DMWG :: Volume #54

#5272: The one person alone shakes pill

Yuan Ling and solemn white silent moment, can only nod finally silently, Long Shisan is no doubt important in their hearts, but Jiang Chen in the Long Shisan heart, is as important. 袁玲与穆一白沉默片刻,最终只能默默点头,龙十三在她们心中固然重要,但是江尘龙十三心中,也同样重要。 That is his big brother, the eldest brother like the father, have brotherly affection, for these years, they experience, by far be more than them, in which profound friendship, is not can talk clearly in a few words. 那是他的大哥,长兄如父,手足情深,这么多年来,他们所经历的,远远要比她们更多,其中的深情厚谊,也不是三言两语就能够说得清楚的。 The hearts of two people have linked in one, Long Shisan from beginning to end, had not thought departure, will protect Jiang Chen inevitably, until the last minute of life. 两个人的心早就已经连在了一起,龙十三从始至终,都没有想过离开,势必会守护住江尘,直到生命的最后一刻。 Thunderclap terrifying even more, domineering even more, the surroundings shine like the daytime, the dark(ness) forest, turned into the genuine wind and thunder gathering place thoroughly. 雷霆越发的恐怖,越发的强势,周围亮如白昼,黑暗森林,彻底变成了真正的风雷聚集之地。 Takes care!” “保重!” Solemn one white/in vain with Yuan Ling's hand tight grasping together, the retreat, they do not walk slowly, perhaps will only make here situation bad, moreover such Long Shisan will be more wholly absorbed, is Jiang Chen Protector, blocks the wind and frost sleet for him. 穆一白与袁玲的手紧紧的抓在一起,缓缓退去,她们不走,或许只会让这里的情况变得更加的糟糕,而且这样龙十三才会更专心致志,为江尘护法,替他挡住风霜雨雪。 At that moment, in Jiang Chen's heart, is incomparable shock, pill who this Divine Origin Tyrant Tidan brings, he has not even imagined, such terrifying, he never will have run into such pill unexpectedly, this was almost thunder of the end world. 那一刻,江尘的心中,也是无比的震撼,这神元霸体丹所带来的丹雷,连他也没有想象到,竟然会如此之恐怖,他还从未遇到过这样的丹雷,这几乎是一场末世之雷了。 Since old times had the cloud, wanted to wear the royal crown, must receive heavily its! 自古有云,欲戴王冠,必承其重! Divine Origin Tyrant Tidan, stems from the ancient tablet Shanhe (mountains and rivers) chart, terrifying of its medicine pill, is Jiang Chen hears something never heard of before, nebula level expert strength, without a doubt, but can make the peerless expert strength rise suddenly like this, that terrifying energy, absolutely is not unimaginable. 神元霸体丹,出自于古碑山河图之中,其丹药恐怖,也是江尘闻所未闻,星云级强者的实力,毋庸置疑,而能够让这样的绝世强者实力暴涨,那其中的恐怖能量,绝对是无法想像的。 Jiang Chen concocting pills are innumerable, the method of his concocting pills, definitely does not need to doubt, is such terrifying medicine pill, overbearing pill who evolves, is unprecedented melts now. 江尘炼丹无数,他的炼丹之法,完全无需置疑,可是这么恐怖丹药,演化出来的霸道丹雷,也是旷古烁今的。 However, ran into such pill, Jiang Chen does not know whether can thorough anti- live peerless this strikes. 但是,遇到了这样的丹雷,江尘也不知道,是否能够彻底抗住这绝世一击了。 This way, perhaps also is really a narrow escape.” “这样下去,恐怕还真是九死一生呀。” In the Jiang Chen heart is filled with emotion, but actually cannot divert attention, the critical moment, oneself must refine medicine pill simultaneously, once diverts attention, possibly the result will make the significant mistake, even own Stars Tyrannical Body, is still not necessarily able to laugh last. 江尘心中感慨万千,但是却不能够分心,关键时刻,自己要同时炼制丹药,一旦分心,可能结果就会出现重大的失误,即使是自己的星辰霸体,也未必能够笑到最后。 