DMWG :: Volume #54

#5242: Overlord salamander

I have said early, making you do not act rashly, you do not listen.” “我早说过,让你们不要轻举妄动,你们就是不听。” Chen rain beautiful indifferently said, in the beautiful pupil, flashes through the ice-cold color that wipes, the surrounding air, as if becomes solidifies. 辰雨嫣淡淡说道,美眸之中,闪过一抹的冰冷之色,周围的空气,似乎都变得凝固起来。 The flame surges, the large flame flutters, the magma flows, in the heart of everyone, is the incomparable shock. 火焰涌动,火舌翻飞,岩浆流淌而过,每个人的心中,都是无比的震惊。 Chen Ye child severe wound is critically-ill, the arm was torn up half, several other people, is looks to be panic-stricken and excited, their strengths in the nebula level 3-layer day with four heavy days about, but this time confronts, actually falls in leeward completely. 辰烨子重伤垂危,胳膊被撕掉了一半,其余几人,也都是面露惊恐与激动,他们的实力都是在星云级三重天与四重天左右,但是此番对峙,却是完全落于下风之中。 Now said that these are useful, here source air/Qi is purest, moreover can achieve the most perfect balance point, although is rich, will not make our bodies be supported to explode.” “现在说这些还有什么用,这里的源气最为精纯,而且能够达到最完美的平衡点,虽浓郁,却不会让我们的身体被撑爆。” Does not know that can also insist, wanted to cultivate safely here, must blow away this fellow.” “只是不知道还能坚持到什么时候了,想要安心在这里修炼,恐怕就必须要干掉这家伙了。” In the final analysis, has not been blinded by greed, some people settled on the treasure.” “说到底,还不是利欲熏心,有人看中了宝贝而已。” Chen family member coldly said, everyone is the thoughts paradox, no one is willing to fall the person, therefore at this time, they will become will so shock, was hard to start. 辰家人冷冷的说道,每个人都是心思诡辩,谁都不肯落人于后,所以这个时候,他们才会变得如此震撼,举步维艰。 Some person of mystifying, some people everywhere Yan Jun (severe), because before them, presented very vicious Monster Beast, although only then one zhang (3.33 m), but its ominous light is actually quite overbearing, coldly looks at everyone on the scene, the mouth also brings to wipe blood saliva, that is came from the blood of Chen Ye child. 有人阴阳怪气,有人满目严峻,因为在他们面前,出现了一头非常凶狠的妖兽,虽然只有一丈有余,但是其凶光却是相当霸道,冷视着在场的所有人,嘴里还带着一抹血津,那是来自于辰烨子的鲜血。 This thing will appear unexpectedly here, I heard for the first time.” “这东西竟然会出现在这里,我还是第一次听说。” Saying of Chen free of evil intention gloomy and cold. 辰无邪阴冷的说道。 Overlord salamander, is not simple, it seems like it was we invaded others domain.” “霸王蝾螈,不简单呀,看来是我们侵占了人家的地盘儿。” Chen Ji is sneering, everyone prepared life and death war, the strength of this overlord salamander, has the nebula level five heavy days, but its battle efficiency, is actually exceptionally terrifying, endures compared with six heavy day of expert, in addition is the home game battles, has completely the advantage, even genius of extremely these Chen families/home, still very discrete, horrible to look, Chen Ye child is the best proof, nebula level 3-layer peak genius, now is distressed is ordinary like stray dog. 辰姬冷笑着,所有人都是做好了生死大战的准备,这霸王蝾螈的实力,已经有着星云级五重天,但是其战斗力,却是异常恐怖,堪比六重天的强者,再加上是主场作战,占尽优势,即便是这些辰家的绝顶天才,也是非常的谨慎,惨不忍睹,辰烨子就是最好的证明,星云级三重巅峰天才,如今已经是狼狈的如同丧家之犬一般。 Now only then shares a common hatred, met the enemy together, does not blow away this fellow, we must unable to eat to capture.” “现在只有同仇敌忾,共同迎敌了,不干掉这家伙,咱们都得吃不了兜着走。” Chen stone Lei grips tightly the sharp blade in hand, gaze is staring at the overlord salamander that is also eying covetously at present, the opposite party waits for the opportunity to act, is waiting for their attack? The overlord salamander is also highly regarded, Chen Ye child suffocates, was knocked by it directly, like this aggressive, is Chen family member most dreads. 