DMWG :: Volume #50

#4883: The ancestors led a cheer

This way isn't the means? Big brother Jiang Chen, do we want take action?” “这样下去不是办法?江尘大哥,我们要出手嘛?” Chen fine jade looked that asked to Jiang Chen, fierce combat of both sides, has not died continuous, was consuming battle strength of opposite party at this time unceasingly, no one can guarantee that certainly can suppress the opposite party. 辰璐看向江尘问道,双方的激战,已经是不死不休,这个时候都在不断消耗着对方的战力,谁都不能够保证一定能将对方打压下去。 Watches changes quietly, perhaps some people, could not have repressed.” “静观其变吧,有些人,恐怕已经按耐不住了。” Jiang Chen said with a smile. 江尘笑道。 Just like them, a person did not have take action, that was Qin pond. 与他们一样,还有一个人一直都没有出手,那就是秦池。 Qin pond should also to worry compared with them, because he wanted to find the beacon urgently ancient, therefore he cannot wait again. 秦池应该比他们还要着急,因为他迫切的想要找到烽烟古地,所以他不能再等了。 Leaf Patriarch, evidently your strength, real worrying, I help your helping hand.” “叶族长,看样子你的实力,真实让人堪忧啊,我来助你一臂之力吧。” Qin Chidi drank one, at this moment, he entered the war finally. 秦池低喝一声,这一刻,他终于是参战了。 Qin pond only wants to expel here a person of Earth Dragon clan now, wanted to exterminate the clan, gets rid of them, difficult such as to ascend to heaven, even if really massacred them, was still the wound enemy 1000 damages 800, but at that time, a person of azure glow clan was about dead, but can also to oneself confident? 秦池现在只想把地龙一族的人赶出这里,想要灭族,干掉他们,难如登天,就算是真的杀掉他们,也是伤敌一千自损八百,但是那个时候,青芒一族的人都快死光了,还能够对自己充满信心嘛? An ancestor as azure glow clan, his time take action, is happen to equivalent, when a azure glow clan in abyss of suffering, oneself are the true Savior is common. 身为青芒一族的先祖,他这个时候出手,也是正好相当,当青芒一族处于水深火热之中的时候,自己才是真正的救世主一般。 Qin Chizhua just right, at this time, they needed a heroic fearless Savior, but Qin pond exactly. 秦池抓的恰到好处,这个时候,他们需要一个英勇无畏的救世主,而秦池恰好就在。 After Qin pond said that was joins during the fight, a long spear finger/refers, directly aimed at Pan Rulong (like a dragon). 秦池说完之后,便是投身到了战斗之中,长枪一指,直接指向了潘如龙 Hits the man, captures the ringleader first! 射人先射马,擒贼先擒王! So long as he collaborates with Rodey, captured Pan Rulong (like a dragon), then the successful balance will turn toward their side to incline. 只要他跟叶罗迪联手,擒拿了潘如龙,那么胜利的天平就会向着他们这一边倾斜而来。 Pan Rulong (like a dragon) is also the heart sinks, is critical situation, expert of this Half Step nebula level joins, will create the enormous oppression to them. 如龙也是心头一沉,如临大敌,这个半步星云级的高手一加入进来,将会对他们造成极大的压迫。 Collaboration of Rodey and Qin pond, is completely irresistible, Pan Rulong (like a dragon) initial strolling, becomes more and more passive, is equivalent to two Half Step nebula level expert, confronts his one, this powerful oppression, is the core of Pan Rulong (like a dragon) rout is. 叶罗迪与秦池的联手,完全是势不可挡,潘如龙最初的闲庭信步,也变得越来越被动,相当于两个半步星云级强者,对阵他一个,这种强有力的压迫,是潘如龙溃败的核心所在。 The long time cannot capture to fall into struggles hard, battle strength of both sides, has become more and more difficult, even had also presented some casualties, they fighting intent of innermost feelings, rushed to the apex, even if some people get down unceasingly but actually, they are also fearless. 久攻不下陷入苦战,双方的战力,都已经变得越来越难,甚至也已经出现了一些伤亡,他们都是将内心的战意,冲到了顶点,哪怕有人不断倒下去,他们也都无所畏惧。 