DMWG :: Volume #50

#4882: Persevering of dignity and faith

Some things, you do not understand, to us, this fights does not have any choice.” “有些事情,你根本不懂,对于我们来说,这一战没有任何的选择。” An indifference of Rodey face. 叶罗迪一脸的冷漠。 Our two clans for these years, is lives in peace with each other, Pan Rulong (like a dragon), I can you an opportunity, the exit point star mountain, I be able to treat as anything not to happen, our two clans can also live in peace with each other, but if you insist on staying here, we may want under the hand to see the true facts.” “我们两族这么多年来,也算是相安无事,潘如龙,我可以给你一个机会,退出点星山,我可以当做什么事情都没有发生,我们两族还能够相安无事,但是如果你执意留在这里的话,我们可能就要手底下见真章了。” To be honest, Pan Patriarch, I do not want to resort to arms with you, but this star Yamomato comes is our azure glow clan, I hope that you do not want unable to differentiate good from bad, we can also the peaceful coexistence. The exit point star mountain, all discussed well.” “说实话,潘族长,我也不想跟你兵戎相见,但是这点星山本来就是我们青芒一族的,我希望你不要不知好歹,我们还可以和平共处。退出点星山,一切都好商量。” Rodey's words, it may be said that show off, his original intention actually does not want to fight with a Earth Dragon clan, but these words in a expert eye of Earth Dragon clan, in the eye of Pan Rulong (like a dragon), are actually the naked provocation. 叶罗迪的话,可谓是出尽了风头,他的本意其实也是不想跟地龙一族交手,但是这番话在地龙一族的高手眼中,在潘如龙的眼中,却是赤裸裸的挑衅。 Are you what? 你算老几? You said that makes us tumble out the star mountain, can we tumble out the star mountain? 你说让我们滚出点星山,我们就得滚出点星山? Here once was your, but did not represent forever is your, moreover now he is our, was we use the war to win, you said that caught up with us to walk catches up with us to walk, we did not attach great importance to face-saving? 这里曾经是你们的,但是不代表永远都是你们的,而且现在他是我们的,是我们用战争赢来的,你说赶我们走就赶我们走,我们不要面子的嘛? In the final analysis, in the eye of Pan Rulong (like a dragon), Rodey is provoking, tumbled out the star mountain by own person, how can these words say? This compared with scolded him directly uncomfortably, my Earth Dragon clan good and evil also with exist(ence) that your azure glow clan met as an equal, you were so persistently unreasonable, moreover insisted on wanting the provoke war, this has carried initial gentlemen's agreement completely. 说到底,在潘如龙的眼中,叶罗迪就是在挑衅,让自己的人滚出点星山,这句话怎么说得出口?这比直接骂他都让人难受,我地龙一族好歹也是跟你青芒一族分庭抗礼的存在,你却如此蛮不讲理,而且执意要挑起战争,这已经完全背起了当初的君子协定。 Leaf Patriarch, your condition, is really makes one would not venture to give positive comments on, you really think that we do fear you? I did not think the provoke war, rivers of blood, died, can only be the innocent clansman, what a pity, you do not understand this truth, insists to fight with us, I can only accompany. Really thinks that a person of our Earth Dragon clan does fear you?” “叶族长,你的条件,实在是让人不敢恭维,你真以为我们怕你吗?我本不想挑起战争,血流成河,死去的,只会是无辜的族人,可惜,你根本不懂这个道理,硬要与我们一战,那我就只能奉陪到底了。真以为我们地龙一族的人怕你们嘛?” Pan Rulong (like a dragon) sound is faint, but actually very firm, unquestionable. 如龙声音淡漠,但是却十分的坚定,不容置疑。 The exit point star mountain, they may not have anything to lose, but here belongs to their domain, once withdrew from here, was equal to that lowered the head with a azure glow clan, this is absolutely impossible. 退出点星山,他们可能不会有什么损失,但是这里是属于他们地盘儿,一旦退出了这里,就等于跟青芒一族低头了,这绝无可能。 Lowers the head, means to admit defeat, means that must be pressed by them has not gasped for breath, when the time comes perhaps the opposite party will definitely not give up, this is just the appetizer, selects the war of star mountain, must argue strongly based on reason, only by doing so, they can stand firm, if withdraws, that result is they are hard to foresee absolutely, the wizard knows what in a bottle gourd of azure glow clan sells is what medicine. 