This pill has several thousand fully, each pill, has the destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth strength, obviously, the Divine Origin Tyrant Tidan energy, breakthrough the limit, at least above the entire long night star, has surpassed it to be able very much the energy extreme of carrying/sustaining, to realize Divine Origin Tyrant Tidan thoroughly, is far from the Jiang Chen imagination that simple. 这丹雷足有数千道,每一道丹雷,都拥有着毁天灭地的力量,很显然,神元霸体丹的能量,已经突破了极限,至少在整个永夜星之上,已经超出了它所能承载的能量极点,要想彻底练成神元霸体丹,远没有江尘想象之中那么的简单。 He needs the carrying/sustaining, will be the Divine Origin Tyrant Tidan energy storm, once this pill will fall in torrents, perhaps in the surrounding area thousand li (500 km), will be impossible to have any creature to return alive, regarding the entire long night star, may have a great influence, will present the innumerable volcanic eruptions is as for the earthquake flood disaster, will look like a several thousand kilometers star hit above long night star, big of might, will not be imaginable. 他所需要承载的,将是神元霸体丹的能量风暴,这种丹雷一旦倾泻下来,恐怕方圆千里之内,都不可能有任何的生物生还的,对于整个永夜星,都可能影响极大,出现无数的火山喷发乃至于地震洪灾,就像是一颗数千公里的恒星撞击在永夜星之上,威力之大,无可想象。 Jiang Chen expression Yan Jun (severe), meticulous, when concocting pills, he has no other thoughts, can only do everything possible. 江尘神色严峻,一丝不苟,炼丹之余,他没有任何其他的心思,只能尽力而为。 pill is billowing, above the Jiang Chen's top of the head, has been ready. 丹雷滚滚,在江尘的头顶之上,已经是蓄势待发。 Rumble-- “轰隆隆—— The Divine Origin Tyrant Tidan refinement, has so difficultly, fortifying at every step, before this is also Jiang Chen, has not expected, pill such terrifying, medicine pill, once takes shape, that is unprecedented melts now absolutely, unapproachable. 神元霸体丹的炼制,会有着这般艰难,步步为营,这也是江尘之前没有料到的,丹雷都这么恐怖了,丹药一旦成型,那绝对是旷古烁今,无可匹敌的。 Relax, Big brother, even if I am impossible to help you shoulder all, should still certainly insist the last minute. This pill, I have looked like try well, by my nebula level six heavy day of strengths, ate so many stone berries, the physical quality, is second to none, even you, are still not necessarily able to win me, as soon as plans, Haha!” “放心吧,大哥,我即使不可能帮你扛下所有,也一定会坚持到最后一刻的。这丹雷,我早就像好好试一试了,以我星云级六重天的实力,又吃了这么多的石浆果,身体素质,已经是无出其右,就算是你,也未必能够胜我一筹,哈哈!” Long Shisan looks to Jiang Chen, in the look has high morale, the life and death land, pill is incomparable, he as before is fearless, must for Little Chen, resist this heaven-shaking to strike. 龙十三看向江尘,眼神之中斗志昂扬,生死大地,丹雷无匹,他依旧是无所畏惧,要为小尘子,抗住这惊天一击。 Now Jiang Chen still is also in the pill success process, pill but who that is ready to make trouble, may lower anytime. 现在江尘依旧还处于成丹的过程之中,可是那蠢蠢欲动的丹雷,已经随时有可能降下。 pill who Divine Origin Tyrant Tidan, unrivaled, attracts, changes the world sufficiently, destroys the myriad things. 神元霸体丹,举世无双,吸引来的丹雷,也是足以改天换地,毁灭万物的。 Jiang Chen knows, even the heyday, is still not necessarily able under safe and sound shouldering this pill, with initial pill, is completely the pediatrics, this was true good fortune pill. 江尘知道,即使是全盛时期,也未必能够安然无恙的扛下这丹雷,与当初的丹雷比起来,完全是小儿科,这才是真正的造化丹雷。 Long Shisan would rather die than surrender, stands in own side, Jiang Chen knows, he is will definitely not walk, trading to do is oneself , was the same, even if Long Shisan has the so self-confident appearance, he cannot guarantee, can certainly be able to support, even if he ate so many stone berries, the body had the qualitative leap, the strength progressed such as flies, but all, made Jiang Chen unforeseen. 