DMWG :: Volume #54

#5269: heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape choice!

heaven and earth violent ape slowly lowers the head, the blood hole of looks at chest front, in the look, is not desperate, but is unbelievable. 天地暴猿缓缓的低下头来,看着胸前的血窟窿,眼神之中,不是绝望,而是难以置信。 This...... this is impossible!” “这……这不可能!” heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape aura, deteriorates rapidly in this moment, dreadful aura, is just like nothing left. 天地暴猿的气息,在这一刻迅速衰败下去,滔天的气息,俨然已经荡然无存。 This, is anybody has not imagined that Long Shisan in this moment, beat heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape thoroughly, the hundred zhang (333 m) body, staggers is falling on the ground, starts bang the sound intermittently. 这一幕,也是任何人都没有想象到的,龙十三在这一刻,彻底击败了天地暴猿,百丈身躯,踉跄着跌坐在地上,掀起阵阵轰隆之声。 Although heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape had not died, but has become suffocates, the entire body as if becomes the dispirited to get down. 天地暴猿虽然并未死去,不过已经变得奄奄一息,整个身体似乎都变得萎靡下来。 Rock-solid heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape, was beaten by Long Shisan finally, broke out his defense, executes a day of law , without the thing broken, this war, Long Shisan crying tears of joy, he defeated heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape finally, broke own destiny fetter. 坚如磐石的天地暴猿,终于被龙十三击败了,劈开了他的防御,诛天法相,无物不破,这一战,龙十三喜极而泣,他终于战胜了天地暴猿,也打破了属于自己的天命束缚。 I am assigned by me not by the day!” “我命由我不由天!” Long Shisan Haha laughs, the whole face brightly, has high morale, called upon the gods clear(ly) like the day, as before imposing manner Lingyun. 龙十三哈哈大笑,满脸灿然,斗志昂扬,如同天降神明,依旧气势凌云。 Won, Brother Shisan won!” “赢了,十三哥赢了!” Solemn one with Yuan Ling tight hugging together, the exciting color of whole face, corner of the mouth filled white/in vain excitedly, is hanging the heart, fell to the ground finally. 穆一白与袁玲紧紧的抱在一起,满脸的兴奋之色,嘴角充满了激动,一颗悬着的心,总算是落地了。 They have been worrying, continuously uneasy, defeated heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape until Long Shisan thoroughly, they can feel relieved finally, rushed to the Long Shisan side directly, closely grasps him. 她们一直都在担心,一直都忐忑不安,直到龙十三彻底战胜了天地暴猿,她们终于可以放心下来了,直接冲到了龙十三的身边,将他紧紧抱住。 Jiang Chen distant is looking at him, four eyes contact, Long Shisan nods to Jiang Chen heavily, at this moment, only then the big brother understands truly oneself. 江尘远远的望着他,四目相对,龙十三冲着江尘重重点头,这一刻,只有大哥是真正懂自己的。 Long Shisan is not always a person who is willing to admit defeat, these after the bad risk, almost passed away time, but is relying on the Long Shisan indomitable spirit, he defeated heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape finally. 龙十三从来都不是一个甘愿认输的人,这一次几经凶险,差点就一命呜呼了,不过凭借着龙十三不屈不挠的精神,他终于还是战胜了天地暴猿。 Under all Heavens I for the king, Spirit Bright Stone Monkey, am not his end point. 诸天之下我为王,灵明石猴,并不是他的终点。 Jiang Chen heartfelt feels happy for Long Shisan, so many years, walk, he always stands aloof from the world, because they , since Divine World, has achieved peak, after following oneself enter the eternal world, their strengths also received the enormous limit, or starts over from the beginning is not overrated, but Long Shisan does not have the complaint, and was full of confidence with this world, carefully, never aims too high, because he believes, is the gold, from will one day shine. 