低头,就意味着认输,就意味着要被他们压得喘不过气来,到时候恐怕对方也肯定不会善罢甘休的,这只不过是开胃菜而已,点星山之战,必须要据理力争,只有这样,他们才能够站稳脚跟,如果退后,那结局绝对是他们难以预见的,鬼才知道青芒一族的葫芦里卖的是什么药。 Although two clans these years live in peace with each other, but do not represent them to be able being together of friendship and peace, once who crosses thunder pond Half Step, then this war has carried through to the end. 两族虽然这些年来相安无事,但是并不代表他们就能够友好和平的相处,一旦谁越过雷池半步,那么这场战争就会一直进行到底。 Pan Rulong (like a dragon) can draw back, after withdrawing, will not have the disaster of bloody light, who can guarantee, they to not suppress oneself? 如龙可以退,退后之后,不会有血光之灾,可是谁能保证,他们不是为了打压自己呢? They think that oneself are good to bully, when the time comes attack again and again, then regarding their Earth Dragon clan absolutely is the deathblow, will make them feel that cannot raise the head in front of these azure monkeys, will make person morale of all Earth Dragon clans plummet. 他们以为自己是好欺负的,到时候就会一而再再而三的出击,那对于他们地龙一族绝对是致命的打击,而且会让他们觉得在这些天青猴面前抬不起头来,会让所有地龙一族的人士气大降。 „, You are so evidently impenetrably thickheaded, can only solve with the fist.” “看样子,你们如此冥顽不灵,只能用拳头来解决了。” Rodey shakes the head, as if very helpless, in fact, so, he himself also is very indeed clear, making a Earth Dragon clan leave the star mountain, this is not only a provocation, is to a shame of Earth Dragon clan, they are how regardless of not to agree. 叶罗迪摇了摇头,似乎十分的无奈,事实上,也的确如此,他自己也很清楚,让地龙一族离开点星山,这不仅仅是一场挑衅,更是对地龙一族的羞辱,他们是无论如何也不会同意的。 Qin Chilao god in standing there, expression was indifferent, fearless fearless, this war to him, immaterial, he must look, was only the beacon ancient, will die many people as for them, with oneself not a wee bit relations. 秦池老神在在的站在那里,神色冷漠,无惧无畏,这场战争对于他来说,无关紧要,他要找的,也只是烽烟古地而已,至于他们会死多少人,跟自己没有一丁点的关系。 Jiang Chen had expected, this war had started, does not have any room to manoeuvre, both sides are fighting intent are resounding, who is willing to withdraw? 江尘早就料到了,这场战争已经开始了,没有任何回旋的余地,双方都是战意高亢,谁又肯退后呢? Whoever is wrong to whom, has not needed to argue, the result is most important. 不论谁对谁错,都已经没有必要争论了,结局才是最重要的。 Said uselessly, take action, Rodey, making me have a look at you compared with three thousand years ago, some actually many progress.” “多说无益,出手吧,叶罗迪,让我看看你比起三千年前,究竟有多少长进。” Pan Rulong (like a dragon) dragon head sways, angrily roars, dragon roar is intermittent, presses up to Rodey. 如龙龙首摇晃,怒吼一声,龙吟阵阵,直逼叶罗迪。 Juniors of azure glow clan, along with me go to battle!” “青芒一族的子弟,随我出战!” Rodey sonic boom drinks, behind several hundred azure monkeys, is the roar is shocking, attacks rapidly, fight between both sides, begins instantaneously. 叶罗迪一声爆喝,身后数百的天青猴,也是吼声震天,迅速出击,双方之间的战斗,瞬间拉开序幕。 Pan Rulong (like a dragon) to fighting Rodey, fierce combat, tragic of ten points. 如龙对战叶罗迪,激战而起,十分的惨烈 Although Pan Rulong (like a dragon) is expert of Half Step nebula level, but Rodey's strength, several thousand years ago are star level peak, initially their two were almost the same, finally is depending upon the sneak attack, a Earth Dragon clan an azure monkey of azure glow clan, expelled here, will select the star mountain to divide into two, because of this, had two clans to meet as an equal, is majestically located the star mountain the picture. 虽然潘如龙半步星云级的高手,但是叶罗迪的实力,数千年前便是恒星级巅峰,当初他们两个就是相差无几,最后依靠着偷袭,地龙一族将青芒一族的天青猴,逐出了这里,将点星山一分为二,正因为如此,才有了两族分庭抗礼,雄踞点星山的画面。 