DMWG :: Volume #49

#4710: The memory of hawk

Comes back well.” “回来就好。” Jiang Chen's look, silently is staring at hawk, at this time his in the heart also shocked extremely, because he has not thought that hawk really brought back to life unexpectedly. 江尘的眼神,默默的凝望着洛莺,这个时候他的心中也是极为震撼的,因为他没想到洛莺竟然真的起死回生了。 Moreover, she as if inherited the body of secondary rainbow phoenix, this point, making people feel unthinkably. 而且,她似乎继承了霓凰的身体,这一点,让人感觉匪夷所思。 However in any event, came back then well, is living well then. 但是无论如何,回来了便好,活着便好。 In the Jiang Chen's look covered entirely the tender feelings, looks to hawk, at this moment, hawk is also staring at Jiang Chen, four eyes contact, is soft. 江尘的眼神之中布满了柔情,望向洛莺,此时此刻,洛莺也是凝望着江尘,四目相对,柔情似水。 Hawk has not thought, oneself can also see again/goodbye to Jiang Chen, other carve at that time, two people like passing through the eternity, passed through the reunion of ten thousand years years to be the same, in the heart is not not sadly happy, closely supports, looks at each other speechless. 洛莺也没有想到,自己还能够再见江尘,彼时彼刻,两个人就如同穿越了千古,穿越了万载岁月的重逢一样,心中无喜无悲,紧紧相拥,无言相顾。 Hawk these re-enters peak time, and seized to abandon the body of secondary rainbow phoenix, was the same like quite the same as Tiancheng/as if made by Heaven, the strength was also the star level sevenfold day, such strength, even has exceeded own father pond night rain. 洛莺这一次重回巅峰,并且夺舍了霓凰的身体,就如同浑然天成一样,实力也是达到了恒星级七重天,这样的实力,甚至已经超越了自己的父亲池夜雨。 The pond night rain whole face is gratified, strength secondary, so long as the daughter can live is being stronger than anything, at this time he can also go back to confess oneself wife. 池夜雨满脸欣慰,实力都是次要的,只要女儿能活着就比什么都强,这个时候他也可以回去交代自己的夫人了。 Star level sevenfold day, if is really is reborn.” “恒星级七重天,果真是脱胎换骨呀。” Six keel coiled dragons are everywhere dignified, the strength of hawk, making him feel that suffocation, never expected that hawk had not only died, but also turns misfortune into a blessing, obtained the body of secondary rainbow phoenix, the bath hot rebirth, this is the true luck. 六脊蟠龙满目凝重,洛莺的实力,让他都感觉到了窒息,没想到洛莺不仅没死,还因祸得福,得到了霓凰的躯体,浴火重生,这就是真正的运气。 This time, I have not held back to you.” “这一次,我没有给你拖后腿了。” Hawk chuckle was saying, raised the head looks to Jiang Chen. 洛莺轻笑着说道,抬起头看向江尘 I suspected that you are running on a bank me.” “我怀疑你这是在挤兑我。” Jiang Chen touches the nose saying that his strength the star level double day, compared with hawk, these missed a big truncation time. 江尘摸了摸鼻子说道,他的实力才恒星级二重天,比起洛莺,这一次可是差了一大截。 I protect you.” “那我保护你呀。” Saying that hawk vows solemnly. 洛莺信誓旦旦的说道。 Initially my fleshly body destruction, but had not actually died thoroughly, my soul can preserve, finally unexpected happening body fusion with secondary rainbow phoenix when one, even I very curious, the father said I am born, there is Phoenix to take possession, evidently I with secondary rainbow phoenix, if really has the enormous fate.” “当初我的肉身覆灭了,但是却并没有彻底死去,我的灵魂得以保存下来,最后鬼使神差的与霓凰的身体融合在了一起,连我都十分的好奇,父亲说我降生之时,有凤凰附体,看样子我与霓凰,果真是有着极大的缘分。” Hawk nods slightly, the dignity on face, can be seen in speech and appearance, she can the bath hot rebirth, be lucky secondary rainbow phoenix, otherwise is impossible dead and be reborn. 