辰石磊紧握着手中的利刃,目光凝视着眼前同样虎视眈眈的霸王蝾螈,对方又何尝不是伺机而动,在等待着他们的出击呢?霸王蝾螈也同样不可小觑,辰烨子奄奄一息,被它直接撞翻,这样的凶悍,才是辰家人最为忌惮的。 Overlord salamander is not easy to cope, I thought that we walk, otherwise, in the event of any issue, no one can assure everyone's safety.” “霸王蝾螈可不是那么容易对付的,我看咱们还是走吧,否则的话,一旦出现任何问题,谁都不能保证大家的安全。” Chen unyielding will somewhat is surprised uncertain, the look is blazing, dignified extremely, he with Chen Ye child is a good friend, fully realizes the strength how much of Chen Ye child, under such situation, if attacks rashly, they might be defeated by the overlord salamander one by one, although these person of strengths are good, but who is self-designated Bufan (extraordinary) of face, if really to crucial moment, who dares the horizontal blade immediately? 志强有些惊疑不定,眼神炽热,凝重万分,他跟辰烨子是好朋友,深知辰烨子的实力几何,这样的情况之下,如果贸然出击,他们很可能会被霸王蝾螈逐个击破的,这些人实力虽然不俗,可是谁都是一脸的自命不凡,真若是到了生死关头,谁又敢横刀立马呢? The prestige of overlord salamander, that resounds through the long night star, many people think that the overlord salamander had exterminated, even recent long night star annals record, ten thousand years ago, this prehistoric giant beast, was not general Monster Beast can compare absolutely. 霸王蝾螈的威名,那可是响彻永夜星的,很多人都以为霸王蝾螈早就已经灭绝了,甚至最近一次的永夜星史册记载,也是在万年之前的,这种史前巨兽,绝对不是一般妖兽能够比拟的。 Moreover, trillion years of this overlord salamander under place bottom, but can also have such domineering side, Monster Beast of nebula level, no longer has been pū tōng Monster Beast, no matter spiritual wisdom its strength, it is estimated that is ultra human of the same class. 而且,这霸王蝾螈在地底之下亿万岁月,还能够有如此霸气的一面,星云级的妖兽,早就不再是噗通妖兽了,不管是灵智还是其实力,估计都是远超同级别的人类 You , if afraid, may depart greatly, here are many your is not many, is short of your many. My Chen family member, does not have the coward.” “你若是害怕,大可离去,这里多你一个不多,少你一个不少。我辰家人,是没有孬种的。” Chen Dwelling place of the immortals looks disdainfully indifferently, looks to Chen unyielding will, in the look is completely the contemptuous, present situation, if Chen unyielding will takes the lead to retreat, without doubt will become the laughingstocks in all person eyes. 辰玉楼冷眼睥睨,看向辰志强,眼神之中尽是轻蔑,现在的局势,如果辰志强率先退去,无疑就会成为所有人眼中的笑柄。 Fears a ball! Even if the father dies, should still die behind you. Humph! “怕个球!老子就算是死,也会死在你后面的。哼! Saying that Chen unyielding will refuses to admit being inferior. 志强不甘示弱的说道。 enough, now not front relative time, only if some people can one's effort, get rid of this overlord salamander, otherwise, stops to me.” 够了,现在可不是正锋相对的时候,除非有人能够一己之力,干掉这霸王蝾螈,否则的话,都给我消停一点吧。” Chen Dwelling place of the immortals saying silently, the entire magma region, is braves the billowing thick fog, the source air/Qi to ascend. 辰玉楼默默的说道,整个岩浆区域,都是冒着滚滚的浓雾,源气升腾。 One crowd of reckless human, you must die! Roar-- “一群不知死活的人类,你们都得死!吼—— Under a low roar, the overlord salamander is common like a lightning, charged into Chen stone Lei directly, the war was about to begin, everyone breathed stagnates, started the true life and death war. 一声低吼之下,霸王蝾螈如同一道闪电一般,直接冲向了辰石磊,大战在即,所有人呼吸一滞,开始了真正的生死大战。 As going into hiding for ten thousand years has overlord salamanders, take action is with irresistible force, the sharp claws endure compared with Divine Weapon, the weapon in Chen stone Lei hand, breaks off directly, a claw lays out, Thunderclap is extremely heavy. 