DMWG :: Volume #54

#5268: Breaks the destiny

Now the monkey had arrived at the most essential time, we should choice believe him, does not succeed then dies for a righteous cause, although a little said solemn and stirring tragic, but is actually the indisputable fact, if our present take action help him, was equal to harming him, pain and suppression that he received before, with did not have on a point, will likely make him waste all previous efforts.” “现在猴子已经到了最关键的时候,我们应该选择相信他,不成功便成仁,虽然说得有点悲壮惨烈,但是却是不争的事实,如果我们现在出手帮他的话,那么就等于害了他,他之前所受的痛苦与打压,也就一点用也没有了,而且很可能会让他前功尽弃。” Saying of Jiang Chen character character pearl. 江尘字字珠玑的说道。 Now we can do only, believes him, although monkey violent, but absolutely is not the person of impulsion, will not handle the matter that has not grasped, although this time also brings flavor of gambling, so long as he can complete the transformation, is carp fish dive Dragon Gate, will become compared with before more powerful, made one shock, suffocates. This is the process that a monkey must undergo, cannot be defeated absolutely, he wants to exceed itself, exceeds the Spirit Bright Stone Monkey destiny, must make the sacrifice.” “现在我们唯一能做的,就是相信他,猴子虽然性格暴烈,但是绝对不是冲动之人,不会做没把握的事情,这一次虽然也是带着一丝赌博的味道,但是只要他能够完成蜕变,就是鲤鱼跃龙门,比之前会变得更强大,更令人震撼,窒息。这是一个猴子必须要经历的过程,绝对不能够失败,他想要超越自己,超越灵明石猴的天命,就必须要做出牺牲。” The Jiang Chen's words, making Yuan Ling and solemn one are in vain more intense, actually appears to understand but not really understand, can Long Shisan really insist? He really can strive to turn the tide, transforms with the hopeless situation in? 江尘的话,让袁玲与穆一白更加紧张,却是似懂非懂,龙十三真的能够坚持下去吗?他真的能够力挽狂澜,与绝境之中蜕变吗? The Jiang Chen's pressure is also very big, he must maintain the vigilance frequently, as long as Long Shisan has the real life and death crisis, does he possibly stand by? 江尘的心理压力也很大,他必须要时刻保持警惕,但凡龙十三有真正的生死危机,他怎么可能袖手旁观呢? However as the saying goes, the care is chaotic, no matter solemn Yuan Ling, were too cared to Long Shisan white/in vain, they were not cruel enough to let Long Shisan by any every little bit injury. 不过俗话说得好,关心则乱,不管是穆一白还是袁玲,都是对龙十三太关心了,她们不忍心让龙十三受任何一点一滴的伤害。 At this time, Long Shisan has entered the true preying condition, the life and death had the life riches and honor depend on the appointment of heaven, was impossible to step back, this whole life was impossible. 这时候,龙十三已经进入了真正的搏杀状态,生死有命富贵在天,绝不可能退后一步,这辈子都不可能的。 The heaven and earth suddenly/violently Yuanzhan completely advantage, Long Shisan is relying on the doggedly sincere, upright counter dragon Gun, socializes with heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape to the utmost, the blood incarnadine counter dragon Gun, Long Shisan clenched the teeth, his anger increases unceasingly, the source air/Qi also soon consumed completely, just like Jiang Chen said, he is to depend on an unyielding will now completely, is fighting crazily, only then squeezed itself unceasingly, he can step own life peak. 天地暴猿占尽优势,龙十三凭借着一腔热血,刚直不阿的逆龙棍,与天地暴猿极尽周旋,鲜血染红了逆龙棍,龙十三咬紧牙关,他的怒气不断攀升,源气也是快要消耗殆尽了,正如江尘所说,他现在完全是靠着一股不屈的意志,在疯狂战斗,只有不断压榨自己,他才能够踏上属于自己的人生巅峰 The destiny, is the fate that the heaven gives, wanting heaven defying to change, easier said than done? Jumps out of three Outer World, is not in Five Elements, but he is a monkey, the fate simply has not changed, to change all these, he must make the sacrifice, must set at the deathtrap then to live. 天命,便是上天赋予的命数,想要逆天改变,谈何容易?跳出三界外,不在五行中,可他还是一只猴子而已,命数根本没有变,要想改变这一切,他必须要做出牺牲,要置之死地而后生。 