江尘由衷的替龙十三感到高兴,这么多年,一路走来,他从来与世无争,因为他们自从神界之后,就已经达到了巅峰,追随自己进入永恒世界之后,他们的实力也受到了极大的限制,或者说是从头再来也不为过,但是龙十三从无怨言,并且对这个世界充满了信心,一步一个脚印,从不好高骛远,因为他相信,是金子,从有一天会发光的。 In order to change all these, payout of Long Shisan, Jiang Chen and the others is also obvious to all, he with oneself life is the price, wants to kill a day, changes the established destiny, is not willing to become by the person who others fetter, defeated own conscience, only by doing so, can turn into the appearance that he wants. 为了改变这一切,龙十三的付出,江尘等人也是有目共睹,他用自己的生命为代价,想要杀出一片天,改变自己既定的天命,不愿意成为被别人束缚的人,更是战胜了自己的本心,只有这样,才能够变成他想要的样子。 Long Shisan deep in one's heart, is actually quite soft, without the parents, without the family member, his only soft rib, is the Brother Jiang dust, therefore in his heart has no cares, rather die than must accompany the big brother to walk these 3000 times. 龙十三内心深处,其实是相当柔软的,没有父母,没有亲人,他唯一的软肋,就是大哥江尘,所以他心中无牵无挂,宁死也要陪大哥走这三千遭。 The eternal world, is not his key point, he must become the true destiny, brings order out of chaos for oneself, exceeds heaven and earth for oneself. 永恒世界,亦不是他的重点,他一定要成为真正的天命,为自己拨乱反正,为自己超越天地 Later do not frighten me again, Brother Shisan, I think that...... I think...... wū wū!” “以后你不要再吓我了,十三哥,我以为……我以为……呜呜呜!” Solemn white this time wept finally, the beforehand calmness, was installs, she worried that Long Shisan will have what danger, therefore so excited, now sees Long Shisan to be all right, she did not need to do intentionally to act with constraint. 穆一白这个时候终于是喜极而泣,之前的镇定,都是装出来的,她担心龙十三会有什么危险,所以才会如此的激动,现在看到龙十三没事,她也就再也不用故作矜持了。 Yuan Lingyi is so, both girls are the unusual real personalities, but is actually not willing to let Long Shisan , during the fight diverts attention, otherwise, does not know that what will influence become to other party. 袁玲亦是如此,两个女孩儿都是异常的真性情,但是却又不愿意让龙十三在战斗之中的时候分心,否则的话,就不知道会给他造成什么样的影响了。 Long Shisan closely grasps two people, in the look is completely the tender feelings, before was he himself was extremely rigid, neglected the good faith of opposite party completely, no matter solemn Yuan Ling, has pledged yourself to him white/in vain, the selfishness of again having no, if oneself passed away like this, perhaps their two will also live to might as well die. 龙十三紧紧的抱住两人,眼神之中尽是柔情,之前是他自己太过于执着了,完全忽略了对方的信义,不管是穆一白还是袁玲,都已经对他以身相许,再无任何的私心,如果自己就这样撒手人寰的话,或许他们两个也会生不如死的。 Sorry.” “对不起。” Long Shisan gently is patting the shoulders of two people, perhaps was was extremely selfish, from now on, he will not handle such matter absolutely again. 龙十三轻轻的拍着两个人的肩膀,或许是自己太过于自私了,从今往后,他绝对不会再做这样的事情了。 Big brother, I have not lost face to you.” “大哥,我没有给你丢脸。” Long Shisan treats a matter seriously looks at Jiang Chen, in the look is having profound respect regarding the big brother, compares big brother in, the was that he receives what considered as painstakingly? Walks, his difficulty, is not unimaginable. 龙十三郑重其事的望着江尘,眼神之中对于大哥更是肃然起敬,相比于大哥,他所受的这点苦又算得了什么呢?一路走来,他的艰辛,才是自己无法想像的。 Jiang Chen smiles not to speak , brothers' words, have not needed to talk too much. 江尘笑而不语,彼此之间,兄弟的话,早已经无需多言。 At this moment, Long Shisan knows, must interrogate and torture well this heaven and earth violent ape, only then he knows how this stone berry should take down, if he died, passed away, then they must have a headache. 