DMWG :: Volume #54

#5243: The overlords are colored

This way, we must play.” “再这样下去,咱们都得玩完。” Chen Dwelling place of the immortals deeply inspires, in the hand divine weapon has presented several openings, the body was also vibrating at this time unceasingly, was driven back by sharp claws times of overlord salamander, such expert, they are also first meeting. 辰玉楼深吸了一口气,手中神兵已经出现了好几处的豁口,身体也在这个时候不断震动着,被霸王蝾螈的利爪一次次逼退,这样的强者,他们也是第一次遇到。 Chen family/home expert method completely leaves, but the overlord salamanders really go all out with you. 辰家高手手段尽出,可是人家霸王蝾螈是真的跟你拼命呀。 At this time a head Gucci beast, the radical eruption, opened the demise pattern of Chen family/home finally. 这时候一头上古奇兽,彻底爆发,终于开启了辰家的灭亡模式。 The tour of nine profound mausoleum chamber, everyone does not dare to treat it lightly, at this moment, they also saw this life and death war finally, has difficultly how. 九玄地宫之行,每个人都是不敢掉以轻心,此时此刻,他们也终于看到了这场生死大战,到底有多么的艰难。 „...... Do we really want dead here? I am unwilling, I am unwilling!” “难道……我们真的要死在这里了吗?我不甘心,我不甘心呀!” Chen red-sensitive corner of the mouth gloomy and cold, a fist pounds, but was actually flown to go by the overlord salamander direct top, entire arm, thorough comminuted fracture. 辰红敏嘴角阴冷,一拳砸去,但是却被霸王蝾螈直接顶飞而去,整条手臂,已经彻底的粉碎性骨折了。 The person of presence, the expression on face also even more bitter and astringent. 在场之人,脸上的表情也是越发的苦涩。 Roar roar!” “吼吼!” The angry roaring sound of overlord salamander, resounds through the surroundings, the sound of fulmination, lingering on faintly, flies high to fishtail, pulls out directly falls, Chen rain holds the sword beautifully, cuts to the opposite party, but the strength of overlord salamander was too big, her both arms were shaken directly numbly, raises flies to go. 霸王蝾螈的怒吼声,响彻周围,爆鸣之声,不绝于耳,凌空摆尾,直接抽落而下,辰雨嫣执剑而起,砍向对方,但是霸王蝾螈的力量太大了,她的双臂直接被震得麻木起来,掀飞而去。 In an instant, an overlord salamander claw meets the approaching enemy again, direct alignment the Chen rain beautiful head, stepped on ruthlessly. 霎那之间,霸王蝾螈再度一爪迎击,直接对准了辰雨嫣的头颅,狠狠的踩了下去。 At this moment, all Chen family members become anxious incomparable, the whole body shakes greatly. 这一刻,所有辰家人都变得紧张无比,浑身巨震。 Clang-- “铿—— However, in this is at a crucial moment, the great sword cuts together across the sky, shoulders this claw directly, the Chen rain beautiful pupil reduced, is staring at present this familiar and great form, his under foot, deeply has inserted the ground, but filled as before insisted that terrifying sharp claws in this way, were caught by the heavy sword stubbornly, is unable again the little advance slightest. 然而,就在这千钧一发之时,一道巨剑横空而斩,直接扛下了这一爪,辰雨嫣瞳孔紧缩,凝视着眼前这个熟悉又伟岸的身影,他的脚下,已经深深嵌入地面,但是依旧充满了坚持,那恐怖如斯的利爪,被重剑死死卡住,再也无法寸进分毫。 Is he......” “是他……” Chen Ji look one bright, corner of the mouth brought back slightly wiped the curve. 辰姬眼神一亮,嘴角微微勾起了一抹弧度。 At that moment, the Jiang Chen's form, hit cardiotonic for everyone. 那一刻,江尘的身影,为所有人打了一剂强心剂。 In the Chen rain beautiful look is incomparable complex, this by Jiang Chen that their Chen family members do not favor, appeared unexpectedly again, saved itself. 辰雨嫣眼神之中更是无比的复杂,这个被他们辰家人丝毫不看好的江尘,竟然再一次出现,救了自己。 Everyone is staring at Jiang Chen, this sword, was too strong, they no one can affirm, met below overlord salamander claw strikes, once is defeated, possibly can first dying. 所有人都是凝视着江尘,这一剑,太强了,他们没有任何人能够肯定,接的下霸王蝾螈这一爪击,一旦失败,可能就会第一个死去。 