身为销声匿迹万年有余的霸王蝾螈,一出手便是势如破竹,利爪堪比神兵利器,将辰石磊手中的兵器,直接折断,一爪拍出,雷霆万钧。 -- “噗—— Chen stone rock pile retreat, a counter blood blowout, the whole face is continuously serious, has to dread. 辰石磊连续后退,一口逆血喷出,满脸严肃,心生忌惮。 At this moment, the sword sounds together, cuts to fall, but the body of overlord salamander, like gold/metal strongly general, can only stay behind squanders, four people collaborate, cannot break open the defense of overlord salamander. 这一刻,刀剑齐鸣,斩落而下,不过霸王蝾螈的身体,更是有如金铁铸就一般,只能留下一些花光而已,四人联手,都是没能破开霸王蝾螈的防御。 The overlord salamander low roar is intermittent, just like thunderous, the tail sweeps away, drives back four people directly, staggers to fall to the ground, very distressed. 霸王蝾螈低吼阵阵,宛如雷鸣,尾巴横扫而过,直接将四人逼退,踉跄落地,十分的狼狈。 Chen family/home eight big expert, besides Chen Ye child, the surplus seven people, attack hand in hand, since the atmosphere has contrasted here, definitely no one meets choice to retreat. 辰家八大高手,除了辰烨子之外,剩余七人,联袂出击,既然气氛已经烘托到这儿了,肯定没有人会选择退却的。 However, under seven big expert act full power, being hard makes the overlord salamander stop as before, by an enemy seven, the overlord salamander bravely is still irreversible, four claws flutter, divine might is unparalleled, a claw lays out, then just like withstanding great pressure on be the same, Chen unyielding will held breath a cold air/Qi, but does not have to draw back, was broken to pieces the shoulder blade by the overlord salamander racket directly, the tragic cry, resounds through around the mausoleum chamber, no one did not hold breath a cold air/Qi, the eye reveal startled color. 但是,七大高手全力施为之下,却依旧难以让霸王蝾螈停下来,以一敌七,霸王蝾螈依旧勇不可挡,四爪翻飞,神威盖世,一爪拍出,便宛如泰山压顶一样,辰志强倒吸了一口冷气,不过却是却无可退,直接被霸王蝾螈拍碎了肩胛骨,惨烈的叫声,响彻地宫周围,无人不是倒吸了一口冷气,眼露惊慌之色。 Although Chen family/home expert is the method completely leaves, is compared with the nebula level five heavy day of prestige of overlord salamander, is second to none, the people can only be tired out from the press, retreat fighting, pursues seven to hit, this is true overbearing. 虽然辰家高手都是手段尽出,可是比起霸王蝾螈的星云级五重天之威,根本无出其右,众人只能疲于奔命,且战且退,一个追着七个打,这才是真正的霸道。 The language of overlord, is worthy of the reputation! 霸王之语,名副其实! Mother, was this fellow too also abnormal? The vigor that father nurses caused.” “妈的,这家伙也太变态了吧?老子吃奶的劲儿都使出来了。” Saying that Chen Dwelling place of the immortals was foul-mouthed, in the look of people, the shock, this fellow has hidden all under the place bottom of Chen family/home, absolutely was not unimaginable powerful exist(ence), now condensed so many Chen family/home expert, is unable its suppression. 辰玉楼骂骂咧咧的说道,众人的眼神之中,无不震惊,这家伙一直潜藏在辰家的地底之下,绝对是一个无法想像的强大存在,如今凝聚了这么多的辰家高手,都无法将其镇压。 This fellow is really same like the overlord, I was also about unable to endure, its defensive power too terrifying.” “这家伙真就如同霸王一样,我也快挺不住了,它的防御力恐怖了。” Chen shouted free of evil intention lowly, went on an expedition unceasingly, the fighting spirit of overlord salamander, was unprecedented, was unapproachable. 辰无邪低喝道,不断征战,霸王蝾螈的斗志,更是一往无前,无可匹敌。 Your these ants, excel at breaking into my domain, only has dead end one!” “你们这些蝼蚁,擅闯我的领域,只有死路一条!” The overlord salamander flutters again, one zhang (3.33 m) bodies, hit to fly directly Chen stone Lei, collapse that his chest hit, covered with blood, lost the battle efficiency, a narrow escape. 霸王蝾螈再度翻飞,一丈有余的身躯,直接撞飞了辰石磊,将他的胸膛撞的塌陷了下去,血肉模糊,也是失去了战斗力,九死一生。 The audience everyone, are afraid. 全场所有人,都是不寒而栗。
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