Reverses the destiny, must undergo heaven and earth to discipline surely, is lives dies, all looks at his good fortune, breaks open the destiny, is doomed the achievement to be overbearing, terrifying future, difficult of life and death, it should. 逆转天命,必定要经受天地磨练,是生是死,全看他的造化,破开天命,就注定要成就更为霸道,更为恐怖的前程,生死之难,本该如此。 You can boil actually, I look at your limit, where, I look at you to have many blood, can flow comes out.” “你倒是能熬,我看你的极限,在哪里,我看你有多少鲜血,可以流出来。” A heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape face grins fiendishly, he has eaten Long Shisan completely, now Long Shisan during own control, the had nothing strength to hit back, must get rid of it completely as soon as possible, fights a battle to force a quick decision, perhaps late causes trouble. 天地暴猿一脸狞笑,他已经完全吃定了龙十三,现在龙十三完全在自己的掌控之中,已经没有任何的还手之力,必须要尽快将其干掉,速战速决,迟恐生变。 heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape is not silly, fights several hundred moves, regarding the Long Shisan strength, he also quite found that in one vigorous effort, again however fades, three use up, if cannot its obliterate, probably become trusted aide big trouble directly. 天地暴猿也不傻,交手数百招,对于龙十三的实力,他也是相当了解的,一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭,如果不能够直接将其抹杀,必成心腹大患 The heaven and earth violent ape unrestrained/no trace of politeness, one after another cocktail of moves, makes a connection with the heaven and earth wind and thunder, shakes ten li (0.5 km), changes to the grey smoke, no one can imagine, Long Shisan so insists, fights with the fists looks like hits above the iron bucket, the heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape oppression, has made Long Shisan be hard to pant for breath. 天地暴猿毫不客气,接二连三的组合拳,打通天地风雷,震荡十里,化作灰烟,没有人能够想象到,龙十三是如此坚持下来的,一拳打出就像是打在铁桶之上,天地暴猿的压迫,已经让龙十三难以喘息。 Long Shisan gaze brilliant, compared with Jiang Chen, he violent like fire, but also has his drawback, but at this time, Long Shisan must break the fetter, the breakthrough shackles, his unwilling entire life, are always the monkey, Four Primal World Monkeys, is his destiny, all these, will break in this moment, Long Shisan has the confidence facing all these. 龙十三目光灼灼,比起江尘,他更加的暴烈如火,但也同样有着他的弊端,不过这种时候,龙十三必须要打破束缚,突破桎梏,他不甘心一生一世,永世为猴,混世四猴,亦是他的天命,这一切,都将在这一刻打破,龙十三有信心面对这一切。 My destiny, is unreplaceable, your destiny, is I!” “我的天命,无可替代,你的天命,就是我!” Long Shisan finally in this moment, started to rise spiritedly to counter-attack, because he has discovered, the heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape eyes, were his soft rib, whole body, since had no dead angle, that can only select his eye, so long as broke through his eyes, then oneself can also completely change the present aspect. 龙十三终于在这一刻,开始了奋起反击,因为他已经发现了,天地暴猿的眼睛,就是他的软肋,全身上下既然都没有任何死角,那就只能选中他的眼睛,只要攻破他的双眼,那么自己也就可以彻底改变现在的局面。 Laughable, opportunity that you have no.” “可笑,你已经没有任何的机会了。” heaven and earth suddenly/violently Yuanshuang holds to gather ten, the imposing manner begins, the Thunderclap rainstorm general suppression strength, blocks the sky, thorough covers Long Shisan. 天地暴猿双掌合十,气势再起,雷霆暴雨一般的压制力,遮天蔽日,彻底的将龙十三笼罩。 Heavenshaking roar!” “震天吼!” The heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape roar, resounds through 800 li (0.5 km) mountain range thoroughly, is killed by shock innumerable Monster Beast, all powerful Monster Beast, is trembling with fear, runs rapidly, flees from this place is apt to get into trouble. 天地暴猿的吼声,彻底响彻八百里山脉,震死无数妖兽,所有强大的妖兽,也都是战战兢兢,迅速奔跑,逃离这片是非之地。 Jiang Chen lay down formation, and solemn one covers Yuan Ling in formation white/in vain, otherwise, by they two strengths, such near observing, completely no leeway of hitting back, likely encounter is hard the wound of imagining. 