这一刻,龙十三知道,必须要好好的拷问一下这个天地暴猿了,只有他知道这石浆果应该怎么取下来,如果他死了,就这么一命呜呼,那么他们就又要头疼了。 Dead monkey, it seems like your strength, is mediocre? Fights with me, you were too tender.” “死猴子,看来你的实力,也不过如此吗?跟我斗,你还太嫩了。” Long Shisan arrived at the heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape front step by step, saying of look gloomy and cold. 龙十三一步步走到了天地暴猿的面前,眼神阴冷的说道。 heaven and earth violent ape aura is low and deep, complexion pale, a narrow escape, present he, is even obstinate argumentative, did not have the means and Long Shisan contends. 天地暴猿气息低沉,脸色苍白,九死一生,现在的他,就算是嘴硬,也没有办法与龙十三相抗衡了。 Although he also causes completely the skills, but actually exceptionally pitiful, own strongest defense was broken, self-confidence that he was proud, was completely broken by Long Shisan. 虽然他也是使尽了浑身解数,但是却是异常的悲惨,自己的最强防御都被破掉了,他引以为傲的自信,也被龙十三彻底打破了。 When you beat him from his strongest domain, had broken his psychological defense line, once the psychological defense line were broken, heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape strength, shrank suddenly . Moreover the most important thing is, his may the heart of invincible world, vulnerable. 当你从他的最强领域击败他的时候,就已经将他的心理防线打破了,一旦心理防线被打破,天地暴猿的实力,也就急剧缩水了,而且最重要的是,他那可无敌天下的心,也就脆弱不堪了。 Psychologically beats him, must by far difficult. 从心理上击败他,远远要更加的艰难。 The heaven and earth violent ape look absent-minded and desolate, in the heart has mixed emotions, life and death, only in instant, in this Spirit Bright Stone Monkey life and death to bumping, he became weak many, this was the indisputable fact, even for these years, feeding of stone berry, cannot make him rock-solid. 天地暴猿眼神失神而落寞,心中百感交集,生与死,只在一念之间,在与这头灵明石猴的生死对碰之中,他还是变得弱了不少,这就是不争的事实,即使是这么多年来,石浆果的喂养,也没能让他坚如磐石。 I lost, hehe, I really lost.” “我输了,呵呵呵,我真的输了。” The heaven and earth violent ape faint smile, the look is low-spirited, this perhaps is in the life an inevitable inexorable fate. 天地暴猿似笑非笑,眼神黯然,这或许就是自己生命之中无可避免的一道劫数。 The heart has the rising typhoon to the space, does to nine slain to rise the immortal. 心有扶摇向天上,奈何九死难升仙。 The heaven and earth violent ape is advantageous, has the stone berry like this valuable rarities, but he lost to Long Shisan finally, this is the destiny that he is unable to avoid. 天地暴猿得天独厚,又有着石浆果这样的稀世珍宝,可是他最终还是输给了龙十三,这就是他无法躲避的命运。 Lost changed lost, nothing fearful, because only you ran into me. Now you only have two roads to elect, one is to help us selects the stone berry, another, dies!” “输了变输了,没什么可怕的,只因你遇到了我。现在你只有两条路可选,一条是帮我们摘取石浆果,另外一条,就是死!” The Long Shisan look becomes indifferent, to the enemy benevolently is to oneself cruel, he will never be softhearted. 龙十三眼神变得冷漠,对敌人仁慈就是对自己残忍,他从来不会心慈手软。 . To live in misery is better than dead in peace, Hahaha, was dying, was really death ends all troubles. This war, I will remember forever.” “也罢,也罢。好死不如赖活着,哈哈哈,死了,就真的是一了百了了。这一战,我会永远记住的。” The heaven and earth violent ape stood difficultly, is covering the chest, pain and difficulty that the facial expression is unable to cover, but at crucial moments, he had not been beaten thoroughly, is the enormous good fortune. 天地暴猿艰难的站了起来,捂着胸口,神情无法掩盖的痛苦与艰难,但是在关键时刻,他没有被彻底击垮,已经是极大的造化了。
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