DMWG :: Volume #54

#5274: True life and death bureau

What your his mother aims at me intentionally?” “你他娘的是故意针对我嘛?” Long Shisan clenches jaws, 999 pill, his time has been seriously injured, even the heyday, he is impossible to resist. 龙十三咬牙切齿,九百九十九道丹雷,他这一次已经身受重伤了,即使是全盛时期,他也不可能抗得住的。 This desperate, the life and death, seems to have been doomed. 这一幕令人绝望,生死,似乎已经注定了。 Nine pill, Long Shisan resists reluctantly, 99, have let his a narrow escape, as for 999, that is judging of Death God. 九道丹雷,龙十三勉强抗住,九十九道,已经让他九死一生了,至于九百九十九道,那就已经是死神的宣判了。 Long Shisan catches the eye to look at Vault of Heaven, gaze is profound, he knows, oneself has made contribution completely. 龙十三抬眼望苍穹,目光深邃,他知道,自己完全已经尽力了。 Big brother, I made contribution.” “大哥,我尽力了。” Long Shisan muttered was saying, 999 pill, has circled in the top of the head, Long Shisan under this terrifying pill, it is estimated that oneself met the skeleton not to save surely. 龙十三喃喃着说道,九百九十九道丹雷,已经在头顶盘旋下来,龙十三在这恐怖的丹雷之下,估计自己必定会尸骨无存的。 A light shadow dissemination of heavily in between Heaven and Earth, surrounding void, becomes somewhat colorful, assorted pill, starts to linger in the surrounding area in hundred li (0.5 km), the position of center, impressively is Jiang Chen and Long Shisan connection place. 重重的光影弥散在天地之间,周围的虚空,也变得有些五彩斑斓,各色的丹雷,开始萦绕在方圆百里之内,最中心的位置,赫然便是江尘龙十三交汇的地方。 At this moment, even Chen Chang Qing 100,000 miles away, still felt that touched. 这一刻,即使是十万常青,也感觉到了一丝触动。 Catches the eye to look at the day, Chen Chang Qing look narrows the eyes, in the heart filled panic-strickenly. 抬眼望天,辰常青眼神微眯,心中充满了惊骇。 What medicine pill this...... this is, can have so fearful pill, the inspiring so abnormal heaven and earth phenomenon?” “这……这是什么样的丹药,能够有如此可怕的丹雷,引动如此变态的天地异象?” Chen Chang Qing life concocting pills, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered Chen family/home, second to none, can who he gives up, only has one, that is master Jiang Chen. 常青一生炼丹,纵横辰家,无出其右,能够让他俯首称臣的人,只有一个,那就是师傅江尘 Is the master?” “难道是师傅?” Shock that Chen Chang Qing is filled with, corner of the mouth is shivering loftily, such medicine pill, perhaps above long night star, is still even unique, at least such terrifying pill, was makes him fill shock, he for a lifetime, was impossible to refine so fearful medicine pill. 常青满心的震撼,嘴角巍巍颤动着,这样的丹药,恐怕即使是在永夜星之上,也是绝无仅有的,至少这样恐怖的丹雷,是令他充满了震撼,他一辈子,也不可能炼制出这般可怕的丹药 Certainly is the master, Divine Origin Tyrant Tidan!” “一定是师傅,神元霸体丹!” Chen Chang Qing corner of the mouth smile, even more bright, but this pill intention , he although could not see, can actually be able to feel, almost radiated the entire long night star, could not see, can actually be able to feel, this is came from a top Alchemist intuition. 常青嘴角的笑容,越发的灿烂,但是这丹雷的意向,他虽然看不到,却能够感受得到,几乎是辐射了整个永夜星,看不到,却能感觉得到,这是来自于一个顶尖炼丹师的直觉。 Meanwhile, entire long night star, north-south two-pole place, also presented two peerless unparalleled Alchemist, the whole face shocks, in the extreme, such medicine pill, is they can not hold a candle, this pill, in their cognition, is absolutely impossible to live. 与此同时,整个永夜星,南北两极的地方,也同样出现了两个绝世无双的炼丹师,满脸震撼,无以复加,这样的丹药,同样是他们望尘莫及的,这种丹雷,在他们的认知之中,是绝对不可能活下来的。 