This courage and courage and wisdom, letting the person have to admire, Chen family/home expert, candidly admits defeat. 这份勇气与胆识,让人不得不佩服,辰家高手,都是甘拜下风。 very powerful!” 好强!” Perhaps this sword, we no one can block, is this then Jiang Chen?” “这一剑,恐怕我们没有人挡得住,这便是江尘吗?” Yeah, the situation is worse than the person, we indeed are not his opponent, this fellow can the trust of Great Elder, does not depend on the swindling and abducting to achieve absolutely.” “哎,形势比人差,我们的确不是他的对手,这个家伙能够得到大长老的信任,也绝对不是靠着坑蒙拐骗能做到的。” Chen family/home, owing him are many.” “辰家,欠他不少。” Chen family/home expert in this moment, felt ashamed and anxious, the Jiang Chen's strength makes them change countenance, the Jiang Chen's boldness makes them be able not hold a candle, the Jiang Chen's mind/bosom, is to make them not know how should face. 辰家高手都在这一刻,感觉到了一丝羞愧与不安,江尘的实力让他们动容,江尘的魄力让他们望尘莫及,江尘的胸怀,更是令他们不知道该如何面对。 In this life and death is difficult to predict under the aspect, Chen family member not take action, but Jiang Chen actually achieved, he is a bystander, even is the person who makes them sexually harass mystifyingly, is the critical moment, Jiang Chen this type takes the larger situation into account the heart, is they cannot. 在这种生死难料的局面之下,辰家人没有一个出手,但是江尘却做到了,他可是一个外人,甚至是一个让他们阴阳怪气调戏的人,可是关键时刻,江尘这种以大局为重的心胸,是他们所不能及的。 expert of Chen family member, has keen eyesight in withstand/top one by one, moreover they were suppressed by a bystander, unavoidably is not at heart balanced, until this moment, their hearts finds truly, the expert dignity and strength, are no one can easily provoke. 辰家人的高手,各个眼高于顶,而且他们被一个外人所压制,心里难免不平衡,直到这一刻,他们的心才真正了解到,强者的尊严与力量,不是谁都能够轻易挑衅的。 Rolls to me!” “给我滚!” Angrily roars, the acoustic shock vault of heaven, everyone deeply frowned, the breath stagnates. 一声怒吼,声震天穹,所有人都是眉头紧锁,呼吸一滞。 Long Shisan grasps counter dragon Gun, sweeps away the horizon, that terrifying constriction, even overlord salamander, has to welcome it directly, the whole body shakes, roars lowly, withdrew rapidly, avoids this struck, this stick pounded down, almost pounded on the heart of Chen family member, they have not thought, progress actually such rapidness of Long Shisan, Chen family member has nothing to say in reply now, was inferior Jiang Chen also even, before this soon , is the nebula level 3-layer day fellow, the nebula level five heavy days now unexpectedly? This was also too abnormal. 龙十三手握逆龙棍,横扫天际,那种恐怖的压迫感,连霸王蝾螈,也不得不正面迎之,浑身一震,低吼一声,迅速后撤,躲开了这一击,这一棍砸下,也是几乎砸在了辰家人的心上,他们万万没有想到,龙十三的进步竟然会如此之快,现在辰家人更是无言以对,不如江尘也就算了,这个不久之前还是星云级三重天的家伙,现在竟然达到了星云级五重天?这也太变态了。 A Long Shisan stick pounds, showed own momentum thoroughly, Chen family member held in high esteem completely, the one side overlord salamander also can only retreat, otherwise that struck a moment ago, he really following, does not know that what result can be. 龙十三一棍砸出,彻底打出了自己的气势,辰家人全部是为之刮目相看,一旁霸王蝾螈也只能退却,否则的话刚才那一击,他真的接下来,不知道会是什么样的结局。 „!!” “嗷!嗷嗷!” Calling out of overlord salamander, is making clear to own strength and position, looks disdainfully indifferently, looks at Jiang Chen and Long Shisan, these two fellows, are not simple, therefore he rather show the enemy a moment ago to weakly, retreat comes back, without dies to knock with Long Shisan, this nebula level five heavy day of monkeys, the strength almost can be a worthy opponent with, he is nebula level five heavy peak, but Long Shisan was just breakthrough, has a big disparity, is fighting method extremely terrifying of this dead monkey, is willing to hack to dare to topple the emperor, this is the Long Shisan overbearing place. 