However Pan Rulong (like a dragon) is Patriarch, he not possible looks at everyone helplessly sacrificed, as being the acknowledged leader of Earth Dragon clan, he must be responsible for a person of each Earth Dragon clan. 但是潘如龙族长,他不可能眼睁睁的看着所有人牺牲,身为地龙一族的执牛耳者,他要对每一个地龙一族的人负责。 The most important thing is, he has revealed exhaustedly condition, moreover completely loses the situation, becomes very passive, by an enemy two, the body has presented within the weak, short time has also been able to deal with, but is also tired out from the press, if fights for a long time, his rout, has been doomed. 最重要的是,他已经露出了疲惫之态,而且完全失去先机,变得非常被动,以一敌二,身体已经出现了不支,短时间之内还能应付,但也是疲于奔命,但是一旦长时间交手,他的溃败,已经是注定了。 Is this person, actually who? Strength of Half Step nebula level, being sure of success, is not timid, making Rodey probably be blessed by God general, therefore oneself will fall into the deep despair. 这个人,究竟是谁?半步星云级的实力,稳操胜券,毫不怯懦,让叶罗迪如有神助一般,所以自己才会陷入深深的绝望之中。 The time is longer, their person casualties are more, their situations even more are also difficult. 时间越长,他们的人死伤越多,他们的处境也就越发艰难。 A person of it seems like that this azure glow clan has prepared complete, otherwise how possibly so calm? 看来这一次青芒一族的人早就已经做好了完全准备,否则的话怎么可能会如此的镇定呢? Especially side Rodey the person, one's effort, ensures the victory, making them have no place to go. 尤其是叶罗迪身边的这个人,一己之力,奠定胜局,让他们无处可逃。 Is putting together injury, although can also cause heavy losses to a azure glow clan, but this is unworthy, moreover they might be annihilated very much. 拼着受伤,虽然也能够重创青芒一族,但是这根本不值得,而且他们很有可能会全军覆没的。 Pan Rulong (like a dragon) hesitated, hesitated, he knows that now was the time retreated, cannot continue to fight absolutely. 如龙迟疑了,犹豫了,他知道现在是时候撤退了,绝对不能够继续战斗下去了。 Fights again, can only ask for trouble, moreover is unable to defeat a azure glow clan. 再战下去,只会是自讨苦吃,而且根本无法战胜青芒一族。 This azure glow clan comes prepared obviously, moreover there is such a strong helper, can therefore emerge, making them fall into enormous passive, does not have to hide. 这一次青芒一族显然是有备而来,而且还有这么强劲的帮手,所以才能够脱颖而出,让他们陷入极大的被动之中,根本无所遁形。 From the beginning Pan Rulong (like a dragon) does not want to fight with a azure glow clan, but did to the opposite party is really hateful, therefore he braced oneself with a it war. 从一开始潘如龙就不想与青芒一族交手,但是奈何对方实在是太可恶了,所以他才硬着头皮与之一战。 Now, battle strength of azure glow clan cannot be underestimated as before, but they actually accept a challenge hurriedly, are in inverse proportion, in addition the opposite party has the helper next to last act of Half Step nebula level to lead a cheer, Pan Rulong (like a dragon) has fallen into under the tremendous pressure. 现在为止,青芒一族的战力依旧不容小觑,而他们却是匆忙应战,此消彼长,再加上对方有半步星云级的帮手压轴助阵,潘如龙已经陷入到了巨大的压力之下。 One who knows the times great, if retreats now, he can also maintain the strength, but if acts willfully, dies to knock with them, may be a narrow escape, expert of so many Earth Dragon clans with genius, will perish in this. 识时务者为俊杰,如果现在退去的话,他还能够保存实力,但是如果一意孤行,跟他们死磕到底,就有可能是九死一生,这么多地龙一族的高手天才,都将会殒命于此。 This makes Pan Rulong (like a dragon) very depressed, they were hit no time to deal with it, could not complain about anybody, can only say that they were not careful, was mistaken that a azure glow clan has observed among them gentlemen's agreement, but a azure glow clan unilateral tearing up agreement, has no significance now. 