龙十三宁死不屈,站在了自己的身旁,江尘知道,他是肯定不会走的,换做是自己,也是一样,即使是龙十三有着如此自信的样子,他也不敢保证,就一定能够撑得住,即使他吃了那么多的石浆果,身体有了质的飞跃,实力进步如飞,可一切,都让江尘无法预料。 Bang-- “轰隆—— The sound of huge Thunderclap, floods above the sky again, Long Shisan face upwards to regard, is critical situation. 巨大的惊雷之声,再一次充斥在天空之上,龙十三仰天而视,如临大敌。 Roar!” “吼!” Roar roar!” “吼吼!” I must have a look but actually, can you chop me.” “我倒要看看,你能不能劈死我。” Long Shisan is hands tied and vertical, the manner is free, is the anxiety in heart, are not less than Jiang Chen, attacks facing such pill, he must take up a 12 minute/share of courage. 龙十三束手而立,神态自若,可是心中的紧张,也是一点也不比江尘要少,面对这样的丹雷攻击,他必须要拿起十二分的勇气。 pill surges, was billowing like Dragon Snake, seems understood the Long Shisan words, nine purple pill, surfaced from the cloud layer, direct bang to Jiang Chen. 丹雷涌动,如同龙蛇滚滚,好似听懂了龙十三的话一样,九道紫色的丹雷,从云层之中脱颖而出,直接轰向江尘 The Long Shisan horizontal blade immediately, air/Qi the sinking dantian, is staring at nine purple Shikotan thunder, just like the nine dragons flying, but he blocked these nine pill resolutely. 龙十三横刀立马,气沉丹田,凝望着九道紫色丹雷,宛如九龙飞天,而他则是毅然决然的挡住了这九道丹雷。 Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! 砰!砰!砰!砰!砰! The vaccination unceasing purple Shikotan thunder drops from the clouds, shells on the body of Long Shisan, that terrifying constriction, making the Long Shisan mind shake, incomparably startles, he has never met so terrifying pill. 接种不断的紫色丹雷从天而降,轰击在龙十三的身上,那种恐怖的压迫感,让龙十三心神一震,无比激灵,他从未遇见过这般恐怖的丹雷。 I smile to the day from the horizontal blade, who can immediately broken Chosen!” “我自横刀向天笑,谁能立马破天骄!” Long Shisan eyes reduces, whatever pill falls decides, pounds to approach own body. 龙十三双眼紧缩,任凭一道道丹雷落定,砸向自己的身体。 The function of stone berry, in the incisiveness that this moment manifests, if beforehand Long Shisan, is absolutely impossible to resist this terrifying pill. 石浆果的作用,在这一刻体现的淋漓尽致,如果是之前的龙十三,绝对不可能抗得住这恐怖的丹雷。 However, this time, above the skin of Long Shisan, presented light golden color, although these nine pill pound, is still quite fearful, but Long Shisan clenches the teeth, insisted. 但是,这一次,在龙十三的皮肤之上,出现了一层淡淡的金色,尽管这九道丹雷砸下来,依旧相当可怕,但是龙十三咬紧牙关,还是坚持住了。 Drinks-- “喝—— Long Shisan sonic boom drinks, the whole body source air/Qi fuses thoroughly, gathers together, meets the approaching enemy nine pill. 龙十三一声爆喝,浑身的源气彻底融合,汇聚在一起,迎击九道丹雷。 His body, presented one to stagnate, rock-solid skin, presented deeply worried scars. 他的身体,出现了一丝凝滞,坚如磐石的皮肤,也是出现了一道道焦灼的伤痕。 The Long Shisan pupil reduces, is staring at pill of top of the head, does not spare a glance, this, he was boiling, although physique, felt the severe pain, but has not gotten down after all but actually. 龙十三瞳孔紧缩,凝视着头顶的丹雷,不屑一顾,这一记,他是实打实的熬住了,尽管身上的筋骨,也感觉到了剧烈的痛楚,但是总归没有倒下去。 Hahaha, so-called pill, fears no more than so.” 哈哈哈,所谓的丹雷,怕也不过如此吧。” The laughing wildly sound recklessly, is mixing with pill the taunt and anger, the Long Shisan unparalleled breadth of spirit, the direct impact clouds. 肆意的狂笑声,夹杂着对丹雷的嘲讽与愤怒,龙十三的盖世气魄,直冲云霄。 At that moment, in the heart of Long Shisan, the chest has the fierce tiger, so many years, are the big brother have kept off before him, keep out wind and rain for them, this time, he must for the big brother, shoulder this peerless pill. 那一刻,龙十三的心中,胸有猛虎,这么多年,一直都是大哥挡在他面前,替他们遮风挡雨,这一次,他也要为大哥,扛下这绝世丹雷。
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