霸王蝾螈的嚎叫,昭示着自己的实力与地位,冷眼睥睨,看着江尘龙十三,这两个家伙,都不简单,所以刚才他宁可示敌以弱,后退回来,也没有与龙十三死磕到底,这个星云级五重天的猴子,实力几乎可以与自己匹敌,他是星云级五重巅峰,而龙十三则是刚刚突破,其中还是有着不小的差距,可是这死猴子的打法极为恐怖,舍得一身剐敢把皇帝拉下马,这就是龙十三的霸道之处。 Many thanks.” “多谢了。” Chen rain looks beautifully to Jiang Chen, nods slightly, in the heart has mixed emotions, they abandoned Jiang Chen before, is in the end, actually also wants others to rescue, being true is feels in the surface not to have the light, particularly this is domain of their Chen family/home, at this moment, on the face of everyone, had the colors of little blushing with shame, after all the can be victorious overlord salamander, is the indisputable fact. 辰雨嫣看向江尘,微微颔首,心中百感交集,他们之前抛弃了江尘,可是到头来,却是还要人家来救,属实是感觉到面上无光,尤其是这还是他们辰家的地盘儿,此时此刻,每个人的脸上,都有了几许汗颜之色,毕竟打不过霸王蝾螈,是不争的事实。 It seems like, this Monster Beast made you have many pain.” “看来,这妖兽让你们吃了不少的苦呀。” Long Shisan shows a faint smile, gently is brandishing counter dragon Gun in hand, proud, but cold severe, the person of presence, he is fearless. 龙十三微微一笑,轻轻的挥舞着手中的逆龙棍,骄傲而冷厉,在场之人,他已经无所畏惧。 if Gods block, kill the Gods, Buddha keeps off to kill Buddha! 神挡杀神,佛挡杀佛! This Monster Beast, he also wins. 妖兽,他也是志在必得。 Chen family member immediately is at a loss for words, matter of life and death, Long Shisan said that they do not dare to refute. 辰家人顿时语塞,生死攸关,龙十三所言,他们根本不敢反驳。 This Monster Beast, is not it seems like simple.” “这妖兽,看来也不简单呀。” Jiang Chen gaze one cold, confronts together with this overlord salamander, the surrounding magma, the temperature rises sharply, compared with before, wanted terrifying several times to continue. 江尘目光一寒,与这霸王蝾螈对峙在一起,周围的岩浆,温度急剧上升,比起之前,更要恐怖数倍不止。 Is the overlord salamander, has not thought that this fellow will appear unexpectedly here.” “是霸王蝾螈,没想到这家伙竟然会出现在这里。” Chen green beautiful pupil glittering, regarding this overlord salamander, is the extreme shock, she has also seen above ancient book, looks at its shape, is almost completely with exactly the same that oneself imagine. 辰青青美眸闪烁,对于这霸王蝾螈,也是极为的震惊,她也是在古籍之上看到过,看其形态,几乎是完全跟自己想象的一模一样。 Overlord salamander......” “霸王蝾螈……” Chen fine jade is also the whole face shock, unbelievable looks at this Monster Beast, indeed is one man guards the pass ten thousand men opens, looks at Chen family member each hit whole face is pale, injury Yan Jun (severe), this life and death goes on an expedition, had arrived at the final moment. 辰璐也是满脸震惊,难以置信的看着妖兽,的确是一夫当关万夫莫开,看着辰家人各个都是被打的满脸铁青,伤势严峻,这场生死征战,已经到了最后关头。 Overlord salamander is ancient era Monster Beast, initially once ruled the long night star 100,000 remaining years of life, this fellow whereabouts, will have the overlord to be colored surely.” “霸王蝾螈是上古时期妖兽,当初曾经统治了永夜星十万余年,这家伙所在之处,必定会有霸王花的。” Yuan Lingshen inspires, saying of incomparable Yan Jun (severe). 袁玲深吸了一口气,无比严峻的说道。 It seems like, were you also colored for the overlord, enraged this overlord salamander?” “看来,你们也是为了霸王花,触怒了这霸王蝾螈吧?” Jiang Chen looks to Chen rain beautiful and the others, the latter is hesitating nod, wants to hide the truth from Jiang Chen, is not possible. 江尘看向辰雨嫣等人,后者迟疑着点点头,想要瞒过江尘,也是不可能的。
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