这让潘如龙非常的郁闷,他们被打了一个措手不及,怨不得任何人,只能说他们太不小心了,误以为青芒一族会一直遵守他们之间的君子协定,但是青芒一族单方面的撕毁约定,现在已经没有任何的意义可言了。 Evades its point, keeps green mountain not to fear that does not have the firewood fever. 避其锋芒,留得青山在不怕没柴烧。 Pan Rulong (like a dragon) retreats in defeat again and again, he has sprouted has drawn back intent, dies to knock, to their advantage does not have, to tidy up old Shanhe (mountains and rivers), attempts the next step decision again, is his Patriarch should do. 如龙节节败退,他已经萌生了退意,死磕下去,对他们一点好处也没有,收拾旧山河,再图下一步的决策,才是他这个族长应该做的。 Everyone withdraws! Retreats!” “所有人退后!撤退!” Pan Rulong (like a dragon) sonic boom drinks, ear-splitting, although at this time also had a person of Earth Dragon clan to be unwilling, wanted to continue to fight, friend family member who the looks at side poured, in their hearts incomparable pain, but Pan Rulong (like a dragon) dignity was very high, he ordered, no one dares to violate. 如龙一声爆喝,震耳欲聋,这个时候虽然也有地龙一族的人心有不甘,想要继续战斗下去,看着身边倒下去的朋友亲人,他们心中无比的痛苦,但是潘如龙的威严还是非常高的,他一声令下,没有人敢违背。 Moreover they are not silly, since at this time Patriarch had such order, explained that they had lost the situation completely, continued to struggle, can only bring contempt upon oneself. 而且他们也不傻,这个时候族长既然有这样的命令,就说明他们已经完全失了先机,继续斗争下去,只能是自取其辱。 Everyone is following Pan Rulong (like a dragon) footsteps, withdraws rapidly, a person of azure glow clan, cheers. 所有人跟随着潘如龙的脚步,迅速后撤,青芒一族的人,都是欢呼雀跃。 Rodey, this calculates that I acknowledged that the punishment is deserved, but we wait and see, the shame of today, I sooner or later.” “叶罗迪,这一算我认栽了,不过咱们走着瞧,今日之耻辱,我迟早会还回来的。” Pan Rulong (like a dragon) is roaring, the innermost feelings filled being unwilling, however for the safety of all clansmen, can only retreat to go, give away the star mountain. 如龙怒吼着,内心充满了不甘,但是为了所有族人的安全,只能撤退而去,让出了点星山。 Invincible!” “无敌!” Invincible!” “无敌!” Invincible!” “无敌!” mountain cry out and sea howl, ear-splitting, Pan Rulong (like a dragon) person, like stray dog, rapid disappearance in star above the mountain. 一声声山呼海啸,震耳欲聋,潘如龙的人,如同丧家之犬,迅速的消失在了点星山之上。 A hard-pressed enemy should not be pursued too far, these people, are not worth braving death to prey, since they ran, that then goes to by him.” “穷寇莫追,这些人,不值得我们冒死搏杀,他们既然跑了,那便由他去吧。” Rodey said in a low voice, he knows, even if suppressed Pan Rulong (like a dragon) and the others, to wipe out them, is is completely not possible, after all among them the strength, differing are not many, if issued the dead order, he final result is also possibly inconceivable. 叶罗迪低声说道,他知道就算是镇压了潘如龙等人,要想将他们全歼,也是完全不可能的,毕竟他们之间的实力,相差并不多,如果下了死命令,他可能最后的结果也是难以想象的。 Many thanks the ancestor, has the ancestor to lend a hand fortunately, otherwise our simply is impossible so vividly then repels a person of Earth Dragon clan.” “多谢先祖,幸而有先祖帮衬,不然的话我们根本就不可能如此轻快的便是击退地龙一族的人。” Rodey bows slightly, the respect of whole face, Qin pond nodded the head slightly, in heart great happiness, since a Earth Dragon clan had run, then star above the mountain, will be their domains. 叶罗迪微微躬身,满脸的崇敬,秦池微微颔首,心中大喜,既然地龙一族已经跑了,那么点星山之上,将会是他们的地盘了。 Beacon ancient, surely in this! 烽烟古地,必定在此!
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