At this moment, Long Shisan is looking at 999 pill, in the heart has become tranquil, because he knows that is impossible to complete such magnificent feat, that only then accepted fate. 此时此刻,龙十三望着九百九十九道丹雷,心中已经变得平静下来了,因为他知道不可能完成这样的壮举,那就只有认命了。 Little Chen in concocting pills, matter of life and death, their results, as if also still has been doomed. 小尘子还在炼丹之中,生死攸关,他们的结局,似乎也已经注定了。 Jiang Chen's both hands, unceasing gathering together, the Divine Origin Tyrant Tidan final achievement, seemed to have been in the situation of superheating, must succeed shortly. 江尘的双手,不断的汇聚在一起,神元霸体丹最后的成果,似乎已经到了白热化的地步,眼看就要成功了。 However, top of the head pill, actually does not give any opportunity, must descend shortly. 但是,头顶丹雷,却是不给任何的机会,眼看就要降落下来了。 Jiang Chen slowly raised the head, gaze cold severe, one group of raging fire in hand, perfect combustion. 江尘缓缓抬起头,目光冷厉,手中的一团烈火,完全燃烧而起。 Divine Origin Tyrant Tidan, must accept the final baptism finally.” 神元霸体丹,终于要接受最后的洗礼了。” Jiang Chen opens the eye slowly, looks at has suffocated, the monkey that completely not possible anti- to be occupied by any together pill, in the look flashes through wipes the serious color, if not for there is Long Shisan to withstand first two groups of pill before, regarding Jiang Chen, this Divine Origin Tyrant Tidan wanted pill success to complete, was not that simple, moreover final time, these 999 pill, were most important. 江尘缓缓睁开眼睛,看着已经奄奄一息,完全不可能抗住任何一道丹雷的猴子,眼神之中闪过一抹郑重之色,若不是有龙十三在前顶住了前两拨丹雷,对于江尘来说,这神元霸体丹想要成丹完成,也不是那么简单的,而且最后的时候,这九百九十九道丹雷,才是重中之重。 Little Chen...... cannot shoulder for you, this stone berry, it seems like cannot unmatched in the world.” 小尘子……没能替你扛下来,这石浆果,看来还是不能天下无敌呀。” Long Shisan mirthless smile, shakes the head. 龙十三惨笑一声,摇了摇头。 Remaining, gives me!” “剩下的,交给我吧!” Jiang Chen heavily nods. 江尘重重点头。 The next second, 999 pill in sky, has gradually gathered in one, together the diameter is about ten li (0.5 km) giant light beam, drops from the clouds, the thunder and lightning hands over the cry, colorful, is flooding the innumerable light shadow, the heaven and earth changes countenance. 下一秒,天空之中的九百九十九道丹雷,已经逐渐汇聚在了一起,一道直径约为十里的巨大光柱,从天而降,雷电交鸣,五颜六色,充斥着无数的光影,天地变色。 Divine Origin Tyrant Tidan, looked your.” 神元霸体丹,看你的了。” Jiang Chen extends the take action palm, a gigantic light group gradually condenses together, facing 999 pill, Jiang Chen resolutely, the rising typhoon, must receive this innumerable pill inevitably, can Divine Origin Tyrant Tidan in hand, the carrying out thoroughly baptism. 江尘出手掌,一个硕大的光团逐渐凝聚在一起,面对九百九十九道丹雷,江尘毅然决然,扶摇而起,势必要接下这无数丹雷,才能够将手中的神元霸体丹,彻底完成洗礼。 Vast momentum pill, has exceeded everyone's cognition, even already and solemn one in Yuan Ling several hundred li (0.5 km) away white, had been scared by present thoroughly. 声势浩大的丹雷,已经超越了所有人的认知,甚至已经在数百里之外的袁玲与穆一白,也已经彻底被眼前的这一幕吓傻了。 Brother Shisan, Brother Shisan, Brother Shisan......” 十三哥,十三哥,十三哥……” The wish round trip that solemn one goes all out white/in vain runs, she must see Brother Shisan finally one side, she should not Brother Shisan to stay there. 穆一白拼了命的想要往回跑,她要见十三哥最后一面,她不该让十三哥一个人留在那里。 That ten li (0.5 km) light beam, Thunderclap wells up violently, everything may become vulnerable, no one can imagine, that 999 pill center, really can some people live? 