是见到白虎再次崛起,也是微微一怔,显然他也没有料到,神兽白虎还有这样的反手余地。 Roar roar “吼吼” Heaven White Tiger, drops from the clouds, throws comes, to block out the sun to obstruct the day, the entire endless abyss, as if by the imposing manner that this gang of tyrant soars to the clouds certainly, presses has not gasped for breath, anybody is no exception, this aura, seems representing the heaven, the prestige of White Tiger, has such strength, if really worthily is one of the four big Divine Beast. Even if were trades to make some strange antiquity giant beast, had already been defeated, White Tiger only these four big Divine Beast, making the people for a long time unable to capture. 苍天白虎,从天而降,扑就而来,蔽日遮天,整个无尽深渊,仿佛都被他这一股霸绝凌霄的气势,压得喘不过气来,任何人都不例外,这股气息,仿佛代表着苍天,白虎之威,有如此劲气,果真不愧为四大神兽之一。哪怕是换做一些奇异的上古巨兽,也早就已经败下阵来,唯独这四大神兽之一的白虎,让众人久攻不下。 White Tiger struck, has sent away Yu Jingfan, but Yu Huafan and Xue Liang, actually bore the brunt, two people both enormously were oppressed, within the body veins, as if all damaged, irresistible. 白虎一击,屏退了羽惊凡,但是羽化凡薛凉,却是首当其冲,两个人都受到了极大的压迫,体内筋脉,似乎都是尽数损毁,势不可挡。 The Yu Huafan whole person turned into disabled person one, the whole body meridians skeleton, by the prestige of this Divine Beast White Tiger, was just pressed completely the damage unable to withstand. 羽化凡整个人都是变成了废人一个,全身经脉骨骼,全部被这神兽白虎之威,刚压得损毁不堪。 Xue Liang also can only protect own heart lineage/vein , is seriously injured including him, the hand grasps the long sword, distressed long-range raid. 薛凉也只能护住自己的心脉,连他也是身受重伤,手握长剑,狼狈奔袭。 Fifth Brother!” “五哥!” The Yu Er'niang tears in the eye socket, glittering are uncertain, the sinking sound shouted to clear the way, at that moment, in her heart, already was completely discouraged, that was the elder brother of children of the same mother, now meets a cruel death, aura almost must cut off. 羽二娘眼泪在眼眶之中,闪烁不定,沉声喝道,那一刻,她的心中,已然是万念俱灰,那是自己一奶同胞的哥哥,如今粉骨碎身,气息几乎就要断绝了。 Old Fifth!” 老五!” Yu Jingfan calls out in alarm one, caught Yu Huafan rapidly, at that moment, Yu Huafan suffocated. 羽惊凡惊呼一声,也是迅速接住了羽化凡,那一刻,羽化凡已经是奄奄一息。 Third Brother, what to do, what to do, the Fifth Brother he cannot......” “三哥,怎么办,怎么办,五哥他不会……” Yu Er'niang tearss well up, always unconventional, but might as well for she, this thorough tears collapsed, the person of close relative, the life hangs one, can she feel at ease? 羽二娘泪如泉涌,一向性格放荡不羁,率性而为的她,这一次彻底的泪崩了,至亲之人,命悬一线,她怎能安心呢? For the Yu Family's mission, I...... Dies pities insufficient!” “为了羽家的使命,我……死不足惜!” Yu Huafan tight grabs the hand of Yu Jingfan, in the look completely renounces. 羽化凡紧紧的抓着羽惊凡的手,眼神之中尽是决绝。 Old Fifth......” 老五……” Yu Jingfan deep inspiration, in the look full is distressed. 羽惊凡深深的吸了一口气,眼神里满是痛心。 Jiang Chen deeps frown, changes to stream of light, fires into Yu Huafan. 江尘眉头紧锁,化作一道流光,冲向羽化凡 Gives to him these three medicines.” “把这三颗药给他喂下去。” Jiang Chen is taking the recovery, returns to the strength, calls back the soul of the deceased, three medicine pill look to Yu Er'niang. 江尘手拿着复元,回力,摄魂,三颗丹药看向羽二娘 Yu Er'niang raised the head, is looking straight ahead Jiang Chen suddenly. 羽二娘猛然间抬起头,直视着江尘 If you do not think him dead, feeds him to eat.” “如果你不想他死,就喂他吃下去。” The Jiang Chen's words, making Yu Er'niang be startled slightly, at once feeds three medicine pill to Yu Huafan, property unceasing spread, is repairing the body of Yu Huafan unceasingly, but during counting breaths, Yu Huafan then hangs that in the hell entrance air/Qi, raising. 江尘的话,让羽二娘微微一怔,旋即是给羽化凡喂下了三颗丹药,药性不断的扩散,不断的修复着羽化凡的身体,不过数息之间,羽化凡便是将那一口吊在地狱门口的气,给提了回来。 Yu Er'niang with Yu Jingfan is incomparable shock, fills grateful looks at Jiang Chen. 羽二娘羽惊凡都是无比震惊,充满感激的看着江尘 Jiang Chen, the graciousness of help, my Yu Huafan...... Nine slain newspapers.” 江尘,救命之恩,我羽化凡……九死难报。” Yu Huafan long breathing a sigh of relief, life and death by life riches and honor depend on the appointment of heaven, but if can live, who is willing dead? The peaceful death might as well barely exist, the person dies such as the lamp to extinguish, once the body dead soul extinguishes, really death ends all troubles. 羽化凡长长的舒了一口气,生死由命富贵在天,但若是能活着,谁又愿意去死呢?好死不如赖活着,人死如灯灭,一旦身死魂灭,就真的是一了百了了。 Moreover at the same time the prestige of White Tiger, as before is irresistible, several other people of red-clothed thirteen building, beside abatement Hong Yan, perish completely, under the pig date and crane tyrant, collaborated, just now avoided a tribulation, Xiong Zhan and Flying Eagle, was step by step retreat, lest was affected by Divine Beast White Tiger. 另外一边白虎之威,依旧是不可阻挡,红衣十三楼的另外几人,除却红岩之外,全部殒命,猪日与鹤霸,联手之下,方才躲过一劫,熊战飞鹰,也是步步后退,唯恐被神兽白虎所波及。 Fades three to use up in one vigorous effort again, we cannot meet the tough head-on with toughness with him, this White Tiger is an arrow at the end of its flight, he is just wants to draw in several people of being buried along with the dead, do not make him prevail.” “一鼓作气再而衰三而竭,我们不能跟他硬碰硬,这白虎已经是强弩之末,他只不过是想要拉上几个陪葬的人而已,千万不要让他得逞。” Pig date sinking sound shouted to clear the way. 猪日沉声喝道。
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