洛莺微微颔首,脸上的凝重,溢于言表,她能够浴火重生,多亏了霓凰,否则的话根本不可能死而复生。 All these, as if are the fate fates.” “这一切,似乎都是缘分定数啊。” Jiang Chen muttered was saying, if were not they strikes to kill the secondary rainbow phoenix, or Churlot hawk will not have such opportunity, if hawk has not come back to life taking advantage of the corpse, with the body rebirth of secondary rainbow phoenix, they were impossible to live, all these, probably a fate, indispensable. 江尘喃喃着说道,如果不是他们击杀了霓凰,或许洛莺也不会有这样的机会,如果洛莺没有借尸还魂,用霓凰的身体重生,他们也就根本不可能活下来了,这一切,都像是一场定数,缺一不可。 Yes, until now, I have a feeling of another era feeling.” “是啊,直到现在,我还有种恍如隔世的感觉呢。” Hawk said. 洛莺说道。 Big Brother Jiang, who is he?” 江大哥,他是谁?” „An old bastard.” “一个老混蛋。” Jiang Chen said. 江尘道。 You the old bastard, your entire family is the old bastard.” “你才老混蛋呢,你全家都是老混蛋。” Yang Guo old eyes god narrows the eyes, on mouth saying of unwilling to forgive. 杨国老眼神微眯,嘴上不依不饶的说道。 Now, you thought that you can also rob the treasure from my hand? The inheritance of galaxy Great Emperor, I win.” “现在,你觉得你还能从我手中抢走宝贝了吗?星河大帝的传承,我志在必得。” Jiang Chen looks straight ahead Yang Guolao to say. 江尘直视着杨国老说道。 Jiang Chen is very clear, now the danger has not vanished, at this time fought with Yang Guolao again rashly, no one knows that what danger will then encounter, the azure snake, the tian gou, the secondary rainbow phoenix, the bell protectors, are protecting the galaxy Great Emperor grave, he does not know actually completely then to face what hindrance. 江尘很清楚,现在危险始终都没有消失,这个时候再贸然跟杨国老交手,谁也不知道接下来会遇到什么样的危险,青蛇,天狗,霓凰,一个个的银铃守护者,都是守护着星河大帝的墓冢,他完全不知道接下来究竟会面对什么样的阻碍。 Even arrived at the place of inheritance, they still might the life perish in this. 即便是来到了传承之地,他们仍旧有可能会命殒于此。 Hehehe, the old man I am the intention have also decided that wish makes me give way before difficulties, you did not have this strength, although the strength of this girl is very strong, but I do not fear you, except for him, who can fight with me?” “嘿嘿嘿,老头儿我也是心意已决,想要让我知难而退,你们还没这个实力,虽然这小妮子的实力很强,但是我可不怕你们,除了他,谁能与我一战?” Yang Guolao saying with a laugh, they are unable to do to anyone at this time, moreover Yang Guolao is clearly more confident, why although Jiang Chen will not know the self-confidence of this old fogy such fan. 杨国老笑呵呵的说道,这个时候他们双方都无法奈何谁,而且杨国老显然更有信心,尽管江尘也不知道为什么这个老家伙会这么迷之自信。 I have not grasped exceed him.” “我没有把握胜过他。” Hawk looks to Jiang Chen, sound transmission said. 洛莺看向江尘,传音说道。 Such being the case, we might as well cooperate, can laugh last finally as for whom, looks at the respective good fortune. As the saying goes, the enemy of enemy is a friend, we place in the dangerous situation, if not join up, meets tian gou azure snake such Great Monster again, we possibly died to live.” “既然如此,那我们不如合作了,至于最后谁能够笑到最后,就看各自的造化了。俗话说得好,敌人的敌人就是朋友,我们都身处险境之中,如果不联合起来的话,再遇到天狗青蛇这样的大妖,我们可能都没命活了。” Jiang Chen indifferently said. 江尘淡淡说道 This saying also calculates listens, gā gā gā. However do not have ulterior motives, I may tell you, the old man I am not affable, gā gā gā.” “这话还算中听,嘎嘎嘎。