那十里光柱,雷霆激涌,地动山摇,没有人能想象得到,那九百九十九道丹雷的中央,真的有人能活下来么? Yuan Ling holds one solemnly white, the look is blazing, incomparable anger. 袁玲一把抓住穆一白,眼神炽热,无比的愤怒。 Even if you go back now, you can see Brother Shisan? Sister Mu, don't be a fool, all without enough time.” “就算是你现在回去,你就能看到十三哥了吗?穆姐姐,别傻了,一切都来不及了。” Yuan Ling grasps one solemnly white, bears the tears, at this moment, they can do only, is going on living well. 袁玲抱住穆一白,忍住泪水,这一刻,她们唯一能做的,就是好好的活下去。 Ten li (0.5 km) light beam, falls to decide, the surrounding area in several hundred li (0.5 km), performs all razes to the ground, the place that before they were, turned into the vast expanse of water sea of fire thoroughly, after the thunder and lightning, was the endless dust, aroused ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) upper air. 十里光柱,落定下来,方圆数百里之内,尽皆是夷为平地,之前她们所在的地方,彻底变成了一片汪洋火海,雷电之后,便是无尽的尘埃,激起万丈高空。 Two people looked at this silently, the tears were blurring the cheeks, stained the yellow sand, perhaps their hopes, their love, in this peerless unparalleled pill, have departed for the deep to turn into the dust. 两个人默默的望着这一幕,泪水模糊了脸颊,沾满黄沙,她们的希望,她们的挚爱,在这一场绝世无双的丹雷之中,或许已经沉底变成了尘埃。 In the dark(ness) forest, the thousand li (500 km) surrounding area, was illuminated thoroughly, all creature, changed into the air and ashes, the rock, plant, the big rivers, is no exception. 黑暗森林之中,千里方圆,彻底被照亮,所有生物,化为了空气与齑粉,山石,草木,大江大河,无一幸免。 Who can my what? the heaven is also not an exception!” “谁能奈我何?天也不例外!” Jiang Chen lay down great formation, protects to be one of them Long Shisan, both hands are condensing the infinite source air/Qi, from the weather, bumps into with innumerable pill loudly. 江尘布下大阵,将龙十三护在其中,双手凝聚着无穷的源气,从天儿起,与无数丹雷轰然相撞。 The strength of heaven and earth, the strength of good fortune, boundless, but the manpower is poor sometimes, this unequalled pill baptism, shocked the Jiang Chen's mind, since this has been his concocting pills, has run into most powerful pill. 天地之力,造化之力,无穷无尽,而人力有时穷,这场无与伦比的丹雷洗礼,也是震撼了江尘的心灵,这是他炼丹以来,遇到过的最强大的一场丹雷。 The dazzling Thunderclap light beam, Jiang Chen thorough surrounding, the impact, Divine Origin Tyrant Tidan in Jiang Chen hand, at this time, by the Thunderclap package, the release the unequalled pill fragrance, spread over eight sides. 刺眼的雷霆光柱,将江尘彻底包围,冲击而下,江尘手中的神元霸体丹,也在这个时候,被雷霆包裹,释放出无与伦比的丹香,传遍八方。 Big brother!!!” “大哥!!!” Long Shisan was wrapped in great formation, although Thunderclap, vibrate heaven and earth, formation also creakies, but have not at least presented any crisis, because the big brother blocks in oneself front, so long as Jiang Chen does not die, he will definitely not have any danger, even if Jiang Chen died, perhaps he can still live. 龙十三被包裹在大阵之中,虽然一声声惊雷,震动天地,阵法也是摇摇欲坠,但是至少自己还没有出现任何的危机,因为大哥拦在自己的面前,只要江尘不死,他就绝对不会有任何的危险,就算是江尘死了,他或许也能活下来。 No one compared with Long Shisan understood that this pill terrifying, oneself experienced nine with 99 pill bombardment, is a narrow escape, the big brother needs carrying/sustaining 999 pill, this is the true life and death bureau. 没有人比龙十三更了解这丹雷的恐怖,自己经历了九道与九十九道丹雷的轰击,已经是九死一生了,大哥是需要承载九百九十九道丹雷,这才是真正的生死局。
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