江尘布下阵法,将袁玲与穆一白笼罩于阵法之中,否则的话,以她们两个的实力,如此之近的观战,完全没有任何还手的余地,很可能遭到难以想象的创伤。 This roars to be the heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape talent skill heavenshaking, inherits from ancient, the roar forms intermittent wave, the sound wave like the tide, destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, thousand zhang (3.33 m) mountain, changes into ashes, everywhere scatters, flying sand and rocks. 这震天吼应该是天地暴猿的天赋技能,从远古传承下来的,吼声形成一阵阵波浪,声波如潮,毁天灭地,千丈高山,化为齑粉,漫天散落,飞沙走石。 All, should finish, all of you, must die.” “一切,都该结束了,你们所有人,都要死。” heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape roar, wave after wave, might of heavenshaking roar, does not accommodate the community, the surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km), had almost turned into a barren land, the life that has no survived. 天地暴猿的吼声,一波接一波,震天吼的威力,也是不容小区,方圆百里,几乎已经变成了一处不毛之地,根本没有任何的生活存活了。 However at that moment, Jiang Chen looks to the stone thick liquid fruit tree, actually also stands erect not but actually, it seems like that this stone thick liquid fruit tree, is unusual is not simple. 不过那一刻,江尘看向石浆果树,却还屹立不倒,看来这石浆果树,也是非常的不简单。 Long Shisan grasps counter dragon Gun, fighting intent is still resounding, with irresistible force. 龙十三手握逆龙棍,依旧还是战意高亢,势如破竹。 His Way of the Battle Saint, his fighting intent, has not feared anybody, even if in the final moment of life, he must have a own bloody road, must let this heaven and earth, shivers. 他的斗战圣法,他的战意,从来没有惧怕过任何人,哪怕是在生命的最后关头,他也一定要杀出一条属于自己的血路,要让这天地,为之颤抖。 Executes a day of law!” “诛天法相!” Long Shisan in the final moment, put forth him to execute a day of law finally, did not have the perfect integration of day of tactical rules and Way of the Battle Saint, 3-layer executed a day of law, carrying/sustaining Long Shisan countless painstaking care. 龙十三终于在最后关头,使出了他的诛天法相,无天战法与斗战圣法的完美融合,第三重诛天法相,承载着龙十三无数的心血。 Executes spatially day ten thousand places, the law such as! 诛天万地,法相如空! Long Shisan changes to together the sharp sword, breaks through the travel fatigue, breaks through folds the screen-like mountain peak, charges into the summit of Nine Heavens. 龙十三化作一道利剑,冲破风尘,冲破叠嶂,冲向九天之巅。 A sword becomes common practice, the wave broken ten thousand laws, execute a day of law, opened world all nihility representations, making heaven and earth change countenance. 一剑成风,浪破万法,诛天法相,揭开世间一切所有虚无表象,让天地动容。 The myriad things, are heaven and earth, invisible does not have, can cut in the summit of all Heavens. 万物之相,便是天地之相,无形无相,才能够斩在诸天之巅。 Executes the day, extinguishes ten thousand, even if the indestructible defense, in this moment, becomes as thin as a cicada's wing. 诛天,灭万相,哪怕是坚不可摧的防御,也在这一刻,变得薄如蝉翼 Long Shisan at this moment, no longer has been past Spirit Bright Stone Monkey, was aloof the all Heavens myriad things, executes a day of law, jumps out of broader heaven and earth, puts to death heaven and earth, ten thousand grinds. 此时此刻的龙十三,早就已经不再是昔日的灵明石猴,超脱了诸天万物,诛天法相,跳出更广阔的天地,将天地诛杀,将万相碾碎。 Extinguishes to me!” “给我灭!” Long Shisan sound tearing, rushes to the summit of myriad things, will work as the ice extremely, glance numerous mountain little. 龙十三声音撕裂,冲上万物之巅,会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。 At that moment, the counter dragon stick flies from the day, passed through the heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape body, entire heaven and earth, became silent. 那一刻,逆龙棍从天外飞来,穿过了天地暴猿的身体,整个天地,都变得寂静下来了。
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