不过你可别心怀鬼胎,我可告诉你,老头儿我可不是好惹的,嘎嘎嘎。” Yang Guolao confident saying, even if this forms an alliance to him, immaterial, but Jiang Chen they are not at least keeping thinking about themselves frequently, many friend always compares many enemy to be better, they do not know that actually galaxy Great Emperor also does have the subsequent hand, their front seems like the vast stretch of flat land, possibly is the undercurrent surges actually. 杨国老信心十足的说道,哪怕这个结盟对于他来说,无关紧要,但是至少江尘他们不会时时刻刻惦记着自己,多一个朋友总比多一个敌人要好,他们都不知道星河大帝究竟还有没有后手,他们面前看似一马平川,实则可能是暗流涌动。 That then walks, who can say/way treasure, respectively depending on skill.” “那便走吧,谁能的道宝贝,就各凭本事了。” Jiang Chen sinking sound said. 江尘沉声道。 Hawk has followed side Jiang Chen's, although their present strengths are not Yang Guolao can compare, the words that but star level sevenfold day Yang Guolao wants, can catch up except for hawk, others do not help matters. 洛莺一直跟在江尘的身边,他们现在的实力虽然不是杨国老能比的,但是恒星级七重天的杨国老想要走的话,除了洛莺能追上,其他人根本无济于事。 We crossed this mountain to say again.” “我们还是翻过了这座大山再说吧。” pond Yeyu said. 池夜雨说道。 Said well, now we are also confused, crossed this mountain, crosses this range, at present is the genuine peak.” “说得不错,现在我们也是一头雾水,翻过这座山,越过这道岭,眼前就是真正的高峰。” Yang Guolao saying with a laugh, the old god , a face is spirited. 杨国老笑呵呵的说道,老神在在,一脸神气。 These bells were all broken!” “那些银铃全都碎了!” Hawk sinking sound said, Jiang Chen looks to that mountain, saw this, these before vibrated bell, really broke to pieces. 洛莺沉声说道,江尘望向那座大山,也看到了这一幕,那些之前震动不已的银铃,果然都碎了。 „After this behind that big mountain, certainly has the thing that we want, matter cannot be delayed, gā gā gā.” “这座大山背后,一定有我们想要的东西,事不宜迟,嘎嘎嘎。” Yang Guolao pushes to the front, to forefront. 杨国老一马当先,冲在最前面。 Big Brother Jiang.” 江大哥。” Hawk low and deep say/way. 洛莺低沉道。 Does not need to worry, after this mountain, the true treasure, I had not inherited the memory of secondary rainbow phoenix part, after this mountain, will have many roads.” “不必着急,这座大山之后,并没有真正的宝贝,我继承了霓凰部分的记忆,在这片大山之后,会有很多路。” That following? To where?” “那接下来呢?通往哪里?” Jiang Chen looks to hawk, if she can know that there security, naturally was best. After all she once inherited the memory of secondary rainbow phoenix. 江尘看向洛莺,如果她能够知道那里安全的话,自然是最好了。毕竟她曾继承了霓凰的记忆。 Hawk shakes the head, she is not clear, because in own memory, is only the fragmentary fragments, does not inherit the memory of secondary rainbow phoenix. 洛莺摇了摇头,她也不清楚,因为自己的记忆之中,也都只是零星的碎片而已,并不是完全继承了霓凰的记忆。 Now at present this mountain, making her have the inexplicable constriction, but why actually does not know. 现在眼前这座大山,让她有种莫名的压迫感,但是却并不知道因何而来。 I don't know either, but at least front does not have the treasure, the memory of secondary rainbow phoenix, only stays here, but I know that which road should take.” “我也不知道,但是至少前面没有宝贝,霓凰的记忆,也只停留在这里,不过我知道该走哪条路。” Since this old fogy worries, that makes him lead the way in front, we are also glad idly. Hahaha.” “既然这个老家伙这么着急,那就让他在前面开路吧,我们也乐得清闲。哈哈哈。” Jiang Chen shows a faint smile, in the look brings to wipe meaningful flavor. 江尘微微一笑,眼神之中带着一抹意味深长的味道 Has hawk, they will not at least take the long route. 有洛莺在,至少他们不会多走冤枉路。
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