It is not able the breakthrough nebula level, to be the curse of azure monkey, but does not represent their strength to be weak, just the opposite, in Pan Rulong (like a dragon) look, Rodey is not close to the Half Step nebula level, but is close to nebula level expert infinitely. 无法突破星云级,是天青猴的诅咒,但是不代表他们实力就非常弱,恰恰相反,在潘如龙的眼神,叶罗迪已经不是接近半步星云级,而是无限接近星云级强者 This being close, seems between both is only separation is ordinary. 这种接近,就好似两者之间只是一线之隔一般。 Rodey incarnation azure monkey, the hundred zhang (333 m) body, the arrogant Lishan summit, this is also they are called the reason of azure monkey, height hundred zhang (333 m), main body such as exceedingly high general, then calls it the azure monkey. 叶罗迪化身天青猴,百丈身躯,傲立山巅,这也是他们被称作天青猴的原因,身长百丈,本体如通天一般,遂称之为天青猴。 Pan Rulong (like a dragon) and Rodey's life and death war, aroused looking up to of countless person, no matter the azure monkey or a Earth Dragon clan, become hot blooded boiling, both sides fight, the intense, countless people wield extremely work hard on the blood, above the summit, spreads across, galloping expansive sky. 如龙与叶罗迪的生死大战,更是激起了无数人的仰望,不管是天青猴还是地龙一族,都变得热血沸腾,双方战斗,极为的激烈,无数人挥汗洒血,在山巅之上,纵横交错,驰骋长空。 In black clouds, the thunder and lightning surges, is frightened by the slightest sound, however above the summit of star mountain, a squally shower common fierce combat, mixed the hearts of countless person, two groups of battles, the bad people running wild, this fight, strikes root in the hearts of the people, but also carrying/sustaining the angers of two clans. 乌云之中,雷电涌动,风声鹤唳,但是在点星山的山顶之上,一场狂风骤雨一般的激战,还是搅动了无数人的心,两组交战,群魔乱舞,这场战斗,深入人心,但是也承载着两族的愤怒。 Everyone wants to be majestically located a side, suppresses the opposite party, because of this, who refuses to accept anyone, will therefore select the star mountain to become the high ground that their two clans will compete, will select star above the mountain, has the resources that will be at variance with often the place, above Kui Jupiter that the storm will run amuck, a valuable land with good feng shui, being doomed will be the object who two clans will compete, but will select the source air/Qi in star mountain, will be above the entire Kui Jupiter one of the richest places, here will become the strategic location, will have nothing to have doubts. 谁都想要雄踞一方,将对方打压下去,但是正因为如此,谁也不服谁,所以点星山才会成为他们两族争夺的高地,点星山之上,拥有着异于常地的资源,在风暴横行的奎木星之上,一块风水宝地,注定是两族争夺的对象,而点星山之中的源气,乃是整个奎木星之上最为浓郁的地方之一,这里成为兵家必争之地,也就没什么可疑惑的了。 Rodey form huge, blocking the sky, the method is exceedingly high, irresistible, a fist fist, pounding the treasure is void, making everyone be critical situation. 叶罗迪身影庞大,蔽日遮天,手段通天,势不可挡,一拳一拳,砸宝虚空,让每个人都是如临大敌。 Pan Rulong (like a dragon) is shouts unceasingly, both pester long time, was close, fierce combat of both sides was getting more and more intense at this time, had entered superheating. 如龙更是嘶吼不断,两者纠缠良久,难分胜负,这个时候双方的激战越来越强烈,已经进入了白热化的境地。 Has wanted me, goes back to cultivate again for 10,000 years, Hahaha.” “想要过我这一关,回去再修炼一万年吧,哈哈哈。” Pan Rulong (like a dragon) does not die continuous, does not flinch, gigantic dragon head, is spirited and vertical, the domineering side leaks, although Rodey is very strong, star level peak, is hard to break open the defense, both sides refuse to budge, the scene is difficulty, this way, can be the mutually wounded result inevitably. 如龙不死不休,毫不退缩,硕大的龙首,昂扬而立,霸气侧漏,叶罗迪虽然很强,恒星级巅峰,也难以破开防御,双方僵持不下,场面更是十分的困难,这样下去,势必会是两败俱伤的结局。 However no one will flinch, on the one hand for dignity, on the one hand to relieve curse, they have not the retractile faith. 但是谁也不会退缩的,一方面是为了尊严,一方面是为了解除诅咒,他们都有着不可退缩的信念。
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